Weekly republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1848-1851, June 04, 1851, Image 1

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(fionimertial intelligence. 4.V<iVSTA MARKKT. Office of the Augusta Republic, ) May 29,1851. ( COTTON.—There was a very good de mand in the market yesterday and about 300 bales were sold. We quote from 6to 9 cents aa,the extremes. The news by the steamer will be found in another place. i Wml K«h .< PHILIP A. MOISE, DEALER in Choiyc Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye-fetufii?, Brushes, Window Glass, Varnishes, Sand Paper, Glue, Putty, Col ors'of all kinds, and every urlicla in the Drug line. Orders put up with neatness and despatch, and all articles warranted. Prices as low as any house. Physicians, and Couutfy Merchants and Planters, are respect fully requested to call and examine before pur chasing- ap!9 SI,OOO REWARD. Sj HUNTER’S eration. for the above Os all remedies yrtjtgJtain, ■' ' complaint, this jUj,!*??,] permanent cure with it drink, exposure, or change out restrifjwto business. harmless. Gallons of it might without injuring the patient. Itisput up in boules, with full directions ac companying it, sg that persons can cure them selves without resorting to physicians or others for advice. One bottle is generally enough to perform a cure. Price sl. It is approved and recommended by the Royal College oi Physicians and Surgeons oi London, and has their certificate enclosed. It is sold by appointment in New York by Ro» bert Eliet <f-Son, and in Augusta, Ga., at No. 195, Metcalf's Range, Broad-st. my I BY JESSE 11. ARNO LD, AT Monroe, W a Eton Co., Geo fobstt Ol IO OF ROSE LIP A’ALVE, fresh and very superior. For sale by mar 22 P. A MOISE, Druggist. four ill ol>t i) 5 iV 01 ir£ 0. I MONTHS after d.-He applic-.tioi) will J- be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Walton county, when sitting for or dinary purposes, frr leave to sell the real estate of George Cowan deceased. ABRAM S. COWAN, Adm’r. _May2o,lßsl. IpOUR MON 1 IIS alter date,application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Scriven county, when sitting for ordina ry purposes, for leave to sell all the real estate of John S. Rieves, late of said county, deceased • also, two negro men, of light complexion— one named Somerset, aged 37 years ; t.*e other John aged 25year<. P. STOTESBURY, Adm’r. May 10 1851. jVT OriC E— Four mu nt h s aft e r</at eTapp Ii - 11 cation will be made to the Inferior Court of jUichnr nd county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for have to sell the real estate belong ing to James Ale Laws, late of said county, de ceased. WM.R. McLAWS, Adm’r. _May IJBSL 1^0 UR MONTHS after dute application will be made to the Ilonomb’e the Inferior Court of Columbia county, when sitting for or dinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Win. Murray, late of said county, deceased. DAVID SEAY, ) A , , re MUILRAY. J A < lln rB -. j Tp<)UR MONTHS alter date application will JC be made to the Honorable the Justices In ferior Coart of Burke County sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to Fell the real estate of Outlaw Skinner, deceased. JONES SKINNER, Administrator. March sth, 1851. MONTHS after date application will 1? be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave the real and person al property of Hezekiah Oden, late of said coun ty deceased. WILLIAM N. ODEN Adm’r. March sth, 1851. FOUR MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Justices of the Inferior Court of Burke county, while sitting for ordina ry purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of James R. Mor re, deeeased. FRANKLIN GODBEE, Adm’r. March 1, 1851. ■ pul MONTHS after date? application JL will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, of Burke county, sitting as a Court of Ordinary for said county, for leave to sell the land and a negro buy, Charles, five years old, belonging to the estate of Samuel God bee, deceased. SIMEON S. GODBEE, March 1,1851. Administrator. .V OTICt;.— F dur months alto date ap- plication will bo made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond county, when sitti g for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Negroes and Real Estate of Fielding Brad ford, late of Charleston, South Carolina, deceased. M VRY BR KDFORD, Administratrix. April 12th, 18bl R MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Justices of the Inferior Conn of Burke county, while sitting tor ordina ry purposes, for leave to sell the following lands, belonging to the estate of Martin Herrington, deceased : 499 acres pine land, adjoining A. B. Lovett, east, 250 acres pine land, adjoining Win Bennett, west, 490 acres pine land, adjoining N. B. Lovett, east. ARCHIBALD M. HERRINGTON, ROBERT M. HERRINGTON; March 1, 1851. Administrators. IjMM R MON lils after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court ol Richmond county, while sitting for or dinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate and negrot s belonging to Jane 11. Anderson, lute u’ said con tv, deceased. HEN RY I). GREENWOOD, ) . . , E B.GRF.SUAM, Adm s. February 1. 1851. MOATHS after date, application will I be made to Uu> ihu Justices ol the Inferior Court of Buiko cJSttl) 1 , VRlfl l ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the and belong a j to Thomas Green Woods, a minor ILLI AM M. WOODS, Guardian. March 4, 1851. FOUR MONTHS after date, application i will be made i ' the Justices of the Interior Court of Richmond county, when sitting for or dinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate and negroes belong 1 !!" to the estate of Jesse Kent, deceased. JO UN H. MANN, , I. P. GARVIN, t Exrg - April 29. 1851. JKTOTICE.— Four months niter date ap- , 1 11 pheati u will be made to the honorable • the Inferior Court of Burke county, when sitting I for oniin iry purposes, for leave to sell a tract of land containing 12> acres, more or less, property of Nancy Davenport, minor ; said land being a portion of the estate of Joseph Cates, drawn by •aid minor, adjoining lauds of 11. B. Cates, F. W. Godbee, and die lands of the estate of Joseph Cates. Sold for the benefit of said minor. Anr i 5, *sl. * 11 WHITE, Guardian. j ENFCUTtHGa S \LE.