Newspaper Page Text
44 A Gentle Wind
of Western Birth rt
Tells no svxefer story to humanity than
the announcement that the health-giver
and healih-brtnger, Hood's Sarsaparilla,
tells of the birth of an era of good health.
It is the one reliable specific for the curt
of all blood, stomach and liver troubles.
tHc odjj Sa Uafalutia
Never Disappoints
A Popular Nat.
The shelled pecan la ex tens! rely used
In the manufacture of confectionery. It
finds a ready sale In the North and
East, and is rapidly working Into favor
in the European countries. While this
popular nut is found growing In all of
the Southern State* and in northern
Mexico, it Is at Us best only In limited
portions of the state of Texas. The
Texas pecan is not ns large as the
Louisiana nut, but it possesses a more
delicate flavor and lias a more uni¬
formly perfect kernel. The Mexican
pecan Is more plentiful than the Texas
nut, and can he placed on the market
for less money, but because of Its very
bard shell and Insipid flavor has little
Han Antonio, the centre of the pecan
market, is also the pioneer of the pecan
Industry. It Is the favorite candy
of the Mexicans, and nearly every im¬
portant corner of the quaint old city
forms the market stand of some old
Mexican candy man with his crude
stand, from which he sells his "pepl-
torlas” and “melacoche,” the two most
popular forms of peenn candy.
Queer Signs for Help Wanted.
Some of the signs along the whole¬
sale district In Broadway advertise for
help in work that sounds mysterious
to the inexperienced. Within a few
Mocks one may read: "Experienced
short knife cutter wanted,” "Fancy
bird mounters,” “Fancy feather
hands,” “Experienced pasters and
mounters,” "Sewers, stemmers, string¬
ers, buucbers and packers wanted,”
"Experienced slip stitchers on Imper¬
ials and English squares,” etc. New
York Press.
Wh*t In Tet ferine ?
It In A nitrft curn for ail skin disease*. It
cures itch, totter, ringworm, eczema, salt
rheum, food.** etc. N© ver falls Nothing Is “Just un
Don’t accept eu bstllutCB Try, and
you will to© eonr1 need, nn thousands of others
navs If your druggist doesn’t keep It. send
60c. In stamps direct to tho maker, ,T. T. Shup- ,
trine, Savannah, On., fora hoi postpaid.
these Largo possession* silenoo bring great cares, and
too often songs of praise.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any Hall's case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Catarrh Cure.
F J. Chknky & CO., Toledo, O.
Wo, tho undorntgnod, have known F. J, Che
noy for the last 16 years, and believe him per¬
fectly honorable in all business transactions
and flnandallv able to carry out any obliga¬
tion made by their firm.
W*f>T A i ruax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
Wilding, Kinnan A Marvin, Wholesale
Hall’s Druggists, Toledo, Ohio
Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act¬
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur¬
faces of the system. Testimonials sent free.
* r A Hall's 0? * Family P t>r bottle. Pills Sold by best. all Druggists.
are the
Advice is seldom welcome, and tho»u who
Want It the mo»t alwaytlike It. the least.
No-To-ltnc for Fifty Cents.
Cunronteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 50c, 81. All druggists.
themselves People should free not Judge others until they
are from being Judged.
of Spavin, Curb, Splint, Capped
Hock, Sore Tendons, Cult, Kicks,
Bruises, etc., by using
AUoan invaluable remetlj for man.
When taken internally it cures
Cramp* and Colic. It Is the best
antiseptic known.
Every bottle i* warranted. Sold by dealer*
and drujjgUts generally. Family *lse, 15c.
Horse sue, Joe. and $1.00.
Prepsred by EARL S. SLOAN, Bwton, Win.
“I have been using CASCABKTSfor
Insomnia, with which I have been nffiicted for
over twenty years, snd I can say thm Cascnrets
have given me more relief than any other reme¬
dy I have ever tried. I ahull certainly recom-
mend them to my friends us belnu all they are
represented.” Taoa Qiixabd, Kiglli, 111.
/©cSSSne .
