Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, January 14, 1888, Image 1

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T. 6. STACY & SON, PUBLISHERS. BRUNSWICK, GEORC PnblUhed Dally and Weeklyat : BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA, “THX *CITY- »T imt-ntA." ' 1. «. CTACT t Ftfrtetare, BnbwyiptlcnBatce: Pally, bymaU,'oTdcllTcrcd bjcanlrriwltbtn tboolty, H per annum; Week- icbmIj iuiQDib)C| sod tUfih .MO definite contract d tmtu ordered out, and LOCAL NEWS AND GOSSIP. The schooner Tanlum is unloading naptha Tor Savannah. This is some-, thing new. Hand made shoes from $3.25 to $5,50 at Taylor & Fleetwood, the shoe men. • , . \ The eleotion for Justice of the Peace came off-to-day and resulted in favo.‘ of W. B. C. Coker, by a vote of 171- against 92 for W. A. Holland. Cane bottom., chairs reseated at Porter ACo. . * Mrs. T. M. Dexter and Mrs. John R. Cook left yesterday for the Sub- Trdpical Expos'tion in Jacksonville. They are to be back to-night You can buy a nice stiff hat for $1.50 at Taylor A Fleetwood. , The Passenger Agents will be here to-morrow at noon, and will give out city the greatest advertisement she has ever had, for none go away ex cept to praise. Old Furniture overhauled, painted or grained at Porter A Co. . Steamer Tar Heel left this morn ing for Abbeville, and* carried 1,300 sacks of phosphate, 265 kegs of nailsj 70 bales of hay besides a large amount of merchandise. Taylor A Fleetwood, the shoe men.. Friend Valentine’s'cop of happi nesses full in having with him both his mother and grandmo ’* ••. In these days of short lives such a priv ilege is not often enjoyed. * We are selling the best children shoes made. See ' ur stock before yon buy. Taylor A Fleetwood, the shoe men. Our friend Bnsbee has laid on our pomological bureau table forty splen did specimens from his Florida or ange grove. We find them sweet and juicy, nnd s’inll think of him often— at least until they are gona Sign painting of all kinds done by Porter A Co. Messrs. Plant and Haines, the mighty moguls *»f the Plant Invest ment Company, are in Brunswick to day. They now have great inte ests in Brunswick, and their presence he - e is indicative of the fact that they remember they have. Wo look for great things from the recent change in the management of the B. &V. When the. news was received, and our people and the newspapeis sent up a great howl, the Advj--:useu was the fl.*et to.say “it is well,’ and on.* views ot that-time are now acknowl edged by all. You can sav£ 25 per cent by buy ing your shoes' and hats ft*?***. Taylor A Fleetwood. Michelson’s Drawing. The following is the list of prizes drawn at the Christmas Drawing of J. Michclsou: Mrs. Cornelias, handsome lamp. Mrs. Mouiton, handsome silver butter diah: Mrs. Thus. W. Lamb, handsome hiokie plated lam ». Mrs.' W. E. Burbage, handsome ; silver cake stand. Mrs. Martha Blue, (col.) silver j pickle oastoi. ■ For root, eight-room dwelling on |j Newcastle street, opposite the icefac |j tory. Apply at this office. lw , FosBmt: The office at head of finXtim In Michelsoo's Block, formerly |jbdtaplod by B. A. Hancock. Apply > J. Micholson, The Leap Year Ball. - Leap . Year comes once in four years, and it Is well it does, in • a certain sense st least. The “lords of crea tion” are a-vain set, and having ev erything. their own wily, they Boon imagine that they alone can bring to perfection any social nr other scheme, but when Leap Year. rolls around, and the ladies take the lead, this ideals usually banished, and the aforesaid “lords!’ made to understand that they are not so imj»rtant aa they think. Last night’s Masquerade Ball was a well administered lesson of this kind.. The ladies managed it entirely from inception to dose, and it surely de serves a position near If not at the top of the list of. social events for the last year or two, and the lady * com mittees have reason to fool that their efforts, were c owned with success. The program consisted of ten pieces, a supper and the german, and at nine the music began, the first dance was called, and the merry maskers “chose their partners,” the ladies, of course, exercising the priv ileges given them by the occasion; The number in .mask waS quite large, and the costumes very good, the majority being pretty rather than grotesque, as seems usually the pre' vailing style. Many of the gentle men were also in costume. The even ing was quite warm, and in conse quence the masks were removed at ah eftrly hour, when followed tie