The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, August 25, 1898, Image 5
The Morgan Monitor. Thursday, August 25, 1898. Chas. McLendon was here last Sunday. Jose Collier was in the city last Monday. Col. Simon Wooten was here last. Sunday. Clever Chas. Weaver was in Morgan last. Sunday. The Monitor continues to neat job work at reasonable prices. Sheriff Davis is selling the pe o- pie of Calhoun county a good bed brace for a little money. Mr. C. J. McDaniell, and daughter. Miss Mamie, were visi- tors in Morgan last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Daniell and Mr. and Mrs. P. I. Daniell to Arlington last Sunday after- noon. Simon Monroe says it is all stuff about kiss * being full a of bacili. He says there’s nothing ^ ui a kiss but lionev. 14r Mr. J. G. Collier, . of Hopeful,! attended divine . services in the city last Sunday and stopped with Sheriff L. H. Davis. Miss Filip Mnp Wuntwi pained by Mr. Chas, Ieler, happy visitors from Leary in Morgan last Sunday. Miss Janie Pruette, of Shell- man, was in Morgan last Friday, Saturday and Sunday visiting Mrs. Geo. H. Dozier. Messrs. W. C. Beck and N. L. Mathis took a trip to Dawson last Saturday on their wheels, return- ing Sunday afternoon. If you want to see a fool play the tool, just look at him. If you want to hear him parade his ig¬ norance, just listen to him. The Monitor has finally gotten the people of Morgan to talking tor the railroad in earnest. Keep it up and we’ll get the road. Lawyers \\ . D. Sheffield and H. M. Calhoun,, of Arlington, vere in Morgan last Monday in ittendance county j upon court. Misses Ree and Pearl Merritt, if Shellman were in Morgan last iu till'd ay and Sunday visiting tieir sister, Mrs. W. C. Thomas. Prof. \\. S. Short, principal of tie Morgan High School, will on the second M 011 - uy in September. He will have ■ i- Ins assistant •,*. ; Miss ... Hortense a, an ,, accomplished , . ' voting ” gjy of Albany. Shellman didn’t “walk oyer ir boys on the diamond last jhursda} would. as Our bad boys as she thought fee shut theni ot for the first, seven; innings, nt letting a. single man get as ft as the first base. It is with ‘rtret that a dispute arose among tl players at the conclusion of th T ' n eighth 3 inning, 8 ’ which u< n broke ,,roKe U] lie game. 1 lie score stood 4 t 0 l _ in Morgan’s favor oh the pistil inning. 1 hat was the first 8henmun has been defeated thovar. In Indiana they have introduced hugging societies to swell church treasury. An Indiana paper gives the following scale of prices: “Girls under sixteen, 15 cents a hug of two minutes, or 10 cents for a short squeeze, From sixteen to twenty 50 cents; from to twenty-five, 75 cents; school inarms, 40 cents; another man’s wife, $ 1 ; widows, accord- i ng to looks, from $8 to $10; old maids, 8 cents apiece or two for a nickIe > aml limit of time, l‘ >r< ichors are not charged. Edi- tors pay m advertising, but are not allowed to participate until everybody else has gotten through, and even then they are not allow- ed to squeeze anything but old maids and school inarms, . Our Morgan merchants will get K' >( *1 trade this fall from all over Calhoun county. It’s about time for them to let their pat 10 ns know what inducement they have to offer them. It they " tHl ^ Iheii baigains known to evei T citizen of Callumn county, thev should tell them thremih ■ n the columns of your county paper. the Monitor, W hen a girl pins a flower on your coat is the best time t< “steal a kiss.” 01 ' > < j i )f > < , H 011 ■■ - to . do , it, . and , you are a goose if you don’t, She turns her head 8 i, iewaySi and pois(JS hel . chin *>n a level with yours—gee-whil-i-kins! Where is the young man who can take such a “dare” as that?