Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, January 01, 1890, Image 2

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Published Dally, Weedy end Brraday, by THB ATHENS PPBUSHINO CO. TX. GANTT, O. D. FLAN1UKN,. .Editor-ln-CUIcf. •Business Manager. • Thc Awrexo Daily Baknkb I* delivered tnetRien lathe city, or mailed, postage tree, t5 »nyad lret* at the following rates: *6. 0 per vearTtSJ&i for six month JIM tor three months The Weekly o: Sunday B uniB $: .OJper year, to cents foro months. Iferariatly Casl> In ad- T *r™n»lent advert sements will be Inserted at the rate of $U> p r square for the first insert loo, a- dcocen a for each subsequent ins rtlon. ex- t con ract advert ■ , on welch special nteiVts be obtained. Local notices will be charged at the rate of 10 cents per line each Insertion, except when con tracted for extended periods, wn nspecial cates wl 1 be made. dressed to the Business Manager. business men of Athena, and we now ask them to accord The Banner that support which will enable it to take the press dispatches and <add oilier needed improvements. Let ever/ merchant resolve to-day to plaut his card in its columns, that our paper may be a daily advertise ment of Athens and its business en terprises. THE NEW HOTEL. . Now that tlie LoliJaym are over the committee should lose no time j £' a » Carolina & Northern"will soon bo Desirous that my son may complete his collegiate education, and not having time to devote to the business myself, 1 will sell the Elherton Star newspaper and job office. It. is the official orpin of Elbert county, has a fine subscription list, and doesa good job business, which latter branch can be made to pay thc entire expenses of the office. The out fit is new, with Fairhaven power and Gordon job presses. Elberton is one of the best business points in upper Georgia, and tier people are liberal and enterprising. The Gear in starting to work and raising the | ?"*»'**' throu ^ ** tcit *' wHch wiU THE NEW YEAR. Indeed is there a bright outlook for Athens and the country at large for the year beginning to-day. All of onr merchants are in a highly prosperous condition, with promise of an increased trade. The farmers can see daylight ahead, and for the first time since the war have raised enough supplies to support them until another crop is gathered. Bu siness is on a more settled basis than for years past, and credit can be given with a greater assurance of prompt payment. Profits in all lines are cut close, but every class is ef fected alike. Money is easy, and there is no fear of a panic or stria* gcncy i n the market. ' In fact, this morning’s san.rise will show a brighter dawn for the South than in thirty years past Indeed have we canse to return thinks to the Giver of all good for the great blessings that we now en joy and are spread out before us. Let us gy to work this new year’s morn with a firm determination to cultivate these blessings and so de port ourselves as to feel, at the close of the year, that we have tried to merit them. While the whole country is smiling with prosperity, onr own city of Athens has b ten especially favored The past year has Been many impor tant change i made. Stately build ings now cover ground that twelve months ago was waste places ; our street railway has passed under a new management, and we have now one of thc best lines in the South ; the electric light is about to break upon us; splendid sidewalks are laid where once pedestrians tramped through the mud; old manufactories have been enlarged and new ones added—in fact, look where yon will and you Bee evidences of progress made daring the past year. But by fav the most gratifying work done, is the healing of all differences be tween our citizens. Twelve months ago ou i* people were