The Star of the south. (Elberton, Ga.) 1859-18??, August 16, 1860, Image 4

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FORTE Y. (11l WITH IHJt HOH* WOVEN lEOcK’ A TABOOT BT CRAB A fig for your mcrchaut-dressed girls. With their stripes of red. orange And blue. Their foreign-made trappings and curls, Aud their Yankee made criuoliue too ; They may make quite an elegant show. A* of tapestry hung on a block, Hut in merit must e'er fall below. My girl with her horna woven frock. She's as blooming as nature’s sweet fl< wers. Which in freshness makes fragrant the lawn, And as blithe as a lark iu the bowers. Aud as free and as Heet h*i the fawn. A the magnet she ever is true. As firm as a house ou a rock What else can 1 like her to ? My girl with the home woven fro k. Town dandies, town fools and tow n squirts, Aristocrats, cobblers and squibs, All choose to pay homage to flirts. Who will li t to their AnJ-teiing fibs. Tine dress, I discard iu my rhyme, Aye. erea the -calico stork. Aud sing—is the jinglsnot fines, My girl with her home wovcu frock. £he fomts not st shadow?, or fall? In s swoon if she meets with a fright, bbe boldly encounters them all. And they vanish like clouds from her iglit. 1? you want s companion f r life. And children—a nnmcrnia H.. k. Fr sh and rosv : ju-t lake for ;t witr M> girl with her home woven truck. imi DESIRABLE GOOD An elegant sufficiency, content. Retirement, rural quiet, friendship. Wooks, Ease and alternate labor, useful life, Progressive \irttie. and approving Heaven ! Thomcsos. WIT AND WISDOM. TV coble functiou of Art is to lift the veil from Nature. If voting lady ban a fniin in her side, r ao she relieve it by wearing a *uh ? iKatiny ia the force of gravity afipmrinu in morals. What throat is the best for a singer to reach high notes with? A soar throat. Wait not for difliiculties to cease; glory j lies in overcoming them We find self-made men very often, but self-unmade ones a great deal oftener What the Christain world wants, is more love. Ijovo rules his kingdom without a sword. In China the natives call an Englishman “1 say.” A yankee would be called “ I guess.” There ia no man who would not he mor tified, if he knew w hat his friends thought of him. Why is a ripe field of grain like a cross baby? Because both want the cradle Better he despised for too anxious apple hensions, than ruled by too confident a so curity. How should I.ovc come to the door ? Cer tainly with a ring, but not without a rap I lu.. who ia impatient to become his own master, is most likely to become merely lie own slave. Why should custom house inspectors hi patient wuiters ? Because they arc tied waiters. Kings never hear the voice of truth until they are dethroned, nor beauties until they have abdicated their charms. Who eat more—the black or the white powjde? The white; because there are more us thorn USEFUL RKCIPE& riiiM Floor J ‘arpsts l loor-oluliui may ho cleaned with a mix lure of magnesia, only milk warm, followed by warm water, in the same manner that carpets arc cleaned They should be rub lied with a dry flannel till nearly dried, then again wet over with sponge dipped in milk, and immediately dried and rulmed with a flannel till the polish is restored. This is a process much to he preferred to that of rub bing the cloth wiih wax, which leaves it stick and liable to retain dual and diit fora long time. Very hot water should never he in cleaning floor-cloths, as it bring* off the paint. Cleansing Sofa Covering, If the covers of sofa and chairs are dirty thevmay be ‘.-nnsoil without being removed by first washing them over with warm water nnd soap rubbed over them with a flannel; the, before they are dry, sponge them over with a strong solution of salt nnd water, in which a small quantity of gall has been mix ed. The windows of the room should In dusted with a feather-brush, then washed over with sponge dipped in spirit!, to re move the fly-spots ; alter this, it should be dusted withe the powder-hluc in a thin mus iin bag. and fiually polished with an old silk haukerehief. Te clean Steel, Article,. Polished steel articles, if rubbed every morning with leather, will not become <1 nil or rusty ; but if rust has been suffered t. gather, it must he immediately removed b\ covering the steel with sweet oil, and allow ing it to remain ou for two days; then sprinkle it over with finely-powdered utrsla ked lime, and rub it with polishing leather TP clean Whitewash Broshes. IVash off with cold water the lime from the bristles of the brush, and scrub well with a hard scrubbing-brush the part where the briatle are fixed into the wood This should be done at once, as soon asth white washing for that day is finished It is far better then te lot them soak all night. I > Te reaxere Grew* from a Ster*-Hearth When oil or any other grease ha* been dropped on a stove-hearth, immediately