The Marietta journal and courier. (Marietta, Ga.) 1909-1918, September 03, 1909, Image 2
A FACT o ABOUT THE “BLUES” What is known as the *‘Blues” is seidom occasioned by actual exist= ing external conditions, but in the great majority of cases by a dis orderad LIVER ~ —cnmn. THIS IS A FACT which may be demonstra ! 4ed by trying a course of They controlandregulate the LIVER, ‘They bring hopeand bouyancy to the mind. They bring healthand elastic ity to the body. i - . TAKE NO SUBSTITJTE. N E— @he Rarietta Fonrual AND The Marietta Courier CONSOLIDATED SEPT, 2, 1909, ' JOSIAH CARTER, EDITOR AND MANAGER. wokd ~~PUBLISHED BY~— fhe Marietta Publishing Company. - JOSIAH CARTER, C. A. PERRY, PRESIDENT, SECRETARY. | ML T OO NRRARIESIIRIIIILARI Application made for entry at Post office, Marietta, Ga., as second class matter. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF MARIETTA. Official Organ of Cobb County. MARIETTA,GA. Fripay MorNING, SerTEMBER 8, 1909, Will Make a Good Paper. From The Jackson Herald. Mr. Josiah Carter has bought the Marietta Journal from Neal & Mas sey, and the Marietta Courier from J. A, Bagwell, and has consolidated the papers, under the name of The Journal and Courier. Mr., Carter’s associate is Mr. C. A. Perry, who, for several years edited the Chero kee Advance. Both Messrs. Carter and Perry are good newspaper men, and will make their paper one of the very best in Georgia, Messrs, Massey & Neal will retive from the newspaper business, while Mr, Bagwell will continue in the news paper business elsewhere. THE JOURNAL’S NEW MANAGERS. From the Canton Advance. Mr. Clarence A. Perry has purchased an interest in the Marietta Journal, ung‘ will hereafter be connected with that paper as assistant manager and secre tary of the company. A stock com pany of ten thousand dollars has been organized, and will also take over the Marietta Courier. Mr. Josiah Carter will have editorial charge of the paper. Mr, Carter is a newspaper man of wide experience, having formally been con nected with the Atlanta Constitution, Journal and News. Mr. Perry hae also had a considerable newspaper experi ence, having edited the Advance for a number of years and practically brought up in the business under the teaching of his father, Hon. Ben F. Perry, the founder of the Advance, and one of the best newspaper men in the gtate, THE PARTING IS A SAD ONE. From the Cedartown Standard. Thirty-four years is a long time in the editorial harness, and pathetie, in deed, is the faurewell of Brothers Neal & Massey, who for that length of time have been in charge of the Marietta Journal. Il health is all that brought them to consent to sell, and their valu able plant is now the property of a stock company, of which Hon. Josiah Carter it the head, the Marietta Courier being merged with it. Brothers Neal and Massey have run a eclean and con servative paper all these long yesrs, and The Standard wishes them peace and plenty in their retirement as well as success to their successors. "My husband has been out late every evening this week, attending important club meetings.” ‘Yes, #0 has mine—they belong to the same club, you kmow.” ‘“‘Why, how queer! "My husband says he hasn’t seen your husband this sum mer.”’—Cleveland Leader. HOW'S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any cace of Catarrh that cannot be curedpby Hall's Catarrk Cure. F.J. CHENEY & 0O , Toledo, O. We, the undersi%'ned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions, and financislly able to gury out any obligations made by his rm. WALDING, KINNAN & MarvlN, - Wholenlé Druggists, Toledo, O, . 8, e 18 taken interpally, woting dm;hu;a‘ tht:{lood and mu cous surfaces of the system Testimo nials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Dr\mfin, fl}.‘nko Hall's Iy Pills for «onstipa« | Minutes of Cobb County Board ' of Commissioners of Roads And Revenues, Adjourned Term August 16th, 1909. Present—R, H. Northentt, Chair man, J. B. Wing, J. T. Pace, R. D. Moon and S. H. Davenport. The following order was then passed: It is ordered by the Board of Com missioners that the Taex Collector of Cobb County, assess and levy a tax for the year of 1909, at the rate of 85 cents on every one hundred dollars ($lOO 00) of taxable property returned and assessed against each tax payer and upon the value of all property in the County subject to taxation Ad Valorem, the same to be assessed for the following purposes : Ist, To repair public bridges, repair. buildings, and improve the public BN o I 2nd . ; To pay Sheriffs, Jailers or other officers’ fees that they may be