Newspaper Page Text
by the iv off tor rublishing Cornp v y
mm nm 3 ? mm comsiii
W. ( . THOMAS, Frojnictijr. nnrt
One oopy on<> year ... $1.00
One copy six months . . . 50 1
One copy three months SB-
Advertising rates made Known or. ai>-;
Entered nt the Post Oflt o at Morgan as
second-class mail matter.
Morgan, Thursday, Oct. fi, 1808.
" 1
We find n wry mae rails last
Thurwlay wlfich was neodori very
Mth. J. Ji. Hpurlock visited ii
Vernal hint. Thursday af Uu noon.
Mirfs Aiolln Fairdoth visit,r.d
her brotlo-r, Mr. >T. Faircloth last
W(*( fr
Ank n certain young lady how
she likes to tie the cows out,
gram, Arid how she likes-the
Mr Dock Cuiuiun ■t E *rly
county, visited his fath< r’s family
hint Bftt\itday anil Burniay.
Dr. A. F. WmthntH find J. T
M. Cumbic visited in the 0th dis¬
trict last Saturday
Mr A. J. Atwell and wife spent
the day in Vernal iaet Sunday.
Vernal is still on a boom A
fifths of cotton came in last Sun¬
day afternoon.
Mr. H. B, Collins was here a
short while last, Saturday.
Miss Minnie Gilder, accompan¬
ied by Willie Bias, attended
preaching at Rodbone last Sunday
and dined with the Misses Had¬
Esq. Humor, of Lodrick, at-
tembal preaching hero last Bun-
Miss Jonuie Hadden, who has
boon quite ill for several days, is
much better at this writing.
II. T. Daniolls who has been
home from the war on a furlough
will return noxt. Tuesday to the
regret, of his many friends here.
Mr. Chas. Jackson and Miss
Katie Avora, of Dickey, attended
preaching at Redbone last Sunday
Rev. J. F. Hadden jrreached his
farewell sermon at Pleasant Grove
church last Sunday at 11 a. in.
His text was from Thossalonians
15th chapter and28d verse—“And
the very God of peace sanctify
you wholly and I pray God your
whole spirit and soul and body be
preserved blameless unto the com¬
ing of our Lord Jesus Christ. 11
After the sermon he came down
on the floor and gave the parting
hand. We all regret to give him
up. He lias been pastor there six
years. Wo hope the bfead that
he 1ms cast upon the vat< iv may
be gathered many days to come.
Messrs. P. R. Stewart, J. L.
Cumbic, A. J. Atwell, II. C. Col¬
lins, Alex Avera aud ,T. T. M.
Cumbio attended preaching at,
Redbone last Sunday.
Guess what young lady wont to
ride last Monday afternoon. That
sounds like the wedding bells will
soon ring.
Wo regret to learn that Mr. T.
N. Spurlock is confined to his
room t his week on account illness
Mr. C. T. I law!; i • was here last
Sunday, with his iv r pirl
The Jeff ScFmol
The Monitor is in receipt of the
following Rater which is self-ex-
SvpjmivaLk, Ga , Oer. 4. lMkS,
Editor Monitoh •—-Pbuise insert
notii m. your paper adv<»rnsint!
to the pubSif* lhat >hc sclnv.) at
TotV, (.Tonesville) will e-onv-.'im
Monday, Oct. ?fl. lSfl>
Every patron is requested to
enter his children on day of open¬
ing. The assistant teacher's
name, oanpot yet be announced,
but we jtroimse an ffieient teach¬
er for the lower grades. We prom¬
ise to give our attention to the
improvement of the school, and
shall endeavor to make the school
second to none in Calhoun county
in any respect.
Let every patron resolve to
unite with tin teacher to build up
our school, otherwise \vt may only
partially succeed.
Wry truly v* ir .
John B. Edwakds.
M .rises, C ,-'. „, vtj
M ?*KsW th«; S ifi t
>I:s r k :.. ‘j! r;
'•pent Hnmlav in the city, the gimst
of her mother Mis At
Mr. lames Keel attended to buss-
neaa h; Morgan Tuesday,
Messrs. A. A. W hittaker and B. I.
Keel went up t-o Shellman
What was the attraction boys?
Girls of course.
Messrs. /. so O. VV Hammond and
< 'has. Isier paid Coleman a flying
visit Sunday on business I suppose.
Mr Mauri re Tiff was in the cit}
Mr. J. W. Marshall, of Macon, was
here Saturday.
