The Star of the south. (Elberton, Ga.) 1859-18??, August 09, 1860, Image 2

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Star of 11k %ou% I I 111 It ION : t I I 0C0H1.14 Tliht'*“y. \ugUHt *•'. 1800. *2=-=- ’ ‘ I Mr Wilber Tlii* gentleman. n Mulay and Tu< * •Ur evening*, Very igmiUjr entertained nnr citizen* with bis rxhlbitinn of IGnora inie Fainting*, t'hroiiiatropb % lew*, \ cti triloquiam and vocal and instnuncutal Mu iic A* a V‘iitriluq>iiM, Mr Vi cannot be easily surpassed; and liia vocal music wa greatly admired by the au/licneca, who, we think, were highly pleased with the enter I omenta generally lemde- hi* merit, Mr tV. i* on the verge of blind '***, and w think, justly entitled Ur public patronage laabnata Aiylcm. A writer in on* of the Augur la pa|* r* haa lately called public attention to the pro priety <rf establishing an* A*ylin in Georgia There i* tme in the State of New Votit, at Binghamton, which receive* only voluntary patient*. The writer pro j**o* that owe he aet up hare and controlled by tbe State, and that proper aabjeeta Ire sent to it, willing or unwilling, when their ha bitual drunkenness i* established upon due inquisition by a jury, as in cane rrf lunacy The rnipr—lt-- i* worthy >rf consideration. There arc hundred” of nten who arc brutal izing thrmaalvra, wasting their fortune*, and disgracing and grieving their friends by thia unfortunate habit Placed when- in tozicating liquors cannot lx- got, and where they will receive kind treatment and proper medical attendance, and will be surrounded with all mean* of comfort compatible with the main end of their confinement, th<- fatal spell will in many cases he broken and tin victim* restored to mx-'u ty a* virtuous and useful member*; and where this happy reault cannot le reached, the patient* will a* least he kept iwife and harmless, their estates preserved, and their familica and friend* d< ■ I vtred from daily annoyance and niortifi’ i lion. Mstsors f>ur vicinity waa visited,on Thursday tin J second inat , about ten o'clock, I’ M by on, ot thoae brilliant bodies or meteoric fire balls, | that occasionally traverse the ethereal re j gions, puzzling the philodopher, and some lime* terrifying the illiterate The one referred to, wa* of extraordinary j size and transcendent brilliancy,causing even I the interior of our dwelling’ to be illumina * (ed with n resplendency equal to tbat of the ti yin-day's sun The light wa* of a bluish ! hue— trace* of the no teor could be aueo in the heaven* some minutes after the Bolide bad disappeared The theory of these mote irs, is enveloped in great mystery Home philosopher* sup pose, theictolite, or meteoric stone, which frequently fall* from the air, to be ejected from the volcanic eruption* of the moon, the projective force being no great as to over ionic the mooti'a attraction, consequently th<y fall to the earth. Otb r* regard them a 1 - ejected from ter rcstrial volcanoes thrown to such extreme height, that (Tie earth nukes several raaolu lions they descend, so that they are at •pt to fall remote froni the volcano, from j which they are ejected, as near by. But these two theories find but little I - I vor among philosopher* of the present day j Again it )# supposed, they arc the pro duet of chaotic matter wandering through the atmosphere, and, by tome meteorologi cal freak, become ignited, and form the j irrolitc or the meteor, as the ease, may he | This theory appear* to !• untenable from the fact, that scientific obnerv ation haa found in n gions far above that to which the at iw-wphere extends, and :*e u img toward the earth Another hypothesis regards them as tbe product of chaotis matter left within the influence of the earth’s attraction by the j comets. Others, a* “tbe product of It*- ; bubois matter, (perlm]* of the same nature i as the tail of comets,) floating in the plane- j tary regions, and which, when it happen* to lie near the path of the earth in it revo lution about the sun, will be attracted by terrestrial gravitation*.” This chaotic mat ter, in neither of the above eaaes, coming m contact with the n'MittSphrl* ill the up per regions, with aim wt inconceivable ve locity, conduce* the air so rapidly that the Matter U set on fire In the ease of the simple meteor, the matter i* all consumed li-forc it reaches the earth . but itt the case of the terolite, the pr'tduct of tbe combus tion is the meteoric stone. The scientific world i* inclined to the last hypothesis at present. There is one fact showing that the wrolite all have a common origin and that is, they all have the same fi temal appearance, aud all are composed of lh same element in every part of the earth where they have been found. We have : given yon, in a condensed form, the opin ions of the most eminent philosophers in rr ! gard to the theory of meteors, yet every ! theory advanced to the preeent, is involved in impenetrable mist. Nothing satisfartorv is known in relation to the origin of these wonderful phenomena. Atignst 4tli, 18(30. Btf~ V schoolmaster, who bad au intolcr able habit ol talking to himself when alone, j was asked by a neighbor what motive he could have in talking to himselfT Jona than replied that he had two good and sub Mantial reasons : In the first place lie lik ed to talk to a sensible man ; in the nest place, he liked to hear a sensible man