Newspaper Page Text
Mrs. J. B. & Company.
imn®iiii^y Iby e®lnnniingi t® see Ms Ibeil®ire IbmiyfliniS! o
Administrator’s Sale.) :
GEORGIA— Calhoun County :—
On the first Tuesday; 'ju S4p Mem¬
ber next, under a decrefe rendered
in Calhoun Superior Court, at the
instance of \\ . J. Ragan, admin¬
istrator of Janies Vinson, deceas¬
ed, vs. John C. Price, et ; * alias,
creditors of said deceased. I ad]]
sell for the benefit of said credi¬
tors two hundred and fifty (250)
•<cres of land in the Third .(fid)
trict of said county, described
'owsj ’’oidred 'All of lot and of Seventy- land No.
*U of the south
Three Hun-
0174) r. ex-
"'t e
Confederate Roster Notice.
Notice hereby given that the
Roster committees of Capt. W. L.
Eurlow’s company, Co. I). 12th,
Reg. G,a. Vols., and Capt. .Tames
Dickey’s Ga. company, Co.. E. 51st,
Rug. Vols., have filed their
reports. This is therefore to cite
four months from hit wi'E
this date. This
August 2, 1898.
Ordina rv.
_ . .
Notice is hereby given that a
sufficient number - of the Freehold-
era of the 18.10th district G.'M.,
of said county and state have filed
Ml f ile the ordinary of
Zt »tt TJ of tin ?’ sto< ? ‘I under "T the
provisions of sections 1< <2, 17<8,
°# ll,e C, ’ de
th 1895 and that after twenty
days from this publication,- to-
"*v day of AdpiA.
,u.n,U„ !!!.<? S’;,,
m terms ot the Itiw. ■-Given tinder
m.V hand officially this. August
10,1898. A- 1. MON ROE j
..yTf^mary, s,
........- -
Notice Ilf Dismission. '
(iEORGIA—CyjiHoyN Oiius ty: "
Whereas. 1 W. R.
Terry, adniinisirat. tojfhe' r
of Peter 8 Barbie, represents
Court in his, petition duly lie' filed and en
ferod on record, that lias fully ad-
tnidistered Peter S. Barbre's "estate’
This is ttierefore tb cite all persons con-
cerneti kiudred aud creditors, to,
eause, Gtr.ttoral.ouknot if any they can. why said admm
be discharged trorn
his administration aud receive letters of
dismission ou the tirst Morida" in
b r, 1898. A. I. MONROErOrdiuary.
S si II € Wt
; L.©w fl?rne(g§
A ^Remedy For Yellow Fever,
A correspondent of the London
Standard iibnds'^ t'Haf 1 (iaper : the
following cure for yellow fever:
It may be worth while
on record that no fatal results
need ever lie feared in ’the above
disease provided the person at¬
tacked, as soon as the syinjitoms
make their appearance, take the
following simple remedy, viz:, ‘‘a
tumbler full of olive, oil with the
juice of a lime squeezed into it, to
be repeated till vomiting and
purging ensues. This isinfaP'
‘"king the yir 1 ...
’ ’ V *t>
finally, when
nigh failed him and till remedies
had proved of no avail, he pro-
posed, between grasps, to send for
his sweetheart and get married.
The attendants smiled, but the
doctor promptly' said: yes, I’d
try everything. And so would we
« ” •“«» *”»•
A Tramp’s Eloquent Lecture.
A ’trainp once asked for a tree
drink in a sploon. The request was
granted and when in the adtoi drink-
one of th a
. V <W>S men,present exclaimed:
.‘'Stop, n-ake us a speech. It is V
poor liquor that doesn't unloosen
manV tongue.”
The tramp hasrlv swallowed down
tie. drink, and ».l>,ri.-b W conn-
p t hrou>di .“~ n his nis blood onmq. he tie <trei<ditened -ueightened
h,n,s vif a'xljstood b,w fi,«m »
grace and dignity that all hi-rags and
dirt could not obscure.
<;p. ni ) e , ne ,„» be saill ..j | ook to .
at yon. and m«ilf ».«1 it seems
»k> .t?)sf panhoo.L This bloated face
once as young aryf ’handsome as
yours. This shambling figure once
walked -I. ,G-....... a man
--- " " ......... ' ^ ----------LI —
-Gonfederate Roster Notice.
Notice U'i is herehv s?i von tl,„f
comnnrtees ot r o Capt. • Kobt: » u u Me-
Clary s company, Co. C. 25th,
Ga. Vols,, have’flled their reports,
This is. therefore, to cite all coil-
cerned to file their obiections 'rL Li if
)in J ll v V tbav t “f>. b.»v« '^ v e, ^ Hhm four months
thls date - This Augu*f 19,
1898, A. I. MONROE,
“* t~~\o
©If MMnimeiryo
in the world of men, I top, once had
a home and position, I had a wife as
be'atnifid As an •artist’s dream and I
dropped the priceless pearl of her
honor and respect in the wine cup
and, Cleopatra like, saw it dissolve
and quaffed it down in.y|ie. bpitiming
draught. I had children as sweet
and lovely as the flowers o£ spring and
saw them fade and die under the
drunken father. I had a home where
love lit the flames upon the altar and
ministed before it. and Tput out the
tiro and darkness and desolation
reigned in its stead.