—The subscriber ot fers for sale plantations in Walker coun ty. one oa Pea Vine Creek, containing six him- ; dred and forty acres, about two hundred and twenty acres of which are now in cultivation ; the ether is on middle Chicamauga, containing eight hundred acre*. three hundred of which are at this lime in cullivaron Both of the above plantations are as productive and as well watered and timbered as any lands f!?.es; k :no size in the Cherokee country . and u d exceeding eight miles to Ringgold, the neatest d pot on the >mte Kail Road. The roads leading from die plantation to Ringgold are good al all seasons es the year. The above plantations wiil be sold privately or subi .cly for the benefit of the heirs of .kunps K Huie I. d. *eased, of Oreeue county. aug3, nil O P SAMMU vM BY JAMS M. SMYTHE, Proprietor. JAMES M. SMYTHE, ( .... EDITORS. ROHERT A. WHYTE, $ Te'rms-^TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance- $2,50 if not paid within two months, or $3 if not paid within six months. Tri-Weeklv, per annum in advance $4 -CO $5.00 if not paid within two months, or $6 if not paid within six months. VOLUME IV. Glorious News from .Mississippi.—A dis finffuisbed gentleman of Jackson, Mississippi, says-the Montgomery Advertiser, in writing to his friend in this city, under date of the Sth inst., says: “The Southern cause is pro gressing like fircr in a prairie. Divis is oc the wdlk and up to tTie highest mark.” It i? natural tliatthe, Mysissippians should feel niostlteenlytlie wroofs andinsults heaped upon he? in common with the South, jn the adoption of the late. Compromise, for rClSwsl, “ .L- ,T. ; ~ 'tie g"’ r y Wd’hoaorof American arms in the so con-| -epicuous as those from these two States. Is it at all strange, then, that the citizens of those two States should feel most outraged at being entirely dispoikd and robbed of the fruit.-, | of victories won by the valor and heroism of i their sons? Least of all, is it strange that } those patriot heroes themselves, who met and i drove back the bloody on iaugh/s ohfite ene- | my,as did Davis at Buena Vista, at Chepultapec and the Ganta, shomd feci and resent these outrages? r The letter of Charles Sumner, the new I Massachusetts Senator, in which he avows himself in favor of the Union, has created con siderable surprise. But then will he act up to it! The Boston Post says that it was voted ; rather Hat in that city. A Wonderful Project. The Lafayette (N C) Courier states, on the authority of Mr. McLaughlin, recently returned from abioad, that there is a project on foot at Naples to ex tinguish the fire of Vesuvius! It is under stoed that the bottom of the main or grand crater is several thousand feet below the level of the sea. The plan, therefore, is to dig a large trench or canal from tne sea to the cra ter, the expense of which will not exceed two millions of dollars, and thus extinguish the fires that have been burning for thousands of years. It is said that the first lands thus to be reclaimed will more than ten times pay the expense of executing the grand design. (Telegraphed for Charleston Courier.) Baltimore, May 24. Further by the Baltic —The Baltic has arrived. Cotton has declind a farthing to a half-penny, Fair Orleans being quoted at 6|., Mobile s}d., Uplands The sales for the three days amounted to 15,000 bales. The manufacturing districts were dull. Flour and Grain remained unchanged. The politi cal news was unimportant. [ln our New Orleans dispatch of the Bal tic’s accounts yesterday, Fair Orleans should have been quoted at 6i<i. and not 6Jd. as er roneously printed.]—Eds. Cour. Baltimore, May 26, 6.55 P. M. Cotton has been unsettled in the New York market to-day, and holders concede a reduc tion. Five bundrad bales have been sold. I’he quotations of Cotton at Liverpool were Fair Orleans 6f, filobile Uplands sf. New York, Mav 26—9 P. M. Lffitiai inTuv'l's It H.'lrt! sing. 'The sales sum up 500 bales at j- to t cent decline. Rice is dull. 'l’he steck on hand this day amounts to 400 tierces, and in Rice mills to 2000. (From the Charleston Courier, 26th inst.) Arrival off tlac Isabel-—Later from Havana, and Jvey West. The steamship Isabel, Capt Rollins, arriv ed at this port early yesterday afternoon, from Havana, which port she left on Thursday evening at 5 o’clock. We have rece’vcd by her files of late Hav ana papers, but they contain no items of in terest." We are, however, given to under stand that the reports concerning another in vasion by Lopez, bad not created any great sensation among the inhabitants of Havana, although the greatest vigilance was observed all round the coast. We have also been politely favored with a perusal of a letter recoiv. d in this city, by the Isabel, from Key West, dated the 22d inst from which we learn that ths U. S. steamer Saranac had just arrived there from a cruise in s'arch of the rumored Cuban expedition, but having made no discoveries, was about to return to Pensacola. Havana, May 16. We beg reference our Report of 30th April. An active demand has continued for White Sugars, without any material variation from tho rates previously given. Some con cessions were made in the prices for the bet ter descriptions of Yellows, but the middling and lower grades have been sustained at about the same value, although the enquiry has been less animated. Owing to the quaran tine regulations in Spain, the shipments to that Peninsula are suspended for the present and as vessels in general have become scarce operations to other parts are also checked in seme measure - We place our quotations as follows: Whites, 9 a 10 rials; Yellows, choice . 