Newspaper Page Text
Curbstone Locals.
Mr. B. Isler was in town
Dr. George returned from At¬
lanta last Saturday.
Mr. Jesse Merritt, of Shellman,
was here last Monday.
Miss Alice Ayeock visited Miss
Pessie Smith this week.
Selma Davis went to Edison
last Tuesday on business.
Rev. R. C. Pool, of Damascus,
mas in Morgan last Sunday.
Messr^ Tames Plowden and
last Tues-
Mr. J. N. Daniel] went over to
Albany last Tuesday and returned
Miss Al'yce Dennis, of Vernal,
spent last week here visiting Mrs.
G. W. Colley. *
Messrs. John Ward and Bland,
of Edison, was here last Wednes¬
day on business.
Ye editor and wife have moved
into the Dunn residence where
we will reside in future.
Miss Estelle Bridges kindly re-
membered the Monitor force with
witn a plate of hue peacnes last
uesc a) , na n vS.
___ _____
Mr. R. M. Smith kindly remem-
bered ye scribe and better three-
fourths with a fine basket of El-
berta. peaches last Tuesday. Mr.
Smith has several trees ladened
with fine fruit.
Mr. .J. B. Isler, of Neptune,
Fla., was in Morgan last Wednes¬
day and gave us a very pleasant
call. Before he left Mr. Isler had
ns to place his name on our sub-
scription book.
Mrs. V ill Bartlette came to
Morgan from Cuthbert last
day and is spending this week
with her father, Sheriff L. H.
Davis. Mrs Bartlette brought
her three little children with her.
Mr. Jos. W. Thomas, of
bert, was here part, of this week
visiting ye scribe and lady, He
left this morning for Albany
where' he will spend several days
with Mr. and Mrs, R. S. Wallace.
Mr. .runian imsley completed
Ins canning factory this week.
f. ot th ° machinery is in posi-
tion ready 1 for work. Mr. Tinsley
is n<)v waiting for a large ship-
ment of cans, which are daily ex-
pecoed to ar rive .
^ G Hammond and Prof. Bar-
♦ M) •
nette, of Leary, was in Morgan
iast Wednesday, the former visit-
inghis sister, Mrs. J. N. Daniell,
and the latter visiting friends:
.\ead,i .™le<lgea i.leasar.t visit
tmm both of these popular young
men. ,)IU< J 8' al])
Dr. Briscoe called at the Moni-
t-or office last Wednesday and
a f'|L“f' editors, e pieachers , S ™b hiS ^'T‘ ami phy^i- h f f,a '
eians. he presented the editor
a halt dozen hue Elberta peaehe.-.
T hanks, many times, doctor.
May you live long and prosper.
Mr. and Mrs. S. T.* Clayton
went uj) to Atlanta last week to
-pend a short while. Mr. Clay-
r»m returned U„r w.-dnu-duv o >.ioi . uu,\ *uiu and
, n ‘b'L'D in Atlanta, and
repoj-ts that she is enjoying good
'* he good n*dV.-
ter her many friends in Calhoun
county as she was not vvt'll when
h ^t* Mr. Clayton also reports
Mrs. Dr. G orgo much improwd.
As we stated last week the Mon-
itol ‘ is somewhat smaller in
this week due to a broken press.
We are in hopes that we will be
able to print the usual size of
seven columns bv next week. A,
a lesuit , ,. ot » the reduction
is size we
were compelled to leave out sev-
eral advertisements in order to
get*in the most important news.
We hope our patrons will bear
with us until the part to our press
returns from the factory.
Calhoun countv court convened
in Morgan last Monday with Judge
L. D. Monroe presiding OnTv
& one case was brought up for deeis-
TOta* ^
Judge The Beck defended \ViJlkmi*.
decision was in favor of Wil-
Hams and he was once more a free
Mr. I. Y. Palmer, an old Cal-
houn county citizen, but now of
Columbia. Ala,, was in hero^he
last Tuesday and while
].aid as a pieasant call. Mr. Pal-
mer with says, Ills although he is satisfied
present home, there is no
place like Georgia and especially
Calhoun '
Spain Equivocates., July 27,-Tl.e government
denies that it has been occupied with
the question of peace. Premier Sa-
gasta cm .tradicts the statement that
official negotatious are in progress,
but the foreign office announces that
... due . initiative,
n ^ n,,at 'o" s ' to private
are in progress
Paris, July 27. — The following of-
ticiai note was issued here todav:
'•At the request of the Spanish
government the French ambassador
at Washington has been authorized
by the French government to * > ire- .
senr a note froni the Chobinet at Ma
drid to the President of the United
States, made the communication to
President ; McKinley at the White
it House A esterdav lu tile presence ot f
Secretary Day."
London, July 27— To- equivocal
denials from Madrid /■■•oerirly, when
injuries were made on the subject
°f reported peace negoti uions, were
ca , )it}l [ p l ; io , to S quins formal amdi-
CH j ion at . Wanh7ngto« for peace.