talk r®~- Porter,” asked an old lady of *n Irish railway porter. “ when does the nine o'clock train leave ‘•Sixty minutes past , eight, mum,” reply (O.MMI M< \TIONs. \r vf th* Hlr of tl* Moilh ] Uvw4 Ivcrtvt Mn lliuTok:—liithf lant tVflr/Fiir Hj’ I trie# Ui iruv* that Mr. KfCVitt ii Wnrtil* to •* j the Houlb, and for that pur|*c. quotes a let ter written try hint in 1*:“* -twenty-one year* •/<* and some ri solution- of tin Mi bu-i-tts Legislature of a - an eii lit date, both expressing opinion* widely dilh ring from tin* of the South, and then eijoJly say-.: “ Itov documents “etlle the “question of Mr Everett’* free t-.,ili*m , , “ noth the leopard change his ajs/ts, or the “ Ethiopian hi* color ‘ If ye*, then w<- “ may vxjs-ct Edward Everett to change the , “current ot h?s thoughts. ’’ It is a strange a*: nipt ion that Mr. Ewr ett cannot “change the eurreut of hi* \ thought* on the subject of slavery. With in thirty y<*ars, tin general mind of the South ha* advanced from tin- notion tbat slavery is an evil, only to be tolerated from necessity—to a settled couviction that it is, j a blessing to both race*. Why is a similar • change impossible in Mr Kverett? I toes I “ Fair Flay” hold tbat a man who was once , wrong igUst alwAyk he Wrong? Hindi a doe ; trine would make terrible havoc in the j squadron* ot ruber wing of the Bemoeracy When Mr. Kverett wrote the letter quoted : by “ Fair Flay,” <’aleb Cushing, the I’resi- ! dent of tin National Deinoeratie Convcn- j lion, wa* hi* zealous supporter. .Mr. Cu*h guie more vot and uttered more senti ments in Con.r -- against slavery than the j great*--1 industry can rake up against Mr Kverett And yet our Democratic friends are well pleased to have Mr Cushing for a confederate aid a leader! A recent cam paign document, widely circulated in this I county, boast* that I six and John Van Bu- j run of New Fork support Brecki nridge; j and yet these men 18 48 were champions of Martin Van Burnt, tb<- free-soil candidate | < f*r I'resident! 1 I How many nn n, now in the Democratic i 1 rank* in Georgia, were, in 1852 or 1850, bit [ terly opposed to the platform on which j Douglas ami Breckinridge both stand ? For! they both profess to stand on the Democrat ! if platforms of those years, with a few addi tions which undertake to i.r/ilain. hut not to , mry the mi lining A party so full of cliang j ling* ought not to be surprised that Mr Ev erett lias changed; though, perhaps, those I ! who have only changed for the worse are ! ; naturally astonished that another mail should | •■bongo for t>)•- better. But the case of Mr. j Kverett prove that such a change is postti- j I bio, and wo hope before November to have | j other evidence of tbe same precious t ruth, in , theconvcrr-ioii of many of our Democratic friends * I air l'lay” included) to the sup | port of Bell and Kverett. To Us nothing i is wonderful than that a man of Mr Kverett’* learning, candor and patriotism ‘ should be wiser on the subject of slavery at | the age ot sixty-six than lie was at lbrty-five. i The truth is, that Mr Kverett, in tin course of a long public life, has generally been moderate and conciliatory to the South, on this subject. For a brief season, he was borne in an anti-slavery direction by the current of a strong local sentiment, but his noble mind soon recovered it v conservative tone Os this, there are thrc6 conclusive proofs. First, Southern statesmen, who have had the beat opportunities of knowing ins views, have been willing to trust him in offices infinitely more important than the Vice Presidency is, in the usual course of | events. Fecund, the Republican* of the J North look on him as their adversary, and ; omit no occasion of reviling him. Third, in his official action, when charged with any part of th<- National Administration, he has been just to the South. Ac far hack as IK-ti, he thus spoke in Congress: “Neither ant I one of those citizens of the North to whom another honorable mem ber lately referred, in a publication to which hi* name was subscribed, who would think it immoral and irreligious to join iii putting down a servile insurrection at lb*- South. 1 am no soldier, sir; my habits ami education lire untuilitary ; hut there is no cause in which 1 would sooner buckle a knapsack to my back, and pul a musket on tny shoulder, I than that.” In 1811, he was nominated by a Southern l’resident, (Tyler, before his apostasy,) to j the post of Minister to Great Britain, lie i wasflmvffiv npjKised in the Foliate on account of the very letter and resolutions quoted by “l’aijr l’lay.” Among the Senators who v'.ffC'TT'**rtie nomination were Glny of Ken tucky, Hires of Virginia, and Berrien of Georgia. For this vote, and others, Mr Berrien wa* eensured by the Democratic Legislature of Georgia in 18 41, iu a series ; of resolutions, one of w hich stigmatized this 1 i vote by name. Among the votes against this resolution i* that of Charles J. Jenk ins, whom the Democracy have, in late years, ; been very forward to praise. In September 1842, Mr llerrien publish ed an addrt” to the people of tievreia.” vin dicating his opinions and votes. Wc CX- 1 tract his remarks on Mr Everett's noniina- j tion: “M r IVtai n ‘s NOMINATION The vote which 1 felt it my duty to give on the nomination of Mr Minis ter to tireat Britain, is the neat measure which the