Newspaper Page Text
The Country Editor's Wife
You have heard of the country editor’s
.ijf e
With its care and worry and doubt.
Of the shadby-genteel of his seedy clothes,
Of his diamond pins and his calm repose,
His happiness, money and gout.
But., say, have you heard of the editor’s
Of that silent co-partner, who,
With a blending of sentiment, beauty and
With a temperate knowledge, tact and
The whole of his labor can do?
It is She who embroiders the garments
Worn by the editor’s chair.
Now dressed up with cushions, soft and
And trimmed up with tidies and ribbons
W hieh once was so poor and bare.
If the editor’s, sick, or away or behind:
In need of more hands and more haste
She directs his wrappers so they can be
And willingly makes his paste.
She reads the magazines, papers and
As the cradle she sofdy rocks.
While the editor sits in his easy chair
With ins fingers thrust in his tangled
She quietly mends his socks.
Then she roads the ads with the editor.
Just to find out what each has paid.
But the column ad o£ the jeweller there,”
So he says, “the harness and human
Must be taken out in trade.”
So she wears the dresses he gets for ada,
And rattles his sewing machine:
She uses the butter and eggs and things
The country subscriber 00 faithfully
With a cheerfulness seldom seen.
But her life, so full of many delights.
Has one dark cloud, alas!
Though she shares his tickets to the
circus and play,
To lectures and negro minstrels
She can’t use his railroad pass!
When time hangs heavy on his hand
She beguiles his hours away
With joke and laughter, music and song.
And pleasant fidk, and thus ripples
The whole of each leisure day.
Oh! who would exenange this
This simple and trusting life,
For that of a queen of royal birth?
For the happiest woman in all the earth
Is the country editor’s wife.
Talk np your town and its advantages.
Will Olements, of Arlington was
last Friday on business.
r Mr. S. E. Bridges, of Millford, was
town on business last Saturday.
What if it is midnight? Every
of the clock brings morning nearer.
Within the last thirty days the Mosi-
Ton has added over forty new names to
its subscription list. That’s not so
Calhoun comity’s matrimonial bells
are ringing very doleful those days,
at ieast they seem so to this scribe.
“Here, my dear,” said the far-sighted
husband, “put this money in the stock¬
ing for a rainy day.” So she bought a
pair, and they really looked lovely on
the Square last Saturday when the wind
Strasge things happen in tho news
paper business sometimes. For instance
we dunned a man this week for subscrip¬
tion, and lie paid it without saying a
word, not oven to tell Us to discontinue
his paper.
Author: “What do you think of my
new book?” Friend: “It certainly can-
tains much food for thought.” Author:
“Bo you really think so?” Friend:
“l’e-; but it seems to have peen wretch¬
edly cooked.”
The kodak fiend may be held to ridi¬
cule, but he has at least one advantage
over other people. He can express his
own views upon any subject without
being called down. He may also send
them by freight.
“It is funny how marriage will change
a man,” said Fogg, the other day.
“There is Mobster, for example. Before
he was married a glance of May Tain-
tor would iutoxicate him, so he used to
say. Now when be comes home late at
night and meets Mrs. M ouster, nee
Taintor, the sight of her actually sobers
A young philosopher-was employed iu
oue of our stores at a salary of $3.50 a
week. He told his employer oue moru-
jug that he was about to leave, having
got a better place. “A better place?”
echoed his employer; “what wages are
you to get?” “Three dollars a week.”
“But that is not so much as you get
here.” “No,” said the boy; “but then
its better to do less and not get so much
than to do more and not get enough.
I>oa<h of A Little Girl.
“buffer little children to come unto
me and lot-hid them not tor such is
thu Kingdom of heaven.” These
were the words of our Blessed
Beath is no respeetor of person,
’ 1 nsilion, of hour or age. Ire
Knows no difference between the
king and the peasant, the scepter of
the one is no more to him than the
plow-handles of the other, He
touches his dreamless slumbers to
the eveiids of both and they fall
asleep, tho one on his throne and
tne other by his furrow, Ilis foot¬
prints are in every path. Ilis cold
grasp has been on the latch-string of
the door of almost every home.
