The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, August 25, 1898, Image 7
The Morgan * Thursday, September 1 , 1898. School opens September, 12 . Mrs. J. B. George, Tinsley Co., Fine Millinery. Morgan Mercmmts : r 7 are loolc ng •lit for good trade this fall. The rains of late have damaged the cotton crop considerably. Mrs. T. A. Mathis is, „■« glad to say, rapidly convolving. The average Negro will soon be happy—when he gets his pop- tyed mullet. Remember and save the Mon¬ itor the largest stalk of sugar cane for the contest. Mr. Mack Avera, of Folks, was in Morgan last Monday. Before leaving he left us a little palm grease. Thanks. ■Tmlgp Powell, of Blakely, was transacting legal business in gan last Tuesday. Mrs. .J. X. Daniel and little girls Eddie Lee and Jewell, accompa¬ nied Mr. J. X. Daniel 1 to his farm nea r Williamsburg last ‘ -- Prof. FhoiN says that school will open promptly at So’clock, Mon- day, September, 12. Lor every hody send in their children the first day. Misses Susie Davis and Dora McDaniel who have been spend- ing a while at Tybee and Sumner, returned last Sunday, They report a most delightful time. 1 he ad\eitisement. of Messrs, T. J. Tinsley & Co. on the fifth page, is a fair sample of the neat work that can he gotten out in the Monitor office. See us for prices, We can and will save'you money. Figure up, gentlemen W< must have more dwellings in Mor¬ gan. We can’t allow home seek¬ ers to leave town on account of not being able to secure a place to live. There is not a single vacant house in Morgan. W 6 invite the attention of our readers to the new advertisement nt l - \\eston w- , & „ Co., ~ of „ Albany, , ,, .... llus . popular firm is beginning f o look *( tit for trade over in Calhoun county, and our people 11 will profit 1 by trading with them. Fee their ad. Genek at. Joe Wheelek ],. lg been kissed too. In the corridor of a Washington hotel the other day he was way-laid by a young woman and robbed of a smack. It was one >f those quiet, uneb- trusive, delicious < sculations, but the girl was young and pretty and the performance no doultt sent a thrill of delight down the >ld man's spinal column. ... W cdcsiic to call the . attention of our readers to the page adver- tisoment of Messrs. T. J. Tinsley A Go. on the fifth page of this week’s paper. This popular tirm's i.ame is fast I ecoming a house- hold word among the citizens of Calhoun county. Tlnur price will easily .show that Morgan can com- pete with any Southern city ip prices' of all kiiids of goods. Read I tltci^ad, and j'rotit by same. * The Georgia Came Law. l'he .'wison for shooting dove- be¬ gan on the loth. The following is a synopsis of the Georgia game law: “It is unlaw ful to destroy the nests or kliI in atl v tnauner wild turkeys. . pheasant, partridge, quail or any m- sectivorous oi singing birds between j| ; „. c| , „„ d _ N(lVeml e , lfI . be tween March 15 and August 15th 'leer between January 1 st and S ep* temher 1 st; bull b ts and other in- sw ' m ' or '“ ,s Wnls i lh,,st ' ,hat liv e oil loth and «'yP'"tocp,U,»uveea November 1st. English Mm-ch sp;urows, crows, larks, rice birds, night hawks .and wheat birds and such other game not above protected may be killed ;»i any time It w i; j be deemed prima facie evidence of violation'of the law to be found in possession of the animals, birds or eggs of birds during the periods in which they are protected.” Tax on nixed Flour. The tax on mixed tin nr is now m , U(J „ t amt deuk ., s cbi-s who fail to see that the law is observe*! "hi lay themselves liable to heavy ties. It is now unlawful to sell any kind of mixed Hour which is not so 8 tain l >ei1 in Uv &‘- l ,lain the buyer may know uhatheisget- ting, and not'be left -under the'im- [)ressiou that hfc „ paying a p ivhe;i t ffower when he is getting a eombina- tion of wheat, corn meal and glucose. All .self-raising do wens, etc., come mi der the of “mixed flours”as well Hs those regularly sold for domestic culinary purposes, Judge Griggs’ Appointments. Hon J. M. Griggs, den ocratic nominee for congress m tlm second will open tire campaign with a -peeyh Bain bridge, Decatur countv. Mondav September 5th. His other appoint- uien ts f or Se 11 temberare'Georget.