The Athens daily banner. (Athens Ga.) 1879-1881, January 23, 1880, Image 1

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fJUttr <mlkx:>a i: w: Clarke, m*oon«l Monday April mid Oe- thTil Moml.iv Gwinnett, tctuLcr. llabcruliut tobcr. Hull, third Mon lav bcr. J«ek*on, Au|'iu*t. OoHtuoo, iturth Momlav July. lfabun, fourth Momlav tol»or. Wallop, third Momlav Ausruijt. White. Momlav after the fourth Monday April and Octolw* April and Oc March and Kcplt-tii Monday in February and In January and in April and Oe- i in February ami ATLANTA & CHARLOTTE Air* Railway. Passenger Department' -£A-T.C A-]N T T.A i —TO— OITI£ia! CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On k'.<i uftcr June lht, ls7i>, Trains will r on this road as lollowt*, ^oinu Hast: JJrAmvAr.n. Arrive at a Leave Lula <1.4» a IWKSTWAllIl.J Arrive at Lula 7.4." v GOING EAST. LOCAL’niEttlUT 1 WKHTWAUIi. Arrive at Lula TltltOl'GII KUKTOIIT 1 Arrive al Lula Leave "iGloae connection at Atlanta tor all points West and Southwest. Connecting at < Uiurlottc l for all points East. Through Tickets I at ‘Gainesville, Seneca City, Greenville and "{Spartanburg to all points East and West, i G. J. FOKKACKK, General Manager. |. J. HOUSTON, Gen. Ticket Ajr’t, brgia Rail Road Company noticing Sunday, Oct. Mh Trains will mIows : ^ |nUrvilla 1**4‘» a m HWO a u teh a u j 11.35 A M kilo.... A 11.21 ... ,.11.45 a 247 1 1.15 v Close connections made at s fori all points North and b South, hi., Pass., Agl. I S. K. Jciinron, Snpt. cm Railroad. Rrtlicustern Hail road onjnml ICtli ls7«, trains on ttiis road daily except Sunday. 8.50 1*. M. rt.20 1*. M. 10.30 l'JM. ,.7 3.30 1*. M. 7.40 I*. M. lo.oo 1*. M. ■us also connects closely at Lula ■ bound trains on A. L.ILK. Is ninl Saturdays the following I will l»u run : 0.45 A. M. 8.45 A. M. VM A. M. 11.30 A. M. loimccts closely at Lula for At tho time to Atlanta l-fivo minute*. only four Dr. James \Y. Stinson ami .Miss Martha L. Jackson were married in Upson county the 1-hli of January, 1n>0, ami on tlie 14th of this month im \ cidohraietl liie fiftieth anniversa ry * i ’itcir marriago l v a sumptuous enti r.ii .mci.t at their present home in Meriwcliur c.mmy, to wliich fyeir children, gra:m- chil itvn ami great-* graiuKchiidrcn, ...i-i moil* neighbors ami friends wcr.: iav tod. From tlie Meriwether 17wUeatur we lake the following interesting umuiu; of the pleasant occasion: Arriving at tin* country mansion <4 the hospitable pair aboir 111 o'clock, this reporter found the large open space in front of tiro residence crowd ed with carriages anil buggies. Driv ing to the gate we were kindly met by Mr. Den F.Tigner and escorted to the house. At the threshold the good Doctor greeted ns with a real old fashioned welcome, while Mrs. Stinson in her genuine motherly man ner took charge of our silent partner, who was so overcome by the cordial reception that sh ■ I'snmi her.tongue •At once. The neiglibots, numbs. • mg !• ‘.ween U'J and faitiilk • scniMcd ; warm lit* the various rooms and with tlie little game* and mirtldul romps of the hap- py ch.l Iren, the sportive jest* of the younger people and the .soberer eons verse of the sturdy farmers and graver matrons, everybody setyued as happy as they could be. Busy lingers in a cosy nook were noticed weaving a handsome wreath for the bride of fifty had a •s were 1 years while the happy gloom i siepp’mg from room to l ooui iin group to gr up, made and at home by pleasauti'j at dowy las 1 /Wednesday. The turkeys, i pjhieoed ducks and other fowls w ere done o a turn, the pus-* lards and pies jjaro such as Mrs the. hyllabub **tfeo cakes seemed u} auanlij/. We Vu of o .ku ho lir^ china sol ed, Tilly years bought to giacoa ,r. .Stinson had in- distinguished among Vann Hons. A. II 1 amb&jKud J. Dailey. Stinson oftlv was just right, w endless in variety enjoyed the plea] from a plate, on Mrs. Htingoti evq old,' tho act bein' supper to whiqhfcl vited avuutuuei fried di ( ha;.; Dinner rfver ji m * every one in tin. best humor, j> sfy^Und reminiscences were freely luUcIged, tl^ well pre* served trunk th: trousseau of 18; by somcoi measuiviu it to he L’l an averagi oval phap rallied on theorize di a lot of nici two silk drj lady, **we cow contained the bridal .being brought out r company. A sly [pid relic showed g, 11 wide and the top being Stinson being her trunk, said r, for it contained lung, including ? 