The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, August 25, 1898, Image 1
VOL. III. NO. 33. Stoves aijd (?rocKery If you need a Stove or Range it will pay you to come and see us. Also Crockery and China. We make p sets just as you want them, iii plain ' white, embossed, or decorated porcelain at very low figures. . Bell, Al a j, Items ot Interest. A medical authority advises the young to “court fresh air day and night. Courting in the fresh air on the front verandah is also splendid for the health. If you don’t believe it, ask Prof. Short, Nine men out of ten who have “the courage of their convic¬ tions,” haven’t the common sense of a blind billy goat. It is well enough to be brave, biit it is in horribly bad taste to show your rudeness on every possible oecae- sion. Don’t hurt people’s feelings just to show the world that you don’t care. After the day on which Bis¬ marck was shot at (May 7, 1880,) by Karl Blind, his wife said : “If 1 were in heaven and saw the vi 11 - ian standing on the top of a lad¬ der leading, to hell I would have no hesitation in giving him a push.” “Hush, my dear,” re¬ plied Bismarck, “you will not be in heaven yourself with such thoughts as these.” The spider was an advertiser, for “hrop into my parlor” said he to the ffy and the fly did, so we are told. If you are a bootblack at least call out “shine, boss.” Why stand in your doorway and beg the strolling pedestrians to “come in” when you could bring them by dozzens with a well written ad, telling them of wares ?—Waycross Journal. A new candidate for the legisla- ture, in North Georgia, addressing the “dear people,” became enthu- siastic, and finally, after laying down a somewhat advanced pro¬ gram for the nation, exclaimed “Yes, fellow citizens, and I will go a step farther,” whereupon he absentmindedly stepped to the edge of the platform and fell sprawling among his hearers below - * The “man behind the gun” has been praised, and sung and crowned witli laurels, but one of them gets less than .$100 in prize money for the destruction of Cervera’s fleet by Schley and Capt. Sampson, who was seven miles away and had nothing to do with it, gets $10,000. No wonder there is so much discontent with republican misrule among the “plain, common people.” m o o < o uLrnrnm O 7=> MORGAN, GA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1898. «,#»•#«,>SeelPlot £""•«T '"TUT v\• Blades, i Boy j rv« Dixie » and j t rilDHAr uippti # ( UMW&5. . ■ S. II, Al any, r. ^ Williamsburg News. | [BY JACOB THE 2ND.] bn Thursday last Messrs. Tim- nions and Wooten went out squir- reling- and what was first to stare them in the face was a large rat- tie snake with twelve rattles. We jare having it awful dry and hot at; present, J. W. Jones went to Sunday, Mr. G. R. Perry, accompanied by his sister, Miss Annie, spent Saturday and Sunday in Damas- ciis. We think Mr. Timmons is lik- ing Mr. Perry still better, as he made his first call Monday after- noon. What did she say, John? Why, “come again,” of course. J. W. Jones and father of Mil- ford visited Albany Monday. Mrs. G. M. Gore visited Mrs. J. R. Wooten Tuesday. G. B. Perry visited friends and relatives in Baker county last i Monday. ". •/ J. W. Jones is on the sick list this week. We all are very much pleased with our new depot agent, Mr. Stevens. J. R. Wooten killed a large rat¬ tle snake Monday. Mr. Tom Harden, of Leary, was in our town Tuesday. Come again, Tommy. For sale cheap and on easy pay- ments—Two and three-fourths bushels of gnats. i Mrs. C. C. Brownlee, accojn- panied by Miss Annie Culbreth, of Baker county, were in the , “city” last Friday and Saturday, On the fourth day of July a young man of Stockton, Kan., took his best girl to a picnic, There she accepted so many atten- tions from other young men that the first young man became en- raged* and went home, leaving the gir! to get back to her home, as beet she might. She hired a hack, for which her father paid seventy- five cents, and the old man sent the bill to the sulky young f. mar u „ He refuse •>, to . and the old pay, man sued him in a justice’s court, alle- ging that having taken the girl to the picnic it became his duty to see her safely home at his own ex- pen9e ‘ Both sides have hired law- V ersand the case will be fought to a finish. 