The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, August 27, 1897, Image 3

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B m
Mayor—L. G. Cartledge, ‘
Wardens—J. J. Beck, T. W. Tinsley,
L. G. Cartledge and G. W. Collev,
Clerk—T. W. Tinsley.
Treasurer—S. T. Clayton.
Marshal—E. P. Richardson.
Our Clubbing Kates.
The Monitor and the Weekly Consti¬
tution one year for $1.50.
The Monitor and the Southern Cul¬
tivator one year for$1.50.
Baptist Church—Rev. Z. T. Weaver,
pastor. and Saturday Preaching every third Sunday
before. Sunday-school
every Newton, Sunday at 10 o’clock a. m. J. M.
M E. Church—Rev. F. McCullough,
Pastor. Preaching every 1st Sunday at
11 o’clock a m. Sunday-school every
Sabbath at 3 p m. L. G. Cartledge, Su¬
Reuben Jones Lodge No. 38S, F. & A.
M., meets every first and thud Saturdays
hi each month at 2.30 p. m.
J. X. Stewart, W. M.
1 am expecting my debtors to come
early and settle their accounts that I may
be able to cask my bills. Don’t disap¬
point me.
Mbs. M. E. Chittenden,
Shellman, Ga.
See brick for sale advertisement.
Mr. Tom Tiiornton now rides a bike.
Woik on tbe new academy has pro¬
gressed nicely this week.
Our beef market is a little off. Give
us some more good steak, Bob.
The friends of Mr. P. C. Mote will
find him behind the couaters of Thorn¬
ton & Co.
Miss Ella Riley spent a portion of last
•week at Leary, the guest of her sister,
Mrs. F. P. Griffin.
Fine weather for cotton pickers, and
the king of the Southern farm is being
handled in a shocking manner.
The writer and family return thanks
to Dr. C. M. Cheney for several instal¬
ments of luscious peaches and pears.
Mr. Adam Harper of the upper Fourth
died of typhoid fever the latter part of
last week. Particulars not learned.
Dr. W. L. Davis of Albany, a leading
physician of the State, spent Saturday
night in town on professional business.
Mr. J. D. Richardson of Benevalence.
Randolph county, is in town, the guest
of his brother and Mr, M. W. Bell.
Tho patrons of New Light school
could not do better than secure the ser¬
vices of Mrs. O. A. Rice for another term.
Mrs. 8. T. Clayton’s health is gradu¬
ally improving, and her relatives and
friends hope to sec her up and about in[a
short while.
“Monthly Rose” is the latest addition
to our corps of correspondents, and we
hope some kind friend will highly culti¬
vate this sturdy plant and make it bloom
Mr. Tom Ragan »f Stewart county,
accompanied by his daughter, Miss Fan¬
nie, and bis niece, Miss Lucy Waller,
visited relatives and friends here since
our last issue.
The Monitor is indeed glad to learn
(and so will everybody else in Morgan
who has any business with the railroad)
that Charlie Hudgins has recovered from
his recent illness and is again Williams¬
burg’s clever depot agent.
Messrs. Paul Dozier and Frank Duun
will go up to Mars Hill tomorrow to help
Camp Ground clean tip the Bluffton
base ball team. Our Morgan boys can
play good ball, so says the Shellmanites,
and the Monitor expect Paul and I rank
to get there.
A Monitor man visited T. J. Tinsley
& Go’s, mill Tuesday. He found all
hands, superintended by the clever and
hustling Truman, busy with gin and saw.
The Munger system of ginning is oper¬
ated by this company, and they also saw
lumber and grind corn to perfection.
Mrs. Carrie Jones of Dawson, aunt of
Mrs. S. T. Clayton, who has been on a
•visit to her niece, returned home Tues¬
day. Mrs. Jones came down to be with
her niece during her severe illness. She
left Mrs. Clayton very much improved.
Mrs. Joueajwas accompanied home by
Mrs. Cora Price and daughter, little Miss
Eunice, to spend several weeks. The
ladies wore escorted by Messrs. E. P.
