Newspaper Page Text
t Jf$s i blc
m r«a tr wm asm
.*/ !. \\. Si: \ N! ORI).
HAT! - OF IJ*< lUf’TION.
On<* r, .;f Ai.rm
• <W
, . . 25
A i ■ net* kjlow/: on ap-
,*! il*i;ary 'p
Si4 1 ** U* V !■<> H luiiig iauul }jc i>-diA
fut {vivnne 113 <;* Il'iJiKK' y IKH KylBputV. !i»r
t hi* 1C { 'V h>r ; ■< trm\
Bsiji;!•/}:,■ u tin. !'<> i 0jti:- f >’.'/r;;nu a>
hsPs mai! \v.>\iUiV>
iT-dnv. Oct. .'ith.. 85)0.
Tat; CtsSUtcitir N it It ■.
tj. oriri.t —i JiUiniin <
I will he at tile following placos, on
the mwtionoil, for tha purpose
of Culls-cting Stele and County Tax-
f- G . duo for th« v/vir, *f ii't:
M ti-L’-m—Oct. 3; Nov. 7; Dw. 5.
^»S ( \ f'-*■ 'i >ti ’1; .Nuv. 2;i
Bde ,n—< )f.t, 14; iiiv i.l Dee ’■
Arlington—Hrpt.20;Out. IK: Mov. lb
Lonrv-K . Hi: t Jet; 21; Nov. IK.
C.ii-lrav -Oct. 7; Nov. •!; Dee. -.
Jeff—Nov. f ).
Manvvs Mill--Nov. 10.
Will be in Morgan during
week. Hooks will clo»o ou Dei . 20 .
Fi fas will bo issued at once.
C. -T. Davis,
T.iX f’ollecfor < aiboun (ic/unty.
'fno mnn tlmt looks boforc- tie
leaps genei.hy get; theve nrst
URiie. i
prog Co.. St. iloois. ft
Jerry T S>mps* WlUe 0 n bus lost his boiu in
Kansas will lie O now?
. n“r&3£li u TS %
\„ Simmons Liver Medicine!
Bovs snonld bo rory careful not t
anaate . the , fools , , ol ,. tins , . ago—they , .
Dr. M. A. Simmons Diver Modi' ^
sino °,, ceaTclies out ail Impnnilirs A ill
the , System, anil , expels , thorn harm- i
................... „ 1 _ . h I „i
Tho peiiticiau is always on tdip-
pen ground. ITe never knows when
his feet will point skyward.
Dr. M. A, Simmons Liver Modi'
cine has since I .-‘40 steadily risen for in it.
public favor, and the demand
far ex coeds that of nny other Liver
Wo think that Dewey should bo
lot aloHC, and Ukj, newspapers give
us a rest, lie can’t be president no
l.o w.
If troubled with Dizziness. Furred
To;'..;ue. Bitter Taste in Month
iile-iti-d i’e "iii.. after eating, Consti¬
pation ci Kick Headache, use Dr. M
A. Siwun..:.s Jed.vino.
The Negioos, of Chicago, wanted
[r ■ li-.; a vlnt 6 man for arresting
their color. Tboso Negroes
are lathe right place, and wo advise
them to stay there.
TO TEL DEAL-' V rich lady, onml
nu ty
Tbalnslilutv’JS > liichth Aveim" Newt or!;
Tho race 1 nest ion that has beet)
discussed so ranch can bo easily s«.t*
tied by sending tho negroes to 11!i
noix, and let them ask for
That "ill end the trouble.
. m,m 4 iron Nervi
IVastlv result ot hie -.pirn
am not where atomach. Hver kiti-
trim,'. S Kbw’a «d Now Liu- Pills,
u-«i Ur.
: '
will put several thousand dollars
in the pockets of Calhoun c .intv
farmers, v \eb , they , siwuld ,, re;.„m
bei that a full corn crib i- I no on!,'
road to suocoss.
- - -
ois i old running and ft-vor i-envo. u!w:x.
uni iiabi-s Only 23 <‘.ts. u t«>x. ( .no lui.w.
on .utt oi !’v.<i-v 1 , 000 s in the north
yet the north lectures the south upon
hmi a bettor ci .zon,
On the 10th of December. 1 Sb7,
Rev. S. A. Donoiioo, pastor M L.
