The Star of the south. (Elberton, Ga.) 1859-18??, August 16, 1860, Image 2

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£tarof %£outl). RLMBTM, I t t I MMHMIuJ Thmiulftyi Auininl It!, IHOO. *====== = ~ : = Ik* Uu Abolittm DiiturhancM is lb* W*it It see tbit the irre|*re*ibJe conflict Vxt ween elavcry ttul freedom ii> Bearer our door* thin the Southern mind is willing to admit/ recent disturbance* of tiiia Lind in Virginia, Miiwtwtippi, Hanna*, Tela* ami the Cherokee Nation, arc warning* of too ■ aerious a character, to be panned by unno ticed. We fear that our In-Lived South is eve of tearful and dire difficult-ice. The deliberate organising of a party *ho*i aim aiH ambition i* the downfall ot South j ♦ru itustitu'iona, should be a subject of calm consideration by every true Southron It is cetlaitily nut forgotten that Kedpath, one of th > notorious John Brown conspirator*, gave Warning iu a speech in Ohio, that another and more stupendous rani upon the South was hpntg planned and would be executed Tim danger* by which wc arc enooni pasnpl urn above party, and the people •hdtrid be prepared lor wb s’ may be upon ns unawares. Rain-Crop*. Owr county has been visited in the last few days by ahnndant rains, which at one time UtreMMed the most serious damage to crops on low lands, but so far as our information extends, the dauiagc has been slight; these rains are too late to benefit the corn crop in this ct>~..ty, Wc think the crop is a little better than it was last year. But still so short, that there will be suffering among us, uu!< ss some plan is devised to furnish the indigent with the staff us life. Rome noble spirits have been endeavoring to rouse their fellows to the impoi lance of this matter, and wc Jiope will continue iu their efforts, until they succeed in raisiug the amount suggested Those persons who have plenty should re member in these limes of scarcity the wants of the poor. —i an i Th* Supr*m* Judgethip. We were extremely sorry some time since to learn of the resignation of his Honor Judge Lin ton Stephens, whoso abort term tijNin’ the bench has given such general sat isfaction to people of all parties in Georgia , hut since such is the euse, we nrc rejoiced that his plane has been so judiciously filled by Gov. Brown in the appointment of that sterling lawyer and model gentleman, ('has. J. Jenkins, to succeed him; which appoint uieiit, we learn, he has accepted. flof'Thc absence of tbc editor must ac count for the small amount of cditoriul in this week's issue. Oo* of Ike Matt Extraordinary Casos of Litiga tion on Record (From tlic Rome (V. V.) Sentinel.] Tim name of John Brown, of Hnrpor'a Ferry notoriety, is un familiar us household words to about every person in the land.— Ilis .tragic but deserved tate at Harper’s Kerry has passed into history, and will not lie forgotten as long as this Union shall re main. It is not with the criminal records ulonc that John Brown's name is familiar; upon the civil calendar his liauie figured years ago, and the suit in which he wnscui broiled promises to live many years to come Some of the incidents cornice led mill. iKi.< ease may bp of interest to our readers, and we therefore rclutc them. Mr. Perkins, of Ohio, was a wealthy per person—some eight or ten years ago said to In worth >1,000,000. He entered into a partnership with John ltrown, and estab lished a commission house in Springfield, Massachusetts, for the purchase and sale of wool ou commission—the firm advancing oae-half or two-thirds of the supposed val uo of the wool taken in by them to be sold A Mr. Warren, of I‘itufield, Saratoga coun ty, in this State, let Perkins k Brown have a large quantity of wool, upon which Per kins k Brown made advances; the price ot rol soon went down, and Perkins k Brown ciamed that they had advanced U) Mr. W. some *4,000 more than the value of the Wool ittkejr had of him ; they brought suit against Mr Warron for the alleged overplus advanced; Mr W set up for the answer that be sold the wool outright to plumtifls, and that it was not a sale on commission,— The suit was commenced in 1850 hy J. Whipple Jenkins, then of Vernon, as attor ney for Perkins Brown; Timothy Jenk ins was the counsel; the ease was referred to Judge Wean; the trial of the case occu pied thirty-seven days; the referee reported in favor its the plaintiff, from which the do tendant appealed. 1 hiring the pendency of this appeal, and which ‘has not yet been argued, Perkins has failed, and Jus assignee was substituted in his stead ; f W Jenkins died, and Ralph Mclntosh, of Vernon, i* substituted as at totaey. John Brown is dead, and another party is substituted in his stead: the de fendant Warron is dead, and another party is substituted in liis stead: Timothy Jenk ins, the counsel, is dead, and Porter and j Cagger, of Albany,are substituted as eou n j cel in his stead. Tin cost thus far is orer £.'