The Athens daily banner. (Athens Ga.) 1879-1881, October 15, 1881, Image 2

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<Ejjf piilp tymtx. •i\ WATAilMAN, PROPRIETOR. Travel! ofu *jre-S ton*, lbs following remarkable incident bu justoome to our knowledge. It would aeem almost incredible were it not for the absolute veracity of the gentleman making the statement Mr. Rufus Miller is a well known farmer of this town, living at Mechanics town. SomJ ja _ - 1 * *""* —“ 1uat before re® saw a hqfse galloping "up the roadT live or six years Ing, Mr. Miller placea in bis ev< is known as an eye-stone, for the pur pose of removing a mote, as he had fre quently done before. For the benefit of those of our readers who mar not know .what an eye-stone is, we will explain. It is a small, white, round shell, about three sixteenths of an inch in diameter, concave on one side, convex ou the other and quite thin. It is taken from the liead of a crab, one being found under each eye of that crustaoean. In the morning when Mr. Miller awoke he could not find the atone. He mado a careful and thorough search, but all in' vain, and ho made up his mind that it was gone for good. Recently he felt a hard growth on the end of the little finger of his right hand. He showed it to some friends, who concluded it was a wart and advised him to let it alone. Ho did so until it began to l>e sore, and he oommencod picking at it. He soon found out that some hard substauce was under the skin, aud digging away ho finally took out his long-lost eye-stone. He examined it so oarefully that there can be no mistake. He now recollects that at one time ho experienced a con siderable soreness in his wrist and sup- nosed at that period the stone was press ing in that direction. How this bit of earbonite of lime ever made that long journey without being lost or nl»Horl>oa is a mystery. That it did so there can Hlae Yean Waiting for ■ “Thai* Yon.” While in Detroit he noticed the gen tleman at whose house he «u a guest looking wistfully out of a window which commanded a view of the road for a long distanoe. The aide cf the gentleman's face waa disfigured by great acars, which - told of his having received aerioos wounds. Mr. Hammond asked him what he waa thinking about, which he anawered by a touching narrative, “About nine yean ago” ho said, “I looking oat of this window when I A Novel Idea. A farmer in Iowa sends the fol lowing novel proposition respecting telephone facilities to tho Iowa State lleyitter: “Will not somo of those •mart patent right men invent us a cheap Insulator ? Then we can util ire our wire fenoes for telephones, and have the whole country connected and in apeaking distance of each other. At the road crossings insulated cahtoa can be „ run under ground, or regular [xiles can bo no doubt.—Middletown (Coma) I > ,a planted to raise tho wires above /Vcas. I travel, iu riding around I notico wo ■ have a oontimions wire on tho fcncca al- A Lost Lover. ! f oa, ly- A* 1 we need is aninsulator, ooet- m. nt _ ..I n . i tug a small sum and wliichia so arranged The ofllotrsof the Government reoeive I that the wire can be tightened, and hold some very amusing letters •■■■■” ' - ■ - R - ^ ■ mgaiu. " There was no one in tlTo carriago bat a little girl. I ran down stain and out on the read just in time to atop the horse, but in doing so I waa knocked down and almost killed. The father of the girl, mming on, jumped into the carriage and drove off. For three days I remained unconscious between life and death. “On regainingoonaoioiuness the flnt a uestion Tasked was, ‘Where is the lit- * girlf but they could only saysho WSS unhurt. For theso nine yean I have been confined to the bouse with chronic neuralgia. My physicians say I will not recover. I would Lave diod for that littio girl, and yet she never camo to thank mo. I often look out over the road to see if she isn’t ooming, for you can’t imagine what satisfaction it would be to me to bare that little girl come and thank me.”