Church, South, Pt. Pleasant, W Ya.,
cent (acted a severe cold which
attended from the beginning by vie
lent coughing. Iio pays: “After ro-
- - sorting to a number of so-called ‘spe-
cities,’ usually kept in the house, to
no purpose, i purchased a bottle of
Cbamberhiin’s Cough Kemed.v. which
acted like a charm, I most cheer'
fully recommend it to tho public.”
For caa pi Uenrv Turner, Edison,
acd a!i Med.- iaei>ealers.
? ,SfJ 1
% mv> iz
members re •: <•
made no hau’ow. fv-e tiUU* A I i (; ’
hoard him felt;Ii"t ho vrr* Olt*i *>} 1
the xi von.”
m<; tio t*Hi; wijOjj \ 11
Ctriiiib^rlainV Otffity Oho]? -J > ;,•
an ;uj<‘n itorr. -b (ft
V] 5 | ft f "
i m Hr- xml v n«i
| it i& every -a :
! mo«t wncev
h/Hrei com o)n >u ’ th~i if tit
that- nevti
i j-eiinhlt.
i fMrkej i u :;ir.
r • OOTOTti—For
tVai* out-( a
j dv frietula don't take pit \ <j:: i.“ ;u'a.
this weed-, ! will do- you a i'< '•>’■
j if nows to keep the bail iu ir s.
l>ni t a Mr. f :'i' . thr-‘ u• XT tlOV»'l;
ll light l.'lKi V.
guess it was good from the
(Hite robot) the sit net. mov: <■' u>
j j, their tongue. It fipp tried give
to tiiero
| somotliing to talk aliout, f t
! know they love to talk v. oil 1 ilon’t
i itnnd then: a taiking, hist <) Uigy
•lou’t' give me a lasiiiiig wPh that m
rul.y tongue,
Say Mr. ii iitordid yo . ever get a
tongue Sashing from, say a three <v ta-
ter toad vvoman? If you did I can
gympiitii: :/,o with von »nd r eit ' bm
those tlmt have experienced . ,
11 oclock a lmt August day
th.-time.sho has tin.islii-d cut . m •
ol f/io chaps anc t!.".i ts . no water
nor wood in tho house*. Then
^..... oi. :...
............. ™c, »'i
fliese children to . fo-d, , , am! the , non
. ,
Tafco «arc
Mr. Editor I’m gone about that time
* ’
f lor a hornets : nest is . a good , ,
com pared with that state of ilffaiM
she r: change ...... i her ...... Line ■ “*• onick Kji and -'
ofl ' 0II .. honw MV ,^ h - xyUctl ^
, 0 oks to the front gate and „ W s
or two neighbors coming In to chat
with her a while. They are n iigbt\
sweat ami nice and pretty when thev
try to bo, and can make home so
j happy wlien they «•:!!. Oh 1 lev
them, and could not. stay whom
there arO'OO Indies W<i] ’ I wiii ' ’
change , my 4hne;I A T , , hmird
guess votwe
■ the ladies for this time
Mr. Kiikland filled bis regular
pointment hero Sunday. A mu, A
his text was: “Train tip M child ini he
way ho should so. T 1 lie , g'lO'i
thoughts t , suggested , be. brought ottf.
When priceless ir, \ul«o to parents
wc most do out lot) to our
can -1 afford to oogleet them
He also showed that their was other
; eduction manners ‘ „i
’ ’ '
, nnd dangbt , ,
f-relative* h
' ‘
gain tiu ir iji-a!!! 1 . •* '
ki”- who has been sick for SOttlO
time is op and will come down soon.
i- sisters. Miss '
'fi lorence came up Hun
, . , Sh\ Jim
a visit
who has been with the rod
people, is at - f , . ,vi
Jim doesi,'- l.iokliko l;-it n.--st - ■ i?.-
\ *hi!i year but i Uunk ho
i ‘‘p* "'“do f lie nck was gone. ? *° d ,,! He* ;r S fall t0 ^ M
- «» '
proi’iehuiLt Sunday. Thoiv. a-ere st-'v
*>• tllv it naiir a a.k. :m.\h
, .
'’»« «>’« pn - A-. : f, to ,
'D , a " .iu,.!,, ' 1 ; „n , n ( .
"«U.i < cents m i-n-kev, hut- nobody
‘r;\ - No ' 1 •' >
y ■
6 vbc..» at t.i.. p« the
, .
strnetor l have no doubt if h‘- ivould
. ..