cover tie place with very hot ashes After awhile clear away the ashes, and if th. grease has not quite disappeared, repeat tin process. TP remeve the Oder frem a Tint The odor of its contents may be removed from a vial by filling it with cold water, and let it stand in any airy place uncorked for three days, changing the water every day ■ w A Paintkb's Cask—A printer’s a] - prentice says that they charged him with all the pi they do find, and at the house they charge him with all they don't find lie does oat understand that kind of logic. Steamer*. —A line of propellers is soon to be established between Philadelphia and New Orleans. , HUMOROUS. | ‘t here are many anecdotes us Uab M'Kel- j lar, the Highlander, who erst was the jolly land lot Jof the Argylc Hotel, iu luvcrary. The last time we saw the hearty, roistering fellow—peace to his reuianes, he is now no more—he was dickering with an English man in the lobby of the inn regarding the | bill. The stranger said it was a gross im | |titiou —he could live cheaper iu the best 1 i hotel iu J .on don: to which Bab, witli un ! wonted nonchalance, replied, “O. nae doot, ’ j ir, nac doot, ava But do ye ker the rea I son ?” J “ No, not u bit of it,” said the strung! r hastily. ■■ \\ cel, then,” replied the host, “as ye I Mi ni to he a gay, sensible gallant, I'll tell ye. There's three hundred and sixty five days in the Eondoii hotelkeeper's calendar, but we have only three luontbcs in ours— do ye understand me uoo fric-u ? V * .luuu mak’ hay in the Highlands when the sun shines, for it's unco seldom she dia’t. Mr. only put a very small ami i exceedingly fantastic piece of butter before her boarders on Sunday evening. Blivcns was very sparing in his use of it. “ Dear I (livens,” —Mrs .Smithers always “dears” her boarders—“don't be afraid of the butter. There's a plenty down stairs. I didn't bring it up because it's so warm.” People were wearing overcoats out of doors.) “ Afraid of the butter, tumn,” said Tlliv ens, who partakes of the prevailing pugilis tie excitement, elevatuig his eyes and biv knife simultaneously, “afraid of the butter !” fenergetically ) “I slioudn’t. h afraid on it, if it was twice as strung as it is It is recorded of the famous Mr Mytton, that having leaped over a fence into a grav el-pit some thirty feet deep, he lay there with his broken lugs perfectly quiet, iu the hope that he might have company Pres sently a farmer come down, horse and man. with grevious damage, and almost on tin top of him. “\\ hy did you not warn me?” erics the unfortunate. “Why did you not liulloa while there was yet time ?”—“Hush, hush, you fool replied Mytton ; “if you will only hold your noise, we shall soon have the pit full of them.” An English volunteer rifle captain, de siring to cross a field with his company, came to an opening in the fence large enough to admit two persons, hut no more, to pass abreast, l ufortunately lie could not re member the words nlVoniuiand which wouli. have accomplished the difficult task of filing through; hut his ingenuity did not dusert him, and therefore lie ordered a halt, and then said, “(icntlcnic.ii, you are dismissed for one minute, when you will full on t'othei side of the fence,” An exulted Englishman grew rather boas'- lid in the reading room of the .St Kiel ol is Hotel, in refcro.iioc to the “Big Ship.”— After asserting that she wasn’t the “largest steamship hold I England could berect,” hi asked a quiet individual in the group what he thought of her. “Well,” replied the in dividual, “she’ll do very well as a passcii gor-heat on tJvo Erie ('anal, but she's slow for river business.” With a “Bluwstod hig uoramuß,” Joint left, that section. An honest fa re* or was invited to attend i I party at the village squire's one evening when there was music, both vocal and in strumental. On the following morning k< met one of the guest, who saiil : “ Well, farmer, how did you enjoy you self last night? wore not the quartettes ex collont.” “ Why, really, sir, I can’t say,” said hi “for 1 didn't taste them; but the polk chop were the best 1 ever ate!” An old Indy was apt to he troubled in bet dreams, and rather superstitious withal, in formed the parson of the parish that on tin night previous alio dreamed she saw hci grandmother, who had been dead for tun years. The clergyman asked what she had been outing. “O, only half a mince pic.” “Well said he, “if you had devoured the other half, you might probably have seen your grandmother.” “ Nothing lets you into the secret of the nature of a man's taste,” said an old gentle man, “as the style and character of the pic tures that decorate the walls id his dwell ing."