Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, January 01, 1890, Image 3

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Kir- DAILY BANNER: “Did n’t Know ’i Loaded” ■n S 8 ih; hat May do for a stupid boy’s < what caii be said tor the parent who *>«• his chilli latig-tisliltig daily Ml tails ■to recognize the want ot a tonic and Mood-purifier? Formerly, a course ot bittern, or sulphur and molasses, was the rule in well-regulated families; but now all intelligent households keep Aye*** Sarsaparilla, which is at once pleasant to the taste, and the moat searching and effective bh .u! mei: idne ever discovered. Nathan R. Cleveland, •?7 V.. Canton at., I Mint i in, writes: " M.v daughter, now 21 years old, was in [terfcil health until a year ago when she lagan to complain ol fatigue, headache debility, dizziness, indigestion, ami loss of appetite. I con cluded that ail her complaints originated in impure blood, and induced hev to take Ayei s Ritrsapurilia. This medicine noon 1. stored her hlond-muking organs to healthy action, ned in due time reestab lished her former henith. ) find Ayer’s Sarsaparilla a most valuable remedy for the lassitude mud debility incident to spring time.” Castright. Brooklyn Power Co., Brooklyn, N. V.. says: “As a Spring Aimiieine. I And a splendid substitute for the old-time compounds in Ayer’s f .rsapnt ilia, with a few doses of Ayer’s 1’ills. A Tier their use, I feel fresher and stronger lo so tiirough the summer.” Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, ramsED ntr Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mast. Brie* $1; six bottles, V \S. Worth $5 s bottle. We offer One Hundred Dollars Howard for any case of Catarrh that cannot be en red by taking Hall’s Catarrh Cure. It. F. Cheney A Co., Props., Teledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years, -and be' lievehim perfectly honorable in all busi ness transact ions,and financially able to carry oat M>y obligations made by tbeir firm. Wert A Truax, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio, Walding, Kinnmi & Mar vin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo.Ohio. E. H. Van Hoeaen, C. shier Toledo National Bank, Toledo, Ohio. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directlyupon the blood ana mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 76c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Is Life Worth UrtnaP I Not if you go through the world a dyspeptic. Acker’s Dyspepsia Tablets are a positive cure for the worst forms of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Constipation. Guaranteed and sold by L. D. Sledge A Co. Druggist. and generally * opinion that of the Governor l..i time prcvi-iusto btf death. Go^rnor Perry rn a anlTt-rer from indigestion. He lock Dr. Westmoreland's Calitaya Tonic and wrote the following letren Bans Sonei. Gentlemen —I mast cordially recommd Dr Westmorcls'id's Caiissys Tonic. For several years pa*» l have beeu troubled with indiges tion and dyspepsia My son; Dr. Hezt If. Perry, of Philadelphia, who knows the ingred ients* which comp iae yonr Tonic, >poks Tar- oim'ily ofit. In the course of two mouths past I have nsrd four bottles, and I am entirly re lieved. Yours trait, Ac., B. F. Perry. Dr. Westmoreland's Calissya Tonic is sold by L. D. Sledge A Co. at 50 cent and (1.00 a bottle. ELEGTRICim^af VITAL FORGE and Sign ION. HHNRY DU MONT, DECORATORS AND DEALERS IN Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brus No. 17 North Jackson Street. Next Door to Bakhrx Office. THE ERRORS ofYOUTHandMANHOOD. A western steady. paper