- -
vrv ' tU 1 ‘' ,n n *’ 1 ' hore now,
Cared fo. 71.00. Kidney an , r.i. w
tMKVN'.i Itwmrs
Diiirriieti i-m.'.i .01 '.I ■e!.':- • f>,
' " ■ '
" ..... '
ffi THE OMr may PATENT aid, lie secured Addrcs, RECORD. by ¥*< I
StiTnMirirclvJie The fumt Vf ft
~~ « !; ; W!r-M i*.
^ i . .'.
c ' '■$ -v : , - f t: r m ¥ : . tm ■ \"l
«* M,.-n c
M, ■ ■!
/ ■ommY'~i ii- :: (r^r
<- i t I
V. K
mom, . % f
fi, y v ; -
m om.
s@nz .K- ^ of;-.'
m :
■ ci '.v.-.s nuvn.
1 1 iduciv' comes tp its: : notv hi i.l then. 1 have it
! qua r I <• an >xi-; your eyes but not your nosr •
: . .n't Ii'xeii k sortie a! tltc loiters r.r>; blurred: dnrk
-r fr -m ; it is.vcry uncomfortable.-
1 himv an about A., it’s DYSPlt.PSlJ\. Fake one
■A it will ou.f; you In ten minutes.
Wiiat is it ?
A < inans Tubule.
*>f Cati •: li I V A S R T: in ra.i terMS- Tw» NtrW- {.nln »n.l 'If'
VA.;. ' K [s- vs r tl," n't HC'—il i,'i •■uiaiil.tiii Hli .vs
* «•*-' h rv m i’, ro.u- u - f - - ,u |!i :
itniJ If, *r UDut'.MHB o «"v*o B*Vl» *•*'Di *( s t v ‘ e r - •'« >6 for u» *ay n‘ K'kAA :
A Si-ow* KV. VtuA*.
. yi ( ’*
* “
>H >' '' Hn- n ' ! n'.dnv m No
v^piIkm*, n^xt, l*t‘f(>i«Aiu* cn*iv!li:iiisi»( 1 uov
# t .............. with.,,.!.' tev,.:
wiio, to tin- tugboat onU'.-r lor
- ------------- i, ►, .. ..l ...I liliy
Wii'itniii'iiarg i.i liciirv. itood
of V. it. B . on said l-aod near the t; nk.
011 ero^iug ntSoclmway Lot, crook,
House am! cm which
Si..-i> < ro iim,.,. uouw. w u ...........i outut, in n„ one ucm.,
ou aoutu lde e; \V. It. tv., at
arty of Mrs. it.ira A. rsice to satisfy an
<• .ocmionts: m-■ t ,m tt. ..Hapeiau
tlBT Com
-‘rice. Ti-nantu noiitu-J. Out. 4, 1899.
^ u >>A > tfi, Hherill.
j Cnihoim (t| , Sheriff v . Sale*-'. . .
i uEOlv H\ Cv'itois 9 Cot STY' •
.•id Or cid oi; iiJti css; Tiiwdiiv in
ituber,next,before i suid tue mm housedoo)',at
Morgan, ot county, Mititill the
i of salo. itio fulio'iiug micritiu pruiHirtv
j ttil; tun undivided bait
mn of Ui.d, Uf of ttm we-t wdc ot
io tU irh n au-ict of aaid
ou Z
ftadijiti Laiiu K-vi.ll from Fdiugn oa und to to Ou.h.iuL tie s;>M
proptii'iy Of Ic i \K!i.-r to.sutirfy ai
j issued trom tin- >st»pcn<i!- Court of
f 1 *" 1 */ 1 J n ,A v T ’’ r:11 ' u ‘ 'A' 1
• t
-- • - -..........
<hllh«n« SlH-nU-sSaks.
U f.OhiixA -ci ;.iw:: tov> w--
w , u .' ,, .. . ....
. ,
ty; one «to« loom ar«u«>t, osiid
UWlil ol Vl uits A A
Lot Ml . i'v. ) I'n.jWii levh'-l
t-f saidiMu. Said on
the prop cy of John iiae to M. At.i
f. a \ the i'utility :
(cMirt, oi Mini (M*nr. ,»V»Uh v. in i.wor ot
M. VV. Wmkuis vs. Jibe na-J lff mu
T*’ 1 ' S *“L';’ U,U - ,a pcssu 8 ?itm of John
. . ....