—“Rut,” said a wag,“just suppose that lie has no pictures —"Then he hns no taste,’ said the old gentleman. The poorest are not frequently the hap piest. A Sultan, who, as a cure for low -pints, was dirt'cted by his physician to wear the shirt of the happiest man in his domains, selected a gay and tcvklcc fellow -hut on stripping him for his shirt, found he didn't wear one. “ 1 think wife that you have a great many ways of calling rue a fool.” “ 1 think, husband, that you have a great many ways ofbeitig one.” A young lady says the reason she carries a parasol is, that the sun is of the masculine gender, and she cannot withstaud his ardent glances. Prophecy. A thousand years lienee, and things will , he much simpler. Nations have been able to preserve tbeir individuality in spite ol the march of armies from one end of the continent to the other. Since the great ejioch of Columbus and Gama, when one j quarter, nay, one hemisphere of the globe J made acquaintance with the ether, that rest-; less element, the sea, has made the übiquity i of certain species of civilisation, that of Western Europe, a possibility. Across each boundary line of the firm earth new man ner*. new beliefs, new wauls, force their way among the most isolated clusters of remote lands Are not the South Sea Islands al ready Protestant parishes ? A floating bat tery, a single man of-war, changes the late of Chili.— UumUtldl't l*tirrs. *O,OOO COPIES ALREADY SOU). EVERYBODY’S LAWYER AMD in Business. liV FRANK CKOoIiV, or tub hulvoeuhia ava. It Telia You How to draw up J'jrfnvrAy I‘apert gives general form, for Ajrtt mer.l, of all kinds, bill* / Salt, Ltatu and Petition*. It Tell* You How to to draw up Bond* and Mortgages, Affidavit*, Direr* of Attorney, Note* and Hills of Exchange, kempt* aud lid'mu. It Triln You The Laws for the CollecUon of befit*, with the Statute* of Limitation , Mud amount aud kind of property Exempt from Execution in every £tate. II Tt‘ll* You How to make an Assignment properly, with form® for Composition with • ’ml,tort, und the Insolvent Laus of every State. II T'l! You The legal relations existing between (Juarduxn and Ward, Batter and Apprentice, and Landlord and Tenant. II Telia %OU What constitutes Libel anti M inder, md the law # to Marriage* bolt er, the Wft* right m Property, lHouse* and Alimony. II You The Law for Bethanies’ Lien* in every State, und the Satur a fixation Law* of this country aud bow to comply with the same. II Tfllft You The Law concerning Pennon*. und how to obtain one. aud the Pre-Emp tion Lairs to I'ublic Land* II Tclltt Y OU The Saw for Patent*, with mode of procedure in obtaining one, with In terference*, Assignment* arid fable oj Pee* II You How to inuke your Hill, and how to Administer on tin Estate, with th* law and requirement® thereof in every Stute. II Tell® YOU The meaning of Last Terms in general use, aud explains to you the Le gislative. Executive aud Judicial Power* of both the General and State Governments. II TC'llft You How to keep out of Last, by showing how to do your business legally, thus .living a vast amount of property nnd vexatious litigation by its timedy con sultation. Single copies will be Bent by mail, postage paid, to Every Fanner, Every Mechanic, Every man us business, and Everybody in J.mry State, on re ceipt <>!'s!.oo. or in law style of binding at $1.25 M4HM) A Yl*4 It can be made by enter prising men everywhere, in selling the above work, hh our inducements to all such nru very liberal. For single copies of the book, or for terms to • gents, with other information, apply to or ad dress JOHN K I'OTTER Publisher, So. Cl 7. Ransom street, Philadelphia, Pa. WHAT EVERYBODY WANT Till; FAMILY DOCTOR: CON TAIN ISO SIMPLE ItKMKDJKH, EASILY OBTAINED, FOR THE UK 11K OF DISEASE IN ALL FORMS. HY FROP HENRY b TAYLOR, M D II Ts ll* 1 ou How to attend upon flic sick, and how to cook for them ; how to pre pare Drinks. Poultices. Ac., and how to guard against ihfcctiou from Contagious Diseases. It Tell* You Os the various Diseases of Children, aud gives the best and simplest mode of treatment during Teething, Con vulsions, Vaccination, whooping-cough, Measles, its:. It TVIIs You The symptoms of Croup, Choi ora Jn fan turn, folic, Diarrhoea, Worn)* Scald Head, Ringworm, Chicken-pox. Ac., aud gives you iho best remedies for their cure. II IVII* You The symptoms °f Fever and Ague, and’ Bilious, Yellow, Typhus, .Scar let and other Fevers, and gives you the best and simplest remedies for their cure. II ‘IVIIN You The symptoms of Influenza Consumption. Dyspepsia, Asthma. Drop by, Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Erysip elas, Ac., end gives you the best remedies for their cure II Tell® You The symptoms of Cholera j Morbus, Malignant Cholera, .Small-pox. Dysentery. Cramp, Disease* of the Blad # tier, Kidneys and Liver, and the best rem edies for their cure. II Tell* You The symptoms of Pleurisy. J Mumps, Neuralgia, Apoplexy, Paralysi®, the various diseases of the Throat, Teeth. Ear, and Eye, and the -best remedies for their cure. II Tell* You The symptoms of