Ns'Skw T»*oe “ASH .COtfiUMO
Potent, T**te Good. Do
enkon.or Orlpe, 10c. 35c. 5(to.
it*rit«e H hikI) c»3ip«wy, Uhlearn, K»<* f«Ht. 81 *
mo-t o-B/LG
Choosing a Wife
I* a soriou* problem. “It you put yemr
foot in it,” you’ll know better next time.
But wrhea you euoaee your feet iu
Red Seal Shoes,
You got a •«!© foil of tAtiof action that
reflocto ©orofort, economy and good
Ar« th© b©ct. A«k for them. Cost no moro
th»n rovnition rhlnuirtt. AU tl©*l©r«.
I‘ITT SHU KG Ail.ASS CG-, Allegheny, Fo,
QP|gM OtUco 1 B.M »nd cured out tlc-nltmsent pain. WOOI.LKY, Whiskey 104 at K. home Book Pryor IRI 111 of with¬ W.l>. ivir- St K. its
staaaasff.'^aa !
—..»' £335:
3 3
«©*t &yr«p. Taatee Good. U*o
in ttma. by <3rufg\*t»,
523E II
Proudly Takes Her Position At Head of
the Line of Warships.
Rear Admiral Howison Arrives and Sampson Loses
Rank In the Fleet,
A New York special says: Long
before the dawn of Wednesday steam
and sailing craft of all imaginable
sizes gathered in the vicinity of the
sonthwestchannel and swarmed around
the Olympia like midgets around a
right as she was swinging gracefully
with the tide.
Her string of signal lights was kept
constantly changing, and there was
a veritable pyrotechnical display as
answers were flashed across the bay
to tho salutations of passing ships.
A searchlight from Hir Thomas Lip-
ton’s yacht Erin was kopt flashing
around the Olympia until most day¬
break, making the cruiser stand out
in bold relief to the delight of the
landsmen ana tho gratification of the
watchers on many of the boats in the
J 11 st at, dawn the signal lights on the
Olympia went out, and over the bay
came the faint bugle notes of the re-
Half an hour later the shrill sound
of the boatswain’s whistle was heard
ordering tho men to clean ship, and
soon tho sailor lads were seon swarm¬
ing tho decks with water buckets,
In \
/B® 1 \ •j yiP~
ijjm / i. A a sVil
111 ■V 1
I« ft
: ill y
—__ _
working with a will and getting the
pride of the navy shipshape for her
trip to tho anchorage off Thompkina-
Ilewlson Greets Dewey.
At. 6;45 tho cruiser Chicago, flying
the pennant of Bear Admiral Howi¬
son, passed in at the Narrows and re¬
ceived a salute of guns from Fort Han¬
cock. As she neared tho Olympia her
rapid firing guns belched forth an ad¬
miral’s salute, which the Olympia re¬
turned with thirteen guns. The Chi¬
cago passed close to the Olympia, and
Admiral Dewey, who was on the quar¬
ter deck, returned Admiral Howison’s
salutation and shouted out a greeting.
The sailors of the Olympia crowded
tho rail and returned the hearty cheers
of the Chicago’s crew. Tho Chicago
proceeded to Tompkiusville.
It was explained that while both
Admiral Dewey and Bear Admiral
Howison outrank Hear Admiral Samp-
son, there would be no change in the
arrangements giving Rear Admiral
Sampson full control of the naval por-
tion of tho demonstration in
Dower’s honor. Rear Admiral How-
18011 woul( l 1,0 » guest at the ceremony,
hut his presence would not interfere
with Hear Admiral Sampson.
At 8 o’clock sharp colors were
sounded and the flag and jack were
$l>ei»k« oT the Philippine Quettion-Say*
OtU Trie* To l>o Too Much.
In an interview with Admiral Dewey
in the New York Evening Post, among
other things he says is the following:
“I thought that this thing in the
Philippines would be over long before
this, as it should have been. Of
course there was the rainy season, and
I suppose little was done. One great
trouble has been that General Otis has
tried to do too much. I told him so.
He wants to bo general, governor,
judge and everything else —to have
hold of all the irons. No man can do
this. This is the great trouble.”
l)*mocr»tie Dandldato For Governor of j
Ohio Make* Great Speech.