6J a7| rials; Yellows, good and fine, bi a ; rials; Browns, 5* a bi rials; Cucuruchos, 4) ' a 5 rials. Some very ordinary Muscovados were sold I at 3 rials. For the better k nds 4J a 5 rials were paid, and for tine 2 rials. Molasses is all) a 2 rials, at which the last transactions took place. The business in Coffee is insignificant at §8 a BJ. We learn, says the Charleston Courier, from a card, published in the Evening News »r*»uOTdM- altiirnooti, that the Hon. B. F. P.’ier‘Tkisifiredfrem !Ww..l, Mr- P axton will continue topublisb iron his j own account. In leaving the editorial chair l which he has ably filled, Judge Porter carries ! with him the best wishes of his contempora-; ries and numerous friends for his future pios- i perity. Nf.w Orleans, May 22 —Private letters to the Picayune from Mexico, announce that the authorfties-of Vera Cruz had refused to per -1 mil the American schooner Sears to proceed I to Tehuantepec, with provisions for the expe-! ' dition. I Our Government, on hearing of this, im- I mediately ordered the revenue cutter to pro- I ceed and protect the schooner, and see tiiat I the provisions were landed. ' The company have transmitted complaints, i to Waashington, relative to Mexico forbidding I the landing of supplies intended for the expe -1 dition at Tehuantepec. _— Col. Wm. J. Lawton.—This gentleman’s name having been mentioned through the Press and in a public meeting, in connection with the Congressional canvass iu this Dis trict, authority was given by him some time since to say, that under no circumstances i could he consent to become a candidate. But | for neglect the announcement would ha-e been made .re Jtis.—Savannah Georgian i 2" th i nst. A Duel —L em. Ad-ms and Lieut. Ed wards, Ti nd Art. ’.cry, stationed at Fort Moul trie, S. C.. hive I ad a b-’rille meeting at Sul . livan’s I.- and. Alter an exchange of sho's, by which Edwards was slightly wounded in the back, the difficulty was reconciled. A | ladv, we believe, was at the bottom of the mis -1 understanding, as usual. Augusta, Georgia. ; TU-’irsday Morning, May 29, 1851. jgsafaifc— ~** >r ‘ ' n Tllvatre—Concert Hall. “The Stranger” and the “Swiss Cottage,” I made up the bill of entertainment on Monday ' night. T 1 '.“young gentlethlih Ufthiß" city,*’ “"wneritfie »«u w. JHl.nux; and his nlaiw vvas supplied by one of the com : ptnty. Theigentleman referred to, Mr. C. W. Styles, of Hamburg, in a card, published on Tuesday, says that all announcements to the effect that he would personate “the Stran ! ger,” were wholly unauthorized. Mr. Adams, | however, ( publishes a card to which is ap i pended a note from Mr. Styles, in which Mr. j S. says he wishes to be excused from ggrson l ating the character. Here the matter rests. | Mr. Carter performed the part of the j “Stranger” in a spirited and effective manner. Miss Richardson, as Mrs. Haller, gave fresh proofs of her admirable powers. The play, in general, was well performed. Many of the audience were affected even to tears, by the last and most touching scene of the play. The moral drama of the “Drunkard,” was performed on Tuesday nignt to a large house, and gave general satisfaction. We witnessed but a portion of it. We are inclined to think that it will have a fine run. The scenery, re presenting portions of Broad-street, in our city, is very accurately painted, with the ex ception oi the view near the market, which is not yet completed. It will be performed again this evening. To-morrow night is the benefit of that general favorite and modest actress, Miss Lewis. The Hunchback—a thrilling and powerful play—will be brought forward on that occasion, followed by the “ Spoiled Child.” Miss Lewis will appear as Helen. We are pleased to ba able to state also, that ( Mrs. Lewis, an actress of much power and ■ artistic excellence will appear for the first , time, during the present season, as Julia.— | This lady is talented apd distinguished, and ( more particularly celebrated for her fine con- , ceplion of this character. Miss Lewis, we ( trust, will receive a benefit equal to her mer- t its. Electro-Bivlogy. This newly discovered science is attracting considerable attention among our citizen*. Professor Hale’s Lectures at Masonic Hall are well attended. His experiments are of a most astonishing character, and must be wit nkeseil to tic 'T'pTieved; To V • !■: whom we have the utmost conK lence, placed so completely under bis control, that their minds appear to be perfectly subjected to him is sufficient to force a belief in the reality of the experiments. Our space will not allow us to give any lengthened account of the ex periments, but we say to all, go and see for yourselves. In his Lecture, last evening, he gave seve ral certificates of cures performed by its agen cy. Its importance as a Remedial Agent is placed in the opinion of many beyond the reach of doubt. lion. Joseph W..l:ick«>:i. We are gratified to perceive by the Savan nah Georgian, that this able and true hearted advocate of Southern Rights has consented to become a candidate at re-election in the first Congressional district. In thus yielding to the solicitations of citizens from all quar ters of the district, he sacrifices his own feel ings sos the good of the cause. We doubt not of his triumphant re-election. We be lieve with the Committee of Correspondence of Bulloch county, that “ every Southern pa triot in the district will acknowledge through the ballot box his gratefulness” to tad and faithful champion of Southern Rights. Fire in Albany, Baker County —We notice by x the Albany Patriot, that a fire was discovered on the 17th inst, in the office of Drs. Byrd of that city. The fire was extinguished without much damage. It was found on examination, that the tire was the work of an incendiary A negro boy I Cvnfessi d the crime, ar.d was punished by i whipping and branding in Q j’We understand thtjS'\>fre broke out in : a cotton warehouse yestercay, in Savannah, j and that considerable loss was apprehended. We did not learn further particulars. I The Railway Connection at Macon ' The late dry weather has afforded a fine op portunity to put down the coffer dam at Ma j con. The preparations for constructing the I pier afe now going forward rapidly. Tne -I««»ee work is being got on the ground, and ! it is now thought that the month of August i will see the connection across the river com | pleted. ; How it Works.