The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, April 16, 1897, Image 3
THE MONITOR. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. % TOWN OF MORGAN. Mayor—L. G. Cartledge. Wardens—J. J. Beck, T. AA ; . Tinsley, L. G. Cartledge and G. W. Colley. Clerk—T. W. Tinsley. Treasurer—S. T. Clayton. Marshal—J.S. Riley. Out Clubbing Rules. The Monitor and the Weekly Consti¬ tution one year for $1.50. The Monitor and the Southern Cul¬ tivator one year for $1.50. CHIBOUKS. Baptist Church—Rev. Z.T. Weaver, Sunday pastor. Preaching every third and Saturday before. Sunday-school J. M. every Sunday at 10 o’clock a. m. Newton, Superintendent. M. E. Church—Rev. E. McCullough, Pastor. Preaching every 1st Sunday at II o’clock a m. Sunday-school every Sabbath at 3 p m. G Cartledge, Su- perimendent. MASONIC. Reuben Jones Lodge No. 388, F. & A. M., meets every first and third Saturdays in each mouth at 2.30 p. m. J. T. Stewart, W. M. {Sidney Paul, {Secretary. Mrs. Dallas Kemp was shopping in town one day this week. We can enjoy our berries , . this , . sea- son better than ever, for Clayton will furnish tis a beautitul berry set or cut glass very cheap. Mr. George Eubanks has a blooded animal at Clayton’s stables. People wishing to raise fine mules should see him. _ The merchants of Morgan are doing a pretty fair cash trade, notwithstanding the tightness of things iu general. Guess it’s the pretty goods and great bargains. Mr. S. M. Lash is now handling the Excelsor Safety Burner. Fits any lamp. Beautiful gas light in your own home. Try one- Nonexplosive oils furnished at 20cts. per gallon. It is funny, but nevertheless true, that When the sap begins to rise and the trees to put forth their beautiful verdure, spring fights crop out as plentiful as the honej’suckle and wild jessamine. Judge A. I. Monroe and Mr. R. M. Smith went over to the Joiner pond Tuesday, and with hook and line caught twenty-five bream, the lot weighing twenty pounds. Beautiful assortment of decorated Porcelain ware at CLAA'TON’S. John Harrison and Walter AVilson fell out and went at each other out on the Tinsley placo Monday. The former banged the latter in the face with a pair of metal knucks. From reports, by next Sunday, all the bridges in the county will be repaired, and then—well, won’t the boys and girls have a jolly time visiting. We wish we could be with you all and enjoy the pleasures of springtime. But our time is like our “caps” and space—limited. large Friends, I have just received a quantity of imitation cutglass ware—can’t tell it from the genuine article—which you can have at “cut'"' prices. S. T. Clayton. Mr. S. M. Lasli now has tho exclusive right to sell the celebrated “Excelsior” Safety Burner. This burner is quite a convenience in its way, and either gaso¬ line or non explosive oil can bo used, snaking a soft and bright light. See ad. Gapt. T. J. Tinsley went up to Cuth- bert Saturday and returned Tuesday mght. He stayed over his allotted time, and Dr. Briscoe become very uneasy, for fear Mr. Tinsley had found something prettier than he is. When are we going to hoar something favorable from that new school house and artesian well? The Monitor will start the subscription with-. Say, how much do you want? Our correspondents will please bear in mind that our space is limited, and un¬ less you have good live news to write, please do not fill up your space With un interesting matter. Save your time and stationery for something good. We hope you will not misjudge us in this, but see the point intended. Yon will never regret it if you purchase from Clayton a ?et’"of that beautifully of decorated Porcelain ware, or a set his handsome cut glass. No trouble to look at and price these waies. ____ Shades of all the thornas eats! Did anyone ever hear of a dog eating kit¬ tens? If you never did, we wish to in¬ form you that this town has a pointer dog with a keen appetite for cats. Last Sunday afternoon a pointer dog entered the kitchen of Dr. J. B. George and de¬ voured two kitteus in a few minutes. Is