reports whiskey aa Bound ta leather, fall ptlt. Price, only one -toUw, byWdl, a<jd«l to H I . I I |U| K k nl - A& Hx*nr Do Moire, M. 1 U U 1X1 II *■ XX! fever : very t published, and is absolutely complete ry roots end vlul* of disease. Bradvcrotine cured Headaches (or J. C.Raw- liugs, Eastmau, Ga. nmm Belt hues for railroads are good things if en emies of the city would not strike beiow the belt. - For all Diseases of Men. by the dLstinsnlalad author, IIXXBT Du Most,M. D., who has DISCOVERED CHOUP, WHOOPING COUGII anil Bronchitis Immediately relieved by Shiloh’s Cure. For Sale by John Craw ford A Co. is what ^POSITIVE 1 CURE. I keep on band a good supply of STEAM AND GAS SHILOH’S VITALIZES you need for Constipation, Loss of Ap petite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Priee 10 and 75 cents per bottle. For Sale by Sohn Crawford Co. “I was troubled v. ith an eruption on my face, which was a source of constant annoyance a hen 1 wished to appear in company. After . using three bottle of Ayer’s Sarsaprntla. tbehu- inpewooorby ^xw<i^Tnrtrmiiry | Nn.3SlColtinAtH« AY.^BOtitOn, 1UU. “I HEARD A VOICES IT 8A1D. **OOME AND SEE.*** mor entirely disappeared.”—Mary M. Wood,40 Adams st., Lowell, Muss. Sam Small and camp meetings are out. lie joined the Episcopal church. . SHILOH’S COUCH and Consump tion Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. For Sale by John Crawford A Co. How often do we her.r of the sudilenand fatal termination of a vase of croup, when a young iile might have been saved by the prompt use of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Ayers Almanac for the new year is out. Get one. Grarden Hoes, AND S PECIALTIES -IN- FOR MEN ONLY*. • Oesetml aid NERVOUS DEBIT.ITT; ftTrU X* Wnkuu of Body ond Kiad: Effect* *•-> vJ XVXl of Errors *r Excesses ia 014 or Y wag VW* loautxsarrtmcrf r Tr+n 47 SUltra, Trrrit«rfrs, ud FurrtjpBCMiirlrt, rttollHk. Adofc, hai>ialM>ikWi —4 Brwh wll< pm. i«M uit atiicAtci., i err sit, a. a Galloway, Lambert & Co. D ICAlXiUAUTEHS FOE F/[HCY j\nd FAMILY a We have just received a shipment of French Peas, Jockey Club Sar lines, Plum Puddings, Layer Figs, Tluirber’s Canned Peaches, Pears, Apri cots, and Dunbar’s Pre served Figs. Our Olive Oil, Teas, Extracts and Spiees A RE THE BEST OATS, CORN, HAY and STOCK FEED. GALLOYi AY, LAMBERT & C0.» Telephone No. 73. Coalayloa. Hlood Ulwow. Ulcers, sores, pimples, itch, Halfrheum, etc., are evidences ol contagions blood disease. It is manifestly a duty to eradicate blood poison f.otn the system by a use of B. B. IS. (botanic Blood Bairn,) thus'enabling the sore places to When n shabby genteel old man has nothing else to stand on he can stand on his dignity M. MYERS & CO, have received their Holiday Goods, and invite you to call and see Swift’s SpeeiGchassaie I me years of nntold miserr by relieving a partiepar’ilysis'in my left beal, and thereby removing all possibility of , 8 ,l ’’ This was after I had been tr.awd by best —- V. ■- v, pnysicians in fit. i.onis and Chicago, The a’as censed by some derangement of other members of the family becoming like wise afflicted. Send to Blood Balm Co., At lanta, Ga., for book that will covvmcc. J. H. Outlaw,Mt. Olive, N. C., writes: “1 had running seres on my shoulders and arms. One bottle B. B. B. cured me entirely.” L. Johnson, Belmont Station, Miss., writes: **B. B. B. has worked on me like a charm. .My bead and body was covered with sores, and aiv hair came out, but B. B. B. healed me quickly. 