Newspaper Page Text
rom other Towns and Lo
. calitles.
i 1] Points of the County Represented.
Rural News Fresh and Spark
ling for Perusal.
B On last Friday, the survivors
Saamong the pupils of Prof. J. R.
ayson’s school, held their fourth
fnual reunion at Smyrna. The
MESchool was taught back in the fif
President J. B. Legg called the‘;
body together promptly at 9:30 a.
m., and prayer was ‘offered by W.
J. Hudson, of Marietta. Short
alks were made by W. J. Hudson,
nd Rev. E. G. Murrah, of Macon.
fiss Rubie Bowie, and Miss Burnie
egg, of Atlanta, read letters which
vere prepared for the occasion.
apt. R. T. Bowie, also read letters
n memory of two deceased stu
jents, E. D. L. Mobley, of Atlanta,
Bnd E. J. Eubanks, who died in
S Picdmont, Ala.
At the noon hour the ladies
brought out their baskets of the
ood things which they had pre
bared, and good it was. Every
@hing that was good was served,
nd a cordial invitation was ex-
Stended to all present.
B After dinner, Mr. J. B. Legg was
i lected to succeed himself as pres
dent for the next twelve months,
and Rev. E. J. Murrah, vice pres
The committee of arrangements
s as follows: Judge Bowie, Mrs.
Emeline Butler, Thomas E. Legg,
Mrs. Julia H. Bowie, Hardy Ran-
Rdall, Mrs. Bembie Rice Devers,
Mathew W. Ruff, and Miss Ger
trude Bowie.
Committee on memorials: R. T.
IBowie, R. S. Eubanks, and War
en Payn.
Hon. C. L. Bowie, of Atlanta,
ng a song which he had com
posed, which did him great credit.
\fe time of meeting was changed
" WTl'hursday before the fourth Sun
-1" in August next year.
I Bccording to appointment, there
3 @ be a union singing of the Cobb
P gunty Sacred Harp Association,
4t Collins Springs, the first Sunday
g in September, which is next Sun
fay, the sth. Both old and young
gare invited to come and take part
Mn the singing, though the old book
will be the one used. The singing
will commence promptly at 9:30
a. m. Bring your dinnerif you
think you will want any. Prof. J.
B. Vaughan, of Athens, has prom
ised to be present, and I am ex
pecting several classes from Atlan
ta. Now I hope that we will have
a good time, and not have a knot
| to saw through like I did at Ken
nesaw, and the fourth of July at
courthouse and at Vinings. I am
sorry to learn that the time has
come when the old people are not
fit to be officers of a big singing, o
some of the younger ones say.
Mr. Jim Brown is on crutches on
account of sticking a mnail in his
foot some ten or twelve days ago.
Miss Mittie Hamby, who has
been teaching school at the Moun-'
tain School House, and Miss Nettie
| Moore, who has a school at New
Kope, near here, took their schools
to picnic = together at Kennesaw
Mountain last Friday, and report a
nice time. |
It is with sadness that we chron-i
icle the death of one who was once
our friend and neighbor, Mrs. Flora |
Fortner, of Polk county, Tenn., and
wife of Mr. Elijah Fortner. She
t had been in feeble health for sever
g eral years, until the death angel
came and releaved her of her sufi-‘
erings. She was a christian woman,
=% 2 good wife and a loving mother.
She leaves a hugband, and six chil
dren, and a host of friends to mourn
her death. Mrs. L. F. Fortner, of
Smyrna, her mother-in-law was
there on a visit, and was at her
g bedside when the end came. We
B sympathize with the bereaved hus-
Bband, friends and relatives in their
gd hour of bereavement.
y " Through all pain at times she’d suile,
’ A smile of Heavenly birth,
A And when the Angels called her home,
She smiled farewell to earth.
A May the God of love ever be with
the bereaved husband and children
& 2nd protect them is the wish of the
¥ one who penned these lines.
g Of all the fruits there are in the land,
B That grow on bush or tree,
I would give up the choicest ones
{ For Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea.
B — For sale by R E Builer, Sons & Co.
