The Athens daily banner. (Athens Ga.) 1879-1881, March 02, 1882, Image 2

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$ailp J6mmcr. J. T. WA+HHMAN, PROPRIETOR. Athens. Ga m March, 2, 1982. li. r, CAHANISS, - . Tkaviuxo Aokkt, Is aulhorleed to nuk« collection*, to receive subscription*, amt to contract for advsitiring, for tM I tally and Weekly Hamer. Beotstsrvd at the J*i»i Utter I* itiwM u THE NEXT EUXTUItAL CIILLEIIK. The apportionment kill a. it itand. in a Republican measure, au<l South Carolina i. ulao in favor of tbo proposed plaql, it i. reasonable lo’aa- (ume liiut iho kill will kecoine a law with material amendment, say. til* Atlanta Constitution. Instead then ot 185 electoral role* being necessary to elect a President, tbo suceessiul candidate mast have at least 2Ul. Ill the old electoral college llicia were Ski) votes; in tku new there will ko 401, or 404 if Dakota be comes a stale. In ike lust named event a majority would bo 203. It self-indulgence and extravagance. It amaeke to ua of cant aqd Pharisaism II tbeae hallo mnet be held in the phyhense lor the pleasure and profit of cooleotionere, inusidana,dressmak er., and the guy and glittering erowde, let it be so. But to chrieten them ‘charity’ is to degrade the heav enly word, it not 10 transmute it in to ‘sounding braes and tinkling cym bal.’ ^ . } Cloture n, uAism. \ Norfolk Lsndmsrk. Mr. Gladstone, who not long ago was ‘the friend of Humanity* and tire champion ot liberal opinion ir. Eog- lard, now gravely proposes to invest the Speaker ot the / Ilouse of Com mon! with pouer tolstop a memkei and lorbid liim speaking when ho too diffuse, irrelevant or guilty ot i petition, ami to forbid him admission to the House tor a certain iMjojl. This is a remarkable proceeding ani| provokes muuli indignant comment*in the English ptesx, But what would John Bull think ifhe saw the Premier playing 'Boss' American fashion, and King Cat ing Caucus dragooning Parliament.? Damages Obtained. 8t. Louis Uepubllcau. The wile of a drunken husband "1 is leaauuutily cerium that Dakota I w ho was killed by being tlirown.'isihi will become a state, and that there- * . u “ J' 1 *, , . „ . , luvein wliure he had become mtoxi- fore the next President must secure ca(c ,i. has. obtained judgment for 208 electoral votes. Cutler tile ex- ; 85,000 ill the New York court of up- iKEY-NOTE O S’ ^ The Music Hesse SOP THE SOUTH- LOW PRICES QUICK-SUES The I5cat.itml Mont Celebrated Pianos and, ^‘Organs HJ GREAT VARIETY <« STYLE. ALWAYS ; SO TO IMBADQUARTKRSl A. .1 —TO— A BUY. WHAT YOU WANT.J BAlDWrallUEHETT DOOTS AND SHOES Ev«r>ept;t»jr any reUll house Id the.t!itate. Our good* *rt£Uoujfht direct} frutu the manuC*ctiArtr*;*ud;wo Gtuarasaiae JPrioes 30 TO 3Q PESJOEHT 8av«d G. 0. ROBINSONti CO.. fjLY7SU'3T2L4GUM EXCELSIOR ! is;ouu Mono. J3L. O.TJ. Uliug apportionment thu sixteen !*»!