Mrs. J. B (icorgo and d! - <s Hot
«*«>■“ Sbivors, of Morgan, won vist*
* or - to our mty Saturday.
Mrs. A. J, ;hxpn paid Albany
visit Wednesday or» bur inosa
M. T. Brown, of Edison, is
, ' fclati '' ro ? hore : iliB WWjk -
The fourth and l.u t qu rf i ly
fertuco was hold ! Tuesday, J
0 A. Cook pre idirsg
Among those who attend i ft 0*0
feronce heie Tuesday ver;dge L
0. Cartloge, Mr. c b T Olaytcn and
Mrs. J. J. Beck, from Morgan, and
Mr. G. M. Tullen, of Milford.
Miss McDaniell, of near Arlington
is the guest of Miss Annie Cattemll
this week.
Messrs. W. H. C Cunningham
and T. B. Jordan visited the Arte¬
sian city Wednesday.
W. T. Bray having accepted a po¬
sition as salesman with G. H, Petti¬
grew, left Monday for his work.
Much success to you, Billy. Mr.. J.
H. Sinquefield was elected Marshal!
for the ensuing year.
Messrs. E. B Cunningham and W,
B. Keel spent Sunday-in the city of
Rev. W. P. King, having boon
transferred to a W ostern conference
loft Tuesday for St. Louis whero ho
goes to take charge of his new work.
We regret very much to give him up
as he is a good preacher and citizen,
and all had learned to love him.
But wo extend to him otir best
wishes and hope for him success
wherever he goes.
Owing to the derailing of freight
cars Monday afteruoou (yester¬
day) in Albany the west bound
passenger train did not arrive hare
until 7:30 o' clock p. m.
Sunday is preaching day at the
Methodist church. Rev. W. V. Em-
bry, pastor in charge, will preach.
Not quito so dry now, but oh I bow-
hot and pleuty of gnats.
Wiliatusburg News.
(nv jacob 2nd.)
We are having plenty of rain at
Mrs. D. B Jones visited Mrs, J.
Ii. Wobtou and tor sou J. W, Jones
last week.
Mrs. Sally Dildiuo and the charm¬
ing Miss Puttie -Touss visited our
burg on last Friday.
Messrs. P. Louis and Frank Dan¬
iel gave us a call Wednesday aud
Thursday last.
Rough weather on young ducks,
especially when they were out Sun¬
day night.
Mr. Goo, Cole is visiting Mr. W.
S, Swords a few days this week,
Messrs, J. W. Jones and Pierce
Louis went to boo thoir best girls in
Randolph Sunday. Say boys, they
must have told you something good
or better, one,
Mr. Bon Perry of near Damascus
is visiting his parents this week.
Wo arc very sorry to say that our
depot agent. Mr. Stnnh-y, © going fellow. to
leave na for ho i» a jolly good
Mr. W. S. Swords will take his place.;
Mr. J. R Wooten and wife visited I
Randolph Sunday, I
Who lost his hat Sunday night'
Mr' Editor I will ask forgiveness, i
for and not will writing for tho last two weeks j !
try (j. to bo more punctual.
Mr. J Aisop was up to see uss
from Damascus Sunday.' '
F. M. Cooper was in out burg
' i
Remember the cotton seed busi- ’
is still it: the rush, '
ness so carry
them to J. W. Jones. .
‘ Every ono bo silent. Don t an
*peak& tooee« was what a curtain
y n „u s snid Sundny ,,
ii? You wont miss a stalk of cane
but y« may jrf* U,y M**«r «.
'•ear tree or charge by not ermging
't tt> *W8
n».- i i
<in'i 10 vc an
mentor son. ■ friend-
form-';a arc- de- n and iasti
At the St. Louis Conference ex.
met last week I ransfsrred
Marvin church, St. Louts. In;
transfer is without my request. but
not without my consent. i'he call
seemed to bo the vr,ic< of dtuA and
1 followed .,,
The Georgia eonfei i
ty of pt-uacb-.-rc Kit SO 1 [. iO
Western C Qfl t QF& Tl C OB ,
i’o faithfully work .vheru jwc an
most needed is to do tL will o'’i/vd.