—“ Convene in time-honor i ed Faneuil, and in the name of Washington, exorcise the evil Spirit from the cradle of American Liberty.” Such was the language, says the Marietta Advocate, of the Georgia Convention in their ’ “exposition," when they were appealing to i the North “to give heed to the warning voice of one of the Old Thirteen." The answer has i come back from time-honored Faneuil, and I the Georgia Convention has been insulted | through their ally Mr. Webster. But the Convention Jfurther said in this I same exposition: | “Go up to Tammany and the Tabernacle and expel from the National Emporium the I genius of discord.” Tammany also has sent back its answer, for ■ Tammany “has at last fallen into the hands : of the Freesoilers,” and “ the black Flag waves over the capitol at Albany and over old I Tammany Hall.” Truly the appeal of “One of the OU Thirteen" has been marvellously . p tent. Try again, Constitutional Union ■ I men. Surely fanaticism and sectional ambi ’ tion will hear the warning voice of one of the ’ Old Thirteen, that “roars so gently.” i. The Willis and Forrest Case—This ■ j case, in the Supreme Court at New York, is adjourned over till the sth of June. tb .*“"(Hr aW y-,/ L ’ ■ AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, JUNE 1, 1851. IVew Railroad ArraHsemont. j The Charleston Mercury says that tM Passenger Trains will commence running oi| _ the"South Carolina Railrot don the June. The Acccin- dation or leave Charle, on at 8 ii ''' OS'-'i I ■ : ’ - .V- t A‘i V ■:jj I (' .t..d nat 51 a. n>. and a? 1 at 2 P- nr The Express Tiain will leave t at 10 p. m. and arrive in Charleston at 4 p. m. We learn also thaton the Ist of June, tie Georgia Railroad will commence running a Day Train, to leave Augusta and Atlanta at 6 a. m. and to arrive at the same points at 5 p. m; and a Night Train, to leave Augusta and Atlanta at 5J p. m.and to arrive at At lanta at 5 a. m. and Augusta at 4| a. m. After the Ist July it is understood that two lines a day will be run by and Rail roads between Atlanta and Montgomery. These arrangements, in connection with the daily line of Wilmington boats and Rail road, (both now in admirable condition,) and the New York and Philadelphia line of steam ers, leaving now on Saturday and Wednes days— to be increased shortly by the addition of a line of steamers to Baltimore, present great facilities to the travelling public, and give to this route unusual advantages, inas much as it will be at the option of the travel ler to go “Express,” if he is in haste, or to take it comfortably by day light trains if he prefers it, with the certainty if he misses one train, that he will be In time for the other. The Educational Convention. We are pleased to sec many manifesta tions of interest evinced by the people of the State, in the Convention to be held at Mariet ta, on the Bth of July next, to devise some practicable scheme of Common School Edu cation. Many counties have already held meetings and appointed delegates. Other counties are moving. All should be repre sented. An examination into the educational sta tistics of Georgia would, in our opinion, do monstrato the importance of holding the pro posed C invention more clearly, than a long and general article upon the value of educa tion and its benefit*, physically, morally and : of 6 and 16, who could not read or write! This in 80 counties. Were returns received from all the counties, the number would be largely increased. These facts are painful— they are mortifying—but they are true. Be sides, only $19,278 were distributed during that year for educational purposes— about 60 cents for each child in the State, whose pa rents were not able to educate it. Certainly, somo great improvements are required in our present system to make it per fectly available. The object of the Marietta Convention is first to devise some wise and practicable tem of Common School Education, and se cond, the means to carry it fully into opera tion. The first germ of the Common Sciiool sys tern in this country is to be found in the city of Boston. As early as 1635, “ a schooimas ter was appointed for the teaching of tiie chil dren among them,” and a portion of the pub lic lands given him for his support in 1642. The State, in 1647, enjoined by lav, that ed acation should in certain schools be free to all, and, as a consequence, the support ofLsuch schools was mado compulsory. Here was the principle first established that the property of the State should be taxed for the education of its citizens. The correctness and sound ness of this principle, we will not discuss here. 'ln that day, it was cheerfully borne by all classes. The school tax is, to soma ex tent, a tax upon the rich to educate the chil dren of the poor. The poor receive the larger amount of benefit, it may be true, but the greater security afforded to life and property by the increased amount of intelligence and virtue diffused throughout the community by a general system of education, is of essentia] importance to the wealthier classes. The ed ucated child, as a general rule, makes a useful citizen. Facts warrant the assertion that the uneducated child bids fair to become the re verse. A word or two on this point. From the report of the Inspector of the State Pri sons in the kittle k-i 1850, it appears that of 664 males inme Sing Sing prison, 349 were under 20 years of age at the time of their conviction ; 487 had never been taught a trade; 60 could not read, and 149 could read only, and that indifferently. Os 114 convicts at Clinton, 10 could not read, and 29 could read only. Al the female prison, out of 71, 25 could neither read nor write ; 17 could read only, and the balance had received a very limited instruction in the elementay branches. At the Auburn prison, 109 con victs were, previous to admission, unacquaint ed with the alphabet, or could read but little> and 64 had no knowledge of arithmetic. The Inspector closes with the remark : “ that the frequent examinations into the causes of crime among the convicts almost invariably lead to the same result, and upon the mind rhe startling truth that a neglected edu cation in youth is the source of all, or nearly all the crime among us.” The proposed Educational Convention, when assembled at Marietta, will doubtless have al] ■ the tacts before them, and will be prepared to 1 fix upon some system which will appear best I calculated to prove of the greatest ! ene:?. to ! the greatest number. Whether tht.i system shall be serried into effect by taxation or in some other way, will be the proper province