The Athens daily banner. (Athens Ga.) 1879-1881, January 23, 1880, Image 2

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* Athens, January, 23, 1880. miiwwiL t papS* filled with Iu publish* t first, Georgia IRSlir tieles from our < xchaugcs to reproduce for our read* < ra wo always look first through the Georgia papers, of which wo get nearly every one. -Heuce it is that I ho Banner this morning Is exclusive* ly Georgian. It is mo doubt the only I xclusivc Georgia paper in the State today. Look ovor the other |>aporf jn your reach. You will find them j lied largely with worthless, spiua- lioual, and in totuo casco indecent matter reproduced from northern I beets and transmitted over the wires Ly what is called the Associated Press Agency, whose headquarters are in Kcw York. The Banner gives you, in place of such stulf, the news of your f.wn town, your own state, your own neighbors. Instead of placing before •*ou and your family the details of some revolting crime or demoralizing scan •Ini it prints the interesting account that a Georgia paper gives of a Gcor- •pa Go’din Weddii.g. Is it not a pleasing and profitable picture to con* template,—that cheery old couple in Meriwether county, after journeying together through fifty years of wed* <lcd life, celebrating tbo fiftieth auni- \orsary of their weddingsday ■with their children, grand-children, gieat'grand-ehildrcn, and ,* loving neighbors around them? And do you not feel a true Geor* gimps pride in the noble and talented woman so graphically sketched by the correspondent of our Georgia fpaper, The tSmwy t South ? Hadn’t the girls of Georgia far better lake her for a model than the ^tainted, beflowered and bediainond* •id creatures who nightly throng the •salons of Fashion, and whoso highest ambition is to be gazetted lo the world as surpassing all others in the tinsel trappings ot the milliner and the jeweler’s glittering baubles ? Thu words of the Millodgc* \ille paper on the occasion of the con version of the old enpitol into a school building are few and short but elo* ejucnt with memories of a glorious past. It is a building around which Georgians’ loudest and proudest memories cluster, and wo feel that it could he used for no nobler purpose than as a school-house whoro Georgia youths of to-day are prepared to maintain the commonwealth’s ancient renown,—achieved for her by the 'Titans of old who trod those halls Athenian though you be, you are obliged to yield your admiration to our plucky little sister town on the other side of the Stato that 1ms enter ed so dauntlossly into the contest with larger and wealthier cities for that rich prize, the Normal School. If pluck and public spirit win, Newnan will be tbo fortunate place. Lucy t’oUU Institute X«d»*. 'There are rival secret societies at the L. 0. I.,—the “II. S. D.” and tho “Indian.” The latter has lieen recently re-organized l\v Jfhe young ladies of classes ’70 and *77. The young ladies are anxious for T)f. Lane to resume his lectures in Botany and Astronomy. The Seniors and Juniors arc looking forward with much pleasure to the ,College, anniversaries. Some have already received the Domosthcnian invitations, and are charmed with their neatness and beauty. There i#tubbing to break the tno* notonjmKjol*days now bat the nnticlpiHHBf a Soiree Musicale nozt mpntb; * r There wasromothmir said last year about the Seniors publishing a paper. —'Why was tho idea given up ? Miss Lena Mattox, of this county, is to*go to Lucy Cobh Instil nte—Ath ens, soon.—Elbert*™ dinette. /.tit Em- At a meeting of tho Vestry of Emmanuel Church, Alli. us, Georgia; bold oil Tuesday ever iog Jan. 20ib,* the following Minute end HFsqjgJ tion were adopted: a ... It has pleased Almighty G »d iu his wise Providence ffcfecnll hour*. lift he very midst of hisl®vity ami uaduN ness Major Thomas*. Burke, tho into Junior Warden of this parish. While wo bow without a murmur be fore this mysterious act of tho Divide Sovereignty, we do yet deem it lining to give utterance to our grief; mid to place on record be it but a simple me morial of our appreciation of oar de ceased friend and brother. Major Burke died on Friday nioiv • ingjnst after a painful illness of three mouths which he bore with ehri-tian fortitude and resignation. For leu years he has been a member *»f the Vestry of Emmanuel Uhurcli, acting soiiio time as Treasurer, then as Sec retary. ami lately as Junior Warden. ft J i \ •. i.. , I, riMiir, i , v. mauu, n. u. v. He TO also unt, very reeemly he ; < UMUtrict, J. I). Hun- Superintendent of the .Sunday *cfi.,o . | ;(>| .. ^ h Whatley ; 3d. Jno. D. ‘ I .Simms ; -I'.li, I)r, K. 0. Divine; 6tli, ’! !