The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, November 03, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. in. NO- 43.
R you need a Stove or Range it will pay you to come and see us.
Also Crockery and China. We make up sets just as you want them, in
plain white, embossed, or decorated porcelain at very low figures.
. S. BELL, Albany, r ■ ■ «
cam cmnm KmAi menu.
Judge—W. N. Spence.
Solicitor General—W. E. Wooten.
Stenographer—Ernest M. Davis.
Clerk—W. J. Ragan.
Sheriff—L, }[. Davis.
Regular terms, second Mondays in Juno
and December.
Judge—L. D. Monroe.
Solicitor General—L. G. Cartledge.
Olork— W. J. Ragan.
Sheriff—L H. Davis.
Quarterly sessions,4th Mondays in Feb¬
ruary, May, August, and November.
Monthly sessions, 4th Monday In each
count of ordinary.
Ordinary—A. I. Monroe.
Court, first Monday In each month.
Homy Turner.
J. M, Wooten.
J. B. George.
Court, first Tuesday in each month.
Treasurer—Thomas E. Plowden.
Tax Receiver—J, B. Stead ham.
Tax Collector—C. J. Davis.
Surveyor—'YV. S. Short.
Coroner— W. A. Manry.
School CopiajjiSsiouQr—J. J. Beck.
JUSTICE courts!
Morgah —1123rd district—J. N Danlcll
F. W. E. Harvin, N. P. and ax-olil. J.
P. Court,second Thursday in each month.
Arlington— 574th • district.—John R.
Mils J. P. William Rav, Notary Public
and ex-otuds J. P. Court, third Wednes¬
day In cadi month.
Edison—1316th district.—J. R. Strick¬
land, J. P. Everett Bass, N, P. and ex-
officio J. I\ Court, second Saturday In
each month.
Leary— 026th district,—Harper Daniel!,
J, p. James Kc-el, N. P. and ex-officio
J. P. Court, third Saturday In each
Williamsburg—1283rd district.—G. B.
Perry, J. P. C. J. McDanioll, N. P.
and ex-officio J. P. Court, fourth Sat-
urday in each month.
Cordf ay— 1304th District—Will Eu-
hanks, J. P. David Wimberly, N. P.
and ox-officio J. P. Court first Saturday
in each month.
Mayor—K. McK. Ragan.
Wardens—J. ,T. Beck, T. W. Tinsley,
8. N. McGuirt, S. T. Clayton.
Clerk—S. N. McGuirt.
Treasurer —J. J. Beck,
Marshal—Shell Carver.
Baptist Church—Rev. Z. T. Weaver,
pastor. Preaching every third Sunday
and Saturday before, Sunday-school
every Sunday at 10 o’clock a. m. J. M.
Newton, Superintendent.
M. E. Church—Bev. F. McCullough,
Pastor. Preaching every let Sunday at
11 o’clock a m. Sunday-school L. every
Sabbath at 3 p m. G. Cartledge, Su-
Reuben Jones Lodge No. 388, F. & A.
meets every first and third Saturdays
in each month *it 2. .>0 p. m,
J. T. Stewabt, W. M.
Sidney Paul,
Parties indebted to me are hereby
requested to call and settle at once
or accounts will be placed in hands
of attorney foi’ collection. Respect¬
fully, J. B. GiioiiGE, M. D.
Bntklca s Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
jjhemn, Fever Chilblains, Sores, Tetter, Chap¬
ped [skin Ei'upti° and Corns, and all
ns > required. positively cures
Piles, or no pay It is
ouarnteed refunded. to give perfect satisfaction
or money Price 25 cents
per box. For Sale b y all Druggists.
planters CUBAN RELIEF cures
Colic, Neuralgia and Toothache
:n five minutes. SotirStomaeh
ainataer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents.
Vernal Items.
Mr. aud Mrs. Atwell spent last
Sunday with homefolks and the host
part of it is they brought some very
nice cane and, Oh, how sweet it was.
Mrs J, T. Hadden has been quite
sick for several weeks but we are
glad to report her convalescent.
I think Mr. A. had better mind
how he tells the girls good bye, here¬
Miss Sallie Hadden celebrated her
22nd birth day last Sunday and in¬
vited the writer down. I certainly
did enjoy myself and also several
others who were present. Her din*,
ner was simply grand. Mrs. Cum-
bie cooked her one of the nicest
cakes I ever saw and you can imag¬
ine how it tasted, Oh how good, and
also presented with a very nice birth
day present which was a set of glass¬
es. Those present were Misses Em¬
ma and Lydia Hawke, Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Cumbie and Misses Lucy and
Miss Jennie Hadden spent last
Saturday night with the Misses
Hawke. —.
Mr. IT. O. Collins spent last Sum-
day with homefolks neat’ Bethel.