Epilepsy. Jaundice, Piles. Rupture, Diseases of the Heart, Hemorrhage, Venereal Diseases, nnd Hydrophobia, und gives the best rem dies for their cure. II Tell® YOU The best and simplest treat ment for Wounds, Broken Bones nnd Dis locations, .Sprain®, Lockjaw, Fever Sores. White Swellings, V leers, Whitlows, Boils, Scurvy, Burns, and Scrofula. II Tell* YOU Os the various diseases pecn liar to Women, aud gives the beat anti simplest remedies for their cure, together with many valuable hints for the presen ntioc of the health. The work is written in plain language, free from medical terms, so ns to he easily under stood, w hile j.ts simple recipes way soon Bare you many times the cost of the book. It L printed in a clear ami open type; is illustrated with appropriate engravings, and will be for warded to your address, neatly bound and post age paid, on receipt of SI.OO. SIOOO A YEAR can be made by enter prising men everywhere, in selling the abode work, ns our inducements to oil such arc very liberal. For single copies of the book, or for terms to • gents, with other informtion, npplv to or ad dress JOHN E. POTTER, lStbUsher, No. 017, Hansom street, Philadelphia, Pa. jt 28,0 m. 110: ALL YK LOYEKS or noon EATING & DRINKING CALL AT THE RESTAURANT & EATING SALOON or JAMES & LOVETT, \nd pet food that will digest, and drink that will tint poison you. Meals will be furnished at all times in a style to suit the. taste of the most fas tidious. Choice Wines, Liquors. Brandies, Ac . always on hand to suit purchasers. Call at the MARBLE PILLAR SALOON, under the United States Hotel, and judge for yourselves, 41,tf DANIEL E. McCURRY TV OULD respectfully inform the cititens of large stoch of LUMBER of all kinds on hand, for sale, at his iriills, for merly owned by Brown, on the North Beaver dam. 12 miles northwest of Elbert on On. jeiitC 4t. EMPLOYMENT. SSO TO ildOO PER MONTH. \N active, energetic young man is wanted in each section of the South and West, to act as agent iu an easy and respectable business by which the above wages can be a-rtainly realixed There t* nr Humbug here.” For further particu ars terms Ac address (enclosing stamp to pay eturn postage) \Y R. TERRY. Rockingham K* CL 42—Am LAND FOR SALE IV E the anderrigoed, being *uth*riied bx , • power of Attorner from John l’ Booth, to sell thetrset of land where he formerly tired. We hereby offer m private .ale, the tract of land whereon he formerly lived, on th* water, of Broad river in Klbert county, containing two hundred and forty two (24J1 acre,. “Any per aonde.iron* of buying, either of the under,igned will show the land “ and boundaries. All persons holding demands against John C. Booth, will preaent them to na. and w, will set tle a* soon IU we can raise fund., from the sale of th, land and otherwise s kTHANIEL booth, CHaRI.ES o. kook. Attorneys is (her NOTKE. I PTHHE subscriber, some time about the 12 of X February last, paid to William -H Harper thirty-five dollars to be credited upon a mOe which said Harper held aguiuat me. being cer tain that several {persons were present and wit nessed the payment, which tran-pired immediate by in front of Francis W. .Smith’s grocery in Kl erton, is desirous of finding eorne person or persons that saw him pay the said Harper th* m ney, as *aid Harper failed to place a credit of that amount cn the note, and avert? that he doeb not remember the circumstance. Now i ain wil ling. should this meet the eye of any person thut I saw the payment and will testify to the fact, to ‘ pay said person for any trouble he may be at in j : letting tat know, and w ill rest under besides. 34,tf. JAMES A. SANDERS. AUGUSTA ( ADDS. On the 27th day of May. will be issued the Ist number of Uie 2d volume of TIIE SOUTHERN FIELD AND FIRESIDE All our present subscriber* who desire to cou linueou the list, will plc*?‘ remit their .-üb'erip tions to this office before that date. Persons m-t now on the list, who intend becoming subscri bers, are also requested make their remittances as early as practicable The praprietor w ill the be better enabled to determiue the number of the edition to be issued. He takes occasion to make his cordial acknow ledgments to the southern people, for the hand some support they have extended to this enter prise It haa already, w ithin the first year of its existence achieved a brilliant success. No ef forts will be spared to make its merits commen surate with thrt success. Arrangements are rnadeto enrich the columns of the second volume with choice literary gems and valuable scientific truths, from the pens of the most distinguished Southern writers. JAMES GARDNER, Proprietor. IF YOU HAVE DYSPEPSIA, I m* lliu Columbian Hitter*. If you have HEADACHE, I ** llif < oliimhisiii Ilittf'iM. If you have GIDDINESS OF THE HEAD. I'm* Columbian Hitter*. If you have DEPRESSED SPIRITS, I'm* flie Columbian Hiller*. If you