Newspaper Page Text
Dress Making 1
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“ . omnn 13 . more the mu1t of 1
“know how” than of the amount of :
mounyspent. far. if judiciously A little expended money wi11 ‘
go at 1
Mrs. J. B. George Tinslcy Com-
pany‘s for
Perfect- I 1th I
Harmnmts _ and fitrmtly , up-ttrdato
goods. Smart. taflor-made suits, sep-
erate skirts, and 311k waists am un- J
evened in style and fit. and are
moderate in price.
~— ——‘om.’~‘ , -
11111111161\’ O D 1
I 1‘
.— --. ..-...-._,...__, .1 ' ‘
Has been centered hem, and
since “‘8 have opened we hava said
hundmds of fine hats, and now an
otherlarge shipment. of new ones i
have taken their places. Now is the
time to buy and Mrs. J. B. George
TinsIey Company‘s the p1ace. We
have an inimitable array of
Veils, flowers, feathers, etc., at
wondv-r prices. Whatawr you want
come to see us and says fifty per ‘1 ‘
-1--- .......1..' m...
make our pL-«u-v neadquarters made 611139?- “The"
im Mm. [It doesn’t any
ence if you don’t wax“? to buy 3““
now.. But come 130 see us; and See
our goods and when you do' want.
anything in cm: 'fine we» feel safqin
getting your trade. Comef. A 00"“
' ' 14:3. to ML
Mrs. J. B. George Tinsley Company,
Cards under this head will be in¬
serted in the Monitor and Arlington
Conner for $5. The money can be
paid at cither office. There is no
deviation from the cash rule.
To the Citizens of Calhouu County:
1 announce myaelf as a candidate
for re-election to the office of sheriff
of said county, subject to the Demo¬
cratic pritnary on June 23rd. I
tender my sincere thanks and assur¬
ance of high appreciation to my fel¬
low citizens who have heretofore sup¬
ported me for that responsible and
honored office. I again humbly ask
your suffrage promising on my part,
if elected, faithfulness, kindness and
dilligence to all the many important
duties incumbered on said offlcor.
Yours most obediontly,
I hereby announce my*elf a candi¬
date for the office of sheriff of Cal¬
houn coanty subject to the Demo¬
cratic primary on June 23.
I hereby announce myselt a candi¬
date for the office of county survey¬
or, subject to the Democratic primary
on June 23. I promise to faithfully
discharge the duties of said office, if
elected. D. T. ELDER.
I hereby announce my self a candi¬
date for Clerk ol the Superior Court
of Calhoun county, subject to the
Democratic primary on June 23d. I
respectfully solicit the support of my
fellow citizens.
Thanking the people of Calhoun
county for the support given aud the
honor confered on me in the past, I
most respectfully ask for their con¬
tinued confidence and support. And
should you be so kind as to agaiu
give me your suffrages for re election
I will continue to strivo to serve you.
My candidacy is subject to the Dem¬
ocratic primary. Respectfully,
I hereby announce mysolf a can¬
didate for re-election io the office of
Tax Receiver of Calhoun county,
subject to the Democratic primary ’
To tho voters of Calhoun county:—
I hereby announce myself a candi¬
date for tho office of Tax Assessor,
premising, if elected, to faithfully
perform the duties of said office to
the best of my ability. Subject <0
the democratic primary on Juno 23d.
I am, vours very respectfully,
I hereby announce myself a candi¬
date for the offico of Tax Collector
of Calhoun county, subject to the
Democratic primary on J une 23.
I hereby announce myself a can¬
didate for re-election to the offico of
Tax Collector of Calhoun county,
subject to tho Democratic DAVIS.' party.
C. J.
I hweby announce myself a candi¬
date for the office of Treasurer of
Calhoun cqunty, subject to the Dem¬
ocratic primary on June 23.
% J. A. RILEY.
I announce myself a candidate far
re-election to tne office of Treasurer
of Calhoun county, subject to the
Democratic primary on June 23rd.
Thanking the people for past favors,
I promise to be faithful in the duties
of the offices.
