Newspaper Page Text
$ 2 , fi. i > ,f > Word!
'^r- *z~ >%• .
Thi paper annour.i in c'iniu-ciir.'ii with The Atianta Weekly
Constitututixn, a i:e offer in which everyone may have a chance
to supply the missin word in 1 his sentence:
The sentence is taken from a well-known publication. The
word is a familiar one, and it may readily suggest itself.
Conlest Began lan.!—Ends March I, ’9E
4 4 gtP** Hti f n -’- ' ,
kJSi ‘ it’iv‘ f <- . 5! s~
In connection with this Clubbing Rate, we will, if you --.end your
guess with the subscription price, forward ali for you and thus
Ai the end of pork,a < > v.-r. 0 i.y tin, conk r Th,. 'tonolltutlon will pay out
til till- ! f ui ly or panic., th,- full priz- amount that has accrued
In the I«Hf TH* Il.illl M simple and tho u, uonteals harm ho-:.,mo an
they popular Hud Inw < n r-i .1 with such ohooluf, fulrnc-pH to all that
have b» on widely <’o; i< iftur. but norm navo lau-urno c.ptal to The
Const JtwHon'j gr orfelnal sorloa.
in those misHJmr word contests, .t! wO Chi' Lth,- 1 'mlV.sln* h HC an3
fIon land received fr< luil.-url!,, wor.l
this fund b tGm'd ;:c; wee cDCDnTrc'TTc;;;''^
The fund b
W* fitly f * 0 ? .dilution Imu M« > R!; THAN 100,000 Pubp^riDTH and that It
lion 10 per cent from a kuop«<th' ■ utv'<Tlptiom* for thin dintrlbu-
f j that, the omoant to be divided at wchh»Rrj«lj8 Brgs
enouirh < Yr worth strivliiR for. It Iw not a ca j
ful proposition, hut tho p'nn is open and sir X' orlmi#ronu?N > Vl,TTEI>40
the mnitH !»v (Ii»< I*m»t Office Department «* a me t
HW Tt*>t>c«>k from which tlw» 't vtcnrp tnJ<r n to flpponltM In n »uft*ty vault, under t¥*iU. and wtll bn
«twm«d At ttM? cl< w* of IB** contntt Loforr? a oomnillp^*, whicli malcra tfK- award after an ftxamV
«wuinf> of ttK'Rubncription txw)j..v
In one of theau contests then? was only ono Buccossful guesHcr,
who rff-elvi’d more than >1,00); and In addition to this in one year >5,006
nns been d'Btrlbutod among successful gucswrH
IlrnK-Riher that, whether the mining word supplied or not. It coot*
notiMig to RUfc b. arid oven thotigli not aurcesfifut the guesswr gets
Ke<n» that in view nnd send your gucaji with your elubblng subscriptioti
for your home paper and The Weekly Constitution
Should you already be a mbscriber to your home paper, remit $1
to lliis paper for Hie Weekly Constitution for one year, and it
will be forwarded to The Constitution with your guess.
The Constitution guarantees that the amount of the award will
not he less than $500 in cash, and it may he as much as $'2,000.
NEWSPAPER, containing EIGHTY-FOUR COLUMNS every week. It ha« no
equni as a Weekly Newspaper in America, its news reports, cover the world, an<l
its correspondents and agents are to lie found in almost every LailiwieU of the South-
etn and Western Stales.
AS A M A(«,\/il IS 1*1 ft print* Blow* rnnUi.t thivn to ordinarily found In any nnv;;»zli*o In t&tts country.
■AH AS EDIKIATO It It to a Mciioolhoone In ; a rear* rending of TT>e (Y»n«tltt»tkm to a llbarul ednOafln*.
ITH SPECIAL V'K VTIi HIM commend « enptvlnlly U> every farm hom« In Amcrtca.
ITS FIRM AM) FA It *1» «S’ •n,P\liT;m;iT r, ( tn Womnrt*a Oopnrtinenf himI fm CThfL
Dr part».!«.. f nr* all imdor at,i. ' *'<*?«, imu) are ajaN-hUJv ntltw-Uv* to t)*o*w tow*
Owaa dAIYorbnentn -’B-Im T?,. - wkiu^
htimrtf n« tvoo<!»< »/ tho princlylcM niMucluicd in tho XutUnul PUiUbrtu if iho party.
