Newspaper Page Text
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■ tov th it fi»0 i
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■ti A fm ftf-M ?-p|
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■ ;
| tiirrogularlUosOraraprc la the best for,Ftrr.?!« Twtv, jorrect^ -_p* 5
h C ;
iako \:r.r Change0. Lffe on-i Vo; tj l- atv.v :
- : ; !p.rk-.-c "Qi: T!:bV > r-ricl^ r.avo Stca >
li to.-?: tor twenty years. I
i ila-io c rO? by mnoogrx, Nor- T Bponc ~ cr nr.oss,'--.. M.V.isltv.'C.,., Chat-3 I
v '
-^5^- t
..-«-. ^ -r-.-.... : ••
'lr. slack Avora was :a tu •'■'a :r.rfc
Yr J. W. Collier of Edison was
h last Tuesday
Cupid'puis in a eood .leal ci n:s
t ime a* target practice.
TY' Lring*your longest stalk or
ruga: ace to tho.Mfwitor.
FaOh is not very plentiful but the
■supply o-ptals the demand,
-Ar. Sam Saxon was a h oiks liep-
rosentatiye here yesterday.
The idle always think they will
fee: like working tomorrow.
yy Efunember and save the Mon¬
itor the longest stalk of cane.
Mr. Goo, Davis pleasing face was
seen on the aqaaro yesterday.
Co:, J. L, Boynton was in Morgan
'Mat Tuesday and Wednesday.
V? orr-f.n's ruling passion crops out
in her desire to rule a'husband.
Mr. J. G. MoGuirt was one of the
’election managers here yesterday.
The microbe never bothers tho
fuan who is unaware of its existence.
Things. are actually what they
scorn —about one time in a hundred.
The man who is too laky to stand
bp and tell the truth is apt to lie
'about it.
it takas a man longer to acquire than it does others'to forget ail
about him.
One woman always pays more at¬
tention to what another woman
on than to what she says.
Editor w’w.'Flenni::’ »f the Ar¬
lington Courier was a welcome vis:-
tor to our sanctum last Tuesday
Monov is so pretty to some
that it is some times thought'by
them to cast its ceftection upon its
Hod. Henry Turner, of Edison,
ivas here last Tuesday to fill his reg
hlar position oh the board of county
Borne people are such great fools
that when their very Pael: of fors,j is
langned , , j at, , thcv .. ,rmk . tney arc ox
traor a.r.a niy vv-tty. ;
..... ^
Miss Hortense Shivers, aktistaht
fceachof its the Moreau ' High School
Epei'.t last Sunday parents.____* ,u Ailiknv, the
guert of hot-
It is a sad fact—the sooner wo
realize it» the bettor—that Uttfe chi’-.
dren have t"Wht no principle except that
which., 1 ;.t. ; 0 t aught ther them .
Don’t Tho' forget the Monitor's cane
!, t
eanf OuKticsyou to the Monitor vuo.
v>xr free or*harae ‘------- '
■ Borrowing may be a disease; lend -
mg is an insanity.—There m nothing
new. Our grandsuoth .-rs often, tool
spins on enainless wheals.
Cano is excellent “stuff"
Monitor totoo realizes this fact and
for this roas-on the editor b i-
the M..; itor one year for the loagc:;:
Stalk or •••aue. Take advantage oi it
ami biing us m the cane.
Mr. Harper Drniudl, of Leary, wa?
in Morgan hist Tuesday. Mr. 'Dan-
ioll brought us a curiosity in the
shape at a stalk ot corn, (or rather
it- was tour “suckers,”) which origi
natfd from one grain of corn and had
five well developed ears on it Mr
Daniell is ciw of t 'aiboun’s most
prosperous farmers and r.8 v cr was
kne to have ,jh) nay anything that
can be raised ajf home. It would he
(veil Dr some \ of our farmers to
* 3rlop- me of bis rn’cs, especialh in
... ward to ’■aisnwg coma supplies a f
CT i >*% ;
- ;■ ;:!^u,;:r “■ .cop. vt-ut y
;■.:’ '.\.4 ;ri', ’oh dtiti V ' - " ; ■. : - tv m • : tv \ *H f . • A • * ’
Go’crnsv o
CANDLER 10— : 41 V- 72; I .10137*
H> C/..L " 021 •)
oretai y of State |
8- 10'275 1!