torn into war ring faptions—to-day they are uni« ted together as a band of brothers for the prosperity of their city. Our ballot-boxes havs been purged of the voteB of men who sell their suffrage, and for the first time since the war you find in Athens a united demo cratic party. But the outlook for the new year is even brighter than the old. The Georgia, Carolina «fe Northern rail road will enter our gates, and pour into the commercial lap of Athens the trade of a new and fertile sec tion ; the Georgia Midland will in all probability be graded, and the Athens A Jefferson road assured ; and we may expect that long-locked for Knoxville connection, and a link built to Washington, Ga. A mag nificent new hotel will be completed; onr city sewered and streets paved. We will see a new city park and pro bably electric cars running to it. A number jof small manntactories will be started, and steps taken to devel op our magnificent water powers. We will have a postal delivery ser vice and several thousand inhabi tants added to our population. The above predictions for the new year are not unreasonable, and we donoteeewhy they may not be re alized. Let every patriotic Athe nian start oat this morning with a firm determination to devote a por tion pf his time the coming year to working for his city. Buy a horn and blow on it but cue tone : “ Ath ens P’ Set aside a portion of your accumulations to enhance the pros perity of your city, and lend your aid and means to build up and devel op our town. Vote for any and every movement tending to the improve ment of Athens. Do not let a few dollars deter yon from keeping up with the procession. Old fogies and chronie growlers must retire to the rear, and the progressive element H run the Classic City for the next reive months. ; v ram begins the New Year The prosperous con work will accom- briug Elberton within 75'miles of Au- small sum that is necessary to in- j Ifusta, 40 miles of Athens, and about ' J 1‘)A rtf IrUnM All /if mktrtk ...tit sure Athens a handsome new hotel. This money can be subscribed in a short time by a thorough canvass of the city, for our people all realize the fact that a modern hotel is necessary for the progress and prosperity of the Classic City. A small sum from every citizen will furnish the needed money. The G., C. & N. road is now under headway, and by next fall the cars will be running into Atheus, Our merchants all did a fine trade the past year, property in our city is steadily advancing, and with a new hotel Athens will grow and prosper as no Georgia city has ever done before. That hotel must be built and on January 1st we hope the com mittee will go to work in earnest and finish the subscription. TO THE MERCHANTS OF ATHtNS- In the next few days Mr. J. H. Stone, agent for The Banner, will wait upon our merchants, and wc earnestly hope that every oue will make an advertising contract with him for the new year. It matters not what be your line of -business or the character of your customers, you will find at the end of the year that thc beneficial results from constantly keeping your name and business be fore the public, will many times re pay yon for cost of same. A large advertisement is not necessary, but a small card will answer every pur pose. Again, if all of our merchants- patronizeTnE Banner, it will prove a splendid advertisement for the city, by letting the public know the ex tent of the business done. This pa* per is now owned by the citizens of Athens and every dollar you expend with it will be returned to you, either in an increased trade or dividends on your stock. We intend - to greatly enlarge and improve our Weekly, and place it in every family in this section. 