The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, June 09, 1898, Image 1

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VOL III. -NO. 22.
Stoves and Crockery.
If you need a STO\ I? ot- RANGE it wfl.t pay yo\t to eonre
•ftttfl see tre. Also CROCKERY and GlHNA. Wo
fnafco u!p 'SFTS fnftt as yon want tivetti, i'll plain white;
‘eBtijosNed, or decorated porcelain at Very low figures-.
W. S. BELL, Albany, Ga.
Shellman Locals.
(edited by me)
Mr. W. J. Oliver made a business
trip to Dawson, Herod and other
points this week in the interest of his
Disc Plow. His plow gives perfect
satisfaction. Every farmer should
have one.
The Shellman Institute never pre¬
sented a more brilliant series of
■eierciso* than those concluded here
"Wednesday evening in the
commencement exercises. There
have been numerous visitors and all
are profuse in expressions of praise
for the work done by Prof. Jenkins
•and his splendid corps of teachers.
Prof. Jenkins returned to his home
Our community has sustained a
sad loss in the death of Mrs. S. H.
Solomon, who died Saturday June 4,
after an illness of ten days. Her
death was very unexpected. She had
been married several years and for
sometime had made her home here,
where all who knew her loved and
respected her for her many graces of
heart and character, to know her
waste love her. She leaves to mourn
her loss a devoted husband and six
loving children. Mrs. Solomon was
a member of the Methodist church.
Religious services were conducted by
her pastor, Rev. I. F. Griffith, at the
home, after which her remains were
taken to Union Springs, Ala., and laid
Away to await the resurrection.
Dickey Department.
(by sunflowers)
Mr. and Mrs. Mont Lewis, of Edison,
Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis, T, H.
Mr. E. M. Palmer visited relatives
hear Edison Subday,
Misses willie Edd Johnson, and Eula
Ciowcr, accompanied by John Avcra and
.jim Mathis, attended preaching at Red
Bono Sunday.
Mesdames E. L, Parkins, and w. E.
Harviu, paid Morgan a visit Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Johnson attended
preaching at Bod Bone Saturday,
Mr. H. A. Plowden visited relatives
here Sunday;
Miss Sallie Tinsley, accompanied by
-Josie Collier, passed through here Sun¬
Frank Dunn was here Saturday after¬
Charles Davidson was down to see bin
best girl Sunday.
Several from here attended the election
Selma Davis passed through here last
Thursday enroute to the piouic At Bell’s
Mr. w. w. Davis spent part of last
week in Dickey.
John Stewart was here Saturday and
Mr. J, C. Glower went to Morgan Sat¬
urday afternoon.
Mrs. Lizzie Mansfield, after several
days illness is able to be oat again.
Mr. John Futch was here a short while
Monday afternoon.
Mr, Bill Rogers, from near Edison,
visited his brother Mr. T. H. Rogers
jim Avera, and Ralph Johnson atten¬
ded preaching at the wooten school
house Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Sam Smith was in Dickey Mon-
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Johnson Went
down to Arlington Tuesday, on a shop¬
ping expedition.
Jim Keel was here Tuesday.
Mrs. w. E. Harvin, and Miss Jessie
Parkins, Bpent Tuesday night with Mrs.
C. J. Davis.
willie Clowor visited relatives near
Arlington Sunday,
Mr, N. L, Mathis, of the Monitor,
visited relatives here Monday.
Mr. Beck Isler spent Monday right in
Leary Locals.
well it has rained at last but we are
needing it again. On lost Wednesday
afternoon the people of Leary witnessed
the largest hail that they ever saw. It
hailed for twenty minutes, and some
times the stones were nearly as large as
a common size guinea egg.
Mr. R. E. collier was with us a short
while l.vst Thursday.
Mrs. i. B. George accompanied by
Miss Sallie Tinsley, gave Leary a pop
call lost Tuesday,
Judge j. j. Beck and lady were with us
a while Monday afternoon.
Now Mr. Bray seems to b- enjoying
life again. I suppose it is 1: .cause wife
and baby came back Monday.
Mr. j. E. Mercer and family returned
home last Thursday.
Messrs, G. w, Hammond aid H. A.
whittaker went over to Morgan Sunday.
Senator C. L. Fitzpatrick was with ns
Messrs Sid Keel, Cack Barbre and
Chas. Isler went to the state of Baker
Hon. j. M. wooten spent the night
with us Monday night. Mr. wooten made
a very good race for the Legislature one
he should be proud of.