of our Legislature to determine. A gentleman of Boston, of much intelligence, and versed in the working of the Common School system in Massachusetts, in a letter dated April 29, 'sl, statements on this point, which ! Slow. Dr. J. W. Stone, the gentle- to, was written to on this sub te following extract is but a portion iffihfee .e'Kthe may pub 2 1. Y ll w j][ be obliged to j .nmi ju uet by direct State taxation, l T'®saTund, as will ba necessary to carry on I' l he schools. You will have to do nothing of the kind. What yoa wish in the outset, is the appropriation b; the of a per | tnaneut fund, or a lermanent income; and it need not be very large. It is only necessary to have it sure. that, it shall be faithfully ap propriated to this object, and it is of no conse quence fhetner it be derived from railroads or lands, oi any thing else. The great secret of success pi the establishment of public schools, is an akropriation by the Slate Legislature of a ceffn amount, small though it be, to each tmii, or county, but made larger in pro portion ’»the amount raised by the town, or county : felf, for the purposes of education. It has brtr. thought by many of the best friends <education here, that if we had a schoof fund which wonld defray the whole ex- public school instruction, educa tion wbull not flourish as it does now. And I think that there may be some truth in this. For fcrtainly benefits are appreciated some what in prooortion to the exertion that we bavetonithc to obtain them; and if each town, or county is stimulated by a gratuity proportioned to the amount it raises, the in habitants st the town, or county, will exert themselves tv obtain their full proportion of the fund, and will appreciate the benefit of the school ifcagjic'ion, which is thereby imparted, far higher than if it came to them without any direct taxation. There must be legislation in the shape of encouragement from the Legislature, and then tlie towns, or counties, will take up the subject voluntarily. The next great incentive to improvement in common school instruction is found in our system of Normal schools, of which we have a considerable number in Mas-achusetts.— These make thorough teachers. Every one of them pledge themselves ta become teach eis before they are permitted to enter the schools. If you had ever attended the exami tion of such a school, as I have, and seen the vast superiority which teachers there educa ted, possess over the ancient class of teachers, you would acknowledge, as is now acknow ledged throughout the State, that the improve ments to be derived frpm such establishments are incalculable. - fifrwWts C'onveiltton com-., mcnced Its sessions in Milledgeville yester day, and we will probably bo able to announce the nomination in our next Tri weekly. The proceedings of the Convention, wetrust, may be marked by entire harmony both as regards the nomination of a candidate and the adoption of a party creed. The principles, which have heretofore guided the course of the party, will doubtless be reaffirmed. Occupying in the main, the same positions which it held during the late canvass for State convention posi tions impregnable and never impaired by the attacks of the opposi.ion—the party will go forth, contending fora strict construction o* the Constitution and bat.ling manfully aud courageously for the rights of our section. We believe with the Federal Union, tha the convention should plant itself upon the time honored Jeffersonian Republican platform throw down the glove to their opponents, and make with them distinctly the issue and !orc e them tcitsavowal, whether th?y maintain or deny the right of secession; whether or not the federal government has the right to coerce a sovereigl state. Tiiis in fact, is the issue the momentous issue now before the p ople of Georgia If Union men corrupted by north ern whiggery are prepared to abandon the rights of the States, it is time the peopie should know it. If we are to live under a con solidated despotism, in which the South is a doomed minority, let the people know their fate. If vkb Slates have no rights and for a half century the peoole have been living un der a deludon, let them at once see their true cond lion. If Mason and Randolph and Henry and Jeff, rsm and Madison, and all the fathers of the repi’llican school were blind leaders of the blind, let the veil be tin own aside and let the people see where they are, the true cha racter of the government under which they live. The convention, we trust, will lake “no I steps backward ’ Our party is not one of spoils j nor do its ctembers look to the honors of office at the sacrifice of principle. Il is the party of ..oi'Ap C'l^itution —its highest Ejects to preset the rights of th* | one and to keep pure and inviolate the sacred I principlesof the other, I The so-called Constitutional Union party | meet in convention on the first Monday in June. We hope .then, to see some exposition i of the views of this federal and consolidation l party oil the rigid of secession. Judging from ' | the their presses, this right I is considered by the partv as : mere phan . tom, a wild and visionary idea. i The Vnion —“the masked battery”—will of , course be made lo appear more glorious than it cet yet has been. Under all circum- Stances, our Constitutional Union friends dearly Relight in the Umar.. “As the sun Hower turns on her god when be • The sane look that she turned when he rose,” ■ j And notwithstanding the recent signs in the I Norh- th » elee- on Wade and Suie i ; ne; tctsrpiesem the three great Slates of the 1 North in the U, S. Senate—we will doubt- > i less bj told, that al! things in the free Slates are full of joyful omen sad encouragement. 1 Were it not tor the fact that all these aboli. lioni-ts are as fond of the Union, as the Fede ral party in Georgia, the masked battery w-ould ' [ prove a far more effective weapon than it has i been. But Seward, Hal', Fish, Giddings and (the whole treenail phalanx are as deeply in love with the Union as any Constitutional ■ Union pirty which can be formed. The BIPIBIK. 