The Athens daily banner. (Athens Ga.) 1879-1881, November 20, 1881, Image 1

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E. MERTON COULTER * THE ATHENS DAILY BANNER. VOL. III. ATHENS* GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20. 1881. NO. G LETTER FROM THE EDITOR. Atlanta, Oa., Nov. 17,1881. Thin is tlu* place to moot all the people you used to know. Very soon after leaving ray train, I ran across a couple of friends that I had not seen bd ten yeai* or more, and since that time I have been in a constant state of reunion, so to speak. The crowd in Atlauta is immense. Every section ol Georgia is represented, and largely so. It would not be an exaggeration to say that nearly every state in the uniou furnishes its q >oia to swell the crowd which throngs the G ite City,to see the grand exposition. A glance fttlhe hotel register a while ago shows arrivals for the day from eight or ten states. If Georgians will only attend in good proportion to ths oth« cr states, the city and the suburbs will not hold them THEY ARB COMING And they are coining! Yos, sir; “they are coming, Uncle Hannibal, a hundred thousand strong.” Every excursion train comes crowded. 1 saw three corne in on the Western and At'antic Tuesday afternoon, each with eight or ten pas,eager cars, and hotel, and here we have been ever since. We are entirely satisfied with the entertainment turnMied. The hotel is kept in strictly firstsclass style. Tha menu is fully equal to that ot the Kimball and Markbam; the tables ware is new and elegant; the waiters are professionals—nearly all white 1 from the Blue Hidge Springs, of Vir- ginia, there is no crowding, no josu ling, no delay in attending to the wants of the guests; the furniture and bedding are new; and to sum it all up, the fare and accommolations are ns good as any hotel in the south, and the.chance of being waited on is twice as good as in the city. Guests at tho house got a puss out of the grounds, and come back to dinner—thus obviatirg the necessity of taking dbiner in the grounds. Mr. Phil F. Broam, tho proprietor, is also proprietor ot the Blue Ridge Springs, Virginia, and is an adept in the bu*i\ ness. AH tho modern improve ments are in the house—nothing «»hoddy or cheap johuish. I am writ ing this under the white, sun-like rays of an electric lump, while my [Extraordinary Attractions! IN THE FOLLOWING LINES OF GOODS AT M. MYERS & CO. Fanoy Dress Goods and Elegant and Appropriate Trimmings AXTD 3XTTTOIT3, DOLMANS AND CLOAKS. Tho UandiwvnMt and most oo nplota Lino of J V.PANEd ? .J L V. V-JElf KD W ARK r.vl f YNOY CHIN V. Also a m **t ewnp'ota stock of SHOES, CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. Tho<o good, wiilb) soMVt as LOW A PRI 'ha iu O) »ri?ia, nndjwo only ns* n oill tnverity our words- R **p'*ct‘Mlly M.AMY33RS c*3 OO. O .LKl •: AY-JYII S, ATIIKNS.GK 1RGIA. A HAPPY HIT. Sinner lu Your l'ockef. all crowded. Ami no ii i», with nil ta, '» entranced with llie roml.. The city is alive, the streets are thronged. The ettger depot is a 15 tbel or a B’dlaut, ns you please. Wall street, is the same way; ^’endUrt-e, Marietta and Whitehall, for scute distance from the centre of llte city, are no better. The stores are crowded with customers, the cletks hop around as it they wore on springs and the merchants are happy. THK IIOTKLS. Tito hotel men would bo happy too if there were no such tiling as a surfeit in happiness. When th. Exposition first opened, some ol them were nlraid they would not make any profit on the extra expenses in wltich they had indulged, iu preparing for the expect- od ruslt of guests. They don’t leel that war now.TIte question with them now is, ‘where shall I put them?” I Going up to the desk af one of the hotels in the city t, look at the regis ter this evening, the genial clerk—of course lie was •'genial’’—mot me with tho discouraging remark: “I hope you haven’t brought a lady with you, sir.’’ The poor fellow had evidently been puzzling his bruin lor days over the wearisome problem of how to mako his house hold more than it would,nnd lie stood aghast at the idea of having a lady to provide for at that late hour of the day, IN LUCK. At fur me, I am fortunate in the (natter of accommodations. Using in Cite city about the middle of October, I took the pains to investigate the merits of the Exposition hotel—a home erected just outside th. Expo, son grounds. I was indued to do this because it is only about a bun. fined yards Irom one of the gates and not more than five minutes walk from the main entrance. I found that tha hotal was kept in first clsss style ; I decided that when I made my visit to the great show, I would stop at this iioase. Meeting my family, who had been on ■ visit to western Georgia, I took them directly to the Exposition strains nf ‘Beautiful Blue Danube, from a string hand in tho arcade. A telegraph office is iu tho building; also, harbor shop, bath rooms, hi! Hard saloon and bar-room. IT CAN'T 1IE TOLD As for the Exposition itself, tiie half cannot ho told. I heard a lady friend say to-day that she was disap. pointed. I cannot itntigine what site was expecting. It is true, everything isn’t here; but there is enough to in terest, amuse and instruct titty ordi nary mortal, like the editor ot the Banner knows himself to lie, and sup poses most of his readers lo he. The display in nrt is meagre; but in man ufactured articles, machinery, miner als, woods, and agricultural products, it is beyond anything over seen in Georgia.and is comprehensive enough to furnish profitable entertainment for days, to