A. very large poll was cast here last
.Monday. Larger than we usually have
ou primary. This shows that the people
are taking an interest iu who shall make
and execute the laws of our state.
A crowd from the Fourth District
passed through hers Tuesday euroute to
Cbickasawhatohie where they will use a
*ein in trying to catch some of its con¬
tents, There wero three condadntes in
the crowd, Steadham, Futch and Mans¬
Mrs. R. E. Layton returned to her
homo in Arlington Sunday.
Mrs. A. #. Dixon, P. B. Addison and
w. H. C. Cunningham went over th Mor¬
Mr. Cunningham and lady spent But-
nrday night and Sunday with C. .7. Davis
and family.
Preaching here next Sunday by our
new preacher. All are cordially invited
to come out and hear him. we should
all turn out and give him a welcome by
oor presence.
Miss Bessie Bray returned from Ar¬
lington Sunday, where she had been at¬
tending to her sister's business, Mrs. R.
E, Layton.
Our calaboose is finished and nicely
white washed, we have bad use for It
three times. One of the men that help
to finish it was locked up Jio and his wife
the night after it was done.
The people of Leary have decided to
celebrate the Fourth of july on the sixth
day having a large barbecue, as the
fourth comes on Monday, we cannot
tell whether we will have any exercises
or not only one thing that is base ball,
we will invite tho whitney and Morgan
teams to cross bats on our ground that
day, Morgan playing who they want and
whitney the same you know Leary is
known for its hospitality on on such oc¬
casion we are looking forward to a very
pleasant time I will let you know the
program in my next letter if we have any.
The people are cordially invited to at¬
tend. we will also have some sweet good¬
ies, so begin to tUink what you will
Lodrick Items.
B. (by news boy)
Mr. F. Fouch took a flying trip to
Shellman on business Thursday.
Mr. H. B. Williams and daughter,
Eddie Williams took a flying trip to
Shellman Wednesday.
Kev. A. B. lladdey, hfs sister Mrs.
Wooten and little Jennie Ed RadUey
went to Dawson on a visit to relatives.
Mr. J. B. Perry will soon have hie
fide house completed which will be the
finest house ill the city of Dawson.
Col. Jesse MerCet and wife passed
through Lodrick early Friday mofditig
enroute had to Leary. Rain Thursday
we a good little
afternoon, enough for some to set out
potatoes. finite
a crowd attended preaohing at
Pleasant Grove Sunday, Bev. J. F. Had-
den preached a very interesting sertxon.
A small crowd met At Oak Hill Sunday
afternoon and organized a Sabbath
school the officers elected Superintendent
H. Hicks assistent Superintendent, F.
B. Fouch, Secretary Mies .Mamie Guilder
Irvweurer Mias Minnie Guilder.
Nails, Barb-Wire, o o oo
tflifUt l plow I BLADisTrSovToixiEin
ttotoFrota fat Hill.
A good rain would help the corn and
cotton crops.
Mr. H» Hfeks, accompanied by his
daughter, Miss Irene, attended divine
servicts at Red Bone Sunday and dined
at the pleasant koine ol Mr. H. B. Wil¬
Mr. J. L. Bone and Judge Jv K. Has
mer attended tlVo Masolls’ meeting in
Morgan Saturday. ti.
Mr. W. P. Metton called on J. and
J. W. Bone Sunday morning.
Mr. Colqnit and Chat lie II a til block
was the guest of J. L. and J. W. Bone
Sunday afternoon.
Miss Amanda Johuson gam Mrs, M.
Williams and Mrs. J. W, Bone a pleas¬
ant call Sunday aftefnoon.
.Miss Jessie Hamer in company with
tier charming beau Mr. Bunion Edwards
took in the S. F. and M. Park Sunday
Mrs. J. W. Bone accompanied by her
two charming daughters visited Mrs,
Fouch and Grandma Bioe Friday after¬
Misses Gnssie and Jessie Hamer and
Miss Katie Melton visited the Park to-
day (Monday). And in company with
several others had a gay repass.
The friends of Judge J. B. Hamer
would have been delighted to have seen
him enter the race for Bepresentative of
ltaudolpli cuunty for the next general
Mr. and Mrs C. W. Martin, of Shell
man, passed through Oak Hill Tuesday.
Looking after his farming business uud
dined with Mrs. Martin’s lather Mr. J,
W. Pruett,
Next Saturday and Sunday is regular
preaching day at Friendship church by
their pastor Rev, J. W. Martin. Sabbath
school at ten o’clock a. m. and singing
at three o’clock p. m. Let everybody
attend that can conveniently do so and
get the benefit of the services.
