Newspaper Page Text
VOL. III. NO. 23.
Stoves and Crockery.
It you need a STOVE or RANGE it will pay you to come
and see us. Also CROCKERY and CHINA. We
make up SETS just as you want them, iu plain white,
• embossed, or decorated porcelain at very low figures.
W. S. BELL, Albany, Ga.
mm csurty mmi siesdtoey.
Judge—W. N. Spence.
Solicitor General—W. E. Wooten.
Stenographer—Ernest M. Davis.
Clerk—W. J. Hagan.
Sheriff—L. H. Davis.
Regular terms, second Mondays in June
and December.
Judge—L. I). Monroe.
Solicitor General—L. G. Cartledge.
G fork—W. J. Ragan.
Sheriff—L II A Davis.
Quarterly sessions,4th Mondays in
ruary, May, August, and November.
Monthly sessions, 4th Monday in each
Ordinary—A. I. Monroe.
Court, first Monday in each month.,
count” coMMiasioNErs.
Henry Turner.
J- M. Wooten.
J. B. George.
Court, first Tuesday in each month.
Treasurer—Thomas E. Plowden.
Tax Receiver—J. B. Stead ham.
Tax Collector—C. J. Davis.
Surveyor—W. S. Short.
Coroner—W. A. Manry.
School Commissioner—J. J- Beck.
Morgan—1128rd district—J. N. Daniel!
j p, W. E. Earvin, N. P. and cx-offi. J.
p. Court,second Thursday in each month.
Arlington—574th district.—John It,
Mils J. P. William Ray, Notary Public
and ex-officio J. P. Court, third
day in. each month.
Edison—1816th district.—J. Pi. Strict- _
land, J. P. Everett Bass, N, P. and ex-
officio J. P. Court, second Saturday in
each month.
Leary—626th district.—Harper Darnell,
J, P. James Keel. N. P. and ex-officio
J. P. Court, third Saturday in each
Williamsburg—1283rd district.—G. B.
Perry, J. P. C. J McDaniel!, N.
and ex-officio J. P. Court, fourth Sat-
urday in cacti month.
banks, Cordray—1304th J. P. David • N'uNN W imberJy, R 'U N- T Ri P.
and ex-officio J. P. Court first Saturday
in each month.
Mayor—K. McK. Ragan.
Wardens—J. ,T. Beck, T. W. Tinsley,
fc>. N. McGuirt, S. T, Clayton.
Clerk—S. N. McGuirt.
Treasurer—J. J. Beck.
Marshal—Shell Carver.
Baptist Church—Piev. Z. T. tt caver.
pastor. Preaching every third Sunday
and Saturday before. Sunday-school M.
every Sunday at 10 o’clock a. m. J.
Newton, Superintendent.
M. E. Church—Rev. F. McCullough,
Pastor. Preaching every 1st Sunday at
11 o’clock a m. Sunday-school every Su¬
Sabbath at 3 p m. L. G. Cartledge,
Reuben Jones‘Lodge No. 388, Saturdays F. & A.
2 , 1 .. meets every first and third
in each mouth at 3,30 p. ni.
J. T. Stewart,
Sidney Paul.
Our Clubbing Rates.
The Monitor and the Weekly Consti¬
tution one year for |1.50. Cul¬
The Monitor and the Houtliem
tivator one year for $1.50.
Jno. Haenel
ALBANY, Georgia.
'Wk 3
Up 9
dealer in
v t r b s
Oou Minute is nut long, yet reliel
obtained in half that time by the use
One Minute Congo Cure. ‘it. pi
cotisumptiH, and pneumonia, lugrippe and
throat lung troubles. T. J.
J.\v. Ediion. JoficV
Leary Locals.
At last we have had a nice rain. It
came Tuesday afternoon, and it was just.
ft s good as any one might ask, it rained
about an hour. The best season we
1)ave had since the first of April,
Miss Eilie Mae wooten returned to her
home here Sunday accompaused by T.
w. Tinsley.
Now Dr. Griffin’s face is all smiles for
his better half has returned from Shell-
Mr. Hugh Griffin returned home from
Cincinnati! Ohio last Friday where he
lias been for sometime learning how to
fix watches and clocks,
Mesdames Cunningham and Dixon
visited tiie family of Mr. E. P. Parkins
near whitney, (Magnolia Hill) Tuesday.
Mr: w. H, C, Cunningham accompani¬
ed by his better half, spent Saturday and
Sunday at Graves Statioa. They report
a very pleasant time.