have PILES, I'm* (lie Columbian Biller*. If you have NO APBKTITE, Vue the € olumbiuii Hiller*. If you have PAIN in SIDE and BACK. I M* (he Columbian Hiller*. If you have HICK STOMACH, I *e Hie Columbian Hiller*. If you have JAUNDICE, I *e the Columbian Hiller*. If your LIVER IS DISEASED. ■ *e (he Columbian Hiller*. If you are subject to COSTIVENESS, I'*e the Columbian Hitter*. Sold at FIFTY CENTS a Dottle, by Merchant* generally, and by HAYILAXI), CHICHESTER k CO., bruygists, Augusta, (la. HAVILAND, STEVENSON k CO , Druggists, Charleston , S.C. WHOLESALE DRUCCI STS, — HAVILAND, CHICHESTER & CO.. 2.V* IlltO 11* STREET, [TWO DOORS FROM GI.OBE HOTEL.] Augusta. Gtt. J. f. Havilanh, W. Stevenson, T. W; ■OmriresTEfl, H. B. Olmstead. (J. S. .Shelton. Flaviland, Stevenson A Cos., 15"’ !ri ’ * ,lnn J‘*V ’ j Charleston, ,s. C. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF CHOICE DRUGS, PURE CHEMICALS SELECTED Medicines. Essential Oils. Medici nal Extracts, Fine Perfumery and Fane* Soaps, Patent Medicines, .Surgical Instruments Trusses, Druggists’ Glassware. Dye-Stuffs, to gether with every art irk* comprising the stock of a Druggist or Physician. Druggists, Physicians, Country Merchants and Dealers generally, who pride themselves on deal ing in Medicines of the first quality, may rely upon being suited. may,. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. Agent for the Celebrated Columbian Bitters. Augusta, Aug. 18, 1859. A Splendid Stock at Lowest Prices. HENRY J. OSBORNE. WATCHMAKER, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, .Vo. 200, Ttrond sfrrrt , thr C. $. Hotel, and ojijnmte (he City Hank, AUGUSTA. GA., KrcpP cn band a selort and beautiful assortment of goods, consisting of WATCHES, JEWELRY, Silver nnd Plnted Ware Telescopes, Survey r*s C om passe*. Spyglasses, for Mount a in use* And, in short, everything useful in his line of business, particularly SPECTACLES, In evefy variety. gegT“Fint Watches and Jewelry Repaired in the 31 ts. best manner. I AND PLASTER, PERUVIAN GUANO J American Guano, Bone Dust, etc., constant ly on hand, at their General Fertilizing Depot. TIIOS. T. STOVALL k CO., Augusta, (ia. NEW MONTHLY MIRROR. The best nnd cheapest, and the most ENTERTAINING NEWSPAPER IN THE UNION! ITS DRY STICKS FORM A COLLECTION of short and interesting Pncs. Jokes. Ac. It? health department consists of a column of use ful and instructive matter from physicians of ex perience. Its Literary and Scientific are so combined n to make h at once readable and instructive. Its Youths’ Department indicate good morals through its retiued prose and poetry, and the stories will both instruct and amuse. Its Pic ture Department will be fannd the most enter iniuing. the most amusing and to contain the most real fun of any paper of twice its cost in the country. The jolly good humor into which this department will throw one, is very amusing. One number will speak for itself, and give full particulars. The best inducement ever offered to agents to form clubs, are found in the Mirror The second volume commenced in Jauanr. 1859. TERMS: 25 cents per annum. To Auisr?—The Mirror contains each month from 15 to 39 comic Pictures, and is the only ('heap Illustrated Monthly published in the Union, it is sent to yearly subscribers at only 25 Jconts per copy, and to those sending. 10 cents extra a choice from a collection of 25 cent books. Besides this, we give agent? sending us clubs first class Jewelry to the full value of money sent for Subscribers. Thus any one sending us $5 for subscribers is entitled to $5 worth of Jew elry, and so on. We also give complete Parlor and Home Libraries to those sending club’ Fur ther particulars given m each number. For spe cimens apply to 0 F KIMB ALL. Croydon. *II j gffipMEditors giving the abeve with this note eight insertions and sending their paper during its continuance to the Mirror is entitled to $8 worth of Jewelry on the reception of filth copy containing It, ENTIRELY NEW I ENTIRELY NEW I WHAT IS ITf That Wonderful Purifying Agnt, DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID! j This is a Keu? Discovery. It is the result of j Learned Research, ft is a triumph of Scientific SktU l! IT IS A CHEMICAL UNION OF MATERIALS, A provided by Nature herself, for rendering pure the nir we breathe. Ita action is in obedience to > fixed laws. QUICK, SURE. POWERFUL It purifies dwellings, shahs, kitchens It remove! all offensive odors ; It cures burns with instant certainty : It is the best preparation ever used for fresh ; wounds. j It de-troys all vegetable and animal poisons ; It relieves in a few seconds the bites of insects, bees. etc. It scatters boils when forming : It soothes boils when formed, uud heals them j rapidly; It is good for carbuncles, ulcers, corns, and sores : It cleanses the teeth, and purifies the breath : The wor e -yniptoins of Typhoid and Scarlet Fever are mitigated by the u.