I had aspirations th <t soared as
ligh as the morning star and broke
id bruised their beautiful wings,
d at last, strangled them that I
ght be tortured with their cries-no
re. Today I am a bus and witbr-
i wife, a father without a child,
up with no home to call his
i man in whom every good
e is dead--and all .swallowed
ie maelstrom of drink..
ramp ceased speaking. Th-
from the nerveless Angers
red into a .thousand frag-
the , floor. The swinging
bed open and shut again
v the little group about the
..Al Up the tramp was gone.
8 8
, 8 8
1 u Perhaps you have made v 8 8
8 up your mind to takes 8 8
8 8 8 c
8 8 8 8 8 Scoffs \ 8 8 8 [ |
* 8 8 8 o Emulsion ; ; S: 5’ 8 8 8 [■ |
8 7 this summer. 8 8 [
8 o Then 8 [
£ )f look for 8 8 |
$} I? this picture on I 8
the wrapper, a 8
s man with a big 1 8 Q
fish his back. 'A 8
1/ Do not let anvone talk to
you of something “ just
If |> as When good.” you want COd 8 8 8
J 8
|> .. j, d th i. v 8
phosphites you waiuthe 8 8
very best. You will find 8 8
IS them in only one place 8 8
|> Scott’s Emulsion. 8
There is no other «wd- 8 8
rsthe^e . worked
f « ( Other has the 8 o 9
1 n o same 8
,§V record of cures. 8
ah Driw-ts, 5 oo. and 8 8
Vj u ■ orr A Bowk*?: Chemist,. N.Y. 8
•Xi DIOTOIOTOTO --------J QToTOO 8 c
—- - r- --- ■ —-----
... You incite disappointment, when you
experiment DeW'pt^ Little Early
Risers are pleasant, easy, thorough little
pi Ik They cure Constipation and sick
headache just as sure as yon take them
k J ' Tinsley & Co.. Morgan; Dr. F. P.
Gbttin Ie-arV; J’ W."‘Jones. Williams-
burg; Henry Turner, Edison.
Malariun With Malarion-Tablets. „
Guaranteed cure for chills, fever and
ague or rnonev refunded. 50 cents A lj
druggists. 5 19tim
. • :
S'iou. 1 know taat ,t*ia
i-imtf’* tteigfcfjFf <•
• •
I , W V,
M ■ Vi
m m:
In * ~4
Ijt’ns best for Fenwle Trwrtlw. Corrects ?” <
L-reguIarUles la i’eaiaiaorgans. SaouiJ h >
t i'xe i ftr Chii;e o! Li.’s ant before CMM-Mrt'i.
It j liters “o 1 Tl-te” gvtedfes have stood the
test for event/ years.
Mads only by ?trv r tor M ('•■>., Chat-
t inooTi, ino •< >'.
Hobson a Double Hero.
One week ago Hobson was known
9 s heio of the Merrimac. Today
ne The }* the sinking het '° of of the ,h * Mertimac' smack.
chik i/ i *» Hibson lias aserted;
took a mans part in the raising
merry smack, This is a log-
sequence, but it does not give
OJl nav v H boat to replace the one
sunk iu the Cuban harbor.
The tirst a nautical affair un¬
der the tire of Santiago's rifles ami
in front of Ceveia’s rifles and in
front of Ceveras .cannon.
‘ The secondinvoved a naughty girl
(so some say), and was under the
fire of American e\e< and in obedi-
euce to love’s cannon.
It is not likely that the kiss is less
valuable because it was collaborated
in public. In this riobson-Arnold
incident the kiss was the result of
appreciation and admiration climaxed
in a warm-heated nature. The kiss
has been explained in an extremely
plausible fashion. Hobson kissed a
child.- Good-naturedly. Miss-Arnold
exciainiec[: ‘‘I wish I ’were a child
again.”. Hobson gallantly said he
would treat her as one, and gave her
a rapid tire salute. It was all over
in a second, but the kiss that set the
young lady’s lips to tingling reached
the telegraph wires, and no ocean
linor ever made as faat time as that
little smack. b>r it sailed around the
world in less than a day.
P1^Mt^t*€ NUBUN cures Dvspep-
| IMlIlVl 8 J a) Constipation an<i Indi¬
gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 c£
For broken surfaces, sores, in-ecr
bites, burns, skin diseases aud especial ( y
’bere is oue reliable remedy,
.DeWitt call tor DeWirt.s s Witch > Hazel-8a dou lve. When you
t accept, counter
feita-or frauds. Yon will not be disap-
pointed with DeWitt’s Witch Haze!
Salve T. J. Tinsley k Co, Morgan;
D r »F. P. Grit tin. Leary; >T. W. .Jones,
Williamsburg; Henry Turner. Edison,
Can voju borrow money on anv of
Vr v «mf oroneftv at r » P« n*»t- l cent ,.Lnt lntetest » >
You can, if you have a policy in the
York Lite Insurance Company.