Newspaper Page Text
09 e*
VOL. III. NO. 34.
om* CN_
i need a Stove or Range it will
pay you to come and sec us. Also
Crockery and China. \\ e make uji
sets just as you want them, in plain
white, embossed, or‘decorated porcelain
at very low figures.
W, 75 . Bell, Albany, Ca.
Little Local Lines.
The first of September.
See us for job printing.
Summer colds are prevalent.
Talk for the Georgia Pine rail¬
road and for Morgan to have more
Ordinary A. I. Monroe will hold
his regular monthly Court next
The Board of County Commis-
sinners will meet, at the
house next Tuesday.
Old timers predict a stormy
Septemher. It is to be hoped
t’iiat such will not be the case.
The Monitor force is indebted
to Mr. T. A. Mathis for a sack
full of fine scuppernongs which
were brought Tuesday.
Go to Mrs J. B. George, Tinsley
(at. tm fine Millinery. Get them
io make your clothing for you if
pou want it "to fit nicely.
Next Sunday is regular preach¬
ing day at the Methodist church
in Morgan by the pastor, Rev. W
P. Kihg. Every body invited to
come out.
Watch the advertising columns
of the Monitor if you want to get
bargains. The hustling business
men of this section will lie repre¬
sented there.
The dressmaking department of
Mrs. J. B. George, Tinsley Co. is
equal to any dressmaking estab-
1 iSiimuit in tile South. I hey
guarantee satisfaction in every
D you have clothing of any
kind to he made take it to the
dressmaking establishment of
Mrs. J.* B. George, & Tinsley’ Co,
It will he done in first class style
or no charge.
a* units of late have filled up
fill the low places. N< tehawav
creek at Monroe’s mill is reported
i. 1 u • 1 1IUUl % vhile I ac tltla
, T - ,
above l ! K "Vi ttieir C , banks, ree t ale 9eVeni1 feCt
Our devil must be badly-in love,
He says that if he had a “horse
and buggv, a house and lot and
the house " -..11 ! ‘ r turnifthed, ■ he would it
get married,” A little cash would
not have been badly out of the
way to wish for at the conclusion.
<7 Z3.P
Nails, Barb-wire, Steel Plow
Blades, Boy j Dixie and
Clipper Castings. ■ •
W. . Bell, Albany, Ca.
An exchange says it costs the
Royal Baking Powder Company
something like $500,000 annually
for advertising. Some one once
suggested to the company that it
discontinue advertising one year,
the baking powder was so well
known and advertised, and place
that amount, 500,000, in the
profits. The answer was that it
would undoubtedly cost the com¬
pany three times that amount to
get , the im>(luct , in it9 original
channels again. This is a pretty
good pointer to those business
111011 who imagine they are mak-
ing a great saving when they dis-
count a 4 ora $6-a-month ad. a few
months in dull season. It never
pays to tear out a dam because the
water is low. Advertising pays—
when you want to start business
or to keep it, going.
A brother editor truly says:
“The man whose mil d is too con-
tracted and whose soul is too lit-
tie to permit him to support hi-
local paper will borrow his neigli-
Itor’s paper and when lie reads a
news item about himself or family
will wear a yard wide smile for a
Sheriff Hub Davis, of Calhoun
county, was a prominent visitor
to Blakely Tuesday.—Master Dick
Davis is visiting relatives
friends in Calhoun county’this
week.—Blakely News.
Mrs. J B George Tinsley Co
8ay they will have something
interesting in the way of fall
millinery’ to offer to t he people m
a few days. Watch for their ad-
Tlic Sure Lit Girppe Cure.
There i- no use suffering from this
dreadful malady, if von will only get
the right remedv. You am having
pain ail through you?- body, your
liver is out of order*, have no appe—
tite, t.o life or ambition, have a bad
cold, in fact are completely used up.
Electric Bitters is the onlv remedy
that will give you prompt and sure
jrfief. Inver, Stomache Tl,-y and .lireetly Kidneys, nn your tone
U p the whole system and make you
feel lik “ j* nf ‘ w bei,| g- Th r v
gnart, teed to cure or price
For sale at any Drug Store, only 50
cents per bottle.
Truth wears well. People ha.v lesrnrd
that DeV\ itt’s Little Early Risers are
l ’Giable little pills for regulating the
I towels, curing constipation and sick
headache. They don’t gripe. T. J.
^ ,,sley ^ Co 5. M( l r « an; p -
Henry Turner. Edison.
\n ZTN Cl » Cu v< CO 00
It’ you want a bicycle or shot gun
•all on us. We can certainly interest
you. We •an sell you a first-class
shot gun at a very low price, Don’t
tail to call on us when you come to Al-
banV and see our extensive lino of goods.
W. S. Bell, Albany, Ca
Folks Items.