—Rev. R. P. Hammond. Er Tlioo-an da hara bei ague, billions diaori dyspepsia and all di blood and stomach, remedies have failed, b< Guilmett’a French Lin* i*‘» permanent cure fc den. Ask your drugf ‘ reu edy, and taka no does not keep It send ter to the French Pad ... O., and receive one by- “*'1 poet- paid. aetpOwlro, From Hon. iiEESBURO, Vi., Oct^'i It afford* me gieat i ' tlfjr to the vjrtues ol for the cure of Neural ache. It ia the beat rei nio-l distressing complaints, I have ever use.I. It shc-uhj be in every family in the country. “M "Men n ® w ! firmly and securely, and we shall have , , Gaaarai IV idker, tho tinperm-1 the lme already strung that will do away the oonsus, reooived a doleful. . telegraph monopoly (if there u •oeount tlie other day of a lost lover. I .mo.) Thou make each poatolBoe a tele- The lotto waa a Aona,/ftto one rad was Jihone exchange, and businesa for farn- ^Totth&ttLSTtS^ ly ' ,rUm ! «• *1 >* erected, »ving%my trips She «jd her lover wfEer flltceit yean I £ tore if Z: .“few 8 iTunltol ioUan Ztk°e“ I [Lririmri^ “e tohi^tfgSre to nnolo had left her. She gavo the uarno j mo ,itol nssistanee m!^’ todone ^bi/toZd ^e hS! Sght^ “ ,m:r 0th " Ulin88 " 0tn0W oortoinly not heard from him since lw g * ■went away, although she had takeu great pains to discover uis whereabouts. 8ho nod been waiting for tho nuines of the census to be published, but she was got Tho Scat of Cinotlon. I must give here as my opinion, , — 0 __ founded on what I havo obssrvea, that ting tired of waiting. Therefore she lips become inure or lest contracted in begged that General Walker would look ! tho oourec of yeats, iu proportion as they over the uames and tell her where her are accustomed to express good humor truant lover oould be found, or if lie was 1 and generosity, or peevishness and n dead to tell her where he was buried. I contracted wind, itomark the effect She inclosed a stamp for a reply. Geu-1 which a inomout of ill-humor and grodg- eral Walker has not yet had time hi go ' bigness has upon tho lips, and judge through the fifty millions of names to j whst may lie expected from au habitual oblige this faithful womun, but if ho! series of such moments. Remark tho does it at all it will be some rainy Sun-1 reverse, and make a similar judgment, day when he can’t go to church.— Wash-! The mouth is the frank part of tho face: ington /setter, ) it can tho least conceal its sensations. - j We can hide neither ill-temper with it, “ How did you like the lecture ?” P°J 2® “S,?®* 1 »hatwe pleaac, “Oil, it was beautiful." ! but affttot “ Uo ” wl1 }, “of helpjns. In n « What did ho say ?’’ | wrong cause it will only make our oh- “Oh, he said ao many beautiful I * erve ™ rosuut tile endeavor to imposo things ” 3 ! u l x>n th'.’iu. The mouth is tho sent of “Tell me some,” I oue ? 1,uw t,f eraotions . *» tho eyes are of “Oh, ho said—ho said—but I can’t ; °. rr »ther, it^expressesthe same tell it to vou as he said them.” j but in neater detail o..d with “Toll themaa you understood them." ' te ? dono J r *?, •» 1“ "Well, ho aaid-ho said-oh I U» the region of .mito aud can’t ” I dimples aud qf trembling tenderness, of “Tell ns one thing ho ssid.” I V h! “T, mn V r ' ot » breathing joy, "Well, ho .aid that tho .esthetics of ° JufllS, «*«• existence enabled us to—to—oh, Ican’t” ™ * **1 sympathy.—Leigh llant. “Tell iu what you think he meant" ! ' "Oh, go along. Why didn’t you go i Ripe aud Sweet, and hear him yourself?" I 'rit e SO cts and 81-j KnCHINBON <fc Bno 1 r. 15th,’81.— ’Squire N. C. Scott,I Bylvann, O, writes t “1 have heeija great ► offer er for IS years with ^riglit’a disease of the kidneys. For weeks at a time w»s unahlo to get out Jpt bed; used various internal reniedkes, but they gave me no relief. I Swore two of Prof. Guilmett’a Kidney Pads six weeks, and I now knuw I am enlirely cured. ■; sop'fi-d lw. 4 LUCY COBB INSTITUTE!, T HE KXKRCI8FS OF lm rofiumtd tbs M Umber, 1881, A tbll cv< ry fat iliiy for th< E'or (’nt»fo| MISS Attj:-■*» dylm-wtf. Ul.OUUli, CLAM! To tho Fuprrlor A Llptcotnh rcaiKwi tionrn are the Truati’M Aradetur, a corporation AHomlily ofar"” brr tilth I821I. if .aid State