—Ex. A 11 exchange says a friend of a war preacher has a new doxology which lie wants adopted in all the churches. It runs this way; “Praise God from whom all bless¬ ings flow, five hundred Spaniards gone below; how many more no one can tell, are speaking Spanish now in h—11.” One of the most amusing cusses in the whole universe is the fellow who is continually remarking that “the newspapers are liars, 9 y We always remind him that the news- papers do not print half the lies that are told to him by his class. Sheriff L. H. Davis invites everybody to call at Iris office at the court house and see his bed brace. It is the best patent off'er- the public, and is the cheapest, And “Buck Hawk let the girls run him off of first base, in the ball game last Thursday. All the boys thought “Buck” could’stand almost any ‘ old thing. J. T . Cowart, \t A. v Lain r and b. . ... \\ E. v Bostwick, ,, , ■ , ot ,. Arlington, . , ■ . wmv , h..,v last . Momlny. . Planters CUBAN RELIEF 'ores Colic, Neuralgia and Toothache in live minutes. Sour Stomach and Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents. When you call for De Witt’s Wife!) Hazel tsalve the greatest pile cure, don’t accept auytlnng else. Don’t bo talked into acceptihg a substitute, for piles, for soies. for burns. T. J. Tinsley k Co., Morgan; Dr. F. P. Grilliu. Leary; J. W. Jones. WilJiamsbiug; Henry Turner Edison. Ladies I still have in Stock Malines Liberty Silk in sldml , for dress and hat trimming, come and let me give yon pnees. It is the prettiest newest cheap material to be had. 1 have silk and satin for lining to same. Mrs. E. M. critteu- den. Double Headed Woman. Millie Christie, the North Carolina double-headed woman, is m trouble in Anderson, Ind. She was there a week and lived at a good hotel. When she came to settle the landlord in sis- ted with both heads. The host insisted, and refused to accept payment for one. He insists that under Indiana .aws he can col- lect for both heads. Millie had never had anv trouble ot.this sort before, and she does propose to allow a precedent to be established. Recently a railway con- ductor attempted.tocollect two-fares, s he won out in her protest. Millie is really twins, having two P ei t*ectl> developed heads, four arms, ad .joined to one body. She claims to be able to have a headache on one ride and enjoy life on the other. 8 >he can keep up ah interesting eon versa- tion with herself. OomlmnyTs ,,,, x ; 4 :; . 77~ ..... r writes th«°«V»ly Company That* perfect msurauce. There is not a single restriction in their poli vies M. A Bland. Mai tIoii Is Devoid of Bitter Taste. Cures clnlls and fever; acts <>n the liver and regulates the system generally. All druggists. 5 19 bin The High crown Leghorns arrived all n 0. K., tt ,,, J n esdav. . Airs. ,, E. T , iM- ,, cntteudou. . , A stnborn cough or tickling in the throat yields to One Minute Cough Cure. Harmless in effect, touches the right spot, reliable and just what is wanted. It acts at once, T. J. Tinsley & Co . Morgan; Dr. F. P. (xritfin. Leary; J. V\ Jones. Williatnsl>".rg; Hen- Turner. Edison. If you are in need of You Should Qall O9 THE MONITOR. We Print Bill Heads, 7 T Letter Heads, Note Heads, Visiting Cards, Wedding Invitations, Books, Pamphlets, Dodgers, Or anything else that is us ually printed in an up-to- date job printing office. Workmanship and quality of material guaranteed or NO PAY. We deliver our work anywhere in the county free of charge. J. W. JOINER, Watch Maker, .Jeweler and Dealer in Musical Instruments. T I Da3rs have special bargains to offer you. Especially in PfAflOS AND ORGANS A|||fcBMA — ................... Prof. Joseph Hart. Dewk, the cele- brated pianist, vvill lie on hand to trv the instruments. Call and see them and secure A a |"| K A a K A i T I \ N r A 1 T All A ’ ■ T AI V\ f T I OlIlCl ’ . . ' *•' 27 Washington street, Albany. Ga. --— Dewitt’s witch Hazel Salqe has the largest sale «>f any salve in the world. This fact and its merit lias led dishonest people to attempt to counterfeit it. Look out for the man who Attrmpts to deceive £ >n w, “* n Vo " cal1 f°r Dewitt’s witch . Hazel Salve the great pile cure. T. J. Tinsley At Co.. Morgan; Dr. i 1 ’. P. (hit- fiu - Leary; J. w Jones. Williamsburg, Turner, Edison. Sash and trimming ribbon in double- faced stain, plain taffeta, moire gauze. chiffon and velvet ribbon. New lot of No. 1 velvet ribbou to t»e in this week Mrs. E. M. (Tittendon.