he a good or a naughty dog? A. I. McMurria & Son, the Arlington firm which wbb closed up by its creditors recently, will not open up for business soon. The court has appointed Mr. T. B. McDowell ns receiver, and he has taken possession. A. G. McMurria wa; wudff’^pirty defendant. The many friends of these clover gentlemen regret vory much the misfortunes that have be¬ fallen them, but “behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining.” •‘Squiblets, The chap who tries to win a miss By appealing to her reason Is much less likely to gain his bliss Than he who ventures on a kiss, Combined with gentle squeezin’. —Si Monroe in Experience. We got lots of fish this week. Nit. Wanted.— Someone to tell us how to run a newspaper. Everything is “quiet along the Po¬ tomac” at this writing. Some people say they can catch fish, but they can’t prove it. Mrs, Dr. Roberts visited the family of her father, Dr. Cheney, this week. Mrs. G. AV. Colley, our up to date milliner, visited Albany this week. Judge J. J. Beck attended to some legal business in Albany this week. It increases our hunger every time we hear the Thornton House dinner bell. Miss Pet Cartledge is expected home soon, to the delight of her many friends. Bob Colson is always on the hunt for something. He has lost a hand saw this time. Mr. John Mills, one of Calhoun’s best citizens, attended to business in Morgan, AVednesday. Air. Joe Daniell purchased a beautiful horse from Air. J. C. Price Monday, paying $125 for the animal. Mr. G. T. Embry has one of the prettiest places in the country. God surely takes care of his own. Arlington is growing jolly over the t o£ a new rallroad . watch ' 3 8ho ahall bave a railroad if tlie Monitor . , has to build it. bee? , Mrs. J. N. Rogers and children return ed from Arlington yesterday morning, where they haye been spending several days with relatives, If every human being could do as well as this paper wishes them, and be as happy as it would make them, it would h® loved as "'ell as we love hum anity, A Sure Thing for Von. A transaction inwliicb you cannot lose is a sure red thing. Biliousness, sielt headache, fur¬ ills tongue, caused fever, by piles and a thousand other liver. are Casearets Candy constipation Cathartic, and the sluggish won¬ derful new liver stimulaut and iutesiinal tonic are by all druggists guaranteed to cure or money refunded. C. C. C. are r a sure Sample thing. and Try a box to-day, 10c., S5c., big 50c, booklet free. See our ad. Mr. J. B. Steadham, Calhoun’s Tax Receiver, put in the first day of his pub¬ lished dates in Morgan Monday, He did but little in the way of receiving tax returns. The Monitor has been inform¬ ed by several citizens that there is a tendency among a great many people in the county to give • in their taxes far under the real value of their property. This is all wrong. If the people will give in their taxes at what they value thoir property, and nothing less, they will bave no more taxes to pay than they wou'd by “cutting corners,” and the outside world would soon see that Cal¬ houn county is not poverty struck, nor her citizens paupers. Let’s make just returns. _ Dr. AV. R. Terry, of Leary, and Miss Lizzie Crittenden, of Shellman, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the homo of the bride yesterday. They left on the up train for New York, where a honeymoon of several weeks will be spent. To the genial Doctor and the dear girl who has taken him “for better or for worse” through life the Monitor extends congratulations, and wishes that life may prove better for them day by day. Judge J. J. Ragan brought to the Monitor office, the other day, a string of rattles taken from the tail of a rattle¬ snake killed by Mr. William Strickland in the upper part of the comity. The rattles number 21 and a button, and if tho old-time theoiy of one rattle for each year be true, his snakesliip had just reached the voting age. Uncle Jack, you need not bring any snakes, the rat¬ tles produced the desired effect. AVe received an interesting