!i(KM), and it is said that defendant's e* j fate, once worth some >20,000, is worthless, i that the bail which the law practice re quired him to give, is supposed to have lie | come worthleaa also On the whole the case j js one of the roost protracted and most eu j rious that has been before the courts in a | longtime Saw. Walker's Imanu Ts New Orleans, Aug 6.—loUdligeace -ftta been received that Gen. Win Walker's expedition, with fire teasels and five hundred ‘ man M) tbetliU-nd of Cosuuscl an the 20th of Juljrfcr'Xtciragua , [For the Star of tbo South.] Washinoton, Aug. ft, I*6o. Th* capital is untinally dull just now— every body having left the city for the : springs er to recreate rurally, except the members of tlie far-famed Cau’t-gct-away Club, who, during this hot weather, are apt j to remain very quiet and as much in the , shade as possible, and, of consequence, arc ■ not calculated to cause much hustle <>r ex citement. In (load, so general ha* been the j exislus this scAs-iii, that even the weighty affairs and earn* of Stan have Uteri for a while laid aside, and several of tbc bonds ot j ! department* are- ithcr ruraliting or iruleriioj , ; President Buchanan, as usual, in the Hum j * trier nmnnn, lias taken up his quarters at the i Old Holdier’h Home, just without the limit. | of the city, h ing convenient for his daily J visit to the KxecuUve LepirtnionU, which in the abaence of several men,hers of the Cabinet, he is personally superintending Wc were favored yesterday with a visit of the much talki dol Chicago Zouaves, who arrivr-d in the early morning train from llal tnuorc, accompanied by the Independent Greys Os that city. They were escorted by the Battalion of Light Infantry to Brown’s, where they breakfasted; after which, they paid a visit to the shrine of America, Mount Vernon. Returning, they were received by the President, at the White House, and af ter some congratulatory remarks from him, they went through their celebrated drill in the grounds immediately south of the Presi dential Mansion, much to the delight of some four or five thousand men, women and children there assembled, ami to the great disappointment of quite as many more who had convened three quarters of a mile off, at the City Hall, where the drill was adver tised to have taken place The Zouaves and Greys left in the 6} p m. train for Bal tiinoro, en route for home, the same day The public works, which have been for some time suspended for want of appropria tions from the last Congress, are again in a state of aotivo progression. The Nuvil Monument, first erected in the Navy Yard, where it was mutillatcd by the British in IHI2, and afterward removed to the slope just below the west portico of the Capitol, has been again removed, and is being re erected at the Naval .School at Annapolis. The public printing, for a while stopped in consequence of a disagreement between the House printer, Mr. ford, and the con tractors, is now going on as smoothly as ever. Home little stir has been created among the Republicans here in consequence of the refusal of the Commissioner of Public Build ings to allow their Association to erect a pole at the intersection of three of our prin cipal streets The Commissioner contended that so far from having authority to grant such a privilege, it would be his duly in law to have said pole removed, if erected, as an obstruction, at which they (the Republi cans) have grown quite wratliy, and have piinfft'tl a rtrrion of rwm)ution*, with n view, no doubt, to political capital. They have, however, concluded to abandon the pole pro- jeet, unit intend hanging out a banner, with their candidates’ names inscribed thereon, from a line extended across the street from house top to house top, which is much more judicious on their part, as the staff would, in all probability, have been removed if erected. Quill. [Wo would be pleased to hear from our friend ‘'Quill” often."J —~ [For the .Star of the South], fkatehsi of Trawl m IV. A traveler sees many strange things ns he passes from placo to place, and many so ten/ strange, that not half the people will believe them. The following story may perhaps he one of this kind: Stopping one evening und calling at a house, a good large lad came out and invited ine in. lie said his father and mother bad gone to some sort of ngath ering but would be back soon. There came in two young ladies directly, and tlic con versation was rather agreeable than other wise till near dark. They then began to express some tiuoasineas about their parents as they stayed so long. After a while, how ever, their anxiety was somewhat quelled by the sound of a horse walking in the yard. The whole party went to the door, and beared the good lady say, “jump down, Jim my, we have got home.” One of the girls laughed out, but tlio other seemed to be struggling with shame, chagrin, and appre hension. She asked her mother whore her father was; hut could get no well-defined answer Tho old arrived in the night alone, n,.d from the way shespoko when she stopped, it seemed that she thought her husband was near; o.'t such was not the case, and dircetly it became* serious matter. It was proposed that search should I'C made; so the lad, the two young ladies, and t,’; o traveler were soon traveling on the back track of tlie horse carrying a large Sambcau After a journey of over a half mile we heard \ a sound of some sort, and as we neared *t, it began to sound like a human voice. There were plenty of carnivorous animals iu that region, and we were filled with fear. What should we do? Should we get back to the house as best we uould and arm ourselves, or should we rush on at tho risk of our lives* We concluded to push on, for perhaps we I might sa\v the man's life. The farther we t proceeded, the plainer we heard the voice. 