21 ilkeklD Journal, DcOotcD to News, politics, literature, Scncral Jntelligeuce, Agriculture, Advertisements inserted at the custo mary rates. ** masked battery has bad its day. It will prove, in the end, like those weapons men tioned in th ■ Hudibrastic couplet, which “ Whether well-aimed, at ducK*or plover, Hear wide and kick the owners over.” » The Difference. KpThe Southern Rights party is frequently ■renounced in unmeasve'l terms as disunion enemies. The -presses oFthe country 4 Union party have long Harped upon this string. Here they have found their best subject for strong appeals to the people, to put down the “Ultras” and the “Disorganizers.” They are in favor of se cession, say they, and must not receive the aid of the lovers of the glorious Union. Yet these same Constitutional Union men and presses, with some exceptions, declare that they will become secessionists and disunion ionists, if Congress should repeal or modifv the Fugitive Slave Law, and in the event of certain other contingencies 1 All their appeals, to the fears of the people, in regard to the direful consequences of se cession, are therefore not only absurd and thrown away, but they are entirely inconsis tent with the very position they have assumed in Convention, in the happening of ceitain specified contingency.. The very arguments they use against the Southern Rights party are applicable to them selves, inasmuch as they are solemnly pledged to secession the moment these aggressions shall be made. They may happen next month or next j ear. Those who easily find excuses for delay in the adoptionof measures of redress forwrongs past, will easily find excuses for submission to future aggressions. When will the time fully come, in the opinion of the Constitutional Union patty, to think seriously of reducing to prac tical use, a right witich many of them treat already as wild and visionary ? Does no t the Savannah Republican argue that a State has no right to secede, unless she consult the feelings of her sister States? Does not the Athens Banner, Mr. Cobb’s organ, declare that peaceful secession is a doctrine too ab surd to be even talked of to men ? Does not the Milledgeville Recorder take almost entire ly the same ground ? Do these Constitutional Union presses rep resent the feelings of the people of Georgia on this point ? The Hacon Regency. The Savannah Georgian has the following (•omtntjitson tlio letter published io the New itb-'XJeurgth politics, which Ve iiave already copied : . I he whole matter is told in the coolest and quietest manner possible. All has been de termined upon, it seems, by a Georgia Albany Regency. One gentleman is to be Gover nor, another Senator in the place of Mr. Ber rien, another is appointed to succeed Col. Jackson, and so are filled’ah the Congressional vacancies, Every thing is “cut and dried” by the managers, without even saying to the people so much as, “by your leave, sirs,” It remains to be seen whether the voters of Georgia will act the part of automaton in the hands of the Constitutional Union wire-pullers —whether they will meet on election day, simply to register the will of the “Regency.” As far asconcerns this Congressional District, we are inclined to think that the peo, le will be disposed to select as well as elect their representative; ami unless we mistake the signs of the times, Col. Jackson himself, or some one equally faithful to D 'mocracy and the South, will be chosen as Col. Jackson’s successor. The Montgomery (Alabama) Atlas learns “from good authority,” that Wm. L Yancy, who was nominated.it the Clayton Convention as the “Southern Rights” candidate Jor Con gress in the Second District, still adheres to his original determination and positively de clines accepting the nomination. Southern Kights Meeting in Scriveu County. At a meeting of the Southern Rights party of the 35th District, Scriveu county, at Burns’ Mill on Saturday, 17ih inst, on motion of Cel. J. L. Singellton, Alexander Kemp, Esq was chosen Chairman, and W. J. Mauer, Sec retary. The Chairman having explained the object of the meeting, on motion Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Com mittee of three to select a suitable Delega tion to represent thia and the Fork of Briar Creek Districts, in the Senatorial Conven tion of Bullock and Scriven counties, to as semble at the 60 mile station, Central Rail road on the fourth Monday in Ma" The Chair appointed Dr. Wm. L. Mathews, Thomas 11. Burns and B. F- McLeland, who reported the following delegations : fork Briar Creek District.—Barney H. Brannon and T. H Burns, Jr. 34th District—W. B. Mcjielaud, and W. J. Lawton. On motion Resolved, I hat the Delegates have power to till vacancies;, Un motion of Cot Singellton. - Resolved, That the Southern Right* party of ocriven be requested to rpee> u t Sylvania on the 4th of July next, to nominate a candi didate to represent .S'criven county in the next General Assembly of Georgia. Resolved, I hat a copy of these proceeding he sent to the Georgian at Savannah, and Au gusta Republic for publication. The meeting adjourued. w KEMP, Chairman. '»• J. Maker, Sec’ry. A Sap Occurrence —Qn the last evening oi the Encampment at Camden, (I-Viday) a most lamentable event oecurej, which is like ly to end tn the des,th of Dr. Charles Shannon, of Camden. On Friday morning, owin'* to the intense heat of the weather, Mr. Fletcher an officer in Camp, wassun struck, and vss placed in the bands of the surgeon. At nffiht qe was delirious, and during Zome Bring and confusion m Camp, he started up, seized his Qasset and rushed from the tent, thrus ting with his bayonet at al! persons within his reach He was not secured until he had in flicted severe wounds upon rive persons, and among them or. Shannon, who is not exoec ted to recover—the bayonet bavin" penetrated one of Ins lungs. We shall proUbiy receive definite information this evening. South Car Southwestebk RABROAD.