Ten Guessers' Per Cent of the ! Tin: < arvsTl »<’!■ suhtirrlj rcnON tloiKi l'rrs from to rUR CENT m'u'w amount It
Subscript i<', i\ mU> t-H i* fund for dtotrlbutlon jwutkHonterfng nmon« thooe who.mum? tho Mbwlrtff correctly Worrl <*>«. th**
t»ons goes to the hi.r:•;.!!»' word. If onlv mw oonkHtatti ect* the rluht vvortl. l>« or Bno
Fund to be divided. !j wit .)<• the men Bunn- tlB’ wtii • dtifp in* !’un<l. j dMtrlionaleiy if mor* Mum divided one among HuppIk'B the the suetfsHiu) in tosh) tr
In other words if this II lers.
Subscription Fund,! n't-.qvornqx i'Ri;<‘ki>knt eou skniuno a Gi’Ksa
amounts to $ 20,000 ui tht. iMifeiltiK w ord, to tint! eaeh and every mi ess must is' uoooue
for this period then }’ -H d I v n yt-nrto h F ■ i ' r non U> The Weekly (Vmstttutlon. If sent
the fund to to the i rot iu 11 the pajff r puhlls) ,i’p this udvi'rttsement in Hcoentanee of out
go • i hi' K «*jKT. the stc-ss nt the mlasing word will to> forwnrdetl The
successful gxuesser tati'us ore than o' Hvnuiih he the siihseriptUm. Should one }»er:t<.n send
would be $ 2 000 one answer, or or. «he will l,e entitled ton share of the fund
, . tor t>ach corm-t tutov vtr. T te n will is* no capital prtao—everyone
*'»***'**' will A tll’St JvV’iV v, IV r ■Bons may sne«a up many timcB ae they send
• • till hi* ertntioha.
IN X Yorit ■§
/ WTft you net'll not write the smite nee out In full—Just say the MtoaiM
: tor i**rtod dteslu nattnif It) to “..............
Morgan, Ga.
Ca Vv> €
ji J '
>r - r;
Ii i
f VAY l\
\ rWLrirr Wi/'k -e\ \
i aC\\ (If t I S \ \
*—L x! M f rirr: 1 •
siA ___
A Thorough Investigation
T I l’'\T l-t T T 1^ > T I TA to \ \ ’
i a
I j , ' t I I l\ J
f •*“* * v A
„ Mnnnfiiotiirrd by Mr. D. T. El ,DElt
is tho best on the market. All designs
of Ladies’ and Goofs' Jewelry, full on
Inin nt X. J. iiusley A- Co.'s and
bis fine assortment, the goods are sure to
•ell. Come to see me.
YOU . ik m
CAN ill
rnOIECTIOM. heini model, tto. icUor . : to,|
wnreei -e a
"1“ C. A. SNOW ,x CO
PuMnuvsm Washington, d O-
t ONSl JitoiTEN
T. A \ . . , tho great chetli-
ist ' : ‘ist, will s.uul I me, lo
the afflieh il, t.htve Lotties of his
Newly Discovered IveinerUes to
euro Troubles. thmsumptiou and all Lung
Nothing Mink] K» fairer, more pltylaii-
t:Hr<Tplo or - arv im>r<* pn to Do iriTlieleil,
iliaii tho off.a of T. A. BLi ’Uui, M. i of
New York city.
U-onfliUmt Unit bo has iliGcovorc 1 ft n
ilnble cure for consumption ami all brou-
throat ami lum; disease*, ^onoml
n.HHino ami weakness. Jos- of flesh and all
comiitUms of wasting, ami to make Its
«1 merits known, he will -end,
llnee bottles to miv reader of the Momior
who may l.e-uiffertiiK.