<»wn. Quitman countv, Monday September 12 , Moultrie Colquit county, Mood \ September 19tli. Ft. Gftins, (hay county, Wednesday Sept.-mber 23rd. Judgi Griggs’ ot her < hates will be in October, and will tie .announced later. if. is his intention to visit, and speak in every county in t he di.-trivt before th e c lection.— Dawson New,-. A Queen Custom in Korer. In .... „ Young an interview in Hi- wo man , Mrs. T Lishop, r> - . the traveler, says, t ‘In Korea you never see girl- out. of doors in the day time mxcep souc • f .. the, 1 lower classes , going • to tli 11 H h H s, and they are tied up so that no one can see them. YV omen oni\ go our, in the capital of K• rea 'hen a great bell sounds in Tie evening. When this is heard all men inu-t retire ’o their house. The only men wiy, may go out are those who are going to a druggist’s with a prescription, A 11 d as men are deceivers the world over. n is not surprising that a great many men are “blind,’’ and that many have to go to the “uruggistV when even- dig comes. Indeed the number of ......... .... «Ik> "bout ing with a stick is rath-r ludicrous.” Buckieil'S --;--- Arnica Salve. The Best Halve in the world for Guts, Brui-e.-, Sores, Ulcer. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap- ped Hands,■ Chilblains, Corn-, and ail Bkin Eruptions, ami positively cures Rib*-, or no pay required. ], ts guamteed to give perfect satisfaction "f money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by all Druggists. neo UUUU 1 * H I V That there are different, kinds of lime—just as there are dif¬ ferent kinds of people. Some limes that considered GOOD will lav sOO brick 0 mr Lnmme will go to 1 , 200 . saving you 50 per cent there; and a much stronger wall is obtained— and that is what yon want. Don’t use material where re¬ pairs have to commence soon after completion of the work. n jl]n WESTON &CO., Albany, Georgia. r Lare c ror , nay. , It is a fact that thousands of tons of hay rendered unht , tor market are every year through improper either in housing or stacking. If is not alone necees.urv that hav should be cut at the right time, but enough force should be empl yep to- push harvesting to a supers Mu! and satis- factory emcln-iou. Hay that is in the least discolored cannot be ela.-sed as first da s hay, no matter what its nut iltive qualities n ay be. it is a matt* t* of ,act, of course, .and well understood, that pr-arrangements made relative to the ingathering of tUe hay crop v. ry often fall far short from being himately carried out, ami a’s-■ that there i- an element of uncertainty to be vonsn.ered reg.-iru- ing the weather conditions that very often make life a burden to the most oi fanners. But too often is care- le-sness, i.egfact and indifference the main cause for the poor condition of the hay harvested, The tune has practically gone by when poor.hay can be disposed of to advantage and profit. A higher quality of bay than formerly is demanded by tie- vast majority of coMsumeis, and the quick- tins . , known and fully reaihzed er is by tlm piodticer the better. There is no good reason why hay should be of an inferior qudity. ex cept for causes hen tofore mentioned and these to a more or less extent could lie avoided. Good hay will al- ways