1 ii 2 - 84
0 niptro.,.1 : v.
' :!.: 1 Ati' a. WRIGHT Ld> : 41 i 80 8: Ui'278
Mi.,IK!V ; ?! S4
■ Sta' T. ■■ r .
iOS 82 ; > *
< ?
i LALY.OR........ a i ; ,01 i) 1 • ’
r r itOrney Gcucrni ! 741 8'- At
4; 80i '2.41
CCER..... ;,V OU .. ,
■ E“u ' ,u>r . i Agricitiliir •
-'Tj? - 4 2 8 : 2 '
TALLY, ' 13: 8
O' i . . a j
Ht.fite ■„ Cfmm!sei‘.>iior i
GLENN. . vt
ZETTLER ............. 1 1H I
Pro'. ... Cunuaiseiom i !
TURNER. S9 78 1 ; V) : u>..-*
D,WITT'S A /* i 84
• Chief Jn.-tice of Huorumo 0 n; •
SIMMONS. . '..... 103 4! T2 “75 F | 10 ShO
HINES .................. 7 2 84
Assoc *at Justice of Snproma
Court for Full r J>rm of Six Yearn.
FISH. ............. 103 41 88 74 8 | 16 272
LEAKER........... 7 13 01 2 84
Associate Justice of Supremo Court
for Unexpirod Trim of Two Years
LEWIS........ 108 41 88 74 8 10 2*0
MeKAFFEE.'........ 7 18 01 2 1 84
Senator For t.Jv 55t.h Seuateriai
ODOM 102 V 41 27 71 51 10 2*33
IVEY. . 8 24 021 i 1 •!'K)
Representative in the house of
WOOTEN Representatives 99 41 86 00
9 17 201
HARRELL . 4 14 1 19
TOLSON. 5 IS 58 1 1 73
Clerk of- Superior Court
RAGAN. 107 40 4.0 95 8 10 806
DAVIS.............. 108 40 47 95 10 16 811
COWART............. Receiver of Tax Returns 2 8 17 j ! l | 28
8TEAD1IA.M.............. 100 41 89 1 100! 9i 16 811
Tax Receiver ;
DAVTS. ! 102 40 40: 80 9: 10!293
JOINER f : 5 j .0) | 1 1! V 9
C-ouiAy Tr•■•nearer
BASS. 100! 49 i t'H 96 1 10 10 I 800
. ' ; !
i'-'LDh-R. Cottoty Surveyor 106 S 40 85 ! 8; j 10; 297
j 41 i
Coroner 1 i ! i "-I !
MANBY . . 1108: iii 371 80 8; 16:285
LA AYS 1 r 7 ' : I 12 601 2 i: S'
Tire !• •••!'; vf' if: 'I: .or dj r-: rutife'ainn ef tir-• a::mudmmR
paragraph 2 of section 3, artivie 6 pi the Constitution, (for election
pf Judos of Bnp-Tior courte by the p. ypb) was 88. Against ratmea- 1”
tion 188 The sc-c ini amendment, of the Constitutor: for the ofeetion
of Judges of the Superior eotuG by the pfreplo wae 87 Against it
was 180. The ameiKhvcmt relative to tin- '''’■'cfio.: cl Scli.-ifo;o-G-eu-
-rat by the peoi v. :■:• 38 for it. 185 ery'i?./■;. ii
^ ;b v. !
.,. fSi , i;
yi - j. y Btewart, who has been quite
sick rortlnGm rcav days, i» iinproi .og
,v “ t: " "
N. D. 5 . isliithisiwas bore rnday.
, ic2 D- L >. Htowartond T. J, 8pnr-
v ^ :e do - wt , iioti . Vernal Friday
iiiglit ta she Mr. T. Btewprt.
