The Star of the south. (Elberton, Ga.) 1859-18??, August 09, 1860, Image 3

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A CAM Tt TOE surmwfi Tut tor* Wtt.Vi A* fc M* la boring • • wiJwrt i* Japan. w - rf Coa**pDo*v ahariaH rthrrmw*” had tmM, t>T • racipr obtained a War l ?h>-mu n rv fc ’ line: ir; tb* cin vt afeffito. Y * *<:! ** cv*4 (fraal BWHm ah© tw fK>ir CoiiMimptioii Brn*itK Throat. 4'cmgrh* and Colds, and i|k drhilit\ and ar roas depression ranaad bv tb*v disorders. (yiraus of bawtiting othars. I aHI arnd tMt r ip S'Mfli 1 Haw Hmagfet lmn a ith me. to •41 a fee aec<i it. free of cHarg** Addrr?* K’v \S M *('(S*IROVF l lit Haltic tml btawtlva \ V LJLrni S.tM. 3m NOTICE ” I)OSinVEI.Y TUK I.AST . U.i AM X penwm* indebted t© G W A J D Jnmi. rtthrr by aote or acucunt, must make atr payment, or they will he sued *thni res pect to pe*-Kn. Our notcf and areoants are * no* in th hands of William J Willis. Fsq., for collection ans he is directed by ns to sue indiscriminately Those indebted on open account can obtain indulgence by closing their account by note. Those wishing to save cost do well to call on said W J Willi* and settle G. W k J. Lb JAMES. December 22, 1830.—18tf BALDWIN REED CO.. THREE DOOR# BELOW THE PLANTER* HOTEL, 1 95 Hroad Street* 4ugi*ta. tco. KEEP constantly on hand a large and well selected Stock of GROCERIES, oousitt mg in part of Sugars. Molasses, Syrup. Coffee, Tea#, Tobacco, Cigar*, Nails, Fish. Cheese, Salt. Iron, Baggiug. Rope. Ac kc. ALSO, a large Stock of Foreign and Domestic Liquors of all kinds and grades, all c which we offer on favorable terms. WALTER A. BALDWIN'. \ ROBERT K. REED, > AMOS CLARK, JR. j Augusta, May 10, IkUO. Cm. LEGAL ADVKUTISI.MMS. Georgia, eebert < oi yty.— Whereas, Nathaniel Booth applies to me foj Letters of Administration, de bonis non. with the will annexed, on the estate of Gabriel Booth d-eeased These are theicTore to cite. summon and ad monish all, and singular‘the kindred and credit ors of said deceased, to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law. and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, in Klberton. this 4th day of Julv. 180. 4430d5. * \V. H. EDWARDS Ordinary. pEORCiI i. EEBEK I Ol \TI \T Whereas, Charles W. Christian applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of John L. Christian deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all. and singular the kindred and friend* of said de e’d, to be and appear ut tnv office within the time prescribed by law. and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, in Elbert on. tbit 4th day of July, LUGO. 3045. WM. H. EDWARDS, Ordinary. LOfU.I 4, ElbeH ( OUllff. Where * X as, Robert Hester, administrator on the es tate of Level Page, deceased, applies to tuc fm letters dismisiory from said administration, These are therefore to cite and admonish all. and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to b* and appear at my office on m before the first Monday in January, 1860, and thow cause, if any they have, why said letter should not be granted. Given under uy hand and official signature,a* office lu Elbcrtou. this 27th dav of June, 1800 W. If. EDWARDS. (fedinary. Georgia, Elbert County. ELBERTCOI'IIT OF OJ.HINAKV. j JI NK TERM, ISC.O. JT appearing to the court from un examination of the dockets of this court, and from the pe tition of Nathaniel Booth, that William * llootli .b 4 I'hmn Parham fixecidors of the will of Ga briel Bodth Kite of solid county dece- and. liari not made their returns within the time pre crib* and hr law* and are mismanaging said estate. and n ftmajia vrcicusb has been presented or rend red therefore.. Ordered by the court, that William S. Booth and Lhani Parham, executors as afintSiid a how rouse at the July Term iB6O. of this court why they ahould noi JjcVenio’.