Newspaper Page Text
file In 11 to lease till'
Brunswick Kailr >;<!.
1( is a general opinion in all
sections of (In iinlry that l*Ko
will bring iviiowcil ami iincsam
pled prospm it v Mi. I'ihlen holds
this opinion and says it is addi
tional reason lor tin* deinocralie
party to strive tm ainvess a-, it
the republicans slice I.they will i
K‘>t the credit lm the prosperity
and secure a long lease of power.
Mi. IAJ erson Tliweat eoiitinues
' mil
■ii services ion
iciici al.
jßrThc i 11 < l. ■| •<
gßm . m i /.i l mu
I •
|TTiying ii over, in ilm iTiini
B iiitore-t. :<mi leave Iho debt
our children to |*:• < i -hall
■- pay lln- debt ami -lup iho ill
■ I hi- is tint- nl I lie tpie.-tion-
Blow before the country Iho No party i- in la vor of paying
Ijn- debt ami oin iiicjputing labor
Roni tin* slaverv it impose-. Iho
ilonin' i it O' ami pn
Ik nl
ic * i" Wt
In a oomlilion nl serfdom. .Vo
t muni I n n\
lr>i> m- Ait m i Lovvi/n. A
Washington special -ay- : -•Tin*
j candidates lor second lieutcmtn
! oios wore asked, umlor dirootinn
!of Secretary .Mot Vary. at tlio ox
animation if limy ovor In-on
dbgagedjn rebellion nr aided it .
In explain fully their eoneeplinii
nl (lie l?ittlire of the nbligal inn ill
by entering the army ; il
i llioy believed in tln* rigid nl'a
State In secede: il they would
hold their allegiance In the I'm
led Slab s paramount lo ilia! ol'
llioir Slates, and it they would
regard it ns llioir duly to follow
the Stale in oast- ol a roiitlml f"
[ Il will bo observed that not a
word is said about supporting Iho
I'oust it at ion oi tin* I nileil Stales.
/'.vc/m /i>/<
No, but the Secrilary would
have the < oust it ul ion practically
Il is aiimmiieed that M do
-l.esseps scheme- lor t I’anama
"ship etimil Ims been "Ml pended"
ildrlhe and that the
Whbseriber> In uW slock have
been inforined Dial they may w ith
draw their deposits. Il is also
, stated that iM. de Lesseps will
shortly visit the I nited States.
It the distinguishcd engineer, on
his arrival here, should eoneludo
lo iitiuudon hi- sehome. w hich ha
eiiemnilered sueh deoibed op
position, and unite with the
friends ol an inter ooetiuie canal
'by .1 more priteticul route, in ae
; eordanee with tli view- a the
people ol the I ailed Stall's, lie
| may \el li\ e to see l lie project
which lie has so much at heart
suceessliily accomplished. If he
cm lies here, however, to ml vacate
Ihe adopt inn of any mule not
approved by and under the eon
trnl ot this government lie w ill be
doomed to disappointment Si
>'>! n nil h \ * ii',s
\\ K want a currency that will
pay debts and taxes at par did
Inr for dollar.
liiat people do not care lo
TTiaf-C-i limit be exported
That is obliged to en operate
with labor in order to aceumu
fit a I will seek labor and invest
I’hat i obliged to worl# for a
iiv ing
That can be regulated in vul
nine and value bv the people
That no clique or clan call mo
tiopol i/.c
That shall seivc. and not op
I lie HU'S-,
t Jhai can tight out battles t
- f ns gild our palaces.
flint will supply the laborer
with luxuries as wel* a stlie tieli.
flint will not make the poor
poorer, it it vines make the
rich richer Tern hr
]>r< •'
t tit: x i i.i.ow t t y l it
'I i vicitis. \ ugitst _ i \no
teen new case- were reported to
day. seven whites ami twelve
colored. Among the nuuilx't ait'
.lames Maker. W 11. West ami
Dennis Morton, flight deaths
have occurred : t It. Iltl-cher.
Annie Dougherty, t'nrdelin At
woo.l. Michael Wilson ami four
eoloretl. Dr. Bober: f. Un-baid
rr pari in;;
hmmy ami
Wm/mT ■
Sg||Bi Ho
(in' • Utice
kin j^ointnl
Ssß| H
Blind wj||
T *• ./
Pv. a p r "^' t "
fuse "I
lit li'te ol
• Hk
gjM '
U -t!-b. ••■"I 11 \ unde
HR-r.ti. It. Dennison and W. F.
Oilman are sick, but their names
have not yet been reported. Miss
Birdie doff died ol yellow fever
last evening at white Haven.
Mrvtfins. A ugiist 2.Y -Ten new
cases were reported by the board
of health this morning. two color
ed. Among the whites are Miss
K Brookshire. F. B. Bussel.
Minnie Lockwood. f. Il Denui
f. Iti< hardsou, (>eo. h
■ 1 "jP
jjjjrgflpi* ,u-itod in'the post
B>o\e- in the past five days
Hb relief of the orphans of
nw fever victiinsat Memphis.
VN'W t.H.