• against too owner of the prup- aouiheru .tales cast 138 eleotorsl I "'‘P"? lk * li t u “ r i ' . , . i this cue the owner ia the wife ot th« totea; under ihe.propoaea law they j Uverukee r who ihv H quor . will cuai 153. Let ua assume thal Tiiecoui l lu*ld« her reNpoiwiblH for thu south will be solid in 1984— deni- I t v e eon<equeuce* of the not of her { hi/shai.d, w lio is her tondsint. Too Utterly Sweet, Burton New man. , Now York Tribune. Parson Newman has bespattered G»n. Grant wiih fulsome praise. When be undertakes eulogy ho ex- hausiK the resources of the tongue. H is surer ness cloys. The opening of the vials of his panegyric upon the head ot a iriend i«like the bursting of a cask of New Orleans molasses u|*>n a wharf rat—sweet—over* whelmingly sweet — but, to be flunk —Sticky ; just a little too tricky.’ Wlmt ttairlnge* -nro Nut Contracted fur. • Isoubvillo Courier Journal. The marriage ol persons in whose families insanity is hereditary inn crime against, nature and posterity, and can not l»« too severely denounced.—Bos ton Herald. This is just as applica ble to any other disease tiiat may he hereditary. However, marriage is The whole truth is, the situation will [ rarely, if ever, contracted for the good uot bu greatiy changed by tbe.nuw 1 4,1 posterity. law j for New York will retain all j A *30.00 BMUCAL I’ltlZK. her power as the President maxim; ocralicallyVdui. .lust lit) addiliunal votes are needed. New York will cast 3U and Indiana 15—total 51 or a relative lore ot two votes. Iu other words, under' the present law, Ncv York, Indiana and the south would cast 188 votes wlicu 185 are necessa ry, under the new law they w ill cast 2U4 w lieu 203 tie essential to tttceess.' It Indiana ahould go over to the ene my, Nevada's three votes aud New Jersey nine would not suffice. Ne vada, New Jersey aud Conueotiuui would replace Indiana, and give us a margin of tour votes, but Couuccli. cut is no longer reliably Democratic. Wo could spare Connmicut if nc soukl cuiry Culilunih, ludinim could be given up in easu Colurado, Nevada and New Jersey went Democratic. Great Musical Saving', Insti tution of thelSouth.) MuihcxI IiiHtriimetitx, f5hcet Monte, 1 Music Book*, B»l linlimi String*. and eventliiug pertaining to Find-claa* MunioMlooKe. SO TO 30 i’KU CENT. NAVED.ATa T. M. H. ;0. T S. G. O. ROBINSON & CO., as- the Lowest.! Everybody Invited to QaU suad v**—«-**i**<» Our New Style* ot| Fall and Winter Goods I Dxldwio. Sc HKirxAa'b, .'o. S llri«d hircct, Albeua, ( G*. BE APT FOB Y0V Variety 8 tore *v ALWAYSJIN STOCK A Complete {Assortment* of Gents, Ladles, Hisses, Boys and Childrens * BOOTS & SHOES •STOCK POWDERS, FISH HOOKS AND LINKS, Sarsapariia, AND IooideFotass. WILD OMBTOT TAESYRUP FuK COUGHS, ETC. SOAPS, Tbo Cheapest aud Mud iu AUicuh. Only 2,500 Tooth Crushes ON HAND. ESS. GINGER Gent’s .Full aud Winter Clothing. CASSltRtS Jeans and Cottonadcs. Calicoes, Sheeting, Shirting, Checks, Stripes. Oanaktirpu, Ginghams. Druojs, Medicines, Etc. *Bottom Figure!