The Athens daily banner. (Athens Ga.) 1879-1881, November 11, 1881, Image 1

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THE ATHENS DAILY BANNER. VOL. II. ATHENS. GEORGIA. IRlDi Y MORNING, NOVEMBER 11. 1881. i; 1 * — NO- 311 TUESDAY'S ELECTIONS. The returns from Tuesday’* elec tions are not yet as clear as could be desired. We give below the sub* stance. Virginia,—The democrats concede the election of Cameron, readjuster. The readjosters claim the legislature by 15 majority oibjoini baltot,fand the claim is probably correct This Leg. Mature is a yery important one as it will elect a U. S. Senator, all the su preme court judges, nearly all the cir cuit judges, and many state officials. The republicans, including negroes, will come in for their share. The negroes were almost solid with the re. adjusters. New York.—The Herald estimates the democratic majority at 5,000; the World at 80,000; tho Sun at 10,000 ; while the Timos claims the state for the republicans. Both sides claim the Lgislature. It is evident that the re sult is doso and doubtful. . Mississippi.—The democrats have won by 20,000 to 80,000. Three, fourths of both branches of the legis lature will be democratic. Pensylvania.—Bailey, a Cameron republican, has probably been elected ever Wolie,'independent republican, and Noble, democrat, by nearly 8,000 plurality Minnesota.—Hubbard,republican, Is eleoted governor, by 20,000 or 25\ 000- New Jersey.—The democrats have gained 8 io the senate, and 4 in the house; but are still in the mi. nority. CoUNEnourr.—The republicans have a minority iu the legislature, but it is reduced. Maryland.—The republicans have gained in the legislature; but it is still democratic. Wisconsin.—The democrats have made large gains, and probably elect ed the state treasurer. Nebraska.—The republicans have won by the nsual majority—about 15,000. Massachusetts.—'The senate will (land 85 republicans, 4 democrats and 1 independent republican, Colorado and Kansas are so cer tainly republican that there is no in* terest in the details. GENERAL NEWS. It is hinted that Bismarck will re- mgn. War is imminent between then*, live tribes ot western Africa. Precautions are considered neces. •ary for Gladstone’s safety. Phillip Sullivan, one of the young Arkansas train robbem, sentenced for 77 years, is dead. Ex-Praeideot Garfield’s personal effect* have been shipped to Cleve- . land—including the famous cow. Smallpox of peouliar malignity; which docs, not show on the surface) has broken out in Rahway, N. J. A French newspaper Informs its ' leaders that a Veterinary surgeon, residing at Chaaleville, has snooted ed fa amputating the gangrened leg of a now, and repUoiog It with a . wooden one. The cow, it Is said, is now pare fcotly wall, sod walks easily on - the artificial limb. I OUR JACKSON LETTER. Dear Banner:—Jhavo just re turned from a flying visit to Madison and Banks counties. Leaving the Northeastern railroad at the thriving village of Harmony Grove near Dr. Hardman’s and going east six miles, yon pass ont of Jackson into Banks, and crossing Black’s creek, yon arc in Madison county. Some of the hnest bottomlands lie along this creek, intrinsically worth from $50 to 5100 per acre. The finest corn I have seen for years is now standing on these fine creek bottoms and yet in the midst of all this, com recently sold at a sale at 51.15 and $1.25 per bushel and wheat at $1.80; and why f Simply because threeafourtha ot tbe land planted in cotton. On the Banks county side ot this creek upon a farm that has only pro duced about six baits of cotton per year, for years, and which used to produce thousands of bushels ot corn, only enough land has been planted in com to make 150 bushels, while 25 bales of cotton will be gathered this year, and the producer of these 25 bales says he 'fwill fall a little behind with his guano bjlts.” Mr. Jesse White will soon start steam saw mill about three miles east of Harmony .Grove. In close prox imity are five gins and two cam mills, nlLthe gine-are . feyg-yt—Lower .down in Madison county, tbe fields are white with cotton, many ot them looking as, though they had not been picked over the first time. Among bumness men the impression prevails, that cotton would advance at once, if.the money coffins; ot the north waa unlocked—that it will ad vance before spring scarcely any one donbta. THE CITY OT CANDLER. At the lut term of our superior court a Verdict was obtained to ssli in ’lots,’ the 'Long lands,' about seven miles above Jeffereon; but it waa not then known that they would soon be 'town lots,* and yet it is true, and the city of ‘Candler’ looms up la the