The democratic state campaign was
opened at Hamilton.O., Saturday with
a great demonstration aud speeches
by John R. McLean, candidate j
governor, and tho candidates for other
offices on tho democratic state ticket
aud others. !
Great interest was manifested in
^Ir. McLean’s speech and he deliver-
ed it with great power in tho presence
of several thonsand people, who cheer-
ed him re peatedly
Victim* of Fnrthquakc*, Flood* and
*lide* In liulln Are Found.
Advices from Calcutta slate that
fifty bodies have been recovered at
Phool Bazaar, one of the canters of
the recent earthquakes, floods nnd
landslides. The terrible stench of
decomposition has checked further
search for the present.
A burial service was held where the
children of the Methodist missionary
are supposed to be entombed.
respectively posted fore and aft to the
Btrains of "Htar Spangled Banner.”
Then through frolicking white caps
the Olympia moved majestically up
the lower bay and passed through the
picturesque strait, guarded by Forts
Wndswsrth and Hamilton, amid the
booming of great guns, and there, in¬
side the city gates, Admiral Dewey
and his gallant tars received the glo¬
rious, thunderous welcome of the ma¬
jestic men of war as their stately ship
grided up to her position at the head
of the column, there to remain until
the great naval pageant should start.
Never, perhaps, did a triumphant
warrior, returning from a victorious,
campaign, receive a more impressive
welcome. Although thousands upon
thousands witnessed it from shore,
balcony, window or house top, and
the man-of-war anchorago at Tomp-
kinsville, where the fleet lay, fairly
swarmed with tugs, yachts and steam¬
ers and every sort of harbor craft,all jet
black with wild, cheering, exulting
peoplo, and the towering white walls
of the city beyond were brave with a
million welcoming Hags, the greeting
was tho greeting of Dewey’s comrades
of the navy.
To outward appearances, the wei-
come he received from the fleet was
strictly professional. One can find
the salutes, the trumpet flourishes, the
drum ruffles, tho parading of the
marine guard and all the rest of the
ceremonies done in his honor de¬
scribed in the naval regulations, as
due to one of his rank.
Ship after ship took its turn in do¬
ing honor to the admiral as tho Olym¬
pia swept grandly up the line of float¬
ing fortresses and tha flood of senti-
ment welled up within their hearts.
Admiral Dewey, from the bridge,
acknowledged eacli salute with a wave
of his cap. He alone of all the offi¬
cers of the fleet was in fatigue uni¬
As the Olympia swept by the New
York, the last ship in the column, the
full marine band aboard the Olympia
played “El Capitan.”
At 8:30 o’clock, and shortly before
the Olympia got under way, the Dol-
phin, flying the secretary of the navy’s
flag, hove in sight, having on board
Assistant Secretary of the Navy Alien,
who was received with a salute,
Admiral Dewey’s relatives, who have
j been stopping at the Waldorf-Astoria,
as the guests of the city, started on
the government tug Narkeeta at 9:30
o’clock to pay eS visit to the admiral
on the Olympi off There wore fifteen
in the party.
Hanking Commander of Sampson's Sqtinil-
ron Kpachfls New York.
Tha United States cruiser Chicago,
flagship of Hear Admiral Howison,
reached New York Wednesday from a
long cruise, during which she touched
the coast of Africa and visited Port
Said. The cruiser proceeded imme¬
diately to the government anchorage
off Tompkiusville, S. I., and took m
position astern of the old ship Lan¬
caster. A few moments later the blue
flag on Rear Admiral Sampson’s ship,
the New York, was lowered and a red
flag substituted, indicating that. Samp¬
son was no longer in command of the
Hi* Bondamen Send Their Check* To the
Attorney General.
A Columbia, S. C., dispatch says:
shortago of Colonel Neal, so far
s his three bondsmen are liable, has
been paid. Colonel Wylie Jones,
cashier of the Carolina National bank,
sent the attorney general his check for
8A3T.47, and P. H. Haltiwanger and
W. Scott Pope, the other two bonds-
men - did likewise. This pays for the
money aud articles actually misappro-
priated by Colonel Neal.
