Newspaper Page Text
t W ' c$n Bi^r. -/•-• .£ i' ■'{ • :-•: V.;
v V'.,,:. ■
The Morcjan Mnxrroa w : >.:..•* u deni '■■- ,:
year, «t|d with thin end ir. v:< ; \v w® make t.i .-■ d< >\v i r
To every uow cash sn bscriber, or. t.o Sin-s ■■ •'> ••■ Ui ;>■. s- one
year in advance, we will vivo, os a premia uve yours s
lion to the
Whose editor si lives to mat it the i.-at i>
for iVmlti'V and the boat (jr.rdci.i no a ai y tbo bo:-i
for tbe Women Folks and fn; i! 1 Yor.'n" i the ■ '' and
unft.incliing chaiapion ol the Li,,'his am’ inn ,e,r ( s , n!o i. ,•
Here is what some of the subscribers v in own v. - .r-ds, about t.lio
Farm .Tonrnai:
Wi.y <]o I like die ikr'rt Joimo;'. So good; cant. he::, it;
A. 'A , <.v,!r.r. .'ku. 1 B.'.lUam, I'lass.
Ablest A.g. Ivditor in hew ibipjanri.
The 1’c.nn Jouru mi i?. : certainly ibe B r.-v. -c pn]:i;:Bicu :,z the. i U _
ti.u w./cit. ‘.SOKl-:- •:<. 0 1 :-,ic,.c l *•sc Pl.K
It, the American peopl® eould read d >, i Tl* j
Fanu Journal oar ‘‘bunl tine.-c,’ WO-UiU V f-i \ bun? \n j-act. .
■would iif’vt! hayo been. O. jVI. N ; c r.i'
I am glad to' work for a clean n.-mer, on ■,. v. -.H nut <n o 01
recommend frauds. > A.'■ ’0. bF.wto, 1 >, j• Ton, ivv.
WVD r A XT |Sr.>is.**;i3Xei_ f r A n p
MuiV h. U ; V Of'' I \; yvrj i ! !
\ \ 1 1 . * \ i V
Sl.OO vm AjS'sViUM.
fi -7?
_r_ ■
j !
r:! j
,-J7 j
j i
•■- - -U- V |
Tim Fa!’. Term of the Mov. H : gh Rclmoi Son!, lltfe. 1S9f*. '
u, eyeus o..
Thorough T rainiug in both-—Piincey cud IBghcr Grad os.
If you want to .Prwpu-o .vour bo;, s and -ids for (Tu.-go—fibs is iii> '
place, (’heap Board and the best society. Write for j.-aiiiciiiar.;.
w. s. mo !)T IY j t PI l IN.
/fi A © tC ® N
J-M*. Cw 1 =i • , T 5 „ if ■ Sr |
T will have an Auction *5al -\ ;\i iriv horot on OoL hob, to dispose of :ji:
my KITCHEN AND CO? >LI> FUBNITCRF: such tv; BcKteiub.!
Spring Matu-cssos, Sewing MicLi-u', CLdi-v. Tyd-i'/duFi C;;tu/b St O V f ;
Cooking Utensils, and '.Ltd j
and i’-fs.
Also, my FARAUXC LUSidf;; '.Tugovi. b:urc>', IIv, i.. ibu , |
w Hoes, and. in fact, over;, t'tb'-r p'.-rbumng to f.-.i >, ; .-,u, !
B-rmetnfefer the date, C-fobcvS : .fn. u ■' r n kauri—to pnreha
such t.b*,hgs. as you may need. MRS. !!. li. ij,\W s,
gOME. .4. ;
•—-M. >N KiHcbre^, oi Arlington, vub !
in (own Taesduy.
—Mr, Senb VansBeUl, of Dioliov. v»-;iu
in town tins v^eek.
Frank Dunn was visiting friei d-■:
in town this week j
^- Judge Bojnum of Dioltey, ,was a
v.suof ill 0.1 ii i v a. <n.
Mr. t$tavli ng'Svvc.rd.-, of ^ fillip:;-
burg, was here Monday.
- Mr. C. J. Davis -as Ltekiug hmul
wit u his friends ^alniday.
I.,*,!,! ,,■■■■:
homo folk Smmufiy iuriV.jiu;..
