The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, August 25, 1898, Image 8

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    nil 1 Mi ran Monitor
Thursday. September 1, 1 S>9s.
iv'hert McDaniel] was a i t* vo.
ten lay.
Tax Collector C. J. Davis was
ln*re today.
Arthur Plowden was a Morgan
visitor today.
Mr. Henry Aycooek was in town
last Wednesday.
C. J. McDaniel 1, < » F Hopeful,
was here yesterday.
Mr. S.~Tv Manrv, f Pet! i '
was here last Tuesday on business.
Prof. W. S. Short and Walter
Peck went to Williamsburg this
m< >rnmg.
Hon. T. Stewart and si n, John,
i V f Folks, were prominent visitors
to Morgan yesterday-
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sellars, )f
Folks, were in town last Tuesday
visiting relatives and friends.
Mr. Jesse Merritt and daughter
Miss Pee, and little son, Lueious,
of Hhellman were in Morgan today
visiting relatives.
Attention is called to the legal
advertisement of Mr. S. W. Maury
administrator of W. A. Culbreath
Incensed, in this week’s paper.
Morgan’s hand if > f Tenaders
were out in lull’force last Tues¬
day night, and stopped at our
"si,nek” while on their rounds.
Mrs. Griflin, from Herod, who
has been visiting Mrs. W. B. Far-
n w for the past two weeks, ex-
pouts to return to 4 her home next
Marshal IU , . shell ,, Carver amuses
lumaelt , . ... .«c M . i».»#l!y ... by "runiung
in t t a few hogs and that hap¬
pens to the misfortune "t' h, ‘ in 8
'•aught on the square.
Deputy Sheriff Selma Davis nr-
rested Alex Redding, colored, last
Wednesday, on a warrrpnt charg¬
ing him with simple larceny.
Alex now occupies a private room
in Hotel de Davis on-Broad street.
He will dance before Judge L. I).
Monroe next fourth. Mondav.
Attention , . .. called „ . to , the , cotton
scot! advertisement of Mr. J. \Y.
Jones, of Williamsburg,, in this
issue. Mr. Jones is a hustling
young business man of sterling
character'and desires a share of
public patronage. He carries
a full lino of general 'merchandise,
and purchasers will do well by go¬
ing to set* him for any of their
Sheriff L, ff. Davis is a tenv-r j
to evil doers and eiimmal.".
A nen a warrant, is phiced in ivs
f.. r .-xecuti.m h- is c,„,th„,
0,1 f lu “ look-out until his
man is captured. In 1896 a war-
rant was'placed in his . hands for
tiii-* aiTest of Frank Clark, colored,
w!io was liarged with assault
with.intent to murder. It was
some time before the.sheriff could
1,1 “at 11 bis man, bur he dually did
s< > and lm now' languishes behind
fhh ^ bars of Calhoun '“I'untv's jail.
Nheritl Davis 0-1 located t Clark r ill •
\v \\ lilacoocIK.iCctii j 11>w‘oo/‘hiJ!> Coir,.,. <. nmOv ou,.ty and
went after him Moinhiv and re-
turned M'ednesday afternoon.
Williamsburg News.
\Y ‘ are having too much rain at
Y\ " are very sorry to say that we
think the cotton crops are cut oft
one halt.
Mr. and Mrs. W, S. S\VLrds
visited relatives near
Saturday and Sunday.
T. C Price was in our town
F. M. Cook went to Morgan Sat-
•I. W. Jones visited Ids parents
at Milford Sunday ]>. m. He iv-
ports that his mother is very sick.
Mr. C. J. McDaniel 1 paid our
town a pop call Monday.
Messrs. Wooten and Timmons
went to Leary Saturday, p. m.
J. W. Timmons went to Morgan
Monday afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wooten
visited Randolph Monday and
Miss Daisy Price, of near Mot-
gan, was in our town Saturday
visiting J. R. W ooten.
Every 'j body bring their cotton
p () yy Jones and get the
spot cash for them in which he
will give you the top of the mar-
(f. B. Pen v went 'iown in Baker
county Monday.
C. ('. .Prowul ee, of Moultrie came
to see ns last Friday and returned
Monday •
Mr. B. Bailey one of Baker county
statin jh b'jg and hommmiy fartneis
was in our burg Monday
Charlie Car.-er came home again ;
Saturday, ,
Clever Charlie Davidson. >f Ran-
dolph, is spending a few days with
^ R- Wooten in our burg this weeij, •
we are always , glad , , to see the old boy.
Mww ,. John «,a \V»lt«
Ragan was in our barg ruesday.
Come again.
M?ssiss. Ethridge ami Parkins, of
Rakev, stopped with us a short while
luesday wnile euroute to Morgan.
Grand Millinery Opening.
On Thursday, September 15t.h, I
will have a grand opening of M.lli-
uerv and Fancy (foods at my store.
and earnestly invite all my fiiends in
Randolph and adjoining ' counties to
call , ii on tnat , day i and i see the .i magma-
cent display ot new goods. I will
have on exhibition some beautitul
Fatten 1 lints ami Bonnets froth
which can select
Mrs. E. M Ctitten'dhn
A Sample War Claim.