Mr. and Mm. Drinkwater went down
^ Kfitgon Friday rJtomoon.
^ S SS
a delightful 4 rU to rclativf-fc hi YlarMiuc:
•' '«•'• was ari-o,- ; -wv -iiimirr
c: ‘:f n ;.. u ‘ ' CoHms aud J’dei !. •, Awe v „ ■«
■ -
we re!«i « h - . ik J« .
Mr ’ ^ y !stewar >. °* 1
! accomiwu.-’ by aw etuhren &un£ -^
•• tisitod bis brother Mr. -T.
t;< -'V
\ - , , r , o
; '
j Yl\ Foilch and hi. L. Kicc, of
hols paused E -e A ones?
I am : ti ••: >■••>•-•••:■* the i'utdtof in its old
she. And bey j w:’i L: : :fc can
continue ir. this :
’ ,s. I.. •'. iab'i ■■ 0;: ■
in’cs'-i* wit.1; tno Morga; High
bone ’) * loft I cr: baturcH
;.; iJLii wl .ho has t,< -vpt-id
,,-i- t,'.:. u ,
Knighton school,
many L.-nds ext. nd their
wieLi't.; f.*r her niitouded au-nvgs
in her new hold of lab-.c.
Sheriff Da vis left W Smiday
y fteruonti with 8 negro, Ns than
LaUTetlC- f ir Callahsi'i's c-haln-
tumg in Early count} - wh* re !i"
will s- n * a s ■ :f. nee of 18 m. nths
T..r;wr>WU:. :n t) -:t
term r : the county court
i Dr. \V. P. Terry } A f
m 't v vi) i n * v i
:.3 :
C ; : X!
n V)
4 j V ' “ : 5 v- :
-4 -
1 : v ! o ,
Household DTB.i.
In baking cakes or get na in gem
pane, if there h uofc enough butter to
fill all the little pan 1 ?, put water into
the amply ones bofcio setting in the
oven to bake,
Have the oo. k save* ail tho lemon
skims after she* has made- tor nlos
^ ^ into th °
1 -b..... . t)J y. ,<-t ,.i,,
[ho result is fragrant toiler water
which ?s beneficial to tho skin. Sev
: oMooon
ersl _ saces m . the bath are
VQT " S°qc ^aro must be taken to
tlie seed, else the ptmubing
^ .« rW
It , is . custoraary with o real “A ir-'
giunj” cock to bon & whole ham at a
tiuw until noarl; teiidw, end thou
shcae: from, that Corbojhn.g cr frying
to Putv- with. eggs. Ubinc ct- V.«..'>n
which: r.r« tq. be'kop! tlirc-u.-th t'no
1 ucr.iv. nr '4 rD oil: 13-
...j. • asr.r o pre cut :r.o!4.
t In "following roclptr for :he‘ cans
■ ■
. , !ruit . , lfcs,
| :;n boron *8 !U:a P roru : part of ' lCr f mil ' : ' 1
me.w«ve«u,, a (prt mens.
i m<? f not iu fcho trades trmr^a Imi-bots,
, which vary in size but ate never a
full scriptural 'punt Fruits " " and “
vegetables gboaid bo sold hero
as they arc abroad, by weight instead
of measure,
After;; hem has been boiled and
before getting entirely cold it will be
found a good idea to wrap around it
a long strip of thin, old muslin, tying
it on with n string This run- be
turned back as fast as tho han
Lit.'cd, while in the nuaiuvl-ii.) if
.. i:n r ,, . .