Oni'/base ball nine is preparing to
cross bate with the Milrord boys Fri-
day afternoon. All are cordially invited
j 0 come nll d see one of us get beat, but
hope it will be Milford.
Remember the barbecue July 6th,
1898. whitney team have said they
n , 0H jq p] a y tire Morgan boys we have
not heard from Morgan yet but hope it
will be agreeable with them, we are
looking forward to a trice. No program
for the day so far. -The people will meet
Wednesday, 15th. to appoint 11 different,
committees to see after different things.
Most of the people from here are
courting this week, I mean the men
! folks.
Bro. Monitor man alien are yon going
to fit that new dress on? I know times
are hard and news is scarce, 1 hope suc¬
cess will follow your every turn.
we are sorry to say that Messrs. M. A.
Hunch and j. A. Iieel are oil the sick
list tiiis week.
Mr. and Mrs. j. C. Price visited the
Addison family Sunday.
Clever Stony Glover and Mr. Cain was
w flli ns a while Tuesday afternoon.
Rev. King arrived here last Friday to
enter upon the work formerly served by
Rev. F. McCullough. At this place
Sunday, both at 11 a.m. and 8p. in., ho
proved himself an aide divine, capable
of doing a great work among us. Every
body near Leary gave their presence
Sunday, and went home satisfied that
we had fortunately laid hands on ono of
the best ministers in the South Georgia
conference- He is a graduate of Emory,
college, and classmate of Rev. McCul¬
lough’s. His home was formerly in
Franklin county, northeast Georgia.
This Brother is unmistakably an able
and efficient worker for the cause he es
ponses. To those who feel an interest
ia church work lot us blend out efforts
with his and show to tho world that
! churehe is alive to it’s duty and that
! the cause of Christ must be furthered
! a union of Ill's forces. Much success
Bro. King is the wish of the
dent to the Monitor.
i There are two classes of
| j-.nth parties prides in every and connty-tl.e the view
I alarms.
. Some men are born fools,
are made fools of by others, and
l era never iose an opportunity to
fools of th era selves.
It ib impossible for us to
1 * KClltion of twl ont who came
town this week.
MORGAN, GEORGIA- ■S*T'h JUNE 1(>. 1808.
Nails, Barb-Wire, (_> o
- MB eiffE 'a
Shell man Locals.
(edited by me)
Cl. J. Greeu visited Dawson last
Dr Wade came over from
hart Saturday, returning Tuesday,
Mr. G. R. Ferguson returned
his home at Coleman, last Saturday,
Miss Belle Dennis returned to her
home in Dawson last Saturday.
Miss Inez Coxwell is here, visiting
Mr.-. M. A., Wall.
B. J. Jaxon was over from Outh-
bert Friday, on business.
J. N. Watts ■ returned from Ft.
Valley Friday.
Mr. J. W. Pruitte was in town on
business Friday.
John M. Wooten of Leary was up
to see relatives Friday.
Charlie Weaver was up from Mor¬
gan Friday on a professional visit.
Messrs Martin and Dillard of
Dawson were in town a short while
John rlelmes visited relatives at
Bethel a few days of last week.
Miss Pearl Reid left Thursday for
a short visit-to friends at Broil wood.
r> Lotus c a Saxon visited , mends c . , at .
beinei the latter part or , , last , week. ,
Miss ... Jennie , ■ George visit
" is on a
to Dawson ... mends . , this week. ,
Col. W. 0. World of Cuthbert at-
tended court here Thursday,
Miss Ilenny Mae Crittenden is the
guest of relatives in Bronvvood at
this writing.
Clarence Thomson was over from
Dawson Wednesday.
Mrs. C. 1 a j lor of Cuthbert has i
been in town visiting relatives.
Mrs. Dr. Carter returned from
Bpringvale Wednesday.
J W. Marshall of Atnericus was
doing our town Wednesday.
Miss Rena Cobb is on an extended
visit to Broil wood and other places.
Messrs. Jim Melton and Charlie
Cobb were here from Graves Monday.
Owen Sale returned from Ft. Val¬
ley Saturday- Couldn’t stay away
from “Coxwell.”
Walker Edwards visited Herod
Will Cox! Yes, lie couldn’t stand
it any longer. lie went to Herod on
a very tender mission Sunday.
Mr. A. P. Hatcher and children
were here from Dawson Monday and
while here made us a pop call,
Miss Clara Holmes is on a visit to
her brother of near here.