Dots From Williamsburg.
(by JACOB)
Mr. Editor pleaso send us a few drops
of rain as we are about to dry up on the
well the nomination is over and there
is a few acheing hearts down in this sec¬
Messrs, walker and jones paid friends
In Randolph a call on Sunday last indeed
they give a glowing account.of their trip.
Say that it has been many long months
since they spent such a delightful day.
If any one should ask yon if they are
going to repeat their trip tell them yes.
Charlie D. I can inform yon that it
has not been seven weeks since Mr. J.
Washington jones was there. Hav did
you make your selectioh of dry goods
last Sunday? Guess that you did as you
were looking for cloth.
Messrs, wooteu and jones, of ottr bnrg,
went to Milford on Tuesday evening.
Mr. ft. T. Alsop of Damascus, was in
our town on Monday looking after busi¬
ness matters.
Ask Daisy Belle who called on her
Sunday evaning.
Some one Kiddnapped onr little boy
by the name of w. A. Hines. Please re¬
turn him to ns as we would like to see
his sweet smiling face once more. Says
Mr. ft. B. wooten says that he is taking
two days Vacation ns he is in need of rest,
we surely sympathize with him as ho is
ft very hard worker, to keep from work.
Messrs. Early Inst Perry Sunday and end Carver went back down
in da ole And
told one of the filoftt mifafeuloiis yarns
that you have ever heard. Say that they
talked to three girls a piece. No one
has vouched fur them ns yeti
that ftoppie says that he is in love ithd talk guess
it is the thlth as he CrtU of
nothing felso these flays but the girls I
his hope love that lie he will is not Tinilson get disAppOinted id
as so that he never
Would recover:
Saffl.tones gets off the following: When
God gives a man a wife and six Children
He haR done a great deal for that fellow,
But when Ho has given him a society
woman add ft poodle. He hae thrown
off ou him pretty badly. I have had
some of these little old society women
shake hands with me. I bad as soon
shake the tuil of a dead fish. A man
said to a society yon.’’ woman: “1 hope to io
sen more of Bhosaid: “Come
the ball tonight.” Aon old sisters wear
high collars aronnd your necks—that’s
modest and comely. But deliver me
from their tho Collars society women who buttons
around their Waists. In
cutting off the top of their dresses for
tho ballroom and bottom for the bicycle
they will soon have no clothes left. Ydu
preachers You talk about the swoetbyeaud
bye. ought to talk about the nasty
Monitor's Cttt'tatoift liOGtiR.
HobsOn I3 a herd,
And SCO ms so VOi-y Schte'y;
Ho will make ft Mighty Sampson,
In the “sweet bye and bye. 1 '
Partial showers have fallen.
---- - --- . Vi ,—i X
Mr. Chas. Smith-, of Kdfson> was
in Morgan last Tuesday-,
Mr. and Mrs. J. G-. Oolliei 1 Wits in
Morgan last Tuesday shopin£.
Mr. A. 3. Dikon represented the
Leary district In Morgan Tuesday.
Dr. W. it. Tetty and Mr. JaitiOs
Keel, of Leary, were here Tuesday
Messrs. C. J, Boynton and Win.
Wntv was in towh fl'otR Arlington
last Tuesday.
Tax Receiver 3. B. Stead ham, of
the Rdison district, passed through
town last Tuesday.
Mr. Henry Turner, of Edison, was
in Morgan last Tuesday in attend¬
ance upon the Board meeting.
The bonds of matrimony often pay
cash dividends, hence there are many
misfits in the matrimonial bureau.
Gubernatorial aspirants and aspi¬
rations have not been in great de-
mand since the Gth. Twas always
Editor W. W. Fleming, of the
bright and newsy Arlington Courier,
was in Morgan last Tuesday and
paid us a pleasant visit,
Cervera’s fleet is bottled up at
Santiago, but from repotts
it, sent out by Spaniards, it is as ef¬
fervescent as tho other article bottled
by the Acme.
It. would be a magnificent idea
defeated political aspirants to enlist
in the army where the slick manipu¬
lations of the primary cannot thwart
them in the laudable desire to serve
their country.
Quite a lively crowd met at Mr.
G. iVl. Davis last Saturday to witness
the “bee robbing,” Those present
werei Mrs. Emma Hudgins, Miss
Alie Davis, Mr. Dunk Davis and
family, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Davis
and Mrs. Buckhannon, from Florida.
