Newspaper Page Text
' ' ^ <4. l :CrtJk -i. T ¥'% .
; ti fe : .:' v> *fe, to A ,> f - ■* $7 B ,jT to.
* I ^ y g 1 % * ' V •' - ; \ & '#
.to m r*. r 1 •4 i .- i I; • N cn£4 £.* to* •' A SV i I . ' Sfe $ 1 V>. <&\ . • $ y ;■ r v>XV i ,
■ ’< A J :fe s w fe'to *wV V X l ’’f. JL 'f % Lv 15
.9-« . • >«h '7 , w v" to J& s&^k.,
VvZ.oi ;■> tw %*■■■■’■*>/ fe • ',, •? SH:-
& i f ; V ',•■ ;: : v y •■ • ’ ■•
ir ' v*--i
:-. : w.n/". : j *.:■ r. y, CC 1 ; i
Aiss Crocksy aiv^! l’ 1 !.us 2'.;:.:;" v; ■'V-
w-hr .>. «-ss1 osseA, Off A'CeT;,:^' y< M v- -vy i,^ ,;«• .••;
«=to’fe wj RPI f.j 1 A --7 nW« , : b< {BW-fror-r; A t / JU v '5 O
y A - \ fr *
:.:r. a;;-: •!; -oorv.’.
•J«aga- ',y >7. Speac*.
Soi’oltiX' Ge-nsi’A- B7. 't : , > v ;»Lfl#
~ - . »
?st<5r.-;crsy—-Kor-jv’ 71. L’S' ; .a.
C ; c :• —V7. ./ itori-r.
B’"i-H. 1;.v:r
•'n: ;.•■• -»•>. twvu.t *73 ••'
e.n«I ' B'ScinUor.
oo*j'-rxv ■ ."'3=7.
L. L'. Momoe.
6 IsMcr Goneral- -L. <?.. Qwa .
—v? J Ii*g«-C.
Ehodt—l.. A. Da-b
Ovl-Ay FCilar . xi i
r" vy, L..-ij, Au^nfl •n..:'*. NcvwiVsx
• jr-t, •.' -/ e-rvah-irii?, 1.7 in •
C’.: - !' - i l. !»'
Co’.u, a.:;. i.oa«ky • '-■ n.ooU.
i; ’tjrft o;».<5tKoj{24')i,
B AjtviOt
5 . Y. Wooten.
• 3 . f. Gecrga.
A-v-sro. fir's fx.e-.,A : y ia oarb vroetb.
7 •'••••'*, .-.;•—•. •. : '
■'■. ■ :;••.-(••;—:». ;
C. V. Tit'i'A.
ts..' -’Yv B Short,
t ;:.'. or - W A, 5 ?.scty. .
io !- fi a-,-' -- J "■ L». _ Y.
.a *
t*k ^ •'„.•••: : •: v..t>'. • J if
5 P, 'A, y, TU-n,;, > . /-a -»...c J,
»’• ; s s:>. •'■ T Y--' b.. tot o.-hi sw ■ -.
. -to.-' c7-.v :
JJ7-... to 7; y, to, ui. R| to, -• uVv -
f J. t vOUiv, to'-'C, o'*.-!;
•day In *•.•1.7 : fefeV to fe
Itof . .. .. ifv .tot.--to to. totor
Lire! . to. .v.v -..., • .o., A P. 6’.
xfe'Afe. ,i >* . p. I'to'rft, .s'-.,-.oh SilnfcGy
■V:h?l -'fe.Ofe'.'fe
Tor’y- "Jt-b. dto’ ’ '. ~ i'!- n- to. s’ soli,
11, to J
-5. - ! to-' L '
lArry »? to C. J- fe:
n. •• Z'i.tot.'-! «. V.
I".,, 1 .: ;• 1 .. . ,'4il
Cefeo'y-totoh, ! : ssi..-P! - to .■ to ;
fiitrAr r 1’ -tofea 's'-tovto r.. - 1
. •
Ao-i ..f to /, i. V J,... k**.*; v i • > - ‘ ....