Wo are sorry to note Miss Pearl
Merritt on the sick list, and hope she
will soon bo out again.
Mrs. Dr. Clements entertained
quite a jolly crow'd of young people
at her home on Phelps St-.,
Salem and Edison Dote.
(by country cracker.)
' Fishing is all the go now-a-days,
j Messrs, Jack Grubbs and brother, of
! Gr " bh thu cit J ot Edison 0IW
day last week.
j Mr. Chaudoin Manry and Miss Lilly
Culbreath passed through our burg last
, Sunday afternoon.
Ask Selma Davis where lie was when
| he got lost last Sunday.
, Now look here Fkltf you started this
] a, 'y ■' i ' 14 '' - to get enough
j Fate did q'' fi.-Mimc he°m ;
j took bi(( gir , tw preachiugi just
I they got to the church he said if
! was to see me now lie would say bully
: for I’ido. Bhe said she wished his
would say bully for his tail, for she
- e3 Hy dig believe that he bad the
one of any flee she ever saw. Bo, Hur-
! rah for Fido.
It is easy to be a star —but
| star is not a Mars.
Monllor’S Curbfdotit- Locals.
Chaudoin Maim' was in town this
Mr. E. S. Shepard came to Morgan
last Tuesday.
Mr,-John Ward of Edison attended
court here Tuesday.
Mr. A. 1. McMlu-ria of Milford
was in town this week.
Who struck Billy Atki ii.son. The
people—with a Spencer ian club.
^ l ' ^enry I urner of Edison was
amoa S t he court vi s itor s this week,
Dr. W. R, Terry and F. P. Griffin
of Leary were in Morgan last Mon¬
Messrs. W. B. Jones and Press
.Stevens, of Edison were here last
Mr. M II. Bland of the New York
Life Insurance Company was hero
t his week.
Messrs J. B. Payne, J. W. Jay
Jesse Merritt, of Shellnuin, were in
Morgan this week.
The ever clever and genial (.'apt.
Jno. Webb, of Edison, was in
this week attending court.
Messrs. Paul Dozier and 8.
Ulayton went over to Dawson
day afternoon, returning the
Messrs. W. L.- Best.,wick,
Butler. ,, ., »t* Early , : Toole-and n . Ed
were amog tho ,, Arlington , ,,
tatives , .- . Morgan ,, ... this week, ,
Mr. W. C. Beck, w-ho has been
school at Mercer Univer-
Macon, returned home last week
1° the delight of his many friends.
Mr, D. S. Goolsby was ono of the
Edison representatives in Morgan last
Tuesday. lie said ho wanted the
uews ail( j ordered The MONITOR sent
to h; s address.
-------- —-----
Mr. J. C. llagan, o: Bethel, was in
Morgan last Monday altendig court.
Mr. Ragan joined The Monitor’s large
list ofCnliionn county readers before
bo left for homo.
We take pleasure in calling atten¬
tion to the announcement of Mr. M.
D Bass for county treasurer, Mr.
Bass is ably qualified to iiil the posi¬
tion ho aspires.
Col. James W. Roberts, of Daw¬
son attended to busines matters iu
Morgan last Saturday. lie also
us a cart wheel and ordered The
Monitor sent to him.
Messrs. H. (!. Hodges and 0. S-
Sanders ot Jeff, were in Morgan last
Monday in attendance upon court
ana while hero they ordered The
Monitor sent to their addresses.
Morgan lias at last been blessed
with a good, hard, ‘•soaking’’ rain.
The first shower fell Sunday after-
noon. it was accompanied by a
hard wind, which blew down several
panels of fenco in town, and tore
large branches from a few shade
trees. But no serious damage was
Mr. R. B. Saxon, a true Christian
gentleman and a thorough Populist,
of Edison, was in Morgan on basis
ness last Wednesday. Wo acknowl¬
edge a pleasant visit from Mr. Saxon
while here he ordered his name
placed on our subscription book.
Mr S#xon j n £ 0 rms us that the Pop*
„)j s t 8 j n p; s section are under the
im P rcsrfon that communications from
Parties of their pJ’tical faith are ox*
eluded from tho columns of
Monitor, u Democratic paper. We
regret that such impressions have
taken possession of their thoughts
aud it is with great pleasure that wo
again announce that Of:
A HE OPEN' for printable
lions from Populist* and
cans as w oil as Democrats, . •
Shot Guns and Bicycles.