Mr. Davis, a carriage paintef, was
in Morgan Tuesday last, and like
others who appreciate good compa¬
ny, called on the Monitor man. We
predict for Mr. Davis a good share
of work as he is reputed to be a
good painter and an all-wool-anil-
yard-wide Democrat.
A jolly party of fishermen from
Edison passed through Morgan last
Tuesday on their way to Notchaway
creek where they expected to spend
two or three days. The party con«
sisted of T. W. Watkins, Mahlt
Webb, Joe Bullard, W. F. LatVrence,
Jno. Mills and Jno. Perry.
With the Bank of .Spain in a feel-
lapsed Cbhditibn, her finest fleet
jugged ftt Hfttitingb; her arffiy in
Cuba but off ffdfii Oiitaido fcHifltfiuni-
CtitiOhj the bid tnbnariihy thay ftg well
wrap her bull fighters’ mantld about
beh and retire to dtenms tv-hich tony
be more pleasant thah the stern re¬
alities that encompass her. Spain is
undoubtedly one of thfe “has been*;”
while the American eagle Sfereeblibth
a more lusty screech, as Old Glory
flutters in the breeze.
The Monitor learns from reliable
source that the building committee
of the Arlihgton school held a moot¬
ing in Arlington last Monday night
and decided to let the contract for
the building of a fine school
to take the place of the bne that
blown to pieces by the storm
time ago. The contract will be
at once and werk will be
pushed to complelion. The
people of that tmVn defeerVes the ad¬
miration of everybody. We
understand that another brick
will le erected in the near future.
Shot Guns and Bicycles,
tf you want a BICYCLE or SlB^T Gf ’iV feMtwn us. Wfi
van CerLdtdy interest yon. We can Keh yon a FIliSt'-GLASS
KHtyf G0N at -ft vet-y ’low price. Don’t fail to Cftl ‘on uft
When yon conro 'to -Albany and sco ortr extinisUtt fine of
GOODS. Respectfully,
\\. S. BELL, Ga.
FxwMiVe Committee Meet.
The Democratic 'Executive Com¬
mittee Of Calhoun county mot at the
court house at 11 o’clock Tuesday
to consolidate tho returns from Mon ,
day’s primary and appoint delegates
to tho gubernatorial and
sional convention and managers
the primary on June23id.
C. B. Weaver, L. G. Cartledge, A. J. t
Dixon, C. L. Smith, G. W. Eubanks,
E. G Jordan, C. J. McDaniOll, Jno.
Prico and C. J. Boynton. Being
called to older by the chairman the
committee proceeded to consolidate
the returns of the primary of Monday,
which consolidation will be found in
another column.
The ,... following . „ . members , wore ap-
pointed to the gubernatorial cohven-
*!° n: ,Jo -''” ton ’ "ore™; 1-
Bmith, l Edison; Wtr. Wray, Arling¬
ton; Joe Collier; Jr. Williamsburg;
and Dr. W. R. Terry, Leai-y.
The following delegates were sp¬
pointed to the congressional conven¬
tion to be held at Albany, July 7:
J. L. Boynton, L. G. Cartledge, j.
T. Stewart, J, N. Daniel), John Ward,
C. L. Smith, J. S. Collins, T. It. Ham¬
mond, John Price and G.W.feubanks.
The following managers were ap¬
pointed to hold the election ou the
23rd of June for justice of the sui
preme court and County officers!
Edison—J. U, Stricklaud And H. tJ.
Arling(on--Wm. Ray and W. E.
Williamsburg—C. J. McDaniel!
and J. M. Gore.
Leary—W. II. C, Cunningham
and T, B. Jordan.
Cordray—G. W. Eubanks add E.
J. Jordan.
Morgan—J. 0. McGnyrt ftnd
Moses Timmons.
The Oortnhitteo; after thoroughly
discussing the matter, appointed a
sub committee to meet and put ftn
equitable assessment upon till Candi¬
dates to be voted for at tho iioxt
primary to be hold June 23, ftnd that
the secretary give tiotibe to all eftndi-
dates of said assessment and collect
the same. Said money to be used in
defray ing the expenses Of Said pri¬
mary. .Said sub-committee consists
of L. G. Cartledge, C. B. Weaver and
John Price.
