Newspaper Page Text
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VOL in. jv'Q. 42.
If you need a Stove or Range it will pay you to come and see us.
Also Crockery and China. We make up sets just as you want them, in
plain white, embossed, or decorated porcelain at very low figures.
W. S. BELL, Albany, Ga.
5ALS0OT KR ffnui EISS5R51.
ncvzKion couiiT.
Judge— W. N. Spence.
Solicitor General—W. E. Wooten.
Stenographer—Ernest M. Davis.
Clerk—W. J. Kagan.
Sheriff—L. H. Davis.
Regular terms, second Mondays In June
and December.
Judge—L. D. Monroe.
Solicitor General— L, G. C&rtlcdgc.
Glork—W. J. Ragan.
Sheriff—L H. Davis.
Quarterly sessions,4th Mondays in Feb¬
ruary, May, August, and November.
Monthly sessions, 4rh Monday iu. each
Ordinary—A. I. Monroe.
Court, first Monday In each month,
oouxti co.vMiasioxnrs.
Henry Tumor.
•i. M, Wooten.
J. B. George.
Court, first Tuesday in each month.
Treasurer—Thomas E. Plowden.
Tax Receiver—J, B. Steadham.
Tax Collector—0. J. Davis.
Surveyor—W. S. Short.
Coroner—W. A. Manry.
School Commissioner—J. J. Beck.
Morgan—1123rd district—J. N. Danlell
P, W. E. Harvin, N. P. and ex-offi. j.
P. Court,second Thursday ir, each month.
Arlington—574th district.—John R.
Mils J. P. W illiam Ray, Notary Public
and ex-officU) J. P. Court, third Wednes¬
day in each month.
Edison—13t!!th district.—J. R. Strick¬
land, J. P. Everett Bass, N, P. and ex-
officio J. P. Court, second Saturday in
each month.
Leary— 626th district.—Harper Danlell,
J. P. James Keel, N. P. and ox-officio
J. P. Court, third Saturday in each
Williamsburg—1283rd district.—G. B.
Perry, J. P. C- J McDaniel!, N. P.
and cr-offieto J. P. Court, fourth Sat¬
urday in each month.
Cordray—1304th District— Will Eu¬
banks, J. P- David Wimberly, N. P.
and ex-officio J. P. Court first Saturday
in each month.
Mayor—K. McK. Ragan,
Wardens —J. J. Beck, T. W. Tinsley,
S. N. Mcffnirt, 3. T. Clayton.
Clerk— 8 . N. McGuirt.
Treasurer— J. J. Beck.
Marshal— Shell Carver.
Baptist Church—Rev. Z. T. Weaver,
pastor. Preaching every third Sunday
and Saturday before. Suuday- 3 chooi
every Sunday at 10 o’clock a. m. J. M.
Newton, Superintendent.
M. E. Church-—Rev. F. McCullough,
Paster. Preaching every 1st Sunday at
11 o’clock a m. Sunday-school L. every
Sabbath at 3 p m. G. Cartledge, Su¬
Reuben Jones Lodge No. 388, F. & A.
M meets every first and third Saturdays
Sidney Paul,
Parties indebted to mo are hereby
reqnes ted to call and settle at once
or accounts will be placed in hands
of attorney for collection. RespecG
fully, J. B. George, M. D.
Rucklen’s Arnica Salvo.
Tijo Best Salve in the world for
Cnts, Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Sait
jjheiun, Fevm' Soros, To:tor, Chap-
pod Hiffi'L, Ghilb»aius, Corns, and fill
ykiu PiUpC^Eo, an posa.i..n cures
gu Viteeu refunded. to give perfect satisfaction
or money Price 25
per box. I’°r S ale by all Druggists,
__________ ^m L>i N RELIEF cure!
0 U ™i^ a r ° ^ hacb J;
-. Pricej so U s
,il Eamaer Complaint*. 35 Cents,
Ouly a Question of Time.
We find the followiug iu last
week’s Dawson News:
In noting that President Williams
of the Georgia Pine Railway, who is
a resident of Savannah, attended the
barbecue in Arlington in honor of the
completion of the road to that place
the Savannah news said:
Arlington is the junction point of
the Georgia Pine with the Central.
The load is now in operation from
Baiuluidge to Arlington, a distance
of forty miles, bi-secting a fine coun¬
try, well wooded and capable of con¬
siderable agricultural development,
after the passage of the lumbermen
and the naval store operator. From
Arlington it is only a matter of time
before the Georgia Pine will push
further north until it strikes the cen¬
tral again at Dawson, where it will
also meet the Georgia and Alabama.