Richardson and Walter Beck.
Since our Christian-hearted and public
spirited citizens put their shoulders to
the wheel and made our cemeteries
places of picturesque beauty, our young
people, in couples, delight in an even¬
ing’s promonade to, through and from
the last resting places of those who we
knew and loved and those whom we
never met during their pilgrimage on
earth.' They love to stroll about and
read the tender, loving lines cbisled in
the marble headstone of some long buried
stranger, or perhaps over a loved one
over whose grave the flowers have but
recently bloomed. In their visits to the
solemn homes of our dead, may our
young people be deeply impressed
tho fact—the inevitable fact -that they >
tot, must 4V-'J ■„ LwieUeie.
i Composed, SQTTIBLETS- Compiled, Set up and Other¬
wise Arranged by Fitzdoodle.
A thief can be watched, but a liar is a
sliok duck.
Joe Daniel wants to know if bananas
grow on a plant, bush or a tree?
If yon even borrow a pencil from Bud
Cunningham he is bound to charge it up
to you.
Our editor says he hates a person who
will call him across the street to gossip
about a neighbor, in place of paying him
a dollar for the paper or giving him
legitimate item of news.
The other day Marshal Richardson
lost his bast girl’s ring. It is a plain
gold ring with initial letters engraved in¬
side. Perhaps it is their engagement
ring, and I think t-lie finder is real mean
for not returning it.
I think the county court should severely
handle people for cruelty to animals.
One-half of fines so collected goes to the
bridge fund of the county nnd the other
half to the county school fund, and cruel
people should be made to considerably
swell these much needed funds.
• Press Adison, the popular liveryman
at Leary delights in sending out spank-
iug teams, but I notice Press generally
sends someone else to drive Ids best,
looking turnouts. I saw one pass through
Morgan Sunday en route to Dickey,
“They are dandies,” said Thos. Bowers
of the Crocket, Texas, Enterprise, while
writing about DeWitt’s . Little Early
Risers, the famous little pills for sick
headache and disorders of the stomach
and liver. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E.
Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison.
Judge A. I. Monroe is the veteran
story teller of the town, but his “latest ’
about tbe terrible Texas pony” is simply
«... sight. Morgan Co,™,.
Just persuade tho Judge to relate his
goat story, which is a little later, and
the Texas pony will reappear.
After looking at the pictures of the
wife and two little daughters of a Con¬
federate soldier killed at the battle of
Gettysburg reproduced by the Atlanta
Constitution, together with the sad facts
connected with tbe resurrection of the!
oldtime ambrotype, which facts must
have appealed to the sympathy of all j
who read them, Mrs. Fitzdoodle said the !
Constitution is the best paper on earth
or anywhere else; that it may stretch its
blanket at times but always gives the !
The reporter had tho pleasure of see-
ing his first bananas growing this week
in this section, grown by Mr. John
lor, and looked both healthy and fine.
Mr. Taylor also has a well so awfully
crooked and twisting until the
fell out—this is not a proverbial fact—
and tbe water will strangle anyone to
drink it.—Vada correspondent Camilla
Clarion. Any Southwest Georgian can
swallow a banana (story), for we all know
that any fruit or vegetable can be grown
in South Georgia, but when it comes to
the well—well I will only add that some
people especially should read the life of
the “Father of his country.”
As I was meditatively meandering my
way homeward Monday afternoon I over-
took a couple ot ladies. They were in an
animated discussion, but I can’t say as
to the particular subject. It might have
been as to the new school house, or the
. fall , ,, dress , goods , , being
mco . received , by
onr merchants, or “Brownie’A” pun on
Graham bread or bread whith grease in
it, or the bicycle school, or 8i Monroe’s
white bat, or, perhaps, the silly and stale
jokes of Fitz. I didn’t wish to hear the
delicious little secret just about, to bo re-
latedby “The woman iu white,” so 1
cleared my throat, passed the cempli-
ments of the day and passed on down tho
laue while my fail* friends turned into
the cemetery gate.