The writer attended Sabbath
School at Wooten’s school house
last Sunday p. m. and they had a
very nice school but I think it would
be better aud be controlled better if
more old people would attend.
Guess what young man started to
Sunday School last Sunday on his
bicycle aud had to take it a-foofc.
A certain young man ought to be
more particular how he drives around
the corner so as to throw a young
lady out of the buggy aud then run
over her.
Mr. A. A. was all smiles last Sun¬
day as he was with his best girl.
Miss Sally Hadden spent last Sat¬
urday night and Sunday in Vernal,
guest of Miss Lucy Cumbie,
Mr. H. C. Collins made a business
tup to Dickey last Monday.
Messrs. D. R. Stewart and J. L
Cumbie attended Bethel Association-
Ask what young man got loft pin¬
ning a glass of water to the wall.
[The above items were
for last week’s paper, but didn’t ar- :
rive until after the paper was sent
Yellow Jaundice Cured.
Suffering humanity should be sud-
its plied relief. with every It means with pleasure possible for
is we
publish the following: “This is to
certify that I was a terrible sufferer
from Yellow Jaundice for over six
months, and was treated by some of
the , best , physicians , • • in • our city .. and ,
all to no avail. Dr- Bell, our drug-
gist, reccomrnended Electric Bitters;
and after taking two bottles, I was
entirely cured. I now take pleasure
in riceommedding them to any per¬
son suffering from this terrible mal¬
ady. I am gratefully yours, M. A.
Hogarty, Lexington, Kentucky.”
Sold by all Druggists.
On Thursday, September loth, I
will have a grand opening of M.lli-
nery and Fancy Goods at my store,
and earnestly invite all my friends in
and adjoining counties to
call on that day and see tho magnifi¬
cent display of new goods. I will
have on exhibition somo beautiful
Pattern Hats and Bonnets from
which can select.
I Mrs. E. M. ClflTff’ENDEN. '
Nails, Barb-Wire, Steel
Plow Blades, Boy Dixie
and Clipper Castings.
One of the army chaplains, an
Irishman, Murphy by name, was
full of human nature, and knew how
to deal with the men in such a way
as to gain their respect and win their
hearts, says the Chicago Advance.
He seemed to think that profanity
may sometimes be overlooked, as a
military necessity. During a severe
storm a number of soldiers and a
newspaper correspondent were stand¬
ing under a tree, and Father Murphy
was standing on. the other side of
the tree. As the lightning flashed
over their heads and the water ran
down their backs, one of the soldiers
burst into a vivid and profane de¬
nunciation of Cuban weather and
Cuban things in general. “Stop it,,”
said the correspondent, “there’s a
parson right behind you; ” aud the
soldier brought his remarks on the
weathor to an abrupt close. - After
the storm was over he
was introduced to Father Murphy
and said iu a rather shamefaced way:
“1 hope, Father, you’ll - excuse me
for swearing the way I did when we
were under the tree ” “ Certainly,
ary friend, certainly,” said the Fath¬
er. “Indeed, you were not, swearing,
at all,merely underlining your words,
I quite agree with all you said..”., ..
Discovered by tf Worn A*’. 1
Another great discovery has been
made and tint too, by a lady in this
country, “Disease fastened its
clutches upon her and for seven years
she withstood its severest tests, hut
her vital organs were undermined’
and death seemed imminent. For
three' months she .coughed itiees-
santlv and could not sleep. She fi¬
nally discovered a way to recovery,
by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr.
King’s New Discovery for Consump¬
tion, and was so much relieved on
taking first dose, that she slept all
night; and with two bottles was abso¬
lutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Lu¬
ther Lutz.” Thus writes W. C.
Hamnick & Co., of Shelbyville, N. C.
Trial bottles free at any Drug Store.
Regular size 50 cents and $1,00, ev¬
ery bottle guaranteed
| S* A, ft?* S
*| ^ ;l j
i Children! * 9 -a -g
They do not complain of 9
an pale.Th^ yGiing in particular. They
r but have no strength. You
V cannot say they are really
S sick, and so you call them
*f delicate,
K What can be done for them?
g $ Our answer is the same that
thc best physicians have been
*£ tury. giving Give for a quarter them of a cen- X "
stun Mstef %
g of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- 5
if phosphites. It has most re- M
if markable nourishing power, s
f It gives color to the blood. It e
brings strength to the rnus- *
cles. It adds power to the s
g nerves. It means robust *
g health and vigor. Even deli- «
flesh cate infants if given rapidly gain in c 1
& a small amount
P three or four times each day. s
& & 50 c »nd $t.oo; all druggists. 2
SCOTT & Chemists, Ntw York. £
Mclarion With Mslwion Txb'rin,
Guaranteed cure fur chills, ft or and
ague or money refunded. 50 ceuis .All
druggists. 0 lOfim
fifodera Beoipea jTor Atfcolmlng: Good Looki
Of Varied Rmdfl.