A nearly this “new sclentifle course of
medioine” turn permanently cured tlunls
anils of apparentty hopeh ‘S3 OilSOS,
he Doctor eonsiders U Ida religious
duty—a duty which lie owes to humanity,
to donate his infallible cure.
lie has proved the dread consumption
to be a curable disease beyond any doubt,
and has on tile in his American and Euro-
ran laboratories testimonials of oxperi-
nee from those heueilti'd and cured,iu all
parts of Use world
Don’t delay until it is too late. Con-
sHtupUou. uninterrupted, means gjas-dy
ami certain death. Address T A Slocum,
M. t ., 98 Pino street, Now York, and when
writing the Doctor, give express pr cl pout-
“Bice address, aild please mention reading
tide article io the Monitor
Trtaoc Manns
• >*%*- ' “V't'vNl T h Copyrights Designs Ac.
qntokly ATYfon© sending a sketch and free desert wiioihor nt Jon may
ascertain owr opinion &u
tions Invention strictly to eonudonffnl. probafcljr i , .iio* Handbook v tnMe. Communica¬ Patents
sent free. Oldest agency fur sev ering patents,
Patents taken without through Mu*m tho A <'o. rtvclvo
special notice, ehareo, in
Scientific American,
A hntidsrtmoly Ulnstrntod wonkto-. l wt’M t*ir-
*’iilatk*r. «‘f any Rotontitv fonrnnt. 'iVrim*.
yenr; four ivnmthu, fl. !to.»Kt l y all nv’WtHl^nl^i
WH & Co . 16,5 New Yor
Bmeth ua c*. t "j r rtt.. TVasUlu^rou, u. e.
Die hey.
this link
month, and laving h ]
inly the peopk-. i
i to - uLmit some coiici'i.-ior IS..
fitplace : i ei.'ll to
r have bec-n a clog *; ^tnduiit of folks
fV r many ycons; I have crossed 11 <i-
t a to from <-;;st to west at < from
PtBs in tho northcavi
n the sonibwoM; I H;.iny commuiiitics
i i nor mi-)-; \ ■ ] )iav<? liked Kovoinl
j places j't'aHy Well; but I want to sav
i pnbiifrly that I>iekey is in rriai
the : e&t place I have yet
Sucli hospitality, reftm-mpat..
ami morality are not to no found in
many com munit ms in Georgia: snen
tJiterest as is lYtanifesled here in
orv thing that pertains to the
social,intellect tin!, and religious uplll i
of the village, I have not found else-
i where. The children show, to a
! marked degree, evidence of
1 been renrcil in good, homes. ) hey
i are bright, courteous, genial, respect-
| fnl, and moral. One of the strongest
! proofs of the good character of the
I oots is that they do not smoke
cigarettes. I might say right hoic
that, as evidence of the viciousness
| of lho habit of cigarette auioktug,
j business men in all the highly civil-
izoi] coutitrics of the world arc lic-
| ginning to refuse employment to
| cigarette smokers. Now, with this
j j condition of affairs to begin with, we
hope to build up a school hero that
j will reflect credit upon this, or any
! Other village ill Georgia. Wo do
I »*«t claim n„. highest ,..-oficio«t.y i-.
j j}.., ..wifi JdOIfSHlOn twmn r»f (n tnardiinfr UftCIlUtg, wo \\ ( dn UO
claim to have a fair knowledge of
iwt lhods of teaohinifj we
also claim to lie earnestly desirous of
doing good, conscientious work.
Wo are not teaching for glory,, we
are not teaching for the money there
i is in if: we have chosen teaching as
our life-work because wo love it and
consider it 0113 of the bpst fields for
To those desiring to give their
children a good education wo sin¬
cerely offer our best service,
If. II. Shell.
. Siivertoii Ifcins.
Art onr items seem to be a thing of tho
past, I will try mid scribble yon n '
lines thin week, so wi| , kuow
wo nr, '.“VY,n the ,. K .
Our farmers 1 . nlmost finished
lacking cotton and arc getting iu shape
to plant another crop.
Mr. A. Martin, formerly of Benev¬
olence, blit now of this place, fnride a
“big” trip Saturday afternoon and took
in Morgan.
Mrs. O, E. Lane, of Moultrie, is visit¬
ing her mother, Mrs. M. A. Young, nt
this writing. Mis. lame lias many
friends hero v ho wish her stay pleasant.
Miss Mamie Bruetto left a few days
ago to take charge of the Lang school in
Calhoun county. \Ve Koj e Miss .Mamie
much snocc: s in this new occupation.
Miss Essie Knighton left tor a visit lo
friends at Benevolence last Saturday.
C. F. S. seems to be sad.
Barto Dyer and John Milliner paid
Hnwson a visit Saturday and Sunday.
Monroe Stcvi us visited Outhbert and
Eoleman with n large lot of cabbage
plants, the first of the week,
Tin; pinvennneting last Sunday night,
was veil attended and will bo at .Mr.
