Newspaper Page Text
Mrs. J. B. & Tinsley Company.
O rmg e§§
Sipedailtty o
Swe m^©mey toy ©©mmnims to §©e Ms todF©ire tonnymms o
SAY. BUI). 1)11) YOU
At Tinsley V? Not this week. At Clay-
tonV? Not this morning. At Thorn
lotiV? I reckon not. Sir, 1 got tliem
(/! kit r
V \ ■
\ ■ i f___L C
......lls .......,:,,n 8(! inches ,!n;. for „!„„ one h' run!
11 | H in mis good given coffee for $i.oo
S pounds Arbuckle coffee,
Pi lbs. white sugar. 1.00
Id lbs. w hole grain rice. 1-00
17 boxes (fiimt po ash. for 1.00
(Aliens, chocks and yard-wide sheet-
ing per yard Sets.
20 ounces soap for 5c
141 box mutches, 45c
100 pounds cotton seed hulls, 45
i • meal $1.25
Lhuvble thick tobacco per pound 25
Schnapps tobacco 3 pounds for 95c
Almieabo.y Snuff 50
Corn and mea l per bushel 65
Best flour per bbl 5 35
Home-raised bams 10c
» pounds Lion roasted coffee l 00
2 box p Hash Pi.-; a 20c: 4-25c ; 17 for i oo
stmw luits from r, c to 75c.
Lump chimneys 7 C
pile and all vices
i *‘!TeH ^crapes ready sharp and set 4c
Nails, per pound 21-2c,
flood Axes »«?•
Eire proof K, ,ii| per gal
Fruit jar rubbers per doz.
1 cannot ment ion all, so come to see me
The year 189S will l»e a bard one and
sine of the hardest tilings will be to
>C' >! iccC 1 liiTcfoiv l will only sell lor
4 Ik- cash.
Notice of Dismission.
<-EGRHI A— Calhoun Cuuntv:
Wiks’c^n, \Y. R. iVrvv, adtuinisiraf< r
kd lVn -,1 S. Barbie, represents to the
( 'i urt in Ink petition duly filed j^ud en¬
tered on <i’«<‘itril. that lie lias fully ad-
miilisteivd l.Yter S. Barhre’s estate
'I lii.s is I tiinrefore t <i cite ail persons cou-
cvieed kindred and creditors, to show
evise. if any thvi can. why said admin-
Ksnaior should ao, be d,-charged from
bis adiiiiuisirnnoiii and receive letters of
di-inis-ioy ui, tlie first Ylondu" in Octo
1. r, 189S. .1. I. MONROE.
Hick lieadaehe l.ilious.iess
can be quicklv euied bv using
famous hide puts known as iviin's
Little Early Riseis. 1 hew ,nv plea-unt
to lake md never gripe T. .1. linsley
A- Oo.. Morgan; Dr i< l*. (Liiiiin. Four y
-vr, Edison.
— .......
Catt von 'norrow innn.-y <m nny
your propi-rf \ at A pt-c o-nt inn-rosi ?.
You f«n, if you h.t vo a i.oiii-y in
New York Li:.- Insurance tVmpain.
Yd Salle m
" L©w Prns©§o
NY- - are strictly in it! When it
comes to first-class and up-to-dat(
job printing.
Bagging and ties now constitute
n gt it it 1 i y portion of tlie
that is received by our merchants.
Another evidence of good
that are coming.
Mr. G. M. Davis brought to our
office last Friday ti limb from a
cotton stalk which was only one
foot long and had eleven boles on
it, live of which were open and
ready for picking. This was the
first “open” cotton we have seen
this year. Along with the
ot cotton n, Mr. ,, Davis t , • , brought i ,
US a
basket of fine peaches, which were
highly ap])leciated. iMl. Da\ is is
one of Calhoun county’s most
prosperous farmers.
It your seat is too hard to
stan,nip It a rock rises before
you roll it away. It you wish tor
confidence prove yourselt worthy
° T 14 t»k*> longer to skin an
t.hmi a ii.ous.t. Don’t be
content ot doing what another lias
done, snip iss it. The boy was not
born a man, the sun does not like
a rocket go up or down like a
let tired from a gun. It is as easy
to be a leader as a wheel horse. If
the job be long the pay will be
Force a toad’s mouth open and
hold it in that position, and it will
suffocate, says the San Francisco
Bulletin. This is because he has
no ribs, and no way of dilating the
che *^ therefore lie must literally
swallow air as though it were food,
Forcibly keeping the creature’s
niouth open causes the air to pass
into the stomach instead of the
Another oddity is its toiigUB
which is hung in the mouth just
the reverse of the human tongue,
being attached to the front of the
jaw, the loose end hanging back
and down the throat.
There are plenty of ways to lie
fools. Our laws give wide range
of Liberty in this matter, says an
Arkansas exchange. The price
of cucumbers is too low for us to
raise and pickle them, yet we
mortgage our land to the North¬
erner and Fastener who does raise
them, and pay freight on pickles
to our doors. It' we raise a crop
(, t tomatoes they “don't sell for
nothing,” vet. months later we
j niv them shipped from Marvland
n then mortgage land for
, paid. You doll
lf ‘ blOilt'A V (' t
get pay for your trouble in making
and taking care of butter, vet Ar-
kansas jobbers buv Kansas butt- or
!>v ulu t j he Kansas la 1 -
h:l Y r ° ft ,,earl V t WO '
thirds ot tneir mortgages
tile past tnive year.-:. Hogs aili t
worti; keeping, yet we find
alread v mortgaging their
hl ‘ !V, ‘ s ' wagons and even implanted
, cotton to buv Yankee
at ni:irtg.t-ge prices. Oil, no,
ls no limit to iiit' kind ot too is w
may b*‘, only it costs like
• to pay fool in Arka; sas.