I have bought largely of Fall
Goods which are now arriving, and I
will sell all summer millinavy goods
at greatly reduced prices to make
room. Call early.
Mrs. E. M. Crittenden.
Shellinau Recognizes Us.
SlIELLMAN; Ga., Allg. 23.
Her many friends are pleased to see
Miss Floreid Satawhite, who has been
quite sick, tip again.
Mr. Stewart Short was iu town Sun¬
day “on business.” Call again.
To get the highest market price for
your produce, como to Shellman.
Sinoe the cessation of rain gardening
is progressing.
Miss Ethel Evans, a charming young
lady of West Plaint, Mo., who has been
visiting her friend Mrs. Dr. Wade, is
now in Cuthbert.
Mrs. Col. Lane of Americus is visiting
her parents, Col. and Mrs. R. Critten¬
Rev. T > John . , Martin AT ,. fllled.Brother „ Z. _ T. _
Weavers appointment at the Baptist
church last Sunday, to the delight of his
many friends.
Miss Minnie Wells, of Smithvillo, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. ReidjCritteudon.
X learn of many who are going to ac
eept the advantages given by tbe Shell-
man Institute. Fall term begins first
Monday in Sexitember. Let us have
many more added yet.
Our town has just received a car load
of fine horses and moles. The Doctor
enjoys talking of them.
Teii1uble Accident.—I t is a terrible
accident to be burned or scalded; but the
pain and agony and the frightful disfig
u.ments can be quickly overcume with-
c *^^ S. ^ i. Clayton, Mor-
pan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner,
County Court
Judego Cook’s court Monday presented
somewhat of a “superior" appearance, in
dignity and in the dispatch of business.
Several cases were called and disposed of.
The civil docket was the most Interest¬
ing, two cases on which caused consider¬
able legal fencing.
The Piouev Guano Company vs. I. B.
Manry, J. F. Boynton for the defense, 3. J.
Beck lor plaintiff, seemed to put the Judge
on his legal metal. After the battle the
records read, “Judgment for the plaintiff.”
Case will be appealed, so we understand,
! Some shrewd legal work was done by the
attorneys representing both sides of this
Mrs. R. E. Layton vs. T. B. Jordan,
R, H. Powell & Son for plaintiff, J. J. Beck
for defendant was disposed of in favor of
defendant. This case will also be carried
to the Superior Court J
The criminal docket was soon disposed
ot with but very littlo interest manifested,
nnd oourt adjourned at 2.30 p. m.
oourt notes.
In attendance upon court we noticed
Judge J. H. Laing of Dawson, (and after
shaking hands was doubly glad tohavejinet
him) Col. Holmes Powell of Blakely, Col.
VV, D. Sheffield of Arlington, and Hon. J.
Boynton ot Diekey.
Jim S, Collins, one of Arlington’s pros-
P erous business mejj, escorted the Judge.
tvv0 alKi from comt '
Dr ‘ Te 5 ry ’ B,other Cunningham and
clever Tom Jordan all seemed to bo very
much interested in tho days proceedings,
Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Layton attended
to legal business at the court house Mon-
In the absence of hie father, Mr. Selma
Davis makes a very fine looking and atten-
tive sheriff.
Not only pilea o{ tbe very worst kuid
can be cured by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
Salve, but eczema, scalds, burns, bruises,
boi!s ’ nl eers, and all other skin troubles
P, E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edi-
Folks Items.
reported by wild rose.
Mr. Henry Fouche and his estiraa-
ble wife, from Beuna Vista, visited
relatives here this week,
Miss Cullie Stewart spent last
week with relatives in Randolph.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McDaniel spent
Sunday 'Gth their parents at
Quite a number of Folksites at-
tended court at Morgan Monday.
We had quite a batch ot news last
week, but owing to tho rain failed to
It off in time.