Legislature of Georgia has deem ed worthy of censure. The majority of that i honorable body have supposed, that the rr- i ! jet-lion of this nomination, would have given ! an efficient check to opinions unfavorable to : 1 Southern interests in relation to slavery— i aud they censure the vote for his confirma i tion. as not truly representing the wishes of : either political party in Georgia. With | great resjieet for those who have expressed i it. 1 thiuk this supposition is erroneous in ! l>oth particulars The abolition party were anxiously expecting the rejection of this i nomination, in the hope of turning it to ad* j ■ vantage, and the journals of the day will | serve to show, what a flame it would have I lighted up in the Northern. Eastern and Middle States, among those who were not the advocates of abolition, nor friendly to those who were, hut who claimed the tight j to think on tin subject of slavery, as their ! consciences, their ns**"nation*, and their ed ncation had taught them, wriiout being dt* I qualified on that account for holding office 1 under the Federal Government .Mr Kvc j rett u the eitiaeo of a htatc, where under ! the influence of cause*. Unconnected with the morality of the question, slavery had | ceased to exist, before he entered on the ‘theatre of life. The efrcuuisteuce* of hi* j"itioii, lii.- n-- x-iations, bisndueutioa, were nil calculated to give httu diflerent view* on that subject, from those which we entertain- ! ml Hud he been bora and educated among ua, oar vc ws and hi* would probably have > been identical A* it is, it i* true tbat in the course of a tsditical canvass in w hich he was a candidate, and the discharge of his of !,i■ ia 1 dulic. a- Governor of Massachusetts, h- expressed opinions, which conflict with ours, in relation to the right of I ongrsaa to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia, and to interdict the slave trade between tin Mates, and as to the admission of territories into the Baiun, where slavery prevailed.— But he wa- an early, I believe the earliest, ) and certainly one of the most decided advo cate* on the floor of Congress, of the rights of the South— of their exclusive right, to determine the question of slavery for them -|vfN, when to the astonishmentof the more timid, or more prudent of hi* Kastern breth ren he declared his readiness Ui shoulder his musket, in the defence of them. Besides, the question presented to me. a* an American Senator, acting under an ob ligation to support the Constitution, was Itbis- Whether a man whose opinions on the subject of slavery were opposed to mine, was i for that cause alone, disqualified from hold ing an office, for which, I was compelled to i admit, as every body else did, that in other : respect* lie was eminently qualified. No such test, could be found in theConstitutioß, , and in my judgment, it was the ultruism of human weakness, for a Southern man to at tempt to interpolate it there. We could have succeeded then, for Southern \\ big I Senators would have been sustained by an 1 mo-! undivided vote of the opposition, ac ting’ as a party, though many of them car- j ried their hostility to slavery father tliun Mr. Kverett did. But the recoil would have ; been tremendous. If with us, hostility to slavery wa* a disqualification for office, would not our brethren of the non-slave bolding States bare attached the same dis qualification to its advocates? Neitherpre- j tencc finds any warrant in the Constitution. The list of disqualifications, too, might have j been increased. Some of us entertain pc- . culiar opinions in relation to our Federal j Charter We are State rights men— | Cnioiiiat—Nullifiers. These several opiu- I ions are honestly entertained, avowed and j acted upon. They are more intimately con- j neoted too with our federal relations, than i those abstract opinions on the subject of j slavery- What would have been our feel ings, if a distinguished citizen of the South, j eminently qualified for a high office, to which ; he was nominated, should have been rejee- j ted by our non-slave-holding brethren, be- ; [cause be entertained them ? if the messages |of our Executive Magistrates, the publica j tions which hud been made in the heat of a j political canvass, had been ransacked to fix ! upon him some opinions in politics or in j morals repudiated by them? lam myself ! a slave holder, at least as deeply interested , in checking the progress of abolition, as ! those who question the correctness of my ! \ conduct on this occasion. for the whole pro- I due-live property, to which I look for the j support of a numerous family, consists of I slaves, and the land which they cultivate. ) Beyond my personal labor, 1 have no other ! resource. 