{r. i *•
*•; -'•',- ■',.* i**e,->> - .> #
BiSi A, S , 0 ;.'..
” • - !• - • to to.-A ■ ' to. 'n •!•;.>■,
C. f ;. ?• 7 A to
f.* S', b-
A to VC, ■ 2 . Y
jrvif -Y;- : -• f, -y.y yihi 1 ton • At
©n: L - \» >1 • i W • to
or.'-.-/: - f. v- BP-s -7' S’ xs-r J. .'ife
s.r-«.-.V'.,: .... ..
A B. tosfivli—f. to. AicY-.U&r »f ..
Y—> ‘ a. 'r-'j: ;.-• to , to,;.; '; • 7 -.
I? r 'i 1 '•>--to ■ c-r-rtK-oi eto r v
fc'.v ''•-!■■ "'to p *:!. L. G. c&j.ledjj,
p-3T!• ..‘Us-
V-vtbcc .ton e L xf,.. , A
M , IBW/.SP -Y’.'-V St.',- K .to !-. ! ...
(•.; ;'..-,ofc mciiUi U2.66}> tt
J. Y. Biswajs W, Jd.
fjruxEV Vim*,
wOv'.vi.'li: 7.
*iofl nitont«*->foiwont I'sj’v'v.'-^ '"h*m v:>n
pij’.r -. ,!< jj5 - -, ! ’ ..-
Ih^trs arc |.-lw«attt, tovy. thoroa^Ji
piUr. Tlioy c.u« ©•naxipatisia
h. ustscU.-,! : '' :C A - tr; yos» tak© khfcit.
*1 ,..fel*.i.!' Co,. Moiy vj; Vr y V
G.-1S?- 1»’=r: “ V*.
hc-to *’• •• v ’« '-s-n. ..iv.:.
7Lto’-,-. VuOi g -' o.! v.-i; ',
©eu:.-'’ v-' c<pha ! -y. eiw-
r.v fe'-’ c- V. -ife. Ptortr- ‘ iiavo to. fe-to., fe ' -'• r. I fe-lfe' 1 a: : y '
, -: p:
t... ! ;
. ,!feto\
Y' ; "i ;a •» t
• ■ f
d' -• •■ toufeJil
to - 1 to to l ‘‘S; .fe fee fxi -y
here « ' ;-&us t'--- l *o '■<:
. j
\ 1 ' o.;: t Gl * , .. . . ; .* ’ • • v P v * n» - 1 ,o
')& % > ••
o 4 i r./ r L j f
;;>> ? t r> r: S -J. pnj
B. '■ ' r
: r v !. -^~ >
y- •
. V V
io\\ y\ Mddes. < * ' bo^ T •r'*'**. . 4 r -
A. . y
fr -Tr'mn/ r Vv J r> i p+*>mt4. 9 W> w’ i Castiiii \ J% : ■
f re would Li h. tr
/^s W '■>V ..... 'f -• i mm * I %
- m «g? f.L. a- '■ ,>*.*•
A f Hi y 'A' M, :■ M-
.Y v Jv ■ M. .A7 ■ :
fv’> f > ' /
•. >
7 J .. ti ; i-
IvO " ‘ i r»
■ U u
i >.T
'•p.' • ■ ‘1 to-. .1.;. t i V. *s so ' - •■.' ffe-
•. - w
c* A(: U'bot ^ life ^ !few* to OLAr You’.
to!A-fe2SI®53Ko^.,---------: rCll; AYJ.V
,Y 1. -i v T r -r*. * ' -.A 7
I W,; .. ?, f V * ,'fe \ « •to , ■* to.
fe' -.v * ■; \ V t S'
:1 A..A .■ v ... r ; Vv'O to : Y.7 >. A -V V
. JfV »• ...
A r> t A V a p r ' ’' to f f, ' -'•v
«*. *. '■■■ l "- -' • l% i ’* ■ : N X»
A • V i r
, ■, ; •v • v ii... you V " ■ r I t ...