I ( On Wednesday, 11th inst-, at 4.30
p- m., at tho residence of the bride’s
! unc,0 > Mr - J - Fouche, Miss Mattie
Rice and Mr. “Bunk” Hawke were
happily married, Rev, J. F. Iladdon
officiating. The attendents were,
Carev Hawke with Miss Sallio Had-
A M , L Rice with Miss Willie Ed
Johnson. We hope that thornless
flowers may adorn the pathway of
| this happy young couple, and as they
! journey on through life may they
| only the glare see enough of the shadows to temper
Don’t neglect a cough because the
wcat her ispleasaut; before the next storm
^Us difficulty around it beyond may develop repair. into One a Miu- seri-
nto Cough Cure is easy to take and w ill
do what its name implies. Mrs.S.T, Clay-
ton I > Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry
, “ rnor Bdisom_
• ’
The ordinaries of several counties of
tho Btate are complaining about tho min-
ister3 Bot returning licenses to their
otii c 0S after they have been executed, so
as to be recorded and returned to the
contracting parties. Recently a miuis-
^ el ' returned to tho Ordinary of this
county the license of a couple he joined
together. Judge Monroe recorded tbe
document and promptly sent them to the
happy couple, and in less than forty-
eight hours the father of the groom and
several friends called our Ordinary and
demanded the law governing such action.
Everybody Says So.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won¬
derful medical discovery of the age, pleas¬
ant and and positively refreshing kidneys, to the liver taste, and act geutly
cleansing the ou ontiro dispel bowels, colds,
headache, fever, system, habitual
cure and biliousness. Please buy and constipation box
of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 try Soidand a
guaranteed to euro by all druggists.
Our last grand jury found a bill against
Heck Walker, colored. A warrant WUH
issued for larceny, and Hock skipped.
He was picked up last week at Dakota,
Ga., and Sheriff Davis went over Sun¬
day to claim “his own.” Heck will pro¬
bably give bond.
Sick headache can bo quickly and com-
pletely overcome by using those famous
little pills known as ‘ DeWitt’s Little
Early P. Risers." S. T. Clayton, Morgan;
E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison.
Judge J. J. Beck went down to Blakely
yesterday on business connected with the
McMurria caso . lt lg now believed by
their friends and counsel that a. I. Me-
Murrla & Son will soon settle their finan¬
cial troubles and resume business.
Some for ten, some for twenty and some
for thirty years have suffered from piles
ond then have been quickly and perma¬
nently Hazel cured by using DeWitt’s Witch
Salve, tho great remedy for piles
and all forms of skin diseases. 8. T. Clay¬
ton, Turner, Morgan; P. ii. Boyd, Leaiy; Henry
Mr, George Grubbs, a prominent citi¬
zen of tho Edison district, this county,
died last Friday at 3 p. m. Mr, Grubbs
had been a long sufferer from that ter
nble disease, consumption. His family
and friends have the sympathy of the
p;ople of our couuty,
Mrs. W. M. Bell, a kind neighbor,
made the editor a present of a nice tot
finely flavored sweet potatoes Monday,
tAv first we have seen this season.
Says be is aware of the fact that the dull
summer months are upon us; that
money is hard to get and that but few
are blessed with it. Ho told ns, the other
<1 “ 3 ' l ,° C m '\ 8 ° llIS and Sll V to 11,0
people tlmt ho is still willing to help them
save part of tho cash on hand, conse-
quently you should quit
fN $
and do your trading at this
of goods.
SHOES of price, ladies every and and description stylo, gouts. for
Man, woman or DRESS
child cau easily
haudsmoely by go-
hig to CLAYTON with » little
At this store yon can find anything
yon want. Every body knows Mr. Elder,
Clayton’s popular salesman, and may
bet your bottom dollar that he will give
36 inches YARD TO THE time, ev-
16 ounces
to every pound. So you may make
r L
• rv v
El %Q> ML
An Earnest Search T
and never find the ones you will strike at
*'•*“ ---n
Nice Turnouts— Day or Night—at
Reasonable Pvices.
Take your stock to my
Stables to be cared for.
Cl asang ' at V .