'‘May tho good I ether d us ail
ivedui unto ' v- ;> •■•! :,1 1 ->n -.t. :
cause his face to sLiue up .n ; u i
cannot refrain from adauig r, j ailing
wish hi i prayer that the. maunood
Calhoun county will bo victorious
! against the whiskey element in ^ha
approacldnt' election. If there aPe
i auy ehurnh members s<, iittie, con-.
traoted, stony-hearted,, covet-
uoue, tirne-sorving and
ing until they can’t get thoir
to vote a dry ticket, tboy Ouglif
thoir church for an hbuombie
dismissal before they dishonor them-
solves and the church Hoping and
believing that right is going to win, I
am, with kindest regards, singly
yours •'' ’
W. P. Kino.
nmr A si ycrtiswisonta,
The fololowing advertising gems
are from English papers:
“Anuai sale now on. Don’t go
elsewhere to be cheated—come in
‘•Want«d--Ry a respectable girl her
passage to Now York; willing to take
care of children and a good sailor.
“Mr. Brown, furrier, bogs to an¬
nounce that he will make up gowns,
capes, etc., for ladies out of their
own skins.
“Bulldog for sale; will eat any¬
thing: very fond of children.
“W anted—A room by two gentle-
about thirty feet long and twenty
foot broad.
“Wanted—For tho summer a cot¬
tage for a small family with plenty
of drainage.
“Lost—Near Highgato archway,
an umbrella belonging to n gentle¬
man with a bent rib and a bone ban-
“Widow in comfortable circum¬
stances wishes to marry two sons.
“Notice—If any man’s or woman's
cows gets into my field of otes. his
or her tail will bo cut off as the case
may bo."
In China, it has always been the
custom to obey one’s parents
Even after a man is a grandfather he
must obey -‘ bis parents!' Nov, Yuen-
_ Tson tt IL-i , has , taken advantage - >i f*
her power and sho holds sway over
500,000.000 of people iu the far East
She is the stepmother of the Emperor
of China. She has deposed Li Hung
Ohang for the fourth time and now
has made an alliance with Russia,
Which conflicts with England and
may cause war She is the most-
powerful in the world today. Even
Queen Victoria can,have no voice iu
such matters. She is old, wrinkled
and ill tempered, but she rules mil-
lions of people 1 1 with au iron hand, and
dictates the policy of a naticu. ,ind
makes or rnai-g destinies. It is a tor
ribie thing for the celosUnis k) r. .fliro
that a woman is their ruler a tie
spized woman, once a slave; a w.. ran
cruel as tho fire-And pitiless fate, i
but Roar it thov must. Tho story of
Tut-n Tson-Hsl reads like an impos-
siblo romance,
LobhecJ the Grate, ,......
A atartline incident,’of which Mr.
Oliver of Philadelphia, w.-s the
subject, is narrated bv him as follows:
"I was in a most dreadful condi-
Uo11 ' skiu was a1m0st >' el,ov ’'
ovos sunken > tQn S' 3( ' coatei} - V din
in buck and sides, no np-
growing weaker
dn -V by day. Three physicians Lad
given me up. Fortunately a friend
adv “* s »* 'Electric Bitters;’ and
to mv V’ eroat J iov and surnrist- ‘ ’ the
brst - I bottle made \ a decided throve-
awut. x contmaoa their use for
three weeks and am new a well mam
„, oy Mved ,,, Kfo lm , fob _
Led the grave os another victim,”
S. ,1-., »U M try
UiflyaO beats per ootGt A a.r.y
** fj' u t
>? ■if
y a *rv;rr
iit the North manifested by
not daughter. The writer thr< *v h m
iittie light upon both circumstance■■
“People have often wondered why
Miss Davis never married. That eLo had • .