120 of Atlanta—all of which places will contest for tlie business of the county. I do not know a better opening in the South for a weekly newspaper than El berton. My only reasons for selling are those given above. To a good man I will sell the office at a bargain, and on easy terms of pay ment. This is a rare opportunity if you desire to embark in journalism. I will only offer The Star for sale a short time, when if it is not disposed of, will withdraw it from market. Write me at once, if you desire to purchase, for full particulars. T. L. Gantt, Athens. Ga. P. S.—My friends of tlie press will confer a favor by reproducing or no ticing the above. T. L. G. dewtf SOUTHBOUND. NO. 52 Dally No 50 Dally Lt New Yor - “ FJiiladrlpMa “ lii'tin lore CkariottaviUe....* ♦••• fc * T.ynchbarg “ R.chmouu- “ Ik*-n?i*:e Ay (kecnsbotu..\ 4 so pm 6 57 pm 9 80 pm 11 00pm 3 00 am 6 07 am 2 30 am 8 05 am » 42 am 12 15 am 7 20 am 0 45 am 11 24 am 8 40 pm 5 40 pm 3 00 pm 8 40 pm 10 27 pm Iv (ioMsb«jro 44 I aleijUi . 44 Durham..:. f5 OOprn *1 am 2 >5 am 2 30 pm 4 46 pm 5 48 pm Lv 1 Ir.cnaboro. “ Salisbury “ Charlotte.... “ l.'a-toui a . Ar Spartanburg *9 50 am 11 23 am 1 00 pm 1 43 pm 3 88 pm *10 12 32 am 2 15 am 3 02 am 4 flam LvHot Springs 7 80 am 9 05 am 9 59 am 12 30 pm ApIi ville>• • .^......... xrSpartanburc Lv Spartanburg •* Greenville “ freneca 3 38 pm 4 46 pm 6 28 pm 7 23 pm 8 OU pm 8 23 pm +10 25 pm 8 50 pin 10 40 pm 4 61am 5 56 am 7 81 am 8 Slam “ Cornelia..* Ai Lula * 4 Athens..^. Lv Gaineaville Ar Atlanta 9 10am 9 37 am 12 20 pm 10 04 am 12 00 m WANTED.—An agent for the Ham mond Type Writer in the city of Ath ens. Address with references, J. H. Nnnnally, Atlanta, Ga., 36 Whitehall Street. 'QQ CMstmas! *| NEW YEAR! an overwhelming popular MAMMOTH DRAWINGS place Semi-Annually, JnneandDeccraber, and it* GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAW INGS take place In each of the other ten montte of the year, and aro aU drawn In public, at the Academy of Mode, New Orleans, La. and prompt Payment of Prizes. Attested as FoUowt: “We do hereby certify that we* snpervlae the arrangement* for aU the Monthly and Semi-An- ual Drawings of the Louisiana State Letters Company, and in person manage and contro, the Drawings themselves, and that the same an conducted with honesty, fairness and in good faith toward all parties, and we authorise the Company to use till* certificate, with facsimile* of oar signatures attached in its advertise NORTHBOUND. No 51 Daily. No 58 Daily 00, Tlie Georgia Railroad, - Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern R. R. —ANI>— UNION POINT AND WHITE PLAINS R. It. Will Sell ROUND TRIP TICKETS At FOUR CENTS PER MILE, to and from all Stations, on the following dates : DEC. 21st to 25th inclusive. Good for return passage until Jan. S, 1890. December 29t!i, 80th and 31st, good Ao return January 5th, inclusive. E3r*Tiekets at rates named will not he sold at rates named on other than days named above. JOE W. WHITE, E. k. DORSEY, Travelling Pass. Ag’t. Gen'l Pass. A g’t. '““RAlLKOAb TIMB TABLE. Showing ihe arrival and departure of all Trains i.v CITY TIME. THE DECLINE IN SUGAR. The most interesting feature in commercial matters of late has been the decline in sugar, the price of which has dropped very nearly a cent in the New Orleans market since the highest price of the season was T eached some weeks ago. As it will be remembered that cluring the pe riod of advancing prices speculators and dealers purchased very freely, and must now as a consequence hold considerable stock, the decline in volves considerable losses for a num ber of people, unless there is a re action later on. The beet crop of Europe and the sugar cane crop of Cuba arc unex pectedly large, and as a consequence a decline wae forced in our home markets. Thiswill indeed be good news to consumers, who have been outrage ously