bring good, profitable prices, and as the tanner is rite one mostly to ho benefited lie should to it that as far as possible iu»n>* tint — ncli be raised. Buyers and consumets in all market-are becoming more critical, and are exercising more rigid scrub- ns in having hav than formerly, and |„,,d, wrt 7 i ,|„ 1 „i;i t' tti« U- of .. ,lie , )aslfHW , ,hat . (i , >u,i l - v ’' a,s ,r ( not pay to raise what the consumer doe- not want, 1 lie hay crop is the most p foil table the farmer raises. but it can be made more valuable bv ; and . well timed , cultivation, t _ by .-owing clean seed and giving the meadows more care, and the ingath- wring of the harvest more rigid at ? t e n t i < ui.—Savaitn a h X' e s >, J. W. JOINER, YY atch Maker, Jeweler and Dealer in Musical Instruments. * * m on V I have special bargains to off er von. Especially in PiANOSAND ORGANS! 1 1 "i ......... .. ................. <1 tmmmt — ——-m mi m h * Prof. Joseph Hart Dewk, the coles brated pi;mist, will be on hand to try the instruments. Gall and see them and secure A BARGAIN. W. Joiner, 27 Washington street, Albany Gu. Dewitt’s witch Hazel Halqe 1ms the largest sale of any salve in the world. This fact and its merit has led dishonest people to attempt to counterfeit it. Look out for the man who attrmpts to deceive yon when yon call for Dewitts witeh Hazel Halve the great pile cure. T. J, Tinsley A (Jo., .Morgan; Dr. T’. P. (frit ?,*-• J "7 ’ 1uu " s - Williamsburg Henry 1 nruer. Edison, Hash and irimming ribbon in doubles faced **ftin, plain taffeta, moire gauze, chiffon and vely ribbon. New lot of No. 1 velvet i to be in this week Mrs. E. M. Crittenden. The New York Life Insurance Gbmpany is the only Company that writes perfect Insurance. There is »'<>t sinyrle restriction in their poli- vies M A Bland IVIal >riun Is Devoid of tlittei- Taste Cures chills and fever; acts on the liver and regulates the svstetu general)'. All druggists, 5 19 Cm The High crown Leghorns arrived all ()_ jy Tuesday, Mrs. E. M- crittendou. A stnborn coiigti or tickling m the throat yields to One Minute Cough c,m ‘- Harmless in effect, touches the right "spot. reliable and T. just what is wanted. It acts at once. J. Tinsley A Co . Morgan; Dr. F. P. GntTlu Leary; J. W. Julies, Wiliiamsb rg; Hen¬ ry Turner, Edison. CUBAN RELIEF -r.rcs Colie, Neuralgia aod Toothache in five minutes. Sour stomach and Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents. When you call for HeWitt’s \\ itoh Hazel Halve the greatest pile cure, don't accept anything else. Don’t be talked into acceptilig a substitute, for piles, lor sores, for burns. T J. Tinsley & Co.. Morgan; Dr. E. P. Griffin. Leary; J . W, \s iiiiam.-biiig; Henry Turner, Edison. Ladies I still have in stock Malices Liberty Hilk in sliired Ac . for dress and hat trimming, come and let me give you prices. It is the prettiest newest cheap material to lie had. 1 have silk and satin for lining to same, Mrs. E. M. m il ten - den. More than twenty million f'ee samples of Dewitt's witch Hazel Halve have been distributed bv the manufactures. What better proof of their cnniideuce i:i it’s merits do you want 1 * It cures piles, ’uuns scalds, sores, in the shortest space >i time. T. J. Tinsley k Co.. Morgan; Dr. F, P, Grit tin, Leary; J. \V ? . .lone-, Williamsburg; Henry'Turner. Edison. iUaliirion I- Kiiilniwd by i:*--) I’li.vsU'iaii- aiid guaranteed to cure chills, fever and wsw. All druggist-or from Muflit west Drug (’o.. St. Louis. 5 19 (»m Leghorn, leghorn! leghorn! In high and low crowns ranging from 15 corns each to real ffne ones; in fact good- of all grades r<> suir each one. Mrs. E. M. Crittendon. Pfdilih > > • Drt M OIL cures Tks, burns, hrui-is, Rheu- mutism and Sores. Trice, 25 cents.