©ff MMUflimeryo .
S will l::vv.v That thu
1 %i imm $ ?:
13 the host for Female Trouble’,. Corrects all
Irregularities in Female Organs. Should bo
taken for Chao»«of Life and b'-fore
j tester ito4n*vy ed ’ M hayo stoodthe
ear s
I . Mafia only b;/ Now fneno-r XoCclncC-i., Chat-
tam>o~a, v -ncv.;.-.
! |ite in tho x „„. T ,„. k
Lifp Omininv. It is the
„ 10st K1)eral Oom nv it , oli ,. v
holders as «ell us ,U largest and
st ,.„ ng ,. s , i„ tbe « orld.
M. A. Bland.
The Chief Burgess of Milesburg, Pa.,
tif, N s I)e ' in * kittle Early Risers are the
h fl pU U t e eVer lls ^C 1n nn « forty
Horn sick , he££eanSomach . ami liver
troubles. Small m size but great in
results. T. A Tinsley Co.. iUorgaw;
Dr. F. P. Griffin. Lcarv; •). w. Jones,
williamsburg’; Henry Turner. Edison.
Malarioii With Malarion Tablets,
lJuaraut. ed cure tor clmls, fever
ague or money refunded. 50 cents. All
druggists. 5 196m
Sash ami trininiimr ribbon in double-
faced stan, plain taffeta, moire gauze,
chiffon and velvet ribbon. New lot of
No. 1 velvet ribbon to be in this week
Mrs. E. M. t rirtenilon.
1 l ,e a Leghorns arrived all
OW are the chil¬
dren this summer?
Are they doing
-well? Do they
get all the benefit they
should from their food?
Are their cheeks and lips
of good color? And are
they hearty and robust in
every way?
If not, then give them
Scott’s Emulsion
of cod liver oil with hypo-
phosphites. fails build
It never to
up delicate boys and girls.
It gives them more flesh
and better blood.
It is just so with the
baby also. A little Scott’s
Emulsion, three or four
times a day, will make
the thin baby plump and
* /^prosperous. It
furnishes the
y 0UR S body with
k | just the material
jjj necessa-ry for
MM* j' growing bones
and nerves.
Scot AU Druggists, Chemists, -oc. and*$t. N.Y.
r & Bowne,
Anger a Disease.
An English journal thus com¬
ments on the injurious effects of
anger: “Anger serves the unhap-
j py mortal who-indulges in it nnicli
! the same as intoxicants constantly
i taken do the inebriate. It grows
into a sort of disease which has
various and terrible results. Sir
Richard Quain said not long ago:
‘He is a man very rich indeed in
physical power who can afford to-
be very angry.’ This is true. Every
time a man becomes white or red
with anger he is in danger of his.
life. The heart and brain are the
organs mostly effected when fits of
passion are indulged in. Not only
does anger cause partial paralysis
of the small bloocl vessels, but the
heart’s action becomes intermit¬
tent—that is, every now and then it
drops a beat-much the same thing
as is experienced by excessive
smokers. 5 ?
A mam « l man recently drew si,
elegant his piano wife, lamp toho and pres,., ten
* to w„stickled to
death oyer the present, and said
she would name it after him On
asking her the reason, she replied :
“Well it has a good deal of brass
about ’ it is i^indsome to look at,
1S remarkably 1 brilliant, requires a
great deal of attention, is some-
times unsteady Oil its legs; lia'blt-
to explode when half full. Hart ; S
up occasionally, is always cut at
} )et \ time, and is bound to smoke..'’
The fee system is an < iff rag,e up-
on the taxpayers of Georgia and
should be abolished at Jill T &
recent case in Atlanta the sheriff
of Fulton county received a fee of
more than $8,000 upon a sale, more*
than is received as a year’s salarv
by the governor, the highest officer
in Georgia. Is there any right or
justice in that? Pay the officials
a salary and let excess go into th
treasury to reduce our already t . 1 )(<
high tax rate.
The appearance of “Hack root’"
in cotton is reported from variou-
portions of the county, and is
■ i said to be'doing considerable dam¬
Many a man cheerfully acts as
i pallbearer who wouldn’t huvt-
loaned the “” a nick-
j le to save his life.
| Atlanta was crowded last week.
There was one person there r<> every
i two feet. And occasional:y an old-
vet on one foot.
It has been meiitione'.l that
when' oi.e moistens a war revenue
stamp now he is giving a "lick”
! at Soain.
A -
- '—i«
i vauia, A regro cliarged man is u jail at Syl-
j with stealirg a ’pair
; offfpar.t-H to bo baptized in.
Tim I .ost “ i _r aoout our con-
science is A i 4- ilon’t dl of] KM*
i peoplt 1 of your misdeeil
Don't meddle with th • man who
! rover meddles—if such a mm. ex-
1 1st.