communi¬ cation from “Alex Eugas,” at Bob John¬ son’s fish pond, near Shellman, but as the items were intended for last week the most interesting features of the let¬ ter are stale for this issue. The editor acknowledges the invitation to attend the annual picnic at Cordray’s, and will bo on baud if possible. We appreciate the interest you take in the paper, gen¬ tlemen, so write again. Mr. C, R. Ivey, of near Williamsburg, paid Morgan a business trip Saturday. He informed tlie writer that his beauti¬ ful and would have-been profitable fish pond—just below the Still pond—was totally wrecked by the flood. Tom Cordray, of the famous Oordray mill, called to the writer Saturday and said; “When you people of Morgan want good water-ground meal send out to me and you can get all you want at 60 cents per bushel. This week’s beautiful weather has been a blessing to the farmers, and has about convinced us'that spring is here. The lover of nature can experience a day of pleasure amongst Ihe beauties of tho woods these pretty days. Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easily and iorever. bemaae well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men Over strong. 400,000 Many cured. gain ten Buy pounds No-To-Bac in ten days. under of your f druggist, 1.00.' ’ Booklet and guarantee sample to cure, 50c or mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.,Chicago or New York, Wanted.— A first-class outfit, at a low price, for the purpose of making tin type pictures. Address this paper. See advertisement of the f layton sta¬ in this issue. COUNTY LINE ITEMS. REPORTED BY TAME ROSE. Brother Fouch and family spent last Saturday night and Sunday with •j. F. Hadden. Miss Ellie McGuirt, one of Folk’s fairest flowers, spent last Saturday night with Miss Jennie Hadden. There was quite a crowd of visi¬ tors at Sabbath School Sunday af¬ ternoon. Among them were Messrs. Alex Avery, Beard, Drink water and daughter, Miss Minnie, from New Light. Misses Hadden and Rice, accom¬ panied by Bunk Hawk, visited rela- tives near Shellman last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Willie Edd Johnson, accom¬ panied by C. T. Hawk, attended Sabbath School here last Sunday, then went home with Miss Sallie Hadden. H. T. Daniel happened to the mis¬ fortune of cutting his arm very badly last Wednesday morning. It is some better now, I am glad to say. Mr. John Fntch, of Leary, visited his family Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. Melton and W. S. Hadden spent Hadden. Sunday afternoon with J. T. Miss Lillie May Lawson was the guest of Mrs. Beard last Saturday. Willie Quick, of Redbone, attend¬ ed preaching at New' Light Sunday. Mrs. Barfield, of Bethlehem, spent two days last week with relatives here. Farmers are about through with cotton better prices planting. this All are in hopes of season. One Minute is all the time necessary to decide from personal experience that One Minute Cough Cure does what its name implies. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. From Knighton’s Store. Professor Johnson’s school enjoyed a grand picnic at Cordray’s on April 3d. A very large number of the friends and pa¬ trons were present, and tho day could not have been spont more pleasantly. John Barfield is now a full-fledged Baptist, hav¬ ing received a good souztns while boat riding with his best girl. Mr. Abram Sandlin, of North Carolina, spent several days recently with relatives and friends in Randolph. Farmers are still worried with wet fields, but are moving along nicely, all things considered. Gilie Stevens, who was thrown from his horse several days ago and suffered a fracture of the eoitar bone, Is able to be out again. D. S. Newkirk, of Shellman, visited J- A. Knighton Sunday. Mr. W. C. Hooks is very proud of his fine girl baby presented to him by Uls bet¬ ter half a few days ago. He says this Is no April fool Mr, J, A. Knighton and lady visitod Mor¬ gan Tuesday. Old Son, Everybody Says So. Casearets Candy Cathartic, the most won¬ derful medical discovery