us ual number of surprises and revela tions. At midnight the supper, bountiful in. quantity and excellent in varicjty, waagerved, and th verm their polite attentions to the dethroned “lords” flitting hither and thither (hat none might be omitted or want for atten tion. Mrs. M. F. King, Mrs. Me Cullough, Mrs. Wayne. Mrs. Drury and Mrs. J. E. duBignon, constitu ted the committee in charge, and un der their management this interest ing feature was a complete success. At the conclusion of the feast the german was called, at least forty couples participatiag, and in' tho sometimes beautiful, and sometimes amusing figures of that popular dance ample pleasure was found un til a late hour. Mrs. A. C. Banks, and Misses An-' nie H : ne, Ida Moore and H. E. Gad dis officiated as floor managers, with Mr. H. T. Dunn as honored assistant. The officois of the Leap Year Asso ciation are: Mrs. A. J. Crovntt, P*es-. ident; Mis. L. W. Hazlehurst, Vice P esident; nnd Mrs. J. S. Coles, Sec- retaiy and Treasurer, who' have work ed eat nestly and faithfully for the success of the affair. COUNCIL BauNswitfiYJan. 13,1838. Present: W. F. fiknniman. Mayor pro tem., presidinfiyind members of Council Crovatt, jfclton, Atkinson and Madden.. Mr.. M. UllmafiLitated that, the Traveling Passeng* Agents had ac cepted kn invitalioflRd visit our city, and would arrive fie on Sunday at one o’clock p. m., uR that toe Ogle thorpe hotel, had iBreed to board them at half ra.tea.flm per day), and the steamboat coaKny would fur nish transportation®^, and asked that Cue city pay tiaKotel bill The proposition wi On motion, a conupti.ee consisting of Crovatt and Atimsoa was ap- ■pointed to confer wi&vhe lively sta ble men in : egavd tcfimoci’ ri ag teams fot tbe use of the citf-s guests; also a committee of Fulton, Bostwick and Madden to confer wilfr hotel compa ny in rrceptionqf g] C. P. Goodyear callfd Council’s at tention to defeo.s in the gas, sysi-em, and toe Clerk was instructed to cor respond with Mr. BoUrdmath ille gal d to the matter jg , r - An invi .align front. Prof.. A. I: Branham to*.*attend -lectures of Prof. MayO, Who wiltDisit the city shortly, was read amf -received. On motion, Council egrcevdjray Prof. Mayo’s board while On motion, $100 fajjftppropriated toward the paymentofane article to be pnblishea in thtf Atf anta. Const i- .tt purchased at 2£c per copy. Council then adjourned. * E. A. Nelson, Cl’k. of Council. That Passenger Depot. There is now being put up a plat in'on the B. A W. t *ack opposite the new hotel, where we understand all passenger truins will stop here after until, the handsome union pas senger depot is pat up, which we are told will be done at an early day. It will be something nice, and in keep ing with t)ie new hotel. Athens, Jan. 13.—Wo are bent on having tc poultry and bench show in Athens. The pouli.y .bleeders and dog faacie-s have just rotqyned from Atianta and ate now haid at work with tho dclei mination of making a big show. Prominent poultry men of North Georgia will co-operate with the gentlemen who have the affairs in hand, and success will ho bound to follow. Lost: Checks 107,110,122 of Hop kins’ Transfer. A suitable reward will be paid for the delivery of same or either of them at Transfor office corner of Bay and Monk stroct. The Eastern Question. Prof. Tripp, of Boston, whose sub scription course of lectures is ex pected to begin in Brunswick' in the course of a week, visited Europe as early as 1835, and there saw a num ber of the celebrities of the Old World, .including Queen Victoria a year before she ascended the throne of England, and her uncle, the late King Leopold 1st, of Belginm. Prof. Tripp was afterwards a student in France for a year and attended the public lectures in Paris. In 1847 he went to Europe to exam ine the educational instititutions of the continent, an was an eye witness ofthe great Paris Revolution of Feb ruary, 1848. He has since made sev eral trips to Europe including a long period spent* as Minister at Brus sels. , His present series of lectures have been delive.ed befoie the higher in stitutions of learning and brilliant audiences in the principal cities in 25 States, and have received the em phatic indoi sement of the now dis tinguished and cultured minds of the country, including thoso of our own State- Gen. Gordon, our Governor, we learn, with his family attended a course in Georgetown, D. C. in 1874, while he was a U. S. ’Senator. One of the lectures of Prof. Tripp’s course here will be a thorough