Newspaper Page Text
The Morgan •
Thursday, August 25, 1898.
Stoney Glover was here Wednes¬
day. .
Mr. G. B. Worsham was in
town last Wednesday.
Mr. Henry Forrester df Albany,
was here last Tuesday. \
Mr. Goo. Col&wag » visitor to
Morgan last Wednesday. .*
rni,_ 8
" .Ito.
second Monday , . in September.; V 1 •
Mr. Press Addison,, of Leary,.
made a short visit- to our town'
. Prof. R. H. Shell, of Dickey,
made a trip to Morgan last- Tues¬
day on his bicycle.
If you want the Monitor one
year free, bring us the longest
stalk of sugar cane.
Clever Janies Collins, of Ar¬
lington, was here last Wednesday
morning on business.
The Monitor is under obliga-
lions to Mr. T. J. Beard for a doz-
zen fine Elborta peaches.
Mr. T. S. Hart, district agent,
of the’'Singer Manufacturing Com¬
pany, was in Morgan to-day.
Sheriff Davis and Messrs.' Jim
Thornton and John Price went to
Blakely last Tuesday to attend
If you well informed,
a > is ])er. | ' Even paper ) of
pins \ i —- l*r t give ydu spme good
Prof. Short is desirous of
ing a large attendance on the
opening day, second Monday in
September. # ' >“ ;>•
Mr. J.* A. Chewmifg. agent Of
the Singer sewing machine with
headquarters at Leary, . was m
Morgan tp-dav.
When pile man proposes a good
thing, another man usually pro-
poses oi>e so much better that
nothing is done
Extolling the merits of a dog
!„• ottWed for sale, the owner
Sald! H «. " ,n eat f n >' thln «- ond
is very fqrtd of children.” ■ - -
Mrs. J. B. George &
Co., are having their millinery
shop painted, ,(he which will add
much to appearance of tllat
part of toUu. ♦
Mr. Albert Monroe has resigned
his position with Messrs. T. J. j
Tinsley & Co., and has accepted
a more remunerative : position
with the Southern Express Com-
pany, between Columbia, Ala.,
and Sniitdivillp, Ga. Alberta’s j
many friends in Morgan wish him
much success.'
Judge L. D. Monroe held coun-
ty court in Morgan last Monday
and cleared the docket by dispos-
ing five civil ca?iSs q!«d four cririi-
inal cases. Judgement was se-
cured in the five civil cases. Only.i
one case on the criminal docket;
was found guilty—Jake Williifiusjj,
simple larceny. Fined $10 and
co8 ^ s
In the Monitor's melon contest
which closed oil the 20th of this
month, Mr. Harper Dahiell, of
Leary, was the successful contest-
ant. Mr. Daniell’s melon was of
the Jones variety anil tipped the
scales to 63 pounds. ThefolW-.
mg are among the Heaviest melons
in the contest: Geo, Cole, 45;
Roht. McDaniell, 38 and 41; John
Stewart. 41. Now, who will raise
the longest stalk of sugar cane
for the Monitor one year?
c PW ® rt Lc*gue, —--» Program.
i 1 .' Am The Epworth League will meet
**{ the Methodist church next
Sunday night, and the following
will be the Missionary program i &
. .
tor the evening;
I. Christ as a missionary.
II. Paulas a foreign mission-
ary. - ■
(a) The example of his life.
(b) -His teaching on it—by S.' 1
T. Clayton and Mrs. Dozier.
III. What can I do for foreign
(a) Prayer and answer to prayer.
(b) Give Scriptural quotations
—by L. G. Cartledge and Miss
Ella Riley.
. ——
Leary Locals.
(bvchas. W. plowden.)
I did not write any last week for
tile reason that we were having pro¬
tracted meeting here which I atten¬
ded at night,-which is the only tim
I have to write. We had a vei
good meeting one of the best tl
Leary has had in a long time.
Mr. D. W. Plowden brought '
F. A. Parkins down here last Ft
wnere she took the train Satn
for her home in Atlanta,
Mr. Cack Barbra left Suuda
a visit to friends and relatives ..
Ash burn.