<from their otfirt cf executors of the will of Gabriel Booth deed And that a c.opv of this rule be served on them by the Sheriff of llii* r-joiita . twenty days before Raid Term. W. 15 EDWARDS, Ordinary. Tire wstVin warned William H. Booth and Fshnm Parham, not to be found in Elbert countv J. G. NELMS, Sheriff. Jfunc s—lBo 3t Georgia, Elbert County. 11/ lIEUEAS, Younge L. G. Ihrri-, Wm. M Vv Mclntosh and George It. McOulln Execu tor* of the will of Singleton W. Allen deceased applies to me for letters di:smis*ory from said Executorship. These are therefore to cite, and admonish ali aad singular, the kindnM. and all persons inter svribcdto appear at my office within the time pre sented bv law, and show cans*? if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at ollice in # Elberton, the Itßh davof May IBtio. W. 11. EDWARDS Ordinary, fim Georgia, Elbert County. Court of Ordinary. May 7 Vrm IHGO. IT appearing to the Gnnrt by the petition of Perry S. E. Bruce, and .Sidney P. Bruce, that William A, Swift deceased, did in his lifetime execute to said Perry P. H. Bruce and Sidney P Bruce, his bond conditioned to execute titles* in fee simple to said Perry S. F. Bruce and Sidney P. Bruce, for a house and lot of land in the town of Elberton fully described in -aid bond, and it further appearing that said William A. Swift de parted this life without executing titles to said liousc and lot of land, or by will, or otherwise providing therefor, and it further appearing that •aid Perry S. F. Bruce and Sidney P. Bruce are ready and willing to fully pay the purchase mon ey according to the tenor of said bond,and said Perry S. F. Bruce and Sidney P. Bruce, having petitioned this fourt to direct. William M. Mcln tosh and John II Jones. Administrators upon the estate of William A. Swift deed, to execute them letters to said house and lot of land in con formity with said bond; therefore all pernn concerned arc hereby notified and required to file their objection, if any they have, in my office within the time prescribed by law, why said Ad ministrators should not be ordered to execute titles to said house and lot of land in conformity with said bond, and it is further ordered that n copy of this rule be published in the Star of th> 1 South, nod at three more public places in sain comfy 7th dar of Mays 1860, W. 11. EDWARDS, Ordinary. 3m STATE OK GEORGIA,ELBEKT COUN TY. ALI/ person, having demand again.* Burp**— Smith, late of said co.intT. df and, are hereby notified and required to preseni them properly attested to the undesigned within the time pre ncribed by law, and ali persons indebted to said ;e'd, are” hereby required 10 make immediate pavment to the undersigned. * BF/SJAMIS C. SMITH, Administrator. April 25th, iB6O. SIXTY days after date, application will be made to the court of Ordinary, of Elbert ! county, for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of Burgess Smith, late ~f Elbert county deceased, for the bent tit of the heirs and creditors of said deed BENJAMIN C. SMITH, Administrator. April 25tb, 1880. _____ I SIXTY davs after date application w ill he mad” | the Court of Ordinary of Elbert county. I a., for leave to sell all the land and negroes be longing to the estate of William Tulliam. late of said counts', deceased. This 28th day of March, LMO. ■ JOSEPH S. PULLIAM. Admin r. SIXTY days after date.application'"!!! be made to the Court of Ordinary of Elbert ronnty. Ga. t for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of William Tea-ly. lae of said coun ty. deceased. 4Th day of April. 