The Athens daily banner. (Athens Ga.) 1879-1881, October 15, 1881, Image 1

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E. MERTON COULTI ATHEISTS, GEORGIA, S. Owing to^HgHSsghj|a among t!ie TJanm'||^B^f f ^3^V.- is to tl-l^^H^Attanotb*' er of ou oby othor ba AthsnsSj^^^^Kl go to Atlanta or Amt!ut^^^H£kun»| jg. cars otheu. gret this as ranch ^wltl use every jeffort - /■!; .’ difficulty at^oon as possible^sjBp^i ' —*— • me prevailing sickness. . * ■; -V, Some Opinions of the Phyrielans «t to the . / Aature and Causes of It. ' • \ • XL The unusually, large agkt ol sickness in the city has beKe the eubject of eo much diacgaaOlr "Rod alarm that a reporter- of .tb^Banner called on several of'tbs physicians thie ' morning ia order to. obtain their opinions ns to the causes of It. We ■..failed to find Ill's. J. Mi Carlton and '’Slogan, but Drs. Gerome, W. A. : X-. Carlton, Wade and tope, all ;of them cheerfully responded lo. our. <T ‘ questions, and agreed with ua that it 1’A subject that demands earnest ’ ■ ■ consideration. We put very much • V the same questions to each and while 'i»; their answers were different^, ex- ■ 'jSressed we believe they agreed in the ’ main ob nearly every point. From oaett of them we karueil that while iFanoylXess Goods and Elegant and Appropriate Trimmings 4 AMP BtJTTOMS. are in da'nger of having an cpidemio of typhoid fever or -other fatal dis ease. We resppotfully call upoh our city authoritiesf-ln the uame of hu- manj|^-4'Ufctato^suoh -^ij-Cs a«- neccjsary to put the city in a good id FANCY to occur anywhere and at any time, sanitary condition. These goods witlbe sold at u LOW A PRICE u they esn be bought la Georgia, and!we onlilk s cell to verify our words. Kcspcctfulj IhfE. MY33R.8 dts CO. octl COLLEGE AVENUE, ATHENS, GEORGIA yet the general prevailing diseases now are fevers, sore-throats and colds, which generally have the same ex* citing causo. Dr. Gerdine says that there was probably as much sickness here last fall, bnt it was of a mild character and bad nolhiog of the malignity that the fevers have now. Ae to the causes for these fevers he thinks that the condition of the city has much to do with it. It has been fearfully u»g. Iccted and was never filthier, perhaps than it is right now. No one looks after it and thero is enough filth and decomposing matter on the streets, in roar of tho stores, on the lots of citizens and about the sewers to gen erate all kinds of fatal diseases. The dirty condition of the city there can be no mistake about, and all can un derstand how disease is produced more readily than it it was kept in a clean condition. He tkought too that the river has mnoh to do with the sickness. The dam at the factory has been let off several times this summer and eaofi time malaria was generated which filled the city and produced sickness. AILY BANNER. EVENING, OOrOBER if 18*1- NO- 205 sTTJST IJST - EJOF MAGNIFICENT NOVEL SCENTO AND ACCESSORIES DESIGNED- PARTICULARLY FOR 0U1 Dr.-Wade stated that seen a filthier town or looted. He aayt that it that a very large pro] sickness takes on a typhi and ie very malignant, that there are tome local contribute to keep the dl creasing and make them all violent. He had no donbt bi filthy condition of the city manner in which the river bad turned off daring the hot weather canted much of the sickness. Dr. Pope has had more cases of intermittent ferer than at any time ! We have lo patience with people who talk about ‘encouraging South ern literature.’ Whenever literary work deserves encouragement and ap proval it is very sure to get it, aud it matters not whether its author was cradled under the elms of Concord, or roared amid the roses and jessas mines of Dixie. A literature distinct ively .Southern would be abnormal and unhealthy in this great re public of English speaking, book- loving people. There may bo and are great difference), among the pub licists of nations which differ in tongue, ancestry, traditions, purposes and interests, but no such conditions exist here, and we shall not stop to ascertain the ‘locale’ of an author’s birth, provided he gives us a refresh ing draught from the “well ot En glish undefiled." Having premised this much, it ie with great pleasure that we ice that contemporary opinion is becoming quite favorable, and indeed commend atory of the literary work of several young men of tins State. We pre sume that many of our readers will know at onoe that our reference ia to Sidney Lanier, Joel C. Harris and Henry W. Grady. Ot the first of these, most unfortunately, a brilliant and moat propitious career has been [ arrested by,his untimoly death. Mr. Lanier lived long enough to deserve and receive the qpqualiflpd admira tion of many ot tho finost and most cultured intellects In