-Prof. .1. M. .tnhte:-;.
the office a pleasant vicit R.: a :day.
Mrs. Briscoe visited Sh-lli-lW-J«y
V'- <; P ■;........... 1 .....
—if. A. Biky, a former 'Movgfnii'o. v as
was in town Tnr-dry; attemli'rr to bn; -
liess with the scfiuoi board.
-Mr. (teor;, .ter,!..- u,„ •
...Igfchorf, ...... . ......*
He has many friends who v ore glad to
sea him.
—Prof. L. Bbovt paid Mw. n. f "Oi’ 1 ;
visit Sun day - he caine to h-- « liNdies
know ilutt there would bo no .-ichuol for
several clays.
—Mr. N. W. Paco, aod v/iic >1 Daw*
eon, were visiting relatives in '"'"uy
Friday and Saturday. All oi then
friends were glad to sec them •
—Mr. O. A. Dozier and rife left us
for Cordel. Monday niornin-.;
VeUiru about I tie . ;■ 1 , Ot u-iiar .
ojs- : .;u inergerr theiv ?i;,uvc ii-ric,
Prof. Vv'. H, Si..;;-: i. vi i! iii^r j
NiGr 1,. iNiort. iteai: u. We. ’
: Vi orry to \-y-.n, is puilo rkik. Kins ,vi;! j
force a thort vaeaiimj all hope for iOw
a speed.v recovery, that 11 !'■ uiuy 5-oou b«* ■
at. !:is }■«:! bo bah i.'iitd so weii.
nr olTioutnt Tro.?i«iirer,
T -' *Uy iwyiag r.. : or.lem Mr.
jj.iNS is fllXvGS r I dp PN cvOVv iJ l' il til mt- ot
iag tuviug litre'- ttmihle. to tho holder
!;n !h;r lie was
a.tco»ppoTvjc:l by \we bantlsoFj.,: iit-Jit? bo', s
, , u d ( .m
No iP'/Ui T Ugi : ‘u w ^.
‘j■’V .VNU- rl \[
.-.•A,. -.■+ ■ :. teo I, :
; ; ,......- v:'
A,’"' . SJ i C.i irAtH,
AJpiifi.iM, O.V., July 1, -90.
N. ' ' U: ' 11 1
■“• " h "N f ,-mi. • A t ■>. jamey FMW ... , 0 o.
• ' '
Jo-v:i.,, Atepu-ii.
Ask fer advertised letter.
O, VV. VAt- p. M.
•Five , r of Ji VLu DSi'. te.
to,” remarkod the ofc*
g: _. r - 4 s ,)f Men cud thiega, ‘is indeed
po-.yeti'il. It is even able to cope,
upon eti bsNntiully equal terms, with
ihe idiot who thaws it out by the
fct0Vft l< Detroit Journal.
IjOW ■ 1 '’nud Ni w l‘:o - go
: at M»». t'oMvrw's.
moiiTi: Lenrv
our eottuh lease
:irf V
\v:< tv-t
'iaraan lays ntUbiE- ci
K vcliayy at Kotl ,’leue .Vimiav
VH iacTieti httvo *. or.-r is. auO. ail
j Uiti \h:HK c.ip iLcL‘l.
j IB hoytk- <. h-n.t Pmasii *1 ut T. U.
j • i- iil-y.
V-,-.' 'jiavo <ci j-.rki vom .Sub.Si'ripjkHi?
i i pot, t‘t: \\ o< ■•kl ltd gitivi ft; tvCvdjjl )hi:
< >r same.
.i.aresr Styles <i.t Pino Di-tvs <;(xh.h at
Mits, Uoi.t-KY's, See tlwm before you
on. oii-oa !,t. ;v.
asaiit, lairmU'ss, reit iB!o, Dr. Xioti-
. o...;o~ p;;c Hie lies, jviurov i. i
-»:-»;>;inn.:.', wii.’W- ol ::.:<vU, me.