legally UIIEION : 10.. .o ontnmiltamniiossss drgmiions . VH _ 3rd : To pay Coroner’s fees due him for gervices rendered and for expenses of JORRMOE . i 3 4th To pay the expenses of the County for Bailiff at Court, non-resident wit nesses in criminal cases, fuel, janitor, stationery, and the like, and board ‘and expenses of prisoners ......... £¥c btn To pay jurors a per diem compensa- BIOE L it ii bt XY 6th To pay the expenses of working the public roads of the County under the Alternative Road Law, as previded by ORI IRW ol ee e O 7th To pay the expenses of supporting the poor of the C0unty..................3%4¢ Bth [ To pay money due on account of casual defficiencies in revenue....... sc' 9th - To pay officers extra compensation] on accounts approved by the Grand 10th To pay any other lawful charge against the C0unty...................... 180 The said Tax Collector in addition to assessing and collecting the above taxes for County purposes, will assess and collect a Special Local School Tax, in the. following named Local School Districts, at the following rates as certified to this body by Bernard Awtrey, County School Commissioner as provided by law: Olive Springs, Local School Dis triet, the amount of 80c on every one hundred dollars’ ($lOO 00) worth of property in said district returned for taxation or subject to same. River Side Local School District, the sum of 80c on every one hundred dollars’ ($lOO 00) worth of property in eaid district returned and subject to taxation. | ! Smyrna Local School District the sum of 30c on every one hundred dollars’ ($lOO 00) worth of property re turned and subject to taxation. | Powder Springs Local School Dis trict the sum of 40c on every one hun dred dollars’ ($lOO 00) worth of proper ty in said district returned and subject to taxation, : Locust Grove Local School District, the sum of 25¢ on every one hundred dollars’ ($lOO 00) worth of property in said district returned and subject to taxation. On motion of R. W. Moon, when the board adjourns, it will be to meet again on August 24th instant. No further business coming before the Board, a motion to adjourn to August 24th, was carried. R, H. NORTHCUTT, Chairman, J. B. WiNg, Clerk. Take care of your stomach. Let Kodol digest all the food you eat, for that is what Kodol does. Every tea | s?oonlul of Kodol digests 2% pounds 0 food. Try it today. Itis guaran teed to relieve you or your money ‘ back, Sold by all druggists. Knicker—"'Why dczs he keep so many servants; d¢o you kpow " Bocker— ‘He got one girl because it was so lonely for his wife, and another because it was so lonely for the cook, and a third because it was lonely for the waitress.”'— Puck. Office at Chuck Anderson’s Stable. Jelico coal. Satisfaction guaranteed. : : l Meinert & Miller. Bitters Bucceed when everything else fails, In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands h'uve testified. FOR KIDNEY,LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold | over & druggist’s counter. SECRET OF WASHING GLOVES. ~ “The only trouble about these wash gloves,” said the lady, ‘‘is that tiey dry, after washing, so very stiff and boardlike.” The salesman wrapped the soft, ‘pale yellow gloves in tiesue paper. _““That is easily remedied,’”” he said. *‘l’l] tell you how to wash ‘the gloves so that they will dry soft and pliable, the same a 8 rew. After you have rinsed them quite clean, dip them in a final bath of fresh water and rub plenty of soap into them, drying them without rinsing this last eoap out. The ‘scap left in the gloves makes them wonderfully soft—they don’t then need, after drying, to be rubbed soft with ten or fifteen minutes’ hard labor. This soap secret be ing used, wash gloves are quite perfect. It is no wonder they are completely superceding the expen sive kid glove, for they are half as cheap again and their washing is so easy. Do them at bedtime, toss them on the radiator, and in the morning they are ready to put on.””