Newspaper Page Text
VOL. III. Is T 0. 21.
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IP S' ■'
d! r rv-
If you need a STON E or RANGE it will'pay you to coihe
and see us. Also CROCKERY and "CHINA. Wo
niako rip SETS just as you want tiiein, in plain white
embossed, or decorated porcelain at very low 'figures.
A •ft oo- BEL1 X : ’ po- 1 ' ■
Leary Locals.
Another week has come and
and no rain yet! The farmers
getting disheartened.
Our town was overloaded with
drummers Tuesday night.
Sheriff Davis was here Monday.
He is still “candidateing.”
Messrs. Joe Bullard and Theodore
Maury, two of Edison’s young men,
were with us. a short while Monday.
I could not find out their business,
but don’t think they were “lection-
ering,” as they hold a winning hand
bn the matrimonial ticket.
Prof. J. L. Barnett is a loose man
this woek, as last Friday closed his
school for this term. Mr. Barnett
lias not decided definitely what he
will do during vacation.
Mr. Simon Monroe, accompanied
by Miss Eugenie Tinsley, gave Leary
'a pop call last Monday. Come again.
Miss Clara Johnson, one of Alba¬
ny’s fairest girls, visited relatives
here the latter part of last week.
Wonder who was all smiles while
she was here and whose face was a
Vard long when she left Saturday.
Come again, we arb always glad to
have you with us.
Mr. M. A. Bunch spent Monday
bight . in Arlington.
Miss Bessie Bray is visiting
Follow The Crowd to See Our Line of Furniture.
Fine Furniture and Hardware.
Wb are now prepared to supply the demands bf tile people on the
FURNITURE Hue. In our stock you can find just what you want, as we
liavo bought to suit tho people, There is no need sending away for any¬
thing in the furniture line when you can be supplied here at home just as
cheap and save freight charges, Como and get our prices and bo convinced
that what we tell you is true.
We cannot undertake to make special ideation of each partbdlar arti¬
cle in our HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, but respectfully ask you to
come tb see lis when \ ou heed ANYTHING in that lino. tYo have it.
liumwm mu
ANfi INhl’KKTIlllH
SLiUE-f 4:3
Compare Oar Qualities and Prices
and Match Them If You Gan.
friends and relatives in Arlington
this week, Brighten your face, pro¬
fessor, she will not be gone long.
Messrs. A. J, Dixon, W. C. Embry
and J. P, Whitaker went up to Al¬
bany Friday afternoon to hear Bam
Jones. They were well pleased with
his discourse; neatly as much so as
they were with Mr. Berner’s speech ■
We learn th;ft Mi, C. J. Davis is
going to put up a saw mill about a
mile southeast of Leary. We wish
him much success in his new enters
p; ise.
Schley has at last located the Span-
isli fleet, and what he will now
for Servera will be a gracious
Col. J. E. Mercer and family
Sunday 0 , tor „ a visit . . to relatives
Dawson, Preston and Shellman.
Dr. F. P Griffin went up to Shell
man Saturday night and returned
Sunday afternoon. All of
attraction is now centered on
little citv as there is where his wife is,
Ye scribe carried Miss Leila Belle
Morris up to Shellman last Sunday
where she will remain until after the
school commencement.
I actually discovered Brother
Thomas in Shellman last Sunday and
saw the drawing magnet which car-
lies him there “occasionally.” She
is a “Merritt-orious” magnet and will
attract anyone.
Mr. Riley, from .Arlington, spent
Nails, Barb-Wire, c 0
(U stcelT'flow riiiel sTiS Yilxi iD
last Monday with Mr. P. B. Addison.
Col C, L. Sibley passed through
here Tuesday afternoon on route to
M >vgan where,lie went on business.
Prof. J. L. Barnett,'s school had a
picnic at Timmons bridge last Fri-
day. Those who went had a
pleasant time. Dry land fishing was
the "order of the day, as wet water
fishing, you know, has gone out of
style. Luck’s better on the new plan.
News is short this week.
Dots From Oak Hit?,
(by a social fried)
A good rain much needed.
Missis Amie Coline Bone visited Mrs.
Fannie Faircloth and family last Tues-
Mrs. jennie Melton accompanied by
Mias Katie Melton visited Mrs. Lesley
last Friday,
Airs. H. B. williams in company with
Mrs. F. B, Foneh visited Mrs. George
Bice Monday.
judge B. Hamer was trying to cap -
If 6 tl0 “ tS f "f P ° UC \ Ia8t week -
Judge decided the wind was wrong
RnJ ( i c{ere( p
Mr. Owen Melton accompanied by his
sister Miss Katie attended divine services
at Bethlehem Sunday.
Miss Gnssie Hamer accompanied by
Ler Lest fellow attended preaching at
Bethlehem Sunday.
Society will meet the
second Saturday m June at the S. F. and
M. Park at usual. This being the lovely
month of the year a large attendance
will be expected. Now Social Friends
come out and let us engage in the duties
of oai ' order that so much devolve on us,
see the prosperity and set fourth the
progress of onr Park. May the Lord
bless each one of us.
Ordinary’s court Monday.
* Put This In Your Hat: ■
Our mammoth store
& resplende x i t li
is nr w
ne YV goods and brilliant
bargains. (jiving om *
customers the benefit
ofthese bargains make JS. it S
business Ait 01* ns and
them too. Conn , <] ( .f v’p
this Store of • & ivolden
values and be m ppy*
T. I. f lUSleV & & ■
Monitors Curbstone Loon in.