1 Often did we stop and hold our breath to listen. Ou getting tip to the poor man we found him alive and cheerfully singing his favorite anthem, (as I suppose,) though somewhat inapplicable: •* Rum in the tumtitrraiul toddy in ih* bowl. I'm glad I'm tn a leather bed, out of the cold. 1 He was iu the edge of a large omd-hole.aud in a pitiable condition How could he have got into such a place’ Was it possible that a limb could have dragged him off? 1 guess lie fainted, though it meg be a bad guess 1 When he get off the horse, why did Dot his Je pcrrvi** it, fur he was riding behind ber! 1 guess she fainted too; hut tku may also be a bad guess. We carried him home | and he was taken care of. H hat a pity it ia that so many people have tbcee fainty ; •pells, which throw them into the mud and mire! What a pity that no remedy cau he 1 found ‘ Pausing on from that part of the i country, new traits of character presented themselves. Overtaking a man of common appearance, who seemed to be quite loqua- | i ions, we traveled several miles—he, all the while, talking of hi* owu acquirement*, orof lor family. The conversation at length | turned on farming He was an excellent j farmer he said, and had made more to his j force than any man iu the country Said I he, “ 1 work hut three Lauds, and last year | I made forty large bales of cotton —three • hundred barrel* of corn, and gathered four hundred bushels of peas; besides that, my wife sold twoliundred dollars worthed chick en*. I have now upward* of two hundred barrels of corn, and twenty large stacks of fodder “ 1 asked him if it was much of a country for wheat? Raid he, “ 1 sowed last year two bushels ami three pecks of wheat. I carried it to the thresher who took onc tunth for threshing [ sunned my wheat well, and then measured it, and it measured two hundred and ninety-three bushels ” When we came to the fork of the road, he insisted strongly for me to go and spend the night with him, as it was late, and no pro bability of’getting to a house of any note. — I went with him of course, and reaped iu great abundance the hitter consequences.— He lived in a miserable hut. His wife would have had to insist hard to get admit tance into a company of Indian women As to furniture I saw none of any value.— All were rags and filth and dirt. I looked about for a corn-crib, but none was in sight. He took one of his sons off a little distance, and told him to ruu over to Mr. Rnipe’s and sec if he could get twenty cars of corn and two bundlcH of fodder. A little daughter was sent to Mr Jones’ to borrow some meal, and two pounds of bacon. Notwithstanding all these untoward circumstances, he kept up a continued stream of boasting, till time to retire. How well for me that it was net winter; yet, how had that it was summer; for many times during the night, I was “re pulsed with great slaughter'.” F. M. T. Crafts ville, Ga. [From the Alexandria, Vie. Gazzette, July 28.] The trouble at Occoquan, Va . tho Lmooln and Hamlin Foie Cut Down—Scene! and Incident!, •to The Occoquan difficulties ended yesterday, happily without bloodshed. A special cor respondent of the Gazzette visited Occoquan yesterday, learned all the particulars of the affair, ami was present stall the transactions. From his report we make the following sum mary of the proceedings:— On the 4th of July lust the black repub licans, of whom some sixty reside in the vi cinity of Occoquan, instituted an association and agreed to erect a pole —to Dear alort a flag with the names of Lincoln and Hamlin The pole was accordingly erected, the fbl- lowing persons participating iu the polo rais ing:—John Underwood, W. C. A they, Rob ert Uiirtis, Oliver Underwood, II IV. Hives, .1 W Miller, Win. Davis, (boy), Stephen Hammill, John Taylor, Andrew Underwood Marion Urigg, T. O. Coulter, James Gould, Thomas Rives, Jr., 11. F. Duty, W. 11 Johnston, T. L. Sclecman, John Wright, Win. Western, A. A. Sclecman, Kwd. Rob erts (Englishman), Tasco Harris (free ne gro), Jim Snyder (free negro), Albert Har ris (free negro.) Upon tlie raising of the pole, the pole rais ers were armed with muskets and made quite a military demonstration. A meeting was held at which black republican speeches wore made by W. C. Athcy and