eluci dhtion of the much vexed Eastern question, past and present, including the latest deuolopments in Bulgaria, threatening the peace of Europe, il lustrated by large colored maps, painted expressly for this series. County Court. The County Court adjourned its labors yesterday with the following results: Tiro eases for carrying con cealed weapons—$40 each. One chfcken thief—12 months on tho ohaln gang. Another thief, who.had stolo a pair of shoes—12 months on obain gang. His Honor don’t give chicken tblcvos any showing. Services To-Morrow. Presbyterian church, Rev. Paul F. Brown, pjistor: Services aVll a. m. an'd 7:30 p. m. by toepastor. Sunday School 3:3Dp.m. Subject for morning: “Jesus is King.” There will be no evening services as there will be a union meeting of theBible’Society at the Methodistjoburcb. , ... Y. M. C. A: Prayer meeting every Sunday mOming at .9:50. Gospel Song service every Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. Aft young men ate in vited, Rooms open chilly from 9 Are, to 9:30 p. m. Rooms in Kaiser Blocks. St Mark’s Church: Sunday morn ing service with celebration of the Holy Communion and sermon eleven.' Sunday Sohool 3:30 p. m. Evening prayor 4:30. Baptist church, IBey. E. Z. F. Gold en,pastor: Services 11 n.m.and7^ p.m. in L’arioso Hall. Morning:. ,“Is the Building Fire P; c»of.” Evening:“The Test” Sunday School J.40 I. Branham,'Snpt.. T. E. W: Snpfc " Methodist church, Rev, 3Jefc>F. Pveaehittg At might a service will be held in the t nterest.. of Jhe Bible, baush' Rev. H. P. Myers, /IMsvriet^ Shperin- teadent of the Amer'oaii Bible Soci ety, will be present and apptopi-iaie addresses w.'.l be delivered by other ministers. As the American Bible Society is an undeanmihationat in atltutios, a cordial: <invUa«ion is ex tended to all Cbilstlahs^L T.nnir OUT! Don’t fail to see onr $2.50 kid.bnt- ton boot. The same shoo will cost you $3.00 elsewhere. Taylor A Fleet wood, the shoe men. You can save one dollar on every pair of hand made shoes by buying from Taylor A Fleetwood, the shoe men. r - v . ». The Philadelphia Times,, which some people call Mr. Randall’s organ, says it is not concerned' about tho safety ofthe Republican or any oth er party, and doesn’t care whether Blaine is elected. President or not. What great disappointment oan it bo which has robbed this enterpris ing journal of all interests in politi cal affairs? Hamilton Journal: An esteemed South Georgia contemporary says: “Our two editors and our faithful compositor were all off bn a visit Christmas, all taking a resting spell.’ They need it If there’s anything harder to all concerned than publish ing a weekly newspaper with two ed itors to one printer, it’s something we’ve never seen tried. Infants French kid button shoes $1 a pair at Taylor A Fleetwood, the shoo men. Wo have hired a first class Buggy Painter and have the very best ma terial to do a fine job of Buggy Paint ing. W. E. Porter A Co. Gold signs and house numbers on glass at Porter A Co. Notice. ' By order of the Board of Health in session this day, all parties intend ing to make excavations or dig up dirt within the corporate limits of the city of Brunswick are hereby no tified that they must do so before May 1,1888. E. A Nelson, Seo’y. January 12, ’88, Don’t buy your childrens’, shoes before you examine our stock. Tay lor A Fleetwood, the shqe men. . Fob Rent: Twelve roomB over the Co-Operative Store, suitable for two families or for s bosading h< Every convenience st hand. Apply to D.J. Dillon. FOB DYSPEPSIA and Liver Cqm plaint yon have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's VitalUer, It never foils to enre. . T ' I / - . - “ -;; “)F'BEAUTIFUL fcfc&EiSicr* ‘ LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Dress Trimmings, Jets, FLUSHES,, SILKS, And all kind* jot Ornament* and Joweliy, elep Infant i 7 Outfits, Cheap Lln:lot t*AIe»* aid- Children’* lleelerj, Uadersanieata. new And clegant.etjrlea at . /I'ocsKis. •_ ;‘7t. Large AesoUTMEire of TASSELS, GOLD AKD SILVER LACF.J . >' Purses. Satchels.' Nine and Seasonable j ,/ IN.GRRAT VARIETY. gnp*DamaiwetV Patterns for drosses.;: The ladles are reepeotfnlljl Invited to givotre a v f *• • Mrs. IS.- $4 Newcartlo Street, ] FOR" TORPID LIVIR. A torpid llrrr d.rnnpe. the whole.y*- tem, MMit produces Siok Headache, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow 8Wo and Piles. Then to ne bettor riwedy toy Ihw* Sold Eyerywhw. NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION. ■ All v*rt!** I in mow,