To Get Thin.—Eat a great deal of
chopped 13!eat without any potato
In it. Prink little fluid of any kind
except strong tea. Exercise a great
deal without, drinking aud do not
eat brfead, butter or candy. Lemon¬
ade, acid drinks of all kinds and
saline mineral waters are excellent.
Drink a glass of clear water before
To Get Eat—Eat vegetables and
sleep lifter each meal. Go to bed at
9 o’clock and lie in bed half an hour
after you wake up. Laugh a great
deal. Drink water by the pint or
the quart if you can. Drink weak
and sweet tea with plenty of milk
in ft. Ta ke cod liver oil aud BWeet
oils as much as you can. Eat until
you feel as if you would burst at
the table. Put plenty of butter on
your bread, and do not be afraid of
ales t> l%ars and sweet wines. This
will gtfcirantee a gain of five pounds
a f rnohth, and if sleep
you can a deal of double that amount.
To Have a White Skin.—Eat no
meat at'all. Become a vegetarian;
thoy always have beautiful skins.
Once in six weeks or so eat a meal
of fresh meat. This does away with
the tdffeoney to scurvy—that curso
of the vogethrian. Drink-as much
water as you can, eat little grease
and touch no tea or epffeo, Your
breakfast may be oatmeal and
oranges; your dinner fruit, nuts,
fruit tea—preferably quince tea—
graham muffins, cauliflower cro-
quettos, marmalade and dishes of
stewed vegetables. The diet is not
go bad when you get used to it. In
largo towns yon will find one or two
restaurants catering to such as you.
To Become Very Muscular.—Walk
a great deal, carrying something al¬
ways in the bands. This develops
tho arms. To roll a hoop might be
good if one were brave enough to
do so in public. Practice lifting a
little every day. Never strain or
tiro yourself. Eat meat, drink milk
and practice bending backward, for¬
ward and sideways every day. At
night rub about a tablespoonful of
brandy or rum into your skin on the
under and tender part of tho arms.
To Have Plump Hands.— Rub
them with sweet oil night and morn¬
ing. Exercise them by rubbing to¬
gether. Never wear tight sleeves or
gnug gloves.
To Keep One’s Feet Small.-—This
is difficult. The first sign that one
bus passed youth is the tendency to
wear a larger pair of shoes—and
thin is ueoessary. Tho feet spread
and really grow. To remedy this
wear shoes us long aH can bo man¬
aged, but not as wide as seem ncces-
kiiry, Nover wear old slippers
around the house, unless they are
snug in the width, and be careful of
corns. These are never necessary
while the chiropodist exists.
To Have a Fine Color,—Wash the
face with' the juice of preserved
strawberries in the winter and in
summer rub a ripe berry : a tljo
For a Smooth, White Skin, With¬
out Dieting.—Batho the face daily
with buttermilk, A preparation of
tincture of benzoin and rosewater
is excellent for whitening purposes.
There are very good prepared
creams, but those are never cheap.
Do not go under $1 for them if you
want them compounded of fine and
pure materials.
To Have One’s Garments Sweet
Scented.—Make sachet bags and slip
them in the linings of dresses. They
will, if good at first, keep their scent
for a year or more. Fold the bodices
of the scented gowns and lay them
away iu airtight boxes. This fills
them with scent — Philadelphia
Planters Cuts, f'JBAN Burns, Bruises, OIL Rlieu- cures
matisrn and Sores Priue 25 cent*.
If you want a bicycle or shot gun call on us. We can certainly in¬
terest you. Wo can sell you a first-class shot gun at a very low price.
Don’t fail to call on us when you come to Albany and see our oxtensivn
line of goods
W. S. BELL, Albany, Ga.
It is well known that Spanish soldiers
In Cnba were poor marksman, says tho
Scfentiflo American, but groat surprise
has been expressed at the remarkablo
lack of execution which characterized
their fire at Guantanamo and Santiago,
and an officer of,the United States gun¬
boat Montgomery has been able to throw
some light on the matter. Ha visited the
Marla Teresa attar the destruction of
Cevera’s fleet In search of souvenirs Ho
found a large number of Mauser cartridges
in groups of fiyo ready to go Into the
magazines of the guns, and, it the entire
Spanish army and navy were equipped
with that kind of ammunition, both Cer-
yera and Toral wore amply justified in
surrendering when thoy did. The car.
trldgos consisted of a metal shell loaded
with hair and a sprinkling of powder.
Th* bullet was of neither brass nor lead,
bv.L of wood. Somo army contractor had
imposed on the ordnance bureau of the
Spanish navy, but to what extent the
wooden Mauser bullets wore used will
probably never be known.
