Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, January 10, 1889, Image 1

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BRUNSWICK, GEORG! T. bTACY & SON, PUBLISHERS. Removes Dirt, Faint and hfrains #bm|®e finest and lor sale tty ' without the Slightest* injury- David.Holly vane,] farmer, bad' a fallijj neighbor, fome.yearsj ti>trbo would dahcfc i grave.-' The neighbor lyvane was brntaPwl his vow. Th<% cam® prising events. Hisl died. Ilia barn burned owner was made utte a stroke'of .pardlj’sjs^j I ConneclSp! tout with a §q, end swore i bis enemas lied, and Hol- ^pS ierles'ofiui?* arses and cows [qw0)^' and tilt v .'helpless by The New Hotel. " . Ameriona-Beoorder. ; '■ ; The excursion‘to Brunswick seems MH| in the vicinity Say tluij. when Holly-- vuno made kiawloketiSlmaWlhirdth- er tnan replied that hf would invoke the wrath of flfml npontiiro, and pro/' forhiariiln, 'Theybit lore'.that jjhe tfl.VA AM H ft. ^ A ft. .. ..... .. ' I. I..AM Public Meeting to , Sewerage one *. Ah Adjourned meet nn Thiifuflnv niiFht. January 15th, 1889. fhe effect; up- The insignificantly low prices at which ever] placed on that day will create a sensation,all room rour inter- RGAINS OGLETHORPE GRANT STREET; 3. R. MINEHAN, Prop’* (SuocdWH-'toit.S. McCrarr.).' bitimunous coal Steam sad family lump, the latter auttable tor gratei. . A- Wl ABB SObr AGENTS FOB And able to furnUh In anr quantity. Alio keen oonttautly on hand Rot. l and 1 SHIN GLES, the above at market price*. Term* In- variably CASH. BAT 8TBEET. BRUNSWICK, OA. TO YOUKFAilii^ISTO SECUBA • F0R’Tfif«MAinO.ME. PUTNAM’S trery Stable! e cltT aad KSfiKi[.‘ roo.aa, on ALSO BONDS OF MJIIKTV8HIP. • to, \\\ 11. HURROUDH8, t04 Newcastle (treat Dr. 4. B. McCASKILL, permanently located at ST.SIMONS MILLS.GaL Twenty year* pmetleal eaporiemw. Steamer St. Ridtiolae NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. ith 54 Lives and Car* rth£l.000,00<f Snrift) New York, Jan. 9.—Five vessels, ranging in eize from 140 to 3,000 tons each, and, it. value, from $10,000 to 9200,090 each, have been missing since the wind storm of Nov. 25 and 26, and have been given up for lost. Their agents and ownera made the announcement this morning to the Marine time exchange. The vessels, of which two have ; bean already mentioned as overdue are the Samoa, a steamship from New York, Nor. •22, for Hayti; the Nile, a brig, from the West Indies, about Nov. 10, for New York; L. W. P. Armstrong, a brjg, from Guaduloupe, Nov. 13, for New York; the Ella A. Warner, a schooner, from Porto Rico, Nov. 24, for New York; the E. M. Bacon, a schooner, from Porto Rico, Nov. 15, for New York. The number of lives lost is put at fifty-four. Tho value of the vessels and their cargoes is estimated to he about $1,000,000, the greater part of which is covered by insurance. AT, JANUARY 16,18fi9. ’ to have settled the hotel business, settled it that Americua .most /ind will have a new and handsome hotel one that wUl be an ornament to our city and a# attraction to visitors. The Oglethorpe hotel at Brunswick is strikingly handsome one, and the AmcrictiB excursionists fell -in love, vidth it, and have come back full of ehtlumiasm and determination to have one fully as large and handsome in Auiericud. We have long felt eat iefied that if some of our people would visit a handsome winter resort hotel and see what it was doing for the city in which it is located, there would be little trouble in-securing the erection of one in our city. We hope those in obarge. Of the project will strike while the iron is hot r and go to work. We ought to have the hotel finished in time for next sea Bamie Fibre. It ii stated that Dr. C; F. Pauk- nin, of Charleston, has discovered a method whereby the fibre of the ramie plant may he cheaply and quickly prepared foe market. If the - statement is true, the discovery is a must important one for the South, and will go far toward settling such vexations problems as that presented by ttc recent bagging trust. The growing of ramie in this clim ate is not an experiment. Mr. Richard Peters, of this city, demon strated long ago that the plant is at home here. He planted it on his •farm in Cherokee county and found that it thrived and grew in the most luxuriant manner. The only trouble with the plant has been in regard to the method of preparing the fibre fbr market. Many experiments have been made, notably in Louisiana, in the direction of discovering a method that, in point of cheapness and dis patch, wonldgcompeto with the cum bersome but cheap methods employed in' India, where the cost of labor is merely nominal. But all of these experiments have been failures. At least) nothing has - come of them, and, as a result, the business of growing ramie has not mnde any progress. As we have said, however; there is no trouble about growing the plant. It flourishes wherever cotton can be Neighborly Courtesy. Some fifteen of the Americas ex cursioniBts to Brunswick staid over a day dtorjlttl!