CEORGIA— Calhoun Cochtt:—
Notice la hereby given to all persons
concerned that on the d»y of December,
1897 Othella Newton, 8 r., late of Calhoun
county, departed this life enteetate, and
no person has applied for administration
on the estate of said Othella Newton In
said state, that administration will be
vested In ths clerk of the Superior court,
or some other fit and proper person, after
the publication of this citation, unless
valid objections 1 b made to his appoint¬
ment. Given under my hand and official
slgwstufe this 6 th day of June, 1*98.
A, 1 , MOJiROE, Ordinary.
Friends and
Below you will find a few
bargains. Come quick
1 before they are gone. They
Can’t last long at prices I am
Going to name you. LISTEN:
10 pounds Arbuckle coffee *1.00 17 pounds Anvil soda 100
17 Granulated sugar 1 00 18 lloxes Giant potash 1 00
18 Good rice 1 00 40 Bars good soap 1 00
13 Good green coffee 1 00 800 matches 10
Best patent flour por barrel 6 35 Snuff and tobacco eheapor than any one
Water ground meal per bushel r>5 Scotch lawn per yard 4
Corn shelled ti it 6.5 Best calico per yard 4J and 5
Smoked bacon per pound 7* Best 4-4 sheeting per yard 6
Good laundried shirts each 35 Cheoks it 4J and 5
“ work <« It 18 Rest E. P. A Kerseys and cottonadcs
“ wool hats 40 per yard 12J and 15
And shoes almost at your own price. Come and get prices before
you buy elsewhere as I will savepou money, My place is hoadquarters for
ICE cold drinks, such as soda water, lemonade, coco-cola and cider. Mr.
Pull Melvin will be glad to serve you at anytime with nice ice cold drinks.
Como aud soe him.
T R Hammond
A Great
ljai$ martifid (tferytljinfl in cur $crq
dem ni prim# ttyal will % jjj , and
mch %ir <iuk%. |am wrtu Him
Yours Anxious to Please,
J.ilL Thornton,
Tall Advertising.
Cedar Bapids Herald.
“I was runuing a paper down in Ten¬
nessee then,” prefaced the ox-newspaper
man, whose only work now is to collect
what other people owe him in the way
of rents and interests. “One of the few
fine looki ng women yon find in the moun¬
tains of that region walked into the office
one afternoon and said;
11 ‘Be yonins the editot?’
“Upon being informed thah I enjoyed
that distinction she looked me OTer as
though greatly disappointed, and then
a long story of petty domestic difficulties
that had led to the disappearance of her
hnsband about two weeks before.—Now
she wanted to put in a nice advertise¬
ments telling that ho was forgiven and
that she longed to have him at home.
How much would I charge her?
" ‘Two dollars an inch,’ I answered.
“Taking a pencil nnd a sheet of copy-
paper she figured laboriously for pretty
nearly an hour. At length she tore the
paper into shreds and was deliberate^
walking out of the office when I asked
her if she thought the eburge was too
“ ‘I don’t reckon I know anything
’bout your bus’uess,. sub. But I never
seo that much money, let ’lone handlin'
of it. Joe’s wuth it, but I could never
buy him back at them ttggers. He’s 0
foot 3 in his bare feet, sub, Joe is. At
3*2 an inch I make it 8150. I’ll just have
to go out an’ git on his trial an’ foller.’
“I didn’t even smile, gentlemen.
Thero was something noble id her resig¬
nation. I advertised ‘Joe,’ got other
papers to copy, and we rounded him up,
One morning thero was a ten-gallon keg
of moonshine whiskey at my kitchen
door, and I did not advertise for an
A Barrel of Whiskey.
A barrel of hcadaohes, of heartaches, of
A barrel of curses, a barrel of blows;
A barrel of tears from a world-weary
A barrel of sorrows, a barrel of strife;
A barrel of all unavailing regret;
A barrel of cares and a barrel of debt;
A barrel of crime, and a barrel of pain,
A barrel of hope ever blasted aud vain;
A barrel of falsehood, a barrel of cries
That fall from the maniac’s lips as he
A barrel of agony, heavy bih! dull;
A barrel of poslon-of this nearly full;
A barrel of liquid damnation that fires
The brain of the fool who believes it in¬
A barrel of poverty, ruin, and blight;
A barrel of terrors that grow with the
A barrel of hunger, a barrel of groans;
A barrel of orphans’ most pitiful moans;
A barrel of serpents, that hiss as thep
From the head of the liquor that flows
in the glass.