bled for a year or more to swell the profits of trusts and specu lators. The prospect now is that sugar will decline to a reasonable price, and if the .trust can only be broken, the .finer grades will also drop. GEORGIA Ua.IT.ROAD Arrive. Acc. from Union Point and Way Stations 10 a.m. Ex. from White Pl’ns, Augusta, Savannah and Charleston ....i:\10 p.m Acc. from At lanta, Augusta, Macon and Wil mington, N. C.5.t5p.m Acc. for Union Ex. from White Plains, (Atlanta and the West, 7.30 p.m Exp. for 'White Plains, Atlanta rod the West.. 0 a. m. Acc. for Macon, Atl'ta, A’g'sta, and Wilm’gtonO.lO a.m Svp. for White Plains, Augusta Savannah and Charleston... .4,30 p.m Lv Atlanta.. “ Gainesville “ Athens “ Lula “ Con elia “ Toecoa. “ Seneca. “ Greenville Ar Spartanburg Lv .Snartanluitg. “ Hendersonville Ar Asheville.. “_Hot Springs Lv Spartanburg “ Gasto- ia Ar Charlotte.. “ Salisbury. “ Greensboro Ar Durham. “ Raleigh “ Goldsboro c lv G-eensboro............ Ar Danville “ Richmond “ Lynchburg “ Charlottsvillo “ WashinKteirfr. 41 Baltimore “ Philadelphia “ New York 7 00 pm ' 8 50 pm +5 GO pm 9 17 pm 9 44 pm 10 IS pm 11 C9 pm 12 35 am 1 89 am 8 10 am 10 04 am 7 40 am 10 26 am 10 50 am 11 21 am 12 11 pm 1 48 pm 2 52 pm 1 !»;am 3 33 am 4 25 am o 02 am 7 12 nl pm 1 05 pm 3 to pm 7 50 am 9 32 am 3 30 pm 12 25 pm 2 40 pm 7 10 pm 8 50 pm 3 00 am 6 20 am 3 so pm 6 07 pm 7 00 pin 8 40 pm 2 4 45 pm 5 80 pm 7 05 pm 8 40 pin *5 25 pm +7 30 pm 12 50 pm 8 50 pm 10 20 pm 5 15 am 12 55 am 8 00 am 6 53 am +8 20 am 10 47 am 1 20 pm No. 41, daily except Sunday, leaves Atlanta 5.30 p. m.; arrives at Lida 8.12 p. m. No. 40 leaves Lula daily except Sunday 6.15 a. m.; arrives Atla ta 8.50 a. m. Nos. 50 and 51 connect at Cornelia for Tallu lah Falls daily. ‘Daily. fDaily except Sunday. FuUniaa Sleeping-Car Stum No. 50 lias Pullman Sleeper New York to At lanta. No. 52, Pullman Sleeper Washington to New Orleans and Washington to Birmingham. No. 51 Pullman Sleeper Atlanta to New York. No. 5! Pullman sleeper New Orleans to Wash ington, D. I’,, and Birmingham to Washington. L. L. McCLESKEY, Dlv. Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. JAS. L. JAYLOff, Gen. Passenger Agent, Washington, D. C. Point and Way Stations GEORGIA, CAROLINA & NORTHERN R. K. From Now York, Wash-1 For new York, Wash ington, Norfolk, &c. ington, Noriolk, Ac. Sched.not yet arranged. |Schi d.uot j et ar. anged. COVINGTON & MACON R. R. Ex. from Macon j Acc. for Macon, and Atlanta.. 1,03 p, nil Madison and Acc. from Macon Way Stations. .8.20 a.m Madison and Exp. for Macon. Way Stations, 6.50 Madtson and j Wav Stations, 1.40 p.m RICHMOND A DANVILLE R. R. Ex. from Atlanta Wash’gton and Now I ark.... 11.50a.m Ex. from Atlanta Wash’gton and New York....9.55 p.m Ex. lor New York Wash’gton and Atlauta, 7.10 a.m Ex. for New York Wash’gton and Atlanta 5.20 p.m MONTANA. It looks as if the Republican con spirators ont in Montana were de termined to capture the United States Senators from that State. They fight persistently for them, and they have the advantage of a United Slates Senate now ready to admit their men, providing there is, by hook or crook, some kind of Senator chosen in Montana. The Democrats have thus far prevented this, but it is only at the expense of blocking all legisla tion. Thc Senators really belong to the Democrats, and the Republican manoeuvres that seek to capture them are a'direct attack upon thc ballot box. Athens Cotton Exchange. Athens, Ga. December 31.