Tom Johnson next Saturday night.
Everybody invited to attend.
On last Tuesday just as the clock
struck two, the young spirit of Kossie
v lt 0 Hlu ' u f' th( ' «nnpli»er . of Mr. ami airs.
J* A. Knighton, roVurned to the Goil
who gave it life. Little llossie, though
.is a souroo of . much . snnsimie
to tho fond purauta, who have onr
deepest sympathy in this sad hour.
r. ! 1 “‘'l»"‘t remains laid to . rest at
New Prospect, Rev. Femello aondiicliug
tho last sad rites,
Sn oot little KosboUe, bine eyed darling,
With rnoriy laugh anil gulden hair;
Yon are, we trust, with Jesus in heaven,
To dwell through endless ages there.
May Build To Tallahassee,
From the Dawson News.
It is not. improbable that Dawson
will have direct railroad connection
with the capital of Florida. The
Georgia Fine Railway, which is now
limit r construction from Bainliridge
to Dawson, is applying for an
amendment to build to Tallahassee,
Fla., on the south. The Georgia
Pino is being rapidly built in this
direction, and will bo hero in time
for next fall’s business. It will open
up one of tho finest sections of
country in the state;
l’he lhtinhridge Democrat's editor
| soliloquize thus; “The man who gets
llie fewest letters oeuiplnitirt of the post
office; the man who oomplains of the
preacher pays him tho least; tho man
who lias tin' least sense is the most con-
ee; ted. It may also be added that the
man who borrows his neighbors’* paper
has the nv, -t fault to find with the way
it is run.
HitHread Talk.
raii 3!i v. ai
can V f ling
out the railroad. W < -i’. n s a v
I ood subject to talk aUout. c
j \v}j<*vi it is known that it run
traight through the c. ntcr of tin
i count v.
j Ti c road will he extended on from
Damascus to Arlington and from
j Arlington by Morgan to Dawson,
; The route has bopn n, a sped off by
' Chic igiimer Pen-. ; ml l\v a <11 :
ttu on: Arllngion Dawson
2 ouc h the ineorperutioi of
That ir.i'ittm tlrn*. the road
I come within one mile of .Morgan
ri? lyu-nr. But our V\QC
wanttb see the roit'l pass one
| i :-<*m the business part ami not oft * 1
i any iuduceitlbnts to get ii to come
1 within immediate reach of onr [dace,
; People in this vicinity are not sleep,
arid they don't intend to let this op-
portuniiy pass and not have the
railroad. Wo venture the assertion
that, if necessary, $n,00 can bo raised
within an hour’s notice in Morgon.
A M.OS1TOB scribe was in oonver-
•attot) with three gentleman the
j other dav, and the tln’ce together
I agreed to give $‘2 GOO. Be v oral
others have been seen since and all
say they “will givetlmir part.” You
know tin; definition of that sentence:
It simply means that the railroad
will pass within touch of the square.
Would it. not be well for onr busi¬
ness men to have a meeting and let
the road officials know what they
will offer?
Boom up the railroad and lets
have it.
Last Wednesday afternoon at 3:30
o'clock, nt the residence of Mr. and .Mrs.
T. W. Hammond, in Leary, there was
solemnized in marriage one of the most
popular couples in Calhoun county.
The happy contracting patties were Mr.
Biff Islor and Miss Pearl Grigsby.
Bov. W. F. McCulloughs performed the
ceremony. Only a few invited friends
were present. The Monitor j bus the
scores of friends of tlie happy couple in
wishing them a long and - happy wedded
Caught ’Komri
the school nou u ^.
Dr. Jenkius, of Edison, was in town
last Wednesday.
Mr. 0. W. Collins, was over from
Arlington Sunday.
Matrimonially speaking, Calhoun
county is oil a boom.
Judge Beck went over to Arlington
last Wednesday on business.
Judge L. G. Cartledge went over
to Arlington, lust Wednesday on
Mrs. .1. N. Dauh 11 went over to Leavv
last Tuesday and returned Wednesday
Cord ray is now represented in the
Monitor. Their first appearance . wa#
inado this week.
Messrs. Geo. Hammond, Chas. Isler,
and Ilowell Whittaker \wis over from
Leary Sunday Afternoon.