the thoughtful and ob servant. I have not yet had a dunce to look after the livu stock departs ment, and don’t know, indeed, wheth er there is any stock on the grounds. I have b«cn following the helicals of one whose tastes do nut Iliad tint way, and I nm dutiful enough to go uncomplainingly the way site points out. finally. I have made this letter long enough; too long, considering its quality, 1 have hut a word to say in conclusion to my readers. All who can come to the Exposition, should do so. And no man should come alone; he should bring his wife and children. There is a kind of education iu it whtuh the children are not likely to obtain ary- where else. There are many useful lessons which they will learn here, hut may not have another ebanco to learn elsewhere, in many years. It is a feast to my children—even to the threes year-slid, who thinks more of monkeys, alligators and snakes than of the works of the Willimantio company. T. W. All grades of angar, tens and syrup at J, H. Huggins’. Where is t lie matt from lar or near who does not have to spend—spend wo must.. ‘’When Gabriel blows Ids trumpet in tliut morning,’’ the housekeeper settled, the wed-led pair fixing to settle, will ho seen wending their wav to the groceries and itoiiselnrnishing gondsniHn’s es tablishment. But w— live for “to Tho great question—wln**-e and how can our |iur*o bo best, sub” served is answer* d by th«* steady nml increasing flow ol tho trading public t*> the establishment ot Jim. H Hug gins, the crockery, glassware and hnnsefurnishing goods emporium of Athens. Thu old saying, ‘The proof of the pudding is in the eating* is amply ii- iustraled, and oar assertions proved when you witness those dray loads of crates nnd hogsheads ol crockery and 75 and 100 box< s of glassware rolling in constantly. Where dc “they go 7 They nrescattered from t lie mountai to the seaboard. II a stranger drops down in our midst, from some inex plicable cause he is sure to find his way to the store of J II Huggins. NVhy. the man who fails lo cal! and see him 'counts his purse but trash* and tramples on his own interests. With a sigh tlml we have not an acre of space to spread our goods over we must be content with keeping on our first floor a sample of each article,nnd he consoled with the thought that in our cellar (same sixe ol our house) we have stored away iu boxes,barrels ind hogsheads, goods enough to sup ply Northeast Georgia. The mer chants in this section of tho state (thanks for their paironage)aro begin- ing to look to their interest by buying Irom J H Huggins, thereby saving time, trouble and all risk of breakage by transportation. Atlanta’s prices lupliented on anv bill ot crockery or glassware. SPECIAL. This is a day ot ‘boast* but we promise the readers of the Banner there is no boast without facts to sub stantiate, when we say yon will find the prettiest line of triple plate silver ware at J. II. Huggins ever before offered in this city. Samples in case, no trouble to show them. Ta ble and teaspoons, knives, lorks, cas ters, &c. Look to tour Interest. You can save 20 per cent, by hav ing your Boots and Shoes made and repaired in a neat and substantial manner by N. W. Haudrup, the Boot aud Shoe maker, College Avenue. novl5*dtf. Important Announcement, TO THIS CITY AND VICINITY: 8! K:-flie i Ma iclio-tor, rittl stock ot it, Now York, luw cn- nbovo goods, and »ly cicarauoc. A FOR KENT. Houio on Claytnn it reel behind Mn. Delonjr’e. Apply to ovl5-dl«r. Taos. C. Deloxt Fine Dry Goods CONSISTING*!NfflWUTb RICH SILK, MOHAIR ' AND OTHER DKKS8 GOODS. Paisley, Camel’s Hair, Ottoman, Indian & Cashmere Shawls; West of England Hrondcloths:. Fancy Cassimeros: Scotch, French and English Tweed Moscow BeavcrrJCarr’s Meltons, Fine Diagonals. AGENT FOR Tills COUNTRY, JOHN ■WA.Xal-.S. Lab- tiftli. Klnnof WALLS &IHYRNK, Importer., 44 Franklin Stro-t, N j! tv mty Saloon •«, who willoff r tor in»pecti*>n and sale, wort ion* ot tlw « from tlm lev prices ut which they will booiFored,“he tools coiifMolit of a spcci LARGE QUANTITY OF REMNANTS IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH BROADCLOTHS. BEAVERS. 'Fweeds, Cheviots and Cassimeres, Which belonged to tho Tailoring Department of tho nhovo firm, and which will bo sold in Iota to private families ut Considerably! Below Manulactnrer’s Prices, This is tho greatest-Topr> >rtu ity ever offered to the ladies to have their own Ulsters made to lit, out of the finest ma terial, which is impossible’to have in ready-made goods. ONE PRICE WILL BE CHARGED, From wbloll nn nbxtetmmt will ba nu'to.~Ttu?nltovc pood, enn bo mm at the store next to A. Maudevilltto* juwolry More, oa Saturday moru’ng. JOHN WALLS Chief Agent Tate of Finn of Messrs, Wails <0 Byrne* Importers AX Franklin St. N. Y. noviid.ftw T heTrade Palace OF DELATE & HICKOK ATSTSTTSWA, QEORGX&. Is offering for the Fall and Winter season a|tharo’.igh and complcta assortment of everything needed hi tho DRY GOODS AND NOTION LINE, '■35We are determined to sell only ?oo 1 andpeliahle {roods, b-diovin; that In following a coarse of this kiu 1, that wo will mike in tro tYhnda, and kcop thorn longer. We do not deaf in shod* Diinr sacs di f AU Grades and 8ty)aa. From tha latest Parisian Novelty in Satina and Silk*, tokvery variety of Domeatie Manufactmm Ready made Suits, Cloaks, Dolman* and Underwear of, tvary daocrlption tor Ladies, Mint* Boy* and Children. . ^Caaaimarea, Jeans, Cloths, Etc., at prices unprecedentedly Low. Tha BEST GOODS at thts lowest prices. Coma and aea u*, B or send us yoar order. novl 81 DBLANE A HICKOK.