Board meeting ‘ next iWW \
^ The farmers rejoicing l(
are now
ovor the aft ernoo n sho wers.
Maj. W. *T. Horsehy has with'-
drawn from the legislative race.
lil ' ' 1 •_ bireen, of tho^Albany
w * sin Morgan last I uesday
, the , interest of his
in paper.
Mr. Thomas Griffin, of Edison,
was in Morgan last Monday
paid us a pleasant call as well as a
dollar for the Monitor.
Tho , , . given at tho
scb , °T »ouso last i-nday evening for
the benefit of the Arlington school,
proved a access on all sides. A good
sized audience was present which
made the treasurer '‘flush.” The
pla.v was very good and was well ex¬
Rev. Hamp Stevens, of Edison,
has consented to preach at the Meth¬
odist church next Sunday. Mr.
Stevens is a good man and an able
minister. Our people have cause to
congratulate themselves on being
able to secure Mr. Stevens for next
Sunday. Let everybody come out
to both services,
Dickey and Morgan crossed bats
on the Morgan diamond last Friday,
the former winning the honors over
the Morgan team by a score of 33 to
11, Morgan is now organizing a
strong team and tho boys say that
they are going to beat the Dickey
Invincibles before they give up.
Dickey has some strong ameteur
players and they will be hard to beat
Shot Guns md 1 w'w invite
If you want a BICYCLE or SHOT GUN call on us. We
can certainly interest, you. Wo can sell you a FIRST CLASS
SHOT GUN at a very low price. Don’t fail to cal on us
when you coins to Aloany and see our extensive line of
GOODS. Respectfully,
. .
. S. BELL, Albany, Ga.
! \V> toko, pleasure in calling alten-
! tinn to tho ¥ E ,F*0 mUWcment
j of jle$sre. t. J, Tinsley & Co.,
j 0 „ the front page of this issue. This
popular firm has added .several lines
of new goods to their already large
and handsome stock. See their ad.
Miss Daisy YlcMurray’s music
class closed last Tuesday, and Miss
.Vi( Murray will leave this week for
Arlington where she will visit her
father for a while,
Prof. Short and Mrs. Dozier are
taking a needed rest. Their school
closed last Friday. They ixpoet, to
give an entertainment sometime this
Our Williamsburg Locals together
with another communication were
crowded out this week. Look for
them next week.
On account of the increase in ad¬
vertising our space for hue news'
was limited this week.
Col. 0. L. Sibley, of Albany, was
in Morgan last Tuesday and Wed-
nesday or business.
To my friends: I don’t know that
which is best to say Ibis week, I re¬
ceived some goods Mat week anti found
that I was short of. white Leghorns itj
high crown, which I have reordered and I
expect them in Tuesday of this week I
Give me an early call I want all trade
possible for me to do justice by, and I
want it as early as possible so as not to
have any fearing that their hat won’t be
ready. So coma early. Mrs. E. M.
Malttiioji Th Devoid of Taste-
Cures chills and fever; acts on , the
liver mid regulates the system generally,
All druggists. 5 11) Ola
All Wes of Coffins In Stock:
W" Five received a shipment oE coffins of all grades and sizes and
are now in position to customers h.
servo our on this lino. Our coffins
ami caskets Wero bought ready trimmed, thereto an order can bo filled
Short . U . U j •.'■ - G'.:', 1 ; ^ [' )(
ou notice. Different grades of hardiraro to match.
Prices 1
a)w and FineOtial-
ity in Shoes and Drygoods
Mak 'P • rt a ' t
r(\ O' O' Y*r
O V > ti
T. J. Tinsley S Company.
* -» r
Slate Election Next
Following is the form of the
to he voted next Monday.
there are two or more candidates
the same office, all can be erased
cept your choice:
For Governor,
(vote for one, mark out tho
11, L. BERN Eli,,
For Secretary of State,
(vote fot‘ one, mark out tho
iTIltlt* M A. HAftpiNr
,. COOK.
F o r (J o ro p t r pi 1 e r- Gy nc'r a).
For Gommisaionor of, tharb. • out. the
R. T. Nesbitt.
For School Commissioner,
, G. H. GLENN.
For Attorney-General,
For. Prison. Commission or,
For Slate Treasurer,
For Congress,
1 or House of Representatives.
J, N. daniell,
m vm YEAR.
Navies Arc Fighting.
('AIM?, ITaVttv.n, ITaYti, Ma.v 31,
—The Havana advices indicate that
the American fleet has /forced the
entrance of the harbor of Santiago
do Cuba and has engaged the Sh.-nt*.
ish fleet. Tho same advice say that
at 2 o’clock this afternoon tho Ameri-
can fleet at Santiago moved upon tho
entrance to the bay. Tho engage¬
ment opened with spirit, tho battery
ies bf Mono Castle, La ft con a and
Piinia Forja pg with ehorgy>
but with no apparent effect.
, .
1 he American warship quickly be¬
came engaged with tho Spanish ves¬
sels which wove pear the batteries,
The firing was extremely heavy,. At
3;45 p, m. tho cannonading became
less heavy against the fo.rtificatious
hut was more,accentuated iti the lo¬
cality where the fleets were engaged.
i ho ,
Santiago cable is still working
from ,Santiago. Private, mes^ges
intimate that there, has been spvere
fight between the American,fleet knd
the outer fortifications and Spanish
fleet, the fight lusted the gtpajief, part
of the 'afte^p^ik ^lvaptage
icans, appears Accoy(iingTo,Uic to h^yo.boon,wit|i Ike Amer-
fittest advices
tho combat instill in progress.. ^ ,■ ■