Many similar couimnmcations nit.eii-
Ud tor home consumption
expected dining negotiations, but
such denials are only t«> allay Ca-ii 1 -
Han suscejffibilities. and they will
*' ot W al J" >int aT
satisfaction is expressed in all
? throughout nart, 7 "’V! L.u-ope ln the at he fact that
^ " a * ar ! ast thing
is „„ „ s b .. in k
, iis ,
It i- laffi'b for, granted that the
°l ,i ." ion "‘j im,.H bS li CHS-
sat ion ot hostilities, ann it is oeiieveu
here that the United States was at
Sm nt...ffiowTv ,', Ii.‘iI „„d a vc
,, u ., of 1H
uW in 0- t before C.„„l.,e pn-
M.ted rlu* note, ami’: hat He formal
negotiations will Coi.-i-t chiefly in
the torniulatioi of terms alrea*
practically sertled.
Will Answer to Day.
J l.v 27-Tm- IW-
iiMiit. , by tomorrow, will (jorninniiicate
an.-wer tortpaiu’s |>eaco prooo-al
amdassadm- Cambun. it Spain
Mjv,s a-.-urauco that, armistice will
i„. followed bv a tv-atv of peace on
certain g<*ncial line-; it i< [irobabU
the Ihv.-ibent will agree to an armis-
t ice.
Spanish Diplomacy.
Washington, July 27.—Bv tomor-
row our government will have, deter-
mined and communicated to the
Fwrn* Ambassador J jast what form
the ... leading towards , shall , „
steps peace
take It is likelv that if the Spanish
government is really in earnest in its
desire , . for „ government will ...
P eace our
COt,sent t0 au anmstlce asa
But it can he stated positively that
the president is determined to lose
no 2 'ound through Spanish diplo¬
,nn, ‘* v -
r ^/unnstice. tf granted, will be
«h»> >'T W « »=
‘"'-"“e "ni-'t constitute in itsel, an
imposed by the United States as ;i
o<Ms of peace,
Military operation, are to go stead-
il v to ™' a,,(1 so f;ir :,s H>e United
States ,! * concerned until the negotia-
*•»» h ‘‘' v fim ‘7
«•»» »t. Uiev were sub-
f (l mtemiption at any moment
'h, but it must h. »l
scarcely expected immediate-
Tlie editor of the Evans City p a
Globe. writes.
i.s nghtl.v mimed. It cured my children
after all other remedies failed.” It cures
coughs, colds nud uli throat and lung
troubles. T. ,1. Tinsley A Co., Morgan
Dr, F. P. Griffin, Leary; J. w. Jones,
Williamsburg; Henry Turner. Edison.
Win your battles against disease by
acting promptly. One Minute Cough
Cure prod aces immedeiate results. When
taRen early it prevents consumption.
And in later stages it furnishes prompt
lelief. 1. J. I ilislev A* Co., Morgan;
Or. F. P. Griffiin, Leary; J. w. Jones,
williamshurg; Henry Turner. Edison.
* . Tinsley & Co.,
ELCore’o.n, Ga.
Young Married Couples and Those
Who Contemplate Matrimony
should remember that we are now jirepared to furnish
their houses throughout, from kitchen to parlor, and with
the very best goods possible to buy for tho money, uv
have fine goods and we have the cheap* st good goods that
can he bought. We carry all the necessaries and many
of the luxuries, and nil at prices that knock competitors
out ns completely as Sampson and Shatter did the Span-'
iards at Santiago. W< carry the best lir.e of
@©©lk StoYes
from the cheapest to the best., and sell them, like every¬
thing els*—cheap and to suit the purchaser.
You will always regret it if you fail to come to see us
and get our prices before buying.
T. J. Tinsley & Co.,
”K /—**
Spain Sues For Peace.
Washington, July 26.—Spain has
sued for peace formally and directly
jo I resident McKinley through C am-
<''oncl> aarla.ssador.
I he fallowing official statement is
' The French ambassador, on be¬
half or the government of Spain, and
by direction of the Spanish minister
of foreign affairs, presented to the
President this afternoon at thr* White
House a message from the govern-
ment of Spain looking to a termina¬
tion of the war and a settlement on
terms of peace."
W m your battles against disease by
relief._T. Dr. F. p. Ovifllci, Tii.sle,- Lean ,t
; .1. j m „* ;
H *"“ 7 ... ....... .....' .
\V ill **C>:R,GkA.3sr, GkA.,
practice in all the C ourts, State
3 m£!SL£S33i totoZg™*
i 8etk ,„ s „ specialty, 1-17-tt
Practices in the Courts ot tin* Albany
(lirenit. Ac 1-17-tt
Tool I) Extracted Without Mil.
If vou are troubled with toothache
have a mouth full of old snags
causes you trouble and a bad
breath cal! on
at Demy, and have them extracted
without nain. ('barges reasonable
and satisfaction guaranteed.
X . L. LAM At .
SboIIIT 5 QR, GiSOFgia.
Will res lor* 1 color oil old clothes. dee
and make them look new.
Satisfaction guaranteed.