4 HMy !’* said a little scarcely get one call* dress in it oj the pro-cut style*’’ Dot the doctor. 1 affirmed that in her silks Airs. .Stinson was handsomer than any of the bcllL <>;' thin generation and twice :ia After the mar* tinge hi 18o0 tt-j good doctor carried h:« bride homoJin a two wheeled gig, the littleJt-runkfresling safely beneath tho ^ ‘ moved to Alert- lore fhe 1h[^I9bU 111 c 'd his servants ti.o h’.jiUrcds, ran away up into _ pauy assembled itiRiu spacious parlor smoke JioWjPj5m| annually filled to ami nitu* some old time and lively ovullowing , nii ^slaves well fed, the piano, including “Ha^te to warmly clothed-hud kindly cared for, the Wedding,’’ Doctor and Airs, were L.l, sleok iiis busi- Slittsou took their pi .ee.- in tile ecu- ness alia.ra lhoviug on like a well regs ter, Judge K. T. C. Tin ker support- ulated piece of machinery. For ah tho Doctor and Airs. Campbell this grand success the doctor is large- acting as first lady for Mrs. ,S., when, ly indebted to the good wile he sc- it being Leap Year, Mrs Stinson look cured January the i it It, 1830. advantage of its privileges and ad- Alter tho war, when tho S..uth dressing the Doctor, said: 4 *i'iMy' -ecmul ruined brews ami age<| 4 at,- years ago I promised to love, honor pie all over tiio haul were giving up and obey you, to keep you in sickness j m despair, Airs. Ibtinsoji encouraged and in health and forsaking all others j her hatband by telling him that they to cleave t'o you so long as we both could do very well without their ser- sliould live. Have l kept my vows?” vn.nt*, and acting on i his idea and With feeling ami emphasis lim loving with her old time energy and spirit, husband responded: ‘‘Yen, in every tho Dr. and Airs. Stinson have saved jot and little.” From tho minister j frunf the wreck quite a handsome cal couple ; that filled id fii-md* who stood in front of tho and from every luting he. senility went forth syrnj spouses to the hnppinc the hearts of the t wain, : diclicu and prayer that t! spared to each other and the child)cu, ncighbois that love them so well. Fifty year-of wed-1'.d bliss! *Ti? long WoUo for twu loving Ik arts to enjoy the comnniniou and comforting consolabon of each other’s love and society. Through fierce trials, stormy troubles and long, exhaustive wars they have passed baud in hand. Fitly milestones on Ike’s pilgrimage have they counted in company; half a country of wedded blirs have they known. Faithful in the highest s.nso have they boon each to tho other. Witnessing their evident love raid teem for one another before us wo thought «< propriatc lines: estate and a priuceiy incone. Who can estimate fne value of a good wife? Dr. .Stinson at 83 says diamonds and rubies can not approximate her Worth. Airs. .Stinson told a story on the Doctor that he laughingly said lie could not remember. It seems before !us marriage ho taught school a por« tion or one ve pr« wile. On is they stood the poet’s ap “Tii With heart COlJ, pretty Miss Maiihu “laughed out” and was sternly sum • moued before the master* As lie was proceeding to reprimand the lonely culprit slm stopped proceedings by ex claiming: ‘‘Now, Jim, you promised if I’d come to school i«> you that you would not punish me!’’ This raised, a laugh in school-in which tho teacher was forced to join and the mischievous little lady css caped by her timely reminder. \\ hiie wo were laughing over the in cident the doctor admiringly whis pered, “oh, she has always been re markable lor her presence of mind, ever equal to any emergency that might niiae.” Four geaeintioi.s were repre sented at this happy family reunion, ar.d while joy seemed to per vade the heart! of all, the eyes of the aged couple would lid with teais as busy recollections recalled the loved ones who had preceded them to the Happy Land. f In Macon J. T. Austin cut Mr, Huntcf, a butcher, scurely about the head and neck. Tho visitor to Washington, Geor gia, has probably noticed, on the way from the depot to his hotel, a line old place, now descrtqdy allied. Ilaywnhd. For many years it was} <iceupied by a wealthy Southern fam ily. There is an a veil no of fine trees ending, Just in front of the phiKza, with a niugbififcit whitcoak, an old Wa.V ijp*J lu^VaVod garden otune Vide, and in tho grovo n beautiful stream- 1 of water. The mansion, now almost in ruins, was nothing but a plain country home, with a long pia/oca, and with exquisite views from the windows. It was the residence of Judgo Garnett Andrews, whose name, with those who knew him, re vives the recollection of unsftUicd in tegrity. The family circle was a very cultivated ouo. Few men have appreciated intelli gence in women as did Judge An drews and his daughter. Funny was, iu consequence, a reader from her childhood. No ouo ever imagined, in tlie bloom of Fanny Andrews* youth, that she would ever leave the privacy in which Southern girls were so carefully reared to try her fortune in the world of books. She was never handsome, lint she is an < legaut looking woman, Dili a line, expressive face. Iler Grecian nose gives the features an iulelkctunl appearance. Slio horsed says, people call her hair “auburn,’’ to her face, but “ red*’ behind her back. It is pale, auburn, and is becomingly ar ranged in Unify pulls. She is ol me\ dium height, with a graceful, woman ly figure, and tier carriage is very erect and dignified. She is always well dressed ; indict, she confesses to a feminine love Of dress. Her man ners and conversation are charming, fake litecirysubjecLs unless some one else introduces them*. oi tho author, that the ft iner is her favorite character. The villagers, among who|P|Iiss. A. lives, who aro very fond and proud of her, think one trait of Mildred Lorinir like her: tho firing like her; tho cool, quiet, Womanly courage with which, .standing in IIiq ruin? of her home, she faced and fought inevitable . misfortune. “A Mere *Tdventurer” slmwi a up-irked impivvemeut in finishjover its predecessor. There is an artistio I cs straint, a freedom from exaggeration in it, which aro, admirable. The J&ikdelphia Ilwnc Nujazine *a& of U, “tlie snar}> inaiglit into tl.^ the world, and the bits ofVfBSom scattered abundantly through .the pages, would do credit to Thackeray, while the fine expression reminds’ us constantly of George Eliot. As to the mere execution, it reminds us of noth ing so much as beautiful picc.s of .em broidery in which every thread is. in its place, with no ends left hangirigj’ The last sentence contains high, but discriminating praise. ° . 'A'ho novels of Aliss Andrews, espe cially the last, have met with far more flattering notice at the North than at the f^cuth. Hie favorable reviews from Northern pens might bo mista ken, but they certainly could not ru- suit from partiality. “A Mere' Ad venturer” lias been more praised in fastidious Boston than in an other place, but it lias received very wide commendation. The Chicago limes even says, in a notice too long to copy in lull, “there is so much force, natur alness, and dash ia it, that if the au thor does not keep on her gnaid, she will ouo of these days startle us with the long expected and still dilatory, ‘Great American Novel.’” And to .show tlie wide circulation and praise the book has obtained in places where an undisguised Foutlieru woman— probably an unrepentant rebel—could hardly ho expected to receive wide'* served praise, the San Francisco (’/iron. i»We, in a very Thu dishonest speculations of men L„„ L,,,,,,,,.!, .1 i.„. i.