¢ Children Cry
\\\ S T
The weather here has been fierce
tor the past week—so hot, dry and
dusty. A good rain is needed very
much. Gardens around here are
‘‘all in’’—even turnip seed fail to
sprout. 4
We had a ball game last Satur
day between the single and mar
ried men. After much shouting,
many errors and some acrobatic
stunts on both sides, the score
stood 19 to 10 in favor of the mar
ried men. Mr Norris Pace um
pired the game.
Miss Rilla Sharp, of Rome, Ga,
is the charming and attractive
guest of Miss Hallie Moore.
Mrs W M Johnson won the beau
tiful cake raffled off last Saturday
Mrs G B Bentley, of Woodstock,
spent last week in Smyrna, the
guest of Dr and Mrs W T Pace. .
' Professor Hanson, of Monroe,
Ga, will take charge of Smyrna
school September Ist. He willl
rcove here and occupy the resi
dence of the late Professor D A
Sewell . o
~Mr, George C Legg lost a fine
young mule last Saturday nighs.
Lockjaw was the cause of the api
mal’s death.
There will be a double header
ball game here on Labor Day—
September 6th. A large time and
a hot game may be expected.
Come and see. Critic.
It’s the highest standard of quality,
a natural tonic, cleanses your system,
reddens the cheeks, brightens the
eyes, gives flavor to all youeat. Hol
listers Rocky Mountain Tea will do
this for you. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets.
For sale by R E Butler, Sons & Co.
Mr. Clarence Bullard, of Atlan
ta, spent last Sunday with his pa
rents here.
Those that are on the sick list
this week are Mrs. J. P. Stephens,
Mrs. F. G. Wardlaw, Mrs. Beulah
Alexander and the little daughter
of Mr. Tab Chandler., We hope
for their speedy recovery.
Mrs. Maggie Chandler and chil
dren, of Decatur, Ala., are spend
ing sometime with her father, Mr.
N. E. Wilhams.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Warren and
son, Tommie, of near county line,
spent, Suuday with Mrs. F. G.
Mrs. Queen Cox and daughter,
Miss Nannie, spent a few days last
week “with . Mr. Joe Pace,. near
Powder Springs.
Born to Mr.- and Mrs. James
Mitchell, a fine girl.
Mrs. Drake and children have
returned to their home, after a.
pleasant visit to her mother, Mrs.
A. D. Green. :
Mr. and Mrs. Sheluah Goodwin
and children, of Marietta, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. E.
Early last Friday morning a
crowd of jolly boys and girls went
to Austell and out to the Springe
in buggies and wagons. They all
returned safe and reported a very
Bnjoysble time. School Girl.
A great investment, absolutely safe,
brings returns that nothing else can;
giving surplus earning power; secur
ing comfort and health in your de
cling years. That’s what Hollister’s
Rocky Mountain Tea does, 85 cents
Tea or Tablets. For sale by R E
Butler, Sons & Co.
Mrs. E. D. Thomas, of Carters-|
vi.le, visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Roberts, Saturday,
Mrs. B. H. Stanley visited in
Atlanta recently.
Mise Ruth Whitworth, of AI-‘
toona, visited her sister, Mrs. E.
G. Gault, last week. l
Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Eidsou have
taken charge of the hotel, and are
prepared to accominodate the pvb
Mr. and Mre. Jim Moigan, of
Atlanta, are visiting relatives bere,
Mr. Charlie B. Dixon, of Mt.
Olive, is learning the banking
businees here under Mr. W. P.
Mr. J. T. Burton, who has been
pharmacist in the drug store at
itbis place, has returned to Carcers
ville, and Mr. Young Lesley, of
Jacobs’ pharmacy, Atlanta, 1s
here, to remain until Christmae.
Tne drag store is doing a good
busivees, and 18 just what the
town needed. The etore will have
in a lot of schoo! booke next week.
Mr. and Mre. Harrigon, of At
lanta, are boarding with Mr. and
Mrs W. O. Roberte.
Mr. Philip Bunkiey, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday here.