188t>, WILLIAM TEASLEY. Adm r. a- Mr is non. W;tb will asr-ied. I LIU*At. ADM RIIsFMTX I t Ml M 1 M riMim ItMHt Hoswjnh H l 1 r# ih+Xb+l nl* sifl cnnvo both T *his l nb m< Ihnn Mid bill, that M 4 M Rvaw out of mid \s *b-*n< frtU* ‘h* Stair and hm not boon : )t in ordircd by tbr Court that *aid Rrnoial) II lira am *r appear ml male and lb hlfc to sail bill within four tfioathN fW>a> thx ‘ mi nt ot thie term of the Goun. a*4 that tbi*. w* ! der b% piMtohtd al Irart ouev an -with for feat month* in the newspaper in ttHlcounty, Ihr Stmr ofthi South, at Flbrrton A true e xtract 4<mi the mimitcs cf the s*upe rior t'A>urt 1 V.nvhit>m Vat N-h ?^th 1 860. 31 :m M. F MM.I Gfirk •I HI Ifr Mri ltlOll 401 BT, TWm. l>o. Rebecca Kirbee, for Divert* ir the Fu- j A. , v ptnor Oort of E|n*f i conn - William Kirbco. j ty. to Mar< h Term. IthiO. It appearing \o tbt Court from the rettim of •he Sheriff tha| the defendant i not th be found in the county df Eltaert. ami from testi- j ni >ny that the said defeiidaut resides %tthoa4 the limits us thi* Slate: It is therefore ordered Ity the Court, that the defendant appvtC at the n xttenn, to be held oil tha second Monday in SepHfllbor lu?>A and an : swer the above stated libel. And it is further ordered, thafdjfl s order be I published in the Star of the ut ‘- 4 public ga zette. published at Klberton Ga . once a month for four months before the next term A true extract from the thin.tile* cf the Sype rior Court at March term. 1860, tli< March tdtfi. 1860. 3! 4m. M. K MILLS, Clerk. Georgia. Elbert County. TI T IIGREAB. John C. Ward applies to me foi | V> Letters of Guardianship of the persou* i and property of Lawrence Thornton. Emily . Thornton. Amanda Thornton. Muriel Thornton 1 aud Samantha Thornton, minors and heirs ol [ John M. Thornton, deceased These are therefore to cite nod admonish all. and singular the kindred and all persou* inter* J ested, to be and appear at mv otlicc within the | time prescribed by law, and show cause, ts any j they have, why mid letters should not be grunted, j Given under my hand at otlicc, in Klberton. I this 11th day of April. 1860. W. H. EDWARDS. Ordinary. / 1 FOIU.I 4, lillM ls i Ollllfy. Where VJ n>, Mildred W. Gray. Adiuiiiistiatt'ix with j the will annexed of the estate ot John U Gray, lute of the State of Mississippi, and county ol , Winston, deceased, applies to me for letter* ol j dismission from said administration, These are therefore t* rite and admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at. my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause, il any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given utuder mv band at ollice, in Klberton, this 28til day of March. JwriO.ffc* W. II EDWARDS, Ordinary. I D'oruln, llllM'l t t’OHHl.y—•Whereas, vJf Mary Bourne, Guardian of Powhatan It Bourne applies to me for letters of dismission from said Guardianship These are therefore to cite and udtuonish all and singular the kindred, and all persons inter ested to be Hint apf *ai*Jat my office n iibiu ihetinn ( prescribed by law. and show cause it any the,’ !iave why said left ?rs should not be granted. Given under my hand at oflicuinElbortoli, this 20th dnv of March. 18<0. W 11. I)l)\VAUt)vt, Onlinniy. Georgia, Elbert County. lITirKREVH, Eltwv Burton. Admitiidrutrlx. VV with the will annexed on the estate ol Nicholas Burton, deer?.’ ed, applies to me bn let* ers dismissory IV in said administmtlon, These, are therefore to cite, summon and ad monish all, and singular the kindred and all per • ons concerned, to be and appear lit mv ollice within the time |re ‘■'■bribed by law and show •ause. if any they have, why sajd let! *ih .ditmld iot be granted. Given under mv band a 5 nffic • inT*lberton iii.