in On act approved Dccem- r that i pet I lli ’Odlnr I - patltioneraand their »ui i, th« power to use the property of aald corpo ration for the piirpow of a ratio avhool, a fenialo at-hool or a mixed achool for tualeaand leinaloa, aa the aald Truhtera in their discretion may deem * t. And petitioners will ever pray etc. UKOlUsK 1) THOMAS Petitioners Attorne. I certify that the above la a true extract from teminu' ' *■*--*-- ** ‘ “ III !H8|. octll-i It will not take many years to bring too to tire period of life when men, at la Paris, at the commencement of the least the majority of writing and talking war of 1870-71, many of tho people held do nothing but praise. Men, like that the heavy firing on the battle fields peaches and pears, grow sweet a littio far away caused Uie constant stoi tlie cspital during the months- “ . and September. They wont heavy clonds gathering, am' distant peal of thunder re ears, would shudder and say they are fighting. Ah, mon _ in a few moments the Madrid— bo filled with women on their treadling with fear and anxiety. lovea ones to away. The storm el insatiably filled the churches. fc Esolard a first-class tot. •teak under the present system with good luck ana good oonduot per annum. The wages ot a third-class dark eonunenoea at sixteen shillings per week, and tire by gradual increments to tha sum ot twenty-seven shillings, and 01iv " while before they begin to decay. It is a | feet that moat writers, except aour aud unincocsstul ones, get tired of finding fault at about a time when they are bo- “‘“ling to grow old. At 80 we are all ; to cut our names in big letters the walla ot this tenement of life: ty years later we have carved it, or mt up our jack-knives. Then «rs are " “ to help others and care ’ to aiiy. Wanee nobody's a, iwa in our way. “ As fob mo, I do not believe what I ■ aotunderstand.” “Do you undue nd bow it is that fin will soften but ter but will harden an egg?" “No," " Yat von bellevs in an om&Tct I" Fob doom, m-ib and blinds, mould. Inge, stair work, or blmcketa, corresv pond with it. II. Broomln-ad & Co., 3fl Decatur Si reet Atlanta, Ga. They an£tuc lessors to Longley and liobin. son. county: The petition of Mn. Jane White, Jnmeft White, John K. W’hite, Willii.m J. Morton, 119 trust re fur hiii wife. Mm. Ko*cn» K. Mortun and her clii'drei, Mrs. Koecna E. Morton and W. Pink V : cIoh.n» trustee for hia wife, Mrs. Mnr- jraret It. Welch and her children, and Mrs. M;-r- miret K. Welch and others respectftillv ahowetk t Imt thev desire a charter of tucor|K>ratiou, in- corporatinirthcm and their sneoctusors as a body politic and cor|K>rate under the nume and style ot “The Georgia Manufitcturing Company," wiib jKiwcrJto puo and bo Mie.l, to contract and be contracted with, and to have aud use a com mon Heal, should they so desire, and to have and to hold such real and personal estate or proper ty or rights ot property of any nature whatever as they may acuuire by gift, purchase or other- wise, und which may be.convoyed, mortgaged or pledged to them in their corporate name, and to ndopt nn> and alt by-laws or regulations tor the government ot said corporation or the mi ngrment of the interest and business of the sat an may be ucodtul, proper and legal, to carry and u'lauare ancoesafafiy the business otand to ■ m outtlu purpose or object* of said corpora tion. And your petitioner* state that tlicir purpose or object in seeking said charter ot incorporation and the particular bosircss they propose to car ry ou is the manufacture of cotton or woolen or cotton and wno'eti yarna^ and all otl»er cotton ot woolen < r cotton and woolen fnbrio* ot which cotton or wool or both are the cumpouent parts, ami also to manufacture flour, meal and other product* of a flour and grist mill, *nd to do all other thing* ncedlVil and proper for tlie profit!