The Athens daily banner. (Athens Ga.) 1879-1881, March 02, 1882, Image 3
Cjjc §aili) liarmer. Athens. 6*., MAlton 2, 1882. Athens Cotton Market. Corrected dell/ by the HENDERSON WAHEIIOUSK CO. A tuck*, Ga., March 1,1P. M. Market Steady. Good Middlin']; 11 1>4 Middling jo 5.4 Strict Low Middling 10 l*Svlo R-8 Low Middlinf 10 s-sxW I** Strict Good Ordinary lo 1-8x10 U4 Clean Stain ...8 xlO City Clock. I A* the cu|>ol« of tlieFir.tMetho< diet church is to bo altered, or a new one built, why nut have it arranged for the city clock. *1,000 would place a good oue there. Skiff the jeweler, would be one of twenty to pay $50 each; or one of fifty to pay *20 each ; or one of a hundred to pay *10—the latter preferred. All ou the condition that the ch ck is not to he disposed of to tiie llichmond and Danville road. Sunaiiiua and tain. Mr. John Hughes left the city yes* terday lor New York. A dry fall and wet winter ought to maka a good crop year. Russian casaeua. is extremely at. tractive and very stylish. LarjrCobfc Chape'. We had the privilege of examin ing* the plana for tliiw building, and so far as u e comprehend them give our views ou i he subject to the public. Mr. W. \V. Thomas, the architect ha- finished all Ids specification, and drawings, and they are now ready to be given lo the contractor. New Spring Goods, New Spring Goods, New Spring Goods, hi. G.Vfc J*. Coiien’h. Col. Acton, agent of the Atlanta, X | u , nlateri „, wkicll j, Conrlituliou is iu the city. I to bo built is pressed brick and the A very pleasant party occurred at L* |, to U the Queen Anne, or Cap'. BeuaseN last evening. | modified Guthio. The txaly of tl.e Lnwi.’ snow-flake biscuit at Kicli ardsou’s, College avenue. Luuk to tour luterest. You can save 20 per cent, by hav ing your Roots and Shoes made ami rtpaired iu a neat and substantial maimer by N. W. Ilaudrup, the Bool and Shoe maker, College Avenue. not’15 till*. TAILOR AXDCITTEK. Thomas Jackson, Tailor and (hit ler, Broad street, Athens, Uu. I am prepared to do cut <ug and tailoring ti any kind, in the bc-l style and at abort notice. Prices lower than any where else, and satisfaction guarau ‘teed in every instance. I keep a good stock ol cloths, caasimcrcs, etc., on hand, of the ties', quality, and those patronizing me may leel S'sured'of [vrlecl satisfac tion both iu the lit ami the quality ol the garments. I will spate no pains to pleas-, ami ask a shine u! your palronagu Thomas Jackson. Cider by the barrel, a- Richer 1- ton's, College avenue. Some fresh Northern apples just re ceived at Richardsons, "ollegc- Avo Best apple vinegar at Richardson's College Avcutte. The c lebralcd ‘Sweet Sixteen’ smoking tobacco, the finest on the market cat, be found at Richardson’s, College Avenue. Full supply of Christmas goods at Richardson's, College avenue. Show Cases manufactured iiy Mc Bride & Co., Atlanta. Go., also give close priues to dealers iu looking glasses, crockery, wood and tinware, silver plated ware, glassware, hast American and imported labia and pocket cutlery. McBimue it Co.,Atlanta,Ga., have in stock the largest and most varied assortment of Limp Goods ever brought south. Parlor ami Hall Latnus—Glass ami Bn.