*, jit the Drug Store of;»tt E. C. LONG & CO., Sijfli of lllnminute*! Mortarj elate, aud Indiana will remain at piv ovtal as before. A numiuee that could carry Onto would, h.wcver, unsettle the .lutes. Under the new 4)111 the toulheru gain, foul up fifteen, namely: Aikansas, 1; Georgia,!, Kentucky 1; Mississippi 1; Miesou ri I; North Caroliua 1, South Caro lina 2; Texar 6; Virginia 1; 'and West Virginia 1. No xputhern stale The pnblihsers ol Rutledge's Mon thly in the prize puzzle department of their .Monthly for Ma' eh oiler the following easy way fur somu oue to make 820.00: To the person telling us which is the longest verse in the New T. .la ment Scriptures (not the Wiv tfe- vision! by March 10th. 1882, we will give 820 00 in gold as a prise. .Should two or more correct answers he re ceived the prize will lie divide*). The iiiuni'Y will be lorwarded to the win. , . l nioiiiT will lie lorwarded to the win. loses a member. The net sort.turn j llBr Mnrc h ifi.h, 1882. who geins are seventeen. The states that j tiy lor the prize must send 20 els. in Tits tabling Scientists or toalav scree thst newt tiist neti* utf iniisotl by diforilcix-tl Kidneys If, thereiurv, tue Kidney* «ud LiV- **r ure kt pt in jHrtect or-'er, ptrfect hetilth will be the r*-r*ult. Tlii* trutli lm-sonly been known n xfiort timoaml tor yean people antfured grent njpmv without bcin»r able to fluil relief. VThe tliMNtvery of Wwrnor'* Snfo Kidney and Liver t'ure innrKt* n new eia in the treatment ot thc*o irouhlti!*. Matlo from a atuiplo trop cal leaf of rare value, h coutaim* junt tlie clcmcijtA necea- Niry to nourish and iuvijfor .te b»»th of tlicae Kivat organs, mid aatel.v restore an*l keep tlieiu in order. I' w a POSItlYE Kenedy for all tnc diwaaca thut oanac puinain the lower part of ili« IhhIv—for Torpid liver, Headache*, tofibr loa^ea aru'Mtiue, New Damp* aiiireaml Vurtiiorl % one each. «• ver (no jiojtage tUutiifjs tukm) u i, their answer, for whirh they will n ceive the April numlier of the .Mouth ly, in *hicb will be |Mibli-bi d thu name and addro* *>t tin* u)inter of ilie prixe, with the eirrert answer thereto. Cut ibis out; it may l>e worth 820.00 to you. Address, *Hut* led^e Publishing Company, Ea-nni), Pa. f«*bl8*2iw. Chnrlfy Balia. Christian latvlligence. Those who would not give fnr»w«*t. charity’s oake the price of a ticket- ball or no ball—must be rare; and we 3 tics’ion whether their money would o much g«ud anyhow. It uertainlv does not. as given now, either warm the heart or cultivate a Innovoleni habit in I he giver. Nor are wu die- \ Atiikxs, Ga., Feb. 22, 1882. |H),ed at present to single out this an- To Host. As.v M. Jackson : The nual revel at tho. Academy ol .Music. I undersigned commissioners to exam. nor even the children's participation I ine. superintend and report upon the ill ip, as mure linlul than all other extentioo nlthe bridge at I’rmcelon similar hulls and routs —though doubt, j Factory, have lids day made a final lets the mask of cliari’y lurni-hes 1 examination and tind the work good many with an exeuse tor dissipations j and siih-tanlia), and every way a which otherwise their religion- prin- j good job, Iu oilier word*, tvu see ciple might shrink timu. But we J nothing that we can uon,plain of and want to nay that the title seems to us reonmmeml the payment to the eon- a lingular and misleading use ot lan- | tractor, Mr. \V \\ King. V litre, liizziuesx Drsvel, Fever, Airac. .t[a- Fever, uiul atl ditticultie* of Uie Kidney*, Uvrr and Urinary Organs It U an rxorllent and ante remedy for females during