He enters sometimes and with his
cold hands he takes away the hus¬
band and father, and again it is but
to lay claim lo the wife and mother,
and then sometimes to arrest the
young man or young lady just as
they enter on the arena of life.
When we hear of these or any of
bis works we can but ask, why it is
But more cruel, though just, does
he seotn in his demands when
he enters the house of a happy
father and mother; happy in their
duty as citizen and wife, happy in
their duty as neighbor and friend
and doubly happy hi the love they
bear for their children. I say more
cruel does he seem in his demands
when he enters such a homo and
with his icy fingers sprinkles the
cold dew of death on the brow of
one in whom a great part of a de-
voted father and mother’s earthly
affections and desires are centered.
When such is the case we involun¬
tary ask the question; “Death! oh,
death! why so hard in your de¬
Such were the thoughts of our
minds when we were told of the
death of little Miss Rochelle Knight-
oii, the five-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Knighton, of Randolph,
e-ho passed away from this earth on
Wednesday, Jan. 12th No one
km;|Av^t!e Rochelle but to love.
No one over came in contact with
her sweet and amiable disposition
but. who admired her
To her bereaved father and mother
we would say call her not back for
we know she is at rest, vvhere she
will not have to bear the stife aud
sorrow of this world. Bo be not
discouraged but take consolation in
the fact that God decth all things
y, 0
well and i with . ; single . , Duly ,
an eye to
His glory spend the rest of the bat-
tie of life and at the end of which
you will receive your eternal reward,
then tho misteries of this earth will
be understood, and where ithe seper-
aiions from your loved ones you
never suffer. A Friexd.
Mrs. “My Mary Bird, of Harrisburg, Pa.,
says. cliild is worth millions to me;
yet I would have lost her by croup had I
not invested twenty-live cents in a bottle
of One Minute Cough Cure.” It coughs,
colds and all throat and lung troubles.
F E, Boyd, Leary; Mrs. 8. J. Clayton.
Morgan; Henry Turner, Edison.
Aii Adjnstiblc Name.
“The Syracuse Post” says that a girl
baby was recently brought to a clergy¬
man of that city to be baptised. The
latter asked the name of t lie baby.
“Binah M,,” the father responded.
“But what does the ‘M. ’ stand for?”
interrogated the minister.
“Weil I do not know yet: it ail de¬
pends upon how she turns out.”
“How she turns out? Why, I do not
understand you,” said the domiuis.
“Oh, if she turns out nice and sweet
and handy about tiie house, like her
mother, I shall call her Binah May.
But if she has a fiery temper and dis¬
plays a bombshell disposition. like
mine, I shall caliber Binah Might.
Prosperity comes quickest to the man
whose liver is in good condition. Bo Wilt’s
Little Early Risers are famous little pills
for constipation, billiousness, indigestion
and all stomache and liver troubles. P.
E Boyd Leary, Mrs. 8. T. Clayton,Mor¬
gan, Henry 'turner, Edison.
Blessed are those who are happily
married—no matter what their worldly
position nor their worldly posessions.
Nothing suits a cross inau more than
to find a button off his coat when his
wife has not had time to sew it on.
Miss AliioHughes, Norfolk, Va., was fri¬
ghtful burned on the face and nock. Pain
was instantly relieved by BeWlttV Witch
Hazel Halve, which healed the injury
without leaving a scar. It is the famous
pile remedy. P. E. Boyd Leary Mrs. 8.
T. Clayton, Morgan, Henry Turner, Edi¬
son. ___
Ile.—“J ust oue sweet kiss, dear, will
you not?”
She,—-“Yes, when I get so I can eat
buzzard all right.”