—Tone of the Market, Quid. Good Middling 9 5-8 Strict Middling 9 1-2 . Middling 93-8 Strict Low Middling 91-4 Low Middling 9 1-S Strict good ordinary 9 Tinges 9 1-8 to 9 1-4 Stains S 3-4 to 9 Georgia Railroad Co Stone Mountain Route. Office General Manager I Augusta, Ga., Sept. list lt‘ 9 j The following schedule will be operated , i tfl further notice: AUIEXg BRANCH. Liverpool Market. Tone: St”a,iy Demaud Fair. Middling uplands, 5 9-16; Middling Orlcaae: Si’-s 8 OOo. Tv ,0 Futures. January-Febmary p.bruarv-March March-April April-May May-June : June-Juy July-August .... August-Scntember .... .. Se.iembcr-October. October-November Novemlier-Deccinber. December J an nary ... c : . ..Jo 37 ... !5 ss is rt 5 85 5 86 5 8. Odmlug Tone: Sterdy. Closing Tone quiet. Tone: Quiet . Futures. January February March April: “ay June July August September October November Decern her New York Market. WddUni 10 ’-a 10 03 ,0 -19 10 16 0 2*5 0 29 0 36 lO 42 10 »7 0 0! (0 0." ’ .0 K 10 ?. ‘6 29 10 SC i0 42 to r, OpcoingTone Stead/. Closing Tone Steady. Receipts of AllU. S. Port?. Total Poit Notice of Stockholders’ Meeting. An adjourned meeting of the stock holders of the Georgia Carolina and Northern Railway Company will be held in Athens, Ga., Wednesday, Janu ary 15th 1890 at 12 M. A. L, Hull, Secretary. Doc.4, 1889. td ATTENTION. All of Julius'Cohen <& Co’s, custom ers are anxiously waiting for January 7tn to come, as we are arranging for a grand Clearance Sale to commence on that day. We are now taking stock and arranging for this great sale, and ready for January 7th. js Cohen Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday... Thursday—.. Friday Total 3 t-Tys 7 I i Some This Wee I Week 1 aii. I _ I r» - j 40.,760 |t7,M3 5 3,23* I*. 197 P-72 ; '.a-’iu ko.884 ,82.756 •2 -‘91 27.2P , 90S l*i>j,8,7 _ ! J4 1838 1887 Receipts ( 1 Seyt. j to Dec. [2) |.* vm no, irar «i -c'~ Stock at all l! .S.Ports. f «S*7 Julius * Manager. : «& Co. Stubblefield House, 664 MULBERRY ST.. MACON, - GA., (Next Door to Opera House.) This house is pleasantly located. Rooms large and nicely furnished. Table furnished with the best the mar ket affords. Good servants and polite attention. Mrs. T. M. BUTN'JER, PROPRIETRESS. , Commissioners. We tbe undersigned banks and bankers will avail Prizes drawn In the Louisians State Lot- teries which mav be presented at our eonnters A, W^l^gsT&LO&jSSil S CARL ROHM, Pres. Union GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING. At the Aendsmy of Music, New Orleans, Tues day, January. It. 1896. Capital Prize $.300,000. 100,000 Tiokets at $20 ‘Each; Haim $10; 1 PRIZE OF 1300,000 Is 7300,000 1 PRIZE OF lOOJWOis 100,000 1 PRIZE OF 60JK0U 50,000 1 PRIZE OF 25JM01s 25,000 2 PRIZES OF 10,000 are 20.000 5 PRIZES OF AOOO are 25,000 25 PRIZES OF 1,000 are 25,000 100 PRIZES OF GOO are 50,000 200 PRIZES OF 300 are €0,000 500 PRIZES OF 200 are 100,000 APROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Prizes of *500 are 50,000 100 Prizes of *300 are 30,000 100 Prizes of *200 are 20,000 TWO NUMBER TERMINALS -PRICE Clothiers, Tailors, Hatters, Furnishers. All goods marked in PLAIN FIGURES. Prompt attention given to mail orders. Measure blank furnished upon application. Eiseman Bros,, 17 and 19 Whitehall Ret. Atlanta fia 009 Prizes of *100 are 909 Prizes of *100are.. .99,900 90,900 L134 Prizes Amounting to *1,054,000 Note.— Tickets drawing Capical Prises are not entitled to terminal Prizes. AGENTS WANTED. X9 For Club Kate* or any further informa tion desired, write legibly to the undersigned, clearly stating your residence, with state, coun ty, street and number. More rapid return msl delivery will bo assured by your enclosing ai Envelope bearing your full address. IMPORTANT. AddroaH. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, L*. or 21. A. 9AUFHI*, , tv turningum, u. l., Br ordinary letter, containing Money Orders issued by all Express Companies, New York Exchange Draft or Postal Notes. Address Rsgistwed Letters Containing Currency to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, Nxw OntliKS, La. payrai _ I GUARANTEED BY FOUR NATIONAL BANKS ol New Orleans, and the tickets are signed by the President of an Institution whose chartered rights are recognized In the highest Courts: therefore, beware ol any Imitations oj anonymous schemes. One dollar Is the Price of the smallest part or fraction of a ticket Issued by ns In any drawing. Anything In our name offered for less than a dollar Is a a’ swindle. wcJAsun-d- 96th Meridian Time. f F ast Train. Day Mail. Fast Train. Lv. Athens. Winterville Dunlap.... Crawiord.. Antioch ... Maxeys.... “Woou ville. Ar- Union l’t. 8.30 a in 8.40 a m 8.50 a m 9.07 a m 9.23 a m 9.30 a m 9.47 a m 9.55 ft m 8.40 a m 9.12 a m 9.20 a m 10.00 a m 10.29 a m 10.52 a m 11.22 a m 11.35 a m 3.50 p m 4.06 p u 4.10 p m 4.27 p m 4.43 p m 4.50 p it 5.07 p m 5.15 p m Lv. Unio 1 F.. Ar. Atlan.a . Gainesville 10,04 a m 1.00 p m 8.25 p m 2.10 p m 5.45 p m Lv. Union Pt. Ar. Augusta. Washingtn V aeon Mill’dg vile SSSSS BBSS S 5 85 p m 8.15 p m 7.20 p m FOR COTTON GINS, ENGINES' AMD 7 J REPAIRS, AT Bottom Prices, WRITE TO Geo. R. Lombard & (!o. Foundry, Machine* Boiler and Gin Wjrk and Supply House, Augusta, Meh7 d* Ga TRAIXS WESTWARD. Lv. Augusta. ■ 7.45 a m Macon .... MiUMg vile Wurihin^tn 7.20 a m Ar. Union Pt. 10.01 a m iv. Atlanta.. Gainesville Ar. Union Pt. Lr. Union P . 10.15 a m Woodviile, 10 24 a m Maxeys. .. 10.41 a m Antioch.. 10.4S a m Crawford.. 11.04 a m Dnnlap.... 11.20 am Winterville 11.25 a m Ar. Athens . 11.40 a m 5.85 p m 544 p m 6.01 p m 6.03 p m 6.24 p m 5.40 p m 6.45 p m 7.00 p m ATHENS ACCOMMODATION, Leave Athens* 6 15 pm Arrive Union Point. 8 45pm Lea e Union Point* 6 45 p m Arrive Athens 9 80 a m •Except Sunday. UNION POINT 3c WHITE PLAINS R. R. 'TifcTiuee' aiisre Leave Union Point*.. Arrive at Siloam Arrive at Wbi e Plai- Leave White Plains Arrive at Silomn Arrive at Union Point.... *E cept Sunday. 10.10 a m *6.40 p m 10.35 a m 6.05 P m ,1.10 am 6.40 P m *8 00 am ’•8.80 P m 8.35 a m 4.05 P m 9.00 am 4. 40p m ItStiLteen its Merits The lol'owug twenty well known citizens of Athens are selected from my list of purchasers to whom 1 refer as to the merits of the Lee Range. Consult the references, see the Range and if you want a first-class cooking apparatus you are my customer. I3ST THEOIT Z Dr S C Benedict A H Hod; F B Lucas Casper M H N Taylor Wm Ware Prof H C White M B McGinty Prof E C Branson C D Flanigen Julius Cohen Mrs Blackwell IH Allen Mrs Olive J BToomcr Mrs Lucy Mathews Industrial Home E R Brumby Thomas Fleming A D Mathews. SLEEPING AND PARLOR CARS. Fact train : Sleeping cars between Atlanta Augusta and Charleston. Night express: Sleeping cars between Charleston and Atlanta. Augusta and Atlauta, Augusta and Macon. Trains No. 27 and 28 will Btop at and receive, passengers to and from the following stations only: Grovetown, Harlem, Deanng, Thomson, Norwood, Barnett,Crawfordville, onion .Point Grcenesboro, Madison, Rutledge, Social Circle Covington, Conyers, Lithouia, Stone Moon- tain and Decatur. Trains to and from Athena eenneet with trams 27, 28,1 and 2. J. W. GREEN, E. R. DORSET, Geo. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt. JOE W. WHITE. Trav.Pass. Agt. “LITTLE BROWN JUG.”, Macon, Ga., D O s Jug Business to please onr customers We handle the ttneyt whisky, at low prices viz: Louis ISfifi, Small Grain, and Lincoln Co., Rye, anil in fact all grades of Rye, from *1A0 to S3,CO per gallon; aLoKennesaw Mountain and North Carolina Corn, from *L50 to *2.50 per gal on. Send us your ordersfor Jugs. Satisfaeuor lguaranteed. wSSfULb FREE. SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Y lu «• Harris, Pres. 8. Thomas, got DIRECTORS: V. L. G. Horns, L. U. Chtrbonnio: John H. Newton, Stevens Thomas, A. E. Griffeth. John A, Uunuieuit, Roht. L Hampton, Eduard 8. Lyndon Mariettas Stanley