1 have every motive therefore, as j a Southern man, and a slaveholder, to resist the spread of abolition. It was as such, i I that 1 looked at this question. It win a* a j ; Soiitlnrn mini, ami a e/uve ho/ihr, that / | voted for Mr. Krvntt. It. did more to | el abolition, than any vote 1 had an op- i pnrtunity of giving. It manifested a deter j ruination to ui/w/e the subject of da-’eri/ fmm the tSemih ('handier. It deeply con cerns us to keep this question from the halls of Congress. Not with my consent, or by my agency of mine, shall it ever come there. It is under our own bright Southern situ, and around our own domestic altars, that it should alone be discussed. I know that 1 Fcnalors from tbo South, who abstained | (Vein voting on this nomination, participa i ted in these views, and would have acted j upon them, iftheir votes had been necessary ! to sustain it—and one distinguished Houth i ern Senator,* whose devotion to Southern rights has never been questioned, who felt constrained from bis particular position to vote against Mr. Kverett’s confirmation, i transmitted to me, soon after, a voluntary and unsolicited written assurance of his ap probation of my course. Those who censure this vote arc, I am | sure, under equal misapprehensions as to j the judgment pronounced upon it by our 1 own citizens, of whatever party, who have i looked to the question uninfluenced by par tisan feeling. While l have been cheered | by the approbation of many of our most in ■ telligent citizens, conveyed to me person ally ami by letter, no contrary opinion has, : in a single instance, been expressed to me. ! Beyond the denunciations of a partisan ! press, and I would not now point to any ; one of these, I saw this censured, for the ; tirst time, by the Committee on the [State of the republic, of the Legislature ot Georgia. : 1 know, too, that while the nomination was i pending before the Senate, several Southern men who aero large slave-holders, expressed the strongest anxiety for its confirmation, under a conviction of the impulse which its * trjreMow would **'■ to the spread ol aboli tion.” * The legislature of 1842 continued the war, repeated the censures aud resolved to ; have no further communication with the : distinguished Senator ; hut in their enumer- \ ation of his offences, they dropped the Ev erett vote —his defence of it having been so triumphant as to silence even those braieu i assailants. In the election of 1843, his j friends made the direct issue before the j people of sustaining or repudiating him, and after a warm contest, in which his Scnatori- j lal career was thoroughly canvassed, his j friends carried the State, and the legislature ; of that rear passed the following resolution : ; “ licsoltni, That we aud our constituents ! (ipproee rAeroi/ ot the lion. John M Her- ; rien, in the Senate of the Tinted States, j and cherish an honest pride in his on light- i ened patriotism and distinguished ability.” j And this was the end of the matter. So then, in the still unreversed judgment of the j Legislature of Ga,, speaking for themselves ■ and their constituents, the support of Mr. I Everett for a high office is not inconsistent with “euKghtened patriotism.” Among those who voted for this resolution were Thomas Johnson, Anderson t'rafl and Wm if Elbert. Indeed, in that mem orable Conflict of three years’ duration, the ! Elbert members generally sustained Mr Berrien by their votes They were the ccnUrmen above named, and T IV. Rack | I ... - n’ - I •I nitersUo’d to be W illUa* t I’restnn. of South j Care tin.i or, Voting L U Harris, -fame* Patterson, Joseph Itlackvell, Vm. II Adam* r.sJ J H M Barrett ; KoVt Titomhe, of Wilke*, stood in the same wdxthv list. Mr Webster Ftcrctary of State when Mr. Kverett received this appointment, and no doubt advised it. That cabinet officer it peculiarly responsible for all f-<rflgn apjKimt meut* Mr. Kverett continued in the office through the Secretaryships of Mr I pslmr and Mr t’alhuun, and there is every reason to believe that those ardent Southerners were fully satisfied with him Iu fact, in l*4:i, while Mr. I pshur wss Secretary, he received another mark of confidence in a nomination to the high office of Minister to China, and was unanimously confirmed bv the Senate, but he declined the appoint ment and it was conferred upon Mr. Cush ing. His official condui t with regard to the affair of the brig Creole, and other matters affecting the institution of slavery was en tirely acceptable to the .South. Mr. Kverett was out of office from 1*4.) to 1852, when, on the death ofMr. \\ ebstcr, he was called by Mr. Fillmore to the De partment of State This appoiotmant was unanimously ratified by a Democratic Sen- j ate, Ho, uuifjpg thirty Southern Senators, not one Jpumi-to resist the uppoiutment of this aileJjjS'l “ frec-soiler” to an office far more influential than the Vice Presidency! While in this office, lie conducted a di plomatic correspondence on a subject deep ly interesting to the South—the proposal of England aud France to the United States, that the three powers should, by solemn con vention, renounce all intention of appropri ating Cuba—the de*igti of which was to ’ commit this country forever against the ac quisition of that island. Mr. Kverett, as the organ of our Government, declined the proposal in a letter, which, for cogency of reasoning, elegance of style and souud -Ame rican views, elicited the admiration of the whole country, especially of those who hope that the “gem of the Antilles” will, at some j j future clay, be ours. Os the letter and its j author, Mr. Dogglas thus spoke in the Sen ate, March 10,18515: “ Sir, if he had done nothing else to render his administration of the State Department illustrious, his name would live in all ooming time in that diplo- matic letter, as one who could appreciate the j i spirit of the age, arid perceive the destiny of ‘ the nation. No document has ever receiv [ ed such a universal sanction of the Ameri ] can people."