Little Johnnie was playing iu the par¬
lor and accidentally stepped upon the
foot of a lady caller. “Now, Johnnie,”
said his mother, “you must apologize lo
t)je lady for having stepped upon her
foot.” Johnnie went up to her aud said:
“ ’Houseme; Fm awfully sorry gou didn’t
keep your loot oat 0 i my road.
I lVa.ity flints.
If vou "onM avoid that chief dis-
figuremenjt of l< vely woman on a wintry
,]iiy ,. n n .jl nosi - -see to it that tiie stays
arc comfortably Haul; loose ami ami when that washing the feet
arc warns y
the face Dooming ami evening do not he
afraid toj rub that sensitive organ as
hi iskvasf yon do checks and brow. Fiic-
tiou stands ilso circulation of the blood
and so Flutters it from the tip of the
Does. i
Di bo afraid, no matter how low
the tlu.?noini ter, to leave a window open
at u both top and bottom in your
si, e-ping chamber. Avoid direct con-
t e’i. ivijh the air, cover with abundant
clothing and see whether you do not
awake thoroughly refreshed after lirea-
thing pure oxygen all night long.
Wie i the lniir is falling out to a mar¬
ked decree, change your style of hair
dressier md so relieve the strain. If it
is gvov u>g thiu/about the temples it is
well to part tljq front, hair at the sides,
lin'd, 11 a the coil is arranged at the
buck, list it and pin it looseiy,
SO till s no strain whatever.
Side c 1 the teeth turned fois
ward to keep the hair from
slippi ding backward.
1 ** ug nicer to remove tiie
shin' the face than a bit of
pb *b 3 skin, and if you are ad-
diet so of pen or it far surpasses
the pu it purpose, as nil traces of
the tel wder lire removed when
the Lie .ei'ully wiped with the soft
If: yoe wouli preserve the beauty of
vou i' skin do tot indulge too freely these
co i,l winter mornings in over-rich foods
SHe b as buck meat cakes and sausages,
AuA remombti that fruits is just as es-
set tial t your diet in cold weather as
iu warm i tided, more so, as we have
f e ;ver gte m vegetables.
Chapped hards are the bet-e noire of
the averagt woman during cold «........
therou L
wear non
Mrs. Sta
“After two
I saved bln
I | -d most cough certain cure.” remedy It for > quickest colds,
____.iaii throat and lung troubles,* F. E.
Boyd, Leary, Jirs. S. T. Clayton, Morgan,
Henry Turner, Edison.
The W ay He Viewed It.
An old itinerant colored preacher,
while conducting service at a protracted
meeting, was interrupted by u messenger,
who rushed in and exclaimed excitedly:
“Parson, de lightnin’ struck yo’ house
en burned it ter de ground’!”
Tho congregation expected to see the
parson cui'iipse under this information,
but he didn’t.
•'Burned de house down, did it?”
“Yes, suh!”
“Well, did it hurt de laud what de
house wuz 011 ?”
“No, suh!”
“Thank de Lord fer dat!” exclaimed
the parson. “Thank de Lord de land’s
ief! En now we'll sing on page 227.
‘How Firm a Foundation.’ Thank some
brother fer de tune!”—F. L. S.
One Minute Cough Cure cures quickly.
That’s what you want. F. E. Boyd Leary,
Mrs. 8. T. Clayton, Morgan, Henry Tur¬
ner, Edison.
The Deacon’s Xmas Sermon.
“Dur wuz a rich man, name .Degrees,
en likewise a po, man, name Latlierns.
Well, Latherus come ‘long’ bout Chris’'
mus, en bein’ all stove up wid de rheu¬
matism, eD threaten wid do smallpox,
he set down fer ter res’ himself ‘longside
de rich man’s gate; en Latherus, bein’
hongry, holler’d out: “Glirismus gif!”
but de rich man tell him; “Go ‘way
turn heab, man! I aint got ez much ez
a crumb fer you!’ nn den de dogs come
out en Ohace him off. But, see de prew-
entiou er providence. Be rich man
overeat himself, en wake up stone dead
en hotter den de sun in August. En he
look ‘roun en say: ‘Wliar is I?’ En de
devil answer: ‘My son, yon’s in de fire
department, You j’ined last night!’
