The Athens daily banner. (Athens Ga.) 1879-1881, January 15, 1882, Image 1

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E. MERTON COULTER THE ATHENS -DAILY BANNER. VOL. III. ATHENS, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 15 1882- NO. 54 family government. Mftuy striking and tad indications, which are open tQ tlio observation of any thoughtful person, show that there is among us a. widespread lack of wise family government. Here it is some runaway matrimonial adven- ture; here some young girl going to Leriuin, and in shame committing buicidf, or' PithJ«ndl^...giqrdiiteA J>er gomjKwtrayer; here rouft young person rashly putting an end to life by poison or the too-ready pistol. Even when matters do uotgo to the oxit-nl of crimes, in how many homes will there he found turmoil where there ought to he peace,bick erings where there ought to he har mony, unhappiness where there ‘•ught tub** the highest jay this side of heaven. x The reason is n »t far to seek. Tiiesi evils, greater or smaller, come trom the lawlessness of ungov .-rned nat. divine revehttiou, we exercise a lov ing, wise, firm, constant family gov ernment. WHAT TO TEACH BOYS. A philosopher has Raid that true ed ucation for boys “is to teach them what they ought to know when they become men.' 1 What is it they ought to Miow, then? £}r«U to bn genuine. No education is worth any thing that dors not includo this. A man had better not kuow how to re;i lie had betttr never learn a letter the alphabet, and he tiue and gei mue in attention, inaction, raiher than being learned in all the sciences nd laugua'jcs, to he at the same | 'iiiio iaKtt in heart and couutcileit ii j life. ^Iliove all things teach the bo; (that truth is more than riches, niorl its . that) culture, more than earthly pow ... ! er or position. Second, to bo pur ' iu thought , language and life, pure in and this from the lack of parental as "* ^'*dy. -d’’ impure man government. We of course, do not | y° UI 'g mul old, |>uia<Miiiu' society mean to say, that, wise government in W * ,CIV 1,0 moves * 11 decent stories the family will prevent all crimes, or I qml in T" re example, is :i moral ulcer, do away Jwith all evils. It is the I a pl ;, gue spo’, a leper, who e ight to work of the -*! I mighty Iq change the I created as t he iepir* of p!»i, wb heart, and it is only n change of the j wer0 I'umslud from society, and com heart that will make it, sure that there • I'dh’d to cry “L Helena,** as a tvnrnin; will be no outbreak of evil. Jim 1 ,n ' m ‘he pestilence. :i wise . family government will, id- j fmrd, t » i e unselfish, locate for the most without exception, I.-ad to in- i fcclmgR :u*d comforts ol other-; to !»e dividual self-control; ami where that j b'* u ; rou \ ,,ol,1 ° “I 1 ' 1 This the outbreaks to which we 1 will include a genuine reverence foi have referred will not he found. j lhc * »^v«i and tilings sacred. Fourth, Tue mistake that a great manv I self—-cliant. and Rflf-l.elptu'. parents make is that of not b gits levon f,om childhood; to he induBtii- liing soon enough. Many *ecm to j ons «»d self-supporting have the impression that auv attempt | c irl;«-t proper age. Teich the ?»t governing a vei v little child iu>* ! uI1 1 m,en w*»rk« are honorable, pirns harshness. But this l.y ho ty 11 },n Ml«, n*e»wli*e of fndo- nicans needs to be the case. It is i * cnce **» others is discraceiul. When grievously mistaken kindness to allow j » ' ,o y ,lt4S burned these four thing? a little ctiild to have his own way 1 "*>»*• >« has made these ideas a par when that way conflicts with w f iaL ! «'t his being, however vounfr he mn; his parents know to t»o best. The true j ,)e > however poor, or however rich, h time to teach a child obedience— and j ,m * ,,tt . rne(? motile of the most, iiupor- it may he done with the uunost gens jthings h • ought to know ah mt a ess and quiet patience—is before he is out ol’hts mothers arms. There wilt never be so good an opportunity later. The ideal family government is based upon principle. Hence it is steady and constant. Tho.te are fam ilies not a few where there is some sort of government, but it is impulsive and spasmodic, it consists in a sharp, almost fierce, checking