Soule of the war claims which are
being tiled at Washington illustrate
w liat. there is of patriotism and grat
mule in certain of the Cuban “patri
uts ” mi„ I he claim i • of t- in Dr. Castillo, ,1
Fhmtiago, Is a case in point. He
owned some cocoa nut -tivc.. near
sibonev. Ht- all eges , !W s
were injured by tue Ameriea.i : roups
and modestly requests- that, he be
paid fBp.000 damage,. He wishes
the government to p«v him and his
people fur the privilege of freeing
them from tm- ISpanish yoke, as it
were. Those Cubans who have
pitched upon our attenuated Uncle
8am as a partv having a teg cul-
Uin • .... fitted tor inuitng T a hud . to
1 mav
their . liefoiv
sorrow a great while that .
the . -pavliculaily ....
leg •> ugerous m
1 U/ 1 CC p^r 6 f\E
Mn®to®§! Market! Prke F®r
See me before you sell-
J. ■X77'. TOlfcTrEIS,
Williamsburg, - Georgia.
Why Business Fell Off.
Once upon a time there was a iner
chant who said, “‘Hugh! A bat do I
want to advertise for? I
md I shan’t advertise; Who
Whv, I’ve got more business
n0v < than I ail attend to. *y
^ mc awake nights. Ho away,
man, vou are a mere insect. I can’t
see you. What, me advertise? Md
Well, 1 guess not. I uon’t, have to ”
v So the man swelled up very large
ami puffed like a steam-boat, ami the
poor advertising insect, crept oat of
his office and went over to see a plain,
approachable sort of a man across
the way, who-did not, have all the
business he could attend to, and
thought he would advertise.
And it came to pass that in a year
or so the plain, approachable man’s
business came creeping up and up,
because the people had seen his ad-
vertisement and knew he alive.
while they concluded by the same
token that the large, pompous man
across the wav must . e dead, or at
least, dvinghorthev wunld hear some-
1 hing of him. So the large, pompous
man's bush ,ess dropped off, and'he
laid the fact to the monetary system
and the tariff, while the quiet, ap—
pvoauhable man’s lyusiuess grew and
grew, and he laid if to judicious ad-
ertisiug.—-Fruiter’s Ink.
T 1 hose wnose accounts van
over unpaid.
Cotton i- opening, you can have
vv " vk an '. 1 ^ Von farms and am
now selling cotton. I am not hoar to
^ blU to SH ,j tW tbe ( ,,. n .
Sometimes I sell and dat to 1 h* p dd
in 1 he fall whioli mv pay begins the
first cotton you sell or pick,
Please pay me promptly as I need
all due the.
Mrs E M Crittenden.
Truth wears well. People have learned
tha' DetMtt s Lmie Early Risers are
reliable little pills tor regulating the
Dowels, curing constipation and sick
headache. They don’t gripe. T. J.
Tinslev <& Co., Morgan; B Dr. F. P. Griffin
Wy : j • w Jo uus Vulliamsbnrg;
_ .
Henry Turner. Ed Ron.
may take it in large quantities without
tlie ,eaKt d»nger. It has wod tor itself
u^lmMay'loi- mods! ermfp. hek
tlle - throat or obstinate coughs. T. .).
.Rwl^ote^UUaumbmg;’Sn^’lMvS Edison
Q %mm f§au % -
Shellman, t., „ fieorgia. .. idthe
"At ‘ home tnvuv * from 1 hmm>" n rac ,n « «av wa 3
you feel , when , Stopping at the Heriny Mav
Hotel i^tes from $1 to $2 per dav.
Everything up-to-date.
•J. J. BECK,
wniTm^hf^lhe __ 0 ~
and Federal. Prompt attention given to
^ T-lT-tf
, |A I I. Af iVJ /\\ U iN T iti D / /Li \C
l_u. LANXT,
MORGAN. GA. the Courts of the Album
C iron it, &c. 1-17-tr'
Teeth Extracted Without Faiil.
If you are troubled with toothache
or have a mouth full of old snags
that causes you trouble and had
breath cal! on
at Leaiy, and have them extracted
without pain. Charges reasonable
and satisfaction guaranteed.
S^QlIman, Georgia.
Will restore color on old clothe.-, dye
and make them look new.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Residence Form of Public Siu'akk.
1-17 t.f
(J j O. H. DOZIER.
Attorney At-Law.
Morgan, Georgia,
\\ practice any where.
Practices in the Courts of the FfaU-
Special attention given to collections.
1-17 it
OKKK . K aSO 1 { ESU)ESoe ox Main Stbkl'i
1-17 ft
Office axd Rbsidexce Noktii of Gerr.'i
House ox Prune 8ur ai:k
1-17 _ ft
R M - lowers, a first-class shoe and
harness . maker, will thank you for me
work sent him. ManutWtining l re¬
pairing mi
done good at low figures. Send
your shoe and harness work to
oet 21 3m Leary Ga