1 ’ W. J. Kinnin, Hutches, Texas, wrues: “B. B. B. has cured my wife of a large ulcer on her leg, that doctors and all other medicine could not re.” M J. Bosaman, a prominent meichant of Greensboro, Ga., writes: *-I know of several cases of blood disease speedily cured by B. li. B. Two bottles cured u lady of ugly (scrofu lous akin sores.” W. C. Birchmore A Co., Maxey, Ga., writes: "B. B. B. in curing nr. Robert Ward of hlood poison, eflected one cl the most wonderful cares that ever came to our knowledge.” The Prettiest Line Electric Goods. Julius Dornblatt Pimples on the Face Denote an impure state of the Word and are looked upon by many with sus picion. Acker’s Blood Elixir will re move all empuritics and leave the com plexion smooth and clear. There is noth ing that will so thoroughly build up the constitution, purify ami strengthen the krhole system. Sold and guaranteed by L. D. Sledge A Co, Druggist. FOR SALE. Good house and lot on corner of Strong mud Lumpkin sheets. Cull ur.d see us right away. Shackleford & Hattaway, Real Estate Agen.tS troubli . my blood, which has been corrected by S. S. S, T. A. Sheppart, Sherman, Texas. oct.4dlf. Clayton St., Athens Ga. Hens are on the wrong lay in St. Landry where eggs are held at 35 cents per dozen. Of Goods suitable for sale in Athens. the HOLIDAYS ever put on Respectfully, The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Druggist, liippus, Ind;, lestifiies: “I can recomend Electric Bitters the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every ease. One man took six bottles, was cured of rheumatism of 10 years standing, 1 Abraham Hare druggist,Beilvilie, Ohio, athrirs “Tne bestselling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years” expirence, is Electric Bitters” Thousands of othet have added theirtestimony so that the verdict is unanimous that Electrie Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver Kia- neys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at John Crawford Co. or L. D. Sledge Co. Whole sale and Retail Drnggist Athens Ga. MI. MYERS & CO *C. BODE'S,* Cor. College Aye. and Clayton St. Has always on hand Fresh - Bread, - CAKE THE MOST COMPLETE -LINE OF— A big drum is a delusion, while a smaller one is a snare. There comes a time when patience ceases to be u forbearance. People Everwhcre. Confirm our Ktntement when we say that Acker's English Remedy is in every wuy superior to any and all others preparation for the Throat anil Lun^s. In Whooping Cough and Croup it is agic and relievs »t once. We ofi’eryi u a sample bo-tie free. Rvmember.this Remedy is sold on a pustive guuraate by L. U, Siedgc Co. BOOTS & SHOES Bread, - AND PURE CONFECTIONERIES, Etc Has Bcceiyed a Full Assortment of Toys, such as Dolls, Bedroom, . Parlr, Kitchen, Toylet A Wash Sets, Carriages, Drums, Horns, Jumping Jack3, Clowns, Toy Carts and Wagons, Drawing Slates, Velocipedes, Decorated Cups, Saucers and Mugs. O. -BODE. Keeps on hand at all times a line of fall TOY IND FAMILY ity Full Measure, Honest We and Good Guaranteed. IF YOU WANT Good Vinegar, ii iact. 'f Syrup, p or jr^ Sugar) Give Him a Call. A very fine line of CRACKERS, and a Fancy Brand.of rtgaw FLOUR Which will always satisfy, ways fresh. Best of Al- Lard, Hams, Dried Beet and Breakfast Bacon. Come and See. Athens, Ga. Keep Warn in Winter IN' -A-THBISTS, -ATVTD IS AT LUCY HINTON IS QUEEN OF THE TOGACC0 WORLD. Talinadge Bros, are headquarters and factory agents for T. C. Williams ond Co.’s Lucy Hinton, Mattaponi, Jay Bird and 1’anther Tobaccos. They are always reliable^ uniform and best on earth for prieerot which they are sold. Try them. 13-Gm Tiie best razors and the best poekot- rfect>tisfaetion,or