-e of this Fluid : it has l-en known to check the spread of Typhoid it ever in families, and upon plantations. Leading physi’ ians are using it in Charleston. Columbia, Savannah. Augusta. Atlanta. Macon, : Columbus. Montgomery, Selma. Mobile, and w Orleans. The hospitals of New Orleans and Mobile ure using it. Hospitals, corporations, ship masters, manufacturers, planters, physi- ‘ < ians, furni-hed by the gallon at reduced rates. For sale by druggists and country merchants generally, from whom orders are respectfully -elicited. Try at least one bottle. Price fifty cents. Follow’ directions. .Manufactured only i in the Laboratory of DARBY A PRICE, Auburn, Ala. For sale iu Liber ton, by J. M. WYCIIE, Druggist. Persons willing ores, soils, water, ect analy sed. can have if done on reasonable terms by sending to Prof. Darby. NOTICE. \LL PERSONS IN PELTED TO THE ES - fate of Simeon Hall, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment ; and those having demands against said estate, will please render them in, duly authenticated. JOHN 11. JONES, Executor. December 8, 1800.— 16tf J. im:. wyche, ELBERTON, GA., DKALER IN DRUGS, M K DIC INKS, CHEMICALS, 01.455, ITTIT, 1.41.\T5, OILS, 4St MSIIi;S, DI E-K IT ITS, unixixG Fi.t T ir>, TRUSSES, Sr T PORTERS, A.Nl> SHOULDER BRACKS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, &c., IINE TOILET SOAPS, FINE UAIR AND TOOTH BIU'SIIES, Pur 9 Winfs Hurt Liquors, For Medicinal Uses, PENS, INK, LETTER PAPER, AND GARDEN SEEDS. I’ll} siclun*’ I'ro. riiillons rnif f'ully (omponnilril. sin.l all or ders (orietU.i answered. MI'I) ICI X/.'S’ ir.f HU AXT ED c;i:x r i x k. axh or thk II KS T UIAL, IT Y . December 8, 1859.—16tf MADISON MARBLE YARD. f I'M IK Subscriber is prepared to furnish Marbh A Work of all kinds, at short notice, made ol the best materials Italian and Vermont Marble. 1 have traveling agents. All contracts will be attended to in person, and sati-faction given. 1 claim to do as good work and as imidi of it for the same money, as any establishment in tin State; in proof of which let those who wan: Marble work of any kind enquire mv prices, i have on hand a lot of Monuments ; some very line ones for children, all of which I will seK low. Any information with designs and price for marble work will be furnished. Address b\ letter* A. ATKINSON. * Madison. Ga., Pept. 2C, 1859 6-ts YVoll Cleaning and Chimney BUILDING!! TIIE undersigned would inform his friends , and the public that he is now prepared to clean out wells and build chimneys, on the most accommodating terms. Address JAMES 11. BRUCE. Aug. 2,1860.47,1 y Pnoli, Madison Cos., Oa. N< >TICE. \LL persons indebted to the undersigned are requested to come forward imm- diately and settle their accounts, or they will be sued, a.. I wish to collect, ns soon as po sihle, nil the debts due me. JASPER KINSEBRENV. Aug. 2, 1860,47,tf AUGUSTA CARDS. •258. DRY or)S - 258. KEAN & CLARKE, X'o. £SB, Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. ENTIRELY NE \V STOCK. Call and Examine before Purchasing Elsewhere Our stock comprises all the beauties and novel ties of DRESS GOODS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, MANTILLAS, Ac. Also a general assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY ARTICLES All of which we are offering upon the most ac commodating terms. An Examination will Satisfy. Respectfully. Ac. KEAN & CLARK. Ap.5—32. PIANOS, BOOKS AND MUSIC. THE subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Elbert and adjoining counties that they have now on hand and are constantly receiving's u peri or PIANO-FORTES, Fram llic celebrated msmifactorira .f \ Raven. Huron ft. Cos., lla.rrllon ft. ‘ Bros.. Norhhtlrrft Selim Ml. and .4. 11. Kale ft Cos.. Sew l ot k. For whom they *re SOLE AGENTS, and which, .(or touch, tone, sweetne's and durability. cannot be surpassed. Every instrument warranted in everr respect Also a tine assortment of PRINCE'S MKLODEOX3, GFITARS. VIOLINS. ACCORDEONS. ELFTES. VIOLIN AND GUTAR STRINGS. And ad Linds of Mu-ical Merchandise. A large stock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY! always or. hand, which will be sold on reasons- j ble terms, at (sEO. A. OATEN ft. BKO.'S. | siU. IM Kmd IKH’ Angwats fa I KLBERTON CARDS, &(’ ELBERTON CARRIAGE FACTORY. I*. S. r. ft S. I*. HRICE, CARRIAGES & BUGGIES OF all kinds made to order. Also every de scription of REP AT H T X Ci, in our line of business done with .Yeatness anti Dispatch ! Building south-side Court House. Elbcrton, Aug. 6, 1859. THE S. H. OGLESBY GIN, M A X UF A C T U K E D A T ELRERTOff, GA. FROM the satisfaction the above named GINS has given, we believe it only necessary to say to the planters that these gins themselves are a sufficient recommendation. But not being able heretofore to fill all orders, we take this method of acquainting the planters that we are prepared, with every facility, to fill all orders, and furnish them with the BEST GINS manu factured. and at the customary price. Our Gin* are all warranted. K(‘p:tis iligr well done, and at short notice. Orders thankfullv received and prompt!