'■"* "* W to-.- ;J w 'i/ - : ‘to £ to* -t >■• ; *• f w / 0j
’ 7 VY ! fi v''
. ; y 7 fe . CV
r 1 % ■5 0 O Toweir
f v.. .'to 4V;Y -• >
/ • -V, to
■f./y to, A ■•.- > •- • >•-:;
A“ 1
•I'X >. 1 A
V-r* 4. ■ .. * - • / ' •" - V
- - ♦* GUV to.
w Hto (to. rave
A j ■. *
'J %J& , • i ;■ . S J to : > * 4 U fel - . to %
• .". ..* ' . r-Vv '< t
<• l tor .. :. *,
p» I is a, •
V/c htov:.: ‘•'i V/ v; • ? !
■* V ,, ' 4 r
%'.-*■ i V
1 & I' \M fee.:, io fefefete
• , «•» < Sto.' to
* V to-'
V < ,
V , or . .. .». ? ?
;- a ■.. I t 7».
w<> pro sfeo > f> U vv' a v . • . y v ' y v ; r * /'”'•
>-• -, 1 i! - vi you io)C ! to : to: '
> 1 rthwesi
u .-ir o- tto tZ to' f""
■■ f t ' ■•'A- :; Price sj as low as i-f *. V *e » , T„- lov/ect.
Vcaiio to servo i
AtAI ?fei |||r **■' - vXai.’WSI £ w pi f wp > ; o< « ft 44 fife * lit 'CSv ^3
r^-fatafaart 'ta tg j.g ga
XV" <r r*s *
4 . /*& -ftA^ J
u s&Sil m f ciik vwf%
• -f 'to-.. "'! . . i PPV Y ■’k. T r r *" to --.S- - .
<•; >\ *•“
L .' \ < ... r: ,->V c
•!-' i. - i -‘--s^j;. - y- /.to - «.»«■ to,;;;, r. ■../ -.- -. v. ■
l t .. i
*4*.C. i'-N 4 1
*, ,
«. ‘J i“*
* >
*-* ■ »•;.
'■y . v 1
L * f
* *.A 4/ '■-*5.. -
Amsiefop Features ri y;vc War.
Tbo Coliowia?? iWcn & tskos. fttra
tho y^lrlro “spefah f*vr oi »air
searleffi a?o iortoasto Ciicngh *n >•.;.*•.
Novt Aaj dao »n;r v.'ivtt B;
;• j« ».'.fo to liiRt y-hw v>.»
whole story :.•; .•■■’it ••<■-■» it vni! cob lei :•
•r : :> , ;.ul aorale siiaadons
.As;» ,\r. *•;• b ' !ooad >a aay 8* v iiirglo
4 Treo'viui'\ ia rvietcoy Wo
ix:»vo ; v-.-i.! the novovajr V," •:>’ :. (u«
01: O’.; J :.• l:r ; .-i 1! -r a
fr-i ic rv.. .a. 1 , v W "i
.-:vi-b :.r eoras or on;.- 1:.
of ‘.o ee
L . •• < •• tt i (b ;
•;.v ’t of i ',5j’r.h:'
Ruoh «ou;k«t'>»i tvUfe oi”; - .:'.,/:".'. No
tf.'.h nz'xoh'.v for: o an ’:■ MS.i>
to br. !>ivnv. a o'i ■■>• : ..: ’ !•••
. Kiy v:e brao v Itatut-'l
ltd i.nsao *..« Z: ; *•;:-= o of '. 0
•tblhoidat ©f Qpovurh v ... • uv
firam ; -'"op. o; f.t ou.> v b , : , ,.a<’ :.t
* Lav: rti
r to' - it: -. feu's., f'
.e. ;
•j . .-, v:-v tov b £ •'•> • o 7;<
no; : on', .too Tbo r>j?, ■ >
I >■ : .to”' :■ .. ■■ ; c. i; 1 t•■•, •:
■to fell
to V'-T »J v- s i. > t>»*A • •-
v fe to :- *9eu , - i ev iu ; fee tofefefe tfe ;e
s-. i ;S -'-J ..' • s, IVsi ■-'.