* Lamp., Re- llector Lamps, and Lanterns, Shades, Burners, Cbimntya. You save a- good profit in freight and our prices arc as low as in any market. A Cheap Market. Country people wishing to buy goods ol any kind at wholesale prices should scud their orders to me. An acquaintance of eleven years with most Atlanta merchants, and person al attention enables me to buy a bet ter quality of goods from 10 to 40 per cent, cheaper than [ample unac quainted. Merchants, also, when in ueeu of supplies of any kind will find it greatly to their interests to order through me. Thu price of any article sent ou up. ! plication. Jno. Gardiner. | 128 Whitt hall street, Atlanta, ;Ga. . febU-ll 1 Dr. John A Calloway, ol Milledge- ville, is on a visit to our city. Capt. II II Carlton arrived from Atlanta Yesterday afternoon. Rev. C D Campbell went* up to Harmony Grove last evening. An amateur dramatic entertain ment is on the tapis for an early date. Coukling has set a fashion which may prove damagiug to the reporfer. Lecture services morning and alters noon on Wednesday’s and Friday’s. Spring poetry—send it in. We have a waste-ba ket just yawing tor Mncallister, the magician will be at Deapree opeta house Motiday even ing. A prominent young railroad mag nate declined to be imerviswed yes terday. See adverti-ement of Sul Solomon in litis morning’s issue. New store, go and ace him. Mr. Andrew I> Lip-comb, who is firming near darkest ilte was in the city yesterday. George Adaina [days Ilurapty Dumpty Friday evening. He is going to have a full house. There is much talk about a milPon dollar factory being establish d in Athena. We say lei ’er roll. Geo. II Adams has sent more guod shows to Athens than any oilier man uu lue road or auywhey ol-e. As soon as the hands can wade out to it they will begin excavating for the cistern topou College avenue. Iu accordauco with the presents mente of the Grand Jury,the ordinary lias had the journals of tho legislature handsomely bound. W H Joues, the manager of Deu- pree opera house, will put ill several more good entertainmenta before the close of the season. Mndison superior court meets next week. The Athens bar and press will be well represented, in quantity at Jeast, if not in quality. We have heard of mashers, and mashing, but tbe most severe case of mash that has ever coma to bur at. tent ion tvas shown us yesterday. Miss Cora McCord, of Augusta, alter a pleasant visit to the Misses Mell returned home on Monday, to the regret cl her many ft lends in Athens. We had a call Irom Mr. Tom B. Warner, agent for Prof. J M lineal- listdr’s company. Mncallister will be in Athena one week, beginning next Monday. It is greatly to the credit of our people, the prompt manner iu which they have responded to the appeal lor the poor, made by Mr. R L Blooomfield. Oar mearchauts arc requited to send their cards to Msj. Longmire, of the Mncallister troup, at the Cltnard House .Monday. The wizard buys chapel is in the shape of an octagon, and is fiity-ono left long, by 62.4 feet wide. The auditorium will have tbe sloping flour aud circle somewhat sim ilar to lit-.- arrangements iu theatres. The stage fronting ttio main entrance is iu rear of tho main body of the chapel, and wi)h the rooms opening ou it from a square structure resting against i ho resr faue of the octagon aud extending out oa either side Jso as to lie visible from the liotit. Uu- deruealli this stage, ito., are lecture- routes. The roof of the nviiu chapel comes to a {Joint over tbe centre of the auditorium, and is surmounted by a belfry. Tbe roof Is to be overed with slate, and on the Interior lo. ,l>e open and finished in Gothic style. The windows in four laces of the octa- gou are 8-hy 14 feet, aud will be of ample size to light the main hall well. Beside the maiuc front entrance which is approached by broad steps ou either side. There aro two en trances, oue on either side, where the main buildiug joins the rear build ing, these ure visible from the front, uud open Irom the outside on lo the stage, into rooms in the rear and into the uuditurum. From