America. The others are familiar fiiends. Mr. Harris is most widely known, perhtpe, as the author of 'Folk Lore of the old Plantation,’ and is the cre- stic and Royal Panel Portraits I EXPRESSLY I OR OUR Grand Flxli fblt at WORLD'S COTTON EXPOSITION ?” IS’ PRJEMIUM GALLERY ! es For Artistic and Superior Photographs, AWAY pictures Copied and Enlarged. aordinary Attractions! IN THE FOLLOWING LINES OF GOODS AT MYERS & CO. ator of the ‘Uncle Remus,’ who is delighting all the folks, big and little, North and Sontb, but he ie also wide ly known as a brilliant paragraphist; and as one of the heavy editors of the Constitution, be handles the more weighty topics ol the day -with oon* summate ease. It it delightful to Mr. Harris’ friends to see how Isrgely he Is quoted by the moet advanced jour nalists of tho great Northern papers. It is. however, in the inimitable charm of hit Uncle Remus stories and lyrics that Mr. Harris is so dear to all lovers of humor, and to all who can appreciate the simple pathos in the life ot the old plantation darkey. Henry W. Grady is an Athena bor. He took to journalism because be couldn’t help it. He is in our opinion the most brilliant descriptive writer on the newspapers of the day. No man has done more to advertise our goodly Southland than he. His rcoent article in the October Harper is a moat able and vigorous resume of our cotton production—its profits, its future. Embellished by tne grace ful and anisiio skill, of Miss Frank lin, another Athenian, this article should be read and enjoyed by all, at any rate, who livt in the sound ot the Univenfly belle. Athena ia proud of Grady, and most of her people love in him a gentle, kindly'nature that never resent) an injury, and has no word ol ankindnM* even forthoto who criticise, detract or malign. In the hands of men of this sort' South ern Literature 1 beoomee distinctively American, and people North and South will not be slow to appreciate and reward it. ; A Warning to Silly Girls. During a recent engagement of the Mapleson Company, in Chicago, the young daughter ot a well known phy.. aitian ot that city beoame violently emilten with tho handsome baritone, and wrote bun a number of notes finally sending him her photograph. As she was very pretty, the singer neutrally requested an interview, which, she declined, fearing to die- olose tier real identity, whereupon be visited the photographer who had taken the picture, and obtaining the real name and address of the original wroto to her saying that if she did not give him g20() in exchange for her (picture and notes that lie would publish the photograph in the Police Gazette. Tin's threat had the desired effect, and the frightened girl sent him every cent of money the had and her jewelry. Columbus. G a., April 12,^878, Dr. C. J. Moffett—Dear Sir:— My wifo and myself are satisfied that the life of our teething babe was saved by the use of your Teethina (Teething Powders), when other; remedies had failed to relievo him. We have been delighted, with speedy and permanent relief given one of our children from severe at tach of Cholera Mjrbus. Teething is indispensable to ua and should kept by all parents having small dren. Respectfully, etc., JESSE B. WRIGHT. Foreman Enquirer-Sun. Mareh8-lm. CITY TAX. , rpHE last installment of the City Tax for the pr*» x sent year is now due and required to be paid on or before the Ut day of November. REGISTRATION. The Registry list it open at my office and will be closed at ‘.'o’clock. P. M., on the20th day of |No> vernher. Pay your tax and rtwlator within tint prescribed. W. AIGILI WATCHES I CLOCKS! JEWELRY. SH-VER WAHJBjl Spectacles and Eye-Glasses B0TT03I PRICES Headquarters at thefuld Reliable Jewelry Store of A. S. MANDEVILLE. Repairing 1NGRAVING, ~~ r" ARB ANTED re satisfaction. Stray Horse Taken Up. .dminlatrator’s Sale. virturc of an order ot the Court of Ordinary irke county I will tell on Thursday October, during the legal boon of sale, ut front or f?TAKKH «p In Athena c Inst,, a horse of deep bay o years old, with a defect In ! i on 8nnday tha 9th odor, eight or nine • old, with a defect in his right eye, Tha ner can get him by paying^ cx|gn«a Call octlfaLtf. Athene 4a. ngthe legal boors of sale, in fh . N. Montgomery’s store Broad i , Ga., the following property, to*wit: One splendid 18 hone power Eclipse engine wheels, One elegant No. t saw mill and * bead block*. One (Ft inch chisel saw. np, one visa, ons wheel barrow, two good _ „ jo, one cheat of tools. Everything tn fret belonging to a ftratclasa en% gins and saw mill. This property has been uatd not exceeding three months. Sold aa tha proper* ty ot John Kittle, dec'd. Titles good. Term*, given ou davbt sale. J & CRANE, Adm. * Priu. fee $1.80. oett-w3t. John Kittle; dec’d. \ %