«1. .
to Ife >» S ■' o
■ •
* tofed in. 1 ■••'.f Vio -•••■ •.. I-
1 !.,. 7 t-v 7..: "V o
- ; ■ p- . 7 - o', •■
. t.
Ks.. s - ■ I- - : .
" l
. .;■ . -to
■ -
;..i' * • • -■ J
r > »* r -fe
i *
» •• -i ,-v -, -
y. i. ' f to
. ■•-.A to t fit-* '
\A ■. : feto Vto'c f i . tOO £07 !
• tototov. - ..*. ‘■4 :« ■ ■;
of f •. r tfi. Ar.ti t»
fs !■■’ * to, r ■ tovjr 4- : .. »V. ,
':> rvcin ';;■ -f ; ebi; f al jf.-g fc;
dto'.to^at art'has- ■-■' ? or I
- i. to.-K ■ .-shd i f Civ cocahifoa o’
tli.-s v{.j:.-»?-. ?0Asfe -*«),? glvbis u the
tfJo.'srto imtio ■■:■> tv>pye.?©r.4fd *»•
boi.r.5, Mo, unu Fi'e**>bP’-
‘1 ilr.iik *o the UcAih «f Frauas,
iue moo©. o£ naffer,^ won© ©o£s and
light. be.;uti^«? tohe pathway
of ©li i. . n-o'’.!«tet» fo-lov.*-
es, tbin atooe© a tey«‘ suojeos. *© tb«
Bnv*«b Ktugdotu acd propoRod s
to:s-:t t j "Eni!a:vl, tie £j*od ©W won
fwn wllch J 'auee, the rhooo, do-.
Hyediva lighL :? Ko $ocna? hAsi ibt>
Er.j.’toLmau Izkiu b n ny.-.t, *uiid
tohenfe. fe.tvt U‘d Ij-v-ty iMiu fe s.tkto.
*.«•;.« and vi:,i to: <.x ■</,., to,.,;
■‘.Si--., to i Ah.t
.bat iv-tal,- . ,©U
. - ' .i ty
*. .to
♦ 1 i
to' *r
■ r 1
to i. i
, •*/
€ l- • v‘ x
I’ . )
tv- i- » r
' ‘ T f'Xh
,n» ■ • if •-.; i ;i . rr:.
fife v’ 11 m mi •A* 1 *r..-x V 4 S 'r[ CUV
;./ vog -i u%c\i or shot ^aa call <ot as. Wo «*& cawa»fejy 1*.
loiT'tt you W'« ca« sol! yea a fiyst*cias» sh'ot gxtfi at a very low yyfoOv
Don't fall V esU oc v.:» m4«b von oottin to Albany and tsoo out extofesitn
lin'e cf
W. GO % BELL, Albany. Ga.
In rtw!
TIvb hit arid ChtwMan nany ba r
«r.a»be? »f tl»« el*.rr»h t» gwoul nlb v !
ragnb,? r ^ U VC e N
L'l'-aMy* to'essb-sfr. tdo. Ho attotub
ts-<’-b ojung 'oru!.-'-’;' it A r-o^r. in
-’".a ;•!•'.■” r. YV\ on bo g«<;:s on Lis
■AiKi. y bos!,” be lyoxti <;avto ilko‘
'- Y: •bat :»a% doOB ho Uv*'?
ub >’:.!(»• Biblo r vdln^.
Nn '.'b-.-sirs^* ‘hf. i&to®.
•No :‘a;;v!*y .f-fiy.-i-.
B:*CiO ! ’’• i:nc ' Vi1t ‘ ov i; ‘° C),: - N
Ho rcliy:' - *us JX»f»ms?:^o it: foe
N* y.v.oRto yfayo?.