10 Sic:. A 1 buckles,C'oit'i'-.' VI at V.
ft •
h (‘.'v — i' iov, ups, ('01 -<ss
»‘»A ««-ry tiling kept nt a ih.s! ci,m Mil-
iittei-y Sictu at J,v. j. i.; uo.
eves, soi-e throat,
s> diiU.sepnt ,
■ u-ai i to taste uiKi n-muli ;uul \-, iU ■. 1 vc-
qauoV ivhot
l.'-Kdeu Shfllif b*7’ cts. per bc.v at
Jjl-.ti y, vjcU
Lcicrc p.oiii;/ i']sc*w}ion_: exitiy.ino oiu*
-lock uf .Viihnory arid piiae.s Wis gimr
un>i c 10 puise;,ua. am.. B. Ucorge-,
i’iiiwii'v A u’u.
L’or List rikiil «'he cuts on «iock, nau Dr.
I’iclsebor’s AuiiKey.ic. Koliiiug to
it iu wioti cust*. a bottlo by «;( tir.,t
utm, 1 , dniggi!,!s.
lOstrly I’it-.i Tubaocn ai ",7 cts. per
to. itl. 1. it', jj-.-.H-v,
Don’t torget that Dr, Tiduaiiov'a
"M-P'ic "di cure colic in horbus
l:M,!es . ‘J5 cenis a dose, two iluits in u
Keep it convenient,
Best Patent F'O tr tpL'i.0 per
•■’hi, at, T. It. lh: nrniatui Leary, Ga.
If ymw oow is suffering ni.n s: ai-eet,
‘spoileti «uder,” use J.'r. l’ichnoi’s Anu.
" ‘P'ie treaty. It is said to be a very fine
ivm: cly by Ui'jse v.iio have tried it.
v. c O Pi , be!d; wo will dn-
plicate prices Miy where; ivy ar« here U;
soil good : -come and seo ns. and oxuni-
Uic our stuei; of Rotiiiiis, etc. M r«, J, 14.
George? Tinsley k co.
I’OiiiLrd, Rail Rond and Fair Piay
u: a* i. i.t. ti.uiiuu.jut s if) cfs, :i lb
AcckiouIs ii^ppon io \ lie- most ciuvfo*
us weii titf to the though thu;%. No j n't-
i/iuxd lor them, ivo.-i> tv bottle of Dr.
lielmeeorN NmLepbe eonvoni-eiit. Ou
I v d.0 0 . by all tint?»yi.»Is,
V* li v oi.Ucr with puiijfnl woFudo when
' )v V ' cu ; ii( ' v ;- ^ -Y "id '-mp flu;
. iioui
i:uui siuo it so qsnekiy and cost
One appSicuti'jii wi!i oonveDcc.
'tiul ;U vurt OH. I Vice 5Ue;- '
Aaiifcr? Everybody totvy Dr. Ticb-
rwjv n Asiti'K; otic iur ^.'ouiius,
bnrufe stings, of instohs etc. i f yen
liouT jike it Ca-l g::t year money
oack. ion take no ncir, sen-?
•G r i'. -< >' i.NtfiH-) u)j:.j filialij r ill mov,.
■ o Lem- f-oo: n: ha bus resigned as.(ns!in:
ot tee Pc 1, of t Slit: dial net. i. ht? enut'. •
ootnmnniiy vviii :■ o s: Joe end hi- cKiiuifl.
Die iHmdy. Leary’s gain.
M r <’. J. Davis tins eoimneneed lii:-.
rtmiuls tui ] was in ioj'k.iu TtiGQfuiv
Ddm'd v.?im not itu-oh Ir«>»N>I<-.• uv } b>. ri<>?ie?>!I
uaitiug on all v. bo a isiio.i u> pay tiieii
toxen Jd.[g was Lievcrtiiciw-is iu a good
Mr. Mimon dyceek died at ills home,
day l wo night. a. - - s He U Inis . f M ■’.... a, t.;i ia-,t .■>;:!:• j
been m fti:i)ic heallh
for KOj)»e nnie Ik- mix bunNul fit tL.f !
Mu*t,Ui)0 ht o«violrv. ut tlii.-i ph:oe f Tur^ !
raomiug. ,
We lsojie.Vi npon our si reel a Bevt-ral'
.••D’Ohb ioaNoT wiili Itity, which, wc are j
loiil, fouiid ready hh io. Y<.uvh ago Hiis ;
would have been a l,-jo\v- if doaj<>nr;tratt s !