Overcome evil with good. Overcome
your coughs and colds with One Minute
Cough Cure. It is so good children cry
for it. It cures croup, bronchitis, pneu¬
monia, grippe and all throat and Jung
diseases. T. J, Tinsley & Company,
Morgan; Dr. F. P. Griliiin, Leary; J. w.
Jones, Williamsburg; Henry Turner, Ed-
The New York Info Insurance
Company writes is the only Company that
perfect : nsuranco. There is
not a single restriction in their poli¬
cies. M. A. Bland.
--- ------
Against His Connoiehco,
The proprietor of n large London
restaurant has a sirmU-hydraulio lift
fitted up in a corner of bin “second
class room,” which is used for con¬
veying the various dishes from the
One day an unmistakable nativo
of the land north of tho Tweed en¬
tered the shop, anu, having ordered
some refreshment, sat down to wait.
The waiter in attendance called
down to the cook through thespeuk-
ing tube, and in a short time Bandy
was astounded to see the very things
he had ordered rise up, apparently
from the bowels of tho earth.
With a horrified yell he bounded
up, rnado for the door and exclaim*
“Nn, na! Ye’ll no get Sandy Mc-
Nab ta hae what th’ auld deil’u had
the cookin o’ 1"—Nuggets.
Different Now,
"It’s funny how marriage will
change a man,” said Flogg the oilier
day. “There's Mouster, for exam¬
ple. Before he was married a glance
of May Taintor would intoxicate
him, so he used to say. Now when
he cornea homo late ut night und
meets Mrs. Mouster, neo Taintor,
the sight of her actually sobers
him.”—Boston Transcript.
Example und Precept.
It has been observed that they
Who most loudly clamor for liborty
do not moat liberallygrant it. —Ham
Late to bed and curly to rise
a man for his hotno in the skies, But
early to bod and a Little Early Riser,
the pill that makes life longer and better
and wiser. T. J. Tinsley <fc Company,
Morgan; Dr. F. P. Griffin, Leary; J. w.
Jor-.j, Edison. Williamsburg; Henry Turner,
Insure your life in the New York
Life Insurance Compny. It. i s the
most liberal Company to its policy
holders as well as the largest and
strongest in the world.
M. A. Bbajid.
Many a household is saddened by
doath because of the failure to keep on
hand a mfe and absolute cure for croup
such as One Minute Cough Caro, Boo
tliut your little ones are' protected
against emergency. T. J. Tinsley
* Leary; Co., J. Morguii; Dr. F. P. Griffin,
VV. Jones, Williamsburg; Hen¬
ry Turner, Edison.
f^J TEA cures Dyspep.
g-'StiOii Regulates the Liver. Price ?£jc<f
inrarat Ait countun ai law,
Will practice In all the Courts, State
and Federal. Prompt attention given to
all business entrusted fo his caro. Col¬
lections a specialty. 1-17-tt
Practices in the Courts of tho Albany
Circnlt. Ac l.-17-tf
Teeth Extracted Without Pain.
If you arc troubled with toothache
or have a mouth full of old snags
that causes you trouble and a bad
breath call on
at without Leary, and have them extracted
and satisfaction pain. Charges reasonable
Will Sfyellmun, Georgia.
restore color on old clothes, dye
and make them look new.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
physician m mmi<
Residence South of I’iibuo SyuAure.
1-17 tf
Attorney At-Law,
M organ, Georgia,
Will practice any where.
Ai-TTOItlsrETr akt AyA/w ,
Practices In the Courts of the State.
Special attention given to collections.
1-17 tf
Office and Residence on Main Btnitnt
1-17 tf
R- M. Flowers, a first-class shoo and
harness ms,Iter, will thank you for any
work sent him. Manufacturing and re,
pairing'dono good at low figures. Send
your shoo and harness work to
oct 21-3m Leery Ga.
Shellmnu, fJcoiala.
“At homo away from home’’ is the way
you feel when stopping at the Ilenny May
Hotel. Kates from 61 to #2 per day.
Everything up-to-date.
Malar I on Is Devoid of ltlttor Taste.
Cures chills unci fever; acts on the
liver and regulates the system generally.
All druggists, 5 pj g m
To those whose accounts ran
over unpaid.
Cotton is opening, you can have
work and some of you farms and are
now selling cotton. 1 am not bear to
loan money but to soli for the cash,
Sometimes I sell and date to be paid
in the fall which my pay begins the
first cotton you seli or pick,
Please pay me promptly as I need
all duo me.
Mrs Respectfully, E. M. Crittenden.
Miilnrlon I, ICndiirHvd 1>y Host l*liy«lclanrt
and guaranteed to cure chills, fever and
ague. All druggist' or from Mo (fit-wo at
Drug Go., St. Louis. & jy iiux