Onr Silverlon correspondent has at
last conn: to life, as will be seen by his
interesting letter iu another column.
Head the Folks eoirespondent. They
have a complete report of the marriage
of Miss Ellie McGjiyrt to Mr. Jno.
It takes hustling to get out- Friday's
paper on Thursday at T2 o’clock. But
we are here for that business and iis
going to be done. See?
A letter from Arlington will bo found
in another column of this weeks paper
whicli is very interesting reading matter.
It has a hearty welcome lo onr columns.
Wo want our Children’s Department
lUled up next week with letters from the
little people. The little folks can get
up as interesting reading matter as the
big folks can. Our readers will appre¬
ciate n letter from them every week.
Wo understand that Bro. Fleming is
back in his now quarters in Arlington
and that the Courier will be issued from
there this week instead of in Biakelv.
Bro. Fleming is to bo congratulated on
getting back ns early as ho did, after
suffering a complete wipe out by fire.
Mayor Kagan called the town council
together last Tuesday. Considerable
business was transacted. Among the
most important items brought before
this body was tho trial of several small
boys for throwing rocks at a negro house
and upsetting an old well shelter on tho
north side of the square. The boys
plead gnilty and was fined 81 each. As
this was the last business brongqt up
the council adjourned.
Notin' Tax Buyer*.
The tax for the Morgan ‘citizens
jiev hundred dollars on all town
property is $1. The tax will he due
in .”0 days from this date. Notice
ordered by the Town ('ouncil.
F..N. m iriuT,
:to, toffS. T. C, C.
Trotiole Ahead.
The bosl
:;iJpifd wilCfi 01 i 6 O? his
" you.” began Hie ea.) !< ■ i
but the otlif r, without looking up \vav<-
one hand back o{ him and reduced hi-
friend to silence. After Trailing half a
ininuto the visitor tried again."
“J won’t take much of 3*011 r time." h€
* a j f ] “This is something too important
to be neglected or I d go away and com-
again ”
l, l su} p ee there's no use, of m 3 ' trying
<0 get t li i ough with this before dark any-
how," was the iv.joindei with a sigh.
‘•I'm sorry it’s ree essay to iiiterni];t
“Oh, it’ri all light. When I come to
Iiink of if, I wouldon’t know whethei
T r luid the right answer when I got through,
“Vh»u could easily have the book keep-
j verify it, couldn't youri'
i “No, i tried the bookkeeper on it.
S ‘‘‘' ll 1 f- 11 ! lu< 1 " : 1 ’*■ ‘
i 1
Isn’t it anything connected with bi
No, If it wore I’d bo comparativi
serene. Husincss isn’t Uio only thing
‘■It’s a great deal of It though,”
The calculator rang for the office bo;,
and when ho appeared said, "Thomas
you talcs this bill and buy me as roan
works on arithmetic as you can with it
Then turning to his friend with the air
a close-questioner, ho said:
•'Why do men engage in business?”
“To make money.”
“And what do wo want of money?
Wo want independence and rospeet. W
want to feol that we can hold up o»
heads in the world, and not be obliged t
face humiliation, Tho purposes of th.
calculation, distant from business
it may be, are tho same. I have a
who has done woil in his studies,
who does mi! tiio honor to ask my
every oneo in a while. Most boys
do that. They lliink it is impossible
their fathers to know very much,
to tho misfortune they labored under
not having * *' school teachers
This bo-
you have gotte.. — - , .. ,
going to keep at it, TF-night he’!! coiao
homo with some examples to do, and
Napoleon, when ho started for St. Helena
didn’t feel a bit worse than l will if I have
to lay down my load poticil and paper and
own up that I can’t do them.”—Detroit
Free Press.
A Sure Thing for Von,
A transaction i a which .voucanuot loscisa
r.ure tiling. Biliousness, piles sick headache, f. r-
ved tongue, fever, by ami a thousand other
i!:s are caused constipation and si uppish
liver. derful Ca-icarets Candy stimulant' Cathartic, the won¬
new liver and intcsiiual
tonic are by all druggists guaranteed to cure
oi* money refunded. C. C. C. are a sure
thing. aud Try a box to-day; 10c. t 25c. ? 50c,
Bauiplo booklet free. Bee our big ad.
Nils Down In Walk.
Tlu; Western Indians, says an exchange,
do not approve of indolent white men.