J. Wright, the latter of whom, anew comer, is said to bo quite an orator. Many persons in the neighborhood oppo sed the erection of tho polo, believing it to be a standing menace to the peace of the county, but at first there was no indication of an attempt to disturb it. The republicans when spoken to on tho subject, answered that “there was no one in tho county who dared to touch the pole.” “There were men enough to defend it,” &c. On one oc casion an old resident of tho neighborhood was assaulted because he declared that the pole was a nuisance; and on another, threats were made to ride upon a rail a gentleman living near by, because he had spoken South ern sentiments freely in Occoqttan. Letters were published in the Wheeling Intelligen cer declaring that “the people in the county wanted tlie pole removed, but had not the heart to do it.” This raised much feeling in the neighbor hood, and at a meeting at Brentsville, sonic time about last Court, it was agreed that the flag was an insult to the people of Virginia, and incendiary in the object it was raised to uromote and should be tom down on Friday, the 27th day of July. Intelligence of tJris determination soon reached Occoqttan, and on Monday night a republican meeting was bold there to devise measures for the defence of the flag pole.— Ou the following morning Mr. J. 0. Athcy visited Washington, and scut to Governor Lctchar the following dispatch:— We, the eit teens of Occoqttan, are threat ened with invasion by an armed mob of three hundred men from a distant part of the county, on Friday next, at twelve o'clock M and call upon you for protection in this emergency, otherwise we shall have to de- j feud ourselves W C. ATHF.Y, On behalf of the citiaens, I To which the Governor responded instan ter as tollows : Orders will be issued at once to General llunton, who directed Colonel Brawner to hold a troop of horse in readiness to give such protection as was necessary. When the dispatch was received on Tues day night from Governor I-etcher, great re joicing was manifested by the republicans Whilst in Washiugt -n A they made ar rangements with certaiu republicans to fur nish forty ot fifty firearm* of approved make with ammunition therefor, which were to be sent to Occoquan oo Tuesday night by wagon Thedispatch from Governor Letch j ! er, however, induced the abandonment of , thi* plan. At the meeting at Occoquan, and amid great cthuaiasm, it was resolved j that the pole should be defended to the death unless the assailants numbered more than I ! three to one ot the republicans. On the night of Thursday several of the j wive* of the residents at Occoquan, fearing! bloodshed would oceurthenext day, utteiup . ted to demolish the pole In the attempt, the wife of Mr Duty wasseriiusly wounded j by a blow from her axe. Tie men gather j ed however, and took tbc woman away from around tbc object of their attack On the morning of the 2Tth the republi cans hoisted the American Dig and the par ty ensign, bearing the name* of “Lincoln and Hamliu.” Luring the xiorning most of the women left the village, and the place seemed quite deserted, but io preparations were made for defence, and memorial to the Colonel asking protection nas prepared and numerously signed. At half-past three o’clock the Prince Wil liam Cavalry, Captain Thornton commanding entered the village and raiged themselves iu the neighborhood of th* pole. T hey were followed by a company about forty strong, under command of Captain M. Fitzhugh aud Major Carter, who, paying no attention whatever to the horsemen, quietly formed in a hollow square around the pole, faciug in wards. Whilst this company w as surrounding the pole, Mr. Joseph T. Janney advanced to the Captain of the troop of horse arid claim ed protection for his property, upon which the pole stood. At the word of coinmxod, Jas. W. Jackson of Fairfax, a stalwart yeoman, sprang for ward and give tbc firstblow, others followed, “redoubling stroke upon stroke.” Luring this time there were to interruption, save the republicans and others who stood at corners near by, would cry out, “Aint your axe dull,” “Hope you're Imviuga good time,” &c. In a few minutes, however, there was a cry of “stand from under,” and the pole came to the ground and shivered. Instant ly the crowd gave three cheers, when the “republicans” responded by three cheers for Lincoln and Hamlin. All were quickly at work on the fallen pole, and in less time than it takes to tell it was chopper! up and the pieces carried off. The flag was sent to Brentsville. Ho soon as the flag polo was lcve lied, Cap lain Fitzhugh ordered about face, and his company marched off, saluted as they went by mingled jeers and applause. Luring the evening there was some excite ment, and a personal rencontre took place be tween Col. Brawuer and Joseph ’J’. Janney, in which the latter was considerably injured. The crowd cleared away during the eve ning, and at sundown all was quiet. The “republicans” say they will put up another pole on tlic same siu;. Washington Nows. AVasiiinotom, Aug. <’>.