-.i i. I.:. I ' Ui,Ul whom her lather had trusted with hi. property, caused the ruin of his fam ily, and caused Miss Andrews to do* pend for her living on her own exer tions. She never wanted to write books. Sho declares she began with the most sordid motives. She was rvim-d, and she wanted money. But she became" interested, now takes a hearty pleasure in writing, and ho- guilts many sad or lonely hours thin - mg over the imaginary fortunes of her lidrocs. She is regarded as a very attractive pci son in select society; Is, from heY* looks, perhaps thirty years old and, I am told, is belter looking than in her early youth. 1 learn that her moth er, who was a beautiful woman, was very handsome at sixty years of ago, aim her daughter will, therefore, prob ably retain her freshness a long lime au i he a charming old woman. Miss Andrews is, at present, an in male of lho Washington Hotel, a 1,1 pleasant, old-fashioned country-tav ern sort of building, with a iong par//.a ll certainly ought to have a swinging sign to complete its appearance of ans tiquity. it is well kept, with good, sub stantial fare, well cooked and exqui sitely neat. It is a good place to stop over Sunday, especially if one lais letters to the fair authoress, who is not inaccessible to persons well ret ommcnUud. It is understood, how ever, that Miss Andrews intends sooii to purchase a homo of her own. will close it with-* favorable verdict unifold merits.’’ 1 have quoted these pas-ages be cause I thought your Georgia readers might tike to hear what those out-ido critics say of a Georgia novelist. As lor the lad)* herself, she has been no ticed iu article*!, short and long, in so nianyfinaga/iues and papers all over tiio country, that she is probably now no. very much excited by either praisQ Wmue. Traveler ItEHAItKAHLE SHE! L KXl’LOSlU.YJ A day or two *inco an old, um x* plodcd shell,, left probably when .Sto,Ionian was raptured, was found near Griswoldvil!e, on the place of Mr. Dulkcom, by a party of little dar kies. It was taken from them by their lather and hidden, as bethought, a safe place. It was, however, on last Saturday discovered once more by the little negrom, who took it to an md Besides magazine contributions, she lias published two novels, “A Family Secret,” and “A Merc A<1 venturer.’’ Tho fust was given to the public at a lime of great financial depression, but the Messrs. Lippincott say it was the most successful beck they published that year. The first novel depended more on the interest of the plot; tiio lust turns on aconfiistof feeling. Her characters arc spirited, ami seem drawn from the life. In “A More Adventurer,” Mr. Thomas ilonlow certainly K a-* the Chicago Times says, “drawn with consummate skill.’* lie is not simply an unmitigated vil- lniu. 11 is honesty ami good, vulgar traits contrasted with his utter want of refined sensibility, are admirably depicted. The bov, Leroy, end tho til, Fannv. are buihlvery vivid cro • ■ VI by itions In fact, I am told by friends open place : upon it with an as when the charge e; iible noise, killing darkies instanllv, »nmnncc«l heating a tti break it open, piodexl with a ti i r- one of the little and dangerously woumiing the other two, literally scalping one of them along the whole front of his .skull. One of the two survivors is not expected to live. The slu’d had been lying exposed about fifteen years. NEVER AGAIN. (NJilluJ^cvilli live*>r4i r, 2'jtli.) Farewell !—Yesterday Georgia’s old and venerable Cnjiilol put otfits political garments forever, nnil as sumed the iligmlicd toga of tho Arts aiid Sciences. Tho blatant dema gogue, and trading political trickster, will never again pollute its sacred Halls. Minerva holds her court where Mercury and Midas reigned so long. l!..l never u hifc Ihtstars twinkle and tlie rivers Georgians wk to hold m'nouorcd rememo loanee tiio mnssivo old structure, whoso ancient walls havo trembled' with appiaase, from tho days of grand old Troup to tho las t honest words of tho nohlo Jenkins. Vale ct'Vale. All i nif the risia { stm! in