Ben de rich man say: ‘I wish you please,
suh tell Kunnel Latherus ter turn on de
hose on me, kase dis hea’s hot stuff!'
But de devil mako answer: ‘Yo’ fr’en’
Latherus is up yonder, spendin’ Ohris’-
mus wid Mistie Abraham, in he done
sou’ word dat he ain’t get time ter fool
wid you. You’s my meat now, en I
gwineter br’ilo you till you plumb
brown!’ En all because de rich man fail
ter como down wid de money when
Latherus hulled, Ohria’mus gif’ !’ How
many sinners lieah gwiue to do like
Begrees done? Ilow many is gwiue te.-
•drive Latherus film do gate on Chris’*
mus day?. Brer VYillirms, pass ’round de
hut cu less see!” Frank Stanton,
... m 4J211 s®. m fl
A." 9 S3 t J Bsssaa ay ton
f' w
rt Best
flHBk “OjO a ^ZTifSWC^*.
rs 3 ^’3 nil r—- pu.
fd iMer £ 1
m Lk-i m mmn
Has Something Special
Calhoun County Purchasers. He is still in tho merchandise business hen
hnd will offer you some good bargains in the near future. M<:>
B •i- *
ifx ; ( *'> '>/'• •
m % • : 0: *; r.
iupwi HP rSWBL— U'fe- "'yU
~ .
- - ■ '
•5 -c- , .. . . T’-feti-A-Ly--#?-
• e*T *Vj* _—
Fall t<n*m opened September 27th. and will close December 20t\ This
school is no longer an experiment, but a reality. It is thorough in its
instruction and strong in its discipline. Our aim is to prepare boys and
girls for college, or to give those who cannot graduate -a practical educa¬
tion. For rates of tuition or board apply to the principal.
W. B. SHORT. IViiicijml.
MRS. li. W. DOZIER, Assistant.
m Ini m ft :I
Elflj D
A lazy man will not look after his interests, and this “willful waste
brings woeful want.” Now if you are on the alert and seek to do tho best
von can for yourself and those committed to your care you will not spend
a dollar of your money till you see cur stock’and get our prices.
Change of Schedule.
Wo will adopt tho SPOP CASH
system on September 1st, and will
sell goods lower than ever. Don’t
fail to call on us when you want to
buy anything for the house, kitchen
or farm. We will save you money.
B IrXS XL.X. IvH^-1ST , C2rJ±_
,... ANDY OffiAHHC
war k frt.
eu‘RE5c«tEriiiart A ... Wwa i
..........CASCAKET8 /I t.-tnto (cood.
Illce Kat them
C5.K9Y R moYo oiindv. any j<»ij They tu.iD* ro-
In Ihamoutii.lotiv'lnt! "E
CATHARTIC 1 IKJl'ftlHI L- Bren 1 efl. II 1 sir It cut ic. nmi HU k
r«ul )ilr astir n-ft to t.ako
XSgtSSSZZSSXTjSS e ad of imu-
OM© inflMMB -,A-A_r^ .....©ARCARFTS
PURELY warn imivl v vtft-'alublQ
VEGETABLE fiSE'S *<*i' < <• mi in -> t r : .“n.