mohey refunded | ^ at SlF THE ONE PRICE SHOE STORE, Cool in Summer. Tie Athens lee Cen;a&i Bueklen’s Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the worle for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sait Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions and positively cures Piles, or no ' pay required. It is guaranteed to give ! perfect satisfaction,or money refn Price 25 cents per box. For sale by John Crawford A Co., and L. B. Sledge & Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists. -OF- Is prepared to furnish the Best Black Diamond Goal and Wood Iturlng the winter and t3r*ICE„4EJ in the Sum mor. Orders loft at B3ir*l 2U^£3 Clayton Street will receive prompt attention. ATHENS ICE CO. SeptSdly. SitisfacDoh guaranteed with every pair. ■fan- TO RENT. Three rooms over McDowell’s, ply to J. T. Anderson. v g <-t .profits per month ;wlll prove it ... ■ ft ■ or pay fo.fel fi- w portraits jusi oat $3 SO Sample sent pukk to all. W. II, Uiidester & son,as Bond Ht. N.Y A JL‘ t POINTEHS.»grKS3!!i: W- «f UU4-^rt« >1..,.^ W. u. MIMttV » Op.. CUCTKUmD. U PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses And beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Restore Gray i Hair to its Youthful Color. 9 Prevents J>nndrulf and bolr falling Caution to Motnera. Every mother is cautioned against ’ivingher child Lnudnuin or paregoric: t cruses an unnatural craving for siiin- uants which kills the mind or the child. Acker’s Baby Soother is specially prepar ed to benefit children and euro their pains. It is harm less and contains no Opium or Moipliinc. Sold by L. L\ Sledge & Co, Druggist. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh’s Plaster. Price 25 cents. For Sale by John Crawford & Co. CHICHESTER'S ENCUSH PENNYROYAL PIUS. Ited Cross Diamond Brand. ?h..a!rnlt»t>l.j>ei forsd*. SalhuS MMMk linctlu Hr U*. Bla. ■owl llrantl, lu ml muliaioamld wauanta. TdiHSkes l.lh, *» imrtfnurt ol -IblW hr Chdrhc.tctchJS^M^iSr'.Viu^K: Swiss Condensed Milk Co. common, ordinary pill when they can secure a valuable English one for the same money. Dr. Acker’s English pills are a positive cure for sick-hoadaclie aud all lives troubles. They arc Bmall, sweet, easily taken and do not grine. Kor sale by L. D. Sledge & Co. RICI BRAND GENUINE SWISS CONDENSED MILK. Guaranteed the t idiest and purest milk man' tifnetuml, containlnK over 10 per cent of butter. Children and invalids will thrive wonderfully, a. d families will ttixl Its use more economical than ■> (Unary cows milk. See your grocer gives yoS lUgt Swiss Condensed Milk. Import Agent, JtMES p. sniTU, New York aud Chicago. THE VERY BEST Binging In the ears, sometimes a roaring buzzing sound are caused by catarrh. Unit exceed ingly disagreeable and vety common dir- case. Loss of smell or hearing also result from catarrh. Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier, is a peculiarly suc cessful remedy for tills disease, which ;t cures by purityiug the blood. It you suf fer from catarrh, try Hood's Sarsaparilla, be peculiar medicine. MU S I CAL Instruction to he secured at the METROPOLITAN CONSERVATORY 21 East lfth Street. New York City. Hook giving full particulars sent free. Can emcr at any time. Hoard furn shod In conneo- tlon with the school. H. W. Gazzxa, General Manager. ASTHMA CUSEfi SCHIFFMANfi’S ASTHMA CURE aiil " ; r nllms th. most violmt • r for results. IU»-“- -ain.sada aoonni^ , PHmI MADE WITH BOIUNG WATER, EPPS'S QRATEFUL-COMFORTINCL COCOA MADE WITH BOIUNG MILK. ttseamdst . . '•..