. an i ho loan to hear* •
Hike the Old :< hgeor : on the >;■ >\\
: wh% WilCll in. w a o'.' If I'.:' had |
; *'nrs3>-. :\ vi ! ..\! a h o rs.e, -aM: !. i
; spool> i iimve moet most ev •": od;', |
' Imt i -lint pass nobod
•'I' ain't. ;. . >n . •.•>,»:; i Mould rtU.iior i
bo u ui'ir.l ck»i/, vote for 3 repub¬ !
lic and 1 ; i tool i-mough be I
an 4 nva u> a J-
pop. j
• “T-.1 your wife to ''ary "0.u in tliin !
| dothce wton yea die for it '!«. goinsr j 1
: be tot wh'.’ro eofn.y.
i to v cr. are :
; •A eokttos wan seen running from j
! \7' « ; ii-imiug;
I v ''IV •* v ' } ^
j y^ileil use.I cuia’6 Sohva o£
i you P'.iOpls 'rant angel wings to ;!y
j out oi : i'u;or with.
ii' Y- .1 sho-v me ;:ri old s'.dsv with-
1 •
nnfc outuursiasm ,, oarnt-stnoss ,
, lioioo, siul X
uijoUv t\-v. Wn. . .. ,*v\ . ■ * j
j-atoiiso ! dirty where' nad dirt ia king. hato 1. hate dirty a
woman women
j men. Rome of you Carmen's go to
! tl im 1 Jb « in o u dir , s veaty
snirts , and , iav dovm bed the
1 m m
J same olu shirt with a sweet wife by
13 Low:: bur h hear 0h, • am dog p.r jaohi yelp there, g n >w. is
j i you my
a ’pov.usn o, tho woods
“There is many, a woman in this
oounvvy- v.itb aa inch bird-: and a ten
foot toaguo. They can nit ia the
parlor and lick a skillet in tho kitchen.
•'If all tho bogs bad bristles, hair
mattresses would be given away.
“Some of you farmers come to
town and say to a Jittlo merchant, ‘1
want you to run me,’ He’ll ran you
n tniie a minute before your crop is
laid by
“My, say, what little follows some
of you are, 1 would call you n dog
| but you aint big enough, and so I
will cal: you a pup - if J. was you r
wife I would get the children to pack
their little daddy in the crib, and
would wean the baby and knock
your teeth put and nurse you. You
are so little, a fly can sit on your nose
and kick your eyes out.
“You farmers grumble about being
hard up, when the Constitution pub
iishes a story about a Georgia negro
who bought a farm on credit; paid now owns 5000 acres of land
and Khr three -thounan-a dollar:: in tm*
bank The matter with .yon i-> you
aro iu’oken down in the lanes like a
| nig.”
A BohipiAA Uo Ho-ko.
Awriter deseribco the socnoa :-t tho
burial of SVi«s Wiukio Davis says: ;
; The run w»o lioad jnA'f^aUing tho iloliind tho
hills v.'bcn tho of proccasion
came in sight along fRc road that winclo
in and out arooag die trooa by the vivoi ’a
batik. The i.-iitizQsy formed at tho foot
of the tc-rravi: ^Yavloolaag tho Dat in
circio which fe i-\: *n overlooks the lives
and ximrciindB « ■••.• v of ti'.o city. I’ccw:
•-vas c acono |v.t4 as the votcimw tnrnod
to tako the left hand drive Unit will never
be forgotten by those who witnossofi ii
The chief inav:Jn=.i and aides b‘mi
pontiBil in the load >'Jtf yards from ti:c
grave and the tamo distance irom the
head oi t he proeesaiou, Tho lino of vet-
craus Hjo hoarse and tlia •.•nniage’ c: >v-
ing along tho woodland read, the mili¬
tary drawn up ia rigid lino, tho pictur
csqne group ©I mounted marshals in
grey, tho crowd:; on die hiilba.niid r.)
the guard will allow them to conic, the
open grave the dower decked thopudn
^ the squaio, tiic broad rivci moving
restlessly, Uio green hills casting ttie'long
shadows rt evening, their tops glistening
wit! tss gold og sunscl:. ; all those entered
)k , ..... - .....,,
:i inmr and woman must have felt it tittng
tliot Ufa fnpsfci tim Rid Hir DaapUor
ofthoOor ■•' ould be Man hear
?0 P e ^ful one. cbtl she;. E bo down
to 8,c in nopot ag iovely.’'