Bum K. Reaves In the Country: Dr Watkins, Sandy Cross ; W O Fluker, Union Point Mr. Stovall, Oconee county J W Arnold, Wilkes county Andrew & Glenn, Oglethorpe county J M Brisendim, “ * James Young, “ “ Hon JasM Smith, “ “ M Mathews, •* “ James Hutcheson “ “ T A Hanie. “ “ J R Shields, Jackson county. Woods Ashford, Watkinsville James Freeman, Antioch G A Potter, Supt. Ga. Factory. Mr Card, Supt. Barnett Shoals. In addition to the LEE RANGE I keep the best andjargest selected stock Stoves and Goods m my Line Of any house in this city. convince. A call will E. JONES 209 Broad St One two-story house on Foundry street, lot extending back to Codington & Macon Railroad. A splendid lot for a warehouse. Also, one large dwelling on Oconee sk, now used by Public ScbooL This prop erty is valuable. Shackleford & Hattaway, Real Estate Agents. PIANOS and ORGANS. The Best Instruments at Lowest Prices. See a partial list of our customors for reference on any of them PIANOS. Miss Lucy Bishop, A then s. Capt. J J. C. McMahan, “ Billups Phinizy. Col. E. T. Brown, “ W. B. Jackson, V Mrs. Raphael, “ M. B. McGinty, ‘‘ W. D. Griffeth, “ Mrs. E. A. Crawford, “ Capt. W. W. Thomas, “ ‘ Miss Ellen Mell, “ J. T. Tolbert, Danielsvil’e. P. F. Crawford, Lavonia. W. H. Morton, Crawford. W. H. Cheney, Bairdstown. ORGANS. L. M. Cain, Athens. Williams Lodge O. F. “ H. T. Huggins, “ 1st Baptist Church “ 2nd Baptist Church, “ Mrs. E. A. IMielps, “ Wintervfllc ^Baptist Church W. 11. Wright, Banka villa. Mrs. Dr. Thurmond, Jewelville. W. W. Bright,well, Maxcya. Methodist Church, Winterville. O. A. Waddell, Milledgeville.] J. 1’. Wilson, Greeneshoro. Miss Maggie Tlmrmond,Lynchburg,Va W. L. Adams, Monroe, Ga. OP NEW YORK. LARGEST, SAFEST OLDEST MOST RELIABLE Assets Surplus, New Insurance. Insurance in Force, Paid Policy Holders in 1838, Increase in Assets, Increase in Surplus, Increase in Instance written. $126,082,153 7,940,063 103.214,281 482.126,184 14,727,550 7,275,301 1,645,622 54,496,251 ^roKRiiisTxiiCTXOJsrs. If you pay ‘ your Premium, the Oomnany Will pay your Qsstiss!. G-IIA-HSTT & WILLCOX A-gts.- 213. EAST CLAYTON STREET C. L. SORREL W. U. HAINES SORREL <fc IIA IlSTES. Havejuzt opened m> a CARRIAGE AM) WAGON SHOP, U 0 , ner Jackson and shington streets. They are prepared to do all kinds of Hi. AGKSMIT1UNG Holt SH OEING, etc., will algo build wagons, carriages and other vehicles to order Ail kinds of re pairing done promptly and at reasonable prices. Mr. Haines has had twenty years experience in thebosiuess, eight ofwhiofa were spent at the old Hodgson shops. Give us a trial and we will give yon satisfaction. ’ REPAIRING AND HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY l 89d'y Respectfully, SORREL & 11 AIN PS Augusta, Ga. Special high qualit; attention to orders, A.5E.5GRIFFITH. GRIFFITHS ME Insurance A-gents, -Present the BEST COMPANIES and'Insure Desirable Property In Represent .... J|i Athens and vicinity on moat favorable terms, list of Companies. fcpibl. \ Home of Now York *3,000.000 Ftuenix of Hartford 2,000.000 Liverpool and London and Globe £2,000,000 Insurance Company of North America 3,000,000 North British and Mercantile .£2,000,1x10 Germania of New York 1,000,000 Hartford of Connecticut... "• 300,000 AtlantaHomo 200,000 Savannah Fire and Marine 200,000 Now York Life Insurance Company (Mutual $8,961,65 6,001,24 tn U. B. 6,9(3,81 8,696,95 in U.S. 3,472,61 2,806,71 5,750,06 726,76 284,83 232,66 83,409,18 ^OFFieB AT BANK OF THE UNIVERSITY. Witherspoon Ac Hamilton, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In White Lead, Oil, Varnishes, Turpentine, Brushes colors and Painters supplies. Don’t forrt the place, 122 CLAYTON STREET B ATHENS, GEORGIA 0*We your Painting promptly und give satisfaction every particular. Witherspoon &