Newspaper Page Text
Uiorlj » in
V 0L. Ill, NO. 29.
£ CO ©rnrl/oru
If you need a Stove or Range it will
pay you tc > come see US. A Is,
Crockery and We "1>
s,, ts just as you want them. plain
white, embossed, or decorated porcelain
at very low figures.
W. S. Bell, Albany, Ga.
.» rn I
u u
ll CTD u u r\ 1
m ll
Y CTT5 1 Uti Y
VI •
l!nli Muon-, of LaFuvecife. Iml., stivs
lliitt for eiiiisli|iiitinn ho has found l)o-
v in’s Liuli Eni'i.y lfisors to ho perfect,
iiiev iiovi-r ai-ijio. I’j-y them for -tmii -
noli uliil the)' trimUlee.— T. J. Tinsley &
Co. .\luitiati: Dr. F. P. (Jnffiu, Leary;
-1. \v. .limes, 'villiitinsimi-o; Henry Tam¬
er lidioin.
Altilanoii 1 * Ki)<lorsi?<l by JJest Fliysicians
: a'- «ir;t!iU'«'(l U> (*mv c*l»ills, fever mid
•dU'iP. All <lnu»vMsts i«v Irom AXoirit'^est
! M’ny (.'»k . »Si, 1 ni is. 5 19 Gm
"I think i>e"in s umii Hazel Salve
i' the fiiD’st ]>rep:iration oil the market
iw j.hies. So u riios Jimiii 0. Dunn of
\»iM'elinu'. w. A’;i. Try it ami you will
n.uik tiu-It al cures eczema
Dial nil .skin (lisr*ases. !'. . 1 . Tinsley A.'
( . Morgan; Dr. fr\ P. iriiffiii, Leary;
•T. w. Jt-iifs. u iliiainsl mi; Henry I'nr*.
t » r. Edit*,ni.
p’#^AM 8 W 2 c 4 h v si:i. Consii|>:ttic»n TEA curt uml s Dvspep Indi¬
gestion. Regulates the Liver. Prict, 25 ctf
Tno X.-n- A "ik Life
i> th>‘ Giih (hunpauy h»t
\% lTtes pfl’fe-rr 1 1 lsill'.Hlfd There
i m if ;i siiiiile ioi in their puli-
cit s W. A Bland.
Mill n il'll is Oi voiil of Bitter Taste
Cures chilis anil fever; acts mi
liver and lvu tila'c* the t-ysU'iu
All drottgiot*. 5 111 Urn
-u^U/rite us for , i n.m
Kail, C/3 Barb-wire, Steel
Blades, Bov Dixie and
Clipper C; IB of 7 ,; i
W. S. Bell, ,
Gen. Brooke Saled Today.
Washington, July 25.—Gen.
Brooke, commanding the First
army corps, will sail today from
Newport News to join Gen. Miles
at Porto Ric, The General will
on the St. Louis and will
precede immediately, without.
waiting for his command. Hi ,
should arrive off Porto Rico Fri-
day or Saturday. The St, Louis
will be accompanied by the
Paul, on which will be the
quarters of Gen. The re-
mender • , of the troops at Chick-
amauga will be embarked at
Hampton Roads as rapidly as pos¬
sible, and it is expected that the
of them will be aboard ship
by \\ ednesday. . .
The reported boarding of a Ger¬
man steamer off San Juan, Porto
Rico, by a launch from an Ameri-
can naval vessel is taken at the
bar Department as confirming
the belief that Gen. Miles,has ar-
rived there. It is recalled,
ever, that some vessels of
auxiliary fleet have been
ading San Juan, and it may be it
was a launch from one of these
vessels instead of from Miles's fleet:
that was seen by the Germaii
M ! l *! •:; , Tv , , T j
no dou,)t that Miles is oil 1 .
Internal Disorders.
Santiago, July 25. —Private let
ters July from Madrid, under date of
28, say that internal disor-
deivs in the Spanisliprovinces
tiinue. Some demotmtrations have
taken place in Granada., 1 and are
supposed to bo due to opposition
toward the Octroi tax and local
disputes, but in view of the
ous cvjisoi.Tiii}) o7i al! questions of
public order, it is difficulttoa'scer-
tani the tacts. At Gargia it mob
(iron on the gendarmes, and an
aimed band, sitid to have been
composed oi jailnU'ds, appealed at.
Banoe and Valdores. Efforts of
the , authorities to capture them
v. me ict i ie. f, i cat, precautlofts
were taken in the open air
retire gardens of Madrid <)ii Friday
owing to an expected demonstra-
tion in favor of'Weyler, who was
but nothing developed*
An . Ohio • . faded , ,, reach ,
jury , to an
agreement after t,w days delib-
‘i'ntJMi. A nu* nr us I unutA-R gc or-
de:‘, declares that a jury of women
could liaVc disagreed in three mill
lites. And 1 don’ doubt 1 lie truth
^ , -Mj.s. Jl\J H'jv > ' l .\] w •ljcj.C * Wltti
the gentler sex.