Planters CUBAN Rl cures
Colic, Neuralgia
in Are minutes,
and Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents.
Frank Stanton, of the Constitu¬
tion, gets off tho following para¬
graph: “A rural justice, with a
morning war ‘extra’ and the Code of
Georgia before him, delivered the
following remarkable ‘decision’ re¬
cently. ‘It appearing to the court
that remarkablo the prisoner at the bar has won
a battle in the Philip¬
pines, and that, in stealing the hog,
he was only acting in a spirit of
self-preservation, in a country whore
tood is so scarce that the insurgents
are'eating horseflesh, it is, therefore,
the opinion title of the court that, in con¬
ferring the of rear admiral upon
him the government acted well and
wisely, and that, if he be reinforced
in time, he will yet take lull posses-
s : on; and it is ordered that he be re¬
leased on parole and prove by the
daily dispatches the biggest that the liars Spanish
officials are in the
The Albany Herald says that Albany
haa a war board with Mr. C. M. Clark
as president, and among the members
will be found such names os Billy Gil¬
bert, Oliver Lundy, Stokes Walton, Dr.
Dorsett and others somewhat too numer¬
ous to mention. Tho meeting is called
about ten o’clock every morning in the
rear of the Albany Drug Co.’s branch
store, on Washington street, which has
been converted into a star chamber. The
meeting does not adjourn until each
member has expressed bis opinion on the
war situation, and has "cussed out”
whatever official has done conti ary to his
judgment in the matter. It consequent'
ly lasts all day, practically. It is ru¬
mored that as they prefer staying in
Albany to going is having to Washington, the
government Washington a private canal
built from President to Albany, with so
that the cau confer them
by canal boat on subjects af grent mo¬
ment, concerning the proposed cam¬
Come to the 01d reliable mercantile establishment in
Morgan, at S. T. Clayton, and buy your supplies everv’thing. at rock
bottom prices. We carry a large assortment of
3. W. 30IPH, ttjs
Leading Jeweler.
*4 [4-*
All is not gold that
But the old reliable Jewelry,House of J.
W. Joiner carries n complete stock of
Solid Gold and Sterling silver goods,
consisting of everything in silyerwear,
watches, diamonds, optical goods, fancy
goods, novelties, musical instruments,
etc. Eyes examined FBEE, and an ac¬
curate fit of glasses guaranteed. Fine
watch repairing, diamond Betting and
engraving, etc., a specialty.
Watch Maker, Jeweler and Optician.
Railroad Watch Inspector.
Jno. Haenel.
ALBANY, Georgia.
Official War Hook,
By Congressman James Rankin Young.
All about war with Spain, the Navy, all
defenses Battle Ships, etc. Protraits and
biogrnphs of Dewey and all prominent
officers. Nearly 600 pages, Massive
volume, Marvelously cheap, best author¬
ship. Only authentic official book. Ex¬
perience not necessary. Any body can
sell it. Ladies as successful as gentlemen
wo are the largest subscription book
farm in America. Write us fifty persons
are employed in our correspondence de¬
partment alone, to serve you. Our book
is just out. Get agency now and be first
in the field. Large 50c. war map in
colors free with book or outfit. Other
valuable premiums. Tremendous seller.
Biggest money maker ever known. Most
liberal terms guarnteed. Agents miking
87.00 to 828.00 per day. Twenty days
credit given. Freight paid. Full book
sent prepaid to agents, 81 42. Splendid
sample outfit and full instructions free
for nine 2 -cent stamps to pay postage.
Mention this paper.
Monroe Book Co., Dep’t. M, Chicago, Ill
To my friends: I don’t know that
which is best to say this week. I re¬
ceived somo goods last week and found
that I was short of white Leghorns in
high crown, which I have reordered and
expect them in Tuesday of this week.
Give me an early call I want all trade
possible for me to do justice by, and I
want it as early as possible so as not to
have any fearing that their hat won’t be
ready. So come early. Mrs. E. M.