From Bainbndgo tbc road will event¬
ually go south to Tallehassee, Fla.,
the people of which aro extremely
anxious for this new outlet. The
rosd between BainbridgtT’au d the
capital of Florida would open up to
development another fine stretch of
forest and farming lands, one of the
best sections for immigrants in tho
south, it is said. From Dawson to
Tallahassee the road would probably
be 125 miles long, and tyould be fed
by an already prosperous and rapidly
improving territory. At Tallahassee
the road would meet tho Florida Con¬
tra! and peninsular.
President Williams ns a firm bo-
bever iu the Georgia . Fine. He has j
invested largely in in it, and has
faith in its future.
A Clever Trick.
It certainly looks like it but there
is really no trick about it, Anyone
can try it who has Lame Back and
Weak Kidneys, Malaia or nervous
troubles. Wo mean he can cure
himself right away by taking Elec
trie Bitters. This medicine tones
up the whole system, acts as a stim-
lant to L ; ver and Kidneys, is a nerve
tonic aud blood purifier. It cures
Constipation, Headache, Fainting
Spells, Sleeplessness, and Belly Colic.
It is purely vegetable, a mild laxa¬
tive anp restores the system to its
natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters
and bo convinced that they are a
miracle worker. Every bottle guar¬
anteed. Only 50 cents a bottio
any Drug Store,
Mrs. Oscar Stanley, of Anderson,
Iud., gave birth to a baby boy nine
days ago. When it was placed in
care of the nurse she found a rather
peculiar pimple on the inside of its
thigh. She thought nothing of it at
first, but it began to got very sore
and also became very large. When
she was bathing the child her hand
came in contact with a sharp projec-
tion. Ebo called a physician and ho
found that there was a ueedle in the
child. It- was finally extracted and
P roved to be two inches in length,
It was in the child when it was born,
He taluks the mother swallowed it
probably many years ago. The child
. a sounc j as a dollar today and will
never be bothered because or the
fact that ha was bora with a noodle
j n him.
OI ^Cuts. f ‘ ’ JBAN D I L cures
** Burns, Bruises, Rheu-
matisin and Sores. Price, 25 cents,
Wn. tnMvui « c’ Rh rh-Wi kJ t * il rp vj ILVa
T~^l A. lOW T\1 1) i ail J t/b _ -LvJ | > yy X.J 1 A 1C *
<, y ■
and -j Clipper / >, x » Castings. . •
A fine 11-pound boy is the latest
visitor at the home of Mr. T. Wheel
The man who “who livos without
work,” generally “works” somobodv
for his living.
Cruelty and religion don’t fit to¬
gether. How can a man love God
who mistreats a poor helpless dumb
There would be less rascality in the
world if every body understood
what the Bible means when it says
“God reigns.”
When an opportunity to do good
occurs, don’t let the occasion «lip by.
Do it at once. You may not bave
such a chance again.
Let us never forget that every
station in life is necessary; that
each deserves our respect; that not
the station itself, but the fulfillment
of its duties, does honor to a man.
The wind makes the waves. Christ
rebuked the wind that stilled the
waves. The true peace comes when
He rebukes tho evil which disturbs
the conscience and gives us rest in
pardoning love.
Advertising always pays. An Ok¬
lahoma girl advertised for a husband
and got him. The advertisement
and wedding outfit cost eleven dol¬
lars. Within a year he died and
left five thousand dollars life insur¬
ance, Now is the time to advertise.
Mr. 1\ J. Tinsley, of Morgan, was
iu the city Monday. He was a'ccom-
pankd by hi , daughter. Miss Faille,
one of Andrew’s bright young lady
pupils, w'oo had spent Saturday and
Sunday with home-folks.—Cuthbort
When a man begins to do wrong
he cannot answer for himself how
far ho may ba carried on. He does
not see beforehand, he cannot know
where he will find himself after the
sin is committed. One false step
leads to another; one evil concession
requires another,
“Oh, you needn’t talk,” said the
indignant wife, “What would you
bo today if it weren’t for my money
I’d like to know?” “I really don’t
know, my dear, but I’m inclined to
think that I’d be a bachelor,” said the
heartless wretch.—Chicago New.
A Florida editor, poor fellow,
tells his troubles in tho following:
“To write editorials, with one of our
schco1 8 irls asking assistance in soiv-
iug the problem vhat is the area of
the convexity of a pyramid with a
8 < l uar0 ^ ase an ^ a £ ^ an * height of
n l an k feet, a colored revival iu fuil
across >; tbe f tr9et 3 vigorous
ca ^ cour fship going on in tho front
y ar(1 > is P rotf P noat ' Sherman’s defi-
nition of war< Aad y et P e °t >l0
env y the editor.”