I scores of admirers overdone knew. Gat e • :
im ongftgerncat wa‘ annonneed, but tn
time it oaHcu on. Thu i icfc really j
Jay. in Mim- Davis' .devotion to her
mother. They two wore atone, aud the
mother clung sritJl devotion and noun- j
nee tr the daughter, i'he latter's inti-1
" RVf> i,; * - a£l! ' ,r ‘ lived.! ?0Ui ^ i
nevfir marry whilo her mother
“There . .as uiv ays u a hurt fading i
in ag a so tl am thnt fix ■ ■ -
i nhoiiid select to iive in New
1: r-7 anted Mxu
n iatain tlv* hen. ut Tcaivuir and ? e t
thl.rc-iuo! Ldy. Lut Mrs. Luvis fol i
lowed her indication sat 1 , rardy stayed {
i Q the Bouth. Whenever nuy open talk ‘
i of this began, loyalists immediately
flushed it up, but the people felt tiu;
g all the same. Possibly association
was too bitter for her down there. No
o k;iov.a why she did, but the south-
oruers yet are a bit BOiV
1 that she cored not to remain among
'hem.- They were act a whit joaioos of
i th< Motion northerners paid her; they
J,,st * c,t sho had f “ raafeca '" n *
f C f v tunPrfti raorrow * r ; JUehmon wiii
^ f\ u tfaat ovor ‘ Wb C tevtr c1bo
Winnie Davi- was to tiie world—author¬
ess, devoted chid, bell—she was to the
Bout hern States their beloved Daughter
of the Confederacy
Speaking of the nomination of Teddy
Roosevelt as Republican governor of
New York tho New OrJoa'nes States says:
“And we think that in all likelihood
this infamy will pe crowned with success,
The American people have drunk deep
of the poisoned cup of militarism. They
ran wild over a man who has von s vic¬
tory on the sea or fought a battle on
land, aud ft military here in a country
whose institutions are builded on a writ-
oonstitntion and whose best safeguards
are the civic virtues of its people and its
rulers is preferred over the wisest, nob¬
lest and most patriotic statesmen. Of
course we uo not fear that Teddy Roose¬
velt will run the Republic. He is not
big enough timber for that. And no
man named Teddey ever die or never will
crush the liberties of the people. Ted¬
dy is a good name for a lady’s lap-dog,
but it is not a name that will ever shake
republic or issue an ardor Irons under
the shaddow ol a crown. It ia not from
the Teddies who writes false history and
swear to falsehoods to evade their share
taxation that the danger is to come. It
is from-the people themselves. Re ty¬
rant ever conquered a race of freedom.
u is the debased and demoralized peo¬
ple who, infatuated with the glitter of
imperialism fall on thoir faces before the
military idol of the hour and permit the
Man on Horseback to rida over their
vile and prostrate necks."
** 0!Uu " <:u ' Ui!t “ Cioae uvoa
oonntv, with a gash m r tno ", head from ft n
ax ,, Ko ouc aeafflad !o k30W bov
It happened. It is sad to think how
many little children come to an untimely
and from swallowing poison, being
drowned in Inba of water, burned to
death, killed by playing with pistols, etc.
None of these deathdealing agencies
should be within too easy reach of chib
dteu. It is isa almost daily occurrence
to road of tho tragic death of some little
innocent, Oue died from tue effects of
swallowing a number of pills left upon
mother who had
t0 door to bid -.,mn to a departing
n ‘ ° : - Motuor and nurse cannot bo too
Mnsl to Hit Oecnstc-n;
During a mrzui - y. lib nay-id. go; \
came nuaw.woa upon a scMitr who was
just nsieep in « field aiuongr, the
‘Te this your pdetr exSlniiu d the
general rousing Mr., .vitb tho faU intou-
tiou of niakini; on example of him.
rMognmus ft. offloet, u. tt
foot, proseuted arms, and said:
bdg^ymn- patjlon, general, bu* wo wav
going through a sham sight. ; ud in •
° n - 1 to m&ft.i the illuwou nu.i^ com-
^ W! “ }aji i )Jvi ending to oo haul. ■
The general could not suppress aanulo
and promptly forgave the witty ••
as^o .-r.muaov rofunded. 60 vents .All
druggists. 5 I9Ciu
n :!urstlay B^tomoor , 15th, I
* '
win ,-nu have a grand opemug of Mflli-
nery and Fancy Goods at try store,
Kando^ . x n i? v : } ^ •
, l i ,C£\££
Ml „„ tllat
UIS !‘-r ct new t,u- -L . I will
S” ‘AL'A.I - - - -
v ,-^ c v ’
' y M r» .... .....
3?. i?' :
Jfm ^«h8»
;— 1 • |
'•4* ■W a» : \ m£ f .
«>• s
' NO A i r> K€8 .:r
i vi SDs.
Ov; ■UP ,3 # V. r 4
•'W V ii 1 1,. !5
IflaB \S r&rs . v h 4m
m V..; :> /” /#' r -£\ /b rs;> v 'VW
5 Jz ;z4 1 v w
; “d'bv -b s!riiib ' : b % gsv'./'A M&v
f.i,^ k wO -
• - W’b 1 4^? ivCo#
¥*\ boy’s ana COII"
bo thing, I' ?
’■ '■'t f the best make
A & " imf v = o V/ & <r « X xcount of the low
cotton, I will outniy
1 H
armra ... i. ? . _ j*: Hne of clothing on us ,e
’ market at
ii Itriif mm ■
Its ill
My stock was bought on
an anticipated cotton * crop Vi
at 6c to 7c, anu d you will
save from 25 tt(Q> 50 pdf °
genua* on ever y \r su it you
want This is not- an “ad/*
to draw you, but “is as it is
told.” So come and get
' your winter suit for
self and boys..