UreitnNiicy. It will control Meiudma- tiou and »in valuable for Lcucorrliaea or Fall ing of the womb. Blootl Purifier it i* nurqiulcd, for it organ* th*t make the bl^od. Tliia Utuiittly, wldch ha* doue *ndi wonders, tho' targwf 8i»d Bo«lc ol any irkct, and la a#Id by drug* it 11.55 »er botUe. For -— WARNKK’S NAFK DI- AUKTKS CUttB. It la a poaitiva remedy. ., * w » * S. tcb5d«uuwlv{ G. C. THOMAS,’ ATTORNEY AT LAW, WATKlXSViLLK .GEORGIA TIIE OLD RELIABLE. OUE 07 THE. BEST NEWSPAPERS X2T TSS SOTJTS:. FANCY GOODS AND 3SrOTXO^sTS Of all Kinds. How Lost. How Restored. Just rmblmhed, a new editio'i of Dr. Culver* Will's Culcbmtcd K**ay on the radical cure «*f >l>eimatorriH»4 or Seminal Wiukm-**, Invol untary aciniuul Loh*o*, Imputeiioy, Mental and Augusta Chronicle and Constitutionalist, 1882. Hubsckihk For It. The Chronicle and Con>tituUonali*t U the wld- mnew»pa|-er in the wuth, and i>«rhap* the old en in the United titate*, having Iwn ewtaldUhed ID 17*6. While thor u^hljr driuucratic In prioci- p>e, 111» 1 Ihvul, fintfreulre and tolcnnt. Th< Chronicle coot.-iltiis the I4te*t new* frun all parti the^wortd, hod I* tei.-ugnised as a tint chit pa< GROCERIES Magnolia Hums, Cuuntry Hams, Bacon Sides, Slioulderr, Pure I^ai Flour, Corn, Meal, Bran, Tea, Coffee, bogar, Tobacco, Uigant, ^ Snuff. Syrup,t Molasses, Kerosene Oil, Candies, Crackers, Garden Seels, Canned Grinds Spices, Soep« Grocer's Drugs, Powder. fwr. A* an adverti.lna Medium, it rovery the try In eorxia **'*■“ A 5c: tiit’.lium. It covert the coun- ><uth Chrwliua triliutary to dude *en*aifon*IUio. We PuyaiOol luvapMcity, liiu^ii:uent*’tt> darriaim, Weeinl-avor rtv.; •!«> Oou-niuhtiisi, Kpil.^j M ,u Flu, Ini ! I™'’ 11 ’" “ dttivd by *eMudnigence or m.xo«I vx'ravu* I g»n«, efcc. I riaiijr.oue >•« The celebrated author, in till* admirable e*- j Wtiidy, uitr v«- *ay, clearly dfiiiiinMnitva, from a thirty vcar»' '* v »necc**mi. |iravtic‘, that the alanu1iHf # <!onm^ ’invuevaof nrlf-Htbiiite #imv be radkw ly cuivd; j-)intili«t oats uhsI.oi car. tfmw.dniple.wr- | Tito llooU or Tho SSeaeon. tail), and effect ujJ. by meauwot wlndigvery *uf- | t\ * / \ | * t r . it ni uiiida • i 1AQL1 ] A,Unit Ston, Wild & Sad immoral char. TERMS. ♦Dr, Tri-Weakly, oue year §9; it. Addraaa. IIA vvulurfi r, Ausuita, Ga. gttage. Il i.more than a misnomer ! epectfully, .Iko. \V Nichouon, to bestow tliia gracious and divine I A[ L Dunaway, tano u[wa so g'srmg a. display o l mvMdliwU Comiuiesiom rs. Till. Lvvtar. -Iioulu ho iu too luui-J. youth and man In the land. I •’Vat, under wal, in a plain env«<hipe. arv ro_ ' , ■«WVS"W| ■ piatu cimnw, to a* Tt<l- J j dr*wa, pori-pald.oo nc. lptof *tx veolh, or two ■ p<4Un »tanip«. Addrew* T1IK C’UI VKHWKLL MEDIC Ah CD-’ f 41 Ann St. New York. N. Y* 1*. o. Co- 43.1 | tncliSV 11 very I Bribe notf l author ThU Ua*k. till’d witi I taacinatiug aaa Ayenta wanted in e n l p-et, Joaquin Miller. *‘uv and at vent ure, i* d pniuouneau by all to 'Tr.UY OF THE AGE. <wu ot or|j thIt wort. fnducemeuu Country Produce ! CROCKERY! Lamps, Glass - Ware, Tin-Ware, Uordware, IN FACT All Kinds of Ware Respectfully, ‘'TO’m.d-afferty. Prince Avei end Church Street