(by your regular correspondent)
Messrs. Stewart and McDaniel
made a business trip to IShellma'q
Mr. / U > • B. W eaverand mother Mrs.
Weaver attended divine services at
Bethel last Tuesday.
Miss Neva Stewart spent the lat¬
ter part of last week over at, Bethel
the guest ot Misses lay lor and
Little Lunioe M -Daniel . spent
from Wednesday till Sunday at
Hopeful, the-guest of her
ents Mr. and Mrs C. J McDaniel.
Mr. Alex Avera, of Vernal visited
his parents Mr. and Mrs Mack
Avera Sunday afternoon.
Mis. ( . 11. Gee, Miss Babe Me-
Caucodile and hdlie l rice spent
Tuesday witn Mrs. •). T. Stewart.
•John Avera went to see his best,
Randolph girl Sunday ' afternoon.
A certain couple was returning
home from Raudolpn Sunday after-
noon, They got wet but sure didn’t
It, rained most all day Sunday and
Join of young people
for the. most of them that was at
home had to stay.
News is scarce this week. It has
rained so that people cant vis.t much
We 5l , vtM . (litl have much use for a
man wd) wo tld not eat hog meat,
iUld now we have less. Read the
from the Fitzgerald 1 Hie a i j
and vo . v\ ill gather our reasons: "No
,nan "ho live.- on hog meat w as ever
known to lick his w.te or ask for a
< -^ V0lCH - Adam got. into a tow right
because he L£i*i no hog meat, buf-
ter ul ' WacK 1 ' as '- ^ a i' ol ”" n lo!St
Warterlot* becau-e tlie allied forces
iiad bacon for breakfast t fie mornhc'
of the fight; the French had vegeta
ble sou i>. l lie Soutli luul to give ill
at Appomatox because tfiey had no
meat! No war can successfully waged
without nog meat. American- are
the most I risky people on earth, be-
cause they cat, the most, hog meat. :
Iugals would have houe back to the
Senate In,, l,« i lul ln e ,i
baked apples and blind robin-. A
vegetab e diet woman is as cold amt
claumiv and uulovanle as a turnip.
lf '*'*>' •
vuu , 1 w I’ ut , 1
; If
ot young m at. you want vour
Kv t. g.rt a jou I.ula to
thirioutand amount to something,
give him oacon grease, ham tutor
tallow three times a . The world
i.- full of cranks Who are aiway- get-
ting up some new fad about soup
corntodder tea. |
Woman Amazed the People.
There is a woman in Orient, X. V.,
vIio.m* strong belief in faith cure has
excited the amazement, of the people
of that section. With her child
what was believed t,<
bed, Mrs. Potter refused to have a
doctor or a drop of medicine in the
house until the health authorities
compelled her to accept, the
physician. Ii* r strong belief in
tint faith cure is based upon Iter ex-
perietiee, for she has raised a
family ot nine children, a fid no d <><;-
t01 . evel . entered Inn door until one
was sent by the health aufhbiities.
Her case is regarded as a must ex¬
one. The / power of the
faith cure is sTong, but it is frequent,-
] v important that it should be assist
by other remedies.
Dan Pace was here Tuesday.
Bee Raising on the Farm.
The professional bee raiser can
doubtless make more money out of
extracted honey than frcm comb
honey, but for the farmer with but
tew colonies of bees and a moderate
H urplus ot honey to . eh, comb honey
will be found to be moie profitable.
Ihe first thing to do in honey pio-
duction is to learn ho .v t,o handle the
bees without injury to yourself or
them. Do the work quietly and
quickly, and if you are nervous, do
not attempt, to handle them at all
Never open the hives in cold or rainy
weather, and alwa\s remember to
have a smoker handy to handle the
l,t,es to the l,Hst ^vantage. I*» not
0,1 oichaid ami flower gaolen
to furnish food for the bees, but :> gr» i-
vide them with what is needed in
0,01101 . ,, blossoms, -o located . . that .
^ u ‘- v can 1 ©ached without the bees
flying near t m* house.
Start with one hive, and do not in-
cleasti n umber any faster than
vou lean, to care for the bees arm
honev properly. In marketing honey
see that the piodncts is first-elas-,
and if possible secure a retail trade
fwr If fhis ^not be profitably-
done supply your home grocer.
1 U 1 1 1 I ° ,, aietuiiy lv f„|| v amt
c|oi,,,1 .V- Have your name and
u " ** ach l,ox > a “‘ 1 i’ ou wiil
^ soon work W ° lk nr, Uf> * -t m-ofi fable trade frade -
One Minute Ofeugli Cure surprise-
the least danger. It has wod tor itself
the best .reputation of any preparation
used to-day for colds, croup, tickling in
fhe throat or obstinate coughs. T. J.
Co --..f >r - R ci " ft5u ’, ( Lo,,r - v