The committee returns thanks to
all the managers in the primary for
their promptness in bolding Said
election and making returns of same
On motion it was Ordered thftt all
parties vote in their own voting pre¬
cincts except the candidates and ask
thftt the managers fttrictiy ontorce
No further busiUcftft tlie committee
adJbuHlisd Until tho 24th day of Jurttt;
inst. >j. DIXON; L. 'G-, CARTREfJGE; bhairtUfttl.
Ordinary’s Uonrt;
We gather the following frdtil the
ordinary’s court hold last Mondavi
The anhUal rbturns of Henry Tur¬
ner adirnnintrfttbt of W. U. Tiirtter’s
estate Waft dtdered td t-efeord.
dohn Ward and H. A. Suitbn ex-
ebiltors of M. W Watkins made ftiri
nuai returns which were filed.
The ordinary gtanted art order to
Tj F. Cordray to advance td Cbrdta.V
ifalnots $40.
Mattie Torrell filed fmtltiotr j Qr
citation to cast administration in the
cleik of the Superior otiurt oh the
estate of Otholla Nowtdfa;
R. Isler ftditiinistratdr of John
Mansfield’s estate filed aduuftl re¬
Mr. 8. N. McGuirt is selling meal
per bushel 70c; best floUr per barrel
$G.75; meat, per pduhd 8c; 50 sheets
fly paper 35c; oysters • and toiitatoes
per box 8c: He is buying eggs at
IHc pfer dozen. Go to see him.
Tax Lolleetor C. J. Davis was here
Tuesday ou business.
Monday's Election.
In every county in the Sstat'b the
psopte Voted for govern dr ind state
httuso officers last Monday. In this,
the Secdnd Congressional district,
the peoplo also named their congress¬
man. and Calhoun cohnty her rep¬
Col. Alien f), Candler carried the
state by an 'overwhelming majority.
Heeftrried one hundred cdunties.
Cook fob secVOUry of State, Stevens
for commissioner Of ftgri'CliltUre, ami
TM'rn'cr for prison PommissiOher;
n i oro tim other stato winners who
had Opposition.
In Calhoun the Vote tVttt It fts fol¬
Goverftor—A. D. Candler, 228; It.
L. B Berner, 118; S. It, Atkinson, 4.
Secretary of State—Phil Cttol, 290;
M, A. Hardin, 34.
Comptroller—W. A. Wright,
Commissioner of AgricultUic—O.
R. RtbVbns, 1U2; It. T. Neabit; l&O.
ttttfitwl Commissioner—G. R.
Clonii, 343.
Attorney General—j. hi. Terrcii,
Prison Commissioner—»T. W.
Ronfi-oe, 182; J, S. Turner, 138.
Treasurer— W. J. Speer, 348.
Congress—J. Representative—J. M. Griggs, 339.
M. Wooten,
167; J, N. Daniell; 98; C. L. Smith,
92; G. W. Colley, 1.
An editor in Nebraska has discov¬
ered a “hot stuff” schoolma’aia.
Boro is what he sweats to be an
actual fact: “feiho is the pride of the
town, the Star of invention and a
jewel cf briliiahOy. Bho dretV a
picture bt an Ibeberg Oil the black¬
board. It was So natural that the
thermomotor froze up solid. With
rare pfeSehce Of mind she S'oized a
Crayon and drew a fireplace brt Hfi?
opposite wail. The pro'ihp't a'ctitth
saved the school, but nearly All the
pupils caught ft severo edit! from tlie
suddeii chang 3ft.
_ t _____
Next M'dnday mdrnihg ffiVdgb W.
H. Spence will thd Wlteblft of justice
ib motion in Calbbiiii 'co'nhty. Cel;
J. W. Walterfe will be here As solid-
tor in the place of Solicitor W. E,
Wodteii who has gone to the War.
Mr. Ernest M. DftvU will bo here in
his usual pla'de aft fetttnogrftpW. We
doh’t kndw bf stnjr cases df any ftpo-
cial iihpdfthnco that drill come up.
f'rdih tlie rbcbtds bf the Board of
CbmmisSlbhbt.V court held Tuesday
tTb fiiiil the following: Orders were
isftuedtb th’o athbunt bf $17610.
E> rd , M;r r„,»d „ it .
paiiper list. The commissiohefs
passed order refusing hereafter ttt
make the county responsible for
tnedican pmctice on paupers.
Hobsoh; who sank the Merrimac
lli Satitlago harbor; illustrate* to
Eiltbpb the pluck tuid dftridg which
they may expebt, if they tickle its,
to uleet from all of its ih the aggre¬
gate; df whom we ire Which.