‘ n i: •• b' rui; g U) :
l. j
1>V , n . , ... , •
l. tee. ail'' AVe N j N, A
A lutd ti.o mi,.tv,rteue lo'
' .u ,
I :N:
• ■■.■■■■ —■
Oiilu-ary’s .'s.iii l Iasi d?'c;uay -isss Io
■ - b ..a 0 1..,no .......
' 11 ! ” . .-tioi, f.a
' I'nteM
' ■
f:„ • Mr.
' • ’ , ,, .'■ . e.. ■ : ? .
- ■ ! ':............'A u u
““ - ~
I C °' rt tK "‘
yotiffg piople of Morgan enfoynd
th rnse! es at a ti.okev pnrtv at tho home
of Misses and Benia Oarticdge last
Friday night, and ah enjoyed Miemselves
; There were tanny iieurty laughs ut tho
j dresses, wont by the girls, who imitated
a * 1 ’ perfection. Mfssevt Ink
George and Daisy Price Jdeserred the
i •-•mam. v< c arc always glad io seo
the yonr.;; enjoy therm-rives, for after a
whi'c the otresand troubles of this world
will demand their atteniion,
**■•'-! .-.< -V-' ■ ; • - ♦■♦ .•»<-.»w**^ 4 -f x
> "7 '8» n v^- i j. t f! PIT
N s 4 IH
! MB & AjA JLtILf te'U o rau* .A* *
I Ife A Vp- Farm to-date, Library Con. 9f iso unequalled anti Comprehensive.....-Hand¬ value-rraetita!, 3
Ml somely Priuted and Beautifully Illustrated.
vCT 71 t No. 74 All I iliustratkjus mIm.* BIGuLB 1 Horses ; a HORSE -a standard work. BOOK price, Treatise, so Ccats. with over
Alt about proving; "vr.sll I-r,nn,^-'t«ad attfl learn how ;
f : J I eojiimnr (ji-oJor.-a lifc-I.Kt-i,-wO'!uv;ioiisoi'.ini«'<lir.f.'
( •'•£**} \ No viinoUoi 3--K1Q0I.E .KKl la, POULTRY illii.-lmicus. BOOK l'licc.tpCeui;..'
w-n, -j )
"t Vv-’ r :• a- 1 -.,:>cut. 3 ”B:y; the Best Fotiilrv Bopk ill cxist'ctiee ;
i iNNN'N' I taaseveryim,,^ ; with-it colored hie-biv reproductirns
/ oi tne prij-: '■ :;i Urct.I-'; ivijh joj other illustrations.
j price, 50 Cents.
.y£ y 1 who’.tt Co\. s r.r.t*. * !a* Dairy Psisincwi: having; a great
t .• ak:; cents.In' <• eoiotsd )’ le-likc reproduction?. of each
■ breed, with 13 ■» other illustrations. J rice. 5^1 Cents.
\ 7--JV? f* No. Jusl. 5 -BtOCil.H out. All about SWINE Uoga- -Breedi BOOK
% . ) >*v dii '•P. notch- *
■ erv, Diseases, and Other etc. Contains ever ■ bcum tiiul .. hail-
tones cagta vines. Price, go Cents.
A [ The thing BOOKS are utiirjue,ori;;innt,useful—vou m* ‘VC I
e.iw any like them- so practical, so; cusihk*. T ,:k
$ ore ti-avitig t*n er.onn.oua Bale—East, WcM, Nortli
av k f 'Ut.ti. Kv«:rv one who k< 1 p; a ,3i..r.>e Cow, Host or
Chicken, or Small P; a^, f
io; the r. litOCii.E n V « cmvht to scud rirht
*iT*£3‘ FARM mvay JOURNAL BOOKS, ilu:
la your paper, incc.cjfor you atu» not a misfit. It is yec-rs
j'b* oel umt-aiter-j ; n is the oudeavo prt ut said-it, Vivulcd-fl.'iwa.hit-tUe-niUi Thmu end Household on-Uic-he.ul,-- paper in
the •world- the l. tg^ef t paper ofits vice in the United Ratea
oi America—•liaviug; over a million and a -half regular readers.