\ filled. Wp could offer hosts of certificates, but the Gins have gained that public favor and notoriety we forbear adding anything more to their repu tation. All new Gins delivered at tne planter’s resi dence or depot. Address, S. 11. OGLESBY, Aug. 25, 1859. Elbcrton, Ga. UNITED STATES HOTEL ELBERTON, GA. npilE ABOVE HOTEL HAS JUST BEEN A put in thorough repair, and elegantly re furnished for the accommodation of the public. The wants of this community in this particular, is intended to be fully satisfied. The utmost exertions will la* made to please all who may give it a call. The long experience of the Pro prietor will enable him to anticipate the wishes of his customers. The most attentive servants always in attendance, and everything done to make his guests comfortable. M. V. ARNOLD. *** All regular boarders will he required to pay monthly for board. No books will be kept, and no charges made. M. F. A. December 22, 1859.—18tf \LL persons are hereby notified that the firm of Prather A Olboti, heretofore ex isting in the town of Elbcrton. for the purpose of timing on the Tailoring business in said town, is dissolved this day by mutual consent. The books of account of said firm for the years 1858. tmi 1859, are in the hands of Amos L. Vail, who done is authorized to collect and receipt, for the same. All persons indebted to said firm, arc requested to call on said Vail, and make imme diate payment. TV. C. PRATHER. CHARLES G. OLBON. November 10, 1859. —12tf v NOTICE. \ LL PERSONS AHE HEREBY WARNED i A against trading for a note given by me. piyable to Allen 11. Daniel, or bearer, for ninety dollar-, dated either the 9ih or 1 Otli of Novem ber. 1859. The consideration of said note having ‘ailed. J. R. PERRYMAN. November 24, 1859. 14tf C. P. WOOD, Baker uud Dealer iu Harness. \ \" r ILL he pleased to furnish the public with * * good, substantial, and fine Harness, lie. Repairing of every description dune neatly, cheap ly, and promptly. Elbcrton, Aug. 6, 1859. MAKING AND I { Kl’ A 1 RING HARNESS AND SADDLES. I*. J. SHANNON Has removed into his \r.n shop on the corner opposite Bruce’s Carriage and Smith Shop, where he is prepared with tin very best materials to furnish H ARNESS of n good quality, and fine finish, as can be made .mv where. Repairing of HARNESS nr SADDLES done in the best manner, on the shortest notice, and the most accommodating terms. A continuance of the liberal patronage here tofore extended to him. is respectfully solicited. Elbcrton. Jan. 5, iB6O. —l9 ts ELBE B T O N WATCH AND CLOCK AND J E W E Llt Y S T O R E VLL persons wish- ydfrrffc’f ing to purchase Q elry, Pistols, Forks, other articles in my line, will do well to call and look before purchnsingelsewhere. I will sell ns low as any person can afford to sell the same quality of Goods. Also, CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Jfcc., repaired on shor* order, for cash only. JOHN M. BROWN. Eiberton, August 6. 1859. SOMETHING NEW!! The subscriber having just opened anew. fancy, and well assorted stock of € ONTEGTIONEBT, In the town of Elbcrton. takes this method of letting ihe public know that he will sell at the lowest prices for cash Call, and satisfaction shall he given. A. M. COLSON. January 5.J1860. — 19tf. NOTICE. The notes and accounts of Sander? A Baily will be found in the hands of James J. Burch, who alone is authorized to settle the same. Those owing said firm must make prompt pavment. JOHN R. SANDERS. . Ft 16—25tf E. P. BAILEY. C. W. FRAZER. BARBER 4.\8 HAIR DRESSER ELBERTON. GA. QAIKDn gwl of a wholesome shave. Hair, whisker and moustache dyeing, done n [ a superior manner. A( • lift*. NEWS! NEWS! NEWS! GRAND SCHEME P OR AUGUST, 18 60. 6torgit jphtf Yotfnn, lIIkIVVEI ft CO., Managers, Autliorizt'd by Special Act of the Legislature. 25,828''PRIZES. j MORE TUA.Y OXE MIZE TO ETEHt TWO TICKETS! ! CAPITAL PRIZE $(50,000. TICKETS ONLY $lO. ; Halves, Quarters. Eights, in proportion. MS DB DRAWN KACH SCILHDAY 1860. IN TUB CITY OF SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. CLASS 83, 10 BE DRAWN AUGUST 4, 1860 CLASS 84, TO BE DRAWN AUGUST 11, 1860 CLASS 85, TO BE DRAWN AUGUST 18, 1860 CLASS 86, TO BE DRAWN AUGUST 25, 1860. MA GXIEICEXT SCHEME. 1 Prize of 60,000 is $60,000 1 •• 20,000 is 2(1,000 1 “ 10,000 is 10,000 1 “ 5.U00 is 5,000 1 “ 4.000 is 4,000 1 “ 3,000 is 3,000 1 “ 2,000 is 2,000 1 “ 1,500 is 1,54)0 1 “ 1,100 is l.ioe 5 “ 1,000 are 5,0*10 10 “ 500 are 5,000 2 “ 400 are 800 2 “ 300 are 600 2 “ 200 are 400 00 “ 150 are 7.500 100 “ 100 are 10,000 100 “ 95 are 9,500 100 “ 85 are 8,500 Approximation Prizes. 