up of the chil dren, or of severe punishment meted out to them, when their wills happen to run counter to the parents’ desires, or d< mauds, or even convenience. But there is no principle in it. It makes no account of right and wrong. Hence it is often almost worse than r.o control at, all. The wise and good parent regulates his conduct toward his children by principle, not passion. He asks himself, “ What is the right* oous course?” He is steady and unswerving in his applica tion ot these righteous princia pies of conduct. The result is that hi* children aie taught self-control; they learn under this wise discipline it* govern themselves. Hence, as they grow up, lh*-y are ready to obey lawful authority in the state. Hence they are likely to be prepared to render that obedience to God which he demands, and of which pa rental authority is a type. We plead with all earnestness for the due exercise of family govern meat, It must bo in dependence upon divine strength. No one can properly discharge parental duty without divine aid. Hut that aid can he hadjfcr the asking. That the na tion may be law-abiding and moral; that our children’s . future my be most firmly assured; that it may be made most sure that they will yield themselves in loving obedience to the rightful claims ot the Heavenly Father, let us see to it that, in de pendence upon divine grace, and put ting into practice the principles of Frank Lesiiw's Sunday Maya/inc. The February number contains, as usual, lit.uary matter of iare in terest and of an edifying and impro ving character, and th" embellish meats are admirable and profuse. Among the latter is a hitherto un known portrait of Martin Lullri which war recently discovered in the Tfiekla Church of Lei].sic. On its lower piaruin are 4 1). M. Luther, XLIX—1632.* The editor, T. De \V itt Tain ip ge. I) D., pi vis the 8- cond part ot * People I Have Met*; ‘The Home Pulpit,’contains his acrnien, 1 Wheels Full of Eyes,* and he also turni-lvs an interesting il lustrated article, 4 Narcotics,* 'Called to the Ministry* by W S Hervey, 4 On the K'ver Nile,* by W C Proc tor, ‘Lessons of the Snow,’ by Rev. \V Walters, ‘ Missionaries in India,* etc., are finely illustrated and replete with interest and information. .‘ The Reminiscences of an Old New Yorks er,* are continued, and the depart ment ot fiction contains, besides the charming serials, ‘Prudence Winter- burn* and 'Murgeret’s Enemy,* short stories and sketches by popu'ar wri ters. There are also essays, poems andean abundance of amusing nnd in structive miscellany. The subscrip tion is $3 a year ; 25 cents a num ber, sent postpaid, address, Frank Leslie, Publisher, 63, 55 and 57 Park Place, New York. The New York Enamel paint com* pany, ol New York, guarantee the mixed paint not to crack, peel or chalk, and will repaint any house at their one expeuse, that is painted with this paint, that docs. B. H. Broom- head & Co., Atlanta, Ga, are general agents and carry a large stock. Write them for sample card. •A HAPPY AN1> PROSPEROUS XEWJYKAH’ Is wished for all the readers of the Banner by JjH Huggins, who will be * r at the Rarue old stand, just under the Banner order to be prosperous y we Mvise you to iuggins dieu needing ihe Glas* ♦'are, Crockery rnishing Gauds Line, be kept up to the grow* ing times, ajul prices will rule low. Our past success m pieusing the trade in the way ot Table C;'tlery,C‘*ramou, medium and Silver Nate; also cas tors of every? grade. l*«u and Table Spoon*, Withers, <fcc M spurs us on to renewed cjfibrts and it shall be our purpose io lplease every customer alike of hi^h'and low estate. Iu the line of Tin sets, Chamber t^i<, Tea sets, &C., we gu iruniee to pie use by supplying what the trade wants and at satisfactory price*. Making the above a specially we call your nttouliou to the fact liiat iu Groceries and Provisions, '*e can supply the retail trad** and a* prices hr low as any lions* iu the ci'v. In Flours, Su-»u.».i, Coffees,Teas, Syrups, it-?., we 'juiran' *e to give as •rood art* leg as can be bought' Goods delivered promptly anywhere in the cry. Ai.t. the ladies are specially invited to call and examine J. II. Hudgins’ stock ot fancy house-furnidliiug