Malurion Is Devoid of Itllter Taste.
Cures chills nnd fever; acts on the
liver and regulates the system generally.
All druggists. 6 19 6 m
Ladies I still have iu stock Malines
Liberty Silk in sbired Ac., for dress nnd
hat trimming, come aud let tne give yon
prices. It is the prettiest newest cheap
material to be had. I have eilk and satin
for lining to same. Mrs, E. M, Critten¬
b. C. P. Jones, Milesburg, Pa., writes:-
“I have nsed DeWitt’s Little Early
Risers ever since they were introduced
here and must Bay I have never used any
pills in my family daring forty years of
house keeping tlmtgnvesnch satisfactory
results as a laxative or cathartic. ’’ T. J.
Tinsley i Co. Morgan, Dr. F. P. Griffin,
Leary; J. w, Jones, Williamsburg.
Henry Tnrne,, Edison,
Mslarloti I. Endorsed by Best l’hj-slclan*
and guaranteed to cure ehilla, fever aud
ague. All druggists or from Mofflt-west
Drug Co.. 8 t. Louis. 5 19 6 m
MORGAN, <3--A..
Will practice Prompt In all the attention Courts, State
and Federal. given to
all business entrusted to his care. Col*
lections a specialty. 1-17-tt
-A.TT’Oiai^B'S' A .T X,A-W,
Practices In the Court* of the Albany
Circnit, Ac 1-17-tf
Practices In the Courts of the State.
Special attention given to collections.
1.17 It
Offiob asd Residence on Main Street
1*17 tf
OmcB and Residence Noi:th or Covkt
House on Public Square.
1-17 »(
Morgan, Georgia,
W practice any where.
hthcuv ass msm.
Residence South of Public Squahb.
1-17 tf
■<? -*
Shellman, Georgia.
“At homo away from homo” is the way
you feel when stopping at the Hcimy May
Hotel. Rates from $1 to $2 per day.
Everything up-to-date.
Teeth Extracted Without Pain.
If you are troubled with toothache
or have a mouth full of old snags
that causes you trouble and a bad
breath call on
at Leaty, aud have them extracted
without pain. Charges reasonable
and satisfaction guaranteed.
SHOES. Harness, Ac. repaired in neat
and workman-like manner, charges
reasonable. Shop North-west corner pub¬
lic square. Shoes made to order. I also
repair all kinds of tin ware.
Teachers Examination.
By actiou of the State School
Commissioner, ^ an examination of all
applicants for Teachers’ Licence will
be hold at Morgan, on Friday, June
17. Questions will be founded on
Page’s Theory and Practice, White’s
School Managements, Halleck’a
Psychology, May 25, and Georgia Methods.
1898, J. J. BECK,
County School Commissioner-
Posted Land.
Notice is heieby given that from
and after this date parties caught
hunting, passing fishing or otherwise tress¬
Barfield on place, my Nos. place, known as tho
9 and 10 in tho
1123rd district of Calhoun county,
will be prosecuted to the full extent
of law This, May 25,1898.
Wm. clower.
Oon Minute is not long, yet reliel is
obtained in half that time by the use of
Une Minute Congo Cure. It pi events
coniumptie, pneumonia, lagrippe and all
“' oat ?. nd lung Iren Wes. T. J. Tinsley
t Ve Edi° i lor DeS f? an " < ’"'“““burg, Dr. F. P. Griffin Henry Leary* Ttir-
Leghorn, leghorn! leghorn! In high
and low crowns ranging from 15 cents
each to real fine ones; in fact goods of
all grades to suit each one. Mrs. E. M.
Late to bed and early to fisc, prepares
? °' hls notne In the skies. Karly
to bed nd a little Early Riser, the pill
tna makes life longer and better and
e. F ,S p P. Griffin, Tinsley Leary; A Co. Morgan, Dr.
namsbiirg; Henry J. w. Jones, wit*
Turner, Edison.
Sash and trimming ribbon in double-
faced stain, plain taffeta, moire gauze,
chiffon and velvet ribbon. New lot of
No. 1 velvet ribbon to be ia this week,
Mw. L. M. CrittendoB.