Ihe impression seem* to be
very general with the knowing
ones around the general assent
bly that another state house n|li
rial, now undergoing iuvestiga
lion, will be impeached by the
house and more work be furnish
ed lo the high court of impeach
Ihe committee investigating
the principal keeper of the peni
leniiiiry will be ready in a few
days to report. They have not
made up their report, but from
.the ini I ure of the evidence and
hints gathered front members of
the committee, they will mane
a ease against Nelllls, the pl inei
pal keepci that will require eon
sidcruhlc explauation.
It has been proven before the
committee, we are informed, by
Mr. drant, Mr. Simpson and Oap
tain Murphv that Nelms tried to
gel tin interest in the lease of
eoliv iets
It was also proven that when
the convicts were to be distrihu
led under the present lease act
on the Ist o| last April, tin t Cap
lain Nelms went to Captain
drant and demanded twelve dol
lars per head for the convicts at
• *ld Town, in Jefferson county,
there being between two and
three hundred at this place; that
Captain drant said he was tin
willing lo pay twelve dollars per
head tor them as they were to re
main there and not be removed.
Nelms told drant when he found
that he was tin willing to pay the
twelve dollars per head, that mi
less lie paid it, that he. .Nelms,
wottlll entry the convicts to Ala
eon and ret urn them and make
him pay it; that (Jrapt finally
compromised by paying eight
dollars per head to settle the mat
ter t I’he committee consider that,
in this matter Captain Nelms has
used his office lo extort money
from one of the lessees. Other
eases of •constructive delivery"
are reported, where the piincipal
keeper of the penitentiary claim
ed and received money for re
moving eotiviets, when in truth
the removal was ••constructive."'
Die committee will report in full
all the evidence on this line.
Captain William Tumlin. from
Baiidolph. was before the com
notice yesterday. William is as
silent as a graveyard, and noth
ing can be fished out of hitu. He
had something to say about the
lour notes given by Nelms to him
soon at tot dovernor Colquitt's
election, tor one hundred dol
lars each, but what it was and
how he talked about it. we are
unable to s;iy Hie committee
will soon close the testimony . and
will make a report before thei
week is out. It would not be
proper to publish what they will
do if we knew it. but tliev have
certainly been the most secretive
committee that has been in ses
'ion since the legislatureeonven
ed. l'he report will not bo agree
able to the principal keeper.and
it i' possible that it will not go to
the extent that some of his cue
mies desire it. Constitution.
t • h< >K< i I A -Oniil) County :
Notice i- given m all (ii isoiis
imlctit, ,1 in tin- i -tate of George t .
s- loggias, lute of -aid tammy de> , e:sed.
•" mat,,' i*av mi ni nl same to me. Amt
all lior-nu- having claims against said
estate wilt preseiii the same to me pro
made out witliln the time jirv
- rilied l>> law tui settlement.
I lit- .''tli ila\, ni \ngu a
1 V.MKS I r.\t K. I nl
GKO. i . s, K< HittlNs, .'ll., ,|
is m mi nnuii:
Bgeneral news
<lWy morning tit the Old
Printing Office Building
Marietta, Georgia.
Iscriptioii, One Dollar
At Reduced Rates.
Of all kinds in the most
approved style and sit re
duced prices.
Of material stud doing- our
own labor, we oiler our
selves sis candidsitcs for si
share of the public favor.
R. M. Goodman & Sons.
; e#'!
I |
s G* A w jr
North Side of Square, next door to Cherokee Corner.
Dcstlcrs hi,
IDr3r G-codc, Scots,
Slioes arid. G-roceiles.
Marietta, (in.. Feb.. (S, "70. ly
Waiaio! I)n'**iii; ( axe Suit*, S till tStirlifc, SO
Firm, tji.TO, t ottagr The fiSesl E'arlor
looil* Sta Tin- flsirkrt i-’or Tlie flom i. IValniil llti
it.iii %%'itli Gtith*; S SO. buoiH omiiion ISrilxli'iiilx,
And n I'u 11 II .iise onMht'ic S’itriiititiT f Sicaiicr ’i'lutii
Any lloii<*e lie The Term Strictij C;tx!i
\2 iV M Whits 1 Nall > icci, Aiianta, via. 23! ’7S
Large and New Arrivals
]ja HR Hi
South West Corner of the Public Square*
4 LA K( iF. and select Slock of Siry boiiii*. embracing every
thing usually found in a fir-1 class Dry floods store. The
t foods are direct from the Manufacturers and their Agents, and will
lie sold as low or lower FOB CASH than any similar floods evcl
brought to this market. I mean what l say. Call nnil examinr
jor yourselves. Our extensive stock of
Roots and Shoos, Hats, Caps, &c.
Are made at the best I'aetories and never fail to give entire
satisfaction. L. S. N< )R I'HCl'T'l.
Marietta. -lan.. '•!, "70.
\0 B Til-EAST OOIiNKR 1T151.1C SQrARK,
Marietta, (ieoriiia,
Octobei , 1. I s>77. fy
Marietta Paper Maaifactiriig Company,
Piret-Ciaes leek, Sews ti Wrapping Paper.