goods. Irish Potatoes and the white table r*ea at J II Huggins* iTih finest line o f triple plate silver- war. 1 ever shownin tins m irket, ul J. II. Muggins’, Call at .7 II Huggins f«»- your or. tinges. J II Huggins has just, received 15 boxofl of choice Florida oranges. Ljave your order at J II Huggins for a gallon of that fine syrup. The be-t patent process flour at .7 II Huggins. The best New Orleans syrup ever brought to (Ids market at J II" Hug os. Rye flour, oat meal, cereline, grits &o. Fresh at J. II. Huggins. chamber setts at J. II. Hug os’, arc the prettiest ever brought at the Athens market. The very best grade of flour, sugar, offers and teas at J. H. Huggins. All ten drinkers are advised to try a pound of J. II. Huggins' brag tea. Onions for everybody at «7. II. Huggins. One block of that soap polish at J. II. Huggins’costing only ‘20 cents, will clean and make as bright as new every castor, knife and fork, and e\v ry piece of jewelry in your House a half dozen times. When you want to buy a lump, chandelier, hanging lamp, wall lamp, lantern or anything else this line, call ou J. 11. Huggins' Fifty different Myles lamps, wall lamps, and hanging lamps of cverv description, Apple butter, ginger, preserves, fresh canned tomatoes, oysters, pick les, etc., at J. H.{Huggins. Ginger snaps and the best sod crackers in the market at J. H. Hug gins. One thousand pounds dried apples and peaches peeled and uupeeled at J. H. Huggins. All kinds of furs, such as beaver, otter, mink, muskrat, raccoon, etc., bought at J. II. Huggins* and liberal prices paid. All grades'of {smoking and chew. ins tobacco and snuffs at J. H. Hug gins. READY FORi™ FROST. M. MYERS & 00., nV’ilIJuuuoU'ice that they 'bar* just received a full line o‘. Black & Colored Cashmeres, and Fancy Dress Goods. VS V-J9 C^Q KS. Iu New l)uflFull LlueJ .t Blankets, Quilts, Balmorals and Shawls. WOOIiESWI' TJrCI>3IS3FL-wZ3J!LEl, MHTNT’S NOBBY HATS, MEN’S, 1,ADIRS', AX!) CHILDREN’S KIT.RERS. SHOES, SHOES, SHOES, OF ALT. KINDS- HANDSOME STOCK OF CLOTHnsrr^ & OVERCOATS' Come imil ... it, .ml lie c . i vimMiJ. Item -crfully, ivc'xr.'raiFs.sB c&3 oo. COLLKOE AVENUE, ATHENS. GA. Plr Moquettes, Brussels, Velvets, Ingrains, 3-Ply, fj'r f. rn s r y t r •'*<. - 1 Sm,. % 3VE ATTIN Gr, WINDOW SECA.XDEI3, •Weill Paper ! ISTT3SH.IOSI BOTO i r DECOSATXOIJTS X OUR STOCK is unsuriNin-M'd in Extont an>1 K’ufmnoc. CARTER & SOLOMON, j m3 No. 50 Whitehall Strict, ATLANTA, GA. ffii riNi§T mmwrn -O E— Parlor Furniture! EVER OFFERED IN AUGUSTA. Over flitv different style* stock of Chamber Furnitura i h" busti u either in tlic unrtti or west for tlu- FUHSITUKK LI SE; no foar but whut we c sco us before yon buy. This is ii wonderful chant*. Oor id oar prices so 1 -w we cusr.uUe.' they cannot otnss o! k“h1s. We keep tverjrthing in tbo 'O voh.NjWc ^uarantoo »st ; sfactii>n. C«Ji and J-. Xj. BOWLES CO„ 717 IIROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. <W27' <3-S10I^C3-E BAILIE, -TIIE 1.1VF.— Carpet & Grocery Dealer, CARPET DEPARTMENT. GROCERY DEPARTMENT. Fancy Work basket* j Market Baskets lothes Biskius linn piny Basket* Hmw vV Hair Broom* \)b-web Brushes Feather I»n*tcrs Tut)*, Buckets. Pail* Body Brussel* Carjwt* ( Window Shad as, nil tixe* Ferris* Ta|>estry Br’al Carjust* |Kusti* Shados, Paper do Magnolia Hams H-avy 8-Ply Cnrivta Store Shndes, any sire |r.»untry llama Scoton *11 Wool Carpet * Rep* for Curtain* ; Kerris’ Breakfast Bnc Cotton & Wool Carpet* J Lncc Curtain*, cheap ; Ferris’ Smoked Beef Stair Carott* nnd Rod* Curtain Loops & Band* Oeo. A.Bailie’a b-slflour ' .Vtripod Venetian Car’t* 1 Window Cornice* |Baker’* Choice Flour * l Hearth Ruira,l)oor Mat-1 Wall Paper* A Borders Milk Crackers V I uu*, *»ucarw. rm Cocoa*Canton Mat’g* Firo Screen*,Room ecu.'FanoyCVackcr* Stable* Yard Broom* Floor oil Cl’th*,al! w’th*I Picture Frame* jBest Teaa and Cotf -e* |Llv* Chicken* and Table” ** ** j Beautiful Chromot - Groceries received dally i DretMjd Poultry Oil Cloth Rn£* * Mat* \ Mosquito Nets 1 — MOTTO : •‘The Nimble Sixpence better than tho Slow Shilling.” “Quick Sale* and anu’.l Profit* for Cash.’* Carpets and Oil Cloiha Made and Laid. Curtaim and Shades Huns at Short Kotioe. 828 BROAD ST.. AUGUSTA, GA