— Cnnyrrseumal Globe , Appen dix, I ot. 27 page 273. Tt is well known that he approved of the Compromise measures of 1850. Being in private life, he had no opportunity of voting upon them, hut his political associations were with their supporters, and the Union j movements at the North, designed to create a sentiment iu their favor, had his warmest i countenance, which was eloquently express- j ed in his speech in New York, on the 22<1 1 •lay of February, 1851. “Fair ll,ty” quotes from his speech on ! the Kansas Bill to show that he considered j the Territorial policy “f 1850 as applicable j only to New Mexico and Utah. This is j [true; because if the Missouri Compromise ! were left untouched bv those measures, as I i j he supposed it to be, there was not another ! foot of unorganized territory on which any j policy, new or old, could operate In the same speech, Mr. Kverett describes j himself as “a friend and supporter of the i ('ompromises of 1850,” and also says of them, “ I adhere to them; 1 stand by them.” He also speaks of the “ recoil of the con servative mind- of the tion-slaveholding States frbffi this harnessing and disastrous i agitation”—language which, uo doubt, well j describes the change which he has himself; experienced. Towards the cud of the same speech he j “says feelingly: “ with reference to the great “question of slavery—that terrible question “—the only one on which the North and “ South of this great Republic differ irrecon “cilahly—l have not, on this occasion, a “ word to say. My hutahle career is druw “ ing near its close; aud 1 shall end it as 1 “ began, with using no other words on that “subject than those, of moderation, concilia “tinn and harmony between the two great “sections of the country. * * * * 1 “share the opinions and the sentiments of “ the part of the country where 1 was born “and educated, where tny ashes will be laid, | “and where my children will succeed me. ! 1 •• Hut, in relation to my fellow-citizens in “ other parts of the country, I will treat “ their constitutional and their legal rights “ with respect, and their characters and j “ their feelings with tenderness. I believe them to be as good Christians, as good pa “ triots, as good men as wc arc ; and I claim “ thatr we in our turn, are as good as they.” /**to ( O'M", 1 01. 2ft, page 163. It is not surprising that a man who is ac j tuated by .such sentiments should raise his [ voice in Kanouil Hall against the savage en -1 terprisc of John Brown; nor that he should j be constantly reviled by the Republican party; nor that his supposed loss of popular ; itv t home, in consequence of his conser vati,'in, should, last winter, have been the j theaie of exultant comment in the Senate of the United States, by Mr. Wilson, the free ; soibr from Massachusetts. Hut that Mr. Kvcrett should be branded in the South as a “free-soiler” by those in whose cause he ; has thus suffered in his Northern home, is a melancholy instance of the madness of par tv. A man who dot's not re card him as an j ornament to his country, aud feel proud of him ts a fellow-eitixen, is controlled bv feel * ings tfitt entitle him to pity rather than blame. i We venture the assertion that every in* telligent person in the land, not thoroughly \ gangrened by party prejudice, believes that Mr. Everett would administer any office in the Government impartially to the North and the 8 nth. Clay. Rives, Preston and Berrien wire willing to trust him in 1841. ‘ Upshur and Calhoun were willing to trust him in 1843 and I'M!. All the Southern Senators were willing to trust hint in 1843. and again in 18.’>2. Mr. Douglas applauded | 1 him in 18. V. lanst IVeember, Mr Rreck-1 1 tnridge made a speech in Faanktbrt. Kt., in which, suit)wise up the i ircca tht lit hojed to combine airantet the Kipiiblii - * save ** There it another dement at the North, , “ not urge, hut nMe and true It conauste “of the sentter.-d cohort* of the old Whig “•party, of turn like KVEKFTT, Choate, aud ‘•tboir awtociatw, wli>w cotinervatiem, colt arc “and patriotiam rebelled ipui't the Re ‘ publican alliance.” So Mr Breckinridge then thought that the South could rely “ti Kverett a a aorthy and valued ally. Me l -uUiiut to “ Fair I May” that it i* not very magnanimous to be hunting out the ancient nii:-taLes ol a man thus endorsed a? n hie. true, eonscrvativc, cultivated and patriotic Men ol that stamp are too few in the land When we find one of them, instead of scan ning his life in a captious aud censorious spirit, let us forgive his old errors and glad ly enlist in the public service his great tal ents, his deep learning, his ripe experience, his stainless integrity and his fervent j atri ! OtisUl. Till Til. Elbertoa Female Collegiate Institute. [ln the absence of the editor, whose mod esty might lead him to decline a complimen tary notice of his own school, we give plan to the following communication -l ‘ulAUlo nr.] [For the Star of the South]. Mr. Editor : As no notice has appeared in your paper of the late examination of the female school in Elberton, it is but just to I say that the exercises were alike honorable to the scholars and teachers. I lie pupils gave clear evidence that they had been well in strueted in the various branches of learning; j and their becoming and lady-like