I am now seiling my summerstock of Millinery at greatly reduced
prices to make room for my fall and winter stock. If you want real
R e a 3 Pg am . S
Call on me while in Morgan. I carry a full line of Millinery. and can
give you prices on this class of goods, especially Hats, never dr amed of.
G A s’.
. - A
• .
/ •. •
y Vi
Where I got for cash—
9 pounds good coffee for 81.00
7 pounds Arbuckle coffoo, 1.00
17$ lbs. best white sugar, 1.00
18$ lbs. good rice, 1.00
60 lbs. pearl grits, 1.00
Bost White Label Lard, 0$cts.
Best white meat, by tho side, <3$cts.
Sheeting Ladies and checks, per yd, Sets.
and gents slippers, 75o. to 1.50
Ladies and gouts shoes, 75c. to 1.85
Best flour, per bbl., 0.00
Mcooboy Giant snuff, per pound, 45c
Gooseneck potash, 16 boxes for 1.00
Hoes, 530c
D. & H. Hcovil hoes, Nos. 1 and 2,
40 and -lOcts.
Globe Fruit Jars, per doz., 75c
Meal and corn, per bushel, 65c
"Wild Rose” tt>ilet soap, per doz., 45c
Highest market price paid for eggs.
Bring mo all you have for sale.
1 am yours, thanking you for your
patronage in the past and wishing to
have it in the future,
I Rif
Kl i.^
A Thorough Investigation
of Ladios’ and Gents’ Jewelry. Gail on
him at S. T. CLAYTON’S and inspect
bis fine assortment, the goods are sure to
sell, Come to see me.
If You Want
To get, and if you want 8 lbs coffee
for $1.00 don’t go to him for it But
if you want the best BOILER
IFmEIDElr?, on the market or any
of the following goods he can furnish
them to you at prices that will as¬
tonish you. Drop him a card and ho
will do tho rest.
Brass Goods
Brass goods in stock for every va¬
riety of service,such as Globe Vulva,
Chock Valves, Angle Valves, Cylin¬
der Cocks, Pet Cocks, Drip Cocks,
Air Cocks, Pop Valves, Lubricators,
Steam Guages, Engine Oilcups,
Guago Cocks,Glass Guages complete,
Steam Cocks, Jet Pumps, Inspira¬
tors, Engine Trimmings of every
description, etc., etc.
In stock for repairs on engines from
4 to 60-horse power, as follows: Pis¬
ton beads, Follower heads, Piston
rings, Eccentric and Straps, Glands
for stuffing boxes, both brass and
Calhoun County.’ TDXGDCE-y, GA.
A lazy man will not look after his; interests, and this 'Svillfnl waste
brings woeful want.” Now if you aro on tho alert and seek to do tho best
yon can for yourself and^ those committed to your caro you will not spend
a dollar of your money till you see our stock and our
Change of Schedule.
Wo will adopt the SPOP CASH
system on September 1st, and will
sell goods lower than ever. Don’t
fail to call on us when you want to
buy anything for tho house, kitchen
or farm. Wo will save you money.
J. 13. PAYNE & CO
siarEx.x-ivCA.x-T, a- a.
10 * V ALL
25 4 50* DRUGGISTS
CANDY tUHtO lilto Koort. Eat They them
candy. had re¬
move any tnsto
In the mouth, leaving
CATHARTIC the porfumod. breath nwoet it, J* ana a
teal pleasure to take
- Houtlng - .. liquids ■> » i m ^rim' mm um m mem instead of imu-
or cannon bull pills.
Difjpzi » are purely vetfutahle
« V Sand Jcurlal contain no incr*
| floral poison. or other They* mln«
2 ]7 VFRFTAPI iVilklHUbi. P waro West made of the htt-
remedlea dlscov*
- ........ <**•«.* ■-*.*“■ _____f eretl Huy and are I'1 nation a scion*
never before together com
put in auv form.