*; ISIII day of January, iwi” WM. 11. EDWARD?, Ordimi'y, Georgia, Elbert Comity. U T lIERKAH, John G Deudwyler, Executor 1 1 the Will of Husmu S. Deudwyler, deceased, ipplie - to me for letter, dis uil.* ory from ai-l ex colors hip, These are therefore to cite, summon and ad* nonish all, mid singular tin* kindred and all per- Hits concerned, to be and appear n,t my ollice within the time prescribed by law, and show auhe, if any they lirtve, why said letters may not ie granted. Given under my band at office, In Elberton his 18th day of January, 18do. WM. 11. EDWARDS, Ordinary. f 1 HOHOI 4, 1:1 >€*!• I 4 lIIIIf. Where V J as. William il Harper, applies to me for ltd ‘ers or administration dr bnnin non en the estate if Mary Oliver, hit*- of said county, deceased These are therefore to cite, summon and ad monish nil, and singular the kindred and credit ors of ‘ aid deceased, to be and appear at my of fice within th- time prescribed by law. and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given tinder my hand at office In Elberton. this 39th day of April. 186*u, 30d W IL EDWARDS, Ordinary. Georgia, Elbert County. YXJ HERE AS, John G. Deadwylcr, Exeentor of VV the Will of Lucinda Deadwylcr, deceased applies to mo for letters dismissory from sold ex ecutorship, These are therefore to cite and admonish all, and singular*the kindred and all persons con cerned, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand nt office, in Elberton, this 18tb day of January, 1800. WM. 11. EDWARDS, Ordinary. f t I’OIM-I 4, foilnly.-Where vJT as, Benjamin F. Hayuqa, administrator of the estate of Williuin rlecased. applies to me for letters of cUt m4*it* IK in said istration, . ‘’ yj/’ TANARUS: * <• ar<- tlKt. b. l -* to lit** tnd and 1 npulnr !.<* ‘ ‘ 1 and sod ‘M’ rt-nrti. to !#• n*id npp’ *. f tm r fi**■*** |rrfiftill’ and bv hiw. arul Sh'iv they have, why said letters 1 hOtiVl tKd Given mid**r mv hand at <ffic* in ElbartoflPiTs Bth day of February. 1860. w. 11 . ED waß l s, ttrUnwy. f KOHfJI A. r.llM-rl < Olinl . Where Vi as, W illiaTfi Teasley applies to m*. for letters of administration dr. Union non, with the wfll an- | nexed, on the estate of Wiiiiam Teasley, late ol said county, deceased, These are therefore to rite and admonish all, and singular tha kindred and creditors of said de cease!. io he and appear ut my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cans#, if any they have, why said lett< r* should not he granted Given under mv hand at office in Klberton,this Bth day of February, lH<;o W IL EDWARDS, Ordinary. f < r.01M.1 4. nherM ” J ns, George W. Hnlme, exccu*Vt of the will of John Hnlme, deceased, applies to me for let ters of dismiseon from said ciaeutorshlp, These are therefore to cite and ndmonDh all, and singular the kindred nod creditors of said j deceased, to be and appear at my office w ithin the liine prescribed by law, and show cause. : any they have, why said letters should not be t grnnted. Given tinder my hand at offiee in Elberton,this ; Bfh day of February. 1860. W. 11. EDWARDS, Ordinary. r< RORf.IA, Elbert fount J. where. vJ as, John IL Jones, administrator of the es tate of Leonora Hammond, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said administration, j These are therefore to rite and admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and app*-a*- at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hard at office in Elbe rton. this Btb dav of February, 1869 > ’ W."H .EDWARD? Ordinary TOBACCO STORE Mill (WF & MAHC.PS Tltf ih'tt (tn l* ciH ill*’ •ih itb'ff M’ the puMir h’ thm* I V HG K ASSOft Y M I XT Ol < hi A US. lOlltnU &i . Thp Best Brandt kept Constantly on Hand, • km! mUI th<> wivit turn. Th*> W>vpn> of line (Mtiolo M’ tkc tr.vil on ulasVc Iw mtt ol kc. IN SXPI.KSS YARIKYY JOHN* M UVOW'N. MADISON J MARCUS. CLARKS, JONES & BLACKWELL, STILL Til El H Ai: H STORE, Kl.ltKimiN,<iA.. * ff jarnc ilarifb assortment of (boobs Tu wliicK they inviti'_Ut<t ntUiitiou <•!’ thwr iVicmin an.l tho public. I ol’ (lie catne •JO WM. .1 CLARK S. L. i I.AUK J. It. JONES . D. BLACKWELL. LOOK OUT FOR THE HEW STABE USE! H. B. & J. L. ARNOLD, IIA VINO ItOI'UIIT OUT THE .STACK LINKS FROM EUEITOi TO ANOERSM. \ll nulliicc tu tin* IrttM'liiiK |iulilic thill (lie) will run u (lr<t ‘■lnter line trvli'c u week (Yom Allilct'soti S (V) to Kllt.-f-l.Hii. (0i1.,) Ml that till ltn Ji'.-irr l oinl'oilalilc mol fast traveling chii lie aucummti ilalvtl. I. I<: A V K A N l> 1: ll so IV Evrfv Monday and I rnlat iium’ dialcls aflei’ the Hrrival ol the train, rent li Elberton by 5 I. K A V K T- If 11 K It T O \ L uiv ‘hitiradav and Hitlurdov, and'** at Anderson b> .“> pm. |t>jV*'l , ’rnil a j .hiui? io tmtel houtb m'* ••••I. will lint) th the cheapest ioui*‘ i\ing m<oie\ l,<l litlM* The al <•• rutile (till eitni'eet a! ElhaHmi Willi Ivt U -■! ngc line \\ a: ‘hbigfpn, iirtit 11 and .I.eNlugtnn. fin H Ft. k J. L. ARNOLD. |, | V (f., in 11 pat he prof 11 red of the iiip iit al the Lulled ,Stales Hotel in Elberton. M. F. ARNOLD, Agmit. inn, 12 ■ !?rt LARCE c VARIED ASSORTiVIENT OF . .. ■■■■■ “ ■■■—■ .ni'""■ “■ (JKORGE LOEII R, 1 : i,n 1:1 m> n a eoiu 1a , Would respectfully inform the public t hat lie is now receiving, direct from New York, a large, vn listl and II AISI>SO SI K ST O Cl 14 OF FU II IS IT Fl 4K, CONNIHTINO, IN I’AItT, OK Dressing Bureaus, y-. BEDSTEADS, Marble & Plain Top SPRING WASIISJWNDS GMk Wylj MATTRESSES. AND hUREAUS, JtJldr “3^/HnU Stands, And othcra.‘.iclc* too ntlincroilH to mention, iclected with (treat earn and ((narantcod to be of the latitat atylca. Alan, a line lot of Wood and Willow Waro, Window Shades, &e., &c. He Itaa taken an Agenc* fiir tho sale of SASH, BLINDS AND PANNED : I)OOKS, Alao an Agency for the aalo of Wg THE CELEBRATED METALLIC COFFINS; All of which will be atfH EXCEEDINGLY CHEAP FOR CASH AND CASirtWtLY. mcliß,2ltf. ________ JOB PRINTING. *oVT"* |ol) printing OFFI C E . KVKItY riEHCIUPTIOX OK Book and Job Printing NEATLY a PROMPTf.7 EXECUTED at thin nma 11 HA HI) fc fSIM I'Sf )N. WAKBHOI’. w K k COMMISSION MWIOHANTH, Mclntoah Street, Anguata, Oa., WILL oeeufiy the Fire-Proof formerly occupied by fiiinp™n A Ourdlner, and S. IK Heard. Ot.r flalea Hooma and Office, I ir, the hotiae occupied tty H. IK Heard, where we offer our beat for the intere.ta of our pat ,on. H. I) HBABD, J K. SIMASON. Atijfnata, Oa., Sept. 8, 1855. N< )TIOE. Martin a hbakos shop books for the year 1855 are now in the handa of Kd warda A Heard for immediate aettlement, cl-kcr by cash r by not". All peraon- indebted to • aid dim will please come immediately and tet- t T . a* tht firm are -iniiout. to ettl. their book* ,sti MARTLV k HEARD JOB PRINTING IS L H E R TON MALE ACADEMY OpKNEn MONDAY, I 4\14 II V 0. In consideration of thr hard times caused by die abort crop of last rear, and Mr. Simonds (for whose Bole benefit the advance was put on our tuition, as published in our late circulars) cheer* fully consenting, we have resolved to open out school for the pre‘<ent year at our old rates of tu ition. a* published in our catalogue of lHfB, vie: $1(1, S2B and S4O per scholar—sl for fuel. All the terms set forth in that catalogue *vill be strictly adhered to. Catalogues run bo ob tained on application to the principal. No deduction will he made to any person, tin less an absolute charity require* it. Those who send in after the term is advanced will positively he charged from the beginning of the terra. JOHN A. TRENCH AJU), Principal. WILLIAM GL2NDENNING, VI A It II I, C WORKS. BROAD STREET, tvorm, ot. MONCMENTS, TOMBS, AND HEAD STONES, OF ALE SIZES. QCALITIES; ALWAYS ON hand, at New York pricM. Ordr from ; iliarorfnlrv with neatmnanddespatch. Derrmbir 15, 1*55 —lTtf ion WlfSrn W. of tr':? dc.'