—The opening of the Southwestern Railroad to Fort Valley, twenty seven miles from Majcn, will be cele brated at Fort Valley on the 31st in=t. ~ WASHINGTON HALL? MACON, Ga. By ROGERS 4. .W£ARA,Ds NUMBER 23. MARR I E D. In Lincolnton, on the 6th i.tist., by the Rev. i r ;.9 0x > Mr - Alexander Gullatt, and Miss r ulvia I atom, all of Lincoln county. Ou the 15th inst. by the Rev Benjamin 1 nornton.Mr J.ts E Strickland, of Madison, Ga. to Miss Rachael E White, es E.bert cc. Ga. 7 >, J Perry, of Rome Ga. and Mres Mary tillo, of the former place. In Baldwin county, on the 24th inst. by the Rev Wiley F Rogers, Mr David B Robinson to Miss Martha I McCoy. . _ DIE D~ On the 20th inst in the city of Macon, from tujury received by being thrown from a buggy Col Thomas Mouhon, in the 68ih vear of hi age. Very suddenly, in Wrightsboro’ Columbia co. Ga., on the morning of the 22d inst., Smith Johnson, aged nearly 46 years. - OBIT RY. Departed this life in Burke county, Geo. on the 19th inst., of Dyspepsia, after an ill ness of three months, Mrs. Rosa S. Miller con sort ofDr. Baldwin B. Miller, in the 56lhyear of her age. Her sufferings were great, and for the last few days of her life were excruciating, but she bore them with Christtian fortitude and resignation. She has lived a consistent member of the Baptist Church, for the last 18 years, and died as she lived, in the hope of a blessed immortality beyond the grave. The evening before her decease, a beloved bro'her in Christ, asked her several questions pertaining to eternal life. Her answers were that her hopes were in Jesus, just before her death, she would begin to sing praises to God, but her voice would fail her, her heart however was directed to heaven. She has' left a laree circle of of relative and friends to mourn her loss, who will long cherish her memory, and may they die as she died, reposing on the breast of Jesus, the friend of sinners. H J 8 *** Christian Index please copy. | A X ECUTOR-s"sALE7J.Wiir7 e sold at the house of Rhodam Prichard, of Einauuel county, on the second Tuesday in July next, the steck of cattle consisting of 120 head, belonging t- estate ol 1 homas Pierce, deceased of Jetter sor county. Terms on the day of sale. Sold for a settlement of the estate dilations. ( r BURKE COUNTY, Whereas Y". Jo ! u ‘ 1 : “hewmuke applies to us for letters es administration on the estate of Josiah Moore, late Oi said county, deceased • These are ther.tor. «_ lia affmoSsh al! amt singular the Kindred and creditors of said de the^lccTffihe D as a Court of Ordinary, on the first Monday i„ May next, and show cause, if any they haye why said letters should not be granted Given under our hands at the office of the to3i:[M^[ Ordil^for y Attest: SAM.’L P. DAVIS, J. I. C. Edward Garlick, Dep. Clerk April 2,1851. Georgia, burke county :-where as, Mary Anu Madray alias Prior applies letters of administration on the estate of William Madray alias Prior, 1. county, deceased; These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred aud creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear before the Honorable the Co B urt e 'n°f f n e , lll eriOr Court - whe “ si “ing as a Mav nex f t °" l '“ e fifßt Mo » da y i» May next, an<Lshow cause, if any they have why said letteWshould not begraule d 3 Given under our hands at the office of the Clerk of the Court of Ordinary for aa i,i , this 31st day of March, 1851, Y Attest; SAME V. PAVJS, J. J C Epwarp Garmck, Dep Clerk, C O _ April 2, 1851. Whereas Eli Must in applies ler letters of * and" siiiguTar Um offie? pe!U». interested, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw, to show cause Jf an GiveT’und/r'm l6 . tlera * hould »0‘ be granted Given maw my hand at office in Augusta Id' ,|,KI JL» Benjamiu E. Gilstrap applies to us for letteis l’L2^ r rr D^ hipfOr ‘ lleperßOn a1 " 1 property of Dewitt Clinton a minor, under 14 years of a£r ‘ 1 heee are therefore to cite and u all and singular, the kindred imd uhoih^" 101 interested, to be and app o a f tafaS a T?" of the Inferior Court oi'Lid County Ordinary purposes, on the first . “2,,‘ or next, and show cause if anv d *“ M “ y said letters should not be graVd 7 cl.,rk « e f"'l UI ’ fl .'' r ° Uf h “ Hds at tlle of the co “ nty ’ March IjS, Ibfti. B U rv^k“ U -*-* ry ('orker apphes to f or letters of Guar dia.iJup ,0. th r! „ raon proper[y o| Cai))e nne ('lintou, a minor, under 14 vears of a-e • tie lufe .or Cour,, juttpig ns a Court of Ordinary forsajq witvitv on'the first Mond»y 'i soi , 8,1,1 BhOW ca ““‘> ‘hey nave, why said letters should not he granted. > ot the e Co U 1 ll ? er ? n"? n,ls at the “f <be CRrk lO^f-MarS^’/ 01 Said “ U,lty ’ I '- Attest SAMUEL P. DAVIS, J. I. C. E. Garlick, Deputy Clerk. March 85,1851. CT EOI I G^A ’ B ORKECOUNTS?—VYhrce'- r‘ n C -,. Glisso “ applies for letters dis mZ? Guardlan of Mar; .nd Eliza Burke, n»Z he " ear “ to cite and adntaaish afl to he and appear before the Siuin f° f luferior Oomt ofsaid county, Htt ug for ordinary purposes, on the First Mon oaj m Jfdj up>;V shew cause if anv thev have, why letters should not be panted. WWay!l - bO -2 W tS GAKUCK Dep Cletk ' I > URKE CO Unty, g EORGI a. FVns M E E aW ’ Guar s a » »f Ph»l,p Evans, Mary Evans, Richard Evans and Mary gSX* fW le ' ter ’ d “ y Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting forOrdina- i ry purposes, for said couaty, on the first jtfondav ' in May next, and shew causa if any they have, why said letters should no; be granted. 3 > r n ,o 1 1 <1 7 “J har «> at VVa ' so , thia 10th day oi March, 1851 GARLrGKi * efk - i g I EORGIA, BURKE COUNTY:—Where- VA as, Henry J. Farrrier Executor of the es tate of Isaac Farmer, deceased, applies for I/et terw of Dismissory : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said ceased, to be and appear before the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of t>utd county, silting, us a Court of Ordinary, on the first Monday in September next, and show crniee, it any they have, wh’y said letters should not be gra ntexl. Given under my hand this 15th day of Febru ary, 1851.. EDWARD GAKLICK, D 7 Clerk. Febru irv 19, 1851. / 1 EORGIA, IJURKE C< 'JV'I Y:-Where- VJT as, Amos W. Wiggins, edininistrator or Richard Evans, senior, applies for Letters of Dis missory: These arc therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditor* of said de ceased, to be and appear before the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county, sitting as a Court of Ordinary, on the first Mon* day in September next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grant ed. Given under my hand this 15th February, 1851. EDWARD GARLICK, Dep. Clerk. February 19, 1851. BURKE COUNTY, GEORGI A:—Wherea* George W. Merritt and Riley Reeves, Ex ecutors on the estate of Comfort Merritt, deceas ed, applies for letters of disniissory : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of sa d de ceased, to bo and appear before the Honorable, the Justices of the Inferior Court, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary forsaid county, on the first Monday in September next, and show cause, if any thej have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand- this 15th day of Fcb . ruary, 1851. . EDWARD GARLICK, February IS, 1851. C'l EORGIA, IJURKIO^™^— w herß I" as, one of the oi t-riuic ol Dr. J» f- n. ino ...n ; •andßlagnlar MTIm J* mtttug as a £ ()n (he firgl day... September «| lew oa Use> ; f grented ey y shon,d Given under my hand this I^\,F M b r „ gry EDWARD GARLICK, Dep. CHtk. February 19, 1851. 