Newspaper Page Text
By W ■ C. 1 homas.
Official ’ Orsraii ('iilhoun n-T Countv
Official Organ n Board 1 of c
Entered at the Morgan
office as second-class mail matter,
Thursday, July 28, 1898.
Resolutions Passed by the Mor¬
gan Baptist Church Sunday.
Whereas, Our beloved Brother
Harry Martin has labored
us for the past nine days as a
or in the Lord’s Vineyard, and his
labors now draw to a close, and
while he has endeared himself as
1] ‘ .., 1,1 minister in a derive
i ■ j. ljy (.xnreHsible Yet
1 l evnressioi) of
r Cl sti l
am I svmn-itlu'- 1 f therefore be it m-
-,dved "
Ti„,t 1 hut, v\’i> Vi. th<> tin Mnvim iM iga 11 ,!l l lLl
church and congregation d(> now
express for him our high
tioii of his services. Our Christian
affection and regard for llim and
our unbounded confidence
his Christian character and
ability ns a minister of
1 !h‘ glorious (u)Bp(*l () l Li<‘
Blessed Cod. Jle it resolved,
That we feel that under God
has been I he chosen instrument of
bringing many of our dear ones to
Christ and in building .up nnd
Strengthening our -church nml the
moral standard of our whole com-
. tv. Leitieso .. , j
mill iJ . Vet ,
/I hut, We will ever
him , m our prayers and will
the Great Head of tilt' church so
to u«c him as an instrument for
, ■ ,, • • ■
good . ; that , his Crown of , Rejoicing
shall be filled with stars from the
jesveIs of earth among toe sated
m Heaven. Resolved,
That, We, as a vliurch and
1 will Inin with ... (lying . .
]> <N LOYK ill
ntfection. Resolved,
'That these resolutions bo spread
upon our minutes, and a copy
i ished to our dear brother. Rev.
Harry Martin, and that they he
published in our county paper,
Thk MORGAN Monitor.
Read and unanimously adopted
bv the church and congregation,
July 24, 1898. Z. T. W EAVER,
C. B. Weaver, Moderator.
iChurch Clerk.
Sheiltnan Locals.
Messrs. Mayltor.. Bradley and
Gene Baldwin was over
Dawson lust Sunday.
Guyton Parkcsand Dock Cheat¬
ham was among the many visitors
from Dawson hen 1 Sunday.
Misses Bello and Lillie Saxon
returned to their home at Bethel
Monday after spending a few days
with friends here.
Will Cox and Frank Weaver are
at home from Marshalville, where
they have been in the peach pack¬
ing business.
M isses Pearl Castelow and Lizzie
Haas, of Georgetown and Herod,
was the guest of Miss Dixie Oliver
the first of the week.
Miss Meta Baldwin, one of
Dawson’s fair young hells, is in
the city the guest of Mrs. W. A.
Miss Nora Geesling, of Cutlv-
Iiert, is the guest of Miss Floride
Sutterwhite at this writing.
B. E. Kouch and wife who have
been on an extmuled visit to the
family of W. A. Marshall. r«»-
turned Monday. to their home at Apuerjeus
Mrs. B. K. Arthur is visiting
Mrs. S. L. Arthur at Parrot this
week who is very sick.
Several of the clerks are enjoy-
mg a week’s recreation, which is
very much appreciated by all of
1 Ip- residence and neai ly all the
furniture of \\ m. I aschal, color-
was ^ ie 8 r °und
aho,lt 1 cl<V ' k Sll,lda > T mormn g>
with no insurance.
Miss Leila Belle Morris returned
to '"‘ r hon le 1 " Ma( .' 01 ‘. iui ! t
accompanied-by . , Miss Mattie Clark
who will spend some time with
We are sorry to note Mrs.
a lie til Johnston very low at Hotel
l^i»ny Mac with little hopes >f
^(recovery. Ihebarnot Mrs. 1. A. Martin
wus discovered to he. oil fire last,
Thursday, and before the bucket
brigade could respond itwas total-
ly consumed together with several
bushels of corn.
Several from here attended the
meeting at Chiclmsaw-
hatcliie last week, conducted Gri/. by
Revs. McCeehee, Snow and
fith. All report a pleasant time.
Ml », ' • .f; v hunng Hcrrintr from turn
Ihomasville upon . a visit to her
parents here, Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Mi. C. 1>. .lolinson lias jet,in tied
j , B*\es
»j lom South il Carolina 1 ? ' and \ n reports 11 ; a
P 1 ^ 1 1
, ^ , ,
All of the old so di* rs have re-
tunie( i fiom the reunion. They all
, • •
’ Mr i * jh . " ' s * \ , ’ n J| ,e,i ‘ ti'"" H
v i.-it, . to Atlanta ; amt Jfort V a 1 ley
\y. ILumnonds returned
Tuesday afternoon i know he wishes
, ■ •, ! o'," , '? , , U ‘ , 'ongd. , ,
M's, 1 . 1>. Uotdun spent last week
j n Blakely j’,
D p. H ien one of Geor-
citizens lmt. now of Hauston
I't-xus passed, thiougii here Weiities-
nay afternoon en route to Whitney
^ wliPi-H hr* will sj>eini sevt-ral
with relatives ane friends.
Nearly half of Leary attended the
baptising at Notebaway creek last,
Sundax. It is usel G.E.'S to wiention
Mrs. A. J. Dixon. M -s Ella May
VV oot en and Howeli tVhitaker left
here Tuesday morning t- >r a tew davs
stay in Davxson.
