Newspaper Page Text
Che Marietta Jonfnal
VOL. 43.
drug stores
Thefe are a lot of drug stores.
You may wonder whether it makes any differ
ence where you take your prescriptions or
where you buy youg goods.
Our best promise is our drug store itself.
Come in and investigate it from top to bottom.
Bring in anybody else who is competent to
judge and let them investigate methods, qual
ity of drugs, prices and everything else.
If you do you are bound to become one of our
customers, because you will find that this is a
real drug store worthy the name.
The Modern Drug Store.
Selling Tewels cheap.
H. A. Ward.
OUR BUYER has just returned from the Eastern markets, where he secured many attractive
goods for the Fall and Winter. We are very anxious that you see these ;{,oods early, and
make your selections before the lines are broken. As a special inducement, beginning Satur
da?', September 11th, and lasting lh;ough Saturday, September 18th, we will offer many special
Va ues. A
Satin Stripe Poplin in all the new shades—Old
Rose, Mulberry, Amethyst, Light Blue, Navy,
Golden Brown, Copenhagan, Lilac, Pink, Oli
and Mode. This is a beautiful fabric for yéur
Fall Suit or Waist. Regular 35¢
goods. OpeningSale...._ .... .. c
Faulard Rajah in all the new shades,
DDMARE OIS .o i iiiitiiith 5c
Yard-wide Messaline ; l
il @ 0 0
Good quality Bleaching, ' 8
M NI istiy il c
American and Simpson
BRI (i e oo i, e 5 c
Real Linen
You Can Save Money on All Dry Goods and Notions by Trading at
I am going to give away
a fine piano. Get tickets.
H. A. Ward.
Sherif McKinney, Chief
Williams and their forces
Make Many Arrests.
*lf any citizen or any officer in the
county will make an affidavit that any
person is conducting a blind tiger, I will
issue an order to search the premises,
seize the stock and arrest the inmates.”
So esays Judge Morris.
‘‘The people of Marietta expect of me
and demand of me that the blind tiger
buginess shall ecome to an end, and I in
tend to stop it, or land every violator
of the law in jail. I ask the support
and assistance of all good ecitizens to
accomplish that result.”
So says Sheriff Wm. McKinney.
Under the acts of 1899, where any
citizan or officer files a petition to en
join a blind tiger, the judge in his dis
cretion may issue an order directing
the sheriff to break open the premises,
seize the stock in trada, arrest the in
mates of the building and bring them
before him to be dealt with.
Under that act, Solicitor-General
Brooke filed a petition for William Mec-
Kinney, sheriff, and Judge Morris is
gsued the order on which wholesale ar
rests were made Saturday night, with
a number of arrests since that time.
Sheriff McKinney is going after blind
tigers with energy.
On guch an order as is outlined above,
the sheriff organized four squads Satur
day night and made raids upon the lairs
of the tigers in all directions.
Chief Williams, Deputy Sheriff Kin
caid and Constables M. A, Morris and
W. A. Bishop, with a total of about fif
teen citizens specially deputized, took
part in the work They started soon
‘after nine o’clock, and made things
~ One gquad went to the house of Henry
Torchon Lace, 6 yards to
eo o oc
Good quality Val.
I i ss 3c
Sheer, pure linen
R oo it Sc
200 dozen Pearl Buttons, worth
DO, Übshing Bale ... .. 3c
Licongtte—white, solid colors, stripes and checks.
Nevar sold before for less than 15¢. 121
Rve i o B iot 2c
By placing a big order for Cotton Flannels last
Spring, we can save you money on
these goods. Per yard, 6 t 0............ lsc
‘Baldwin, colored, another to the house
of Minnie Smith, colored, and the other
squads to Eliza Parker's and Emma
Alexander’s, colored, Later still, other
places were visited, and in all, seven
arrests were made.
Since Saturday night, the following
have been arrested: Gene Davis, Aus
tin Dann, Georgia Mobley, Thomas Je!-
ferson, Frank Freeman and Motes
Speers. The sheriff has a pocketful of
warrants still to be served.