Nobritfikan Will Take Pari In Groat l>om-
ocratic Rally In Dnllns.
Colonel TV. J. Bryan completed his
Nebraska speechmaking tour at Fair-
bury Saturday night and left Sunday
for Dallas, Texas, where he takes part
in the democratic rally,
After making a number of speeches
in Texas Mr. Bryan will go to Ken-
tuoky for an extended campaign aud
may also speak in Ohio.
Pi i! H
Is your breath bad? Then your
best friends turn their beads aside.
A bad breath means a bad liver.
Ayer’s Pills are liver pills. They cure
constipation, sick biliousness, 25c. All dyspepsia, druggists.
! headache.
"Want y out mount*oh* or beard * beautiful
brown or rich black ? tue
S0_ r J«. Of PajQCJILTHf Off *■ r WMtmD, H. H.
Why take
Nauseous Medicines?
Ara you suffering with
Ara you suffaring with
Are you subject to COLIC, FLATULENCY
f»r PAINS in the BOWELS?
Do you suffer from RETENTION or SI F-
Do you feel LANGUOR, and DEBILITA¬
TED In the morning?
Aromatic Schiedam
Pleasant to taka, Stimulating,
Diuretic, Stomachic, Absolutely Pure.
For Sale by nil GROCERS and
Hope Is the feeling wo still have
after It Is all gone.
After we have lost our youth wo
hang a long time to the Idea that we
are still middle aged.
Half a loaf is better than no brend;
but a small dish of strawberries Is
worse than none at all.
The woman who is past other van-
I ties Is always voluble about what
the doctor says of her diseases.
When a man turns his sword Into a
plough share he cheats some patriot¬
ic woman out of a decoration for her
Before marriage a man wants his
sweetheart to wear blue; after mar-
rlage he doesn’t know one color from
When a man gets to be a judge there
Is always some old lady around to
remind him he once had an ambition
to be a pirate.—Chicago Becord.
Advice on Buying Bananas.
When buying bananas never pur¬
chase the long thin ones unless you
want fruit which will pucker your
month. No matter how well ripened
these thin bananas may appear to be,
they will always be found both sour
and acrid. This is because the bunch
which contained them was picked too
soon. The Banana grows fastest at
first In length. When it has reached
Its full development in that direction
it suddenly begins to swell, and In a
few days will double its girth. It is at
the end of tliis time that it begins to
ripen naturally, and the effort of tho
banana Importer is to have the fruit
gathered at the last possible moment,
and yet before the ripening has pro¬
gressed even enough to tinge the bright
green of the fruit with yellow. A dif¬
ference of twenty-four hours on the
trees at this time will make a differ¬
ence in the weight of the fruit of per¬
haps 25 per cent., and all the differ¬
ence in its final flavor between a
puckery sour and the sweetness and
smoothness which are characteristic
of the ripe banana —Washington Star.
An Ancient Scotch Castle.
Dalkeith palace in Scotland is a plain
building, but it has a fine situation,
•with a good bowling green and a beau¬
tiful bridge of white stone spanning
the Esk River, within sight of
house. The present building^ erected
In 1T00, stands on the sight of the old
to castle far of back Dalkeith, 1130, which when Is William alluded j I
as as
de Graham, who had received a grant!
of lands from David I., was the occu-
pant. In the fourteenth century the
castle, , along , with ,
the barony Of Dai-I
keith, passed by marriage to the house i
of Douglas.
Ton't Tobacco Spit end Smoke Your Lite Awav.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic, full of life, nerve nnd vigor, take No-To-
Bnc, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 50c or $1. Cure guaran-
teed. Booklet and Eam]do free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
Dean Swift is credited with tho saying
“Bread Is the staff of life.”
!Vow Is (he Time to Plant raw tarries. Our free
Puhlications teU how-to m h k c moiiey on them.
A moment’s insight is sometimes worth a
life’s experience.
1 have found Piso’s Cure for Consumption
an unfailing medicine.—F. K. Lot*, 1&15Sente
^t., Covington, Ivy , Oct. 1, 1804.
KindnesRls wisdom; there i* none in life
but needs it, and many learn.