QEOaunlo«L»‘^«u,y; t''ihi ; h'n ^ri“ !*
, , . „
tanirt h*>;un*, u? -v.Ki \v. ;-,i■.« -he
' :
tv: One ^ A : A A IN'-.., t. S.uf
A!,: ,... ; -i
' loi. ptiie.i,
cwnot .- , u-m. on n, tin:
protect' o* o , uoretou u, smufy an
otn ■ ■ I,
... , ..... A
1 ‘ n«« amt u;.
propem ot J. \. h imdon to tatisfv eu
AAA7’, J E”' . t\
^^ >tVl ' ; ' ! ' l - v
- K. DAMS. Shenlt.
~ - ■
A >• '-A"'"
. m x '0 A
i mgm ■ 'a;
& Y A \
/''SAyTvJi J
¥-—(LimmLmj jt fmm U
g ,ft W©ft VSSS ’jj ^
1 g w ‘ 4f I
» *
I a wbet ««i>. ..orn-rtn.; >vmt*s ?*’•»«»! from £a!Hu or ? irrzipitar of th* a 2
g I n feralBiiieorsran.'HS. ..... c, or any -'.i-. A •. c t.i the j:«..a>t* 9 c
tuna may synna-
§ S£«2?i«^5S r-*» her of twamy, hope *nd h*ppt- |
| RFf^ ^ “ 8
| | ' "*
'l^lSpA m pf
g | MiM, %$ I
I | will ........ banish it. This medicine .. I 5
| R cures Iv and all permanently. “ fsinalsdiseru^’* It does euick- away | g
*8 1 nations. with liamiliating Tile physical exemi. Tje | 8
treatment may
I « tmuai taken at espcuac home, and there trouble. is rot con- The | I
g j ««*® ‘“« re r remedy‘to w cured yaAjtays currt, I
lead5 J
« ' A ^ ^
*1 | ^fe’Advice . lii^cti'.M in case* ^tW'f §
S cnei a t add-'as, me I
« - Ladies Adv'-orv Dey, admen'."
| § The Chattanooga Jivtiians to.. %
ClwnimotK-a, T uv.. i il
v ” ‘
' ' ......— ■
Mvevlis(s jn "tub Wvirm
1 .,. lM
- 1 - .'
.. ...Ta
, .■ - y ....
" A;
■ ■ 'A- « ■ 8
_ .
r 5 l iin ? &ii 1 as - s P»m—that'K
ttsiue i '■ ;' I s.T ,j; low as
« csiL -fJtiDA ," * o-rt'-.-Ar srase.
|\S vni p ns y*n\ emi---
j hit's comHiOH SftitSO. ' OU bay
we—thafa dollars aud eeMtS
fop b«lh of «S.
’ ---
j H Ita green ctwe ^
1 A Bums «r Arii«ie<l«i ooffee, I On
1 i i -isaKSar f X-.ois *s
- 3 - .o
A ,50
• EiMiuYiA !7-H RI!'ly
' '
an.. 17 (or-1......
Cotton ■' M.-MU, Duval, 125
A .os. n woo.;, 1 on
f:7A““” (! d*rnoi- x<\ Sw Co
U1 Hot.- , t MuM.-m 45
<* 1*1 :
> -• i ’■ • - f am. .. ,m
' ; 5,0 ■
l ! apiHU-in ;I to the Court that a,,,
A- jura AE Tnruer, iE- yidow A'A of AA'" \v. U Tar . r.
1 "tStW. ’ r-’
Vtoi.H Terns. '
r <
-of;-: ^0m K ^ , ...... A
m: t.
'^GACiAG , jfmt&n :.^ % ; L'r-.% ,
., :
r^.-VV^- '■.■■- .-■ j *3 Y : ■ AsVV;i
. .••' .
m - mm m*
-a: 1
II a
' Kr A;
■ : . . - UT ,
■ , A . : :
--AvK '*'•
(i/i .C' r £.~>sg- 1
i -
Amot.y Hat* Fiyliiutec.;.
Over in Germany, they call ''
tramp a “ehanssicr grab
zierre.’’ Of conrs", they have '"'I'.
few of thorn over s tp«n*, for tl*s* gmu s
all too kr/e to ’e.g arr nr.d xneii a
name :::- that.— Oaiton Anrus.
A d'.-i’ision has tie."!; haod»*d dtnvn
from 1h" s'iprotiv coovt re- the i f*e"l
that fouls vanning at large is
\ game. A !i > v ill dare sav after
S I that laws in the smith a e not f: vor
,, . .. . •. ,n.