; Any OA T E cd the 3IGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL
! IV " J aDj I903) WiU by »»11
ijainpieoi hAUM JOVkl'i/J. nutl circular describing BiCKii.B BOOKS fret."
vsssaiw.s.,--...vkwc,./.;;. ; ^xxseszzj&m Q2*m»mitiswaut
i Si iSi ^ 4 § %4k ^ ..
1 tj-k% 1 h
t &»
I ! 75GB The Boiled Dawii Paper <■-1 t>
Cream not SKim Mil K \
I (LEWTS) Hits the Nall ot\the Head
* ^ f'oa | Knows what to Pat ir\ (
! a K‘.\ow.s wi\at to Leave out v
na '■ ^— Full of Ginger
fT.HJ.of Sumhi i\e
A Practical Paper
r C*>sa For.5iesvc5-rdicd-apFc\rii\cts iiioiiyState wlfere Gum^iottfeGinsft!
i ll 4 fH Ciif 10 Bt the Matt to What's
w Knows What
: at ine Fitot Table.
: Jostle to All Men
i iY-cV '' 1 f>-fg Cfi;/ T *Vhy hnve Mortgage the Farm, Poor Crops,
■■ a on
! i^ \I t-' c.;‘ a tT i Rheurratistii, Ronr Dread, Pick Hops, a l.cuky Roof.
if® R °py "Hlk, p !U'; : .■ Horse, Crip, Hole iu the Pocket,
■ Bkclt ton la j he Closet, or any other
i Pain or Trouble
when you caa ^c.t fju- Farm Jonmni five years for 50
ceu Is ? Address Farm Journal, Phila., Fa.
in PORT ANT ^OTICJB.-By specie arrangement
■ ,\S ; t; '. ; k* ^.pv?I with theFARd JOURNAL, we arc enabled to
i 7 «»Wer that paper from now until December, 1903 , to
’ every auhscriber *.vhn fwys lor oisrs one your ahead
VjjA It* VcsyiV.G;^f> ,:jf ^>// ■.$} —both paper.-; prompt for the price «:f ©wrs only,
in accepting this offer.
' : - THE MITH.
WMIII f? Ril rii t £ | rr AT RETAIL
U & k & s •;
CI Wv KRT, C K • A,
h- tho pl.-vv to hny votv Dr.!•:«•, M -didoes. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, and
Paint, i>» Supplies cheap- He also sells
Q 3: M} Li i?“ A -. i‘é EV 3:33 {“1 g
~ m *
■ T-Lm a d mi -L.d Im ■!>•■, ; ,m,dr.
<d -»m so.-, .m... wrc.,, ; c« g. ; to < .utlin.-.rt o -.vrile hnn for prices. .
'* IV . ,A ( A . i OIUA
............. ..........
■ ... " L A'Li A ^ r A '
„, ntv ...1 boat t-, 1 ,,,. !„.||
()l . n, e |j,vi. ..I
h„v« „ new MKoolliOtew;
i •;, e dr . id ’ m-.v ,
fS- TJi»> ‘•EiltlUb. ........ !KWP"“ ..... 7 TREE ^% ! i j
l.OUi fyfil , V ...V'ii..Ui.'i!!
**** h*rf« moL’i !, o . is
r ou(h On A .Ni,-. N. 1
Kudi ji’ t' r \h v illt fjtrnl
»r!>’«!<(tr», , Hk'tf ’ ' i
.f'jff Wai “i ir ?. 1 ih’ 'haw'<• vJr
9 1
. ’ t/tewM, -! .NaaJ«(iS£
jow! it.iu'By&v,"*.' '/ onA Aye in :t rrnihnonthly
/uteu to t 1’OK.r •
“uJ A,,Vi - - !l ■" \o L/.m , Wit and
H VOK, c l c ivV MAT’D v, Travpls, Science, ami
v--n -,a i. Dwpartmentn: JCtto‘iulrtiffr Woman'*, l'-ox,
, /? hor*' %
ft*.'. Only hiirh -dd • dip literary journaiof Make
niUlv/if.ilct'-! p-ihiLvii theSoutl).
k Hold VMtcl , Jin.HM 1 ri:i; or bicycle by (Joint? it
tl Ilf. teil‘a».t; ivl't N’.oJ,Tui<./)l!nn,' ,s
e w • •■ f*3¥vf - - -V " '
V ■
: -i..... a.:;
1 ■'. ■.-ID-': ; ... • * i
■'IBP ’ N..