Capt. Boyd i- .-pen ling this week
at *i»e Indian Springs.
Sid Keel left Tuesday to take a
position as “.xpr'ess mo-sioiger from
Columhu- to Albany. We wish him
much Mutees> in hts undertaking.
Tile Post Office has moved ju-t,
below the brick store.
Mr Cox lias b j gun to move hi-
emmni.-sarv to the store
occupied fiv W endham Bn *S.
Mr. Morris Tift was with us a
while Wednesday
.tii. W. |J. C. Cunningham went
up to the Artesian city l tu-sdav.
Col J. L. Boynton passed through
here enroute to to bis home in Whit¬
ney Tu< -d;.\ .
'l o all tho-e that have to s. nd any
thing off by express mast s. i d one
cent Internal Revenue to put on the
receipt, that we have to give for such.
Otherwise the ag* nt here cannot
-end it off.
The protracted meeting at the ^
Baptist church mentioned by us
last week continued with mmha-
ted interest until Sunday night.
On Sunday morning our pastor
Bro. Weaver lead thirty willing
converts to the baptismal waters
and administered to them the holy
ordinance of baptism—certainly a
lovely and interesting ceremony,
The meeting closed Sunday night
with more addition, who will he
haptizod at the next meeting.
Result of this meeting'—43 access¬
ion’s to the church—a glorious re¬
Dickey Department.
There has not been as much rain
this u . eek thHre was j HSt .
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Clements
spent Mmidav night with the latters
parents near Edison.
A good many from here attended
services in Morgan last Sunday.
We are expecting R v. Luther
Wilson, of Chipley Fla. here this
week, and he is expected to preach
here next Sunday July 31, all are
cordially invited to attend.
Mrs. Colson, of Dawson, is vititing
lelative- here this week.
Mrs. J, H. Slade of Dawson was
here lue-dav.
Mr. and Mrs. T. ll. Rogers alien-
d-d divine services at Salem last
Mr. I.Palmer and family, and
Miss Minnie Wooten, after spending
days with friends and rela-
nves here returned to their home
in Colombia Ala. Wednesday
Selma Davis was here Mondau
L. r n C. Blanks ifi T—7~r~~~~Tr of Lewisville, t lexas.
writes that one box of Dewitt’s
Hazel Salve was worth $50.00 to him.
It cured his piles of ten years standing,
He ai j vises others to try tt. It also
clues eczema, skin di.-easesand
Si)1 , !S T Xiusley & C o„
Dr. F. P. Giiffiin, Leary; J, w Jones,
willamsbnrg; Henry Turner. Edison,
L> mv friends: I don t know that
vvhluhls hest tu ,1|W "'® ek - Ire-
ce.ved some goods last week and found
that I was short of white Leghorns
cm wn - !' lHci ' I lluve and
expect them . 1 of tins week.
m Tiiesaav
Give me an early call I want all trade
possible for me to do justice by. and I
have tearing *7 that their ™ lmt. be
any won t
ready. So come early. Mrs. E. M.
Planters CUBAN RELIEF cures
Colic, Neuralgia and Tootliache
in five minutes. Sour Stomach
and Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents.
The High crown Lechoms arrived all
O. K., J’uesila \ . Mr- E M criueudoii.
S. T 1 . Clo. 3 Tton,
/T\or^ai}, Qeor^ia.
We keep on hand a nice
line of shoes, hats, dry-
goods, notions, fancy and
family groceries at the very
lowest possible price. La-
dies and gents shoes, the
latest styles and most pop-
ular makes. Ail 1 ask is a
liberal share of the public
patronage, and I will try and
make it to the interest of all
who come to see me.
S. T. Clacton,
• /Tjor^ap, (^eor<^ia.
News From Jeff.
Mr. R. E. Ward went over to
Bluff ton Sunday.
Mrs. Eula Sanders returned h ome
Saturday her after a few davs visit to
Mr. parents E. Mr. Ragan of Morgan.
J, Bass went to Morgan
Monday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Isom Ward of Bluff-
ton was in Jeff Sunday.
Messrs, John Ward and M. A.
Bland, of Edison, was here Sunday
Messrs. A. 0. Sanders and M. 1).
Bass went down to Arlington Sat¬
Mrs. R. E. Ward of Jeff, and Mrs.
John Ward, of Edison, and Mr. Ear-
nest \\ avd returned Wednesday fgt mi
a weeks visit to relatives in Stewart
Mr. ami Mrs. A. S. Sanders visited
theMatters parents A 8. Calhoun, of
Arlington Sunday.
Mr Ront Arnold spent Sunday
with Mr. J. B. Stedham of nearEdi-
* sol |-
Mr.E.Fam . lias t been very sick ... since
our i ust . but g | a d to note he is better
Maybe you have heard of things
being on a boom the Jonesville stng-
ing school is certainly on a boom
with (54 pupils on roll.
Mr. A. S. Mills wa.- in Jeff Monday
on busine.-s.
Prof. 8hort, and Allin, of the Man-
ry school was here Monday.
Prof. McLendon of Sheiltnan was
here bun.lav.
Mr. ami Mrs. E J. Bass’s little bn-
by is verv sick at this writing hope it
so, *'‘ be weh.
Ladies I still have in stock M a lines
Liberty Silk in shired &c , for dress and
hat trimming, ’ come and let :ne give > yu on
” -
» ,nces - B dm prettiest t newest cheap
material to be had. I have silk and satm
for liuing to same. Mrs. E. M. critten-
Planters Ul 3— ion cures and Dyspep- Indi-
gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 ctf