3 maw© alls© a ifnmie (©©mils 11m®
©S' La-Hik'S ©r@§s
M©tta©iniSp IDry S©©is 0
EUsdo M fume ¥®ry B©wes®
pipfeeo ¥er j ammlly D
ass?. I\ f\
5 ^ ,-as jot
sMssi’l^aiassj aAia ■Ail'ii v.Z * V jfcij-ZvZc \/
i§ Iffll fi
I J "ip Sfll j,
1 S jff!!' m . fam %ft -|
t«es® b |
- «
§ g mssst^ssasiBs^ssimem^-s.- s«*3 • 53
Would you foal perfectly n %
% i sate |y 5 to “° put y', bAuk all youv 7 Gu..- vnoaoy you |?
| | But how°aBo?t an Old
bunk? One that has done tl
» business ivr over a quartor A
g f alv:.:/3 cf a century Uoi)t ?. Itu f oromkiee’v -ft. . ;•
st? Orta tajEg, never failed ; never'-s
h. miK. ;-d yon in any vreyo »
1 I •"*"* A°r E Guid »**’ BUch a btsuls, f
4* m
rs »
si' §> . ss^iz L-s fa'Sal v (MWfi I
m a „
^ | „, : aS-hJtS,,-;; Ati J“ j| I
altic-ppointcd b- you, -iocqlved never will. &
5 O r-ovor you, P
p vovt<f wili. I y
« doeu Look: not out that aoisaoae l
K try t-o rnrJke you 3*
§ InV'eAfe toniOj yow health In a now §
t»Oi—i€- uo^ iiiudioixio (i
I y0 ° *“’• f Ch^istsTew '$
| SCOTT & BOVriJE, York.
_Insur- Bifo Insoranco your life in the Now York
moat liberal Company Comptiy, Ir is the
ho.dors to its policy
as well as th-. largest and
8tro ^t in tU world J
I\t* ^
riTTAAL • t ,, --------7~7T ‘jfiS ©L,;
* ' ;r ' '■ an - •-.a- ;a, touch--;. t*-u
?S© "a Moq.ti,; Dr. F. ftxjfsW i, Griflin
hc& ' W. Jonc. Miilmmsburg-vfieV-
IV ZT- luniv. Edisor-
This Farmer Lives at Hqnte*
Americas •• ’ r.
oiapt. J. R. Ross, a successful
Bumprvr ..•oij.y farmerwlro believes
' raising fruits, hay
more m and aivov-
sifiod.crops than in planting 5 ecu?
ootto,,, bu, H h>. to town yortorfoy ; y
t’vo herso wagon load of lnsciouc
~ whiec lie , readily - sold ,
J - xe “ <,r pours
one dollar per ©Aid], Capt, R -Z
large' pc&r orchard upon his
fato,.and the enure cron * this fall
has lo-en - M-<■ , • -iwe per v ouJa-n i :
as nottmg him ■; ,re money titan
-^oa,u or-, ;■ pianted , , cc-ttm..
• m
<- 7: -pt Ko§« lives strictly at borne aad
h. «jfe of , M -
oossfn! farmer, buying nothing for and eoffoo, which
6t course ho cannot-rais^.
Remarks!- R-CHCue,
Mrs. Michael Curtain RaiuncM
i: ‘-> ma -kes tb-s btatcanent that
caught- cold, which settled
lungs; she va.-; tr^at fo»- a nwnd-
Ay V.\ • ov ' temiy. “,5 . , •-’-.■ian, but grt.v
' f ' orso. uo tuki hoi Qnc wfis & *D)pc*
Tm **k of ■ ««u»,puo„ anc! ll»i
R ° m f t::C ' no Con W Cine h 01 V IR:
"Li Mijgcstod ,“v. King's
1)isc °vefy for Ccnsumpuor.; 3ho-
bot ^ j
a Sad to her delight
iUU!Ul “ or oenofittod from #
^ ^ She continued itsag
nftui taking six bottles- found hef
self sound ami - vo q UOiy L ©
? ^
weiUs ^
“ARf-, *"”5 2“ ;V at any U,; Drug ’» ® Btorft
* i;Cn, ‘ ” a ' ! *“*
* -v '-"uio, cya»iN Neuralgia acu£?' nmd T •t " ' '
1:1 fjjm Brrr '
H'li' RBiAiH'.f’, VOTJI h:3. 28