The Journal made my item read
that Mr. Tate’'s horse became
frightened. This is incorrent, The
wheel of the buggy dropped down
into a hole, and threw Mrs. Tate
out into the street.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barnett, of
Atlanta, and Mr. Ray Baldwin, of
Vinings, vieited Mr. S, J. Baldwin
and family Sunday.
Mr. B. V. Greer, of Marietta,
spent Sunday here.
Mrs. A. A. Eideon and Misses
Lula and Laura Hainey, of Eto
‘wah, Tenn., are visiting relatives
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Butler, of
Atlanta, visited Mr. and Mrs. B.
A. Fite Saturday.
Mrs. S. S. Williams is visiting
in Athens.
Mies Oma Bell and Miss Lester,
of Smyrna, are visiting Miss
Smithie Arrington.
Mr. Burton Ellis, of Atlanta,
was a recent visitor to his parents
Rev. Mr. Spinks, of Atlanta,
has closed a very successful meet
ing at the Baptist church. Quite
a number were added to the church.
The baptiziug will take place on
the fourth Sunday in September.
Mr. Spinks is an able and earnest
preacher, and deserves the support
of his church. ~ Gipesy. \
DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the
safe, sure, easy, gentle little liver
E{ills. The original Carbolized Witch
azel Salve is DeWitt’s. The name
is plainly stamped on every box. . It
is good for cuts, burns, bruises, sores,
boils and sunburn—but it is especial
ly Itzood for piles. Sold by all drug
Pulling fodder is the order of the
day in this community.
Died—Mrs. Goodson died at the
home of her son Mr, R. Goodson,
at this place last Wednesday. She
was 76 years of age. Her remains
were laid to rest in the Kemp
graveyard Thursday at 9 o’clock.
The funeral was conducted by Rev.
Mr. Blackwell, of Roswell.
Several from this place attended
the meeting at* Marietta Camp
ground, Sunday.
Mrs. Margarett Bryan and chil
dren spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Austin.
Mr. Fred Owen, 'of this place,
left Tuesday for Waleska, where he
will attend school.
- Mrs. Lessie Land, of Marietta,
and her sister Miss Edna Bryan,
were the guests of Mrs, B. F. Bry
an, Saturday.
The reunion at Mr. McCleskey’s
last Saturday, was an enjoyable
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Goodson and
family vigited relatives in Marietta,
Sunday. ’
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Prance, of
Noonday spent Sunday with his
uncle, Mr. A. J. Morris. ,
Mrs. R. A, McCollum is on the
sick list.
was seen in the red face, hands and body
of the little son of H. M. Adams, of
Henrietta, Pa. ' His awful plight from
eczema had, for five years, defied all
remedies and baffied the best doctors
who said the poisoned blood had affected
his lungs and nothing could save him,
“But,” writes his mother, ‘‘seven bottles
of Electric Bitters completely cured
him.” For Eruptions, Eczema, Salt
Rheum, Sores and all Blood Disorders
and Rheumatism, Electric Bitters is su
preme. Only 50c. Guaranteed by W,
A. Sams & Co., Mariétta.
s e el G P G
Mr Leon Green, of Birmingham,
Ala, is visiting friends and rela
tives at this place.
Mr Jim Smith and family, of
Canton, are visiting Mr Smith’s
mother, Mre ML. Smith, who is
seriously 111.
Mrs E H Cox and daughter, Mise
Nanuie, visited relatives at Floyd
last week.
Mr Herbert Bullard and wife, of
Atlanta, spent a few days with Mr
Will Guffin and family last week.
Mre Chitwood, of Cedartown, is
spending a while with her daugh
ter, Mrs Albert Alexander.
Mrs J M Hill and little son, J
M Hill, Jr, of Atlauta, who have
been visiting Mre Hill’s sister,
Mre Frank Burt, and other rela
tives, have returned home.
Miss Fannie Mae Lippin, of Aec
worth, is vieiting her sister, Mrs
V G Gray, this week,
Little Miss Georgia Elizabeth
Burt vigited in Acworth last week.
-W P Wills, Jr, of Atlanta, vis
ited relatives here last week.
S 8 N
A man can grumble around the
house more than the cook, because
ghe hae a better reason to.