>r. 1. K. W.Smithj 7ili, Park W. I Aniohl; (irimtville, T. K Zellers; ‘ I Ilurriean, J. H. Summers; Panther j Ciei h, I):-. .lohu/Htarr; CedarCreek, i -I. i*. lieese. I,is i C. D. SMITH, (hiairman ot Committee. pc»ti e and furujh the means of edu eating our eliiHren at home. Wo must have it. ail prescut we have i vory advnntaA over any point in Georgia. This U universally couced- ed, and the 1'ijmmitteu which will Mion aet oiStklithaiuer will consider ail tlia fiicts wUBJrgo to substantiate our superior cRuin- It wo lose this opportunity, it -will bo our own fault. I am authorized by the Committee recently appointed to solicit subscrip, lions to i-'ue this appeal to every man, woman and child in the county and to earnestly n 'lUeat every friend of the city and county to be on hand at the time and piano suggested'by Maj. U. II. Wilkinson iiwthe last issue of tho 1st Tuesday in February. In tile name of those who are to fol low us and in the name of nil that adds to our wea tli and happiness we urge the people o coino up and con tribute liberally to this great enter prise. The folk wing committee are rwpiested to irici t at tho Grand Jury room in Newnim on Saturday tho 25th inet.: Town district, 0. I). Smith, H. C. Fisher, i*. F. .Sajlth, W. B. Orr, B. Few can present a fairer or more able record of earnest and faith! ui deuvor; and only those who knew intimately could appreciate his vn excellencies of eharacler. We eu mind—already as tilings of the i and tu lie hallowed in our nivniorii his uniform courtesy of maimer, genial disposition, his blithe 1: nd, greeting of a friend, his singleness of heart, liis child-like siui]iiiu.iy, l.i- rugged integrity iu all his .1. adiigs, | his unselfislmess, his proverbial - ‘ rosity, his pure and blameless life,! his zeal lor the hit. rests ot j tile Church, his loyally I. du ty in every form, his piomptne.-s. v-1 er to respond lo tile appeal of chari-I ty, Ilia self..sacrificing activilwhcilnr ■ iu tile interests of private lriend-iup. i or ofilic community at ,.n-jc, m.d above nil iliut inbuilt ami.iu -- tvhieli led him to think no evil *>! Ins I, and made him as ready lo ! atone for any error lie may have emu-; milted as lie was ready to I . go nay wrong done him. We mourn sincerely over our lu-s. Wo shall miss his genial presence! and bis ready counsel. And yei. iu J our grief we are constrained to lie tliat our loss is his gain. In our grief, wo hear the soothing voice Horn ' Heaven saying : Blossod ara the dead who die in the Lord, lor they rest from their labors and tin ir works do follow them. Best! Word most ex pressive aud most appropriate here! Of our deceased friend it may well be said: After lilu's fitful lever he sleeps well! He fought Ur: r-de bat tle of life til! his arms fell wearily at bis side ami the Master in mercy called him home. Nor let us mourn that he seems to have been summoned away in the midst of his usefulness, tbid a!one knows when the mission o! life is ful filled* To one He accords the lull measure of the three score years au*i; ten; another is stricken down in die j very plenitude of his powers and his ! activity. Y/m dealings mm* inseiata-i bio but we know that mercy shapes 5 them all. None c:u deny tho puw r; of an exemplary life. “ A go*«! 1.1 .0 ! is better than great riche.*,” nud such ; is the legacy bequeathed to hi -i.dty, to the (Jhurcli, and to us all !». • nr late associate. Be it therefore J Jiisulretf, That the above innate ! bespread upon the lvcord** <•; :nc parish; that it he publi.livd : . Churchman, and in the 11 this city, and that a copy of tue same duly engrossed, be sent to the family of die deceased with the assurance ol • ur sincero sympathy in tin ir grmt U- reaveuiont. By order of the Vestry, 0. I*. Wir.l.cow Senior Warden. | d’l.l’t'KY .little XEW.NAX. Slu* Is in Eg nr--! ..limit the Xornial Sc!e»!»1, j The Newnan Jfvmld puhlid.e- tie | following call: “7b the Citfocus oj' Cotnetu ('<i ty: A golden prize is dearly within f your grasp. The Stale Nonnai Sdiool | be lcca cd in Georgia, and News ; nan will receive favorable con.