Kducate Your lloirel* yYith Cn*eHret*.
Condy S6c. Cathartic, C. cur© cxjustlpatlon forever,
lCc. If C. C. fail, druggist* refund money.
They who believe they can conquer will
No Cure, No Pay,
Is the way Findley’s Eye Salve Is sold.
Chronic and granulated lids cured in 30
days; common sore eyes in 3 days, ty or
money hack for the asking Sold all
druggists, or hv mail, 25e. box. ' . ■ .
Hatter, Decatur, Texas.
In a district of 60,000 people in T.iverpool
intoxicating liquor cannot be bought.
m y.. Fliil. mm * 9 SI Li fm m mm muf$& Sat, h § a' m
To ___
cure, or money refunded b\ Jour “"*’“-”-.0
When His Wife Exposed the Deceit He Prac¬
ticed oa H-*.
‘‘This fishing trip isn’t going to be a
success without you,"’ gaid Glggton,
earnestly, “and I hope that you won t
disappoint us.”
Whittier shrugged his shoulders
with an air of careless indifference,
“I admit,” he gaid, “that X shall have
fo arrange matters with my wife; but
I haven't been married five years for
nothing, and you can count on me.”
“I knew you would go,” said Gigg-
ton, confidently.
“You can bet on me every time,”
said Whittier. “So, au reroir, old
man. To-morrow morning at 7.30.”
Jumping into a car he passed the
next twenty minutes in arranging his
method of procedure, and one hour
later he sat at the dinner table with
his wlfe—on his face an expression of
listlessness and an unnatural stoop of
his usually erect shoulders.
“What's the matter, dear ?” said Mrs.
Whittier; “you don't eat anything."
Whittier smiled feebly. “Nothing,”
he said, with a half-hearted attempt at
brightness. “I'm feeling a little stale,
that's all. Been working too hard, I
“You do look rather tired,” said his
wife. “I hope you are not going to be
“Nonsense!” exclaimed her husband.
“What I need is a good dose of fresh
nir. I really believe it Is necessary.
Come, my clear, we must take a day
“We?” said ’ Mrs. Whittier. “You
know- it wouldn't do you any good to
have the children, and we certainly
can't leave them at home.”
“That’s just it,” said Whittier,
despairingly. “I’m nervous and run
down, and they would annoy me, I
know. But I can't go without you,
my dear. That would be out of tho
question. I wouldn’t enjoy myself a
bit. I guess we’d better not think
about It.
Mrs. Whittier looked anxious.
“You mustn’t break down,” she said.
“Of course, I-”
“No,” exclaimed Whittier. “I won’t
hear of It. Glggton was urging me to
go on a little fishing trip only to-day,
but I told him no.”
“When is he going?” asked Mrs.
“To-morrow morning,” said her hus¬
band. “But, really, such a thing
mustn't be thought of. I wouldn't
leave you for the world.”
Ills wife smiled.
“You must go,” she said. "I insist
upon It.”
Whittier looked at her with a stern,
unyielding expression, which turned
gradually into one of acquiescence.
“I don’t know but you are right,” ho
said at last. ”1 hate to go, but I sup¬
pose I must look upon It as a question
of health. I’ll write a line and send it
over to Glggton at once.”
“It isn’t necessary,” said Mrs. Whit*
“Why Isn’t it?” asked Whittier.
“Because,” said Mrs. Whittier, “I
saw Mrs. Glggton this afternoon”—
here Whittier began to look conscious
—“and she told me her husband had al¬
ready sot your consent.”—Life.
Stops Cattle from Crossing Over.
Cattle are prevented from getting on
the railroad tracks at grade crossings
by a new guard, which is formed of
zigzag plates, bolted to the ties to
form ridges and depressions parallel to
the ties, with sharp spikes set verti¬
cally on the plates.
Philosophically explained.
It never occurs to some women that
they wear clothes for any other rea¬
son except to bo In tha fashion.—New
York Press.
Dewey Celebration.
Americans are quick to appreciate merit.