■TSSffi 01.IJSY.M.D. Thereto sore to be something seriorg on foot when a man goes to the chiropodist’s office. Do not despair ofcnrnigiyour sick Headache abtair yon can so easily ot Liver Pills. They will effect a prompt and per- RICHES- It von desire them no use fooling away lime thal don’t pay: but send (1.00 at once Ap- fnr niagidficvut outfit of our Great New- Stanley Hook. If ht.ok and terms not satisfactory we Mill refund vour money. No risk. No capital reeded. Hath lailies and gentlemen employed. Don't lose time in writing. “Stop in while the waters are troubled.” Days are worth dollars. Address B. F. JOHNSON & CO.. 1009 .11 aia Sit. Uichuiend, Vn. Dec. as-d-lmo. Patti, on her farewoll tour, will sing “Good- by, Sweeheart,” for (3500 per night. Duty to Yourself. It is surprising that peoiilowill use Baby One Solid Rash Ugly, painful, blotched, malicious. No rest by day, no peace by night. Doctors and all remedies failed. Tried Cnth-ura. Effect marvelous. Saved his life. Cured by CuticurA Our oldest child, now six years old, w hen an infant six manths old was attacked with a vir ulent. malignant skin discasa. -:AU ordinary remedies failing, we called our family physician who attempted to cure it; bat it spread with air most incredible rapidity, until the lower por tion of the little fellow’s person from the middle of his hack down o his knees was one solid rash, uglv. painful, blotched, and maliuious. We had no rest at night, no peace by day. Finally we were advised to try Cuticnra Kemt'dies. The ef fect was simply marvelous. In three or four weeks a complete cure wos wrought, leaving the little fellow’s person as w hite and healthy as though he had never been attacked. In my opinion your valuable remedies saved liis life, and tmlay he is a strong, healthy child.perfectly well, no repetition of ttlie disease having ever occurred. ‘ GEO. B Attorney at law and ex-prosecuting attorney, Ashland, Ohio. Northeastern Coal * Yards ORR & HUNTER, Proprietors. 4 Red Ash Anthracite” 66 TbeBest ever Sold in this Market. 99 Grlen IVTar-y “CoalX!reek” “Splint” Coal. Blasksmil Coal and Coke W.M. PITTMAN, DEALER IN FLORIDA ORANGES, MESSINA LEMONS, NORTHERN APPLES, NORTHERN CABBAGE. FLOUR, IRISH POTATOES, MEAL, YAM POTATOES. MEAT, LARD, SUGAR, CORN, COFFEE, HAY, TEA, BRAN. RICE, TOBACCO, GRITS. CIGARS. SNDFF, SOAP. STARCH, BLUING, PEARLINE, POTASH COVINGTON & MACON R. R Time table No. 5, to take effect at 7.10 o’clock, a. m., Sunday, Nov. 24, 1889. NORTHBOUND, Second Class. 23 Th. Fr’t. Men Wed Friday. Local Ft. Daily on. Sunday Lv Macon,.. .. ill00 Masrey’s HI. Van Buren,.. Uolerts Morton Grays 1227 12 41 12 58 Hillsboro.... Adgatorillo Mlnnetta .. Mouticello... Machen.... I Marco Godfrey Madison, .... SOUTHBOUND. Give usTyoiir order now and s r get the benef of summer rates. C-13£,m it . \ . Mrs. Van Jones—George, I think it is awful, oar going oni between acts, Mr..Van Junes— lot half so bad, dear, aa coming in between drinks. The action of Carter's Litt'e Liver Pills is r Jeaaaot, miid and natural. They gently stim ulate the liver, and regulate the bowels, but da not purge. They are sure please. Try them. Attoraeya for the derfense are bo misleading justice to obliged to be blind. For any ease of nervousness, sleeplessness week stomach, in digestion, dyspepsia, try Car ter’s Lirtle Nerve Pills. Relief is snre. The only nerve medicine tor tho price in market. Unlike the majority cf things in this queer world, foga are always mists until they are gone. Boy Covered With Scabs. My boy. aged nine years, has been troubled , all his life with a very had humor, which ap- j peared all over his body in small red blotches, with a dry white scab on them. Last year he M as worse than ever, being covered with scabs from the top of the head to his feet, and contin ually crowing worse, although he had been treated hy two physicians. As a isst resort, I determined to try the t’uticura Remedies, and am happy to.