The Athens daily banner. (Athens Ga.) 1879-1881, October 15, 1881, Image 3

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V Cfct IMj Athens, October SO CHARGE FU11 TUITION SITS OP University op Athens, 6a., Sept. I Hereby give notice this time forth, nil Tuitii the University of Gi islied. This rolei undergraduates, dents will lie chai Undergraduates will 1 matriculation fee of library fee of. five including food and an room can bo obtained month; with furniture and attention additional $13.5 P. H. Mei.u'” Chancellor University of Georgia. To Hunt. A desirable dwelling near the busi- ness part of the town. For informa tion, terms, <fcc., address G. C. Thomas Watkinsville, Ga. TAILOR AM) CUTTER. Thomas Jackson, Tailor,’and Cut ter, Broad street, Alliens, Ga. [ am prepared to do cup ing and tailoring of any kind, in tho best style and lit short notice. Prices lower than any where else, and satisfaction guaran teed in every instance. Desiring to perfect myself in the nrt at cutting coats, I went to Aw gusta, the past summer, and took lessons from the best tailor in that city, and now I can speak with con fidence oi my work in that line. A good stock of cloths on hand None kept but the best. Thomas Jackson, No Danger in Taking May Ap ple Liver Pills.—They are harm- lea to tho most delicate person, but so penetrating that they clear the system ol all impurities, and gently excite the liver to healthy action. Price 15 cents per box. Sold by all druggists. MarchS-lm. Wont for sale. I will deliver oak and hicsory wood in any quantity, at Northeastern de pot for 32 a cord ; or at your house tor S3. If you live within three quar ters of a milo of the depot, I can de liver cheaper. Address me at Nich olson, or I will be in the city every Saturday. - \V. O. Welch. Oetll—dtfi Tremendous. All the obstacles in our way ap parently for sucee-s in life need only to be approached in order to lie con quered, aud difficulties touched van ish. It is the trouble, the’ difficul ty, the obstacle that lies in tho di stance which seems so hugo and tre mendous. If you want success in life patronize Skill, the jeweler. There is no obstacle in the way and you will fiud no difficulty in being suited to spec tacles, watches or anything in the jewelry line Finest Cider in the city, ardson’s, College Avenue! Par Your State and count] Tho digest of tho above I been placed in my hands for tion. All parties interested are 1 by requested and urged to oomel ward aud settio promptly. Office in Reaves’ block, up stal Office hours from 9 a. m. to 6. pjf H. II. Linton, f Tax Collector Clarke Count; Oct. 1st, 1881—.d2m. Canned Goods, Crackers, Fancy Candies, etc., at Rtclutrdion’a College Ave. Cottonjis low again, quite , The;dust is awful, just too: An earlyj frost would be a God send to Athens. The pupils of the female schools go shopping in squads. Mr. Elder, salesman for Tslmadge, Hodgson & Co., is very sick with fe ver. The city has been busy to-day. A large number of people from the country have been here. The Cultivator office and let sold to-day by Dr. W. L. Jones brought 81,915. It was bid off by Mr. Jim Saye. Tho sale of reserved seats to the Minstrels to-night has been unusual ljjhrge. There will be a crowded louse. The hot days have b:en terribly trying on the sick in the city. Wo trust that a good rain will come now and cold weather afterward. There is lots of beauty and bright' nesa among the boarding pupils of the L. C. f. and Home School this year. Tho ladies have been out in force at the stores for several days. They have an appreciation of tho beautiful goods which arc offered for salo this season. The societies at the University nre under headway again and the young men were spouting terribly this morn ing. Tho police foroe have been sup plied with some new equipments in tho way of sole leather 1 batons with a whistle attached, and manacles. They are now prepared for business and they mean it. Leavitt s Giguntcan Minstrels. To-night Leavitt’s Qigsntean Min strels will make their first appearance at tho Deupreo Opera House. They come preoeded by tho most flatter ing endorsements from the press in whatever city they have appeared- Our people will pruliably have no bet ter opportunity to enjoy an evening of unrestrained mirth. Go and laugh till you get fat. The Southern Watchman. The old Watchman camo out this morning rejuvenated, in all the glory of new type, looking as bright aud fresh as a daisy kissed br the morn ing dew. We give our coteuiporarv a cordial welcome, and extend our congratulations on its manifest and manifold improvements. A Court of Appeal*. During the recent session of the General Assembly a bill was intro duced providing for a court of Ap peals, the purposo of which would be to review the decisions