The Dew. y celebrations prove that, nnd It Is
again forcibly demonstrated In the llostctter's
confldene e which Is accorded to
Stomach Bitters, one of tho most meritorious
remedies ever compounded for Indigestion,
constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, liver or
Kianey disease, or any trouble arising from a
stomach. If you have a weak stomach
don t fall to try it.
least° Ple tft * k more when they think the
Beauty Is Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
behuty without it. Cascnrets, Candy Cathar¬
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, bv
stirring up tho lazy liver and driving all im¬
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads
nnd that sickly bilious complexion by taking
l ascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug¬
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c 50c-
, £ < L?\ r, " rtf sollnd
t too . High a price r on k for Principles achieved is to nay
success by it.
Tll ° best remedy for
V Cl eJ fA il Consumption. Cures
B u css, Asthma, Whoopin?-
C , < ? Up i\9 , r °” r> ' Small doses; quick, Trial, sure *>Sor results.
S c
M. m: MOFFETT’S Rev.fnow BishopiJos.S.Key,
J-L I (Teething Powders.) s sa-sg thLn‘!mm r “" I1 1 f more "‘•'•factory
$£ “Tt moffett! m.'?® C/j 1 ' is, Mo,
Sen Gull Catches a Mole.
A farm manager at Foddetry, Di i
wall, Scotland, n <-. !
watching a mole catch- I
er at work, saw sea gulls hovering
over,and occasionally lighting upon a
turnip field, in which the observer aud
others were at work, a particularly j
large and handsome bird attracted his
attention by the graceful way it floated
slowly over tho drills, intentlv scan-
nmg the surface of the ground. Sud¬
denly, steadying itself a moment, it
dropped, dug its bill into the heaving
ground, and rose with a mole for its
prpy. Resting a few minutes, it grace¬
fully began again a further search for
prey. Iu & few minutes a second mole
was unearthed.
To Fure Constlpntlnn Forever.
Tske Cascnrets CnnOy Cathartic. 10c or S.V
J1 C.C. t . fall to cure, rtrnggietsrefurd money
a bul a pa-
T HE very word - operation” strikes terror to a woman's
Nearly always these operations become necessary j
through neglect. painful, or too frequent and excessive,
the menses are vary
get the right advice at once ana
Stop taking chances. It will cost
you nothing for advice if you write
to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass.,
for it, and if you let the trouble
run along it will surely cost you a
great deal of pain and may mean
an Sheridanville, Pa., writes: “Dear
Miss Sarah J. Graham, :—I had suffered for sev¬
Mrs. Pinkham
eral years with female troubles and
doctored until I was discouraged, I felt
wretched and tired of living. I had dis-
ease of kidneys, bladder trouble,
* dropsy and bloating, had womb
HI trouble and a large tumor had
m formed; in fact all my organs
WdM- were out of fix.
icsffr; -Seeinga woman’s letter praia-
ing your remedies, I wrote to
m glsjlf her and she begged of me to try
it, telling mo all that it had done
( I II ttWmi for her ' 1 pinkham’s bou 8 ht six Vegetable bottles of
!§; Lydift E
i i } Compound gratitude and now to cannot you. The ex-
press my in
tumor began to come away
pieces and I got better all the
time. I believe now that I am
entirely cured.
£ "My doctors could not believe
it at first, as they all had told me
that my case was a hopeless one,
and no human power could do mo
m any good. They were astounded.
If I can say anything that can
help other women, I shall be
jffiSNa BEBBBIH J ! glad It is to.” not safe to wait until tho
last moment. Head oil trouble
by prompt attention to it. Don’t be satisfied without Mrs.
Pinkham’s advice.
The Tin Tags taken from SCHNAPPS
and J. Tobaccos will pay for any one or
all of this list of desirable and useful things, and you
have your good chewing tobacco besides.
Every man, woman and child can find something on this list that
they would like to have and ean have—FREE.
Write your name and addres., plainly aud send tho tags to us, men¬
tioning the number of tha present you want. Any assortment of the
diilerent kinds of tags mentioned above will be accepted.