Mrs. W J Clarke, McRae, Ga.,
writex: Foi years have vai-eiv been,
I and har’K kno-v how I conl'd keep
j house without Dr. M. A. Simmons
I Liver Medicine. !t cured mo of Sour
Stomach' and Indigestion: mv bus
band of Dyspepsia, and from person-
nl test, regard it superior to Black
Draught and wuibs Livei 7>I• *1 iicii>t-
v A cuing Man—It v , . is true, sriiobiiig e.garfttts tenos to sort
on the brain? Physician—Them is
i a belief ro that, offe-ct, but with all
boasted modern sciun,tic anpiiane.w
j •.. it can new he , verified. ......- 1 Man
j ming
—Wh V not doatm?
i " '
cause . , with . brmus
notwaty etr-v
j s . n 0 l ; ( .3 them.
r „ -
am told A good one oil , ym-nse^ „
1 who. There was. a
y ' t "A7 fe low cail.o, and ^ the da.;
| his coat and trousers w, r ■ , i.l 1 .-
painf while her drevs ...... v .:i ."•
" i....... .....
, . t ,
u-wiui n in-.v,:> o-i s--tt?..-to serve lim
‘- 1 ’..... ! - - 00 .../ i%
“I wish to express my ‘.hanks
i Hm nmiiota.,Unc;-s :,f
( : olic, Chotw., sirl ri,-.;a R-mr-v
dr, fot 1 , the
-'"A ‘
d-« of mothers
chose children have Wen saved-f.o„,
■' .
' It'D thankful
, Jt *s for -'■• b ; . A , n Turm-r, 1 -u.ti,
f smi, and all M-.'icin, • '‘viDir.
La«t y 'voik i?> Ood
; -m yn r . 1;ln v
: ' as for.-.u d ;> v * t'--i pvim
I kuvT! v at
of a pistol, to 1 : HH- iSjll! ? ivors
j out n wariv-.t. ;,;, n . i
' 4 *<?•**o*.v ito*■ ' A. ''..igirKl ai 0:1
; ^iy b"ine;y ntid thut siucA. a girl A iviilf.,,., :lig ,
- * •
: aiiouca u\ romi^a at iai^o —’Ylfton
X-. A;1 sh- nb] ,? ;t to .1 .....;..... --------S n
• ,,
o# u o: oo ■; .... i ,
j she ongnt-to hind a busb-o - 1 K-rnt.,,
who prefer an.r« aithmtive rJ„
-• J church t’oaeh
’’ '•
a Sundav^cbool cl iss l d ,
mmm - ........ ,
: ..... . .......
0 , , ...
out of town to buy their goods in.-t, ed
hotnc * lf mn v bo tiu hfully sui i
f ' Kr '' f ’•> ^ " but h e,,.
[v .
Imvl l 1 ":! I il c„l!„; ,
- * •*» ~ J * *** * ^
! ' u " :< itVi: "" A.d A v A,. L
"'A ■ »■- cA.ous ;e: { p,
C< ;
=r.=i £ -‘ 5 ®
-i Zi A Zmsw rum §n
o c :■ 3 5TT
■ b'- ‘ oi.ute surrum to holders
' ok liirr > ■:; endow or-o policies,
Where L >.'-■ <>y IV•> Jivjidt*r<‘d Impossible. ,
Tiie Iowa Kin to I-- - sit Law gives this assurance to ail
w | 1(! jns.ur. in an K- a Co ft pat. c. Naiiimnt _ IhnilfR Ki VO
6 . r ..: >d to sM-nt-o ail of io-i- i.iii - by ;! ijoposif. The with tfea
•jiivoi mont of si I ’ivKos ri' i! 'if o vx.hw. law of
f„v>a i" quires of <-ver.V r>_'nlar i- : fu insurance OotJjpany
organ >:wi in that Kune a ileposit with the Auditor of
st-Tuo I.f ajioi'iiVr'i! sewtriri-s ratio.ttittnz to the net c,a<h
vai..i“ of nii'tlw piuici.-s ■ i A.i, they l.ave issm'd and in
...... 13 at lilt' end t.f every year. Titer' <ve all policy,
it.liners ill ill) Io'Vit Oonijmuy ere fnily secured, wherever
ye:- ir.av lesiiin t;r oe'.’f’viie :r.-i;r'.il.