Nv jtti- t.daoo ul tba .vook-day sar-
N- E*;.•.«.;» a- ; : cf
• '
tr-.: .o ,
No 0!r->& P.» bio lAVfcrifn RWiise*
/. i caiy & little Chnsl to iife
i; y
Wofe hr.,; ha then ir.'t lie
y »n«3 :o hrs '!{!.?
.i;% hv. Ur.s bio onmo on tu t
Yot’vHr,} .sa hi? autos c» the li. i,
0 •; no to :••.:• '•.■ pa,
to; i .< *. Cf Ah Otthft ;
. vi.!.: .v7j;7i »• Y, ohovtb.
fe ' V, fe io »to*. o i j x- *>o fe 7 tl( - a „d ttofe
O ,t ;
* A,,.'. L • s • s.sf t7: .f:f, 4;i . j
i five,: ; • - OirfeAwa ■ •' ■' ■ tor iR.'uX ■■ j <;;<= -.<) d wcr.ld M©g<» j
a „=.;.•
-on!; l‘ta. -v • ' ! -t fujreiy
2' to ■ A ■•O'.v . 'to . o •• •:' s!m at'il
" ’ l tri i f :,»> lo.
\ V. : . t. vfe.
•» J - ; 'V ’ I’,
*L'., ■ v(Si . t
■ •■■: UC .-.’O' >-j V'..,.- ; s' V , V
/ it '*••} /!i ifeVtife
v = - • '- ' •' ■ 1 to!;- ,. ’•• i , 'to) 1 , ';
p;. 15
•- - AliiM «■ • • : ••■ •••-’ Wfe.-O, Lho
fe ' v *boHO i Hi i f* me
■•-■fe-fe . ’ i.i&pfev tfefe bifeTfei.
4.i'aV0 * ferns t
' U. g!ffW,
r '- ->• ■x i ' 7 s
n \ :. - -!r. .iv- ,v : «U 1 ii,:=. 1‘cno: :.n (A •
L-r! if . till" . ttj'>';! V: H tm:i-
* ■' t: v '.v 7 Jo: a;.-, yob •,•• Ik,, to
ttnarU U’.-;*> uerw fiahvj
!« ’Mi li. h! or lbs shipofl
ofe- J e'apu.-l «'yed with ljO'u-tfttr?dGi»
si L.a ''} ife white tiw lO-rmap.
, -
ced t ill* tb*i bideh eterm the tip*
s*Hsd ij.Vii-O; ice bln© the oaetm f ti
SV.-'V'.i.i tLrtl 1 >b rcuni'l freed 'inY beppy
eho-ti its 9ter, the print cf angel's
feet ihto shin© fototsr iasn*«i-« K*
A Fafet'J
flLe Dahyillt, (S. T.) Otaete pub“
1 - ''■ 1 0 *. , i.'- Ilf f.-.Yi.i:
A donkey stepp' d in';.- a pinto© oce
'togand .to-bed fov the pfopueto* v?ha
out of hk privet© to
—to l 1 '*’. ro-t vrns y«rp?tw»J teeoe a
dc-al-'cv *a hi;
"Why '■ t yon lioVl b: ,'s,:)-'.d,
to’ :v oo pLeo fo? a
“~i :nr vfe ‘ e dop trey ‘'be.
c A' j a<.fy©rf.)?©niex(t ots
S l ,['* *• f if .»•’• .onciw any p«s*-,).i-»©
T l 'rJ> ' ?! 4 ' > "'>■ nnetfe a sc;v
i ■v *u:(t ;-)a- «<« ‘bo
3 , i! pij/i-t and
i r I.
• ••*»• S Wsii.Titt;,' lii’uiivh- on I, A i r
; » ii *. -
' 71 r ‘.‘"
, •
. ... .
' '*' ' 1 '-•‘•■h
3 b - t * isot.Mi'o i j
&i • V:k v > < - .. vs
am m wm» u ut.