CO 5 cot to
1fyou want a : 5 'le or * lot gun
call on us. We certainly forest
yon. We can sell you u ] -class
shot, ■. , at low price.
gun a very Don't
fail to call on us when you collie to A I-
bany and set* our extensive line of goods,
W. Hell, Albany, Ga.
Farmer Bill Good.
“What’s all them soldiers mar-
chin’ ’round the town'for?” asked
Farmer Bill Good, who has not .
been in the city in three months,
and refuses to take a paper,
cause lie doesn’t believe what they
say. VThey
Spain,’’ replied are going out to whip
the polite
h| “Spain?” tfe Whefebouts is
“Over near Cuba, some place.”
“Yes, I rcccolect, Cubv on the
nii , P' hat kecked up the fuss?”
l ■ i hey sunk the Maine.
“Out wiiat Jim Blaine lives?
“Mo. The battleship Maine—
they put a mine under it.”
“An did it cave in?”
n..; it bJew up.”
Oneo them durn missed shots ,
“Oh, goon: you’re too green.
Go and subscribe for some paper
!l " li get your neighbor to read it
,, , , , ,
his , vay nmt t (: , r ing that lie w< uId
never take a paper for lie knew
niore'tha:. all tins papers in chriu-
London). ,
Immuns To Sail. I
New Orleans, July 25.•—Col.
Duncan B. Hood’s regiment of im- I
munes who have been in camp at I
Covington for several weeks, ar-j
rived t<xlav. Lol. Kjcii h imimineH
()f Texas Arrived Saturday. Both i
regiments will transport bo taken to
Santiago lin by the big Ber- I |
which is now taking on stores.
Gen. Shafter is very anxious to!
have these two regiments reach
him as soon as possible to do gar-
risen duty at Santiago, but the
opinion is expressed today that
the Berlin Avill not get away before
Wednesday or Thursday,
Madrid Wants Peace.
London, July 25.—It is ttn-
nounced in asj)nciai dis]mt(*h from
Madrid, published this afternoon,
that the .Spanish government has
drawn up a message addressed to
the government at Washington
proposing an armistice for tint pur-
pose of discussing terms upon
which peace with the Li.ited Stat l s
enn 1 ,.e a: rai y ed
A gossip, or one who tolls of
neighbor’s sins to the hurt or
ishiMont.of that neighbor, is sun-
cording ply usurping the place of theie-
angel, and trying ' to usiii [> !_
|H wor of G( d ih | lin „ n
tribution upon his fellow main
?• Cl' is mil.", salt It the
j on j How will lie forgive tho.- c
win) t ry to be avei gets?
Womet f n certain ape alwti vs
hav at. age that is uncertain.
>?“* Cs rc -• "yrr ro • o i Oo
! “Do” others before they do you.
A steady job require ‘X a steady
There is about as much tug of
war correspondents as tug of war;
Every woman admits that other
women if Le didn’t are pretty—or “would be
s know it.”
Some people are coi
cmnjdaining of not, being "in it,’
, ,, ...... in,
u> " ,m ' l 'i H)1 ll 1 ^ ■> were
In the ease of a runaway hoi
it. is well to “remember the mane
Life is often saved by clinging t,
The latest patriotie wrinkle is
the red, white and blue garter. Or
should I say, the latest patriotic
contrivance to keep out wrinkles?
1 am told that a young lady win
went out on a recent picnic i H.‘oa -
sion, had both her picasure and
beautiful dress ruined, just be¬
cause a little boy hollered ‘snakes.’
And then the little boy went, home
and told his mother that “I hut
gal’s legs wore painted.” Tim
realm of illuminated hosiery was
revealed to the poor little Boy for
the first, time in his life.
J. W. Joiner,
Wand, Maker, Jeweler jiiiil D.g.I.-i- in
Musical Instvum**iM>.
11 in Ten
UDa-NT Nnr
I. Lave special har<iaiu.s t«* «• Vi* r y«ei.
Especially in
k gjj?
Prof. Joseph 11 i't Dewli, the <-.• I.
brnted pianist, will he on haml to trv
the lnstrntiienis. < all and then,
and sifiiii.
J. W. joiner.
2 1 XX as.iiiiutim street. Alhanu. It ;t.
ht‘tftivni, liyhurn! Jeglinrn! In ld”li
mill l"» crow11s I'linjiiiie fi-inii Jf> cents
each to real r h,e otit-s; in fact c'-ods of
a'l etudes to suit cadi out-., Mis, l. M.
t’rit tt-iidoti.