25,528 Prizes, am’g to $366,040 25,828 Prizes, Amt'ng to $366,040 ♦ VVII.L BE DRAWN THIS MtIXTIT. Certificates of packages will be sold nt the following rides, which is the ri.k : Certificate of P’kps of 10 Whole Tickets S6O 90 •• 10 Half 3o oo “ “ 10 Quarter “ 15 00 “ “10 Eight “ 7 50 LOOK AT THIS. 4 SI*I.i;Y I Il> DRAW] x a os rue Three Number Plan! \\ liich takes place every Wednesday nod Satur day in 1860. 1 Capital Prize of. ~.,&23.00f> 1 Prize of. -1.590 1 Prize of. 4.000 I Prize of: 3.006 1 Prize of. J.KL'fO 10 Prizes of S7OO are 7.000 *4O Prizes of. 175 arc 7.#>00 50 Prizes of 125 arc <>.*Jso 259 Prizes of go arc 20,720 0-1 Prizes of 50 arc A2OO 04 Prizes of 30 are 1.920 ♦•4 Prizes of, 20 are 1.280 5,632 Prizes of lo are 50.320 28,224 Prizes of 5 are 14 1.1 ”0 34,412 Prizes amounting ti> $281,481.20 Whole Tickets $5. Slinros in Proportion. In onlrrlng Tickvfs or (ertifi ( Ule^,— Enclose the money to onr address for the tickets ordered, on rereipf of v Mcli the v wii,’ he forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The li-t of drawn numbers and prizes will ho ent to purchasers imuicdiatoly after the draw • ing All umnmmuVafions strictly confidential. Orders for tickets or Certificates, by or Expires*, to la? directed to McKINNKY A (.‘O.. Savannah, Ga HOWiRI) iiiSBO(’LITION. I'iiii.ain;i,i’iii 4. .1 Benevolent Institution estnl.Hxhed by special Endowment. for (be relief of th* sick and />>- tressed, ajjlieteil with virulent and Epidemic iJi. - (<tsm T and (specialty fur the enre of Diseacr sos the Sexual Ora ans. V/jEDIGAL ADVICE GIVEN GRATIS. BY iVL the acting Surgeons, to all who apply by letter, with :t description of their condition, (age occupation, habits of life, etc..) and in cases of extreme poverty, medicines furnished free of charge. \*l liable reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other diseases of the sexual organs, and ou the new remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelope#, tree of charge. Two or three stamps for postage will bv acceptable Address Dr. Skillin J. Houghton. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, l’eim. By* order of the Directors. KZKA I). HE A RTWELL. President. GEO. FAIKCHIIbD, Secretary. November 24. 1859. —14 ]y LEXINGTON AND ELBERTON STAGE LINE. HP HE SUBSCRIBER IIAS THE PLEASURE -L of saving to the people of Oglethorpe and Elbert, and to the traveling public generally, that he has just put entire fresh, and good horses, and new aud elegant coaches on this line: being determined that this line shall not be inferior for speed and pleasure to any in th* State. The Post Office Department, after inucb delay, has awarded him the contract for carrv ing a tri-weekly mail between the above-named places. Only the most careful and accommoda ting drivers will be put in charge of any stngc ; and passengers may feel sure of getting through with the utmost despatch and comfort. To all those who have so liberally heretofore patron ized him. he tenders his thanks, and hopes this effort to give the people of Elbert increased m‘ facilities, will be duly appreciated by them. Leave Lexington Monday, Wednesday, anil Friday, upon arrival of the up train of cars on Athens Branch Railroad, which is about H o’clock. A. M., and passing hy Point Peter. Mill stone. and Broad River, arrive at Elbert ou hy 4 o'clock P. M., same day. Leave Eiberton Tues day. Thursday, and Saturday, at about 4 o’clock A. M.. passing same plates, and arrive at Lex ington Depot by 12$ e’clock, some day, in time for down train of cars on Athens Branch Rail road. In connection with this line, stages leave Eiberton for Anderson. S. C., every Tuesday and Saturday mornings. Fare three dollars on either line. Stage office in Lexington at my own resi dence ; office in Eiberton at James k Gordon's new Livery Stable. ‘ FRANK GRIFFIN. NOTICE. VT’ E TAKE THIS METHOD OF INFORMING > \ those indebted to the estate of William A. Swift, deceased, that they must positively come forward and settle up their indebtedness. If they do not, the only alternative left us, U in appeal to the courts. Three years have already elapsed since the business came into our hands, ’ and w e are determined to bring it to a close as ,-oon as possible. JOHN H. JONES. ) . . . TV. M. MrI.VTOSH, j A^tamntratort. December a *lßs3—l6tf. LEXffIGTON HOTEL ! UPI7E undersigned being the present proprietor ; X of the above hotel in Lexington. Ga . is dc -1 simus of informing the public that it is now open for the reception of regular boarders and tha traveling public. Every endeavor will he made j to give the utmost satisfaction to bia customer*. He hopes hy unceasing attention to hi? business to merit the public favor. DAVID S. THELPS P. S.—ln connection with the Hotll, a good | Livery Stable will be kept, ready at all times to i Accommodate all who tuny de*ir* conveyance*- at tfceap rales, I. S P,