. . __
Before toRether r;) 1 , j „ t ; t , l}
never put in n-nr l'ortu.
a..... CS*hl'.A haUTcl
„ fiBilSE^Tie (4 it 11 ; 111 illt*i* 1 ‘Lie. 'i'Lat
UMTIlfE ;i',:
Irril ^iliftl brucc hud G oa in lin* "<‘‘U w Z
K«€»efcats*5. •. ■ • LASil A iT. rVVH
Dmhi him Monmcfl a inf
B & LowsIb and stimulate
ILvaWHCal M tlio lazy livar, inn*-
l inti \t woiIt. Tiify
STfiOLAST o. m 11 i MW* nto
« vieoruuH h <1 It iln£
*****■•*'»- condition, i.■ a
1 i
J*Don't judge GAIEMIS U- other medicines you have tried. They
* milike anythin that' sold, and infinitely
arc r.ew, g ”', c superior.
Try a JOc box to-day, if not pleased get
»-.-no jo or money back! Larger mailed boxes, 25c or 50c.
Sample and booklet free. Address
A imitations ! STZRLiilP Re Me DY CO.. CHICAGO: MONTREAL, CAN.; NtW VOfD.. ZOti
t'-jp £.‘ cures Tobacco Ilabit or money refunded. Makes weak men
SMS J W D#4V strong. Sold and ^uaranumd by all druggists. Get booklet.
( f Ht old! Gold! Gold!
Wo have secured valuable claims In tho
HiptTS bold I 3SH3Q OS (
1! i. elms, iR. 11 , of Jimeau, clerk of the U. K. Bistrict Couit of
Alaska, has staked out claims for lids company hi tho Snoop Creek
Basin and Whalo Bay Dislrlcis of Alaska.
end 0 .
Capital $5,000,001) * Shaves $i Each.
IP-A-XID X’XTXjXj yxTMXJ bton.assessable.
This Company gives tho poor man a chance as as tho rich,
mi w k s rra a-.n a , \ 01 ■•-■fa
To Invest your money. $1.00 will but 0110 share of stock. Invest now
before our stock advances in pi ice. Not less that five shares will ba
sold, we have tile best known men In America as Directors in this
company, Therefore your money Is ns safe with us os with your bank.
Send money by post-oifleo North.American order, or ragis'ered .Mining mail, aud Developing and you will Compa¬ receive
stuck by return mail.
ny, Juneau, Alaska. Bond for prospectus to the
i Developing Company,
L!3 Union Square, New York, U. 8. A.
L/ Agents w«utoo*everywhero*tc>Lell our stock. j
See J. B. Payuo & (Jo;. Shellman
Hn., when you want Hardware, Ma¬
chine Oil, Cutlery, Stoves, Linseed
Oil, Paints, Axes, Guns, Tinware,
Pistols, Saws, Ammunition, etc., etc.
They also have a full assor tment of
Caskets urn! Cofiias. Cali on them
aud save money.
Increase the flow of
mii kin miming moth*
6 nr. A
by the mothermaloa
ht;r mlik mildly pnrir* MOTHERS
ativc »nd has a mild
but certain eflV.* Ct OB
tho Laity, tl.o only
wife laxatlYO for the baboln-arnrc.
.... CASC!AKK*X’8 H 'X*-C^S|s*aa<®a®5
f- m UkeU by Hi a chit-
ivlml-coilc PLEfiSE
Ho;) nr.d k
5Wv«::.r.:i:;::s THE CHUBREia
all kliuln of jt. rr- 1 )
fMffs thr.tllvo in
byr/cls of tlio growing ciilld.
fi* Ci A -4v!A K ETH.
t u tm unilcntlv, per- <
PtH! io&.i DPf-iy.nropun.ron* t GSJRE
l ) auo 11 / CO so
of rnrir-.tlpatlon, no
1 di.n.L ’niter imiio, c.idioy Low or old v/UJ bit- nml 1)0 I ff GSAEUMTEEQ
cheerful!v rcfuiulod <.'• j:
Ly ynur <twn drufTtflit.
-; r: ' B^»SMSen3Jt3iqin»Q|mgi
n rti #(iu! li* nil (buff* :.T f; HEALTH
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liitf to bI /.n. A J'M'.f | m
10 mis
t in Tflit to per- „
foot mill ponnancrH *■&*&*&*«