.iiption • I t tit:, offl ‘ TAKE NOTICE* \h frrtrtH tlukOuNMl te rtn in* f lw> I Hfwtfttg aad to S* SiM'ow* A Cos fw tW *WL Wilt f*kMMR .]i difti * MiUMi NfMWOX,* i Oil BOOK*-"-OFFICE •* W* Wf w? pn*t4 IP fitwilP in a trhr lim- j PLAIN AND FANCY JOI WORK 1 ‘Nm iitlfHiil Wp with Ik* fmi j* .1 vnrr nM *'*-rd from nt of the bw I ffW I . undty it * iftH*4 £fv*. t Jofctwi. Aw„ wf l*lwla : 1 wist stiff etnplex in* now bn* the *hM hushed *. “Knmu in Itw count iy, srt pltHiW ttefttlK ffl\p*t(h Mid OkW* Orffm tJXMk distance solicited tad I H. IM MIKHiHT. riMKTOV AuguM IfM* W UAEMAXN Fashionable Tailor, • > !! *.* i.t -Jr •wli •i> . j orders f, i Geatle* Men * Garment* with tie*tneasand dispatch Sli| over Vail. Marcus \ Hiirch’s store Mr all work w arkanted -%* melt 1,2 Y.lf. j *TMIK utulci signed olfrri for sale, Wholesale and Retail, a 11 A HT 1. H s OLD STAND: | SrABS, (At, (H), (n mnil Porto Rico. * om:i:s, Kio, Jnv* xml Mocha, rontcco, PiiT.tVnl l.ramlit, Mocking A chewing; I'lV Ills. l's every kind, from T 5 cenl* to $11.50 per hundred. ii\i>u:s, I'lnin ami fancy, a large variety. Sperm, Star and Adamautine, SOU A, Id’ papers, tor family use. I ll 4< li CHS, Soda and ltulter. RAISINS, PRESERVES, • • J HU. IKS, rU'KI.KS, SARDINES, (UNSTICKS, (Kreslt pickled,l ‘TABLE SALT cTAUCII, [BRANDIES, OTARI), orrUY, SKiNKTT, TIiACH, APPLE, COON AO, DOMESTIC, C 0. I*., S. 0. P. \V 11 IS K I K R, A Fine Lot— oil llyc, n i>m> iikh lie in, Net'inr, >y lira!. < t>i M,OM ( lllliuun, Tltltltl'l All)IIllIllIll Urn. anil Iter lllllit. WIN E S . An Excel leu Let, Not Surpassed by Any •* Kyer before otlered in this mtukel 01.0 PORT, M incut .4, Tine, M 41.4<> i, SIICHItY, 4II4MP4(>.\C. Derbies mntiv other nrticlee not meutioued,— All I ask is for those wishing to buy to * CALL AND Sis!: FOR THEMSELVES. Truly thankful to tny frieudi for formal favors I shall try to give entire satisfaction |io every ono. Believing it to be to the lutercst of the pur* • dinner to PAY THE CASH, And knowing it to ho certainly to uiy Interest, A Rig icl Adher en c o to THE CASH ST STEM Will lie enforced, i WITHOUT 1 RESPECT TO PERSONS. Respectfully, V. 11. GORDON. Klbnrloti, Ga , July -I, 1860. IMPROVEMENT IN COTTON GIN BOXES, Consisting of the following points of superior ity ; Causing the roll of cotton to expand and nolitfact nt every turn, the saiys striking it in * different place at every turn, it will gin two or three hundred pounds more lint in the day than the ordinary machine, and greatly improves the quality of the cotton. The undersigned will vis it tin nr who desire the improvement a* soon as possible. WM. K. McLENDON, Agent Iflif. for the Patentee for Elbert county. HAMILTON PLACE” FOR SALE. r p HK undersigned offers Mile, the well known 1 Terrel Key or “Hamilton Place,” lying 4 miles N. E. s os Klberton. This place contains 7.50 acres, most of which is under fence, and a large proportion of which is first class bot tom. The balance is good np-land. The flare is well improved, and in a fins Hints of cultiva tion. Mr. Perrin, who resides upon it, will take pleasure in showing it to ant person who may v ish to purchase. For terms w hich w ill be very reasonable, Address the subscriber at Augusts, Ga. J. 8. LAMAR. July 12,1 000 45 ts LAND FOR SALE. riY Iff? subscriber offers for sale his land, 10 I. miles north of Klberton, in Elbert, county immediately on the stage road, from Klberton to Anderson ('. If., on little Cold Water creek.