Mr. U. H. Mansfield ftiiHolinfees
hltnsolf this week tot felerk of the
superior coilrt df b’ftlhbiih cridiily:
Mr. Mansfield is a clbvek felloiv ftnd
we predibt thftt he will ffiako ft good
officer If elected.
Miss Sallie Tinsley has fetiirnod
ing to Morgan silmrrier and will retiiain here dur¬
the vacation. Miss
Tinsley has beou Uhllege attenning the An¬
drew Fertiale at Cuthbert.
Hur prftridtlstll is exalted, find
when Old Gldfy is flung to tfie
breeie, we feel as if we could shod
all the blood of our ancesters In de-
feuye of the flag.
Terrific ftoihWrdiiient San*
Fighting in m Vicinity of Santia¬
go began S’ota’6 tibVe Sunday and
continued through the Renter part
of Monday and TOV'olay-, Ted
American warship* coMlttuhd a
steady, carefully directed fiW aga'init
Motto Oastle and live bwtBtries at
Punt a Gorga, RocOpa aUd Ciheo-
reaW, >h addition to bombarding thd
Spanish fleet in the harbor.
The percentage of effective pro-
juatilus Was Vbiy itirgo. Tim Span¬
iards admit Ihftt tho bOftibftrdment
from the American fleet was most
destructive* About 1,600 projectile*
are said to have beeii fired by thi
Am'oriteah warships, and it SA'einS thah
the respolisiv'e fire from the Spanish,
fort and ships was-scarcely felt at all
by Uie Americans.
The fortitierttiohs hear thb ‘entraned
of the harbor WOre riddled with Solid
shot and scattered by the etplOsioh
of the immense shells fired by thd
American battleships, Spanish
batteries ar» understood to be com^
plotdy silenced; and El Motto and
tho fortifications fti Hunt* Qorda
are reported to have been demolished
by ilio uninterrupted hammering of
the Atadri'dith fleet-.
The American Attftclc is said Id
have bebii exprttwfly df tented against;
AguddareS', a smart tttwri a Tittle bast
of the entrance to J5ar.ti.igd;
The idea of Admiral Samp&oh, ib
appears-, was ttt tahd U'bPpft and
siege gulls there after Silehfeing th*
defense of the plate; and tlifencek
niaho a ciofeo askahlt Upon Santiago;
which ill view of the present teefndi-
li'dns of the fortifications; thay be
’expected to yield Yfety'fcoOti after be-
ginhirig fcubfi attabk. ■-
Vhero’s ho uso talkitfi;
It IS Very piftih td Si&j
that tile Way Uiey Bottle Spanish,
Alid I* pteaalng tU yeu aa'j hl<i.
when their dead afo bUrled;
, Wo won’t t'dil any boll;
But will Urge Sbhley ftftd Bfttttpsoii
To sen d the fewt td-
Very few poopie are aware df tfid
fact that ih a watch they are always
provided with ft compass; with which
when the stttt is shilling; the cardinal
points ban be deterhlined; AH hnel
haft ttt dtt is to point thh Motif hftfid
to the sttn; and South i g exiifiily half
way between the hohrahd the figtird
ott the watch; This tfiay seen!
f ttanpe *° tK8 uvefage teador, bilt it
' s easily explained WJillh thai sub
brer 180 tlhgteos (east td
Tlfereforb the angiilat triovemofit of
(ho (he Sun ih one movement hour corresponds td
angular of the ,hour
in a !\ hoiir; hettce, if wei
point^tho the line from hour the Hftud point toward midway the smi be¬
^ e ®n the hour ^ hand and 12 o’clock
wlU P° idt
here Is a recipe ifor breaking Mr.
Reiter’s wheat corner in less than A
week. It is furnished by the John¬
ston, (Fa„) Democrat: Utility (‘(Jno eg g;
ono pint good sour l-4tti iea-
Bpoohful aoda; mix corn meat efioiigR
to fiiake stiff baker, add one table—
spoonful bakb hot IStaj use ho{ pjih fteti
greased; In quick iStin 25 ntf&
utes.” Tflls will give j'oit a pone bf 1
a* uifeb ctRn Mead ag ybti evet put !
iu your rfiouthj and if Jbii ht^pem t<D
be one of the utifortdhjite pettple whe-
cantiot oftt hot brfead; why, y 0 u can 1
just let the {Kitie stand until it get*'
cold And U will still be gttttd, especs
Lily if j-bd bfeak It up into a bowl-
of nice sweet, milk and eat it like i