-idera-! tion by the Committee which m< ets j in Wiwhington,JD. C\, Fc l'aary 18:it, | 1880. This institution it located in Newnan will increase the value of real estate [in the county, at least t wen tvs five per cent. It will airmail a reaily mmket to the tltrujers tor -all their surplus products. It will give Newnan a population of tea .thousand within the next ten years and will drop into her lap more than forty thousand dollars per annum in appropriations* It will make our city an cdue.uhnal I.!« •- 0:1 On* IMUh of Major Uurke. [The following“1ines were composed y a bright little girl of Athens, not twelve years* old .j E * . , ijott pntltMit sufferer 1 l\t . Hint wtra Jmvo iiUMd atrny; r.•.«,'!! the ilreary uarknew •hitieth i .i .1 uiito the perfect d*y. ASSFQT BL recoz*. GBH/.TEST GOM.'vIiJIiGIAIi OO.MBINA'i lOfl OF Till; AGbi! Etei nal Visiliiiico lltc Only S aro Gimriiii'er of tiie Best iict. ;aiji-i Having fiaiin il n direct combi nation between ilia best standard lino of goods mid I he lowest pri ces to lie found in this or any other market, wo now present to tho people of Athens and North east Georgia, tho greatest advan tages over beforo oiicrod in tl is market in oar particular line of business, l.’emember eternal vig ilance is the only sure guarantee of tile he.-: burg lins, ami then watch tins column for the next thirty' days, and you will be con vinced that the iiest bargains to be now obtained in Athens are to be had at Parker. 0’1’ai .Tli fx Co’s Gnvy’s Specific Medicine v r ;i , rr:acz maric UmIi Ef! • *I»1 earth’a quiet bosom daveiuid thee down to aleep •’s guard urouud thee. . ir faithful watches keen. never, no never Jorget thee, .011 ndM-t well thy part, Ice I but nil too deeply dvu lust a noble heurt. NAIin.XA!. SL’RUICAL IXSTITl’TE. ()no ot the staff of theis old and no* table institutions* will • 'visit Athens .Ian. 2(J and 27, 1880, stopping at tho i Newton House. The object ol this visit is to give ; the alllicicd*nn o^jitfrtunity fop an ox* aininntion at or near their homes, j , ’ms saving hopeless eases j the expense of a .trip to Ats Ian:a. A careful examination will be made, and patients can leant if their c 'sc> are curable or can be benefitlcd, ' .mil whether it will be necessary for them lo visit the institute. In such cases as can bo cured or treatment bes gun at hoato arrangements will be made with our visiting surgeon, and treatment commenced at once. Ex*» umimitioM free* F.ises ot Deformities and Chronic Di-cases will be examined—such as 01 ul> Feet, Hip, Spine and Joints. Par;lysis, Piles, Fistula, Catarrh, Fe male and private diseases, and diseas* os <»t* the Eye Ear, «fcc. *Ti-*~Come early* as the visit is litn* it; d to tho time stated. For full par* tiiMilars address N v no-v.M. Surgical Institute, Atlanta Georgia. MAltKkT REPORT. C.irvettN! Dally by. Knives. fXidmlMoii & Co, Atiikns, Jniiuurj 22 i Mabkkt.—1*H !ai(kkt.-M7-S M \i:ki:t—<! Ij-Ii’kJ Market closed v ACTORV GOODS. ot!on jams, $?.17?1:20 shirting 7c(iJS. ahiriing, 9ei£ .' '* -JO VISIONS. ’tour jh'i- bl*l. *7.00(30.09, 3orn |ier Lush. Out i |w>r hush. 7oc@—. Wheat per bush, .'loul per bush. Racon—sides— n sit.jji.lcrj —; hams llcfS,—. Uni tcASft !»r—emailed 11’^-; A 1U-20-; B lOcfte-; Coil'ee—Rio Jara 2S<L* 80c ...» IScffjl :<i—; black 0007a 4V(.lH);2 No# Orleans 4( lilepi—; cream e vrwiB MtyfVi—. KiCO SC rel—No. I kits JiOfg $ No. S kita s'.jNy.;; kiis50e(U 73. Salt jkt sack St.00fgl.l0 LEATHER. lloiiiloi k Upper Kc0~. Harness 45c ; < •'*. Calf Mkjiti*, per dot. S24.OOfg3U.CO! bid 'a 111*5.1—. Groen hides tfeji—. RAfiGINO^TlES AND ROPE. tilling, per yd. 101-2,yll. Tics per huu. #2.00 (ii hope-cotton ZVcffj—; grass IScfjJ—, TOBACCO. Chewing smoking 33$7 5; suufl^SSc hand tobacco —. v LIQUORS. Corn whisky ki.SCr.V2.50. Peach brandy #2.75 Apple brandy #2.79$# Oil. W 1 ** 3 - upjra C2.ikvi3.oo; Claret, per ’caeo, #i^<6.ou; Sherry IV.Ki-i0 is>; i baiupagne, per rase, SI2.0U