A storekeeper, in Groenburg, Ky.,
has on exhibition what he claims to
be the largest shoe over made for a
woman. It is the exact size of six-
teen pairs that wero made for a
mother aud tiro daughters, natives
of Tennessee. It measures inches
j in height , 1 3 iuches in length and 5
[iuches across the largest part of tho
j sojo. That beats the Chicago girls.
|>l^ | Iwiilvl 44 tA«ANUBIAti $ TEA cures Lynpep.
s ia, Constipation and
gestion. Keen la tee tbe Liver. Price, 25 c#
Tito Dollar Spent at Home.
Just a hfctle dollar on its mission
sent, make? a lot of people glad each
time the coin is spent—you pay. it to
tho butcher for meat to give you
strength, he pays it to the grocer
from whom it goes at leugth, some
pretty bit of cloth or lace his bettor
half to bay, or helps to get the win¬
ter hat to make hor rival sigh. The
dry goods man sends on the coin to
pay his market bill, and though the
coin is often spent it stays a doilai
still, and every time 'tis spent at
home, some act of good id done in
booming local industries ere the sets
ting of the sun, but if you take that
shining coin and break tho local
chain the chances aro that from
afar ’twill ne’er return again; if once
it passes out of town the butcher and
the baker, the grocor and tho dry
goods man, the cook the undertaker,
tho carpenter, tho bricklayer, the
blacksmith, every one will lose a
chance to see the coin because its
round has run. Just keep tho little
coin at home and keep it moving
well, and everytime it changes hands
$ome body’s goods 'twill sell. A sin¬
gle little dollfa has thus a wondrous
power to make somebody better off
each day; yes, every hour; it pays a
bill and wards off ill and ne’er its
power relaxes to soothe the doctor,
buy tho-coal and pay for broad and
Mill ions Given Away.
It is certainly gratifying to the
bublic to, knew of one concern in the
land which is not afraid to be gone-
rous to the needy and suffering.
The broprietors of Dr. King’s Now
Discovery foi Consumption Coughs
and Colds, have given away over ton
million free trial bottles of this great
mediciu. and havo the satisfaction
of knowing that it has cured thou¬
sands of hopeless cases. Asthma,
Bhronchitiis, Hoarseness and all dis¬
eases or tho Throat, Ghost and Lungs
are feu rely cured by it. Call on any
Druggist and get a trial bottle free
regular 'size 50 cents and $1,00. Ev¬
ery bottle guarantee!, or price re¬
Things to he Bemerabered at
A Wedding.
That the collation should be ready to
serve as soon as the ceremony is over
and the guests have been presented
to the bride.
That the guests should not rush
to the dining room as though there
were but ten minutes for refresh¬
ments and tho supply limited.
That it is the duty of the gentle¬
men present to escort, without being
asked, the ladies to tho dining room
and to see that they are served with
whatever refreshments they desire.
That the ladies wear the smartest
and most dressy afternoon gowns at
morning weddings, always keeping
on their bonnets and gloves, even at
tho breakfast.
That guests do not, linger in the
dining-room, when there aro others
waiting to be served.
Si Monroe ia all broken up over a new
word a populist used in bin presence the
other d«y. The follow told Simon that
he had been trying “Potassimnorthodin-
itrocrosccslake. Simon says that he does
j u0t troglodyte, ilL0W svi;, ' Ujer Iconoclastic ltl » d kePmgoneoua cataolawn,
an or
! a prehistoric potoplusia.
L 9
If you want a bicycle or shot gun call on us. We can certainly in-
teresfc you. We can soil you a first-class shot gun at a very low price.
Don’t fail to call on us when you come to Albany and see our extensive
lino of goods
^ cn BELL, Alb Ga.
. ny. •
Farm Notes.
The list of evergreen hedge plants
ineluds many hardy ones, such as
Norway spruce, red cedar, dwarf
pine, arbor vitae, whito sprue and
savin. To these may be added other
evergreens that do not thrive so well
in this climate
Among the new hedge plants
which are not strictly evergreen, but
which grew rapidly, is the •Japanese
privet, which can be easily propaga*
ted from cuttings..
White clover is unexcelled for
sheep. It is a variety that is consid¬
ered very nutritious, and on some
soils it cannot be crowded out by
other varieties. Sheep dislike long
grass, preferring to graze close to the
ground, and white clover is ft deli¬
cacy to them. It should be seeded
on all land that will produce it.