The Due West Christian Associ
ation met here last Saturday and
' Rev C N Tyndell preached two
fine sermons here Saturday. Rev
Melvin Lacy preached here Satur
day night ard Sunday. Several
others made fine talks. Benson
community doesn’t do things by
~ Mr and Nrs Will York and chil
dren and Mrs J R Griggs and chil
dren attended the reunion at S R
McCleskey’s Saturday. The chil
dren presented their father a gold
headed cane and their step-mothe:
a silver pitcher. Senator Clay
made a fine*talk,
Mr Ollie Jolly and his sister,
Miss Ada, left here Sunday for
their home at Adairsville.
Mrs John Tate is spending the
week with her daughter, Mrs Milt
McLain, in Marietta.
Mrs Nancy Fowler is spending
some time in Marietta, visiting
her children and friends. 1
Mr Willie McNeely, of Atlanta,
spent last week here with home
Mr Barnwell is very sick, at the
home of his daughter, Mrs John
Mr Henderson will sing at Ben
gon school house on the fourth
Sunday in September. Everybody
invited to come and bring well
filled baskets.
Miss Estelle Tate gave the young
folke an ice cream party last
Thureday night, which was highly
i\{u John L Reed spent last Fri
day here with her sister, Mrs Sal
lie Tate.
Miss Bertha York left Tuesday
for Walesca, where she will grad
uate this term. She will be great
ly missed, as she was one of our
most energetic Sunday school
Miss Susie Booth left Monday to
enter the State Normal School at
Athens. She has been the assist
ant teacher here two years.
Mr and Mrs Will York and chil
dren and Mr and Mrs Lindsey
Wateon and children attended the
reunion at their mother’s, Mrs
Liza York’s, in Marietta, Wednes
o D A s
“All thought I'd lose my leg,” writes
J. A, Swenson, Watertown, Wis *“‘Ten
years of eczema, that 15 doctors could
rot cuie, had at last laid me up. Then
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured it sound
and well.” Infallible for Skin Eruptions,
Eczema, Salt Rheum, Boils, Fever Sores,
Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Piles 23c. at
W. A. Sams & Co.’s, Marietta.
We missed getting our items in
the Journal last week, being away
from home on account of sickness
of our brother. We have been a
regular correspondent from this
place for a long time, and will en
deavor to give the news each week
hereafter as we have in the past.
We are glad the Journal will retain
its original name. The first news
paper we ever remember reading,
was the Marietta Journal, and as
our life long friends; Messrs. Neal
& Massey retire from the newspa
per business, our best wishes go
with them. May their declining
years be full of peace and plenty,
and as our new editors, who come
to us so highly recommended take
charge of the paper, may every guc
cess attend them. - and may the
subscribers be as inany or more
than ‘‘Carter had oats.”
Died—On Friday night at his
home here, Mr. Nesbit White qui
etly passed away. Mr, White was
the cldest son of Mr. I. J. White,
and was reared near here. He was
about 40 years of age, and had
been afflicted for the past five
years. His death was not unex
pected. Everything that could be
done for him was done by physi
cians, and his faithful wife never
tired of waiting on him through the
long cickness, but God knows best
for us. He was a member of the
Baptist church, and was a faithful
Christian; never complaining while
suffering. The funeral was con
ducted by Rev. Mr. Hurley of At
lanta, his pastor, and the body laid
to rest in the cemetery here., Our
sympathies to the bereaved wife,
father, brother and sister,
Mrs. Mary McEachern and
daughter, Miss Eufaula, and Miss
Addie Babb, all of Atlanta, are
spending some time with the fami
ly of Mre. Hattie Babb.
The Agricultural College will
open Wednesday, Sept. Bth. The
attendance will be large. and the
school promises to be one of the
best iu the state. ‘
Miss Oneil Lindeay, of College
Park, has been vigiting her aunt,
Mrs. W. F. Dobbe, for the past two
Mr. Charley Lackey had the mis
fortune to loge two good milk cows
Lost Mt, and Due West school
picnicked at Lithia Springs last
Friday. We heard of other schools
picnicing on that day. It must
have been a general picnic day
with the schools.