5>?ot Qrars. Biweles . h,,,» call on us. We can certainly interest y >u we ^ »^-ciass shot, gun at a very low price. Don’t foil to call on us when you ; come to Al- baiiyandweoure ^ Bn9i elineofgood8 S. Bell, am po ,, Ga. i Dickey Department. (BY SUNFLOWERS) Noel Mathis and Wa’tnr Beck passed through here Sunday. Mr. W. YV\ Davis accompanied by his daughter Miss Maggie came up from Baker Monday. Miss Maggie will remain a few days with relatives and friends. Mr. Warren Sutton, of Clay coun¬ ty, was over at the machine shop last Friday, Mr. Jim Bell went down to Arling- ton one day last week. Mr and Mrs. C W. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Will Ethridge, of Baker county, visited relatives here last week, Mr. Edmou Ethridge came up from Baker last Friday auu is now teach¬ ing music in Morgan. Mrs. J. W. Ingram and niece are visiting the former’s sister Mrs. B. H. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wiggins spent Sunday in Dickey with relatives. Mrs-. Frank Parkins left Friday for her home in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. J. R Ingram, of Baker, visited relatives here last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs •(. C. Clower spent the latter part of last week with rela¬ tives in Dawson. Rev. L H. Wilson and daughter •^'• ss Mary left last 1 hur.-day for their home in Chip.ey Fla. Davi,] PI,milen *‘P 6, ,t 1; ' sr pri <Hv . * n Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Palmer spent last Saturday and Sunday with' rela¬ tives net-e. Mr. M. C. LevtU was here Tue«- day. Several from here attended preach¬ ing at Mars’ Hill last Sunday. Mr. T. H. Rogers went over to Edison Tuesday* Miss NHorny Palmer visited Mor¬ gan Saturday. Mesdames L. H. Wilson arid W, IS. Darrin paid Edison a visit Mon¬ day. Mwsra .j ot , Wiggins ani , A , b<m Wl .„ n( .„ we „ h , re Mon „ ay . p, of Blnffton, i„ .pmiilin* thi. week with his sister Mts. u»u Dell. Ralph Johnson and Leslie Clem- ent8 wenr ovet . t(> Salem Sunday af tnrnoon. Mr. John Steadham passed through hero last Tuesday enroute to g : ‘»* -Tim Mathis .attended Sunday school at the Wooten school house IS SI PER YEAR. last Sunday. H. A. Plowden was up from Hope¬ ful last Sunday. Col. and Mrs. J. L. Boynton paid Morgan a visit one d«y last week. Mr. Pres*ly Harrell and family visited his father here last, Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Clements and son Joseph spent Sunday afternoon here. Henry Bell was here Sunday.. W. C. Brann, the late editor of the Iconoclast, Waco, Texas, is credited with the following: “The dollar is indeed almighty. It is the Archimedian lever that lifts the illbred man into select society and places the ignorant saphead in the United States senate; it makes presidents of stuffed proph¬ f ets, governors of intellectual geese, philosophers of fools and gilds in¬ famy with supernatural glory. It wrecks altars of innocence and polutes the face of the people; breaks the sword of justice and binds the goddess of liberty with chains of gold. It is the lord of the land, the uncrowned king of the commonwealth.” A minister in a town not a thou¬ sand miles away, on a recent Sun¬ day surprised his audience by reading the following announce¬ ment from his pulpit: “The regu¬ lar session of the donkey club will be held as usual at the close of the service. Member will line tip just outside the church door, make re¬ marks and stare at the ladies who pass, as is fheir custom. Any member known to escort a young lady to church like a man and sit with her like a gentleman, will be promptly expelled from member¬ ship.” The application was to the point and the effect marvelous. Truth wears well. People have learued that DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are reliable little pills for regulating the bowels, curing coustipatiou aud sick headache. They don't gripe. T. *1. Tinsley & Co., Morgan; Dr. F. P. Grit'tin Leary; J. W. Jonas. Williamsburg; Henry Turner. Edison. 0» Mil,,..* Cougl. Cam .nrpri^ people tnkw by »» quick cures and children m “ y lt lu Urgt} <!"•“*■>**«• "dbout the leant danger. It lute wod for itself the best reputation of any preparation for colds croup, tickling iu Tiusley°& Co.^DrlTV^rffUn, Leary ,T w - Jones, Williamsburg; Henry Turner Edl8 , ° n ’ Malarlon 1* KndorMil by Beit Phyalclan* aud guaranteed to cure chills, fever aud ague. All druggists or from MoftD west Drug Co.. St. Louis. 5 19 6m