—New Orleans Times-Demo crat. WBURNSW IR AY 10 HSCALDSJ Rather annoying to find that when some one in the family gets a burn or a scald that there’s nothing in the house to ease the excruciating pain. There’s nothing on earth so good for burns and scalds as Booth’s Balm, the ointment that stops the pain in stantly, thoroughly cleanses the &ore with its antiseptic properties, and heals in an astonishiugly short time, R E Butler, Sons & Co. sell it for 25 cents a large box, and it ought to [be in every home in Marietta, ready for instant use. Booth’s Balm also cures pimples, blackheads, chapped hands and faee, itching skin, eczema, earache, sore chest and throat, piles, chaffing or itching of skin, It clears the com }pllexion in 24 hours and makes it stay clear. I ¥ (PROWOUNCED HIGH-0-ME) B CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, o money back. Sold and guaranteed by R E. Butler, Sons & Company. e —————————— WHITE LETTUCE AND GREEN CAB ‘ BAGE. ““There 18 & curious difference,’’ says a gentleman of St. Louis who apent a large part of the summer in England, ‘‘between the English and ourselves in the way of grow ing cabbage and lettuce for the table. With us the cabbage is en couraged to form a head, and when the leaves show a disposition to spread the gardeners sometimes tie a string around the clump to make the leaves grow together. In England, on the other hand, the efforts of the growers are directed toward keeping cabbage green, and they pull the leaves apart so as to expose all portions to the light and give them a dark, rich color. ““We like our lettuce green, bat the English want theirs headed up and blanched, so as to have it as white as our cabbage; in other words, they simply reverse our practice, and instead of white cab bage and green lettuce they like green cabbage and white lettuce. Of course it 18 only a matter of taste, but still the difference is rather curious.’’—SBt. Louis Globe- Democrat. e 3 - Get Well Tt you are sick, you wish to get well, don’t you? Of course you do. You wish to be rid of the pain and misery, and be happy agsin. If your illness is caused by female trouble, {o\l can quickly get the right remedy to get well. It’s Cardui. This great medicine, fo;' ‘'women, .has re lieved or cured thousands of ladies, suffering like you from some female trouble. | o B PURa S BN r==m=m===z M. L ;-,._ LYW '*® B b - , £ J ” For Women’s Ilis - Wlrs. Tavnie Ellis, of Foster, Ark., suffered agony for geven | years. Read | or letter about Cardui. She writes: “I was sick for !seven years w 1 b female troulle, Every month I would very nearly Idlc with my head and back. T took 12 bottles of Cardui and was lct:rc::.’l. Carcul is a God-send to suffering women.” Try it, = AT ALL DRUG STORES™ L Blockaded. Every Household in Mari etta Should Know How ‘ to Resist It. The back aches because the kid nefis are blockaded. elp the kidneys with their work, The back will ache ;Il)o more, Lots of proof that Doan’s Kidney Pills do this. It’s the best proof, for it comes from Marietta, R M Sanges, 115 Gober Street, Ma rietta, Ga., says: ‘‘l suffered for a long time from kidney trouble and lumbago. The kidney secretions ‘were irregular and scanty in passage and contained a sediment, My back ached a great deal and I could not stoop without exf)eriencing severe pains in my hips. also had occa sionally dizzy spells and all these troubles combined made me misera ble. I finall%vprocurred Doan’s Kid ney Pills at W A Sams & Co.’s drug store and obtained so much benefit from the first box that I continued taking them until I was without a sign of kidn%y trouble, and it has never returned since. I am only too f)lad to recommend Doan’s Kidney ille to anyone suffering from kidney complaint. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s—and take no other, Accidents Will Happen. Have Booths’s Balm on Hand. Discovery in Tightwads. Speaking of tightwads, a little Texas paper has unearthed a tri umvirate of parsimony that make the estimable Hettie Green look like a green and giddy young spendthrift, says the Boston Travel er, it says: “It is reported that three of the stingiest men in the state were in town yesterday. One of them will not drink as much water as he wants unless it is from another man’s well. The second forbids any of his family from writing anything but a small hand, as it is a waste of ink to make large letters. The third stops his ciock at night in order to save wear and tear on the machinery. All of them decline to take their county paper on the ground that it is a terrible strain on their spectacles to read newspapers even in the day time,” Does the Work Is & Great Blood Purifier. It cures any trouble caused by impure blood, such as Syphilis Cancer Gonorrhea Catarrh Secrofula Common ITteh Old Sores Barber’s Itch Blood Poison Snake Bite White Swelling Spider Bite Rheumatism Ring Worm Kidney Trouble Eeczema These troubles are caused by impure or poisoned blood, or by excessive germs. I.exie purifles the blood, and kills the germs. The regular price of Lexie is $5 00 per bottle. In order to get it introduced, the price will be reduced to $2.50 per bottle for the next six months. —FOR SALE BY— ~ GANTT DRUG CO., Marietta, Ga. ' DURHAM BROS., Acworth, Ga. WSS N S S N A N, iR i A NN NN SLAR a P fi/ ‘/ / ' T 7 7 ’/ = NN NN NS SSSTSTT S S S N NN TS T SRS The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- W sonal supervision since its infancy. 