Misses Minnie Arnold and Car
rie Belle Kemp spent several days
in Atlanta last week.
_The farmers:club will meet at
E. L. Mays’ next Saturday after
noon at 2 o'clock. There will be
some distribution of the money in
the treasury. All members are
urged to be present.
There was a calm in the atmos
phere last Saturday. Scarcely a
leaf moved and 'Old Sol” made
his presence felt. The thermome
ter at the weather bureau here
climbed to 99, the highest for the
The late corn, cotton and peas
are being injured by the dry
“Farmer” John and ‘‘Planter”
Joe expect to enter the acre contest
next year and they are already run
ning down to Belmont to get some
“pints’’ on the growing corn from
“Uncle Gid”. No higher calling
than farming, boys. Stick to it.
By the way, they look more like
farmers every day, and they talk
Vérjj}fierestingly on farming and
take d"pride in their farms.
The weather conditions here at
the station for the month of August
are as follows: Highest tempera
ture 99, the 28th; lowest 62, the
25th; average 78.7; rainfall 3.66
inches; clear daye none, partly
cloudy 30; cloudy 1; prevailing
wind, West, ,
Mrs. Maggie Chandler, of Ala
bama, is visiting her parents here.
Another son of Mr. Frank Can
trell has the fever,
Prof. Rollie Ward is at home
from Ann Arbor, Michigan, where
he has been studying law. We
learn he will go to the State Uni
versity and complete his law
It was a thrilling experience to Mrs,
Ida Soper to face death. ‘‘For years a
severe lung trouble gave me intense suf
fering '’ she writes, ‘‘and several times
nearly caused my death. All remedies
faile({ and doctors said I was incurable,
Then Dr. King's New Discovery brought
quick relief and a cure 8o permanent
that I have not been troubled in twelve
years " Mrs. Soper lives in Big Pond,
Pa, It works wonders in Coughs and
Colds, Sore Lungs, I{emorrha%:as. La-
Grippe, Asthma, Croup, Whooping
Cough and all Bronchial Affections. 50c
and $l. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed
by W. A, SBams & Co., Marietta,
Mies Mollie Barber, of Atlanta,
is the guest of Mrs. W. C. Murray.
Miss Ruth Smith, of Douglas
ville, was the charming guest of
Miss Ethel Lindley during the
pust week. . i
Mrs. Dave McEachern and Miss
Eufaula McEachern are visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Mies Corine Bennett has as her
guest Miss Marcellus Hallman, of
Atlanta. l
Miss Harriet Cotten entertained
the younger set most delightfully
last Monday evening in honor of
her attractive guests, Misses Ola
and Bertha Bullard, of Birming
Miss Anderson, of Nickajack,
and Miss Bennett, of Dullas, are
the attractive guests of Mrs. Ida
Prof. and Mrs. J. G. Lewis are
house-keeping in Miss Mattie
Hunter’s cottage,
Rev. Charles Patillo, of Atlanta,
was in town last week,
Misses Ollie. and Lucy Wolfe
entertained at Bix o’clock luncheon
at tha spring Saturday, in honor
of their gnest, Miss Eva Norman,
of Atlanta. '
Mise Gertie Brooks has returned
to her home in Dallas.
Miss Leila Blackwell, of Canton,
was recently the guest of Misse
Nannie Mae Kitchens at the An
derson farm.
Miss Bernice Lindley is in At
lanta for a few weeks.
Mies Roberta Murray and Mr,
M. T. Lindley spent Wednesday
in Marietta.
Mr. R. R. Howington’s resi
denca, two and one-half miles
sonthwest of town, was destroyed
by fire Sunday. The fire origi
nated from the stove flue.
Meesrs, John Sims and Rodgers
Asberry, of Cave Springs, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mre. W. J. Tapp.
Mr. and Mrs, 8. E, Smith epens
last Mondsy in Atlants,
Mre. M. T. Lindley visited her
sister, Mrs. Jeff Clonts, uear Hi
ram, laet week, No,
Poor, Foolish
I 2 Think of her at
! /A_@a% tempting to make
3 B 2 ice cream in the
; A\ NO \ old disappointing
a 8 7 m\fi w-j! With I
[aNde] JELL-O ||
R\ >
- Powder
she can make the most delicious ice
cream in ten minutes, freezing and
all, at a cost of about one cent a dish
—and never go near the stove.