— The tract contains 400 Acres more or less, be will sell the 400 Acres alone, or lift will tell 700 acres as it may suittbc purchaser. The place is newly and well improved, the fencing is new and in good repair, about 40 acres of good bottom land, well ditched and dry, with 100 acres of heavily timbered forest land, a well of A4good water as the world affords, with several good springs, quite convenient. The lo cation is healthy, and in a good neighborhood for the practice of medicine or the rale of goods. Also a house and lot in the village of Rncker ville, containing 2\ acres, more or less, with a good well and all necessary out buildings. This property will be offered at private sale until the tir t Tuesday in October next, and if not disposed of by that time will tv* offered at public bale on tba* dar a* EJberton. J. H M. BARr.ETT. ‘I D. ‘ “ - ,f 2 I*4oo. tPRINC AND SUMMER. IHOO. HO Hi. WISH A CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS X3ST JFUSTE Head vMade Cldthing! hUv* mSKacsp v .. be out.4ta.nij v riceoiiif du/ cg (he and month*, the Largest ‘wul ino<t and Improved ■ htyle* of K 1 V r: J { IZ A 1 > V • \1 ADE C Tu o T H TNG, 1 U i„. i. i i< > ulitii.i to I” Kql'Al, ut any brought to tlu- Southei u Market; also, a 1 an<l <Jar.-iulJy Stock of (hrnl.s yurnislnna (booiis. Hmktllas, Crunks, Daliscs. CARPET BA OS, ScG. Ikv kite ktp on h.u i a tat atuefc ts YOUTHS’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING, |>l tin* l Stylo*. \lo, - i’ K I N <; A N l-i SI M M I It < LOT II S, CA SS IMEKES AND X ESTINGS. *r ‘ +r < 4 •-...•>• M-4I v*t ;*k * Ma S • t A • ‘i L k K lt 1 <t gKDKB, at (he thortait notice warranted to FIT or no salt. All or ♦.# *4kui . Iv *iiti and ■ tJur Kuatl t* Li*W, to *iet tb view* of *veryooly. All persons ug ‘.g i.a ( >jr l*-, 0 A wail Iv eaii and examin* our stoejf. HOHA, WISE & CO„ M<! jk>,■ ludr lh J. N 4BKm.ta. Ga. mw FIRM T OPPOSITE Till’ COURT HOUSE, KLBERTON, GA. DESIRE TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO TfIKIR T.ARQE A.lSm VARIED Assortment of nnv nnnne ilil ji ivUUilO, CLOTHING, HARDWARE,, CLOT'S AND SHOES, SADDLES!, CROCKERY WARE, ETC., ETC. EVERYTH I Nil KEPT ON HAND USUALLY KEPT BY FIRST CLASS HOUSES IN THIS SECTION, AND SOI,DON THE MOST ACCOMMODATING TERMS. TUB CHANGE IN OCR FIRM GIVES U 8 INCREASED FACILITIES FOB KEEPING ON HAND EVERY ARTICLE THAT THE PUBLIC MAY NEED; AND WE ARE DETERMINED THAT WE WILL MAINTAIN, AND, IF POSSIBLE, INCREASE THE RECI TATION OF OUR HOUSE FOR SELLING GOODS AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST BE SURE TO ('A 1,1, AT Till'. BRICK STORE, AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. JAXiAItT, 1800. a*, t. vail, Solomon marcus thomas c bURon SPRING, SIMMONS & CO., A KB BELLING OFF THEIR Entire Stock AT COST FOR CASH WITH A SLIGHT ADVANCE ON CREDIT. THE STOCK MUST BE CLOSED OUT BY THE FIRST OF JANUARY NEXT, CONSISTING OF PLOT AID FAIRY SILKS, MANTILLAS* SHAWLS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, LACE GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND GAPS, HARDWARE. DRMKERV. AND GLASSWARE. A FINE ASSORTMENT OK READY MADE CLOTHING, MANUFACTURED TO ORDER IN THE FINEST STYLE. A men extensive lot of GLOTHI, GASSIffiERES, AID VESTINGS. ALT, OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD ASTONISHINGLY CHEAP. ALSO, CONNECTED WITH OUR HOUSE, WE HAVE A MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. WHERE EVERVTKIXG IN THAT LINE IS EXECUTED TO GIVE PERFECT SATISFACTION; HAVING THE ADVANTAGE OF THE MOST APPROVED SEWING MACHINES. J SPFIN'G > 5 c I- S FB