Tiie “heap good white man” is the white
man who works hard; and to sit by and
watch him as he toils seems to afford
thorn never-failing pleasure. Some
young '‘warriors” of the Blackfoot tribe
sat ono day watching a group of laborers
who were constructing a grade for a
branch railroad in .Hontanna. They were
commenting upon tho workmen and their
work, when a bicyclist, the first that they
had ever seen, came riding along the now-
ly completed grade. He had got off the
train at the last- station, and was going to
tho tort, a little farther on. The Indians
watched the wheelman without a word
until he passed beyond a knoll which hid
him from view; then they expressed their
sentiments concerning him. “No good
whits man,” one remarked, “No”
answered another, with great scorn.
“Heap lazy white man—sits down to
J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O., was for
thirty years needlessly tortured by physi¬
cian for the euro of eczema. He was
quickly cured by using De-Witt’s Witch
ilazoi halve tho famous healing salvo for
pile.- and skin diseases. P. K. Lloyd Leary.
Mrs. S T. Clayton, Morgan, Henry Tur¬
ner, Edison.
Everybody Says So.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won¬
derful medical discovery of the age, pleas¬
ant and refreshing to the taste, net. gently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
cum and biiionsne? headache, fever, Please habitual constipation
of C. C. C. 3 . buy and trv thud a box
guaranteed to-day; 10, ST>, 50 cents, and
to euro by nil druggists.
Wants Your Trade.
This popular firm has moved into
their now store. They carry a
full line of staple and family gro¬
ceries, tobaccos, whiskies, wines,
dry goods, etc . which they •\ Ft'
soiling for cash as cheap or cheap¬
er than any retail concern of the
kind in this section of country.
This is just a notice—their
goods advertise themselv'*.
T1IORXTOX &(?()..
Morgan, Ga.
S' i flfll HI .. gs &
•; ■;
I H i b 1
; .•
*1 J
5S5 2321 - 22EEH Ir M , r*
/■> B ii £ ! hy ?
j j
j Grandest and Lamest b
of c! .thing ever known in Southwest Georgia. Commencing from
Or until closed out
: r—*“3 ofits Not Considered.
the latest stylos. Suits from $3 to $25. Going out of the
ug business and will sell you a suit any way. So come
while stock is in shape and secure a perfect fit.
The well,known lines of Sehloss Brou &^Co., Hamberger &' Co., and all
the best manufacturers.
aUUKd ■s ftjfinc* Mpny ttni it
„ . m
C. M CH En BY.
<3-A.. :
Tho Experience of a Yomagp Woman Who
Tiled Plain Speaking For a Week.
It was the first afternoon of the
meeting, se!f the and earnestness tiie girl who of her prides aims her- and j
on j
objects in hfe came into ho room with
tho light of a noblo resolve glorifying
her countenance.
“I’ve been rending tho loveliest book !
In t-bo world, girls,” she exclaimed en- i
thnsiastically, "and henceforth I shall
never hatter or d.-nci in air-'hodyl The
author says that flattery is tho worst of
riiis and that”—
„m„ lell n us your experiences next . week,” ,
interrupted the .
sarcastic maiden grim- !
ly. “They’ll be a lot more interesting
than an account of the book’s preach- ,
mgs, and besides”— But the earnest I
girl had flown off in indignation, and
she was decidedly meek and crestfallen
when next tho ciuii members met
“You m-.du’t laugh,” r.ho remarked
ui ibo sarcastic maiden, , who , was grin- .
111 “‘J expectantly, tor 1 believe what
the hook said was true, only we’re not
sufficiently developed to live by such an j
elevated standard. Y 7 ou know, I said J
should never flutter anybody again all
my life. Well, that was last week.
Now I’m going to flatter everybody.
I’ve had enough of plaiu specking to
last me a lifetime. Bast Monday I told
mamma she was getting crow’s feet
when I knew she wanted mo to say she
wasn’t. Next day Maiuio asked me how
old I thought she looked, and I told her
honestly. Mamma hasn’t got over being
vexed yet, and, as for .Mamie, 1 don’t
suppose she’ll ever speak to wo again.
“Wednesday our pastor called and
wanted my honest opinion of his last
sermon. I told him, and he was awfully
hurt. Friday I told my dressmaker that
I considered her awfully careless with
nice material, and she left the house in
anger, with my new dress half done
and not a soul among us who knows
how to finish it. Other dressmakers
won’t, you know, so what shall I do?