Your grocer will tell you all about
{§ it, or you can get a book from the
'y Genesee Pure Food Co., Le Roy,
Y N. Y., if you will write them.
| Grocerssell Jell-O Ice Cream Pow
! der, two packages for 25 cents,
__Rev. and Mrs. B. M. Camp, of
‘Dallas, are visiting their son, Mr,
J. T. Camp.
~ Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Pinkard, of
Jacksonville, Texas, are visiting
their brother, Mr. J. T. Camp.
Mr. Pinkard says they have not
had enough rain to wet a man’s
shirt since 1908. He says that the
Neches river is almost dried up,
or in deep holes in which there
are plenty of fish. Hesaid that a
few weeks ago a crowd went to the
river and threw dynamite into the
large holes and caught a wagon
load of fish, 600 pounds. gir.
Pinkard said that on the 18th of
August the thermometer reached
117. 80, Texas is some hotter
than Georgia,
Elders B. M. Camp, W. T.
Walden and Mr. 8. C. Holland
attended a union meeting at
Friendship church. near Villa
Rica, last Friday, Saturday and
Sorry to stato that Rev. I. N,
Moon 18 on the sick list. Hope for
him a speedy recovery.
We regret very much to learn of
the death of Mr. Nesbit White,
and deeply sympathise with the
bereaved widow,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, of Ac
worth, epent Saturday night and
Sunday with the family of S. D,
Moon. : Trixie,
Do not be deceived bf' unscrupu
lous imitators who would have you
believe that the imitation pills are as
}iood as DeWitt’s Kidney and Bladder
ills. There isn’t anything just as
good as these wonderfurgills for the
relief of Backache, Weak Back, in
flammation of the Bladder, nrinary
disorders and all kidney complaints,
Any one can take De\r{’itt’s g\'idney
and Bladder Pills as directed insper
fect confidence of good results, Sold
by all druggists.
Rev. Mr. Bond closed a pro
tracted meeting at this place Sun
day. Twenty-seven have bheen
added to this church this summer,
nineteen by letter and eight by ex
perience, The baptizing took place
Sunday morning. We had good
preaching, and believe much good
has been accomplished.
Mrs. Dobbe and Mrs. Huey, of
uear Woodstock, visited the family
of Mre. Medford last week.
Mre. Winn, of Marietta, spent
Sunday with the family of Mr.
Dudley Maddox.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Griggs, of
Macland, and Messrs. Martin and
Charley Griggs, of Nesbit Chapel,
visited the family of Mr. John
Griggs last Sunday.
Mrs. Richard Reese, of near Mt.
Olive, spent last week with the
family of her son, Mr. Ed Reese,
of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Haynor Goodson
and children, of Marietta, visited
the family of Mr. Wiley Roberts
here Sunday.
Mrs. J. R. Guffin is on the sick
list this week.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes ont
to the bereaved children in the
loss of their mother, Mrs. Mary
Goodeon, who died while at the
home of her son, near Woodstock,
Jast Wednesday. She lived with
her daughters, Mrs. Wiley Roberts
and Mrs. Emily Tyson, of this
place. She was a true Chrissian
woman, and we, too, have lost a
gcod friend and neighbor, but our
loss is her gain. Dorothy.
To my friends and customers, who
have 80 long given me their patronage,
1 make announcement that, owing to
conditions beyond my eontrol, I will
not run a coal business on my own ae
count this season. ' 1 have oceelpted a
proposition {from the Marietta Ice Co.
1o sell coal for them; am now taking
orders for futare delivery. 1 take piess
ure in assaring my friends that orders
will be promptly filled. and only the
best ‘nl{e of 00-r will be furnished, at
p a 8 low as the market afords, |
- 9est Jellico, Nut or Bound cosl,
s’t Block oo‘:l...d'!olnr orders will
~ aly spprec , lam
{’onn respectfolly
V. J. Huosow.
— wer.g g o+ 9 if