1 Match Box, quaint design, import¬
ed from Japan....................... 40
S Kn fe, or e blade, good steel.. so
3 8c1b6 )ib, 4% inch, good steel. 86
4 Child’s Set, Knlle, Fork and Spoon 86
b b hI and repper, one each, quacl-
6 Buz rupl© pi hollow *te on ground, white metal......... fine English 70
i r,
d eel.................................. 75
7 Butter Knife, t-rijde plate, best
Sugar quality Shell, ...............................1 trij le plate, best IK)
9 S-« imp Box. sterling silver.... 100
Knife, two made*.............. loo
Butcher Knife, l-inch blade... no
12 Bhc ars, 8-inc.h nickel................100
18 Nut Set, (backer, 6 Picks, silver.... 80
14 Six Bo >«rrs Table Spoons............460
15 Sir each cn Bozen Rogers X X lvee and Forks .800
16 Revolver. 02 or 88 cal ibre U‘C0
17 Bbm* ball, "Aascciation," .... ...... lfiu
18 v- atch, stem wind and set, gtmran- g
teed good time keeppr....... sd...! 26<
19 Alarm Clock, nickel, warrant we £10
20 Carvers, buck horn handle, good
Stotl................ 884
This offer expires November 30th, 1900.
Address all your Tags and the correspondence aliout them to
You deny yourself pleasure and
comfort if you don’t use It.
— - -
Malsby & Company,
39 S. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga.
Engines and Boilers
fctvnm Wafer Heater*, Steam Tumps and
Penbevthy Injector*.
\ is®
Manufacturers and Dealers in
Corn Mill*, Feed Mills, Cotton Gin M achin-
er T ,ln< T Grain Separator*.
© mst m
v ' "•* 7"
A Rhles, Repeating Shotguns, Ammunition and
Lcadea Shotgun Shells. Winchester guns and
ammunition are the standard of the world, hut
1 ” 0t /°f any more tha » poorer makes.
c~y All reliable dealers sell Winchester goods.
\ f£
H repeating arms
»» WBWBBmMU jr/lf
-i 9/g%gn
21 Six Borers’ Teaspoom s, best qual, 260
22 Knives and For>s, six each, buck-
horn hand!
38 Clock , 8-day, Calendar, Thermom¬
eter, Barometer.................... 6(H)
24 Re mington Kifie No. 4, 22 or 82 ml .1000
2ft Tool Set not playthings, but real
toojfl................................. 760
26 Toilet Set, decorated porcelain,
very handsome..................... 800
27 Watch, solid Machine, silver, full jeweled. .1000
28 Sewing first class, with
all attachment#.....................
£9 Winchester Repeating Shot Gun,
l.ifie. N^incliesfur, ic-shot, 22-cai. 861 (
SO ,.S000
81 Si ot Gun, double-barrel, hammer-
Ws 8000
32 Guitar roeevrood, Inlaid with moth¬
er-of-pearl.......................... 8000
33 Bicycle, standard make, ladles or
gents.. 8000
34 After Dinner Coffee Spoon, solid
silver, gold bowl................... lpo
86 Briar Wood Pipe. 40
SEED Me again wheat offer the cleanest raRSALE]
the seed wheat on
: market, and from probably the largest
crop yield in the State, if not the United
hundred bushels of our wheat will contain
less cockle seed than one bushel of ordinary
seed wheat. Trice $1.15 per bushel on cars
at Charlotte. Tags hold two bushels and
with nro new—no order. charge for lacs Terms: Cash
For FRED OLIVER, Pre*’t.
CI1ARLOT1K, - - n. r.
$3&$3.5Q SHOES union
Worth $4 to £6 compared with
other makes.
Indorsed by over
1»000,000 wearer*.
THE CEXL'IXE hare W, L. Dougla*’
name and price stamped on bottom.
E! Take no substitute claimed
. to be as good. Largest makers
°f W and $3.50 shoes In the
\Yor!d. Your dealer should keep
them if not, we win send you
l 'V a P R J rf »n receipt
kind of loathe C-kfLlogSe . of price. State
c cTree 1111
° r c “ p t0C ’
VI. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO.. Brockton. Mass.
a A Permanently Jnsanily Prevented Cured
. § DR. CUNTS by
■ great
- ^ JfMSSSS. Eifesk