of the age, pleas¬ ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently cleansing and positively the on entire kidneys, liver dispel and bowels, colds, fcc&dache, system, habitual constipation and cure biliousness. fever, Please buy and try a box of C- C. C. to-day; 10,25,50 cents. Bold and guarantee d to cure by all druggists. About now, and a little later on, is the season for mad dogs. People should be cautious, as the life of one human is worth more than all the dogs together. Read the following special to the Constitution from Gordon, Ga: “The 7-yeat-old son of Joseph Bloodworth, of Ivey diss trict, this county, died Monday of hydrophobia. The child was bitten by a mad dog five or six weeks ago while returning home from school. He began to show symptoms of the rabies last Wednesday and gradually grew worse until the end came. Jack Gooden, of near Stevens Pottery, was bitten the same day by the same dog and is dying of hydrophobia. The dog bit several hogs, a goose and an ox, all of which have died of hydrophobia.” “WHALE,” The registered Kentucky blooded jack, is now at Claytou's stables, Morgan, Ga, for the season for the accommodation of all those wishing to raise mules. Every case guaran¬ teed. Terms made known on ap plication. G. W. Eubanks. Fair Weather. Following are a few of Frank Stan¬ ton’s “signs of fair weather”; “We have bad no rain in twenty-four hours. Pa has hitched the mule up, an’ is swearin’ at him once more. It does seem like spring is come. “The lizards is all come out, an’ the alligators is sunnin’ theirselves. This is a shore sign of fair weather, if it don’t rain before morning. “Ma couldn’t buy my Easter hat yes¬ terday, because the whole town went fishin’, an' didn’t have time to soli any¬ thing,” Notice! Morgan, Ga., April 9,1897. To the several Road Commissioners of Calhoun county: The Board instructs me to notify you that alt cause-ways and road beds must be sixteen feet between the ditches. Yours respectfully, A. I. Mokkoe, Clerk Board of Commissioners. S.T. CLAYTON Money must come Lawns, Insertions, Laces IT IS SURELY V j IS Nl > - A MISTAKE To think that you cannot save money by trading with us. WE WANT YOU To look at the best assorted stock of goods to be found outside of tho larger cities. We Cannot Enumerate our line, but will say to our friends and cus¬ tomers that all our goods are new and first-class. IF IN NEED OF BJAHG-JAI3STS IN Gouts’ Furnishings, - Brass Goads, - Fresh Groceries or Farm Supplies' Don’t fail to see us before going elsewhere, as we will save you money. =5: Silks, Organdies, Cnambrys. Goods must go s> S.T. CLAYTON } j MANAGER. 1 T. CLAYTON’S LIVERY, SALE and FEED STABLES. Nice Turnouts—Day or Night—at Reasonable Pi ices. =-= WHEW XJST TO'WTSr Tako your stock to my Stables to be cared for. J. S. RILEY, MANAGER. er stock. B line laaMmin co m s P t*3 of ct» O Tell 3 rfc SJPfEtlXxrGS- Cb - 71 P3 I o 3 ? them W J a s $ it’ a© O H- a o. to 3 " >3 ° 3 S o 3 come w 2 M A.NT3 m p ft, V » ® 3 ^5 » and ■'< MRS. 3 see: feSP SXJJVaVEEIR, CP S.S ^ p I CIO Cj u r-W O H* ZLj am % p ** $ 2 6 2 h3 GEO. W. /} ALWAYS ^ ct-GFQ C O HATS, ii CD o < P 9^ (D "A » CD READ! Cbg 5 p COLLEY. p- <T> £ £ — CD (W P ^ pa f’l- o CD to o TS.XTVI. ® o El B do o' 'A tl <rf- , t-i , , ft. P.o r+- £■ a c n my •< ft tv c+- CD i mm S.N. McGuirt. u: 4 s VJl i w, i a % 7 / .'•5 e OVERLOADED Money is hard to get, therefore 1 shall keop nothing in stock but necessities. For cash I will overload you with bargains in Sugar, Flour, Coffee, Rice, Lard, Moat, Corn Meal, cottonseed Meal and Hulls, Tobacco, Snuff, Potash, Plowstocks, D. II. Sooviil Hoes, Club Axes, Osnaburgs, Sheeting, Prints, Chocks and Shoes. Now remember I pay no clerk hire, house rent, whisky bills, or railroad bills. I can sell close, and will do It. I think it hotter to give you my prices when you call on mo, so come one, come all. Yours, wanting trado, S. N. McGUIRT. NEW STORE A N I) EVERY DAY IN BARGAIN I) \Y We will sell goods so Ioav you avI!! lie astonished. Sill ir§!l§ i©b jpm