deport ; ment was the snbject of general praise in | the large, company of gratified spectators. The address by Mr. Janie* A. Jones, on | “the combination of the useful and orna j mental in female education,” was most ! appropriate to the occasion, and, both in j the composition and delivery, showed the j marks of the thorough scholar and true j orator. j Our community is fortunate in having so j well-conducted a school. The large num j of pupils proves that the public are sen sible of its merits. JUSTICE. General Sews. The weather in England was unsettled and unfavorable to the growing crops, Sicily continued quiet. Great agitation existed at Naples. The Public Commissariat had been pillaged, and j the Agents murdered. The city Trad been declared in a state of scige. The Neapolitan Government had ordered the restitution of the two captured ships, and the release of the crew. The United States war vessel Iroquois j was on the spot, backing up to the demands [ of the American Minister, j Garibaldi was preparing for further movc i incuts. j The Federal Ambassador had been severe - ]y maltreated iu tlio streets of Naples, the ; | act is supposed to have been committed by j | the anti-reformers. The Minister was beat ; on until he was senseless, England and Austria have consented to a j I conference pn the Trance Swiss question. The schooner Clotilda arrived at Mobile, on the lUtir ult., with 124 Africans on board. They were earned up the river, t "fireside guards, ATTENTION! •VTOn are hereby commanded to Vie I and app ‘sir on your parade ground be fure the Com t House, in Elberton. in un drers uniform, on Saturday, the llthinst., at nine o'clock, A. M. \JW By order of the Captain ‘ I’KTKR J. SHANNON* Ist Serg't. Aug. 9, 1800*49—It NOTICE* I A LL persons indebted on the subscription list j XX for the building of vbc Baptist Church, at | Klberton, are respectfully requested to come for j ward and settle. The building committee hav- i | iug received said Church, and the subscription j I being due, I hope it will not be necessary to j make a secoud call upon you. 1 would say lur- , I ther, that one of the Comniitice has assumed the j j responsibility of paying the interest on the amount ! subscribed ; therefore, you will see the propriety of coming forward and'settling immediately. WM. J. WILLIS, Aug 9, 1860-40-lt _ Agent. NOTICE. ALL persons whose notes are held lw me will please he ready for payment by the 25th of j December next, and oblige Aug. 9-1860-49-4 t. .T. G. HAM. pEORGIt, EI.BEKT fOIATV. VX Whereas. Anderson Craft applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Christo ; pher Neal, deceased— ; These are therefore to cite and admonish all. and singular the kindred and all persons con i cerned, to appear at my ofiice within the time ! prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, in Elberlon, : this Bth dar of August, 1860. WM. li Kuwait Da, Ordiitary. ! Aug. 9-49-30d LAND FOR SALE. I WILL sell at public sale, before the Court House, in Elbertou. on the first Tuesday in September, my entire tract of lard, containing J 120 acres—forty acres of which, are in cultiva j tion—situated in Goshen, adjoining the estates tof Rob t. P. Hall Martin White and others. The ’ place is well supplied with water—a fine, nevor ■ failing well near the house. The land is in n very good state of cultivation, and is a very desirable tract. Terms made known on the dar of sale *Vug. 2.4T.1t JErSSE M. MOON. EXAMINATION. THE examination of the pupils of ANTIOCH ACADEMY will take place on the 7th and Bth days of August, iu'tant. An address will he delivered on the occasion by John A. Trunchad. Ksq. The public generally are invited to attend. JEPHTHA X AMMAND. Aug. 2. 19r>0.47.1t 2 00 NEGROES WANTED. r pHE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES WILL X be paid fcv the Subscriber for Young and { Likely Negroes. JOSEPH T. SMITH. Klberton. Ga.. December 8. 185?. NOTICE. \ 11 persons indebted to the Hiacksmith shop of J V Martin A Heard for the years 1557. NS. nn ill find their accounts in the hands of James M Sanders, to whom 1 have traded them, and who alone is authorised to collect and receipt for the same. L. H. O. MARTIN 2 4tf. WELL DIGGER WANTED i *TV> dig a well on the lot of ihe Ftmaic Institute L in Klberton. Apply immediately to W. J. j CUrk. or Robert Wester, or A. L. Vail, or L. tv. Ang 2. i —4T-tf NOTH* m* PARTin uri.y: IMif £i*hk will hr closc-c tfci c dmy and I - m mi* •<! not to keep aty book* from thi* in** out All sum* under one dollar on po*s’ :v*h t 4wh Tbote who don’t find it conve nient Htlk, will find Monk note# in the hand# • of the fittbk Keeper. #o to nakf MCtUnnitt# at th* time It i iwpflwftk to keep n stabl* in Mseii ioie■- as tie |KVeut, without rash or ragfc con?idert;un. Rcwotis calling for end hiring ho:>es. r>rriajrp* of vehicles of >) kind, are es> j pected to call on return and settle the same it; person aud those fat:l:Of do so will b. charred double price, iu every ra=e without re , sped to person C H GORDOS A tip 2. !80-#7-€t N< >Ti< “E. VLI. person* indebted to tnc in any manner . whatever, must conae forward and pay up immediate y. or else they will bcticd without re spect to peraons, and without further notice.