Bush Lima beans are sometimes
planted to closely in the rows. After
the plauts nro largo enough to well
till the rows they send out roots over
a wide space, and it is somewhat dif¬
ficult to pick the. pods when the
bushes are thick. To get good pods
use more land for the crop and have
the plants at least 18 inches apart in
the rows. It does not requite a large
plot of land to produce an ample
supply for family use.
Corn, when thoroughly dried, loses
about 11 per cent from evaporation.
This loss is quite an item in a largo
crop. Should the crib appear to
liave less corn than when stored al»
lowanca must ho made for this evap¬
oration. Thoro is in nearly all crops
a large proportion of water, which
the farmer soils just after harvest,
but which disappears when he holds
on to the crop in the crib.
For broken surfaces, sores, insect
bites, bums, skin diseases and cspecial'y
piles there is one reliable remedy,
De w itt’s Witch Hazel Salve. When you
cal! for DeWitt’s don’t accept counter¬
feits or frauds. Yon will not be disap¬
pointed with DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
Halve. T, J. Tinsley & Co,, 31 organ;
Dr. F, P. Gridin. Leary; ,1. W. Jones,
Williamsburg; Henry Tumor. Edison.
A mother was instructing her little
daughter haw to behave when she wont
to the preacher’s house to dine.
‘'Now, dear, when the servant hands yon
anything the first time, take a little on
your plate. When she comes the second
time take a little more, but when she
comes the third time you must say, “No,
thank you,” just as you do at home. Bo
the little child went to the preacher’s
home for dinner and came away well
pleased with her visit. “Did yon do
just as I told yon, darling?” inquired
mamma anxiously. I took somethhing
very nice when it wae first handed to me.
And then when the servant camo again
I took a little more, but the third time I
said “No, thank you.” But when she
came tho fourth time you hadn’t told
me what to say so I just thought of papa
and said, “No, damn you.”
MrUarion Willi M ilitrion Tablet**,
Guaranteed cure for chills, {over and
I ague or money refunded. 50 cents .All
druggists. 5 lWm
On Thursday, Septomber 15th, I
will have a grand opening of Milli¬
nery and Fancy Goods at my store,
and earnestly invito all my friends in
Randolph and adjoining counties to
call on that day a 1 sec the magnifi¬
cent have display of new goods. 1 will
on exhibition some bountiful
Pattern Hats and Bonnets from
which can select.
i mbs. Si. m. Crittenden.
J. J. B1 A ^ CK,
mm m mem a uv,
MORG-AkN', C3--A..
Will practice In all tho Courts, State
and Federal. ’Prompt attention given to
all business entrusted folds care. Col-
lections n specialty. 1-17-tf
Mono,AN, GA.
Practices in the Courts of the Albany
Citcnlt, &c. 1-17-tf
Teeth Extracted Without Pain.
If you are troubled with toothache
or have a mouth full of old snags
that causes you trouble and a bad
breath call on
at Leary, and havo them extracted
without, pain. Charges reasonable
and satisfaction guaranteed.
S. Spellman, i.. LAMAR, Georgia.
Will restore color on old clothes, dye
and make them look new,
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Residence South op Public Square.
Morgan, Georgia,
"Will practice any where.
Practices in tho Courts of the State.
Sp sinl attention given to collections.
1-17 tf
O stick and Residence on Main Street
1-17 tf
R. M. Flowers, a first-class shoe and
harness maker, will thank you for any
work sent him. Manufacturing and re-
palring’done good at low figures. Send
your shoo and harness work to
oct 21-3m Leary, Ga.
«€*i M m i MM*
Slrolltnan, Georgia.
“At homo away from Borne” is tho way
you feel when stopping at the Henny May
Ilotol. Rates from $1 to $2 per day.
Everything up-to-date.
Mal.irion Is Devoid of Bitter Taste-
Cures chilis and fever; acts on tho
liver and regulates the system generally.
All druggists. 51 OOu
To those whoso accounts ran
over unpaid.
Cotton is opening, yon farms can havo
work and some of you and are
now selling cotton. I am not hear to
loan money but to sell for tho cash.
Sometimes T soil and date o be paid
iu t,fce fall which my pay begins tbo
firs') cotton you sell promptly or pick,
Please pay me as I noed
all duo mo.
Mbs E. M. Crittenden,
M.ilaiiidt hi Kmlorxi <1 By Mi-sl I’h.ygiciang
and guaranteed to cure chills, froia Molt;t-west lever and
ague. All druggists or
Drug Co.. St. Louis. 5 19 6m