-ay they did all that I could wish. Using them according to dlree ions, the humor rap: fmooth, and performing a Uiorough cure. Tho Tucy are worth their weight in gold. UEORDK F. LEAVITT, No. Andover. Mass. Cuticura Resolvent. Woman’s Dlsoovn-y. Another wouoderlul discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this couuty. Disease faaened its dutches upon her aud for i leven yeara she withstood its severest ‘tests The n< w Rloo.l l’utidcr nnd purest and best of Humor remedies, internally, and Cuticura, the great skin cure, aud Cuticura Soap, an exqui site skin purifier, externally, sjieolily, perma nently and economically cores in earlv u!« itch ing, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, pimply, scrofulous and hereditary humors with loss of hair, thus avoiding years of torture and disfigu ration. Parents, remember this: cures in child hood are permanent. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticnra, 60c: Soap, 20c: Resolvent. ?I. Prepared by the 1-ottkk Duuo axd Chemical ConrORATiox, Boston, Mass. CifSend f or “ir 0 w to Cure Skin Diseases;’ 01 pages, 51 illustrations aud 100 testimonials. mt her vital organa were undermined and I RSRY’S st * n an!l sca1 P preserved and beautr death seemed imminent. For three mouths | w;lul u tied hy Cuticura Soap. Absolutely pure. she coughed iooessanUy and did not sleep. Sb bought of us s bottle of Dr, Kiug.s New Di death seemed imminent. For three mouths She Dis- onverv for Consumption and was so much re lieved on taking first dose that she steps all night and with one bottle has been miUculons- ly cored, "Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz” Thus write W. C. Hamrick A Co. of Shelb. N ,C. —Get af re* trial bottle at John Crawford k Co L. D Sledge A Co. Whole sale and Retail! DruggesL Athens, Ga. How My Side Aches! Aching sides and hack, hip Jcidnevaxid uterine pains, rheumatio, sciatic, ’neu ralgic, sharp and -hooting pains reliev ed in one minute by the Cuticura Anti. Pain Plaster. 23c. Geo. O.Tiiomas. Jjso. J. Stricki an THOMAS & STRICKLAND, ATTORNEYS. At>», Georgia DAVIS j * GAREBOLD HAVE MOVED THEIR BOOKSTORE TO 111 Broad St., Formerly Long’s Drugstore WHERE YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND ON HAND at the Lowest prices. -L-A FULL LIME OF Books, Stationery Musical Merchandise, iLndBasc-Biill Goods. No. 19 E, Clayton St. Athens. Ga. ITOll S-A-YiJE. Mrs. Deloi.y has placed her desirable lot on Broads -eetnextto Dr. Pope’s office, in my ha ds for sale. Size of lot 60x112. Thisl t must bo sold in the next few weeks. A splendid River Farm, containing 200 acres, within 8% miles of Athens. T. Anderson, R. E. Ag’t. No. Ill, Broad St. 1889. FOR SALE. Tho lot on whlzh the Livery stable on Thoma street stand. The lot can front two stores on Thomas street, and a good residence lot on Strong Street. Apply to- J. S. Williford, Real Estate Agent All the property lying on the corner ofBroi and Foundry streets and known aa the Head jwoperty. The lot runs to the right-of-way of R. B., and to very valuable and Is now yaying handsomely. Apply to 11 BROAD ST. ATHENS,GA O r action is mild and nature Many a youthinl scion of wealth to depended on pap lab«r. H. B 8tlD J |^oMi£ e * d#0hC#for,it *- UJ mg as nia„M «.wn *1 satisfaction in tbt '■arc of Gonorrbcea end Gleet. I presence ManC feel safelnrccomr-.nfi In* It to all sntfere* t. J. STOXEIi, Dseatar, IlL PRICE. 