Mr. Earl Cunningham paid Aibaqyj
or one of its girls a vi.-it Sunday, I
think one of the fair sex w as tpe at-
He reports a very"' pleas¬
ant time and says Albany is the only
Miss Pet Cartledge, one of Mor-
gaus fairest young ladies spent last
week in Leary, the, guest of. Miss
Mamie Wooten. She came o»er to
be at the meeting.
Several from Morgan attended
divine services here last week.
Mr. and Mr, W. W, Davis spent
last Saturday with the family of Mr.
a „ d w H c . Ountringhk...-
Prof J. L. Barnett left last Satur¬
day for a vi>it to home folks at Bas¬
co ®‘‘ niiss ^ Prot ‘? Hnd
- -
hmr a ^edy return.
nied by'Miss --*5; ■' Ella May Wooten, m-compa.
tended preaching in Morgan Sunday.
Mr. Howell Whitaker'Went over
to Morgan Sunday afternoon,
Mrs. P. C.- Colley, of Dawson,
visited relatives here last Week,
Hurrah for the Morgan ball team,
1 am glad that they beat the Shell-*
mHtl boys. Maybe the SUetiman boys
slt>i> boasting so much now.
Moiga'u is now ready to - play any
u i ue that will come to their ground. !
Mr. T. W. Tinsley, was with us a
while Tuesday,
DiiTeiry went to ShelltnanSuu-
dan to see his better half and bab>,
v Cotton ha^Jbfgatr to ebuie in our
town very rapidly. Bring your cot-
ton to Leary and get the top of the
market for it.
Mrs. R. E. Layton visited relatives
here the first part of this week
Mr. Z. L. Cox left Sunday for a
trisit to North Georgia.
The Epworth League is progress
mg nicely we have thirty members
Me, Addison left Wednesday
corning for a visit of several weeks
t0 re.afcives in Amertcufc.' • - v
Bro. King filled his regular ap-
Phintment at Hay's Chapel Saturday
»n^u"dUy. " ro f- omtor ' h:tv « yo-u . any < mo*
quitoes in Morgan?
(Don’t mention, it, we hare three
professional mosquito tvpe setters in
the Monitor ofifce.-Ed.)
.. 'Populist Candidate
, rm ' governor, T" , gan ’ While swot-
leri'stream crossing a
in TroujS oouniy recently,
was saved from being drowned by
*•«*?. And unless <*»■• all signs *•* tail "ats. tne demo
crats will also save him from being
»*<«**« • • f
~ oeptemoer 12,1898.
T. J. Tinsley & Co •
UUCore'siXL, O-a- ■
Young Married Couples and Those
Who'' il m
should remember that we are- now prepared to furnish
their houses throughput, from kitchen to parlor, and with
the very best goods possible to buy for the money, We
have fine goods and we have the cheapest, good goods t-lmt' \
can be bought. We carry all the necessaries and many 1 ]
•• ft * 1
. . . . < ■ \'( • • .
of the luxuries, and all at prices that knock competitors \
out as completely as "Sampson and Slnifter did the Spun-
iards at Santiago. We carry the best line of
©©©Ik Stoves k
<1 . from the cheapest to the best; and sell them, like every¬
thing else—cheap and to suit tlie |.»urbbaser. ’
You will always regret it if you fail to *come to see us
:' t
and get. our'prices before buying. I-
T. J. Tinsley & Co.,
n^org-sua, GtSl.
More Fighting.
Madrid, August 24.--The gevern-
ment has received a dispatch from
General Rios, Governor of the Vis
cayas Islands and successor to Gen¬
eral Jaudenben in the Governor-Con -
twPen the 8pan ianis, and insurgents,
with an estimated loss to the latter
of 500 men. Spanish losses unitn-
f ,
snr a ™t'chiefs were* JnJ
shot . A sergeant gendarmes, who
attempted to incite .a vising against
the authorities, barely escaped lynch-
mg at-the hands of the populace.
He was turned over to the court ar.d
More .than twenty million free samples
of Dewitt s witch Hazel Salve have been
distributed bv the maim facta res. What.
better proof of their confidence in it’s
££ d °£XT
f. ripie P. . T Grilttn, >T Tip8 ,«, Leary; y * Co Mwr ^ n; Dr .
J. \V. .Tones,
Williamsburg; Henry Turner, Edison.