— iliifticD if vou with to #ave cost JtIHXC. WARD ‘ July 1 Te. 18*0 46 t NOTICE. LUMBER FOR SALE HE sub'Cribers having leased Tulliam* Saw 1 Mill in Libert county are prepared to fill bills of lumber of all kinds with dispatch. Fri- i res a# reasonable a= anv other Mil! in the countv T. k J. J. BURDEN. July 12. 18*30 45 4t Gardiner & Moore, ■WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS j (Warehou;e formerly occupied by Messrs. Simp son & Gardiner.) Mclntosh street, Augusta, Go.. IT’ ILL give their personal attention to thesel- j \ \ ling of COTTON, cr such other Produce as may be sent to them m by their friends and the planting public. *Oudlrs for Bagging. Rope, and Family Sup- 1 plies filled to tlie best advantage. fittf Ca.-h advances made on produce in store when required. JAMES T. GARDINER, j ST. JOHN MOORE, jyl2-Cin Formerly Simpson k Gardiner. —Summer and Fall Trade, ISfJO. Roots, Shoes, Trunks, Carpet-Bags,! Leather , Lasts, Shoe Pegs, Shoe Findings , ‘ Tanners’ ‘i^ols. 2500 cases Boots an 1 Shoes. 5000 lbs. Hemlock Sole Leather. 2000 lbs. Oak Sole Leather 150 doz. French and American Calfskins 100 doz. Black and Russet Upper Leath r 30 doz. Kip Skins 100 doz. Lining. Binding and Top Skins 5000 Boot and Shoe lasts 120 barrels Shoe Pegs Also, Picker ucd Lace Leather, Harness and j Bridle Leather. Roller Lv-ather, Patent Kid, Goat ] and Morocco Skins, Buck and Chamois Skins, j Boot Trees. Clamps. Crimps, Peg Jacks, Peg j Breaks, Peg Cutters, Heel Cutters. Splitting Ma- j chines, Crimping Machines, Pincers, Nippers, i Lasting Tacks, Shoe Knives. Eyelet Punches, Eyelets, Awls, Shoe Hammers French Kir, Kit \ Files, Awl Hafts, Beam Faces, Currying Knives, 1 Finger Steels, Graining K ives, Slicker.?, Flesh- i ers. Rub Stones, Sand Stones. Clearing Stones, j Indiana Stones, Boot Web, Boot Cord. Size j Sticks, Measure Straps. Rasps. Shaves, Bristles. ! Copper and Tinned Shoe Rivets and Burrs, Toe if* Iron, Copper and Zinc Sparables, Shoe Thread. Fitting Thread, Twit. Wax. Silk Gal loon, Edge Blacking, Head Blocks, Patent Shank [.asters, Boot Ilooks. Last Hooks, French Chalk, Cork Soles, Shoe Ilorns, Long Sticks, Pump Sticks, Colt?, Sand Paper, Shoe Ltmts. Ac.. Ac. COAXUY, FORCE & to., 47—1 Ot. liOST NOTES. Lost by the subscriber, about the 4th of July j between Haley's store and his residence, a pock-, et-book containing four notes:—One of Si 43 or Si 45. credited with SOO or $35. on J. S. Warren: one of S3O on J. D. Adams; one of S9O on 0 G. Adams—attested by E. W. Thornton , one of $2.70 on T. J k J. B. Cason. The book also con tained H 5 cents in change. All persons are here by warned front trading for said notes, i The finder will confer a great favor by leaving I the tauu at this office, or at rnv residence. 40,41. CIIAS- A. RICE. Administrator's Sale. \l’ ILL be sold before the Court House door \ \ in the town of Lexington. Oglethorpe eouuly. Ga.. on th t . first Tuesday in July next, within the usual h oursofsalo, under and by virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary -of said county, vo wit: one thousand (1000) acres of county, all the hinds belonging to the estate of Thomas Stephen s late of Said county to wit: on thousand (1000) acres more or let s, lying in said county, on Broad river adjoining lands of John T. Hubbard, Isaac Dillard, and others, together with a good Gin and runninggear, Thrasher and running gear. Terms credit until the 25th day of December next. JOHN U. STEPHENS, Administrator. May 22. 18C0. Also I will sell on the same day and place, nine hundred and seventeen acre-*, adjoining the above described lands if not sold private before. All persons wishing to purchase come and look. The land will show for itself for I shall sell, or some friend will receive a present after my der*h if I should have the luck to leave one. JOHN U. .STEPHENS. TaxbTfois kale. The subscriber offers at private sale his entire I tract of land, consisting of two hundred ami ! ■ eighteen (218) acres, one hundred acres of which are in cultivation, lying on South Beaverdam Creek. and adjoining the estates of James M. Willis. Sydney Maley. Drury Oglesby, and Fran cis Bryan. Those who desire to purchase good lands and on good terms, would do well to give me a call, as I am anxious to sell. July 4,1860. —3 m. W. P. PLEDGER. NOT ICE. \ LL creditors of the firm of Spring. Simmons k Cos., are requested to make known their claims to the undersigned : as the Rssets of said firm will be placed in our hands to be applied by us to the payment of debts. JOHN C. BURCH HESTER k AKEKMAN July 5, 1860. NOTICE. PREMIUM SILVER CUPS. I WILL give three premium Silver caps for the best get (Colts) of my horse Egine in the j Spring of 1860. as follows: For best No. 1 a cup worth is 10; No. 2. amp worth s7;Nt>. 3. a cup i worth $5. The exhihitin to take place in El ‘ bertou, the second Wednesday in September, du ring court week, at 2 ociock. p.m. i 36,t. ALFRED OLIVER. j AUGUSTA PRICES CURRENT. Corrected weekly from the * Constilu/iori ah'st and Pispalch, Augusta, Ga WHOLESALE PRICES. Hustling— Gunny yvd 14 (S. 15 Bacon— H.nn new ... f> lb 11} © 12} Shoulders.. 11 ....y lb 9 0 9} Clear Sides. Teno. “ ...pi lb 12 fit 121 Ribbed ■ •• ....y lb 00 0. 11} Hog Round. c’ntry,“ ...y lb 11 0 11} Beeswax ytb 30 0 32* 81-lcks ISM 700 <g, 815 Butter— I Goshen -(3 lb 23 0. 25 Country ylb 15 0 22 (undies — ’ Adamantine .”