—Ex-Secrctary Conrad is now in this city preparing for pub lication a letter urging a joint Bell and Douglas ticket in all of the States. The electors thus chosen to cast their votes for the candidates having the greatest strength. ♦ ♦ Five Fersens Precipitated over Black River Falls aud Drowned. Five persons —namely, Mrs. J. J. 15. I’ri man and child, Mrs. J. J. M. Priuian, Mrs. Blansoleil and Miss Louisa Bebaud—went over the Black River Falls, Watertown, N. Y., in a boat, on the afternoon of the 28th ult. All were drowned. The body of one of the ladies can be soen hanging upon a rock be low the falls, and efforts are being made to reach it. Gen. Lane. Gen. Lane visited Buncombe County) North Carolina, and the place of his birth, on Tuesday last. On the same day, he was presented to a circle of twenty-five blued re lations whom hejhad never seen, and who had grown up around the old family tree. The emigrating fever makes strange changes in families. Gen. Sam. Houston. Gen Sam. Houston has written to his friends in New York, under date of July 18, that the movement favoring his election to tho Presidency being strictly independent and popular, he will in no ease decline. . - . Bloody Affray Patrick Callahan, residing in Memphis, Tenn.. was whipping his wife on the 27th ult., when a strange man interfered, where upon Callahan and the stranger had fierce combat, during which the stranger drew a pistol and shot Callahan dead ■ Spain and the Slave Trade. A T .ondon paper of the 23d ult has the following : Mr. Buxton, on Tuesday week, will call attention to the rapid increase of the slave trade, and move that, in the opinion of this house, it is the duty of Her Majesty’? Gov j eminent to enforce upon the Government of! Spain the immediate execution of the treat ies regarding the slave trade—firstly, by de manding the repayment, with interest, of the .14,000,000 paid by England to Spain upon the condition that the slave trade should lx abolished ; secondly, by suspending diplo matic relations with Spain uulil the treaties are fully carried out. Election Now* Lnrisvu.LF., August, 7.—Combs’ major ity is estimated at from five to ten thousand St. Lous, Aug. 7.—E. 1\ Hlair. (Black Republican) is greatly ahead in this district. It is generally eonctxiod that J. Richard Rurett, (Democrat) is elected to Gongreas ibr the short term by 40 majority, but F V Blair is elected lor the long term by 1,000 majority. Sample Orr, K*q . (the Bell and Kverett candidate for Governor; ha* bees elected by about two thousaud majority In St. Louis district the Black Republi can* have elected a majority of the county officer*. Syracuse, N Y., Aug 8. —The Breck inridge convention nominated James T Brady for Governor. The election in North Carolina Las resul j ted iu^ the re-election of John W. Ellis, Item.; for Governor, by about 8,000 rna | jority, who favors the tui valorem tax on ! slaves. In twenty counties the Opposition j gain •> members of the legislature. Memphis, Aug.8 —It is conceded here that Itiehard M. Johnson has been elected Governor of Arkansas by about 10,000 ma jority. Mr. Johnson is the democratic nom inee. Excitement in Texas We copy the statement below from the New Orleans True Delta, of the 4th inst., being the latest accounts received from the infected abolition districts of Texas : The excitement consequent upon the late abolition disturbances has not entirely died out. A meeting of slave owner* was held in the town of Anderson, on the 26th. A vigilance committee was organized and res olutions adopted recommending the expul sion of all white persons suspected of enter taining abolition sentiments, reprobating the practice of giving general passes, and sell ing liquor and arms to slaves. A meeting with a similar object in view, was held in Hempstead, oil the same day, at which precautionary measures were taken. In Wood county a public meeting was held on the 9th, and a vigilance committee was appointed, as well as a watch for the town of Quitman. It has been ascertained that the negroes of Grimes county have held secret meetings aud many of them are supplied with arms. A mass meeting of the citizens of Lamar county was held at Paris on the 28th ult., for the purpose of taking stops to ferret out persons suspected of abolitionism in that vi cinity. j, In Fayette county, a hand of runaway was thought to have been organized, their des tination being Mexico. The Gilmer Tribune reports the arrest of three negroes in that town on the 19th. — They had in their possession passes, papers and various documents, way-bills to the In dian Nation, pistols, powder, caps and wri ting materials. They said they were from Henderson county. The Houston Telegraph thinks the late diabolical plot was only perfected in two places—Dallas and Denton —but had it not been discovered, it would soon have extended to half of the counties in the State. Udnlpho Wolfe