< » '.U- A
- ~ ill:
j; J !
‘ZPV •■i A I \ ji j; liji i| d) ill
' a j*
.. . \
■ DjU. i • | |; I] Y"'"
^ _ . _ —______FV '' ;
' ■• 7; ’—''v-T ........ L .P
T :T ^'
„ ww |
J| \l %jv ;
W&B 'WflvN ’ ' dN Tn rHL^ S \
Coeva.oHTa Ac.
ft;!*;} " ?, Lil 3eiBroafM;'J|g^ |gj' >vr
n..w i( !,ir.,.. tt r.
Advertising in Tin: MONITOR is
.. ' 3 .’tint, ta< o.
I’arena rou FaiiMens.
A paper for farmers is what tho qwice.
n-week Macon qolegnqth propose to h«.
Tb» daily qelagraph lias proven itself an
earnest friend of agriculturo, and Us
clal issue will l.e moro direct < n that line.
'jhff 'JWhlH-lt- tVfoK r (oIogrftph will L>0 80Ut
In anv a'ldtes. one year for fl.W,
•‘a S>-* lb -'a, -*fr -% -ffrU,
{0 4 ALL
S v,.....CA»<JAUETS wot}. K•:
C&fGY like t timtn
!1 ciuifly. Thov th«t« n>-
, 1111 move tiny huh
the mouth. IcRVing
mmm till? per rtuned. hroa 111 fnvt«ei It is ml n
______ InBho^yVtem ? 1 U, ' y
kllu l that breed and ieod
tholr action o«»7 ouditlun, mu kliii'
easy umi imturul.
jtDonh judg-e CAS£An>;T3 fey other medicines you have tried. They
are new, unlike anything else that’s sold, and infinitely superior.
^fisaaBs? imitations !
*» w » IWF.W & f* ,,urrs strung. 'ToHneem Hula and Habit ausirautoea nr mnn-y by tiTu>..i... all UruitsiMts. 1 , Makes weak mcm
Get booklet.
-]__) 0 (—[--
j \T T. J. TINSLEY & C0„
For Hi vie, Quality and Wear, we are the place. The Best Ma¬
terial that Dio manufacturer could find i.s in them. Never .so
much of elegance and goodness for so lit tie money.
Everything in the Brecon Line that one could wish—Meaf,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee and Lift'd. Also one of ti.o b&t Selected
Lino of Tobaocoes,
Wo are also headquarters for
acarmxsrs -A-hstid Fxr^tisxxxTTim,
V.’ith prices as low as the lowest,
f'omo io sco ns? Give u.= vour patronage, and we will treat
you right, Remember wo keep everything found in an up to-date
store. Touts to serve,
-f rjr 0 . mm Inslej&C^i
MU Coni Items.
Mrs. TLB. Bailey and liule
accompanied by Oromo Barbro, spent
Saturday and Sunday in Milford.
M r. Lack Griffin was shaking hands
and mingling with friends, who were
a!) glad to sco him in Milford Sunday.
Miss Oassie Adnn s loft Sunday for
tier now field ot labor, as an assistant
teacher in a school where Prof. 0. L,
Fitzpatrick is principal, ( te v m.uiy
friends hero will miss her, but ail join
in wishing for her happiness in h or
new homo.
There is some sickness in Milford
but as t ot nothing serious.
Our whole community has been
saddened by the death of our young
friend, Lillio James, which occurred
the UOth of September at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. T.
Brown Site was a sufferer for
.....a w , ,-i.u a,..™.
auo hemorrhagic fever. Dentil is
sad at all times, but especially when j
onc s0 young, and whose prospects
suddenly taken awa.\. • But it is
better JSL far, L«, to have lived a short, life
h mm+«
lullueuco =
of her pure young life will
,inuv lh ‘ J S’Uf-stricken loved ones
and t.ortowing friends, she has left, I
close to 1 lim who holds in His hands
tbo brittle thread oflifo-which holds
” ....... "to......-
Mushed and bleeding, and the
grief aeema more than they can boar.
Yet they have the sweet and comfort.