0 Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ¢ Just-as-good’’ are but Experiments that trifie with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment. ] What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays-Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend, cenvine CASTORIA Atwavs / Bears the Signature of : / 3 "‘ = & ,r i The Kind Yon Have Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREEYT, NEW YORR CITY. A W. M. BELISLE’ m M l AM now thoroughly equipped to finish yoar jewelry suvsr as NEw—Satin, Roman, Green, Red or Rose. All kinds of jewelry work executed quickly, promptly, and in up-to-date style, and at reasonable charges. Watches and clocks repair ed and guaranteed for twelve months. lappreciate your pa tronage, and can always be found at my place of business. m R ———————— ws W. M. BELISLE Park Square ¥ s JEWELER Toric Invisible one-piece Bifocals. NN T e Toric Invisible two-piece Bifocals. |™. . W R Every Bifocal offered for sale can San oé‘ be bought from us.” We carry in f _ stock evely patent nose piece made. ; a: \ With our facilities, frame adjust- [ A\G Jrrr ing and fair dealing, you can get the \“1 best service obtainable, op e A ny ;. | .(:@'.\')\.\ \ ’ .n gl . A Gomplee g o Opéra oSS | (st ; 75 Peachtree Street WALTER BALLARD OPTICAL €O, ™ *Asiantaca. OPPOSITE KENNESAW HOUSE. Chuck ANDERsoN, Proprietor The best of vehicles, the safest of dm vers and the fastest of horses are always ready, night and day for hire, No map, woman or child has ever given me a call in the past, who has been, nor shall any ever in the future, be dissatisfied with my teams or the men in my em ploy. Everything and everybody about me are a number ove, I have cheapened my charges propor tionate to the stringency of the times. For reference as to the truth of what I say, as to the turnouts and charges, go to my friends, which means the people generally. Parties hiring are strictly responsible for the safety of t.bemnivea, vehicles and horses J A. G. ANDERSON. AGENTS FOR JOURNAL. The lollowing persons will take sub scriptions for the Marietta Journal: . Mrs. Belle Wright—Powder Springe Miss Mattie Mitchell—Aeworth. A, A. Griggs—Maecland. Postmistress—Smyrna T. J. Hardage and Mrs. .ou Trippe— Kennesaw. Postmistress—Mableton. Monto Shaw—Blackwell. W. B. Griggs, Due West. A. N. Mayes, Lost Mountain. OUR CLUBBING OFFER. We will send the Marietta Journal, the Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal and the Home and Farm, all three papers for one year, for $1.75. We will send the Marietta Journal, the Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal and the Southern Cultivator, all three pa pers ont{fyeu. for $1.75. The Marietta Journsl, the Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal and a wall map of the states of Gecrgia and Alabama :llxq”?nited States and the world for The Marietta Journal is an eight p:gr paper of 48 columns and it makee the elubbing offer a very fine one. J. K. HICKS & SON, Proprietors. Gentle Horses and Nice Rigs. —TELEPHONE 285.,—- 103 Powder Springs street i i ei B SRL Sesi Fr E LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RAILROAD. Arriving and Departing Time at Marietta, Ga. ALL TRAINS DAILY. Leave. Arrive, Cincinnati and Louisville #“6:s7am *9:58 pm Cincinnati and Louisville: s:sopm 11:13am Knoxville via Blue Ridge 9:4oam 4:3opm Blue Ridge Accommodation 4:50 p m 9:;35 m Atlanta 915 am 4:50p m At'anta 4:30 pm 9:40 a m Atlanta, Points be!ond only “:58 pm “6:57 a m 2% o , “ Iri3am 550 pm Trains marked with * will stop only to take on or let off passengers from Knoxville and beygnd for and from »oints bhe‘vond Atlanta and to and from points between Marietta and Blue Ridge. Effective Snnday, J upe 6th, 1909, .-“_———.-_—-—————'——*_. » ARRIVING TiMr AT MARIETTA, GA. SOUTH BOUND, : No 3from Chattanooga and Nashville ar 6.20 am No 78 from Rome arrives -9.00 am No 93 from Chattanooga and Nashville ar 10.53 am No 1 from Chattanooga acd Nashviile ar 6.48 pm No 95 from Chicago arrives B.olpm NORTH BOUND. No 94 for Chicago arrives 7.27 am No 2 for ( hattanooga and Nashville ar * 9,22 am No 92 for Chattanooga and Nashville ar 5.32 pm No 72 for Rome arrives 5.57 pm No 4 for Chattanooga and Nashville ar 9.834 pm The difference between a man ' SN AL g w . and a woman is she can be right without a reason and he can be wrong with one.