of our present supreme court. Tba court was to hare jurisdiction only in matters in volving points of law. All cases in volving only matters of fact were to be finally passed upon by the present ipreme Court, alto ail cases origi- iting in Justices Courts. For rev- reasons the bill failed. It would have been a good thing for Georgia if it had passed. The present Supremo Court is crowded with business and the Court of Appeals is something of • necessity. The trouble seemed to j^e that the salary of the judges would M too largo for the watchdogs oi tht ury. With this court presided over by good judges, the businees Id be expedited much more satis- fsetorily. It may possibly become a law at the next session. Asplcudid lineot Cigars ind To bacco at Ricbsrdsouls, College, Ave GurriAU thus speaks of bis feelings which prompted the horrible crime : ‘ I believed that I wae seting under a special Divine authority to temove him, and thia Divine preesure wae upon me from the time when I fully resolved to retttove him until I actu ally shot him. It was only by nery* ing myself to the utmost that I did it at ail, and I never had the slightest doubt as to the Divine inspiration of the act, and that it was for the best merest of the American people.’ , i KEtfJ jeweler. Charles A, Scuddor, dealer iu Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver ware. Engraving and Gold Plating specialties, Watches and Jewelry re paired at lowest prices mid warrant ed to give entire satisfaction. In Brumby’s Drug store, Athens. [[RIGHT'S DISEASE and other affections of the Kidneys and Bladder are' sometimes brought on and often aggravated by the neg lect of the symptoms, which, if taken in time, won Id'no doubt in a majority of cases yield to treatment. No raed. icine is so well suitfd fbr this as Ran kin’s Compound Extract Buchn and Juniper. It is a reliable healing tonic to the parts, allays irritation, and restores healthy action. Prepared only by.JIunt, Rankin <fc Lamar, Druggists, - Atlanta, Ga,, and tor salo by all Drttglkits. Forsyth, Ga., vie. 1, 1877.—I have sold Raukio’s Bucliu and J uniper for 10 years, and it has always given universal satisfaction, proving the most vnluahlo preparation of tho kiud on the market. F. 0. Mays, Druggist. jan-4'lra. Rupture Cured !—Stricture Cured.—Without tho use of the knife or painful means. Lost mate hood restored, and diseases of moo successfully treated by J. W. GuR' let, M, £>„ 67 Whitehall Street,At lanta, Ga. MaO-fim. y3 Royal Presents. Augusta News. Among the bridal presents at the wedding of Miss Donscbka Pickens, of Edgefield, and Dr. Gee, C. Dugas, of Augusta, was a set of olegant dia monds front the Czar of Russia. Miss Uoiischka’ was born in St. Peters burg while her distinguished father 20 TRAINED ELEPHANTS! COMING TO ATHENS 12,000 PEOPLE COMING TO SEE THEM! Thursday,Oct. 27th iSSIP Ijifif' T /SiiiiSbi bSplgfjfi 1L , a m Roasted Coffee of auperior quality at Richardson’s, College Ave. Set your hens in the evening if you have to move them from tho laying nests. They will be more sure to stick to their new nests; and take Gilder’s Liver Pills for your bilious- doss. dc.21.lm. FRENCH HAIR STORE! Those desiring anything in hair work should send their ordeta to J. FTJZZXUEXl, 66 Whitehall^., Atlanta, Ga., Who manufacture* Wigs, Bang), Toupees, Braids, Curb, .Frixsee, etc. He aleo makes up Combing! and re store* Faded Braid*. 6ati»faction guaranteed. 17th ANNUAL TOUR Of the GREATEST of all, the GREAT Foreuaudi Show! Always under ono management—never obliged to "combine,” orclrn?e ownership -positively represents a greater cash investment, originates, owns ami exhibits more novelties, lias more and bi tter performers, more rare animals, more of everything in the world of show limn nny nud all other exhibitions, single or combined, nnd now, as in the past, is the Thlcxa^was'herG^'father, amTslie Largest Tented Exhibition ill tile World was named for the Empress of Russia, Frances Eugenia Olga Neva, tho pre fix, ‘Douschka,’ being a pet name and, translated, raeana ‘Darling.’ Dr. nnd Mrs Dugas will make a trip North and then make their home in Augusta, Everything fresh for this Scrson. Mill'ons expended for n single “olidny; the new World'. Warmer, WILL EXHIBIT, AFTERNOON AND EVENING, AT Athens, Thuisday, Mr 27th. Everything fn ' ' 20s CIRCUS IN TWO RINGS Mammoth 22 autse Pei LEP i And tht only Colossal j mlng 3STTS Mammoth Menagerie, Trained Wild Beaat Show, and Wcrid'a Pair Gather'n; of Earth'* Living Wo - den. Jualoddvd Reason Gifted. TRAINED STALLIONS. *©" Admission u usual; Children, half price. Exhibition, afternoon and evening at usual hours. Areuic Chair*—Promenade Concerts oue hour bo fore commencing, by the two great bauds. I! B] (rial reduced rates on Railroads, oct!5