If you want;i BICYCLE or SltOT GUN call on ns. We
can certainly interest you. Wo can sail you a FIRST CL A 8,3
SHOT GUN at a very low price. Don’t fail to cal o<j. us.
when you come to Albany nml sue our extensive lino of
GOODS. Respectfully,
V. S. I f Ga.
j i j i
O r jp A \ VP j[ | /V \ \T1"\ |
T) I y j / [A / to
What Skilled Labor ami En¬
terprise Can Do.
In the year 1891, two miles north
from the beautiful village of Dickey,
Mr. E, P. Parkins established on a
very small scale, what lias since be¬
come one of the most noted and
important industries of Calhoun
county. From an attachment at first
to a country gin house, the enterpris¬
ing proprietor has developed one of
the finest and most thoroughly
equipped Machine Shops in South¬
west Georgia. The plant consists of
the latest and most improved con¬
veniences for the building and repair¬
ing of engines, and boilers of all
classes. It was our pleasure to ac¬
cept an invitation from Mr. Parkins
to visit and inspect his works, of
which ho is so justly proud, and we
unhesitatingly indorse all that has
been or can bo said in commendation
of the equipment of the shop, and
the skill of the proprietor,, under
whose almost magic touch, the rough
and uncouth iron becomes a thing of
beauty and utility. The twin err
gines which no w' propel the' vast
machinery were built at the shop by
the proprietor, and speak more kind¬
ly and forcibly of his skill and genius
than volumes of well written lauda¬
tion. In connection with his build¬
ing and repairing conveniences ho
keeps constantly in stock a fine sup¬
ply of engine parts and adjuncts.
When Mr. Parkins was making his
start, he relates, that numerous per¬
sons would visit and look with
wondering eves upon what they con¬
sidered one of the most foolish
undertakings of the 19th. century,
and after repeatedly changing their
tobacco from side to side, and dubi¬
ous headshaking, insist that •nothing
but financial loss would follow his
undertaking. Today Mr. Parkins is
strained to his utmost capacity to
perform the work with which lie is
thronged and is contemplating an
increase of his facilities. Upon in¬
quiry, as regards the great amount,
of work done and from whence it
came 1 was informed that the coun¬
ties of Calhoun, Early, Miller and
Baker placed their work and orders
iu his hands while other more dis¬
tant sections contributed a flattering
share of their work. The above
counties represent from one hundred
and twenty-five to on o hundred and
fifty engines and boilers to keep in
running order, which entails an
amount of labor and earnings that
one may be justly proud, of.
Mr. Parkins informs us that when
first starting his business, the sum¬
mer portion of one or two years was
extremely dull, but now ho is pushed
through tho entire year. Ho is
now rebuilding two engines complete
aggregating sixty horse power, while
work requiring minor repairs are
stacked in a.i available spaces. i
was really surprised at the rapidity
and perfection of the work
ed in making new and adjusting the
many intricate parts of tho tnachin*
cry; in fact under tho skilful*manip¬
ulation of Mr. Parkins, “old things
become now’’ All the ‘ latest con¬
veniences of hoists and pulleys for
the handling of heavy parts, are
utilized by the« proprietor, and
tho most famed manufactures of
tools and appliances have been made
tributary to bis demand; In. fact
nothing remains to be added, that
perfect .satisfaction may bo given iu
work and appearance.
The tool room-is an apartment to
itself containing, twist drills, ream*
A3 At
avros.G3--A.3sr, gma..
Will practice In all the Courts, State
mid Federal. Prompt attention given to
all business entrusted to his care. Col¬
lections a specialty, 1-lT-ti
ors countersinks, rose bits, taps, etc:
really anything and everything re-.
quisite for the performance of first
class work, Everything about, the
premises are neatly kept, and every
thing in its proper place, Mr. Par-
kins served a five years apprentice¬
ship at the Western & Atlantic Shops
of Atlanta where ho had every facil¬
ity which skilled instruction could
The Parkins Machine Shop is an
institution to which the people of tho
county may point with pride, and its
erection, fine equipments,, and suc¬
cessful! management is a monument
to the skill and enterprise of its
ed tier.
Next Week the Monitor will come
out in it’s “new dress.” \ V e are
now “laying” the new type which
will constitute the “new dress.”
Wo have bought a new outfit
complete, consisting of a thorough
job office, as well as type for tile
paper. We are now prepared to,
print neatly anything from a visit¬
ing card to a newspaper the size of
the Monitor,
Court Proceedings.