Will *kdho>>ia-.ATj-. 'Cii-.A.-w
aracf.loe l’j all the <;our : n,
.*.«*■! .'Y'iLflftl.. Rttonttoa
aB biiwlnw-'n »iulffuct^;i f.*• his oA;'c Ooi-
iooBsus fc !!j.ieyklsy'. 1-J7«
Ayy L. 'Oja.A4HS(“:# D. MONRC ^ trs
. <k*r h
Proo'ti>cs KOKiiAli, GA.
}£j y:t. C-j irto t)I *ho il U’-fttiy
CL-oWiL -V,> j j}
LvAV ExG’wbi Witi*.yAt JAIri
if you ate treabiod. w:Hi toothache
of havo uoutli fati of old
t hat-cansos yon tvoablo and a bad
breath viill oh
at Leary, pn. Pfni have them ettraotod
-i »nd "'Yi wtktobtioa :> ut ghafatiieed. Cbor^er. maoba'do
Wifl ^JjeHsaa, KosjgiBk
r05to:*s ooiot or. old oiothepj <iy©
©ad r.-ah*' theta beb how,
Sntife.'.oUcn g'dfttAr.tottdv
t. m uv) -tor
to*- >. mm a»s UEI 5TA.'" 3 i
Uf ,:n.t:for r *ofttii o? ivni*© pnv»»hM.
1-17 »t
? (> H„ DOSJElte
A s.‘r;’f '••y-At-Lnv,
V* {<:■.!'tii-tc any tvhsvtv
i'„ (l
•, v A 7 ■.*..■*•:•;•. ■ ■!?? •>
. ,
to.toCAN, OA.
1.•.':;■::■;r ;.f r..,. i ?.•*>,
1 s .,»r.tot<v. oven o.u’*'jilons>
, :.o
i-,V tt
i 7i refer ce
: ,
Yfeto'to’y to toTfe;
M0IV3AN, a A
; e.ivr ICitfeL^u rji-s FiKNb.r
{ f 7.7
ri. • * to i H * < U'u. 0?:
? ,.
-At.'.Atr to, Q;fc5o.Fr,^i>l .
H. Mi tfl.uren, n ll.stdiwi- ehco o.h<i
!nw» maker. w)l) thank yon for anv
Woik &icb him. Mnr.ufaotvrJe.• acd ro-
nalffogjUDUO ; fJO(l at. low fijyitrs. Sctd
yctir shoe toti'3 htottira wo*!i to
U M. PI/J WKltfl,
eetai siai L-eary, Ofi.
lElWHH f eM.
horr.-! r’l; vll.'.-rv'n Or,»- kf'-ki
"At aa-.'.y hem bc/njc” le the f.ij.
ym test *H?h aiopptry? si nm lLaunj Mi,y
Mothf. ftafow both ft to $2 p«# **A t
TEverrthiU* uft-to dato.
w.**h*.Oo» h D.nii-1 at untoe ‘■/•trth.
Co>» fk-hV- Mjri lOTorj act© on the
Btcv and touptlaiae the iyetem pone-ally,
AH ftrhasriwts, ' ft 1 ' tltn
too •A too30 ROflOllttBl fats.
O ’nr )
(fetior, i« opaoinv. yon t'an 1 ivo
©'OffV at*, f i totr.e of you u» her. »r.d
BCR* RlSlIaf Jototot. 1 :.m cot Vartf to
lort.s* ico. o; but lo iml! fnf t!u- ctob.
I m;-!l ouf -3ate to be phut
to; the i .‘i rll’Sh r'y ,n'/ begin* Hit:
tolfefo f IL«. ybu »,e?'or pink,
Ploa'i;. j ay nto prcinpLy m 1 need
hi •bn: me.
**■■* K. V. ttoo'i ’iti- rir.i-t
JUfT.'i-imt -:• a .*««“*'•.’ Iir k»(t i*ltrri«laMfi
aa t ©aro clnltn, fever <wnJ
ttguo. i\ - .lruft.ujts 4*r from t > i i.-woH;
Diijp- C i. , S* Louie, 4 itfAw