T i-c ikn Joso ecu,o, which has bohn so
’isaeRcus fi- o.-ch:-- 1 - in Gnorwr. and
e>,-!..••• otherf tatof; !!•’•• veer Lave benh
3ab;cct of tnnny rcinnUth orpSrimeale,
L.-d no o-o-ody lies ;mt been
©'•' tl.r ^perimentui
station triod •: spray nt oil
h snc «*»- Two pmunE
of si-sy- w.-r... ajated m two gallons
water and spruyi.' Jabot. or tho ieuvea, bodies
,, Kotoreno <dl
aw >-ijutcMizCn^nitU wUb still
frter.tL.- cnccfP3. t)ne half pint of the
vns atomized or made into weak
sicn, arid sprayed on a single tree. Thu
remedies do not hurt the frees if applied
Mrs. A. It. bcih'.r:.:, of Folks, wr.;;
in Morgan Toerday v>:4t: r :t> rdativea.
Dewitt's witch Br.lqo Isas tho
largest sale of uiiy Mdyc* in the world.
This f«ot nod ila limrit has ltd dinliuucst
people to the. i'tteu j.'t who to v.ounitifoit it. Look
out fur man aUruq.ts to llopciv:
wi.VJtl VGU C*vL tor jiovilt’r witch
iiaol Ndvo the great >T - r .
Tinsk-v * Co., Morgiuj, Dr. F P Gtif
Do’: • * Toni,'
i -!•» • * ■ i.i-. ;".‘stf » *'i »- -
vjoorgia • Calhoun County: —
WiU ! ;••*» tn-jil on tiV' 11. ''- Tm
Nuvrail w o.ovl at: public * ut or\ 1 V
; ;* - ; .loor oi‘ 5*'«i *1 v*.oont.y • HUtu ; 1
tho legal Hours of sale to ‘ ho highest bid \
i jr fur cask thr following property to wit: !
Seven iutndroi and fifty (750) nnrcu of
: ' ! o‘. lota ISlon. •>-•• . !?40 and 211, in
Ihi 4<k di.'triet of ?n,Ul county, v.-fih at
lmprovonuinte thotoon, oxoopt the widow*r.
.ioM’c-' tn rind to 1150 ,‘1-8 acres off of JotA
No. '114, SaW property levied on as ,th« j j
proporty of s\ A. Ingram, deceased In the
hanik d? d. Dor.icr, adtainLstrator, to j
sl fa vur.'n‘ from Calhoun def'd t adporior eattefy one Court viortgago in favor j
S Udm r °m pvo-o' *'w.ln VZ\ • :
vs. 0.C, adffl!;il3tr>rtor, and, siv-
oral in fnVor'of Crittiauion Rro.i. v s. C. O.
Donior, admiiiiatratot. Tenant’' notiflad.
This pot. 1, 18!)?.
A i ' >At the Ham. time and place of
aai.\ 7 hales o| certten, more or less, 40
hush , . da . >1 com jtr.ore c: 1 nn,< '' u ,
fodder, more or kee, 1 aero sugar cano,
i awe ew t potatoes, ind-bushote cotton
eood, more or lees, i h-horso wagon.
Bai'.i property iovted on ar.i .to bo sold as.
th °P ! 5 » j W. Bi a ■ t - fj
one Superior Court ii fa in favor of lho
Pioneer Guano Co., ,, one mprtgago ii fa ,
from Superior Chart in favor of T. K.
Haminoml, assignee of .1. N, Danioll ana
one County Court 8 fa In favor of Mrs. S.
V. Clayton all against said ,T. W. Tim¬
mons T'hia Sept. 34, 1803.
ALSO. At the sarae time and place 2
iron grey horse mules about live years
old. Levied,on aud to bo sold as the
property of i), M. Lee to satisfy a mort¬
gage fl fa iruaed from the County Conrt
of Calhoun county in favor of J. A.