Calhoun superior court convilied
here Monday morning with Judge II.
0. Sheffield, of the Pataula circuit,
on the bench. Judge Spence having
been detained on account of presid¬
ing in Sumpter county last week, did
not reach hero until Monday after¬
noon. After Judge Sheffield's Usual
able and clear charge to tho Grand
Jury, ho proceeded with the call of
tho civil docket, and during the day
the county vs. C. 11. Geo, former
county treasurer, was tried, resulting
in a verdict for Mr. Gee, the defend'
ant, which would seem to exculpate
Mr. Geo as to the shortage of county
funds and involve tho former tax
collector, Mr. Islor.
On Tuesday morning Judge Spence
took charge of the court and went on
with the civil docket, disposing of
a number of motions and miner cases
in bis Uncustomed expeditions tnan-
The case of Dr. J. B, George vs. J.
A. Thornton, suit on contract, was
tried, resulting iu a verdict for Dr.
George of about tfSOO against defend
ant, Mr. Thornton.
On Wednesday morning our effi¬
cient and conscientious solicitor, Mr.
J. W. Walters was in his place ready
to proceed with the .criminal docket,
making disposition of the following
Stare vs. Bam Thomas, simple lar¬
ceny—Not guilty.
State vs. Charlie Hassell, adultrv
ancl foruieati o n—G u i 11v.
Siato vsi Grant McLendon, hog
stealing—Not guilty.
State vs. Bill Graham, vagrancy—Not
State vs. N. Dauiell, selling liquor
to minor—Not guilty.
Ktato %u. Ella wakefiuld, assault and
battery—Guilty—-sentence 12 months in
Chain gang or fine of $50.
I Btato vs, .lossy Brookip, robbery—
Plea of guilty sentence 12 months in
Chain gang.
Btato vs. .tint Page, misdemeanor—
verdict guilty—Fine 825, including costs.
Htute vs. w. F. Lawrence, misdemeanor
—Plea of guilty—Fine §75.
Last Sunday at tho residence of
Judge A I. Monroe, Mr. W. T. Glad¬
den was united in marriage to Miss
Ella Roby, Ordinary Monroe officiut
ing. Tho bride and groom are both
well kndwh in tho county, and they
enjoy tho highest respect and good
will of all who know them. The
Monitor wishes the contracting par¬
ties much happiness.
Practices in the Courts of the A!’ f*
Circuit, Ac i-m.
Practices in the Courts of the State
Special attention given to collections,
1-17 U
OfFIoR and Rbsidrkob on Main BTkrSt
1-17 tt
Omcft and Hbkidenok Mouth or Cofelrf
Housb on Pubmo Squabs.
1-17 if
Attoruoy At-Law,
Morgan, Georgia,
\\ practice any where.
nmm m mow
UKsitntNoi: Bourn of Public bqBa’.:
1-17 tf
flmm tfflg tfihl
Sh<‘llmftii, (UiorRiil.
“At homo nwaj from*homo” is tho way
you fool whon stopping at tho Ilenny May
Hotel. Rates from $1 to $2 per days
Everything up-to-date.
ToHii Extracted Without l’aiu.
If you are troubled with toothache
or have a mouth full of old snags
that causes you trouble and a bud
hront.h call on
at Beaty, and have them ipxtracted
without pain. Charges tdHsonaulo
and satisfaction guaranteed.
BftOES, Harness, &o. repaired in neat
and workiUari-llko manner. chats,
reasonable. Shop North-West corner pub
lie square, Shoes made to order. I «Lu
repair all kinds of tin wafe.
The place to buy tho finest Marble
and Granite Monuments and
Blabs is at
Ills Allan/ Marine and Granite Wwb
Write naming price you want '
pay and I will do tho rest. I
dLS-La-iR-sr, georg-iA,
It. M. Flowers, a llrst-class shoe afid
harness maker, wilt thank you for any
work sent him. Manufacturing and r«-
pairing done good at low figures. Send
your shoe and harness work to
ocfc 21 Hili Leary. Ga.
Wants Your Trade.
This popular firm has moved Into
their new store. Thoy carry a
full line of staple and family gro¬
ceries, tobaccos, whiskies, wines,
dry goods, etc,, which they are
sellingfor cash as cheap or cheap- 4
or than any retail concern of the
kind In this section of country.
This Is Just a notice—their
gooffs advertise themselves*
Morganj Ga,