and the Liquor Trade. This merchant is a public benefactor. — There is one spot in the land, where a man can go and purchase pure liquors of any kind or description. Wo do not intend to give an elaborate description of .Mr. Wolfe's ex tensive warehouse, or the details of an enor mous business, although it will well repay any stranger in town to visit Nos. 18, 20 A 22. Beaver street. There ire saw liquors and wines in quantities quite startling. A stock of Brandies, pure and choice, valued at ($150,000) one bundled and fifty thousand dollars. M ines of all the choicest vintage, Forte, Maderia, Sherry, valued at (8130,- 000) one hundred and thirty thousand dol lars, imported by Mr. Wolfe, direct from Maderia, Portugal and Spain, and also from the London docks. Mr. Wolfe is now doing in Wines and Liquors, what lie has been doing in Gin for several years past. 11 is Schnapps business has increased, until now his sales amount to (180,000 doz.) one hun dred and eighty thousand dozen of bottles of Schnapps annually. Iu five years he will be equally successful with his Brandies and Wines. Heaven grant it may he so, for he is doing a world of good. How many thou sands of our most clever men are cut off an nually by the poisonous bad liquors ! Ilow many thousands of valuable lives would have been saved, had Mr. Wolfe commenced im porting and bottling pure Liquors and Wines years ago ? But it is not too late now His business merits the patronage of every lover of his species. If he ouly succeeds in preventing the sale of one-tenth of the had liquors uow sold, by replacing it with his pure importations, he will deserve the grati tude of mankind. —Sew York Courier. Twenty-five Hollars REWARD ! iTHE above reward will he paid for the apprehension and delivery of mv bov JI NE. DESCRIPTION. — He is of a cop per color, twenty-one years of ape. five feet eight inches high, and weighs about one hundred and six ty. or one hundred and seventy-five pounds. He left me about the first of May. 1860. Any information coucerninvr him will be thank fully ret en ed JAMES H BREWER Klberton, G- t Aug. 16, 1360.-50-ts. GEORGIA. EI.HEKT COt STY. COURT OF ORDINARY. AUGUST ADJOURNED TERM. THE petition of Ihmiel t'Md *howpfh to the Court that \N illiatn A. Swift ot said county . did. in lit*-. ign * certain bond for title for a lot of land described in said bond. which land isfnTl’r set forth in said petition, and il appearing that j said Daniel Olds has paid folly for said land, and ’ that Daniel Olds w an order to William M Mclntosh and John H Janes. Administrators of William A Swill, deceased, to make title under >aid bond. It is ordered by the Court that no- j tice of Daniel Olds application be given to all j persons interested, by publication of a copy of, this rule, duly certified, at three or more public places in this county, and in the •• Star of the South/’ for three months. o that they may show cause, it they n. why this Court should not di- j reel said William M Mclntosh and John H. Jones. as aforesaid to make title under .-aid bond, this ninth da* of August. 1860. >S M 11. KIIWARDS. Ordinary of Elbert County. I do hereby certify that the above i* a true ex ; tract from the minutes of the Court of Ordinan of aaid Coontv. this t*th of Angn*t. 1860. | WM H. BDWAMW. Ordinary j Aug 14. lsu 50 3m of Elbert County. NOTICE! 4 Ll* persons are forewarned not to seine, dip A or hook in ls*a<‘ D. Vaughan's Pond, it they do. I will prosecute them by law Aug loth. 1860-11 C. W. CHRISTIAN. . TRUSTEE’S SALE. ILI* be sold, before the Coart House door, ’ in Elberton. on the first Tuesday in Sep- 1 | tember next, between the lawful hours of ?le. | the following negroes to wit: One woman. Adeline, about twenty-eight years of age. and her child, a boy Fred, about four years old. and Louisa, a girl thirteen years of age. The term* will be made known on the dar of sale. WILLIAM M HaSLETT, Trustee J for WILLIAM J. TA IT and Family. Aug. IC, IB6o—s<>-tds NOTICE. ALL persons whose notes are held by me will ! please be ready for payment by the 25th of I December next, and oblige ‘ Aug. 9-1860-49-4 t. J- G. HAM. Georgia, elbert coi sty.—j E Whereas, Anderson Craft applies to me for : i letters of administration on the estate of Christo pher Neal, dei-eascd— These are therefore to cite and admonish all. and singular the kindred and all persons con cerned, tc appear at my office w ithin'the time prescribed by law. and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, in Elberton. this Bth day of August, 1860. WM. H. EDWARDS, Ordinary. Aug. 9-4&-30d NOTICE TUIS PARTICULARLY! THE Stable Books will be closed this day, and I am determined, not to keep any books from this time out. All sums under oue dollar arc positively cash. Those whd don't find it conve nient to settle, will find blank notes iu the hands of the Stable Keeper, so as to mate settlements at the time. It is impossible tc keep a stable in such times as the present, w ithoat cash or cash consideration. Persons calling for and hiring horses, carriages, or vehicles of any kind, are ex pected uO call on return aid settle for the same in person ; and those failing to do so, will be charged double price, in every ca.