Thornton vo. saivi 15. M. Lee, This, Oct.
4, 1808,
Af.SO, At the same time and place of
sale 4 1-0 bales of cotton, more or lose,
150 buehols of cotton sooti, more or lass,
180 bushels corn, more or loss, 30 buahels
of ground peas, more or ioss, 1-4 acre
sugar ewe, 1000 pounds fodder, Said
property levied on p.tul to bo eokl as tiro
property of B. M, Loo to satisfy a mort¬
gage fl fa issued from tho county conrt of
Calhoun county In favor of Mrs. Addeiado
IS, Jackson against said B, M. Lee.
This Bept. 110, U5ij;3.
it. »p. DAVIS, SborifF.
Administrator’s Bale,
GEORGIA— Calhoun County:—
Agt’eo«bia to an order from the Judge
of Uio Superior Court, granted at the Juno
terra, 1896. Will be sold on the first
J’uIWhv in Novsni'oer 'next, before tho
Court ifcuso ctodr in Morgan, said bounty,
fcut-r.—tiie-li'g:d hona of sato, Jhc na!
catuf.-. boloftgiug to* tho, estate:
of Mansttold docoasod. Tho
s&roo being lots Nos, 134. nr,4 ’,55 in iho district, containing 505 nores more
or loss, and the Mansfielu home
pi: '-o; ftiM part cf !<-t I’ll iii tho
district and part, of lot No. 10 in the
fourth dietrief;, known os fihe. Cid Mano-
fl<8d plat 3 oontainrag lid acres nsoro or
lose. TVnno ii. ISLKR,
Tax Collector's Notico.
1 will lie at the following named
nine os or: dates named below For ihe
of ' collecting state and
pm po: ,
county tart for the year 1898:
Me:;;:", Oct. 4, Nov. !. Doc. C,
•'Edison, Sept. 27, Oct. 95, Nov. 12.
Arlington, fjefA. 83, Oct. 28, Nov. 10.
OoviXmy, Sept, Oct. 27. Dec. 3.
Loary. V pt. 90. Oct. 28. Nov, 19.
Willi-Mf ibarg, &pt. % Oct. 29, Nov.
20 .
.IcfT, afternoon, Nov, 12.
Manry’s mili, fercuooD, Nov. i !.
Will bo Rt iHorgcn p.1! luring ocurt
Looks will clo?« proritly Drc 20.
O. J, DAY :H,
To* Collector Calhoun County.
Mom than ,, fcwcut| _ r inilljqir .... Lae san.piee .. .
;• ..... 1 '' 01
b.Tter ..roof uf tl.eir oonfldenrc iu biuns A’;
waaW'11 curaipiles, .
muritt) do yon
time, >.. >?‘ J j fiusley k Oex- ntorptan; })r.
^ I% oriffin. Ikniry; J. W. Edkco. Jones.
wtlliarasbnrg; Henry Turner,
.' .'BAN O I L cures
* Barm, Brimo., itheu.
!i ntigm *.. t P.u ■ A:, cunts,
j. f ... Lrokon mirfacee, sot insect
1 :-• , • .-n::. ik.r. ...a;.. o;. 4 •• -t- • "d'..
pi© r"° j’f ; J,l ° f" wedy ’
i ;‘,' 1 "ys- l: "El " halvc> S'“bolisap- ? ro 3 f ou
poi. ted with DeWitt’i vVitch Hazel
4. J. Tinsley ^ A *• Co,, W. Morgan; Jouos,
V-Ubamabu^nryT^. Edison.
Tho Now York* Life , Ins u ranee
Company is tho only Company There that
writes single perfect Insurance. is
! not a restriction in tl.eir poli-
cics. In. A. I lano.
Opc Minute Coup 1 1 (Jure njtrprieon
people by :t« quick cures quantities r.ucl chiidron
coay take it ir, large without
1L'- tl.c least best ropritation danger, It of has wod prcpnriitiriB tor itself
need by to-dey for colds, croup, tickling in
tbioat ?.,• oLstiimte (muirIc: V. .f.