(9 lb 20 0 25 Chemical Sperm yp> 35 0 37 Pure- Sperm y lt 43 0 45 Star Caudles „.y lb 20 0 22 Patent Sperm y fft 56 © bo Cheese ; Northern White y lb none English Dairy yRj 13 0 14 Collet Rio Vlb 14 0 15 Lagnirn ft lb 14} 0. ij J*** f ft 17 0, IS limnetic too<l s Yarns yrd } Shirting -,>"..t a ( a 5 i Shirting ‘fi yd 71 ft i\ 4-4 Shirting y t.l s j i„ 0} ; 5-4 Shirting r* yd 10 (t 12 6-4 Shirting yyd 12 0. 15 ! fine Sea WdgSJiirfgtur* Vd 7 (•> 10 04 “ Vyd i <■; 12 ttseaburgs yvi I* ("• H Drilling. y;d e} 0 10} Ii athrn * * ■ rrtlllim f 0 ** M Rfe..* - St., v KrttlrweH'* Macipsld Ghm 1- > ton fc* tQ§ t, | Vhitelock's Superpboapitate... > lo* M N*iir>n*! Frrtilirpr. > to* Host's SupCTphosphiti*-.., ion ** M.r s’ Vitrojonifril Sbptirpbo. ™w 5W KuNins-n't BaoipotatPiJ fl ton 8N Amorirnn “11:101 cs4> tit 12' tint sb9 lUh Mukerel No 1 y h\A ! lo 13.29 • No 2 %> bM 15 90 IS ‘’ Jsrjr No. M (J ig 00 •’ So !.. (bH 15 50 &1S 90 ” So S.. |NM 10 50 (S !1 90 Herrings 4* bo* 15 I 09 llotir “‘•int-tt it Fnatllr Ti bhi 925 <? 959 Ext-a Superfine. f) bb\ 775 909 Tenn-ssee Sapeoßn*.. bbl 725 ffi 760 Grnit Mills F F.m VM 750 fit. tn, •’ Extrii V bbl 950 (£ 976 “ Snporfin. bbl 775 (S, *OO ; Cartmcha*! Me Ex Pam 900 (3, 9 25 “ Extra. bbl 950 <§ ITS Sup V bbl 9 Oft At 925 Tarigon Mills Ex Fstn bbi 9 M (at 925 l*anii!T..%, bbl 825 (Z 80 Sop ‘ll bbl 7 87i (i, 909 Orain ; Corn, w ith sacks $1 bash 1 05 ® 1 19 ! Wheat, white |j bush 1 50 ( 1 69 Wheat, Red bush 1 45 @ 1 50 ] Oat* bush 75 @ 89 e TO bush non* j P*** |l bush I 05 A l 19 Corn Meal |j bush 1 05 Slid Ginseng lb 40 § 4i tz u n po vsder j Dupont s keg 625 @€ 50 I Hazard |> keg 625 @6 59 j Blasting |l keg 450 75 Iron— | Swedes. tb 5| ® English |l lb 3J (ai 4 I.ard |) lb 11 A 124 I,ead— Bar lb 8 A 9 I.ime j Country box 125 A1 50 Northern bbl 175 @2 00 Molasses — | Cuba new qp ga! 28 (3> 39 ; Golden Syrup qi gal 60 @ 65 |N. Orleans Syrup ‘I 1 gal 53 (a-, 56 Sails lb 4 A 41 <re Vft 4} (4, 4i Hope— I >'hine V> (% 10J Handspun ~|) lb 8J (% ltaisins %} box 3 00’ S 3 sft Spirits— Northern Gin gal 45 (® 50 NO. Whiskey gal 35 ( 37 Stigars— New Orleans qs lb 8i A 10 Porto Rico q # lb 8 A 19 Muscovado qj lb 71 S 84 I Eoaf V IE 11l IJf j Crushed lb 11} <3l 111 Powdered q@ tb 111(51 111 | Refined Coffee A tb 10| (ri 11 “ B |l lb in) A 10} c qa ib 19} A ioi Sail qpsack 1 00 A 1 10 Soap— i fellow qa lb 6 A 8 Slarrli ft lb 7} & 8} Sho < If* bag 2 00 A 2 tb Twine— Hemp bagging qo ffi 18 At) 2* Colton Wrapping „|t lb -3 37 — ATLANTA TRICES CURRENT. Corrected weekly from the Sovihrm Cott talcranj, Atlanta, Ga. WHOLESALE TRICES. Ragging- Gunny heavy - . ‘yd l.'!|(3i 1* IJ-.iie Hope - Machine - - -q lb 91 ffy 9 llandsptin - -|? Ib 9* <#> 8} Karon I Itunia - - - qi lb lit (,?; 11} i Sides - - - Ib 11J (g Ilf j Shoulders . Ib t'j (A 94 I Hog round - - qit lb lo\ M, 104 liulter j Gohcn. prim. - . qa lb 25 Ctk 30 Candles— ~~ 1 Speraiacettl - - qj Ib 43 A 50 i Adamantine. Star - tb 20 22} (unite is— | Soda - - - qil lb 81 (A 10 | Mutter - - - %! lb si (ill 10 ( anil) | City made - - qft tb A 17 I North* rn . - - Wto 15 A 16 1 Coffee— ! Rio - - - ft Ib 12} A : 14} ■lava - . - ft lb 18 (at 2ft ‘ Loguira - - - Ib 13} (<>, 14} 1 Maracaibo - - qa lb Cement— Rosendale - - q# 19 350 @4 00 Domestic Goods- j Shirting, Brown - yyd 0 6} a “ “ • $> yd 0 7 1 “ yyd - 0> 8} Sheeting, Brown - wyd © ‘■ Bleached - yyd 5 0$ 121 Osnaburgs 802 - yyd 10 0 10* lei -y yd 00 0t 9} Yarns, assorted - y bnnch 90 0 95 Flsll— Mackerel So 1 - y bbl 18 00 020 00 “ So 2 - - y bbl 10 00 017 09 “ So 3-- y bbl 12 00 012 60 Floor— Fine - - - yhd 350 0 3 62} Superfine - - - ybd 3 50 0 3 75 Extra - - - yhd 400 0 4 12} Extrs Family - • ybd 412 04 25 drain— j Corn in sacks - - y bush 95 01 09 Wheat. AVhitc - - y bosh 150 01 60 Wheat, Red - - y bush 140 01 50 Oats - * y bush 85 0 90 Peas - - - y bush 90 (a, 1 00 Cnrn Meal - - IB bush 1 00 0 1 10 Iron- Fig - y ton 00 027 50 | Sweeds, assorted pt ft> 5} 0 54 English - - - yfb 00 0 3} E.owa - - - ylb 00 0 3| Hoop ar.d Band - ylb 4} 0 5 Nail rod - - -y Jb 6* 0 7} Plow Steei, all sixes -y Jb 7} 0 0 Lard - - ylb ii| & n Hay - - - yhd 175 02 75 Hides— Dry - - - yhd 10 @ 12} Lead- Pig and Bar - - yhd 8 0 81 Sheet - - - yhd 11} 0 00 While Lead - - ybd 8 0 10 I.lmc— Georgia - - - y bbl 209 0 2 25~ molasses — Cuba - - - y gal 37 0 44 New Orleans - - y gal 55 @ 60 Kails— -4d to lOd - - y keg 4} 0 4| Oil*— Sperm - y gal 1 50 0 2 00 Linseed - - y gal 90 01 00 | Tanners - - y gal 50 @1 00 Potatoes- Northern - - y bbl 4 00 0 4 50 Yams - * y bush 65 0 71 i Powder— II Fg - - y keg 6 50 0 7 00 i Blasting - - y keg 550 0 OO Raisins— Malaga Bunch - - y htx 3 25 0 3 50 Layer - - y box 3 50 0 400 Rice - . ylb 4} 0 5 Snigar— New Orleans - - ylh 8 0 10 j Crushed and Powd. - ylb 11} 0 121 Refined A- -y lb 111 0 m Refined B - - ylb >o} 0 ]( •* Refined C - - ylb 10} 0 lof Salt— > Liverpool sacks - y sack 1500 160 sap I American Fellow * yR) * © 8 Shot— j All sixes - - y bag 200 @2 25 Sejtars Spanish - • ‘(JM 200 030 00 American-- y M 800 010 OO Tallow— American- *yib 90 10 Tobacco— Manufactured - - ylb 15 © 75 Starch - - ylb 8 0 10 Spirits— French Brandy - - y gal 200 ©8 00 Peer!. Brands’ . y gai 1 50 0 2 00 Domestic Brandy . y 60 © 75 ‘ Rye Whiskey -’ . y gal 45 01 25 Whisk, y gal 45 0 1 26 _ Corn Whiskey - . y ga! 65 0 85 ‘ Rectified Whiskey - y gal 2 0 ?o f New England Rum - y gal 15 (it, 55 j I int ent . y s ,| [6 © 39*^