We realize tho fact that to build up a trade, wo must give bargains. GIVE US A CHANCE. WE HAVE ALL YOU WANT. DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, CLOTHING GROCERIES. HARD¬ WARE, k Etc. LOME AND I’RIFE (MT GOODS NIXON & CO. ARLINGTON, GA. SHOE SHOP. HflOEfl. Harness, Ac. repaired in neat ami workman-like manner. charges reasonable. Shop North-west corner pula lie square. Shoes made to order. I also repair all kinds of tin ware. S. M. LASH. X 4.pril Bargains c n CD o - y". qj I am just from T. J. TINSLEY <& CO.’S STORE where they priced mo their goods so cheap for APRIL until 1 am obliged to rush back and securo the biggost bargains of my life. They are selling their entire lino of General Merchandise 10 to 25 per cent, below their competitors. Ni- tico thoir strictly cash prices for April ; DRY GOODS. Men’s Fine Shoes 95o to $4.50. Men’s Brogan Shoes (full stock) $1.00 to $1.85. Ladies Fine Dongola Button Shoos 05c to $3.00, Best Prints 5c a yard (others ask 6 and 7) Good Prints 4e a yard. Fine Lawns 4 to 20c a yard. 20 pieces Shirt AVaist Percal (i to 12c a yard. Men’s Shirts (fine) 45c to $1.25. Dress Shirts 75c to $1.50. Fine suit of clothes for $0.75. Good Suit for $4.00. Good Pants 45o to $4.00 a pair. Good Corsets 25c to $1.35. Ladies Under vests 5c eaeh. Silk Umbrellas 75c to $3,50. A DRIVE IN GROCERIES. Best Apple Vinegar 2oc a gallon. Wo solicit tko trade of all and guarantee prices and quality of all goods. OU’; T. J. TINSLEY & CO. E.P.PMNS MACHINE W3RKS - -DEALER IN— (WR OUGHTl R ON PIPES AND FiniNGS' l Brass Goods, Irou, Steel, Etc. A full line of Castings always oit hand for general repair work on engines. Kebnildiug engines and boilers a specialty. A complete lino of Hancock Inspirators, for both Locomotive an ! need Stationary service, with repairs for same, always in stock. When in of work, especial a quick and perfect job when your engine break¬ down, sond for or writo EUGENE P. PARKINS, Calhoun County. JDXOJCE-Y, GtA-- J.B.Paync &Co n SY-LEJLLK/r./AJXr, . C-BORGIA, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, PAINTS, aOSLSTCROCKEBY, HOUSETURNiSWiig i GOODS, STOVES, SASK, DOORS BX.I24TUFA -A-ISTID BUILDERS’ SUPPTJES. Our stock is entirely now. Wo don’t keop goods in our line, but sell them. We CAN and WILL soli as cheap as any house in the IStato, and desire to build up our trade to the highest point. If you wiil come w« Will do tho rest. ... ' P G V ?■ A STRONG PULL -AT THE — Thornton House, MOBCGEORGIA. New honse, new furniture, oveiy- thing for comfort, tneals at all hours of the day. Hecond to none. Rates, sfl2.00 per day; reasonable rates by the month. , I also will sell ice cream on Saturdays through the ice sea¬ son. MRS. -T. A. THORTON. ! I i At, \ I w 5 , .- 1 « ^ \'%-N fc NO TIME TO LOSE Best Pickles 8 l-3c a bottle. Granulated Evaporated Apples 13o a pound. Arbuckles Huger 20 lbs. for $1.1)0. Coffee 10 2-8o a pound. Green Coffee 8 lbs. for $1.00, 50 lbs. of Pearl Grits for $1.00. Sardines 4c a box. Oysters 8c a can. Salmon 10c a box. Tomatoes 6c a nan. East Powders 4e a box. Giant Large Sire 7c a box. Potasli 7o a box. Good Tobacoo 20c a pound, itoae Leaf (smoking) 8e a package. DRUGS. Simmons Liver Regulator 15e a package, Dickey’s Mothers’ Eye Water 12 l-2c a buttle. Brad Friend 95c a bottle, field's Female Regulator 95c afeottk. Hood’s Sarsaparilla 70c a bottle, Wine of Cordial 70e a bottle. SALE STABLES. If you want to buy a good, gentle hor-e or mule, I can accomodate you. I have a nice drove of stock for you to select from. If you want to biro a team you will find at my LIVERY STABLE gentle, hicles. trusty homes and flrst-cia9s ve¬ When you hire u team from mi you get one that can bo relied on. Wins, you come to town and want your stock cured for, bring Uleia to my FEED STABLES where they will be woll-fed and cared he- I solicit your patronage and gudranio* satisfaction. M. G. STATHAM, totf. Dawson, G«i T. BRISCOE, HniciAu m mem MORGAN, GA. UtesibKXog EouniEor PlbLio SqtuKgi 1-17 U ►-rj H— 1 r 3 CD O o > * » JQ