’ - r.'iini: S i-suod tin 1 Iowa Lite, jr nil rati teed
h run eii'l*'" mid lorn vaiu-s, p: id n;> or estonded In,
-lirawe. eon iviileiit. to the full rererve vaino.
——> »V J —
; aA g/‘i: i S A >< <*!! f: ■> U: —
(iciicra! Agents con!men made wi‘ 1 ) good pr«dncejs.
K. A. FOX & CO, Managers.
Srmomi tyomHomd
, i V !. Ikm |l|| |?i '"is*. 9 ■CrnA r»
ATLANTA v. (j,\.
C.vt.iforu So Alto of Cionirssii'XtiKs
Met Tni! day moiuiug at it) o'clock—
Hciivv 'i’lmn-i'. Ir. ,I.I>. (teorge and
if. vv. Eiiha.iinp inset her with the ok-vk
r !im l prooe. d
tid So fi'iuiMaCf 11",' h.iisim sf.
The nsimi g ar ing of orlers to rations wins he. nu «t.«l the smi. ' f
; i:- 47 i)l • i iihl cm. Ann.hs? tie m th y
i'.luishiHl paying for some bridges Ibatat
I Hie hist ieiEi ol the court had not been
; liisislu.'il. Auump the nniuW’-r. hi one
the shaigli near Mehe-irys raii',
the co a Uriel or lira & fane", in c uiplete ni*'
1,rill « e > u,hV iUy mr ' i ves #° ,i § 10 t ' i
Hie itWkmnr to insure Mk.'. eoHinletiou oi
Hie job, wlneli the eoutmeter lulled In
Jo: and lljey iuui t" hire otiier parties to
nui-li tiiu bfi.lge, tvliinii Coal tlnjiii^TS.50
.■52.59 more than they iuuJ tvwsrved.
l ' ho >’' Hko Uont8t ,,U ’ B r, Ik had i ad
" a,fe il njwtsktf ' P'die-t 1 tie.) amount
£n * m •»«« pockets *m( umde th<-
hist amount good. Sow, who can >»y
will not do right. The
• people luivo the right- men in tlie vfgh!
: o'uce, and stuiiiii' keet; them tkoi'e.
fhe foiloniu:- orders ''-ere passed and
orf , ov !t> i )uliWti! ibA various funds it
j s ordered that the following funds be
Jut.ited to-wit:
I’unpM: Fundi S on Id
1 ,o.:icpvs, AA “ fjjl ,<> to so
i fast Indebtedness, 258 03
T«*«l 1145 (ti
j J e . I .,______ mg . boen „ under . , pia«n; auu .
, the t.nloiuag funds be creilitrd to«it-
i liridgo Fnncl, $145 39
Superior court and Jury. :;29 0 s
(!tmrt arA 689
Abi,v« having bee, under town 11 U 11
:to O'
1M5 02
J. I’. Gboegr,
t.K \Y. Ecuaxks,
Bxuny Tnatoai.
During t.h< wintor of e^jt M
Btmes Rocd, ono o? tlo^ lewtiin^-ciU' (£.
vans end merchants of Clay W.
Yi , struck his leg against a cake of
«a<*o a manner ae to bruise it
It became very much
swollen and pained hi® so bad’y
h could net walk without the aid of
Ms* used ' ■ ' , v I ' "
coins, several kiiiusoMinC
and two and a half gallons
iAH:cy inbiithin- it. but
i-uamberWa Fain Balm. This
‘^osht, Almost a complete cure in :
. ;-u'- time ar.d he believes that bur,
ho not used tins remedy his log would
had to be amputated," I’rtin !
ibtim is liueqnalcd for sprains,Wui
and rheumatism. For sale by Hwi*
’’A Turner Edison, aud ah Meaiciuc
i ink- Hviti,-..
‘ ^itiauii Douuie Driukwatur
£ AAAO'O LlV5 1 Eolic j tu«i
E *«>. u Ounaa- S Uavu visit 7'77^ «1 hem Momlur.
and Mm. J. T. stewurt v , M i«!
M.-iy.-.iu Tiiesilnv
ft •
1 tUe i .....
noeten fechoolbouse San
• ,luJ '’ ,!Xt: “Bow
‘ slmli »e .-bcuijn, if , ;e
i nugloet so great w
.................. ......
. as it arrives. Every libdv roroo «it
V ' c, '' ,a 8 a'«'iR»n lutcastin.; tuik
*"? «>a we'il have ;l eow ,
• v,sU y I h »- bnnliw the Intu-r puit of
■ '«"»*» «in ........