our under- slandiug ol this plan, the building when complete will-combine beauty, cumfml and convenience. Victoria Lawns, Linon da Dacca, Nainsooks, Dotted Swiss, lYquas, Turkish Toweling*, Sniped and checked Nainsook, Tut king, etc, etc., at M. G. & J. Cohen's. An tneiimpaniblp Clown. When the late George I Fox died it was generally conceded that ns ho had no equal when living he could have no succes-or when dead. For years tliiw prediction Ims been veri fied. At last, howe- er, there is a man upon whuso shoulders the man tle of the great elnwn falls becoming ly. Mr, George II. Adams, who lias lieeu at the head of American panto mime tor inaDy seasons has at last, through remarkable talent, conscien tious and delionte work, and a tub- tile appreciation of the humor ous, lairlv established as the equal ol Fox. The pantomime, iu the hands of such as he, is a joy perpet ual and hundreds have witnessed his E erlbimencet in this city witli the eunest pleasure. Although n young man, be is easily incomparable, aud stands so far at the head of Ameri- pttn pantomimists that to see him onoe it to destroy all inclination to see any one else mangle the part that he han, dieewith such subtle aud unctious hu mor.— Atlanta Constitution. Check Crashes and striped and checked Linens for children 1 ! waists; Russia and Stair Crashes, Table Dam asks, Towels and Handkerchief!, just received at M. G. & J, Cohen's. A prominent oftixen was observed going down the street this morning with two street boards on bit back. They were used to cross streets with, all his presents' in the city where he i by putting them down to biidge the exhibits. I n,u< *- ^ Tlice was considerable delay iu | The bill boys tundo things lively Atlanta in sending out the commission j ye-terdny, they were on the move of theoouniy Trea-urcr. 1 lie com-1 early mid keyt at it late, mission ha. arrived. Mr. Hearing S n 0 w ^cmcUi^l other va- has qualified ami given bond, and j net tc* fust reoeived ai Richardson** entered u|»oti ihe duties of his office. College nve.1 at Athens and Jefferson. The Gainesville and Jefferson rail* road is progressingwith all the din* patch possible in ths bad weather we have been bavin#. Bomo Athens men hold the opiuiou that this rail, road will not take any trade from Athens, as our city win offer induce* menu cuperior to Gainesville. This may be the ease for a short time and trade may mot he immediately divert ed, but in time meu iu Jackson will make their business cotintotiotis in placed more accessible thau Athens Sooner or Inter a railroad must be built from l.are 10 Jefferson or Jug Tavert. If It Is done before tie trade is diverted it wiil be b- tier than having to build it to regain lost trade, a thing much more difficult to •lo. The old adage alemt a atich iu time, &Ce, certainly applies to Uu.- matter, aud we mention it in hopes it may arouse a new iutere>t iu the rail* road and give us some immediate prospect of its bcinir built. Humpty ujui George H. Adams, with his lout company, closed his engagement at DeGive’a opera hense last tiijlit. As we said yesterday it is the best Humpty Dumpty we have seen at the south, and Adams is too best down in the United Slates. His perform anoea can be enjoyed by lad ea, gen tlemen and children, fur they ore en tertaining aud nmuaiitg, wilh no .de jection n bit* feature. Adams is wor thy ot recommendation, so too, Horn, the magician; Gahriehe, on the crya* tals, the Tisaot*s antomatora; the Lesliea, gymnasts ; Deunis, the veu triloquist; the MaiimeUcs in slat* uesqu* gymnastic po>es; Wingfield with his dogs, and the Pragcrs in their famous ‘cat duet.’