# ! turned home. Their train being de- yi?.l raised, and there is no expense of cultivation. It is as persistent as the rag weed, and as luxuriant. Mr. D. C. Robertson figures it out that if we had a railway to the moon, with ears running at a speed of sixty an hour, it would take a man be- ween 165 and 167 Jays to make the trip. A similar journey to Venns would take about 50 years. Robertson contributes these statistics to the current St Nicholas. They come under the bead of what some people vaguely term “valuable in formation." being de layed, they missed connection at A1 baily, haring to lay over until 11 o’ clock at night. They repaired to the Artesian House and made prep arations to patiently wait until train time. Tho Social Club of Albany, hearing of the Americua party, lighted and warmed np their hall and invited their Americua neighbors to come over and spend the evening with thorn, which they did, and the time was passed so pleasantly and quickly that the Americua, party re gretted that they had to take their departure when the train time ar rived. It is such acts of neighborly courtesy that cement the tics of friendship between the two liveliest cities in Southwest Georgia.—Amer icas Recorder. Some of the New York doctors say that the new mode of executing criminals by electricity is cruel and not certain to cause death. They say that the most humane way to kill would be to place the prisoner in a cell that could bo made airtight while the prisoner was asleep. Then a current of odorous gas could be in troduced and the prisoner would die without pain. There is no truth in the report that the Georgia melon grower?, who meet in convention at Albany on Jan. 16, intend to form a trust to corner the market. There will be a large in crease in the melon acreage. 1889 at 8 o’clock p. m House to discuss tbe-| tious of sewerage, pu^ bonds whieh are to T January 22nd, 1889. * earnestly invited to a Judge Courtland.Sy dress the me **- '" " _ property, and tl dition of the city and other matters of interest. Mr. C. P. Goodyear will address the meeting upon the Memphis sys tem of sewerage in reply to articles in Advertises-Appeal, generally up on the importance of sewerage as a health measure, the necessity for its introduction here, the care and delib eration shown by Mayor and Coun cil, and other matters of interest. A number of other speakers will address the meeting. By order of M. Ulluan, Chairman, J. L. Beach, Sect’y. For oils, salts, pills, and all kinds of bitter, nauses medicines, is the ve ry agreeable liquid fruit remedy, Syr up of Figa. Reccom mended by lead tag Physicians. Manufactured oh- y by the California Fig Syrup Com pany, San FaanciBco, Cal. The Wrong Cow. Through mistake of our butcher* butt headed cow was killed not be longing toils. Marked crop and half crop in^ne car, swallow fork in other. Owner please call and see us. McDonald A Dean. Syrup of Figs Natures own true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to cleanse the system when billious or costive; to dispel headaches, colds and .fevers; ® r *.! to ogre habitual constipation, indl- "“fgestioti, piles, etc. Manufactured on ly by the California Fie Syrup Com- Sony, San Francisco, Cal. For sale ay Lloyd A Adams. V Stove Wood For Sale. Oak. Plneand Lightwood delivered in any part of the eity. Orders left at Greer’s stable or Brunswick Drug Store promptly attended to. N. Dixon. Private Board. A gentleman and wife, or two gen tlemen can sconro board in a private family Table board also for others, Apjily to Jas. T. Blalo, or Wee M. Moore & McCrary's Specialties. Specially selected seed Irish pota toes, just received. * More of that 25c. butter. White cane, Georgia syrup 75c. per gallon. The common cane syrup 60c per gallon.* » SEA ISTiA BRUNSWICK & SAVANNAH AND WAJT LANDINGS. be sacrificed at slaughter prices^ ’ll miss the If you value eat, do not fail, as you will miss the GREATEST B „ ever known ifxou miss the Groat Bargain Day at J. MICHEL- SON’S, on ■ V' CONET a, PARKER Wholesale and Retatl dealer* In BRICK, LATHS and SHtNGLES will keep In *toek of ANTHRACITE COAL, Bed Alh, eg; barn, white Ai Of nnd Chestnat- «lzc, anil Free- Corner Monk and Onletherpeatreeta MiSS?«!V F !SK”“~ —"** The Finest Turn-Outs AND THE BEST 8EBVIOE. Your order aollcUed,andaalUfaetlon guana , A. T. PUTNAM, V T. O’Gounor & Co., insurance agents ri*E! MARINE! § ACClDCfTf