E©., Dr. lo b. Griffin, Ec.'n-y
J. . -1 e'er, .'Uiniutibuq; IT or ! iiraer
! Ldiaoji
'>:-r .,.- v -1| *M4 8 AH Ti kcom «
5 " . vim
fe ■ “ f*r
f ffi w
h >?!
A. m
w Mi m
h;u uln.
s : !’>• ■■•.vii.'-dVas ... $ i (K)
U *’ Lion roast, d cotrm .1 00
Jt» 1 Best.ivliite sugar 1.00
5 y .. W ]u>le grain , ic .,..... 1 Off
100 ‘ ' ' fl !1 • ! 15
iO " 1 Cotton Sf'o.l muni 1 25
" Poliblu-tlacic. foi.acc.i. 80
1 • Seim,ljlilfl tui'.;lC..-o 40
' Nails ............. 24
1 • “ Maualioy snntT....... •V
78o Matches. . . . . • >
0; iic.i.) : i;: -Kooting ]>m yd 5
i ..'jaded so.'Us........... 8«i
O.soi'au'c jii*r jam mi . . .
Clicusfl. i i l l 15
Halt fish i t t t« 01
2 box. potash 15u—8 for 20c—4 for
25c, and 5.7 for ,f I, ,
Out'or: bivskots irom 20c-,to 50c
Homo mft(b syni]) LV ]><*r gallon.
Moat........... 7
1 ■ < Lard . ..... 74
Com afid iiiuat pur bu
Best flour per 14:1 . 4 OQ
Sweet potatoes pur bti 5G
0 wax crayofi or color pencils f:
Table oil cloth pet yard‘s 15c
Ering me your eggs, at 13c dor,.,
H ‘‘ goose feathers at 50c lb
Let mo thank you for your pat¬
ronage in the past, and I hope to-
share*it in the future. I am,
Yours to serve.
ft » w w a
0. * * Ii y’ i *4 l
V i
Mjw/ijjn IP
tk/MTt ■ ■~t<mmrmurv*.minp < ■» V £■
- *• fV.y I
UPfl> n %
uliiil Sis : f
U /
mbit ! c .
That 1 ’ r oiv (lifi’orenf kind;'
. ■ I im;-—iu:; • an there arc dn -
foront. kinds of p- jde. Bonus
jiur j ibid, are considcrrd
GOOD wjll.lay 800 brick
©ir Lem©
vj i 11 go t< i 1,2<K), savi tig yop
50 p< r cent fiber.:; and a much
pti’onger wall !:t obtuined—
and that L what you want.
Don't lino inaferiai wlieto ro-
, , i •• ’
pairs have to commen<'H soon
after completion of the work.
ite. docks, m m liii
. mi PiCO.,
Albany, Georgia!
U ti »
; «5 ’
Watch Milker, Jeweler and Dealer hi
Musical Instruments.
wr p iPii © ipo
IUi I liiD Itin Hill
I ■i <*. ■» /***{
•iftnSsuissaF « c;a^ v v
have special bargains to oiler you ,
!• y ** J rv
'vTaT ^l4ltiOS A £MB vZZZZ.lZZZZt
~~ m—m "•* RIB'
, r^nh Hart Dowk llio ^ MoJ S
1 .rated piamst, w,li> on nand ,p try
L»Hn-.tnunoni$j. « a at soo om
aud secure -
J T * W. (oiner.; *i
27 'Vasliington street, Albany, On
j When yon cnll for DeWiH'a Witch
j Halve - tli© Ric^toBt j»iio euro, don’t.
fJ(; < ept unylhin.;. «!««. Don’t, bp talked
into s • .ejitihg ; substitute, f:.» pit a, foi
* 0 f T. ■' iiuilcy ..if
r j s. j- ■ • a. W.-
■ V, !.imi»»burg; it' .o CV..U',