The prisoners were taken before
Judge Morris, who fixed the bonds at
$l,OOO each. Minnie Smith is the only
one who has given bond. The others
are in jail.
The cases will be ealled for trial on
the 25th.
Head of the Greatest Sys
tem in the World
Died Thursday.
Edward H. Harriman, the head of
the greatest railroad system in the
world, which includes the Central of
Georgia, died at his home near New
York at 8:30 o’clock Thursday.
Selling remnants cheap.
H. A. Ward.
Miss Lilian Grist, of Atlanta, is visit
ing Miss Nina Moon.,
Selling boys caps cheap.
H. A. Ward.
Mr. Douglné Cantrell, of Cedar, Mo.,
gpent Saturday and Sunday in the eity.
Selling good Shoes cheap.
H. A. Ward.
Webb will not be Hanged
Until Supreme Court has
Passed upon Case
While Willard Webb, who is under
sentence of death for the assault upon
Mrs. Exie Brown, will not be hanged on
the 17th there is little possibility
that the Supreme Court will grant a
new trial. Judge Morris seems 1o have
made his rulings with a clear idea of
the law points.
Colone! Blair and Col. Mozley in their
bill of exceptions setting forth the
grounde on which a new trial is asked
do not make any claim that Judge Mor
ris erred in his charge and there is only
one assignment of error in regard to
the admission of testimony. That is in
regard to the dog.
Judge Morris permitted the Solicitor
General to prove that Webb and the
woman who owned the dog were inti
mate friends and that he visited her
house frequently. Ilhe woman who
owned the dog stayed at the home of
Webb’s father the night before the
assault. Judge Morris premitted the
Solicitor General to prove that the dog
was seen at different times tollowing
Webb and Mrs. Brown testified that in
her opinion the dog was the one she saw
following Webb on the day of the as
sault. There is a general claim that the
verdict was contrary to the evidence.
The case has been appealed and
Webb eannot be hanged until the su
preme court has passed on the question
of a new trial.
I sell them cheap for
spot cash. H. A. Ward.
The young men gave a dance at the
Armory lasy Friday night.
Selling 2 pair Sox for
15 cents, H. A, Ward.
Curtain Swiss Special.
We have 14 pieces of crisp, new Curtain Swiss,
in dots, figures and checks, which would be
very cheap at 12%4¢c. While
RO B s i i loc
Bead Collar Supporters
Mitoc o
We have the ls’Yreti;ietst. line of Woolen Goods ever
shown in Marietta for $l OO
Chamois Finished Gloves,
IR DAY isl soiiait SOC
Pretty line Jet Necklaces,
IO IR it 0 25C
, FARM FOR §8,500
To Mr. J. R. Summerour—
Strong Demand for Cobb
County Lands.
Colonel B. F, Bimpson’s farm east of
the city, and knowxn as the Gober place,
was sold Tuesday, through Mesars.
Green & Sessions, to Mr. J. R. Summer
The property consists of 316 acres
’md was sold for $8,500.
~ Never in the history of Oobb county
‘has there been such a demsand as now
exists for farm property. The county
has become known for the produective
ness of its lande and their adaptability
to intensive cultivation. A very large
amount of property will be eut up into
small tracts for truck farming and for
‘‘eity farmers,” who will earry on busi
ness in Atlanta and at the eame time
enjoy the pleasures of rural life with its
chickens, cows, gardens, etec.
Mr. W. T. Gentry, head of the Bell
Telephone Company, is just building
guch a place on the eléetric car line just
north of the Chattahoochee river. He
has already erected a farmer’s house,
stable, pigeon yard, chicken ranch, ete.,
and is laying the foundation for a large
and handsome bungalow. One feature
of Mr. Gentry’s place will be a water
tower supplied by a hydraulic ram, and
there will also be & gas plant. The
place will have every convenience to
be found in the city. With good roads,
a telephone and his daily mail. the
modern farmer, especially in Cobb
county, has ceased to envy the city
There are several nice houses going
up between the river and Marietta, and
scarcely a week passes that one or two
are not started.
Cobb is the Banner county, and the
people from the outside are turning
their faces in this direction,
NO. 36