1 EORGIA bURKE <lt NIY WhZJ. I as, James t.i. .. -idn inistrator de bot.iz. non on the estate <> .■> • McGruder deceased. ; pplies for letters o- t. -.-sory : These are therefor.. I cite and admonieh, a’l and singular, the kiutl es ?d creditors of said oc . cessed, to be and ap a. lore the Honorable the Justices of the I. -ii Court, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary m i - county, on the first Monday in Septen et i t, and show cause, il'any they have, wr.y si letters sin uld not be granted. Given under myhand is I .'h day of Febru ary, 1851. EDWARD GARLICK, Den Clerk. February 19, 1851. CN EORGIA, BURK it? I? J'V:-Where- JT as, Thomas Barbel. Administrator on the estate of John Grubbs, h.G .if ..id county, de ceased, applies for Letter: cl Dis i issory : These are therefore to cite an, admonish, all and singular, the kindred ■nd creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear be*rre the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county, sitting as a Court of Ordi iu-y, on the first Mona day in September next, a t 1 how cause, if any they have, why said lettei lould not be grant ed. h under myhand thi, sth of February EDWARD GARLICK, Dep.Clerk February 11). )- '-1 Burke couni y. ge<>rgia,—wi>7re as James Grubbs, Executor of the Estate of Thomas Pierce, deceased, applies for Ictteiv disniissory: These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear before the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of said connty, sitting for ordinary purposes, on the first Monday in September next, anil show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 15th February. 1851 EDWARD GARLICK, Dep CTk. February 19,1851. BURKECOUiVT ■. GEO .tGIA -Wherea Jesse A. Leaptrul, f n of Candica Leaptrot, minor, app..es • lu.ters disniissory from said Guardi tnshi| ; 7'hese are therefore;' < iin admonish, all persons interested, to bi nut «p| -ar before tho Justices of the Inferis. Cot it y su'd CGmiW _ Hay Til Miy and * elu'** ■' * m r ...j jf any they have, why said letters shorn.. !.. ■—,,t P d Given under my hand :.l cd. . . Wayuesborc this 10th day of March, 1851 ■u EDWARD GARLILK Dep. Clerk. March, 12, 1851. iCUMOND COUNTY,’ G EiJrg Whereas, Emma O. Smith, administratrix on the estate of William Smith, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dis mission: These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any thev have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Aiurtuia LEON P. DUGAS. Cerk.' Decembo.- 7,1850. Ij I w? MON m Bounty, Georgian , f'ereas, Ihos Skinner, adininistraor with the will annexed on the estale of Richard Wage* late of srod county, deceased, apphes for letters Gisimssory; _ These are hereby to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted LEON P. DUGAS, CIk.C.O.R.C. January 22, 1851. ICHMOND COUNTY? GEOKGIaTZ Whereas, Aaron Kofi! administrator on the estate of Abigail Edis, late o said county, deceas*. ed, applies to me fat loiters of dismission: These are therefore . ,ea:id edinc ,L). all and singular, the kindre. and " e l ’ * i() theyhuve%hysaid| y tte : J Given under my > all(| „ t office jn A „“ u , t „ e ja LEON P. DUGAS, Clerk. _ Uec .*mber 7, 1850. Georgia, Richmond Whereas, Lawrence T. Shopp, administra tor with the will annexed on the estate of An drew McEhnurry, late of South Carolina, de ceased, apphes to me for letters of dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to he and appear at my office, within the time preserved by law, to show cause, it any they have, why said letters should not be gran ed. Given under my hand at office in Au<ri>.tn „ LE °N P DUGAIL Clerk. November 19, 1850. ’ | » IfTl M6.X 17 t,HV, y- ; w h “ AY as, Leon I. Du« fjerb, administrator on tioestatesof 1-J.xab.tl. C . and Ha,,in P. Ruf hn, «eceas , d> b () p|j„ s (..Hutters of dismission from saul efltatea. - ‘ These ire thereforiric.cite and adin^j—*!T a j; and singular, the kindred ceaseds, to be and appaaratmy om, withj , h time prescribed by law, Io show c..,.... if al)V they have, why said letters should nut be grant ed. * l Witness, Garey F. Parish, one of the Justices , »» We Inferior Court, and given at office thia 16th day of December, 1850. r . , LEON P. DUGAS, Clerk. December 17 1850, Jiotuc io Debtors anb (£rei>itsrs ■ " rri “ ’”■■■ «■ IJLJUMa-yjT-,,. „. t VOTIC 11«—All persons indebted to the j 11 estate at William Prior, late of Edgefield j District, Sou Carolina, are requested to come . forward and nder them in according to th« terms <*l the w, and all persons indebted to the estate are requested to come forward and make immediate payment. H. D.BELL, Adm’r i April 9, 1852. ® iCf ■•• All per- ods having demanda , against the estate of Fielding Bradford Late of Charleston, South Carolina, deceased are requested to present them within the time , prescribed by law, and all persons indebted lath/* estate w II make immediate payment 1 A V.aY BEDFORD, Administratrix. April 12t.1i, 1851. |\TOI ICE—AII persons indebted to the es X 1 tate of James MeLaws deceased, are here by requested to make immediate payment, anal all persons having demands against said deceas-. eu, will render thorn in agreeibk t»> | aw WILLIAM A.McLAWS, Adm’r. April 26 1850 R^ ;E|VID yesterday. -in d « Ptesteu Me-nIJ-s LEAST POW DERS. CMUecon these who want them at FHiLIP A.MOI-E’B Drug