81.0 A Bold hr Dtnstiati- You will find an entiHely NEW STOCK O Cloth! FOR. *MEN, YOUTHS and BOW Also a fine line of STYLISH HATS, GENTS’ NECKWEAR^ & Furnishing Goods. I will make it as pleasan for you as possible if you will' call and see me. Very Respectfully, MAXWELL’S Livery and Feed Stables SPECIAL TO DROVERS. Lexington, J. S. Williford, Real Estate Agent. ▲Iso town suburban small farms of 10, 20,40 add 60 acres. Also a number beantlfnl lots on Barber street. These lots beautiful, low priced. NOTICE.. Ih ve city property to exchange tot forma in the country. TAN YARD. I have for sale two miles from the city a well Georgia. equipped tan yard. Everything new, eight or nine acres of land attached, only 1-4 mile from Horses, linggics. Hacks and Surreys for Hire. Gentle Horses, Safe Drivers. Custouters-serv- e.I Day or Night. Stock In my Care receives Best of Attention. Bates Reasonable. N. E. R. R., which has side-track where bark can be delivered. The property is not offered because the business does not pay, bat because owner desires to change his business. Apply to J. S. WILLIFORD, Bed Estate Agent LOOK AT THIS. r ,, _ I win sell a bargain in a pretty little farm o E. Maxwell, Prop’r. well plastered, well of good pure water, also spring on the p’*ce. Price 81,800 and no leer Apply to, J. S. WILLIFORD. Beal Estate Agent. FOR SALE. Aen Ic 6-rt( m cottage on College AT, <. AT LOW PRICES. MRS. T. A. ADAMS la offering her stock o linery Goods JOHN at Low Prices. Call and see her before buying Dan Ol - ° (0. F.Kohlruss, l 5 Prop. Clayton Street ClotMng Store. lanufactnrer and Deler in Foreign * Domestic " trble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, stiles. Copings, etc. Cemetery and building irk of all Description made to order. All or- rs promptly attended to and executed In the promptly attended to and executed in the tost manner possible. Original Designs ~iuted, Corner Washington and EUla Sts. GUSTA , GEORGIA. -GO XO- Il. .ARNOLD House and Sign Painting Paper Hanging, Etc, —GO TO— JOHN L. ARNOLD, BROAD STREET, Fancy and Family Groceries. Florence Farmington, Bishop Watkfnsrille, Sidney, White Hall, 600 6 35 700 714 730 7 45 805 Athens....... 830 am 203 220 305 Fast Mall Daily. 7 50 a m 810 818 830 850 " 0 00 900 924 9 37 935 10 30 10 42 1112 1142 12 22 p m 12 55 119 148 2 87 3 05 355 430 500 518 533 5 57 0 20 p m 710 a m 7 19 7 27 735 7 49 755 800 814 8 22 823 833 8 49 9 07 910 9 44 950 10 08 10)42 10 55 1123 1145 1154 12 03 pm 1st Class | IU OIOW, 50 23 I £4 FsP,Local F’L'Th. Fr’t Montlrello,' Minnela . ■. Adgatev ill,. Hillsboro... Bound Oak I Wayside,... Bradley, Grays... Morton Roberts Van Buren Massey's Mill Ar Macon, 1220 12 37 12 52 100 141 231 452 512 525 538 555 831 745 812 823 8.35 846 9 GO 9 01 9 10 A. G. CRAIG, Act’g. Sup’L BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS , ■ '• . "y .r PRESENTS CHEAP * AT MONEY TO LOAN S AT SIX PER CENT. X ATLANTA TRUST BANKING”C(57 C. C. Chandler, Agent, Jefferson, Ga. The firm of Mitchell andCliandler has disolved by mutual consent. I will con- tir e to negotiate loans on farm mort- guages in -in i»tr.*r. of Jacks Banks, Oconee, Madison and other pla ces by special contract. An extension of five years wiL* be allowed, but the borrower can pay back the money at * any time. Partial payments can also be made at any time. Money can be secured at very short notice. Don’t fail to see me before borrowing. Youra Truly, 12-6-dw-6m C. C. Chandler. 'V «l»l Drug