near future, as the first town on the Gainesville and Jefferson narrow guageroad. Before this railroad en\ terprise was talked up, these lands would not have brought $8 pet tore, and yet they add on last Tuesday for three times the amount. GOOD PRICES FOB LAND. A large amount of land was sold aggregating nearly $25,000,or nearly $10 per Rore,mnoh of it unimproved and it Is thought it would bring 20 per cent on tho Investment to«dar. - A large tract of land waa recently bought by a citisen of this county, lying along the Athena road, A rail- read' to 'Athens would pass thr ough or near it, and we venture the predic tion that it would, upon the comple tion ot such a road, pay $00 per oent. upon investment Old pins fields, that a few years ago were supposed to be worn out, are now producing from one-half to one bale per tore. Clover and grass patehea are becom ing more plentiful, the formers an beginning fa see the fine retulte of 611 sown oets, end manore-'seved oa the form; fine fruits ere taking the e a-xrsT iisr A NEW LINK OF MAGNIFICENT NOVEL SCENERY AND ACCESSORIES , DESIGNED PAETICULARLY FOR OUJ Artistic and Royal Panel Portraits I EXPEEaSLY I OB OUB BxHltolt at C3-ran4 “ THE WORLD’ COTTON EXPOSITION J” 1 DA VIS; PREMIUM GALLRRY I Frames For /Artistic and Superior Photographs. Old. PloturewOopled and uBnlaraed/ ptraordmai# IN THE FOLLOWING LINES OF GOODS AT M. MYERS & CO. . FasLcy Dress Goods and Elegant and Appropriate Trimmings ■ iAxtsbbttttosts, - DOLMANS AND CLOAKS. Y-v ■ui'iJ'nrKt fyvopUt® Line afJAPANjSK-L AQJJEITK 1 ? WAUTS find FANCY CHIN A«-»AIaQe TBftMi "~ SHOES, CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. The«o good, willbo ftoluvt u LOW AJPSIOE «i they o i ;bo boogui iu Georgia, and| oro on)**,* > call Avertfy our word,. Baa.icot (tally Cfa£. MYER s tfc GO. 0LLE8E A ’ENUB, ATggNS.OEOBGrA. place of worthless seedlings ; and with tbe blessings of God resting upon us we have many reasons to feel thank, fill that our lots have been cast in this plentiful land. * * * Jefferson, Ga., Nov. 8, 1881. reeeserlloFwce. Last week a petition was in circa. Iation for an election on fence or no fence in Walton eounty. But one or two out of fifty relusedto sign it, and the requisite number wes soon se cured. The petition is now in the hands of Judge Giles who will deter, mine upon a day for the election and annotnoe it in fait week’s Nows. The law reqaires the election to bo ad vers Used only twenty days, and the peo ple of Walton will probably have an opportunity to voto on tho question some time this month.— Watkint\ viil* Adoanoe. FlwAUkAM. Memphis, Nov., (8.—Some one throw apoisoned spple into Mrs. J. Wolfs window this forenoon, which she ate and was taken violently ill. 8he will probably recover. No due to the fiend has been discovered. Thr New York Sun describes Hannibal Hamlin as "an antediluvian party haok, who, with corruption all around hitn, never stole' a oent.” What a bank cashier waa lost in Hannibal Hamlin 1 . Thi National Republican, noting the increase of chaplains fa our navy, concludes that tbs oounWv, having neither ships nor guns, is about to foil bask on the effioaoy of prayer, 1,000 more of those fine mountain cabbage just received by J. H. Hug gins’. Important > Anno inceraont. TO THIS CITY AND \ ICINITY: SIR:—The undersigned gentleman reprose nt ing tho late rm of Messrs. Wilson, Dsnoedh Co.. Manchester, England, are offering for sale t° tho inhabita ts ot this country,^* large and varied stook of Fine Dry Goods (CONSISTING IN PART OF N RICH SILK, MOHAIR AND OTHERfcBESS GOODS. Paisley, Camel’s Hair, Ottoman, Indian & Cashmere Shawls; West of England Broadcloths: Fancy Cassimeres: Scotch, French and English Tweed; Moscow Beaver: Carr’s Meltons, Fine Diagonals. AGENT FOB THIS COUNTRY, JOHN WAIsXjS. late of the Brmof WALLS A1BYBNE, Importers, 48 Franklin Street, New York, hea en* mired twenty Balesmon, who willoffer ibr inspection andaalo, portionsiot the above goods, and ESfi ENGLISH AND FRENCHJROADCLOTHS. BEAVERS. Tweeds,’Cheviots and Cassimeres. Which belonged to the Tailoring Department of the above firm, and which will be told In loti to private famines at : Considerably Below Manufacturer’s Prices, This U the greatest opportunity ever offered to the ladies to, have their own Ulsters made to fit, out of the finest ma terial, which U impossible to have in ready-made goods. ONE PRICE WILL BB CHARGED, From which no .(about win be nude. The abort good. ouib.iMn.tth. Mon next to A. B. Muidevtlloe Jewelry non, oa ftetanky morning. JOHN WALL8, Chief Agent, Late of firm of Mem*. Watte <fi Borne, Importer*, 48 Ihmtttn St. If. T. novnd&w