-e, without re spect to person. C. H. GORDON. Aug. 2, 1860-47-Gt NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to me in any manner whatever, must come forward and pay up immediately , or else they will be sued without re spect to persons, and without further notice.— Hasten if you wish to save cost. JOHN C. WARD. July ID, 1860 4G Dt Gardiner & Moore, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS (Warehouse formerly occupied by Messrs. .Simp son k Gardiner,) Mclntosh street, Auyusta , Ga.. “ITT ILL give their personal attention tothescl > V ling of COTTON, or such other Produce as inny be sent to them by their friends and the planting public. Ordkks for Rope, and Family Sup plies filled to the bent advantage. Cash advances made on produce in store when required. JAMES T. GARDINER, ST. JOHN MOORE, jyl2-6m. Formerly Simpeon k Gardiner. —Summer and Fall Trade, ISGO. - Bools, Shoes, Trunks, ‘Carpet-Bags, Leather , Lasts, Shoe I y eys, Shoe I'nidinys, Ter inters Toots. 2500 cases Boots and Shoes. 5000 lbs. Hemlock Sole Leather. 2000 lbs. Oak Sole Leather 150 doz. French and American Calfskins 100 doz. Black and Russet I’ppcr Leath’r 80 doz. Kip Skins 100 doz. Lining. Biuding and Top Skins 5000 Hoot and Shoe lasts 120 barrels Shoe Pegs Also, Picker and Lace Leather, Harness and Bridle Leather, Holler Leather. Patent Kid, Goat and Morocco Skins, Buck and Chamois Skins. Boot Trees, Clamps, Crimps, Peg Jacks, Peg Breaks, peg Cutters, Heel Cutters, Splitting Ma chines, Crimping Machines, Pincers, Nippers. Lasting Tnekj*, Shoo knives. Eyelet Punches. Eyelets, Awls, Shoe Hammers French Kit, Kit ! Files, Awl Hafts, Beam Faces. Currying Knives, i Finger Steels, Graining Knives. Slickers, Flesh- I ers, Rub Stones. Sand Stones, Clearing Stones, j Indiana Stones, Boot Web, Boot Cord, Size j Sticks, Measure Straps. Rasps, Shaves, Bristles, i Copper and Tinned Shoe Rivets and Burrs. | Tuck?, Iron. Copper and 7,ine Sparables. Shoe j Thread. Fitting Thread, Twist, Wax, Silk Gal- : loon, Edge Blacking, Heat! Blocks. Patent Shank Rasters, Boot Hooks. Last Hooks, French Chalk, Cork Soles, Siioe Horns. Long Stick', Pump Sticks, Colts, Sand Paper, Shoe Lasts, CONLEY, iORCE At Cos., 47—10 t. Augusta, Ga. LOST NOTES, Lost by the subscriber, about the 4th of July ; between Haley’s store and his residence, a pock-, ct-book containing four notes:—One 0f5143 or $145, credited with S3O or $35, on J. S. Warren; one of S3O on J. D. Adams; one of SOO on O. G. Adams- attested by E. W. Thornton ; oneot $2.76 on l J. k J. B. Cason. The book also con tained ; 5 cents in change. All persons are here by •: e, : inm trading for said notes. 1 . finder w ill confer *a great favor by leaving the nit it this office, oral mv residence. 46 4t. CHAS. A. RICE. LAND FOR SA I E. Tin* subscriber offers at private snJc his entire tract of land, consisting of two hundred and [ eighteen (218) acres, one hundred acres of which | are in cultivation, lying on South Beaverduni Creek, and adjoining the estates of James M. j Willis, Sydney Maley. Drury Oglesby, and Fran- ; cis Bryan. Those who desire to purchase good j lar.ds and on good terms, would do well to give i me a call, as ! am anxious to sell. July 1860. 3m. W. P. PLEDGER. NOTICE. ALL creditors of the firm of Spring. Simmons 1, k Cos., are requested to make known their claims to the undersigned ; as the assets of said j firm will he placed in our hands to be applied by J us to the payment of debts. JOHN 0. BURCH. HESTER k A KERMAN. July 5, 1860. NOTICE. PREMIUM SILVER CUPS. I WILL give three premium Silver caps for the best pet (Colts) of my horse Egine in the Spring of 18AO. ns follows: Ft>r best No. Ia cap worth S10; Xo. 2, a cup worth 81: No. 3, H cup worth $5. The exhibittn to take place in E!- berton. the second Wednesday in Beptember. du ring court week, at 2 oclock; p m. 3*5,t. ALFRED OLIVER. AUGUSTA PRICES CURRENT. Corrected weekly from the “ Constitution alitt and Ditjiatrh, Augusta, Ga WHOLESALE TRICES Rassing— Gunny yd Id © 15 i Baron- Ham th 11J © 12) j Shoulders th 9 © 9) ! Clear Sides. Tenn.“ .. >< th 12 fdi ]2j Ribbed” jj- “ th 00 © 11 j Ilogßound.entry, u lb II © ]ls Rmna\ B> 30 (3, 32’ Hrlcka.. M 700 (o Sls Haller— Goshen ‘JI It) 23 (o'. -5 Country lb 15 (rt, 22 j Candlnt- Adamsntine f* 1h -o (3. Chemical Swem *b 35 3- ; | Pure .Sperm pi !b 43 (S. 45 Star Candles p< |h 20 (. 22 Patent Sperm p) lb 56 On 60 Cheese- Northern White lb none English Dairy ja Its 13 (s', 14 ; l eallirr* p* tb (3, 48 45 1 Itomotic UowdK— Vartis “p yd (S 1 00 J Shirting p< yd 4 6, 5 * Shirting f> Vd 7J U 7j 4- Shirting >* yd 8} (a !<| 5- Shirting yd 10 (a 12 6- Shirting >yd 12 (1) 15 l fine Sea Ul djSbirt gj., pi yd 7 ( 10 4-4 “ *• >* yd 9 (S. 12 ! Dsnahurgs >yd 10 (, 11 j Drillings id rj (j, loj ( uffec Rio ¥H> W © 15 Laguira VN> 14} © IS Java !