—Atlanta Constitution. 1,000 Mar elites aud Domestic Quite just r-caved at 28 3i aM G & J C oiien’s. I.O. O. F. April the 20th, is the sixty-third anniversary ol the foundation of Odd Fellows in the United States. Wil liams Lodge No. 1.5, will celebrate this occasion with appropriate ami in teresting ceremonies. Tho celebra- tiou will take place at Deupree Opera House, aud the affair will consist principally iu addresses by prominent Odd Fellows,music, &c. It in prob able that some visiting Odd Fellows may honor the occasion by tljeir pres ence* Thu character ot tha men who have the management of the affair is a guarantee of iis complete success; A Fitting Tribute. A schoolmate of .Mr. K IC Bloom field handed it* the following beaut i- ful Knee, they are a fit and loving tribute to Ms memory from a rvtl tiiend: IU who wr'.to* on ti.y behalf Fitliug word* ol apitapb. Let him mind, how our d:ir Lord Tells us in his blvsscd word; Those who here do faithlal prove Enter shell Ills joy above. Let him cldsel on the stone, Three Utile words, “son. we.l done.” MaealTatrr. A full hones at Ralston Hall, last night, greeted Mncallister, the wizard, alter an ab«enee ot four year-. In lhai time Its has improved upon all hi. tricks, though we thought then there wa« hut little room for improve ment. Ilia trick, and illusions are not only cleverly, hut masterly done, end the sere'll .u.pei.ion Ihe best ever done iu Mieon. He give- a fine, amusing, entertaining pertunumre throughout. The pres,ml- giv.n away weru ol fir-t ela«. order, urn.' handsome and valuable articles, among them a teasel <d lonv piecra, w-w dra wn l.y Mr. ( J. ; hall. T* e t"tt doll .r eaah pi ze an. won by oiidi.etor Aetve. Th" gilt part "f the entertainment wn. conducted fairly aud squarely ami satiifactorily to die audieitee last night. An entire cliami. ot |»ograiuinu to-night. Go, and nit. r a good show, try your luek with hi. large number of presents.— Hactin TJ. graph.' 2Tcctr Deupree Opera House! OSTS WEEK ONXsV OOMMKNCINQ 5I0SDAY, M A IlCIi 6tli. Prof. J. U. MACALLISTER TI1K QliKAT Wizard of the World! . WITH III.VTKOLPK OK ATAKS The prannls iriveu at Sscb i-ntcrtaiimiMit sre r m liiued irom year own mvrclumls, wbi«" omrlit to b« s irnsrACtct’ol *!»»•*•- {'(•nuiiiuuens. Aim with c “l"*•; Kcst-rvcd scsts, wilh two ft'iv* .Vh* Tin- holder of s Dollar T e « t «ill b • .dmil* tsd tnany |>»rt uf the htdl, niiu »» il! he pivm six envelopes. MATINVl, .SATURDAY «.i :*:"f p. in. Ssleol reserved west * «il! b'***u at M.«nde- ville’s Fridsy inornin r, Mitirb Rd. Ur. Robert T. Hampton, • DENTIST, L'ostcd Land. All person* sn* wsmed not to tremit** on my |ire;iih<u>>.eilher l»j i'.’u*in>r through, l nuiing or d*hiu^ thereon, under pennlty «.f lav. dt’clS.Ut IH'QUBL^ T^ETTJRTsT GEO. H. ADAMS, AND I1H NEW HUMPTY DUMPTY! By Universal Ucsirc! FRIDAY, MARCH 3,1882- New Tticks, New Scenery, New Specialtiesj People Convulsed With Laughter. J. Friend, Merchant Tailor AND Loader of Fashion, lUvit.jr *11 the lewdinif jMit lemon hi thl* wv- tion ot the •■©uutry for juln.r,*, ha* made iimuv *nht for them, and ncvir fail* to wive itcii rt fit. Clothiug made in flu* mo-t rtvli-h and durable manner. Gentlcmt ii me luvlted t.. •nil uiul examine the line*: u*MUtmeni of *lu* itioet *tyli*h hpriut; |T>hL tlu.t lutve ever l>ciu uttered in this city. KewncvlIiiNv. J.'FRIKND, ittlttiltf ('ollegc Avenue, ne:it Broad Strut. SOMETHING NEW FOR AGENTS. RAMBLES ™« l mxfitY 1 " A new, IttM-iiutitiK, amt exceutiiigiy tn»lrui-> live Oeotcraphieil liaiue, that eniertaina both o!»l aa<t younK. ■IfMili VmImI. hadifft 8YLV \ X 1*8 MOItltl.1. ATTORNEY At LAW