“That’s the way things have gone
all week. Now I’m going to say love¬
ly things on principle again, whether
they’re true or not. You girls do look
perfectly stunning, ” sirs continued
sweetly as her listeners sighed sympa¬
thetically. “I do think we have the
prettiest set of girls in tho city in our
club aud the nicest. ”
And then she wondered that they
didn’t really seem grateful for tho com¬
pliment. “They acted just as if they
didn’t think I meant it,” she told her
chum afterward.—Chicago Times-Her-
Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoko Your Life Away.
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
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full of new life and vigor, take
the wonder-worker, Many that makes weak men
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druggist, 400,000 eared. Buy No-To-Bac of your
under guarantee to cure, 50c or
SI 00. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad.
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
SHOES. Harness, &e. repaired in
aud workman-like manner. charges
i liwmmblc. Simp North-west eerner pub¬
lic square. .Shoos made to order, 1 a iso
repair all kinds of tin ware.
GEORGIA—OaIlFioti* County:—-
Wil1 so ’d before the court
Bt *** VT** °“' 7 8 ° ,n , f
salo tho following property . to-wit:
0r , fi tMot of Ian(1 lvi , a saM co - u , lt
ono nlile I 10 rth-east of Morgan, the place
whereon the defendants now reside, con-
tabling fifty (50) acres, more or less, off of
Lot No. )2i, and 200 acres, more or less
°t lot No. 125, making a total
!’. a n5l,i,r of acres 250, more or less,
^-'M L. . lvaltanks laud., levied to satisfy on as the execution property issued of O.
from the county court of said county in
favor of A. J. Carver against said O. L.
Eubanks and T. L. Eubanks. Deed from
A. J. Carver 1o O, L. Eubanks on file in
tho clerk’s office before levy, Tenants
notified. This, Jan. 4, 1898.
ALSO, At the same time and place
333 1-3 acres of land, more or less, in the
4th district of said county, being lot No.
L* L'^ed 1 : ^ part an.l of to iot bo No, sold 214 in the said district.
<m as property
of 1). a. Ingram, deceased, to satisfy a
fl fa from the county court of said comity
in favor of Crittenden Brothers vs. D. A.
Ingram, deceased, Tenants notified.
This, Jan. 4, 1898. .
ALSO, At tho same time and place,
will be sold to the highest and best bidder
for cash, fifty-nine (59) acres of land,
moi'e or less, in the north-west corner of
lot of land No. one hundred and eighteen
(113) in the third district of Calhoun
county, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the
Superior Court of Calhoun county in favor
of J. G. Price against Leonora Hooks
and fifty-nine (59) acres of land, more or
less, as above described. And a fi fa
issued from the Justice Court of tho
1123rd district of Calhoun county in favor
of J. C. Price against Leonora Hooks.
Tenants in possession notified. This,
Jan, 4, 1898.
L H. Davis, Sheriff.
GEORGIA— CaliioOT Cou.xtv:
Whereas, certain petitioners have made
their application to this court, praying for
an order granting the establishment of a
new road, commencing at the Negro
church and running by E. J. Bass, J. R.
Mills, F. L. Carswell and Will Kish, pla¬
ces to Parksviile. And, whereas, commis¬
sioners appointed and for that purpose have
reviewed marked out said contempla¬
ted road, and reported to this court that
said road will be one of much public util¬
ity and convenience. Now this is to cite
and admonish all persons that on and af¬
ter said the first road Tuesday will in February next
new be granted if no good
cause is shown to the contrary.
Witness the Hon. J. M. YVooten and
Henry Turner, Co missioned of Roads
aud Revenues. January 4th 1898.
A. I. MONROE, Clerk.
Citations By The Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Caj.hocn County-
To all whom it may concern;
The appraisers appointed to set apart
12 month’s support to Mrs. Madura Tur«
nor and minor children of W. U. Turner,
late of said county, deceased having fi] e( j
j their petition in terms of the law. This is
i to cite all persons interested to show
[ eatiso, if any they can, within the time
allowed by law, why such allowance
should not be confirmed,
Witness my hand ana official signature
i ibis 3rd day oi January 1898.
A I , AI oil roe, Ordinary.