• @ 1 IVrllHxer* Rhode's Superphosphate “Jd ton 50 Kettlewell’s Manipul'd Guano, l- V ton 56 “ “ “ ..2'j ton 51 Whitelock's Superphosphate “fi ton 50 National Fertilizer ton 45 Hoyt ! Superphosphate ton 45 Mapee’ Nitrogenized Supcrphos. ‘jf) ton 56 Robinson's Manipulated Guano...'jd ton 55 American Guano, esh jtton s44,l2m's time $59 I'lnli — I Mackerel No. 1 ‘pt bid IS 00 ©2O No. 2 >1 hid 15 00 (a) 16 “ large No. 1...|d bhl ©IS 00 “ “ No. 2...'ft bbl 15 50 ©l6 00 I No. 3,..~pl btd 10 50 ©ll 00 ; Herring, box 75 © 1 00 Flour— j Tennessee Ex. Family.."jd bhl 825 ©8 50 | Extra Superfine bbl 775 ©8 00 Tennessee Superfine...bbl 7 25 © 7 50 j Granite Mitts Ex. Fam..Tjp bbl 750 ©7 75 “ Extra jd bhl 850 ©8 75 “ bbl 775 ©• 800 Carmichael M’s Ex. bbl 900 ©9 25 “ Extra. ..y bbl 850 ©* 7a “ Sup...„.ft bbl 800 ©8 15 Paragon Mills Ex.Fam TJ bbl 900 ©9 25 “ Family..® bbi 835 ©8 50 “ 5up.....® bbl 787©8 00 (■rain — Corn, with sacks bush f 05 © I 10 Wheat, white ‘jl bush 1 50 © 1 60 Wheat, Red it bush f 45 © I t Oats bush 75 © 80 Rye bush none Peas ‘ja bush I 05 © li 10 Corn Meal bush 1 05 © 1 10 Ginseng; ft lb 40 © 45 Lunpowder- Dupont’s keg 62S ©6 50 Hazard TP keg 6 JsijS 650 Blasting ; keg 450 ©4 75 Iron- Swedes. ‘ft Ih 5J © 5} English ‘F !b 3} © 4 Lard ‘ft lb 11 © 13J Lead- Bar 1 -a ib b © I.lme— Country Tit box 125 © 1 50 Northern bbl 175 ©2 00 Molasses— Cuba new qd gal 28 © 30 Golden Syrup “ft ga! 60 © 66 N. Orleans Syrup gal 53 © 56 Walls ylb 4 © 4( Rice qft lb 4) © 4J Rope— Machine lb at © lOJ Hnndspun .."ja lb 81 © 9 Raisins box 3 oo‘ © 3 50 Spirits— Northern Gin...., qa ga! 45 © 50 X. O. Whiskey gal 35 © 3-1 Sugars— New Orleans ..."JO ft © Iff Porto Rico ”£3 ft 8 © 10 Muscovado ”pt ft 7) © 8 fioaf -jd ft nj © 11 Crushed “p ft 11 j © 1! Powdered ft 11 j © >3, Refined Coffee A lb lift}- © n “ h ~is> a ml © ij “ C ■ft ft 10J © io} Sait “fl sack 1 00 © 1 10 Soa p Yellow 1b 6 © 8 Starch ft 7}© 8} SllOf I? bag 2 00 © 2 2V Twine— Hemp bagging lb 18 © 20 Cotton Wrapping “ft ft 23 © 32 ATLANTA PRICES CURRENT. Corrected weekly from the Southern Con fnlerary, Atlanta, Ga WHOLESALE PRICKS. Rugrgring;— Gunny heavy - - yd 13f© IS Kale Hope— Machine - ft © ;> Hnndspun - -it tb ri; 8i Bacon— Hams - - - ~fP ft lilt® ]!£ Sales - - - VU ]]} © Ilf Shoulders - - ‘ft ft 9} © 9J Hog round - - tet ft 10} © l(tl Butler— i Goshen, prinw • - (7 ft 25 © 34. t audios— f Spermacetti - - ft ft 43 © 5* j Adamantine, Star - Vlb 20 © ’2A | Crackers — “ * j s "'la - - - ft 8} © to ! Rutter - - - 1b 8) © 10 (a inly— I City made - - lb © 17 1 Northern - - - lb 15 © Id toffee — H'O * - - ft 1b 12) © 14) Java - - - ft 18 © 2(i Laguira - - -■y 1b i:sf ©. 14J Maracaibo - - ‘ft 1b _ © 15 Cement— Roscndale - - ftft 350 ©4 00 Domestic floods— ! f Shirting, Brown - “(J vd © vt i “ “ ■ V>d - © 7* 1 “ “ - V J<l © h j Sheeting, Brown ■ yd © “ Bleached - yd 5 © lli Osnabnrgs B. ax - yd 10 © loi “ 7o* - ‘l* yd 06 © J Yarns', assorted - hunch >0 @ 9b Fish— Mackerel No 1 - - “ r t btd 18 00 ©‘to no “ No 2 - * bid 16 00 ©l7, C*> “ No 3-- bid >2 *a fa. 12 sff Flour— Ki,ie - - -Id lid 350 © 3 624 Superfine - - -ft hd 350 ©3 75 Extra - - -Ip hd 400 © 4 12) I Family - -V Ud 412 ©4 (.min i t'orn in sacks - - bnsh 95 © 1 00’ ; Wheat. White - - $ bush 150 ©1 60 , U heat, Red - - jit bush 140 © 1 50> I Lais - - -ft bush 85 © 90 ! I’ l '** - - -"P bush 90 ft, 100 | r,,rn ‘leal - .qa bush 100 ©1 10 Iron— Pi 8 - - -f? ton 00 ©27 50 Swecds, assorted - ft ft 5; © 51 English - - - tb 00 & 3* 1 E.owa - - - Vft 00 © 31 Hoop and Band - ft 41 © 5 Nail rod - - - lb 6 ©. Plow Steel, all sizes - It 71 © 5 Card - -£ ft 115 © 12 Hay - - •f id 115 ©2 75 Hides— Dry - - - “f 1 hd :o © 121 Cead— : Pig and Bar - -ft hd 8 (SI 8) 1 * - -Id bd })) © 04 W hile Lead - -, hd g © 10 I.inie — Georgia - . -It bb; 200 ©2 25 Molasses— Cuba - - - )tgai 37 © 44 New Orleans - - % gai 55 © 60 Kails— -4d to 10d - . keg 4J © 4) tills — Sperm - - gat 15© 700 Linseed - - “jJ gw! 90 ©1 OO Tanners - • |gi| 50 © 1 00 Potatoes— Northern - - ft bbl 4 00 © 4 50 Yams - - bush 65 @ 75 Powder— : FFg - - ‘! keg 6 50 © 7 00 ! Blasting - - %t keg 550 © 00 Raisins— Malaga Bunch - - b*x 3 25 © JSB Layer - - box 3 50 © 4 OO Rice - - ft 4) © 5 Sugar— New Orleans - - ’jd ft 8 © 10 Crushed and Powd. - ft ft 11} © 12* Refined A-% ft 11} © 12} Refined B - ->) ft 10} © 1] Refined C - -"P ft 101 © 104 Salt— * Liverpool, sacks - sack 1 50 (S. 1 60 Soap— American Yellow - W[b 6 (Si fc Shol All - - bag 206 ®2 2S hogarn- Spanish - - it 200 (3 30 00 American- -MM *OO &!0 00 Tallow- American-- lb 0 <£ 10 Tobacco — Manufactured - - Tb 15 (S', 75 March - - lb id 10 Spirit,— French Brandy - - gal 2 no ( R 00 Peach Brandy - - gal 150 (a! 200 Domestic Brandy - <6 gal go (A. 15 Rye Whiskey - - V gal 45 (S', |25 Monongihcla Whisk “p gal 45 (3, 1 35 Corn W hiskey - - gal 65 (Si 5 Rectified Whiskey - “(J gal 2* f>. 20 New England Rum - “f gil 45 (S’, 05 V lucgstr - Vgl ic • ’