A c::;:4o'::;A:A K , ti l "' 1 ...
h ‘" :h> ’ a -
h r r ‘ 1 ^ '
•*-»-«-........ L\
e J" 1 m »f S«v« you de*aip'j.,n *
/ "vu.d's bait brui.iej d e WlV
s-v, ,t ... 1 mni nearly all ben.iic-
tir iti, ‘ !" bait fr-.-tu ihat '
• •
MOKG sf;,3ST, OA.
Y> f! Fcirral.. i!) jlfactice l’u.mpl iii all the Courts, State
a: attanticn given to
aiM.".t:-.ii»to laitnisted fo his care. Col-
lections specialty,
] Jt [)_ j\ | ( )' jV ^ { } |a
AatTOBICEY Ai ‘ r :r ~r t -xjir
1 ^ . ,T t
p ..... ," ' L J,luts ' «f ‘-' the AlPwiy
' '
( 'jvenit,& l-fi-tf
j I_ ' . BRISCOE b,
_ .
; i t to i « i«i I All E> n l etc.a ESA01
f bgsiMXcB ..-opt/; or Vvttuo $<ji'ai:b.
j A t.i
AT T. A ~W
i MO'\: 4 \ ’ (■» ” i
I' sr-w ^AjAA'^A" iVA .7 1 * 10 " ” l} ’ g .’ v<:n Vlr to ' s collections. °f the Slate,
J_____ tf
j *i- B- GEORGE^
> 'ii AS AND Q0 rju
Rr „,„. os Marx Ptiufi.t
; ......._
i C1 A4»*n >* n - 40
i ' : A : 'A '" A *,<#* A 4lV'Ui, <A r 1
r-.-Yfo,.': '•..‘itusiw""* mOOio'O n°r°’u s ' lw 0 r,y
i hyoiythiiiti Hol.4. G-Us up-io-ifeto ^'4 Pel da >''
ss;"f a®K f toLis i ; S' r»
Jud^ra-^r. v s n ,. p
cAAa'AA Oeiieral-^w. e wooten.
BUoriff-T, if ^ »'<»» M. Davis,
BeK'diu- h.
aa(i December. terfcj, .-rfteoud Mondays jn Juna
n , , Tl!T
tyd&r-L : I). Momoe.
'4\' '-A t Sheffield,
sii-wia—r "li 4Lh? vl Ai
Quarterly .;,. , A. , ^A'' ^ :,,U inF "A
MonthjystiSaions^tthvk:^®' A !; Y
rt0uth ill er.i.'i
eocat oi- oudisaky.
Ordlnury—1. Monroe,
° oart > fil:M Mouduy in ouch month.
roi'NlV 1 ■ ( '' IM i SSI 0 Xl‘S,
Henry Tiirnor.
L. Vv. Eiibwika,
■/. B. Lcorgo,
£ 0,ui > A*»>t Fneedar j„ taeh month.
K: It. Saw.
g UA f m onoctor-i:. i) ;idfc tiara.
Surveyor— w. S. Short. .
Coreiif.;-- iv. A. ,V (in fy.
SoijGoi ( oaiinUftioner—J •T Beck
... .nmroF
"Ay couiiT.
B. and n.«.n,
p • c.x-oiTi. J.
' month.
,di,p .i p y;i • h‘"<t.-J„hn b. ..
cx-omlic , AAE
aa d j p nuntedm-a-
day in •
each moat t,
k r? ,, nv fci -wr-*“*•
'■ 1 ■ fourt, fourth Sutuniuy in e-i-li
Mc.baniMl.N ... .
P. antUx otinto j p
AnLy l.S04th in, ,. ni.
..'" “J District K. O. Jordan
i,*. ..... '" 1 ' ' • V. J> mi.-m.
! h, ' on *
<u,.... . r
*' •y «*"***»•.
U! ul '' S ’ (,Hrtl «dpo.
— - -
pawtoV'' ; , l^eicWnPeErvli ri E «' ea T’
‘ml S ‘b„Tore
7 i 3 1 o',iod,”2”j”3
E 5 «. . „ ,
A?h:« P ‘Mi , iirsss.:r
, or”rv , S fi,^ d *® , A
thtrd*nhi ’
b.h n, ..,th k 2.^ A m 6 d y8
J. T. Stewart, W. M,
.. L.hsatvjm, ,