* ble management of such mannfkctoriea or mills, ami that said business is to be carried on in the county of Ciarko aud State of Georgia. And your petitioner* sute tliut they propoae to employ in sai- businesa one hundred and t weuty tl ousand dollars of capital, to be divided Into one thousand and two hundred f 1800) shares of .me hundred dollar* (1100) par value each; and the entire amount of said capital U now actually 1 <«ld in andjinveated in land, dam®, buildings, machinery, tfcc., ntoeasarv for said bustnea*. And your petitioners state that they desire to bo *0 incorporated tor tho term of twenty year* wit h tho privilege of renewal at th* expiration of that time. , , Wherefore your petitioners pray that an order be granted by the Court *o incorporating them aud tb« irsuvccMonaa aforesaid in term* of the law and petitioners will cmpraj^Ao^^ « Solicitor* for Petitioner*. GEORGIA. Cum Cocimr.—I, John I. ngi las. Clerk of th* Superior Court of Clark* nn do hereby certify that the fbreooiM petit ion was died and recorded ia tlie Clerrs of flee 01 Clarke Superior Court, t his the 6th day of Oct. ltlls John I. Hugoins, lerk Superior Court Clark* County* GEORGIA, Cuiu Cor iVv. OaUMTjtlttlnrfcr Owal, Ux rurom, Aal £d?nd: k'h.t'th, fcliovlnatavlw b« at a* hereby made upon the State««for the year 1881. for tho following County purpose* and neceo current expense* of the County, to-wit: To Build or repair court hoiao. or Jail, «r bridges, or other pSftf Imi>rovemoets. according to contract, or pay a^dtbt uow owing for nine— city court—-16 per cent. a • To pay interea oVbond* of tho county-20>i per r cost on the To pay other lawfld f ndebtednee* of the count?, and aay lawful charge*against theeoonty to become due during tho rear, or past due-47 percent. The above levies aggregate 166 per cent State tax, or 45 cents on each f 100, worth arty, making th* state and county leviesagn 71 coots oa each on* hundred delhir^ worth of prop* erty. Any surplus of say of tb* foods raised of ‘•""Ml'WlcnOir. Ordlaan. om the minutes. ASA M. JACKSON, Od’ry > true copy fa Oct4-w30d. G. O- THOMAS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WATKINSVILLE .GEORGIA. STOP A MINUTE AND REMEM1JERTHIS DATE. OPERA HOUSE. OCT. 15. PERFECTION AT LAST. Absolutely the Greatest Min- V strel Company on Earth. * M. B. LEAVITT’S GIGATEAN MINSTRELS. A HUNDRED NOVELTIFS. QO GREAT COMEDIANS 90 SO BRASS BAND 20 A GREAT DOUBLE COMPANY. lO VOCALISTS lO tSTJPSRS ORCEHS7RA A NEW WORLD OF NEW FUNJH Th.o old Origisial and Only The fonnder of minstrelyy i«d author of DESZE ZfcdXTD NO PLAYED OUT ACTS. NO USED UP SKETCHES. NO PILAI NO THIN, VAPID JOKES EVE EVERYTHING ORIGINAL. NO WORN OUT SONGS. ITCHES. NO DILAPIDATED MUSIC. - ~KES. EVERYTHING NEW. SAL. EVERYTHING BRILLIANT. Gent’s Fall and Winter Clothing. asms Jeans niul Cottonndes. Caliooea, Sheeting, Shirting, Checks, Snipes, Osnalmrgs, Giugbama. FANCY GOODS ? AND nsroTiousrs Of all Kinds. rGRAND HIGHWAY PARADE DAILY'*'ft POPULAR PRICE*. 75c, 50caud 85c. always; go to [HEADQUARTERS 1 BUV WIIAT YOU WANT. BALDWIN A BURNETT BOOTS AND SHOES Ever kept by any retail house in the Mate. Our goods are bought direct from the ’ N manufacturer* and we Ctvts.reia.iee SPrioes Low as the Lowest. Every'body In.tri-bed -bo Call and Eacaxairm Our New Styles of Fall and Winter Goods I Sald-nia kQara, . So. S Broad Street, Athens, Ga. To Rent. mWU nice new rooms, with pantry i co, cenvenient to buainesa. Adapted to ai family, hot further information call at “ sep9*t GROCERIES AGENTS WANTED for fthe STANDARD Revise! New Testamem Q STYLES I Elegant Edition, about LpnTn.&WToY -- Ja*w venkmy on .op, “History of the Bible From |l.*0,to 67.0 and ol thoNowBcvSion" given to ■nbaaibortk The accrot of *uoee*#ftil canvtNing given tvory ■«nL 8cnd for oor liberal term*. [Mention thU papcr.l IIknkt Etu, PcBuinixa Co n E*tabU*hod 1847. Norwich, Conn. »epl4-dl6 Macnolia Haras, Country Hams. Bacon Sides^ Shoulder?,' Pure Leai . Flour, Corn, Meal, Bran, Ten, Coffee, Sugar, Tobacco, Cigara, Snuff. Syrup,' Molaaics. Kerosr-nc Oil, Candies, Cracker*, Garden Seeda, Canned Goods, Spices, Soaps, Grocer’s Drugs, Powder, aud Shot. Country Produce! KERY! •ps, r ss - Ware, in-Ware, Hardware, Kinds of Ware Cheaper than the Cheapest. Beapectlullp, Ia«.£xorty, Prince Ate. and Church Street,