ANTISEPTIC a iq antiseptic. That
moans dlKHsted they stop uu-
food from
LAXATIVE ael 801 irlng lu tho atom-
mentation 1 . prevent In fer¬ the
M bowels und kill din-
kind that breed and feed li/the^yst'oru!^
..... <’A HCA ie ktm
tone tho stomach u nd
LIVER bowels and stimulate
tho lazy liver, rnak-
CTIIilll I f In# It work. They
I imif Lmvs AMT I ft strengthen tho bow*
w els and putt,hern Into
■ VlROI’f >iih heal I thy
their condll tion, in a Uug
actiou easy and natural.
Don't judgfe CASCARETS by other medicines you have tried. They
are new, unlike anything else that's sold, and infinitely superior.
rm Try a 10c box to-day, if not pleased get
only genuine. Tho your money back! Larg-er boxes, 25c or 50c.
Bowaro of Sample and booklet mailed free- Address
m r.i 4^ “if* I U t3Mv cures Tobacco Habit or money retun<1»d. Maltoa weak men
„ Soil) and guaranteed by all UruKkists. Get booklet.
GEO If. 1)0/IKK,
Attorney at Law and Moo Feaas,
Will practice anywhere. Prompt at
tontlon given to all business entrusted to
his care. 1-17-tf
SHOES. Harness, &e. repaired In neat
and workman-like manner. charges
reasonable. Shop North-west corner pub¬
lic squaro. Shoes made to order. I also
repair all kinds of tin ware.
8. M. LASH.
Om r K AND Rkkioenvk Noutii OF CorBT
House ok Public SquAiis.
i-n tt
iron; Steamchest covers, CyTmdet
heads, Flange Couplings for shafting
and for wooden wheels, and many
other castings too numerous to muti«
Brass Castings,
Stick brass,.’-'Mind, hexagon, etc., etc.
Bod brass tS any drawing desired,
planed and bored perfectly truo.
Asbestos packing, Gum shoot [nick¬
ing, Pistonrod packing, etc.
Boiler steel, Boiler rivets, patch
bolts, stay bolts. Boilers repaired
and tested by hydrawlic pressure to
insure safety. Bound machine stool
from one-fourth of an inch to throe
inches in diameter. Piping for samo
from one foqrth to throo inches in
Koyways all cut by machinery—
Keyseats all cut by machinery, in¬
suring accurate fitting, etc.
All orders by mail receive prompt
hoc J. B. Payno & Co.. Shellman,
Gti., when you want Hardware, Ma¬
chine Oil, Cutlery, Stoves, Linseed
Oil, Paiuts, Axes, Guns, Tiuware,
Pistols, Saws, Ammunition, etc., etc.
They also have a full assortment of
Caskets and Coffins- Call on them
and save money.
Increase the flow of
milk.iu nursim* moth¬ BOON FOR
ers. A tablet eaten
by tho mother makes
ative her milk and mildly has purg¬ ntlld MOTHERS
hut certain effect on *]
tho baby, tho *»nly ■
Bit lo laxative for tho babe-lu-arni*.
Su r a-.i r no l ; W.i PLEASE
wlnd-collc 0 f
stop and f
the children
all ltlnds^of purn-
bowels of the growing child,
... CABO All F.TN,
tn Icon patloi:t!y,por-
Bi Hie n tl y, a ro ^ u a ra n- CURE
tHud to euro any case
of constipation, no
matter how old and GUARANTEED
•hHtlmite, or pur-
cijrko money will ho
cheerfully by refundei
four own diuKKlfit,
n ro bo id by all dnitf-
tilsta ti for lOo, HEALTH
Op a box, accr.’-d-
lHK to size. A lOe
box will prove their FOR 10 CENTS
morlta'Hl put you on
the rlkht road to per¬
fect a fid permanent
httfxl Ih. Won't rink delay.
hvsiciah m mssfls.
KksImwoe South op Public tSyUABS.
1-17 it
Practices In the Courts of the State ana
elBowhoro. 1-17-tf
Practices in the Courts of the Alb,<f '
I Circuit,