.iksn.-anco that all is well with
f , iii;o . Wo will mi s.von dear J/.llio
...yes we will all miss you at school,
' in Kmidn.vschool and in church; but
sort of all that darkened home
vhete a li;;lit has gone out, and a
,,| rtCW vacant that can never he fid 1
N, ? ii*> ij.idsfc nf )i» wo «po ri) i*\'rh.
L>> : ai£i" ,nk ’ ■" - veek H fe'A v
would ‘0011 D ? v Q 1 o gOOu Mu ©
.... €.\ROA?15F.T«
ate amt ptiroiy VUReint-’n
coninin no met -
»« mini or other mite
JssisSE^S J mil ])<, 1
ft .....CASCA UF.TR
»re tmiiropUc. That
moans tin y stoji on-
(UrrhioU food from
I SI! trl»:ctn tho SIOJU-
eve n t fer*
11 In the
ud kill dh««
.... thl SC/k&SCTA and
tnnvelaanrt stimulate
the ia/.y liver, muk-
1 :>l 1c tui work. They
jU,r- lyorous
turret, Ito. flow of
tiiiiur m 1 ik in unrMnumoth¬ >luu moth-
ers. A uihlet eaten
l y the mother makes
her milk mildlrpurR.
i«iivo and hue tv mild
imt certain effect on
sato inxatlv for ot >iy the X * itrvn tM'Hinii *mmm
e babc-ln*arms*
all Srwi'aiiTwmi'.Slia kinds*
of pnfa-
Nfte 11 dint Ju the
how (da of the prtnvlug child.
taUoti ...<!AHC\VXSETH, iiuiontly, ■ B
Rl.-ionUy.nri'pmi per-
t'UHt t*> ouro nr.v cuso
of ctofstlpnthei,
fhr enrtso money will ho #
cheerfully by refunded
your own druR»:!st.
Ki~mss box, ftceo'd-X \
aSiS t;g the Ijrht mini
1 to per*
heuith. Won't ritsst ileilny,
to you, Lillie. On last Sunday sho
I was at hor class in Smidayschou); to
tlay !lt ^ hour for Snnda.vschool wo
a send , 1 together , to pay her the last
tribute of respect. In the quiet eve¬
ning just as the suit, in splendor
passed beyond tho hills,we laid her to
rest. As wo wont silently homeward
the stars on mo out to keep watch
over tho remains of her, whoso spirit
has gone to bo with tho angels around
tho throne of God. Dear mother
and father do not think of herns
dead, but as standing there with Iwr
fair young face illuminated by the
light of God’s own countenance, a
crown resting upon hor golden ha - •
pointing with ono band to ihe great
white throne, while with tho
slie beckons you io cotne.
His Lif«* Was Saved.
Mr. .». E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
lag of tt hesays: “l w-ns taken with ty.
^ i inn VnA.'T™! w^ak 1
oouUli.'t even sit up tn t,.«t Nothing help-
cowry. One bottle gave «rrut re! of. I
WM'tu'ue-l to mw tt..and now am well am
....... .. ....................
' Vn "* !K
Dmughon’® jfp /M
Nashwifle, L .1., Taxark«ns, GoWeston, T( ,
Savannah, C;., T:.-.
Bookk Nnjf, Shorthwid, Ty^ew ritlnj::, etc,
The most of thorough, kind in practical *he and • pvoget e.Sf7 Kf
schooln the world, and th: 2 /
putroHizal UJ--Tchants, cuefi in ministers the South. nnd Indorsed bv r
cry, fiookkeei v/Alms others.
we Ff i unsr are eqtial r,
Iw.; ./eaks by the old plum J. F. Dm uph \
i’re--nr, U author ot Dran^hon’s New S) - i
of bookkeeping-, “Doable Katry Made
F i»w study. Wo havt prepared, for Lr -•»
. .it* books on bookktn piti", pt .imansMn &H; t
.and. Write iur price ist ’ Home ’
keeping N-trcct. N>mc “Prop, from draugiion—I Ixooks, ltnritndY«N
at vour whik%
” position us night telegraph o rerptor.”—C
** k '
{Mention this paper when writing,)
. C. Vt
for io certs
„S!fi S^StSSSiStaTu
JSJ’pSaWiSSS 1, r?. r